1.. _developing_modules_general_windows:
4Windows module development walkthrough
7In this section, we will walk through developing, testing, and debugging an
8Ansible Windows module.
10Because Windows modules are written in Powershell and need to be run on a
11Windows host, this guide differs from the usual development walkthrough guide.
13What's covered in this section:
15.. contents::
16   :local:
19Windows environment setup
22Unlike Python module development which can be run on the host that runs
23Ansible, Windows modules need to be written and tested for Windows hosts.
24While evaluation editions of Windows can be downloaded from
25Microsoft, these images are usually not ready to be used by Ansible without
26further modification. The easiest way to set up a Windows host so that it is
27ready to by used by Ansible is to set up a virtual machine using Vagrant.
28Vagrant can be used to download existing OS images called *boxes* that are then
29deployed to a hypervisor like VirtualBox. These boxes can either be created and
30stored offline or they can be downloaded from a central repository called
31Vagrant Cloud.
33This guide will use the Vagrant boxes created by the `packer-windoze <https://github.com/jborean93/packer-windoze>`_
34repository which have also been uploaded to `Vagrant Cloud <https://app.vagrantup.com/boxes/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&sort=downloads&provider=&q=jborean93>`_.
35To find out more info on how these images are created, please go to the GitHub
36repo and look at the ``README`` file.
38Before you can get started, the following programs must be installed (please consult the Vagrant and
39VirtualBox documentation for installation instructions):
41- Vagrant
42- VirtualBox
44Create a Windows server in a VM
47To create a single Windows Server 2016 instance, run the following:
49.. code-block:: shell
51    vagrant init jborean93/WindowsServer2016
52    vagrant up
54This will download the Vagrant box from Vagrant Cloud and add it to the local
55boxes on your host and then start up that instance in VirtualBox. When starting
56for the first time, the Windows VM will run through the sysprep process and
57then create a HTTP and HTTPS WinRM listener automatically. Vagrant will finish
58its process once the listeners are online, after which the VM can be used by Ansible.
60Create an Ansible inventory
63The following Ansible inventory file can be used to connect to the newly
64created Windows VM:
66.. code-block:: ini
68    [windows]
69    WindowsServer  ansible_host=
71    [windows:vars]
72    ansible_user=vagrant
73    ansible_password=vagrant
74    ansible_port=55986
75    ansible_connection=winrm
76    ansible_winrm_transport=ntlm
77    ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation=ignore
79.. note:: The port ``55986`` is automatically forwarded by Vagrant to the
80    Windows host that was created, if this conflicts with an existing local
81    port then Vagrant will automatically use another one at random and display
82    show that in the output.
84The OS that is created is based on the image set. The following
85images can be used:
87- `jborean93/WindowsServer2008-x86 <https://app.vagrantup.com/jborean93/boxes/WindowsServer2008-x86>`_
88- `jborean93/WindowsServer2008-x64 <https://app.vagrantup.com/jborean93/boxes/WindowsServer2008-x64>`_
89- `jborean93/WindowsServer2008R2 <https://app.vagrantup.com/jborean93/boxes/WindowsServer2008R2>`_
90- `jborean93/WindowsServer2012 <https://app.vagrantup.com/jborean93/boxes/WindowsServer2012>`_
91- `jborean93/WindowsServer2012R2 <https://app.vagrantup.com/jborean93/boxes/WindowsServer2012R2>`_
92- `jborean93/WindowsServer2016 <https://app.vagrantup.com/jborean93/boxes/WindowsServer2016>`_
94When the host is online, it can accessible by RDP on ```` but the
95port may differ depending if there was a conflict. To get rid of the host, run
96``vagrant destroy --force`` and Vagrant will automatically remove the VM and
97any other files associated with that VM.
