1# (c) 2018, NetApp, Inc
2# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
4''' unit tests ONTAP Ansible module: na_ontap_nvme_snapshot'''
6from __future__ import print_function
7import json
8import pytest
10from units.compat import unittest
11from units.compat.mock import patch
12from ansible.module_utils import basic
13from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
14import ansible.module_utils.netapp as netapp_utils
16from ansible.modules.storage.netapp.na_ontap_snapshot \
17    import NetAppOntapSnapshot as my_module
19if not netapp_utils.has_netapp_lib():
20    pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip('skipping as missing required netapp_lib')
23def set_module_args(args):
24    """prepare arguments so that they will be picked up during module creation"""
25    args = json.dumps({'ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': args})
26    basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = to_bytes(args)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
29class AnsibleExitJson(Exception):
30    """Exception class to be raised by module.exit_json and caught by the test case"""
31    pass
34class AnsibleFailJson(Exception):
35    """Exception class to be raised by module.fail_json and caught by the test case"""
36    pass
39def exit_json(*args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
40    """function to patch over exit_json; package return data into an exception"""
41    if 'changed' not in kwargs:
42        kwargs['changed'] = False
43    raise AnsibleExitJson(kwargs)
46def fail_json(*args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
47    """function to patch over fail_json; package return data into an exception"""
48    kwargs['failed'] = True
49    raise AnsibleFailJson(kwargs)
52class MockONTAPConnection(object):
53    ''' mock server connection to ONTAP host '''
55    def __init__(self, kind=None):
56        ''' save arguments '''
57        self.type = kind
58        self.xml_in = None
59        self.xml_out = None
61    def invoke_successfully(self, xml, enable_tunneling):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
62        ''' mock invoke_successfully returning xml data '''
63        self.xml_in = xml
64        if self.type == 'snapshot':
65            xml = self.build_snapshot_info()
66        elif self.type == 'snapshot_fail':
67            raise netapp_utils.zapi.NaApiError(code='TEST', message="This exception is from the unit test")
68        self.xml_out = xml
69        return xml
71    @staticmethod
72    def build_snapshot_info():
73        ''' build xml data for snapshot-info '''
74        xml = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('xml')
75        data = {'num-records': 1,
76                'attributes-list': {'snapshot-info': {'comment': 'new comment',
77                                                      'name': 'ansible',
78                                                      'snapmirror-label': 'label12'}}}
79        xml.translate_struct(data)
80        return xml
83class TestMyModule(unittest.TestCase):
84    ''' a group of related Unit Tests '''
86    def setUp(self):
87        self.mock_module_helper = patch.multiple(basic.AnsibleModule,
88                                                 exit_json=exit_json,
89                                                 fail_json=fail_json)
90        self.mock_module_helper.start()
91        self.addCleanup(self.mock_module_helper.stop)
92        self.server = MockONTAPConnection()
93        self.onbox = False
95    def set_default_args(self):
96        if self.onbox:
97            hostname = ''
98            username = 'admin'
99            password = 'netapp1!'
