2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
5# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
7ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
8                    'status': ['preview'],
9                    'supported_by': 'community'}
13module: ovirt_nic
14short_description: Module to manage network interfaces of Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV
15version_added: "2.3"
17- Ondra Machacek (@machacekondra)
19    - Module to manage network interfaces of Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV.
21    id:
22        description:
23            - "ID of the nic to manage."
24        version_added: "2.8"
25    name:
26        description:
27            - Name of the network interface to manage.
28        required: true
29    vm:
30        description:
31            - Name of the Virtual Machine to manage.
32            - You must provide either C(vm) parameter or C(template) parameter.
33    template:
34        description:
35            - Name of the template to manage.
36            - You must provide either C(vm) parameter or C(template) parameter.
37        version_added: "2.4"
38    state:
39        description:
40            - Should the Virtual Machine NIC be present/absent/plugged/unplugged.
41        choices: [ absent, plugged, present, unplugged ]
42        default: present
43    network:
44        description:
45            - Logical network to which the VM network interface should use,
46              by default Empty network is used if network is not specified.
47    profile:
48        description:
49            - Virtual network interface profile to be attached to VM network interface.
50            - When not specified and network has only single profile it will be auto-selected, otherwise you must specify profile.
51    interface:
52        description:
53            - "Type of the network interface. For example e1000, pci_passthrough, rtl8139, rtl8139_virtio, spapr_vlan or virtio."
54            - "It's required parameter when creating the new NIC."
55    mac_address:
56        description:
57            - Custom MAC address of the network interface, by default it's obtained from MAC pool.
58    linked:
59        description:
60            - Defines if the NIC is linked to the virtual machine.
61        type: bool
62        version_added: "2.9"
63extends_documentation_fragment: ovirt
66EXAMPLES = '''
67# Examples don't contain auth parameter for simplicity,
68# look at ovirt_auth module to see how to reuse authentication:
70- name: Add NIC to VM
71  ovirt_nic:
72    state: present
73    vm: myvm
74    name: mynic
75    interface: e1000
76    mac_address: 00:1a:4a:16:01:56
77    profile: ovirtmgmt
78    network: ovirtmgmt
80- name: Plug NIC to VM
81  ovirt_nic:
82    state: plugged
83    vm: myvm
84    name: mynic
86- name: Unplug NIC from VM
87  ovirt_nic:
88    state: unplugged
89    linked: false
90    vm: myvm
91    name: mynic
93- name: Add NIC to template
94  ovirt_nic:
95    auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
96    state: present
97    template: my_template
98    name: nic1
99    interface: virtio
100    profile: ovirtmgmt
101    network: ovirtmgmt
103- name: Remove NIC from VM
104  ovirt_nic:
105    state: absent
106    vm: myvm
107    name: mynic
109# Change NIC Name
110- ovirt_nic:
111    id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
112    name: "new_nic_name"
113    vm: myvm
116RETURN = '''
118    description: ID of the network interface which is managed
119    returned: On success if network interface is found.
120    type: str
121    sample: 7de90f31-222c-436c-a1ca-7e655bd5b60c
123    description: "Dictionary of all the network interface attributes. Network interface attributes can be found on your oVirt/RHV instance
124                  at following url: http://ovirt.github.io/ovirt-engine-api-model/master/#types/nic."
125    returned: On success if network interface is found.
126    type: dict
130    import ovirtsdk4.types as otypes
131except ImportError:
132    pass
134import traceback
136from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
137from ansible.module_utils.ovirt import (
138    BaseModule,
139    check_sdk,
140    create_connection,
141    equal,
142    get_link_name,
143    ovirt_full_argument_spec,
144    search_by_name,
148class EntityNicsModule(BaseModule):
150    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
151        super(EntityNicsModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
152        self.vnic_id = None
154    @property
155    def vnic_id(self):
156        return self._vnic_id
158    @vnic_id.setter
159    def vnic_id(self, vnic_id):
160        self._vnic_id = vnic_id
162    def build_entity(self):
163        return otypes.Nic(
164            id=self._module.params.get('id'),
165            name=self._module.params.get('name'),
166            interface=otypes.NicInterface(
167                self._module.params.get('interface')
168            ) if self._module.params.get('interface') else None,
169            vnic_profile=otypes.VnicProfile(
170                id=self.vnic_id,
171            ) if self.vnic_id else None,
172            mac=otypes.Mac(
173                address=self._module.params.get('mac_address')
174            ) if self._module.params.get('mac_address') else None,
175            linked=self.param('linked') if self.param('linked') is not None else None,
176        )
178    def update_check(self, entity):
179        if self._module.params.get('vm'):
180            return (
181                equal(self._module.params.get('interface'), str(entity.interface)) and
182                equal(self._module.params.get('linked'), entity.linked) and
183                equal(self._module.params.get('name'), str(entity.name)) and
