2#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
4# BackupPC_refCountUpdate: Pool reference count updater
8#   BackupPC_refCountUpdate checks the pool reference counts
10#   Usage: BackupPC_refCountUpdate
13#   Craig Barratt  <cbarratt@users.sourceforge.net>
16#   Copyright (C) 2001-2020  Craig Barratt
18#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
19#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
20#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
21#   (at your option) any later version.
23#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26#   GNU General Public License for more details.
28#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
29#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
33# Version 4.3.3, released 5 Apr 2020.
35# See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net.
39use strict;
40no  utf8;
41use lib "/usr/local/BackupPC/lib";
43use Getopt::Std;
44use Fcntl qw(:mode);
45use File::Path;
46use Data::Dumper;
48use BackupPC::Lib;
49use BackupPC::XS;
50use BackupPC::DirOps qw( :BPC_DT_ALL );
52select(STDOUT); $| = 1;
54my %opts;
55if ( !getopts("cFfnmpsvh:r:P:o:", \%opts) || @ARGV != 0 || !(defined($opts{h}) || $opts{m}) ) {
56    print <<EOF;
58  BackupPC_refCountUpdate -h HOST [-c] [-f] [-F] [-o N] [-p] [-v]
59      With no other args, updates count db on backups with poolCntDelta files
60      and computers the host's total reference counts.  Also builds refCnt for
61      any >=4.0 backups without refCnts.
62        -f     - do an fsck on this HOST, which involves a rebuild of the
63                 last two backup refCnts.  poolCntDelta files are ignored.
64                 Also forces fsck if requested by needFsck flag files
65                 in TopDir/pc/HOST/refCnt.  Equivalent to -o 2.
66        -F     - rebuild all the >=4.0 per-backup refCnt files for this
67                 host.  Equivalent to -o 3.
68        -c     - compare current count db to new db before replacing
69        -o N   - override \$Conf{RefCntFsck}.
70        -p     - don't show progress
71        -v     - verbose
72    Notes: in case there are legacy (ie: <=4.0.0alpha3) unapplied poolCntDelta
73    files in TopDir/pc/HOST/refCnt then the -f flag is turned on.
75  BackupPC_refCountUpdate -m [-f] [-p] [-c] [-r N-M] [-s] [-v] [-P phase]
76        -m       Updates main count db, based on each HOST
77        -f     - do an fsck on all the hosts, ignoring poolCntDelta files,
78                 and replacing each host's count db.  Will wait for backups
79                 to finish if any are running.
80        -F     - rebuild all the >=4.0 per-backup refCnt files.
81        -p     - don't show progress
82        -c     - clean pool files
83        -r N-M - process a subset of the main count db, 0 <= N <= M <= 255
84        -s     - prints stats
85        -v     - verbose
86        -P phase Phase from 0..15 each time we run BackupPC_nightly.  Used
87                 to compute exact pool size for portions of the pool based
88                 on the phase and \$Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod}.
90    exit(1);
93my $ErrorCnt    = 0;
94my $refCntStart = 0;
95my $refCntEnd   = 127;
97my $EmptyMD5 = pack("H*", "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e");
99die("BackupPC::Lib->new failed\n") if ( !(my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new) );
100my $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir();
101my $BinDir = $bpc->BinDir();
102my $Hosts  = $bpc->HostInfoRead();
103my @Hosts  = sort(keys(%$Hosts));
105if ( $opts{h} ne "" ) {
106    if ( !defined($Hosts->{$opts{h}}) ) {
107        print(STDERR "BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host $opts{h} doesn't exist\n");
108        exit(1);
109    }
110    $bpc->ConfigRead($opts{h});
112my %Conf = $bpc->Conf();
113my $PoolStats = {};
115if ( $opts{v} ) {
116    $Conf{XferLogLevel} = 8;
117    BackupPC::XS::Lib::logLevelSet(8);
121# Write new-style attrib files (<= 4.0.0beta3 uses old-style), which are 0-length
122# files with the digest encoded in the file name (eg: attrib_md5HexDigest). We
123# can still read the old-style files, and we upgrade them as we go.
125BackupPC::XS::Attrib::backwardCompat(0, 0);
127print("__bpc_pidStart__ $$\n") if ( !$opts{p} );
129if ( defined($opts{h}) ) {
130    updateHostPoolCnt($opts{h}, $opts{f}, $opts{F}, $opts{c});
131} elsif ( $opts{m} ) {
132    if ( $opts{r} =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/ && 0 <= $1 && $1 <= $2 && $2 <= 255 ) {
133        $refCntStart = int($1 / 2);
134        $refCntEnd   = int($2 / 2);
135    } elsif ( defined($opts{r}) ) {
136        print(STDERR "BackupPC_refCountUpdate: -r arguments should be N-M where 0 <= N <= M <= 255\n");
137        print("__bpc_pidEnd__ $$\n") if ( !$opts{p} );
138        exit(1);
139    }
141    #
142    # update all the pool count changes for each host
143    #
144    if ( $opts{f} || $opts{F} ) {
145        updateAllHostPoolCnt($opts{f}, $opts{F});
146    }
148    #
149    # rebuild the overall pool count database
150    #
151    updateTotalRefCnt();
153    #
154    # clean files from the pool that are no longer referenced,
155    # and mark candidate files for future cleaning.  This prints
156    # stats too, so if not cleaning, we need to print stats, if
157    # requested.