99While this is useful when testing modules on a single Windows instance, these
100host won't work without modification with domain based modules. The Vagrantfile
101at `ansible-windows <https://github.com/jborean93/ansible-windows/tree/master/vagrant>`_
102can be used to create a test domain environment to be used in Ansible. This
103repo contains three files which are used by both Ansible and Vagrant to create
104multiple Windows hosts in a domain environment. These files are:
106- ``Vagrantfile``: The Vagrant file that reads the inventory setup of ``inventory.yml`` and provisions the hosts that are required
107- ``inventory.yml``: Contains the hosts that are required and other connection information such as IP addresses and forwarded ports
108- ``main.yml``: Ansible playbook called by Vagrant to provision the domain controller and join the child hosts to the domain
110By default, these files will create the following environment:
112- A single domain controller running on Windows Server 2016
113- Five child hosts for each major Windows Server version joined to that domain
114- A domain with the DNS name ``domain.local``
115- A local administrator account on each host with the username ``vagrant`` and password ``vagrant``
116- A domain admin account ``vagrant-domain@domain.local`` with the password ``VagrantPass1``
118The domain name and accounts can be modified by changing the variables
119``domain_*`` in the ``inventory.yml`` file if it is required. The inventory
120file can also be modified to provision more or less servers by changing the
121hosts that are defined under the ``domain_children`` key. The host variable
122``ansible_host`` is the private IP that will be assigned to the VirtualBox host
123only network adapter while ``vagrant_box`` is the box that will be used to
124create the VM.
126Provisioning the environment
129To provision the environment as is, run the following:
131.. code-block:: shell
133    git clone https://github.com/jborean93/ansible-windows.git
134    cd vagrant
135    vagrant up
137.. note:: Vagrant provisions each host sequentially so this can take some time
138    to complete. If any errors occur during the Ansible phase of setting up the
139    domain, run ``vagrant provision`` to rerun just that step.
141Unlike setting up a single Windows instance with Vagrant, these hosts can also
142be accessed using the IP address directly as well as through the forwarded
143ports. It is easier to access it over the host only network adapter as the
144normal protocol ports are used, e.g. RDP is still over ``3389``. In cases where
145the host cannot be resolved using the host only network IP, the following
146protocols can be access over ```` using these forwarded ports:
148- ``RDP``: 295xx
149- ``SSH``: 296xx
150- ``WinRM HTTP``: 297xx
151- ``WinRM HTTPS``: 298xx
152- ``SMB``: 299xx
154Replace ``xx`` with the entry number in the inventory file where the domain
155controller started with ``00`` and is incremented from there. For example, in
156the default ``inventory.yml`` file, WinRM over HTTPS for ``SERVER2012R2`` is
157forwarded over port ``29804`` as it's the fourth entry in ``domain_children``.
159.. note:: While an SSH server is available on all Windows hosts but Server
160    2008 (non R2), it is not a support connection for Ansible managing Windows
161    hosts and should not be used with Ansible.
163Windows new module development
166When creating a new module there are a few things to keep in mind:
168- Module code is in Powershell (.ps1) files while the documentation is contained in Python (.py) files of the same name
169- Avoid using ``Write-Host/Debug/Verbose/Error`` in the module and add what needs to be returned to the ``$module.Result`` variable
170- To fail a module, call ``$module.FailJson("failure message here")``, an Exception or ErrorRecord can be set to the second argument for a more descriptive error message
171- You can pass in the exception or ErrorRecord as a second argument to ``FailJson("failure", $_)`` to get a more detailed output
172- Most new modules require check mode and integration tests before they are merged into the main Ansible codebase
173- Avoid using try/catch statements over a large code block, rather use them for individual calls so the error message can be more descriptive
174- Try and catch specific exceptions when using try/catch statements
175- Avoid using PSCustomObjects unless necessary
176- Look for common functions in ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/powershell/`` and use the code there instead of duplicating work. These can be imported by adding the line ``#Requires -Module *`` where * is the filename to import, and will be automatically included with the module code sent to the Windows target when run via Ansible
177- As well as PowerShell module utils, C# module utils are stored in ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/csharp/`` and are automatically imported in a module execution if the line ``#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil *`` is present
178- C# and PowerShell module utils achieve the same goal but C# allows a developer to implement low level tasks, such as calling the Win32 API, and can be faster in some cases
179- Ensure the code runs under Powershell v3 and higher on Windows Server 2008 and higher; if higher minimum Powershell or OS versions are required, ensure the documentation reflects this clearly
180- Ansible runs modules under strictmode version 2.0. Be sure to test with that enabled by putting ``Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0`` at the top of your dev script
181- Favour native Powershell cmdlets over executable calls if possible
182- Use the full cmdlet name instead of aliases, e.g. ``Remove-Item`` over ``rm``
183- Use named parameters with cmdlets, e.g. ``Remove-Item -Path C:\temp`` over ``Remove-Item C:\temp``
185A very basic powershell module `win_environment <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_environment.ps1>`_ is included below. It demonstrates how to implement check-mode and diff-support, and also shows a warning to the user when a specific condition is met.