100            vserver = 'ansible'
101            volume = 'ansible'
102            snapshot = 'ansible'
103            comment = 'new comment'
104            snapmirror_label = 'label12'
105        else:
106            hostname = 'hostname'
107            username = 'username'
108            password = 'password'
109            vserver = 'vserver'
110            volume = 'ansible'
111            snapshot = 'ansible'
112            comment = 'new comment'
113            snapmirror_label = 'label12'
114        return dict({
115            'hostname': hostname,
116            'username': username,
117            'password': password,
118            'vserver': vserver,
119            'volume': volume,
120            'snapshot': snapshot,
121            'comment': comment,
122            'snapmirror_label': snapmirror_label
123        })
125    def test_module_fail_when_required_args_missing(self):
126        ''' required arguments are reported as errors '''
127        with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc:
128            set_module_args({})
129            my_module()
130        print('Info: %s' % exc.value.args[0]['msg'])
132    def test_ensure_get_called(self):
133        ''' test get_snapshot()  for non-existent snapshot'''
134        set_module_args(self.set_default_args())
135        my_obj = my_module()
136        my_obj.server = self.server
137        assert my_obj.get_snapshot() is None
139    def test_ensure_get_called_existing(self):
140        ''' test get_snapshot()  for existing snapshot'''
141        set_module_args(self.set_default_args())
142        my_obj = my_module()
143        my_obj.server = MockONTAPConnection(kind='snapshot')
144        assert my_obj.get_snapshot()
146    @patch('ansible.modules.storage.netapp.na_ontap_snapshot.NetAppOntapSnapshot.create_snapshot')
147    def test_successful_create(self, create_snapshot):
148        ''' creating snapshot and testing idempotency '''
149        set_module_args(self.set_default_args())
150        my_obj = my_module()
151        if not self.onbox:
152            my_obj.server = self.server
153        with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc:
154            my_obj.apply()
155        assert exc.value.args[0]['changed']
156        create_snapshot.assert_called_with()
157        # to reset na_helper from remembering the previous 'changed' value
158        my_obj = my_module()
159        if not self.onbox:
160            my_obj.server = MockONTAPConnection('snapshot')
161        with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc:
162            my_obj.apply()
163        assert not exc.value.args[0]['changed']
165    @patch('ansible.modules.storage.netapp.na_ontap_snapshot.NetAppOntapSnapshot.modify_snapshot')
166    def test_successful_modify(self, modify_snapshot):
167        ''' modifying snapshot and testing idempotency '''
168        data = self.set_default_args()
169        data['comment'] = 'adding comment'
170        data['snapmirror_label'] = 'label22'
171        set_module_args(data)
172        my_obj = my_module()
173        if not self.onbox:
174            my_obj.server = MockONTAPConnection('snapshot')
175        with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc:
176            my_obj.apply()
177        assert exc.value.args[0]['changed']
178        modify_snapshot.assert_called_with()
179        # to reset na_helper from remembering the previous 'changed' value
180        data['comment'] = 'new comment'
181        data['snapmirror_label'] = 'label12'
182        set_module_args(data)
183        my_obj = my_module()
184        if not self.onbox:
185            my_obj.server = MockONTAPConnection('snapshot')
186        with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc:
187            my_obj.apply()
188        assert not exc.value.args[0]['changed']
190    @patch('ansible.modules.storage.netapp.na_ontap_snapshot.NetAppOntapSnapshot.delete_snapshot')
191    def test_successful_delete(self, delete_snapshot):
192        ''' deleting snapshot and testing idempotency '''
193        data = self.set_default_args()
194        data['state'] = 'absent'
195        set_module_args(data)
196        my_obj = my_module()
197        if not self.onbox:
198            my_obj.server = MockONTAPConnection('snapshot')
199        with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc:
200            my_obj.apply()
201        assert exc.value.args[0]['changed']
202        delete_snapshot.assert_called_with()
203        # to reset na_helper from remembering the previous 'changed' value
204        my_obj = my_module()
205        if not self.onbox:
206            my_obj.server = self.server
207        with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc:
208            my_obj.apply()
209        assert not exc.value.args[0]['changed']
211    def test_if_all_methods_catch_exception(self):
212        module_args = {}
213        module_args.update(self.set_default_args())
214        set_module_args(module_args)
215        my_obj = my_module()
216        if not self.onbox:
217            my_obj.server = MockONTAPConnection('snapshot_fail')
218        with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc:
219            my_obj.create_snapshot()
220        assert 'Error creating snapshot ansible:' in exc.value.args[0]['msg']
221        with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc:
222            my_obj.delete_snapshot()
223        assert 'Error deleting snapshot ansible:' in exc.value.args[0]['msg']
224        with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc:
225            my_obj.modify_snapshot()
226        assert 'Error modifying snapshot ansible:' in exc.value.args[0]['msg']