158    #
159    if ( $opts{c} ) {
160        cleanPoolFiles();
161    } elsif ( $opts{s} ) {
162        statsPrint();
163    }
166print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate total errors: $ErrorCnt\n") if ( $ErrorCnt > 0 || $Conf{XferLogLevel} >= 2 );
167print("__bpc_pidEnd__ $$\n") if ( !$opts{p} );
168exit($ErrorCnt ? 1 : 0);
171# For a given host, either update the poolCnt files using the poolCntDelta files,
172# or if $forceFsck, completely rebuild the poolCnt files from scratch.
174sub updateHostPoolCnt
176    my($host, $forceLast2Fsck, $forceFullFsck, $compareCurr) = @_;
177    my $pcDir = "$TopDir/pc/$host";
178    my $refCntDir = "$pcDir/refCnt";
179    my $errorCntSave = $ErrorCnt;
180    my @fsckFiles;
181    my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host);
182    my $startClock = time;
184    mkdir($refCntDir, 0770) if ( !-d $refCntDir );
186    #
187    # Grab the lock to make sure no dumps start.  Try a non-blocking request
188    # first, so we can warn the user if we have to wait.
189    #
190    my $lockFd = BackupPC::XS::DirOps::lockRangeFile("$refCntDir/LOCK", 0, 1, 0);
191    if ( $lockFd < 0 ) {
192        print("Backup running on host $host.... waiting\n");
193        $lockFd = BackupPC::XS::DirOps::lockRangeFile("$refCntDir/LOCK", 0, 1, 1);
194    }
195    if ( $lockFd < 0 ) {
196        print("Unable to get lock on $refCntDir/LOCK... skipping $host\n");
197        $ErrorCnt++;
198        return;
199    }
201    #
202    # Clean up the HOST/refCnt directory to see if an fsck is needed
203    #
204    foreach my $e ( @{BackupPC::DirOps::dirRead($bpc, $refCntDir)} ) {
205        unlink("$refCntDir/$e->{name}") if ( $e->{name} =~ /^poolCntNew/ );
206        if ( $e->{name} =~ /^t?poolCntDelta/ ) {
207            #
208            # legacy <= 4.0.0beta3 code left poolCntDelta files in the host's refCnt
209            # directory, so remove them and do a last2Fsck
210            #
211            unlink("$refCntDir/$e->{name}");
212            $forceLast2Fsck = 1;
213        }
214        next if ( $e->{name} !~ /^needFsck/ );
215        unlink("$refCntDir/$e->{name}");
216        $forceLast2Fsck = 1;
217    }
219    #
220    # Apply policy in $Conf{RefCntFsck} (potentially overridden by -o N)
221    #   0: no additional fsck
222    #   1: do an fsck on the last backup if it is from a full backup (handled below)
223    #   2: do an fsck on the last two backups always
224    #   3: do a full fsck on all the backups
225    #
226    my $ConfRefCntFsck = $opts{o} =~ /^\d+$/ ? $opts{o} : $Conf{RefCntFsck};
227    if ( $ConfRefCntFsck == 2 ) {
228        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: doing fsck on last two backups on $host since \$ConfRefCntFsck == 2\n");
229        $forceLast2Fsck = 1;
230    } elsif ( $ConfRefCntFsck == 3 ) {
231        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: doing fsck on all backups on $host since \$ConfRefCntFsck == 3\n");
232        $forceFullFsck = 1;
233    }
235    #
236    # Figure out which backups to rebuild or apply to deltas
237    #
238    my $bkupList = [];
239    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) {
240        my $bkupNum       = $Backups[$i]{num};
241        my $compress      = $Backups[$i]{compress};
242        my $bkupRefCntDir = "$pcDir/$bkupNum/refCnt";
243        my($gotFsck, $gotDelta, $gotPoolCnt, $gotNoPoolCntOk);
245        next if ( $Backups[$i]{version} eq "" || ($Backups[$i]{version} =~ /^[23]\./ && !-d $bkupRefCntDir) );
247        if ( !-d $bkupRefCntDir ) {
248            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: doing fsck on $host #$bkupNum since $bkupRefCntDir doesn't exist\n");
249            mkdir($bkupRefCntDir, 0770);
250            push(@$bkupList, {bkupNum => $bkupNum, fsck => 1, compress => $compress});
251            next;
252        }
253        my $entries = BackupPC::DirOps::dirRead($bpc, $bkupRefCntDir);
254        foreach my $e ( @$entries ) {
255            unlink("$bkupRefCntDir/$e->{name}") if ( $e->{name} =~ /^poolCntNew/ );
256            if ( $e->{name} =~ /^needFsck/ || $e->{name} =~ /^tpoolCntDelta/ ) {
257                unlink("$bkupRefCntDir/$e->{name}");
258                $gotFsck  = 1;
259            }
260            $gotDelta = 1       if ( $e->{name} =~ /^poolCntDelta/ );
261            $gotPoolCnt = 1     if ( $e->{name} =~ /^poolCnt\./ );
262            $gotNoPoolCntOk = 1 if ( $e->{name} =~ /^noPoolCntOk/ );
263        }
264        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host $host #$bkupNum: gotFsck = $gotFsck, gotDelta = $gotDelta,"
265                                                          . " gotPoolCnt = $gotPoolCnt, gotNoPoolCntOk = $gotNoPoolCntOk\n")
266                                        if ( $Conf{XferLogLevel} >= 4 );
267        #
268        # Apply policy in $ConfRefCntFsck:
269        #   0: no additional fsck
270        #   1: do an fsck on the last backup if it is from a full backup
271        #   2: do an fsck on the last two backups always (handled above)
272        #   3: do a full fsck on all the backups (handled above)
273        #
274        if ( $ConfRefCntFsck == 1 && $i == @Backups - 1 && $Backups[$i]{type} eq "full" ) {
275            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: doing fsck on $host #$bkupNum (full) since \$ConfRefCntFsck == 1\n");
276            $gotFsck = 1;
277        }
279        if ( !$gotPoolCnt && !$gotFsck && !$gotNoPoolCntOk ) {
280            #
281            # This shouldn't happen - we should have some pool files, so force an fsck
282            #