184                equal(self._module.params.get('profile'), get_link_name(self._connection, entity.vnic_profile)) and
185                equal(self._module.params.get('mac_address'), entity.mac.address)
186            )
187        elif self._module.params.get('template'):
188            return (
189                equal(self._module.params.get('interface'), str(entity.interface)) and
190                equal(self._module.params.get('linked'), entity.linked) and
191                equal(self._module.params.get('name'), str(entity.name)) and
192                equal(self._module.params.get('profile'), get_link_name(self._connection, entity.vnic_profile))
193            )
196def get_vnics(networks_service, network, connection):
197    resp = []
198    vnic_services = connection.system_service().vnic_profiles_service()
199    for vnic in vnic_services.list():
200        if vnic.network.id == network.id:
201            resp.append(vnic)
202    return resp
205def main():
206    argument_spec = ovirt_full_argument_spec(
207        state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'plugged', 'present', 'unplugged']),
208        vm=dict(type='str'),
209        id=dict(default=None),
210        template=dict(type='str'),
211        name=dict(type='str', required=True),
212        interface=dict(type='str'),
213        profile=dict(type='str'),
214        network=dict(type='str'),
215        mac_address=dict(type='str'),
216        linked=dict(type='bool'),
217    )
218    module = AnsibleModule(
219        argument_spec=argument_spec,
220        supports_check_mode=True,
221        required_one_of=[['vm', 'template']],
222    )
224    check_sdk(module)
226    try:
227        # Locate the service that manages the virtual machines and use it to
228        # search for the NIC:
229        auth = module.params.pop('auth')
230        connection = create_connection(auth)
231        entity_name = None
233        if module.params.get('vm'):
234            # Locate the VM, where we will manage NICs:
235            entity_name = module.params.get('vm')
236            collection_service = connection.system_service().vms_service()
237        elif module.params.get('template'):
238            entity_name = module.params.get('template')
239            collection_service = connection.system_service().templates_service()
241        # TODO: We have to modify the search_by_name function to accept raise_error=True/False,
242        entity = search_by_name(collection_service, entity_name)
243        if entity is None:
244            raise Exception("Vm/Template '%s' was not found." % entity_name)
246        service = collection_service.service(entity.id)
247        cluster_id = entity.cluster
249        nics_service = service.nics_service()
250        entitynics_module = EntityNicsModule(
251            connection=connection,
252            module=module,
253            service=nics_service,
254        )
256        # Find vNIC id of the network interface (if any):
257        if module.params['network']:
258            profile = module.params.get('profile')
259            cluster_name = get_link_name(connection, cluster_id)
260            dcs_service = connection.system_service().data_centers_service()
261            dc = dcs_service.list(search='Clusters.name=%s' % cluster_name)[0]
262            networks_service = dcs_service.service(dc.id).networks_service()
263            network = next(
264                (n for n in networks_service.list()
265                 if n.name == module.params['network']),
266                None
267            )
268            if network is None:
269                raise Exception(
270                    "Network '%s' was not found in datacenter '%s'." % (
271                        module.params['network'],
272                        dc.name
273                    )
274                )
275            if profile:
276                for vnic in connection.system_service().vnic_profiles_service().list():
277                    if vnic.name == profile and vnic.network.id == network.id:
278                        entitynics_module.vnic_id = vnic.id
279            else:
280                # When not specified which vnic use ovirtmgmt/ovirtmgmt
281                vnics = get_vnics(networks_service, network, connection)
282                if len(vnics) == 1:
283                    entitynics_module.vnic_id = vnics[0].id
284                else:
285                    raise Exception(
286                        "You didn't specify any vnic profile. "
287                        "Following vnic profiles are in system: '%s', please specify one of them" % ([vnic.name for vnic in vnics])
288                    )
289        # Handle appropriate action:
290        state = module.params['state']
291        if state == 'present':
292            ret = entitynics_module.create()
293        elif state == 'absent':
294            ret = entitynics_module.remove()
295        elif state == 'plugged':
296            entitynics_module.create()
297            ret = entitynics_module.action(
298                action='activate',
299                action_condition=lambda nic: not nic.plugged,
300                wait_condition=lambda nic: nic.plugged,
301            )
302        elif state == 'unplugged':
303            entitynics_module.create()
304            ret = entitynics_module.action(
305                action='deactivate',
306                action_condition=lambda nic: nic.plugged,
307                wait_condition=lambda nic: not nic.plugged,
308            )
310        module.exit_json(**ret)
311    except Exception as e:
312        module.fail_json(msg=str(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
313    finally:
314        connection.close(logout=auth.get('token') is None)
317if __name__ == "__main__":
318    main()