187.. .. include:: ../../../../lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_environment.ps1
188..    :code: powershell
190.. literalinclude:: ../../../../lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_environment.ps1
191   :language: powershell
193A slightly more advanced module is `win_uri <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_uri.ps1>`_ which additionally shows how to use different parameter types (bool, str, int, list, dict, path) and a selection of choices for parameters, how to fail a module and how to handle exceptions.
195As part of the new ``AnsibleModule`` wrapper, the input parameters are defined and validated based on an argument
196spec. The following options can be set at the root level of the argument spec:
198- ``mutually_exclusive``: A list of lists, where the inner list contains module options that cannot be set together
199- ``no_log``: Stops the module from emitting any logs to the Windows Event log
200- ``options``: A dictionary where the key is the module option and the value is the spec for that option
201- ``required_by``: A dictionary where the option(s) specified by the value must be set if the option specified by the key is also set
202- ``required_if``: A list of lists where the inner list contains 3 or 4 elements;
203    * The first element is the module option to check the value against
204    * The second element is the value of the option specified by the first element, if matched then the required if check is run
205    * The third element is a list of required module options when the above is matched
206    * An optional fourth element is a boolean that states whether all module options in the third elements are required (default: ``$false``) or only one (``$true``)
207- ``required_one_of``: A list of lists, where the inner list contains module options where at least one must be set
208- ``required_together``: A list of lists, where the inner list contains module options that must be set together
209- ``supports_check_mode``: Whether the module supports check mode, by default this is ``$false``
211The actual input options for a module are set within the ``options`` value as a dictionary. The keys of this dictionary
212are the module option names while the values are the spec of that module option. Each spec can have the following
213options set:
215- ``aliases``: A list of aliases for the module option
216- ``choices``: A list of valid values for the module option, if ``type=list`` then each list value is validated against the choices and not the list itself
217- ``default``: The default value for the module option if not set
218- ``elements``: When ``type=list``, this sets the type of each list value, the values are the same as ``type``
219- ``no_log``: Will sanitise the input value before being returned in the ``module_invocation`` return value
220- ``removed_in_version``: States when a deprecated module option is to be removed, a warning is displayed to the end user if set
221- ``required``: Will fail when the module option is not set
222- ``type``: The type of the module option, if not set then it defaults to ``str``. The valid types are;
223    * ``bool``: A boolean value
224    * ``dict``: A dictionary value, if the input is a JSON or key=value string then it is converted to dictionary
225    * ``float``: A float or `Single <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.single?view=netframework-4.7.2>`_ value
226    * ``int``: An Int32 value
227    * ``json``: A string where the value is converted to a JSON string if the input is a dictionary
228    * ``list``: A list of values, ``elements=<type>`` can convert the individual list value types if set. If ``elements=dict`` then ``options`` is defined, the values will be validated against the argument spec. When the input is a string then the string is split by ``,`` and any whitespace is trimmed
229    * ``path``: A string where values likes ``%TEMP%`` are expanded based on environment values. If the input value starts with ``\\?\`` then no expansion is run
230    * ``raw``: No conversions occur on the value passed in by Ansible
231    * ``sid``: Will convert Windows security identifier values or Windows account names to a `SecurityIdentifier <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.security.principal.securityidentifier?view=netframework-4.7.2>`_ value
232    * ``str``: The value is converted to a string
234When ``type=dict``, or ``type=list`` and ``elements=dict``, the following keys can also be set for that module option:
236- ``apply_defaults``: The value is based on the ``options`` spec defaults for that key if ``True`` and null if ``False``. Only valid when the module option is not defined by the user and ``type=dict``.
237- ``mutually_exclusive``: Same as the root level ``mutually_exclusive`` but validated against the values in the sub dict
238- ``options``: Same as the root level ``options`` but contains the valid options for the sub option
239- ``required_if``: Same as the root level ``required_if`` but validated against the values in the sub dict
240- ``required_by``: Same as the root level ``required_by`` but validated against the values in the sub dict
241- ``required_together``: Same as the root level ``required_together`` but validated against the values in the sub dict
242- ``required_one_of``: Same as the root level ``required_one_of`` but validated against the values in the sub dict
244A module type can also be a delegate function that converts the value to whatever is required by the module option. For
245example the following snippet shows how to create a custom type that creates a ``UInt64`` value:
247.. code-block:: powershell
249    $spec = @{
250        uint64_type = @{ type = [Func[[Object], [UInt64]]]{ [System.UInt64]::Parse($args[0]) } }
251    }
252    $uint64_type = $module.Params.uint64_type
254When in doubt, look at some of the other core modules and see how things have been
255implemented there.