283            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: doing fsck on $host #$bkupNum since there are no poolCnt files\n");
284            $gotFsck = 1;
285        }
286        if ( $forceFullFsck || ($forceLast2Fsck && $i >= @Backups - 2) || $gotFsck ) {
287            push(@$bkupList, {bkupNum => $bkupNum, fsck => 1, compress => $compress});
288        } elsif ( $gotDelta ) {
289            push(@$bkupList, {bkupNum => $bkupNum, fsck => 0, compress => $compress});
290        }
291    }
293    while ( (my $b = shift(@$bkupList)) ) {
294        my $errorCntSave0 = $ErrorCnt;
295        if ( processOneHostBackup($host, $b->{bkupNum}, $b->{fsck}, $b->{compress}) && !$b->{fsck} ) {
296            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: given errors, redoing host $host #$b->{bkupNum} with fsck (reset errorCnt to $errorCntSave0)\n");
297            $ErrorCnt = $errorCntSave0;
298            unshift(@$bkupList, {bkupNum => $b->{bkupNum}, fsck => 1, compress => $b->{compress}});
299        }
300    }
302    #
303    # Now add up all the per-backup counts to get the per-host totals
304    #
305    my $errorCntSave0 = $ErrorCnt;
306    print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: computing totals for host $host\n") if ( $Conf{XferLogLevel} >= 2 );
307    my $needFsck = updateHostRefCounts($host);
308    my $bkupRedoDone = {};
310    while ( $needFsck ) {
311        my $listText = join(", ", @$needFsck);
312        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: due to errors, doing fsck on host $host backups $listText; (reset errorCnt to $errorCntSave0)\n");
313        $ErrorCnt = $errorCntSave0;
314        foreach my $bkupNum ( @$needFsck ) {
315            next if ( $bkupRedoDone->{$bkupNum} );
316            my $compress = 1;
317            for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) {
318                next if ( $Backups[$i]{num} != $bkupNum );
319                $compress = $Backups[$i]{compress};
320                last;
321            }
322            processOneHostBackup($host, $bkupNum, 1, $compress);
323            $bkupRedoDone->{$bkupNum} = 1;
324        }
325        $needFsck = updateHostRefCounts($host);
326    }
328    #
329    # and rename the new count files to replace the current ones
330    #
331    renameNewCntFiles($host, $refCntDir, $compareCurr, "total");
333    #
334    # Now give the lock back
335    #
336    BackupPC::XS::DirOps::unlockRangeFile($lockFd);
337    printf("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host %s got %d errors (took %d secs)\n",
338                    $host, $ErrorCnt - $errorCntSave, time - $startClock);
339    $bpc->flushXSLibMesgs();
342sub processOneHostBackup
344    my($host, $bkupNum, $fsck, $compress) = @_;
345    my $pcDir = "$TopDir/pc/$host";
346    my $bkupRefCntDir = "$pcDir/$bkupNum/refCnt";
347    my $errorCntSave0 = $ErrorCnt;
348    my $fd;
350    #
351    # add a placeholder fsck request, in case we die unexpectedly
352    #
353    open($fd, ">", "$bkupRefCntDir/needFsck.refCountUpdate") && close($fd);
355    print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host $host #$bkupNum (fsck = $fsck)\n") if ( $Conf{XferLogLevel} >= 2 );
357    if ( $fsck ) {
358        my $entries = BackupPC::DirOps::dirRead($bpc, $bkupRefCntDir);
359        #
360        # Remove any delta files since we are rebuilding
361        #
362        foreach my $e ( @$entries ) {
363            unlink("$bkupRefCntDir/$e->{name}") if ( $e->{name} =~ /^t?poolCntDelta/ || $e->{name} =~ /^poolCntNew/ );
364        }
365        my $deltaInfo = BackupPC::XS::DeltaRefCnt::new("$pcDir/$bkupNum");
366        print("__bpc_progress_state__ refCnt #$bkupNum\n") if ( !$opts{p} );
367        my($err, $inodeMax) = BackupPC::XS::DirOps::refCountAllInodeMax("$pcDir/$bkupNum", $compress, 1, $deltaInfo);
368        $ErrorCnt += $err;
369        $deltaInfo->flush();
370        $bpc->flushXSLibMesgs();
371        #
372        # Update inodeLast for this backup if it is larger than what's stored in backups
373        #
374        my @backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host);
375        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @backups ; $i++ ) {
376            next if ( $backups[$i]{num} != $bkupNum || $backups[$i]{inodeLast} > $inodeMax );
377            $inodeMax += 2;
378            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: $host #$bkupNum inodeLast set to $inodeMax (was $backups[$i]{inodeLast})\n");
379            $backups[$i]{inodeLast} = $inodeMax;
380            BackupPC::Storage->backupInfoWrite($pcDir, $bkupNum, $backups[$i], 1);
381            $bpc->BackupInfoWrite($host, @backups);
382            last;
383        }
384    }
385    print("__bpc_progress_state__ cntUpdate #$bkupNum\n") if ( !$opts{p} );
386    updateHostDelta2Cnt($host, $bkupRefCntDir, $fsck, 0, $bkupNum);
387    $bpc->flushXSLibMesgs();
389    #
390    # delete the noPoolCntOk if there are pool files, or create one
391    # if there are none
392    #
393    my($gotNoPoolCntOk, $gotPoolCnt);
394    foreach my $e ( @{BackupPC::DirOps::dirRead($bpc, $bkupRefCntDir)} ) {
395        $gotPoolCnt = 1     if ( $e->{name} =~ /^poolCnt\./ );
396        $gotNoPoolCntOk = 1 if ( $e->{name} =~ /^noPoolCntOk/ );
397    }
398    if ( $gotPoolCnt && $gotNoPoolCntOk ) {
399        unlink("$bkupRefCntDir/noPoolCntOk");
400    } elsif ( !$gotPoolCnt ) {
401        open(my $fd, ">", "$bkupRefCntDir/noPoolCntOk") && close($fd);
402    }
403    unlink("$bkupRefCntDir/needFsck.refCountUpdate");
404    return 1 if ( $errorCntSave0 != $ErrorCnt );
408# Process all the per-backup ref counts to create the total ref count for the host.
