1 /*
2    Bacula(R) - The Network Backup Solution
4    Copyright (C) 2000-2020 Kern Sibbald
6    The original author of Bacula is Kern Sibbald, with contributions
7    from many others, a complete list can be found in the file AUTHORS.
9    You may use this file and others of this release according to the
10    license defined in the LICENSE file, which includes the Affero General
11    Public License, v3.0 ("AGPLv3") and some additional permissions and
12    terms pursuant to its AGPLv3 Section 7.
14    This notice must be preserved when any source code is
15    conveyed and/or propagated.
17    Bacula(R) is a registered trademark of Kern Sibbald.
18 */
19 /*
20  * This file handles commands from the File daemon.
21  *
22  *   Written by Kern Sibbald, MM
23  *
24  * We get here because the Director has initiated a Job with
25  *  the Storage daemon, then done the same with the File daemon,
26  *  then when the Storage daemon receives a proper connection from
27  *  the File daemon, control is passed here to handle the
28  *  subsequent File daemon commands.
29  */
31 #include "bacula.h"
32 #include "stored.h"
34 /* Forward referenced functions */
35 static bool response(JCR *jcr, BSOCK *bs, const char *resp, const char *cmd);
37 /* Imported variables */
38 extern STORES *me;
40 /* Static variables */
41 static char ferrmsg[]      = "3900 Invalid command\n";
42 static char OK_data[]      = "3000 OK data\n";
44 /* Imported functions */
45 extern bool do_append_data(JCR *jcr);
46 extern bool do_read_data(JCR *jcr);
47 extern bool do_backup_job(JCR *jcr);
49 /* Forward referenced FD commands */
50 static bool append_open_session(JCR *jcr);
51 static bool append_close_session(JCR *jcr);
52 static bool append_data_cmd(JCR *jcr);
53 static bool append_end_session(JCR *jcr);
54 static bool read_open_session(JCR *jcr);
55 static bool read_data_cmd(JCR *jcr);
56 static bool read_close_session(JCR *jcr);
57 static bool read_control_cmd(JCR *jcr);
58 static bool sd_testnetwork_cmd(JCR *jcr);
60 /* Exported function */
61 bool get_bootstrap_file(JCR *jcr, BSOCK *bs);
63 struct s_cmds {
64    const char *cmd;
65    bool (*func)(JCR *jcr);
66 };
68 /*
69  * The following are the recognized commands from the File daemon
70  */
71 static struct s_cmds fd_cmds[] = {
72    {"append open",  append_open_session},
73    {"append data",  append_data_cmd},
74    {"append end",   append_end_session},
75    {"append close", append_close_session},
76    {"read open",    read_open_session},
77    {"read data",    read_data_cmd},
78    {"read close",   read_close_session},
79    {"read control", read_control_cmd},
80    {"testnetwork",  sd_testnetwork_cmd},
81    {NULL,           NULL}                  /* list terminator */
82 };
84 /* Commands from the File daemon that require additional scanning */
85 static char read_open[]       = "read open session = %127s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n";
87 /* Responses sent to the File daemon */
88 static char NO_open[]         = "3901 Error session already open\n";
89 static char NOT_opened[]      = "3902 Error session not opened\n";
90 static char ERROR_open[]      = "3904 Error open session, bad parameters\n";
91 static char OK_end[]          = "3000 OK end\n";
92 static char OK_close[]        = "3000 OK close Status = %d\n";
93 static char OK_open[]         = "3000 OK open ticket = %d\n";
94 static char ERROR_append[]    = "3903 Error append data: %s\n";
96 /* Information sent to the Director */
97 static char Job_start[] = "3010 Job %s start\n";
98 char Job_end[] =
99    "3099 Job %s end JobStatus=%d JobFiles=%d JobBytes=%s JobErrors=%u ErrMsg=%s\n";
101 /*
102  * Run a Client Job -- Client already authorized
103  *  Note: this can be either a backup or restore or
104  *    migrate/copy job.
105  *
106  * Basic task here is:
107  * - Read a command from the Client -- FD or SD
108  * - Execute it
109  *
110  */
run_job(JCR * jcr)111 void run_job(JCR *jcr)
112 {
113    BSOCK *dir = jcr->dir_bsock;
114    char ec1[30];
116    dir->set_jcr(jcr);
117    Dmsg1(120, "Start run Job=%s\n", jcr->Job);
118    dir->fsend(Job_start, jcr->Job);
119    jcr->start_time = time(NULL);
120    jcr->run_time = jcr->start_time;
121    jcr->sendJobStatus(JS_Running);
123    /* TODO: Remove when the new match_all is well tested */
124    jcr->use_new_match_all = use_new_match_all;
125    /*
126     * A migrate or copy job does both a restore (read_data) and
127     *   a backup (append_data).