257Sometimes there are multiple ways that Windows offers to complete a task; this
258is the order to favour when writing modules:
260- Native Powershell cmdlets like ``Remove-Item -Path C:\temp -Recurse``
261- .NET classes like ``[System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()``
262- WMI objects through the ``New-CimInstance`` cmdlet
263- COM objects through ``New-Object -ComObject`` cmdlet
264- Calls to native executables like ``Secedit.exe``
266PowerShell modules support a small subset of the ``#Requires`` options built
267into PowerShell as well as some Ansible-specific requirements specified by
268``#AnsibleRequires``. These statements can be placed at any point in the script,
269but are most commonly near the top. They are used to make it easier to state the
270requirements of the module without writing any of the checks. Each ``requires``
271statement must be on its own line, but there can be multiple requires statements
272in one script.
274These are the checks that can be used within Ansible modules:
276- ``#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.<module_util>``: Added in Ansible 2.4, specifies a module_util to load in for the module execution.
277- ``#Requires -Version x.y``: Added in Ansible 2.5, specifies the version of PowerShell that is required by the module. The module will fail if this requirement is not met.
278- ``#AnsibleRequires -OSVersion x.y``: Added in Ansible 2.5, specifies the OS build version that is required by the module and will fail if this requirement is not met. The actual OS version is derived from ``[Environment]::OSVersion.Version``.
279- ``#AnsibleRequires -Become``: Added in Ansible 2.5, forces the exec runner to run the module with ``become``, which is primarily used to bypass WinRM restrictions. If ``ansible_become_user`` is not specified then the ``SYSTEM`` account is used instead.
280- ``#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.<module_util>``: Added in Ansible 2.8, specifies a C# module_util to load in for the module execution.
282C# module utils can reference other C# utils by adding the line
283``using Ansible.<module_util>;`` to the top of the script with all the other
284using statements.
287Windows module utilities
290Like Python modules, PowerShell modules also provide a number of module
291utilities that provide helper functions within PowerShell. These module_utils
292can be imported by adding the following line to a PowerShell module:
294.. code-block:: powershell
296    #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
298This will import the module_util at ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/powershell/Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy.psm1``
299and enable calling all of its functions. As of Ansible 2.8, Windows module
300utils can also be written in C# and stored at ``lib/ansible/module_utils/csharp``.
301These module_utils can be imported by adding the following line to a PowerShell
304.. code-block:: powershell
306    #AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
308This will import the module_util at ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/csharp/Ansible.Basic.cs``
309and automatically load the types in the executing process. C# module utils can
310reference each other and be loaded together by adding the following line to the
311using statements at the top of the util:
313.. code-block:: csharp
315    using Ansible.Become;
317There are special comments that can be set in a C# file for controlling the
318compilation parameters. The following comments can be added to the script;
320- ``//AssemblyReference -Name <assembly dll> [-CLR [Core|Framework]]``: The assembly DLL to reference during compilation, the optional ``-CLR`` flag can also be used to state whether to reference when running under .NET Core, Framework, or both (if omitted)
321- ``//NoWarn -Name <error id> [-CLR [Core|Framework]]``: A compiler warning ID to ignore when compiling the code, the optional ``-CLR`` works the same as above. A list of warnings can be found at `Compiler errors <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/compiler-messages/index>`_
323As well as this, the following pre-processor symbols are defined;
325- ``CORECLR``: This symbol is present when PowerShell is running through .NET Core
326- ``WINDOWS``: This symbol is present when PowerShell is running on Windows
327- ``UNIX``: This symbol is present when PowerShell is running on Unix
329A combination of these flags help to make a module util interoperable on both
330.NET Framework and .NET Core, here is an example of them in action:
332.. code-block:: csharp
334    #if CORECLR
335    using Newtonsoft.Json;
336    #else
337    using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
338    #endif
340    //AssemblyReference -Name Newtonsoft.Json.dll -CLR Core
341    //AssemblyReference -Name System.Web.Extensions.dll -CLR Framework
343    // Ignore error CS1702 for all .NET types
344    //NoWarn -Name CS1702
346    // Ignore error CS1956 only for .NET Framework
347    //NoWarn -Name CS1956 -CLR Framework
350The following is a list of module_utils that are packaged with Ansible and a general description of what
351they do:
353- ArgvParser: Utiliy used to convert a list of arguments to an escaped string compliant with the Windows argument parsing rules.