409# Returns undef on success, or a listref of backup numbers that need fscks.
411sub updateHostRefCounts
413    my($host) = @_;
415    my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host);
416    my $refCntDestDir = "$TopDir/pc/$host/refCnt";
417    my $needFsck = {};
419    print("__bpc_progress_state__ sumUpdate\n") if ( !$opts{p} );
420    for ( my $refCntFile = 0 ; $refCntFile < 128 ; $refCntFile++ ) {
421        print("__bpc_progress_fileCnt__ $refCntFile/128\n") if ( !$opts{p} && ($refCntFile & 0x7) == 0 );
422        for ( my $compress = 0 ; $compress < 2 ; $compress++ ) {
423            my $count = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
424            my $countDirty;
425            my $poolCntFileNew = sprintf("%s/poolCntNew.%d.%02x",
426                                         $refCntDestDir, $compress, $refCntFile * 2);
427            for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) {
428                my $bkupNum = $Backups[$i]{num};
429                my $refCntBkupDir = "$TopDir/pc/$host/$bkupNum/refCnt";
430                next if ( $Backups[$i]{version} eq "" || ($Backups[$i]{version} =~ /^[23]\./ && !-d $refCntBkupDir) );
431                my $poolCntHostFile = sprintf("%s/poolCnt.%d.%02x", $refCntBkupDir, $compress, $refCntFile * 2);
432                next if ( !-f $poolCntHostFile );
434                my $countHost = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
435                if ( $countHost->read($poolCntHostFile) ) {
436                    print("Can't open pool count file $poolCntHostFile\n");
437                    $ErrorCnt++;
438                    next;
439                }
441                my($d, $c);
442                my $idx = 0;
443                while ( 1 ) {
444                    ($d, $c, $idx) = $countHost->iterate($idx);
445                    last if ( !defined($d) );
447                    if ( $c < 0 ) {
448                        printf("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host %s (%s) digest %s has negative count (%d); will do fsck on #%d\n",
449                                        $host, $poolCntHostFile, unpack("H*", $d), $c, $bkupNum);
450                        $needFsck->{$bkupNum}++;
451                        $ErrorCnt++;
452                    }
453                    $count->incr($d, $c);
454                    $countDirty = 1;
455                }
456            }
457            if ( $countDirty && $count->write($poolCntFileNew) ) {
458                print("Can't write new host pool count file $poolCntFileNew\n");
459                $ErrorCnt++;
460            }
461            $count = undef;
462            $bpc->flushXSLibMesgs();
463        }
464    }
465    if ( keys(%$needFsck) ) {
466        return [sort({ $a <=> $b } keys(%$needFsck))];
467    }
471# Process all the delta files in the given directory and update the poolCnt files
473sub updateHostDelta2Cnt
475    my($host, $refCntDir, $forceFsck, $compareCurr, $bkupNum) = @_;
476    my $gotDeltas;
478    #
479    # Read all the poolCntDelta files, and update the host's poolCnt files
480    # (or overwrite them if $forceFsck)
481    #
482    my $entries = BackupPC::DirOps::dirRead($bpc, $refCntDir);
483    foreach my $e ( @$entries ) {
484        unlink("$refCntDir/$e->{name}") if ( $e->{name} =~ /^poolCntNew/ );
485    }
486    foreach my $e ( @$entries ) {
487        next if ( $e->{name} !~ /^poolCntDelta/ );
488        my $deltaFileName = "$refCntDir/$e->{name}";
489        my $compress = 1;
490        $compress = $1 if ( $deltaFileName =~ m{/poolCntDelta_(\d)_} );
491        $gotDeltas++;
492        updateHostPoolOneDelta2Cnt($host, $refCntDir, $deltaFileName, !$forceFsck, $compress, $bkupNum);
493    }
494    renameNewCntFiles($host, $refCntDir, $compareCurr, "#$bkupNum") if ( $gotDeltas );
498# Rename all the new pool files, replacing the old ones
500sub renameNewCntFiles
502    my($host, $refCntDir, $compareCurr, $statusText) = @_;
504    print("__bpc_progress_state__ rename $statusText\n") if ( !$opts{p} );
505    for ( my $refCntFile = 0 ; $refCntFile < 128 ; $refCntFile++ ) {
506        for ( my $compress = 0 ; $compress < 2 ; $compress++ ) {
507            my $poolCntFileNew = sprintf("%s/poolCntNew.%d.%02x", $refCntDir,
508                                         $compress, $refCntFile * 2);
509            my $poolCntFileCur = sprintf("%s/poolCnt.%d.%02x", $refCntDir,
510                                         $compress, $refCntFile * 2);
511            if ( $compareCurr ) {
512                $ErrorCnt += poolCountHostNewCompare($host, $compress, $poolCntFileCur, $poolCntFileNew);
513            }
514            if ( -f $poolCntFileNew ) {
515                if ( !rename($poolCntFileNew, $poolCntFileCur) ) {
516                    print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't rename $poolCntFileNew to $poolCntFileCur ($!)\n");
517                    unlink($poolCntFileNew);
518                    $ErrorCnt++;
519                    next;
520                }
521            } elsif ( -f $poolCntFileCur && !unlink($poolCntFileCur) ) {
522                print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't unlink $poolCntFileCur ($!)\n");
523                $ErrorCnt++;
524                next;
525            }
526        }
527    }
531# Apply a single pool delta file to the host's new count database.