128     * Otherwise we do the commands that the client sends
129     *   which are for normal backup or restore jobs.
130     */
131    Dmsg3(050, "==== JobType=%c run_job=%d sd_client=%d\n", jcr->getJobType(), jcr->JobId, jcr->sd_client);
132    if (jcr->is_JobType(JT_BACKUP) && jcr->sd_client) {
133       jcr->session_opened = true;
134       Dmsg0(050, "Do: receive for 3000 OK data then append\n");
135       if (!response(jcr, jcr->file_bsock, "3000 OK data\n", "Append data")) {
136          Dmsg1(050, "Expect: 3000 OK data, got: %s", jcr->file_bsock->msg);
137          Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, "Append data not accepted\n");
138          goto bail_out;
139       }
140       append_data_cmd(jcr);
141       append_end_session(jcr);
142    } else if (jcr->is_JobType(JT_MIGRATE) || jcr->is_JobType(JT_COPY)) {
143       jcr->session_opened = true;
144       /*
145        * Send "3000 OK data" now to avoid a dead lock, the other side is also
146        * waiting for one. The old code was reading the "3000 OK" reply
147        * at the end of the backup (not really appropriate).
148        * dedup needs duplex communication with the other side and needs the
149        * "3000 OK" to be read, which is handled here by the code below.
150        */
151       Dmsg0(215, "send OK_data\n");
152       jcr->file_bsock->fsend(OK_data);
153       jcr->is_ok_data_sent = true;
154       Dmsg1(050, "Do: read_data_cmd file_bsock=%p\n", jcr->file_bsock);
155       Dmsg0(050, "Do: receive for 3000 OK data then read\n");
156       if (!response(jcr, jcr->file_bsock, "3000 OK data\n", "Data received")) {
157          Dmsg1(050, "Expect 3000 OK data, got: %s", jcr->file_bsock->msg);
158          Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, "Read data not accepted\n");
159          jcr->file_bsock->signal(BNET_EOD);
160          goto bail_out;
161       }
162       read_data_cmd(jcr);
163       jcr->file_bsock->signal(BNET_EOD);
164    } else {
165       /* Either a Backup or Restore job */
166       Dmsg0(050, "Do: do_client_commands\n");
167       do_client_commands(jcr);
168    }
169 bail_out:
170    jcr->end_time = time(NULL);
171    flush_jobmedia_queue(jcr);
172    dequeue_messages(jcr);             /* send any queued messages */
173    jcr->setJobStatus(JS_Terminated);
174    generate_daemon_event(jcr, "JobEnd");
175    generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventJobEnd);
176    bash_spaces(jcr->StatusErrMsg);
177    dir->fsend(Job_end, jcr->Job, jcr->JobStatus, jcr->JobFiles,
178               edit_uint64(jcr->JobBytes, ec1), jcr->JobErrors, jcr->StatusErrMsg);
179    Dmsg1(100, "==== %s", dir->msg);
180    unbash_spaces(jcr->StatusErrMsg);
181    dequeue_daemon_messages(jcr);
182    dir->signal(BNET_EOD);             /* send EOD to Director daemon */
183    free_plugins(jcr);                 /* release instantiated plugins */
184    garbage_collect_memory_pool();
185    return;
186 }
188 /*
189  * Now talk to the Client (FD/SD) and do what he says
190  */
do_client_commands(JCR * jcr)191 void do_client_commands(JCR *jcr)
192 {
193    int i;
194    bool found, quit;
195    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
197    if (!fd) {
198       return;
199    }
200    fd->set_jcr(jcr);
201    for (quit=false; !quit;) {
202       int stat;
204       /* Read command coming from the File daemon */
205       stat = fd->recv();
206       if (fd->is_stop()) {            /* hard eof or error */
207          break;                       /* connection terminated */
208       }
209       if (stat <= 0) {
210          continue;                    /* ignore signals and zero length msgs */
211       }
212       Dmsg1(110, "<filed: %s", fd->msg);
213       found = false;
214       for (i=0; fd_cmds[i].cmd; i++) {
215          if (strncmp(fd_cmds[i].cmd, fd->msg, strlen(fd_cmds[i].cmd)) == 0) {
216             found = true;               /* indicate command found */
217             jcr->errmsg[0] = 0;
218             if (!fd_cmds[i].func(jcr)) {    /* do command */
219                /* Note fd->msg command may be destroyed by comm activity */
220                if (!job_canceled(jcr)) {
221                   strip_trailing_junk(fd->msg);
222                   if (jcr->errmsg[0]) {
223                      strip_trailing_junk(jcr->errmsg);
224                      Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Command error with FD msg=\"%s\", SD hanging up. ERR=%s\n"),
225                            fd->msg, jcr->errmsg);
226                   } else {
227                      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Command error with FD msg=\"%s\", SD hanging up.\n"),