354- CamelConversion: Utility used to convert camelCase strings/lists/dicts to snake_case.
355- CommandUtil: Utility used to execute a Windows process and return the stdout/stderr and rc as separate objects.
356- FileUtil: Utility that expands on the ``Get-ChildItem`` and ``Test-Path`` to work with special files like ``C:\pagefile.sys``.
357- Legacy: General definitions and helper utilities for Ansible module.
358- LinkUtil: Utility to create, remove, and get information about symbolic links, junction points and hard inks.
359- SID: Utilities used to convert a user or group to a Windows SID and vice versa.
361For more details on any specific module utility and their requirements, please see the `Ansible
362module utilities source code <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/tree/devel/lib/ansible/module_utils/powershell>`_.
364PowerShell module utilities can be stored outside of the standard Ansible
365distribution for use with custom modules. Custom module_utils are placed in a
366folder called ``module_utils`` located in the root folder of the playbook or role
369C# module utilities can also be stored outside of the standard Ansible distribution for use with custom modules. Like
370PowerShell utils, these are stored in a folder called ``module_utils`` and the filename must end in the extension
371``.cs``, start with ``Ansible.``  and be named after the namespace defined in the util.
373The below example is a role structure that contains two PowerShell custom module_utils called
374``Ansible.ModuleUtils.ModuleUtil1``, ``Ansible.ModuleUtils.ModuleUtil2``, and a C# util containing the namespace
377    meta/
378      main.yml
379    defaults/
380      main.yml
381    module_utils/
382      Ansible.ModuleUtils.ModuleUtil1.psm1
383      Ansible.ModuleUtils.ModuleUtil2.psm1
384      Ansible.CustomUtil.cs
385    tasks/
386      main.yml
388Each PowerShell module_util must contain at least one function that has been exported with ``Export-ModuleMember``
389at the end of the file. For example
391.. code-block:: powershell
393    Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-CustomUtil, Get-CustomInfo
396Windows playbook module testing
399You can test a module with an Ansible playbook. For example:
401- Create a playbook in any directory ``touch testmodule.yml``.
402- Create an inventory file in the same directory ``touch hosts``.
403- Populate the inventory file with the variables required to connect to a Windows host(s).
404- Add the following to the new playbook file::
406    ---
407    - name: test out windows module
408      hosts: windows
409      tasks:
410      - name: test out module
411        win_module:
412          name: test name
414- Run the playbook ``ansible-playbook -i hosts testmodule.yml``
416This can be useful for seeing how Ansible runs with
417the new module end to end. Other possible ways to test the module are
418shown below.
421Windows debugging
424Debugging a module currently can only be done on a Windows host. This can be
425useful when developing a new module or implementing bug fixes. These
426are some steps that need to be followed to set this up:
428- Copy the module script to the Windows server
429- Copy the folders ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/powershell`` and ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/csharp`` to the same directory as the script above
430- Add an extra ``#`` to the start of any ``#Requires -Module`` lines in the module code, this is only required for any lines starting with ``#Requires -Module``
431- Add the following to the start of the module script that was copied to the server:
433.. code-block:: powershell
435    # Set $ErrorActionPreference to what's set during Ansible execution
436    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
438    # Set the first argument as the path to a JSON file that contains the module args
439    $args = @("$($pwd.Path)\args.json")
441    # Or instead of an args file, set $complex_args to the pre-processed module args
442    $complex_args = @{
443        _ansible_check_mode = $false
444        _ansible_diff = $false
445        path = "C:\temp"
446        state = "present"
447    }
449    # Import any C# utils referenced with '#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil' or 'using Ansible.;
450    # The $_csharp_utils entries should be the context of the C# util files and not the path
451    Import-Module -Name "$($pwd.Path)\powershell\Ansible.ModuleUtils.AddType.psm1"
452    $_csharp_utils = @(
453        [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$($pwd.Path)\csharp\Ansible.Basic.cs")
454    )
455    Add-CSharpType -References $_csharp_utils -IncludeDebugInfo
457    # Import any PowerShell modules referenced with '#Requires -Module`
458    Import-Module -Name "$($pwd.Path)\powershell\Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy.psm1"
460    # End of the setup code and start of the module code
461    #!powershell
463You can add more args to ``$complex_args`` as required by the module or define the module options through a JSON file
464with the structure::
466    {
467        "ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS": {
468            "_ansible_check_mode": false,
469            "_ansible_diff": false,
470            "path": "C:\\temp",
471            "state": "present"
472        }
473    }
475There are multiple IDEs that can be used to debug a Powershell script, two of
476the most popular ones are
478- `Powershell ISE`_
479- `Visual Studio Code`_
481.. _Powershell ISE: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/core-powershell/ise/how-to-debug-scripts-in-windows-powershell-ise
482.. _Visual Studio Code: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2017/02/06/debugging-powershell-script-in-visual-studio-code-part-1/
484To be able to view the arguments as passed by Ansible to the module follow
485these steps.