533sub updateHostPoolOneDelta2Cnt
535    my($host, $refCntDir, $deltaFileName, $accumCurr, $compress, $bkupNum) = @_;
537    my $count = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
538    if ( $count->read($deltaFileName) ) {
539        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't read pool count delta file $deltaFileName\n");
540        $ErrorCnt++;
541        return;
542    }
543    my($delta, $d, $c, $entryCnt);
544    my $idx = 0;
545    while ( 1 ) {
546        ($d, $c, $idx) = $count->iterate($idx);
547        last if ( !defined($d) );
548        $delta->[vec($d, 0, 8) >> 1]{$d} = $c;
549        $entryCnt++;
550    }
551    $count = undef;
552    print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host $host #$bkupNum deltaFile $deltaFileName with $entryCnt entries\n")
553                                        if ( $Conf{XferLogLevel} >= 2 );
555    for ( my $refCntFile = 0 ; $refCntFile < 128 ; $refCntFile++ ) {
556        my $poolCntFileNew = sprintf("%s/poolCntNew.%d.%02x", $refCntDir,
557                                     $compress, $refCntFile * 2);
558        my $poolCntFileCur = sprintf("%s/poolCnt.%d.%02x", $refCntDir,
559                                     $compress, $refCntFile * 2);
560        if ( !defined($delta->[$refCntFile]) || !%{$delta->[$refCntFile]} ) {
561            next if ( -f $poolCntFileNew || !-f $poolCntFileCur );
562        }
563        #
564        # Read the existing count
565        #
566        my $count = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
567        if ( -f $poolCntFileNew ) {
568            if ( $count->read($poolCntFileNew) ) {
569                print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't open new pool count file $poolCntFileNew\n");
570                $ErrorCnt++;
571                next;
572            }
573        } else {
574            #
575            # Read in the existing counts if we are accumulating.
576            #
577            if ( $accumCurr && -f $poolCntFileCur && $count->read($poolCntFileCur) ) {
578                print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't open cur pool count file $poolCntFileCur\n");
579                $ErrorCnt++;
580                next;
581            }
582        }
583	#
584        # Apply the deltas and write the file back; it's an error for any count to
585        # be negative.
586        #
587        foreach my $d ( keys(%{$delta->[$refCntFile]}) ) {
588            my $c = $count->incr($d, $delta->[$refCntFile]{$d});
589            next if ( $c >= 0 );
590            printf("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: got a negative count for %s processing %s; redoing #%d\n",
591                            unpack("H*", $d), $deltaFileName, $bkupNum);
592            $ErrorCnt++;
593            last;
594        }
595        if ( $count->write($poolCntFileNew) ) {
596            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't write new pool count file $poolCntFileNew\n");
597            $ErrorCnt++;
598            next;
599        }
600    }
601    $delta = {};
602    if ( unlink($deltaFileName) != 1 ) {
603        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't unlink $deltaFileName ($!)\n");
604        $ErrorCnt++;
605    }
609# Compare a new pool count file with the existing one.  Returns an error count.
610# After the compare, renames the new pool count to replace the existing
611# one.