228                         fd->msg);
229                   }
230                   jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated);
231                }
232                quit = true;
233             }
234             break;
235          }
236       }
237       if (!found) {                   /* command not found */
238          if (!job_canceled(jcr)) {
239             Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("FD command not found: %s\n"), fd->msg);
240             Dmsg1(110, "<filed: Command not found: %s\n", fd->msg);
241          }
242          fd->fsend(ferrmsg);
243          break;
244       }
245    }
246    fd->signal(BNET_TERMINATE);        /* signal to FD job is done */
247 }
249 /*
250  *   Append Data command
251  *     Open Data Channel and receive Data for archiving
252  *     Write the Data to the archive device
253  */
append_data_cmd(JCR * jcr)254 static bool append_data_cmd(JCR *jcr)
255 {
256    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
258    Dmsg1(120, "Append data: %s", fd->msg);
259    if (jcr->session_opened) {
260       Dmsg1(110, "<bfiled: %s", fd->msg);
261       jcr->setJobType(JT_BACKUP);
262       jcr->errmsg[0] = 0;
263       if (do_append_data(jcr)) {
264          return true;
265       } else {
266          fd->suppress_error_messages(true); /* ignore errors at this point */
267          fd->fsend(ERROR_append, jcr->errmsg);
268       }
269    } else {
270       pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("Attempt to append on non-open session.\n"));
271       fd->fsend(NOT_opened);
272    }
273    return false;
274 }
append_end_session(JCR * jcr)276 static bool append_end_session(JCR *jcr)
277 {
278    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
280    Dmsg1(120, "store<file: %s", fd->msg);
281    if (!jcr->session_opened) {
282       pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("Attempt to close non-open session.\n"));
283       fd->fsend(NOT_opened);
284       return false;
285    }
286    return fd->fsend(OK_end);
287 }
289 /*
290  * Test the FD/SD connectivity
291  */
sd_testnetwork_cmd(JCR * jcr)292 static bool sd_testnetwork_cmd(JCR *jcr)
293 {
294    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
295    int64_t nb=0;
296    bool can_compress, ok=true;
298    if (sscanf(fd->msg, "testnetwork bytes=%lld", &nb) != 1) {
299       return false;
300    }
301    /* We disable the comline compression for this test */
302    can_compress = fd->can_compress();
303    fd->clear_compress();
305    /* First, get data from the FD */
306    while (fd->recv() > 0) { }
308    /* Then, send back data to the FD */
309    memset(fd->msg, 0xBB, sizeof_pool_memory(fd->msg));
310    fd->msglen = sizeof_pool_memory(fd->msg);
312    while(nb > 0 && ok) {
313       if (nb < fd->msglen) {
314          fd->msglen = nb;
315       }
316       ok = fd->send();
317       nb -= fd->msglen;
318    }
319    fd->signal(BNET_EOD);
321    if (can_compress) {
322       fd->set_compress();
323    }
324    return true;
325 }
327 /*
328  * Append Open session command
329  *
330  */
append_open_session(JCR * jcr)331 static bool append_open_session(JCR *jcr)
332 {
333    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
335    Dmsg1(120, "Append open session: %s", fd->msg);
336    if (jcr->session_opened) {
337       pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("Attempt to open already open session.\n"));
338       fd->fsend(NO_open);
339       return false;
340    }
342    jcr->session_opened = true;
344    /* Send "Ticket" to File Daemon */
345    fd->fsend(OK_open, jcr->VolSessionId);
346    Dmsg1(110, ">filed: %s", fd->msg);
348    return true;
349 }
351 /*
352  *   Append Close session command
353  *      Close the append session and send back Statistics
354  *         (need to fix statistics)
355  */
append_close_session(JCR * jcr)356 static bool append_close_session(JCR *jcr)
357 {
358    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
360    Dmsg1(120, "<filed: %s", fd->msg);
361    if (!jcr->session_opened) {
362       pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("Attempt to close non-open session.\n"));
363       fd->fsend(NOT_opened);
364       return false;
365    }
366    /* Send final statistics to File daemon */
367    fd->fsend(OK_close, jcr->JobStatus);
368    Dmsg1(120, ">filed: %s", fd->msg);
370    fd->signal(BNET_EOD);              /* send EOD to File daemon */
372    jcr->session_opened = false;
373    return true;
374 }
376 /*
377  *   Read Data command
378  *     Open Data Channel, read the data from
379  *     the archive device and send to File
380  *     daemon.