487- Prefix the Ansible command with :envvar:`ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1<ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES>` to specify that Ansible should keep the exec files on the server.
488- Log onto the Windows server using the same user account that Ansible used to execute the module.
489- Navigate to ``%TEMP%\..``. It should contain a folder starting with ``ansible-tmp-``.
490- Inside this folder, open the PowerShell script for the module.
491- In this script is a raw JSON script under ``$json_raw`` which contains the module arguments under ``module_args``. These args can be assigned manually to the ``$complex_args`` variable that is defined on your debug script or put in the ``args.json`` file.
494Windows unit testing
497Currently there is no mechanism to run unit tests for Powershell modules under Ansible CI.
500Windows integration testing
503Integration tests for Ansible modules are typically written as Ansible roles. These test
504roles are located in ``./test/integration/targets``. You must first set up your testing
505environment, and configure a test inventory for Ansible to connect to.
507In this example we will set up a test inventory to connect to two hosts and run the integration
508tests for win_stat:
510- Run the command ``source ./hacking/env-setup`` to prepare environment.
511- Create a copy of ``./test/integration/inventory.winrm.template`` and name it ``inventory.winrm``.
512- Fill in entries under ``[windows]`` and set the required variables that are needed to connect to the host.
513- :ref:`Install the required Python modules <windows_winrm>` to support WinRM and a configured authentication method.
514- To execute the integration tests, run ``ansible-test windows-integration win_stat``; you can replace ``win_stat`` with the role you wish to test.
516This will execute all the tests currently defined for that role. You can set
517the verbosity level using the ``-v`` argument just as you would with
520When developing tests for a new module, it is recommended to test a scenario once in
521check mode and twice not in check mode. This ensures that check mode
522does not make any changes but reports a change, as well as that the second run is
523idempotent and does not report changes. For example:
525.. code-block:: yaml
527    - name: remove a file (check mode)
528      win_file:
529        path: C:\temp
530        state: absent
531      register: remove_file_check
532      check_mode: yes
534    - name: get result of remove a file (check mode)
535      win_command: powershell.exe "if (Test-Path -Path 'C:\temp') { 'true' } else { 'false' }"
536      register: remove_file_actual_check
538    - name: assert remove a file (check mode)
539      assert:
540        that:
541        - remove_file_check is changed
542        - remove_file_actual_check.stdout == 'true\r\n'
544    - name: remove a file
545      win_file:
546        path: C:\temp
547        state: absent
548      register: remove_file
550    - name: get result of remove a file
551      win_command: powershell.exe "if (Test-Path -Path 'C:\temp') { 'true' } else { 'false' }"
552      register: remove_file_actual
554    - name: assert remove a file
555      assert:
556        that:
557        - remove_file is changed
558        - remove_file_actual.stdout == 'false\r\n'
560    - name: remove a file (idempotent)
561      win_file:
562        path: C:\temp
563        state: absent
564      register: remove_file_again
566    - name: assert remove a file (idempotent)
567      assert:
568        that:
569        - not remove_file_again is changed
572Windows communication and development support
575Join the ``#ansible-devel`` or ``#ansible-windows`` irc channels on `irc.libera.chat <https://libera.chat/>`_ for discussions about Ansible development for Windows.
577For questions and discussions pertaining to using the Ansible product,
578use the ``#ansible`` channel.