613sub poolCountHostNewCompare
615    my($host, $compress, $poolCntFileCur, $poolCntFileNew) = @_;
616    my $errorCnt = 0;
618    my $countNew       = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
619    my $count          = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
621    if ( -f $poolCntFileNew && $countNew->read($poolCntFileNew) ) {
622        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't open new pool count file $poolCntFileNew\n");
623        $errorCnt++;
624    }
625    if ( -f $poolCntFileCur && $count->read($poolCntFileCur) ) {
626        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't open current pool count file $poolCntFileCur\n");
627        $errorCnt++;
628    }
630    #
631    # Compare the new and existing counts
632    #
633    my($digest, $cnt);
634    my $idx = 0;
636    while ( 1 ) {
637        ($digest, $cnt, $idx) = $count->iterate($idx);
638        last if ( !defined($digest) );
640        if ( !defined($countNew->get($digest)) && $cnt > 0 ) {
641            printf("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host %s digest.%d %s count is %d, but should be 0\n",
642                        $host, $compress, unpack("H*", $digest), $cnt);
643            $errorCnt++;
644            next;
645        }
646        if ( $cnt != $countNew->get($digest) ) {
647            printf("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host %s digest.%d %s count is %d, but should be %d\n",
648                        $host, $compress, unpack("H*", $digest),
649                        $cnt, $countNew->get($digest));
650            $errorCnt++;
651        }
652        $countNew->delete($digest);
653    }
655    $idx = 0;
656    while ( 1 ) {
657        ($digest, $cnt, $idx) = $countNew->iterate($idx);
658        last if ( !defined($digest) );
659        printf("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host %s digest.%d %s count missing, but should be %d\n",
660                        $host, $compress, unpack("H*", $digest), $countNew->get($digest));
661        $errorCnt++;
662    }
664    return $errorCnt;
667sub updateAllHostPoolCnt
669    my($forceLast2Fsck, $forceFullFsck) = @_;
671    foreach my $host ( @Hosts ) {
672        updateHostPoolCnt($host, $forceLast2Fsck, $forceFullFsck, 0);
673    }
677# Accumulate all the host poolRefCnt files to create the
678# overall pool reference counts
680sub updateTotalRefCnt
682    return if ( $ErrorCnt );
684    print("__bpc_progress_state__ refCnt pool\n") if ( !$opts{p} );
685    for ( my $compress = 0 ; $compress < 2 ; $compress++ ) {
686        my $poolName = $compress ? "cpool4" : "pool4";
687        for ( my $refCntFile = $refCntStart ; $refCntFile <= $refCntEnd ; $refCntFile++ ) {
688            #
689            # Count the number of pool directories
690            #
691            print("__bpc_progress_fileCnt__ cntUpdate $refCntFile/$refCntEnd\n") if ( !$opts{p} );
692            my $poolDir = sprintf("%s/%02x",
693                                  $compress ? $bpc->{CPoolDir} : $bpc->{PoolDir},
694                                  $refCntFile * 2);
695            next if ( !-d $poolDir );
696            $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{dirCnt}++;
697            my $entries = BackupPC::DirOps::dirRead($bpc, $poolDir);
698            foreach my $e ( @$entries ) {
699                next if ( $e->{name} !~ /^[\da-f][\da-f]$/ );
700                $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{dirCnt}++;
701            }
703            #
704            # For each host update the per-host count
705            #
706            my $poolCntFile = "$poolDir/poolCnt";
707            my $count       = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
708            my $countCopy   = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
709            my $countCurr   = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
711            $countCurr->read($poolCntFile) if ( -f $poolCntFile );
712            foreach my $host ( @Hosts ) {
713                my $refCntDir   = "$TopDir/pc/$host/refCnt";
714                my $hostCntFile = sprintf("%s/poolCnt.%d.%02x", $refCntDir,
715                                          $compress, $refCntFile * 2);
716                my $countHost   = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
717                $countHost->read($hostCntFile) if ( -f $hostCntFile );
718                my($d, $c);
719                my $idx = 0;
721                while ( 1 ) {
722                    ($d, $c, $idx) = $countHost->iterate($idx);
723                    last if ( !defined($d) );
725                    if ( $c < 0 ) {
726                        printf("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host %s (%s) digest %s has negative count (%d)\n",
727                                        $host, $hostCntFile, unpack("H*", $d), $c);
728                        $ErrorCnt++;
729                    }
730                    if ( !defined($countCurr->get($d)) ) {
731                        #
732                        # add stats for the new pool file
733                        #
734                        my $poolFile = $bpc->MD52Path($d, $compress);
735                        my @s = stat($poolFile);
736                        if ( @s ) {
737                            my $nBlks = $s[12];
738                            $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{blkCnt} += $nBlks;
739                            if ( $c > 0 ) {
740                                if ( ($s[2] & S_IXOTH) && chmod(0444, $poolFile) != 1 ) {
741                                    print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't chmod 0444 $poolFile\n");
742                                    $ErrorCnt++;
743                                }
744                            }
745                        }
746                    } elsif ( $countCurr->get($d) == 0 && $c > 0 ) {
747                        #
748                        # remove S_IXOTH flag since this digest is now referenced
749                        #
750                        my $poolFile = $bpc->MD52Path($d, $compress);
751                        my @s = stat($poolFile);
752                        if ( @s ) {
753                            if ( ($s[2] & S_IXOTH) && chmod(0444, $poolFile) != 1 ) {
754                                print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't chmod 0444 $poolFile\n");
755                                $ErrorCnt++;
756                            }
757                        }
758                    }
759                    $count->incr($d, $c);
760                    $countCopy->incr($d, $c);
761                    $countCurr->incr($d, $c);     # make sure we only count the new pool file once.
762                }
763            }
765            #
766            # Add entries for any files in the existing pool count that aren't already in count/countCopy.