381  */
read_data_cmd(JCR * jcr)382 static bool read_data_cmd(JCR *jcr)
383 {
384    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
386    Dmsg1(120, "Read data: %s", fd->msg);
387    if (jcr->session_opened) {
388       Dmsg1(120, "<bfiled: %s", fd->msg);
389       return do_read_data(jcr);
390    } else {
391       pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("Attempt to read on non-open session.\n"));
392       fd->fsend(NOT_opened);
393       return false;
394    }
395 }
397 /*
398  * Read Open session command
399  *
400  *  We need to scan for the parameters of the job
401  *    to be restored.
402  */
read_open_session(JCR * jcr)403 static bool read_open_session(JCR *jcr)
404 {
405    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
407    Dmsg1(120, "%s", fd->msg);
408    if (jcr->session_opened) {
409       pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("Attempt to open an already open session.\n"));
410       fd->fsend(NO_open);
411       return false;
412    }
414    if (sscanf(fd->msg, read_open, jcr->read_dcr->VolumeName, &jcr->read_VolSessionId,
415          &jcr->read_VolSessionTime, &jcr->read_StartFile, &jcr->read_EndFile,
416          &jcr->read_StartBlock, &jcr->read_EndBlock) == 7) {
417       Dmsg4(100, "read_open_session got: JobId=%d Vol=%s VolSessId=%ld VolSessT=%ld\n",
418          jcr->JobId, jcr->read_dcr->VolumeName, jcr->read_VolSessionId,
419          jcr->read_VolSessionTime);
420       Dmsg4(100, "  StartF=%ld EndF=%ld StartB=%ld EndB=%ld\n",
421          jcr->read_StartFile, jcr->read_EndFile, jcr->read_StartBlock,
422          jcr->read_EndBlock);
424    } else {
425       pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("Cannot open session, received bad parameters.\n"));
426       fd->fsend(ERROR_open);
427       return false;
428    }
430    jcr->session_opened = true;
431    jcr->setJobType(JT_RESTORE);
433    /* Send "Ticket" to File Daemon */
434    fd->fsend(OK_open, jcr->VolSessionId);
435    Dmsg1(110, ">filed: %s", fd->msg);
437    return true;
438 }
read_control_cmd(JCR * jcr)440 static bool read_control_cmd(JCR *jcr)
441 {
442    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
444    Dmsg1(120, "Read control: %s\n", fd->msg);
445    if (!jcr->session_opened) {
446       fd->fsend(NOT_opened);
447       return false;
448    }
449    jcr->interactive_session = true;
450    return true;
451 }
453 /*
454  *   Read Close session command
455  *      Close the read session
456  */
read_close_session(JCR * jcr)457 static bool read_close_session(JCR *jcr)
458 {
459    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
461    Dmsg1(120, "Read close session: %s\n", fd->msg);
462    if (!jcr->session_opened) {
463       fd->fsend(NOT_opened);
464       return false;
465    }
466    /* Send final close msg to File daemon */
467    fd->fsend(OK_close, jcr->JobStatus);
468    Dmsg1(160, ">filed: %s\n", fd->msg);
470    fd->signal(BNET_EOD);            /* send EOD to File daemon */
472    jcr->session_opened = false;
473    return true;
474 }
476 /*
477  * Get response from FD or SD
478  * sent. Check that the response agrees with what we expect.
479  *
480  *  Returns: false on failure
481  *           true  on success
482  */
response(JCR * jcr,BSOCK * bs,const char * resp,const char * cmd)483 static bool response(JCR *jcr, BSOCK *bs, const char *resp, const char *cmd)
484 {
485    int n;
487    if (bs->is_error()) {
488       return false;
489    }
490    if ((n = bs->recv()) >= 0) {
491       if (strcmp(bs->msg, resp) == 0) {
492          return true;
493       }
494       Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Bad response to %s command: wanted %s, got %s\n"),
495             cmd, resp, bs->msg);
496       return false;
497    }
498    Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Socket error on %s command: ERR=%s\n"),
499          cmd, bs->bstrerror());
500    return false;
501 }