767            #
768            if ( -f $poolCntFile ) {
769                my($d, $c);
770                my $idx = 0;
772                while ( 1 ) {
773                    ($d, $c, $idx) = $countCurr->iterate($idx);
774                    last if ( !defined($d) );
775                    next if ( defined($count->get($d)) );
776                    $count->incr($d, 0);
777                    $countCopy->incr($d, 0);
778                }
779            }
781            #
782            # Scan the pool to add any missing files that have a zero count
783            #
784            for ( my $subDir = 0 ; $subDir < 128 ; $subDir++ ) {
785                my $poolSubDir = sprintf("%s/%02x", $poolDir, $subDir * 2);
786                my $entries = BackupPC::DirOps::dirRead($bpc, $poolSubDir);
787                foreach my $e ( @$entries ) {
788                    next if ( $e->{name} eq "." || $e->{name} eq ".." );
789                    if ( $e->{name} !~ /^[\da-f]{32,48}$/ && $e->{name} !~ /lock/i ) {
790                        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: unknown pool file $poolSubDir/$e->{name} removed\n");
791                        unlink("$poolSubDir/$e->{name}");
792                        next;
793                    }
794                    my $d = pack("H*", $e->{name});
795                    my $b2 = vec($d, 0, 16);
796                    if ( $refCntFile != (($b2 >> 8) & 0xfe) / 2 || $subDir != (($b2 >> 0) & 0xfe) / 2 ) {
797                        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: unexpected pool file $poolSubDir/$e->{name} removed\n");
798                        unlink("$poolSubDir/$e->{name}");
799                        next;
800                    }
801                    if ( !defined($count->get($d)) ) {
802                        my @s = stat("$poolSubDir/$e->{name}");
803                        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: adding pool file $e->{name} with count 0 (size $s[7])\n")
804                                        if ( $Conf{XferLogLevel} >= 5 );
805                        #
806                        # add stats for new pool file
807                        #
808                        my $nBlks = $s[12];
809                        $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{blkCnt} += $nBlks;
810                        $count->incr($d, 0);
811                    } else {
812                        $countCopy->delete($d);
813                    }
814                }
815            }
817            #
818            # Compute the full pool size periodically, in case the relative +/- above
819            # doesn't exactly track.
820            #
821            # Normally we only update relative changes to the pool size (when a new pool
822            # file is added, or an old one is deleted), which is a lot more efficient.
823            #
824            # So decide when to do a full pool size scan.  $refCntFile goes from 0..127,
825            # phase ($opts{P}) is 0..15 and $Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod} is
826            # 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.
827            #
828            my $fullPoolScan;
829            if ( $Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod} > 0 && defined($opts{P}) ) {
830                $fullPoolScan = (int($refCntFile / 8) % $Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod})
831                                   == ($opts{P} % $Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod});
832            }
833#            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: computing full $poolName size for $refCntFile (phase = $opts{P},"
834#                . " \$Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod} = $Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod})\n")
835#                                if ( $fullPoolScan );
837            my $blkCnt = 0;        # size of pool files
838            my $fileCntRep = 0;    # total number of pool files with repeated md5 checksums
839                                   # (ie: digest > 16 bytes; first instance isn't counted)
840            my $fileRepMax = 0;    # worse case chain length of pool files that have repeated
841                                   # checksums (ie: max(NNN) for all digests xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNNN)
842            my $fileLinkMax = 0;   # maximum number of links on a pool file
843            my $fileLinkTotal = 0; # total number of links on entire pool
844            my($digest, $cnt);
845            my $idx = 0;
846            my $poolFileCnt = 0;
848            while ( 1 ) {
849                ($digest, $cnt, $idx) = $count->iterate($idx);
850                last if ( !defined($digest) );
851                $poolFileCnt++;
852                $fileLinkTotal += $cnt;
853                $fileLinkMax    = $cnt if ( $fileLinkMax < $cnt && $digest ne $EmptyMD5 );
854                if ( $fullPoolScan ) {
855                    my $poolFile = $bpc->MD52Path($digest, $compress);
856                    my @s = stat($poolFile);
857                    $blkCnt += $s[12] if ( @s );
858                }
859                next if ( length($digest) <= 16 );
860                my $ext = $bpc->digestExtGet($digest);
861                $fileCntRep++;
862                $fileRepMax = $ext if ( $fileRepMax < $ext );
863            }
864            $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{blkCnt}        = $blkCnt if ( $fullPoolScan );
865            $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{fileCnt}       = $poolFileCnt;
866            $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{fileLinkMax}   = $fileLinkMax;
867            $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{fileLinkTotal} = $fileLinkTotal;
868            $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{fileCntRep}    = $fileCntRep;
869            $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{fileRepMax}    = $fileRepMax;
871            #
872            # Remove zero counts on pool files that don't exist.  Report pool files
873            # that have non-zero counts and are missing.
874            #
875            $idx = 0;
876            while ( 1 ) {
877                ($digest, $cnt, $idx) = $countCopy->iterate($idx);
878                last if ( !defined($digest) );
879                if ( $cnt == 0 ) {
880                    $count->delete($digest);
881                    next;
882                }
883                next if ( $digest eq $EmptyMD5 );
884                my $digestStr = unpack("H*", $digest);
885                print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file $digestStr count $cnt\n");
886                $ErrorCnt++;
887            }
890            if ( $count->write("$poolCntFile.$$") ) {
891                print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't write new pool count file $poolCntFile.$$\n");
892                unlink("$poolCntFile.$$");
893                $ErrorCnt++;
894                return;
895            } elsif ( !rename("$poolCntFile.$$", $poolCntFile) ) {
896                print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't rename $poolCntFile.$$ to $poolCntFile ($!)\n");
897                unlink("$poolCntFile.$$");
898                $ErrorCnt++;
899                return;
900            }
901            $bpc->flushXSLibMesgs();
902        }
903    }
906sub cleanPoolFiles
908    for ( my $compress = 0 ; $compress < 2 ; $compress++ ) {
909        my $poolName = $compress ? "cpool4" : "pool4";
910        for ( my $refCntFile = $refCntStart ; $refCntFile <= $refCntEnd ; $refCntFile++ ) {
911            #
912            # Read the existing count
913            #
914            my $dirty       = 0;
915            my $poolDir     = sprintf("%s/%02x",
916                                      $compress ? $bpc->{CPoolDir} : $bpc->{PoolDir},
917                                      $refCntFile * 2);
918            my $poolCntFile = "$poolDir/poolCnt";
919            my $count       = BackupPC::XS::PoolRefCnt::new();
920            #
921            # Grab a lock to make sure BackupPC_dump won't unmark and use a pending
922            # delete file.
923            #
924            my $lockFd = BackupPC::XS::DirOps::lockRangeFile("$poolDir/LOCK", 0, 1, 1);
925            if ( -f $poolCntFile && $count->read($poolCntFile) ) {
926                print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't read pool count file $poolCntFile\n");
927                $dirty = 1;
928                $ErrorCnt++;
929            }
931            my($digest, $cnt);
932            my $idx = 0;
933            my $minMtime = time() - 7 * 24 * 3600;
934            while ( 1 ) {
935                ($digest, $cnt, $idx) = $count->iterate($idx);
936                last if ( !defined($digest) );
937                next if ( $cnt > 0 );
938                my $poolFile = $bpc->MD52Path($digest, $compress);
939                my @s = stat($poolFile);
940                next if ( !@s || $s[7] == 0 || $s[9] >= $minMtime );
941                my $mode  = $s[2];
942                my $nBlks = $s[12];
943                if ( $mode & S_IXOTH ) {
944                    #
945                    # figure out the next file in the sequence
946                    #
947                    my $ext = $bpc->digestExtGet($digest);
948                    my($nextDigest, $nextPoolFile) = $bpc->digestConcat($digest,
949                                                                        $ext + 1, $compress);
950                    if ( !-f $nextPoolFile ) {
951                        #
952                        # last in the chain (or no chain) - just delete it
953                        #
954                        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: removing pool file $poolFile\n") if ( $Conf{XferLogLevel} >= 4 );
955                        if ( unlink($poolFile) != 1 ) {
956                            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't remove $poolFile\n");
957                            $ErrorCnt++;
958                            next;
959                        }
960                    } else {
961                        #
962                        # in a chain of pool files we can't delete so
963                        # we replace the file with an empty file.
964                        # first remove S_IXOTH mode
965                        #
966                        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: zeroing pool file $poolFile (next $nextPoolFile exists)\n") if ( $Conf{XferLogLevel} >= 4 );
967                        if ( chmod(0644, $poolFile) != 1 ) {
968                            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't chmod 0644 $poolFile\n");
969                            $ErrorCnt++;
970                        }
971                        if ( open(my $fh, ">", $poolFile) ) {
972                            close($fh);
973                        } else {
974                            print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't truncate $poolFile\n");
975                            $ErrorCnt++;
976                            next;
977                        }
978                    }
979                    $count->delete($digest);
980                    $dirty = 1;
981                    #
982                    # update stats
983                    #
984                    $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{fileCnt}--;
985                    $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{blkCnt}   -= $nBlks;
986                    $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{fileCntRm}++;
987                    $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile]{blkCntRm} += $nBlks;
988                } else {
989                    #
990                    # mark the pool file so no one links to it
991                    #
992                    print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: marking pool file $poolFile\n") if ( $Conf{XferLogLevel} >= 4 );
993                    if ( chmod(0445, $poolFile) != 1 ) {
994                        print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't chmod 0445 $poolFile\n");
995                        $ErrorCnt++;
996                    }
997                }
998            }
999            if ( $dirty ) {
1000                #
1001                # rewrite the poolCnt file
1002                #
1003                if ( $count->write("$poolCntFile.$$") ) {
1004                    print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't write new pool count file $poolCntFile.$$\n");
1005                    $ErrorCnt++;
1006                } elsif ( !rename("$poolCntFile.$$", $poolCntFile) ) {
1007                    print("BackupPC_refCountUpdate: can't rename $poolCntFile.$$ to $poolCntFile ($!)\n");
1008                    $ErrorCnt++;
1009                }
1010            }
1011            BackupPC::XS::DirOps::unlockRangeFile($lockFd);
1012            if ( $opts{s} ) {
1013                statsPrintSingle($poolName, $refCntFile);
1014            }
1015        }
1016    }
1019sub statsPrintSingle
1021    my($poolName, $refCntFile) = @_;
1023    my $s    = $PoolStats->{$poolName}[$refCntFile];
1024    my $kb   = $s->{blkCnt} >= 0   ? int($s->{blkCnt} / 2 + 0.5)   : int($s->{blkCnt} / 2 - 0.5);
1025    my $kbRm = $s->{blkCntRm} >= 0 ? int($s->{blkCntRm} / 2 + 0.5) : int($s->{blkCntRm} / 2 - 0.5);
1026    printf("BackupPC_stats4 %d = %s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
1027                $refCntFile, $poolName,
1028                $s->{fileCnt}, $s->{dirCnt}, $kb, $kbRm,
1029                $s->{fileCntRm}, $s->{fileCntRep}, $s->{fileRepMax},
1030                $s->{fileLinkMax}, $s->{fileLinkTotal});
1033sub statsPrint
1035    foreach my $poolName ( qw(pool4 cpool4) ) {
1036        for ( my $refCntFile = $refCntStart ; $refCntFile <= $refCntEnd ; $refCntFile++ ) {
1037            statsPrintSingle($poolName, $refCntFile);
1038        }
1039    }