1#!/usr/bin/perl -w
3use strict;
5# Used to change the names of the image files generated by latex2html from imgxx.png
6#  to meaningful names.  Provision is made to go either from or to the meaningful names.
7#  The meaningful names are obtained from a file called imagename_translations, which
8#  is generated by extensions to latex2html in the make_image_file subroutine in
9#  bacula.perl.
11# Opens the file imagename_translations and reads the contents into a hash.
12# The hash is creaed with the imgxx.png files as the key if processing TO
13#  meaningful filenames, and with the meaningful filenames as the key if
14#  processing FROM meaningful filenames.
15# Then opens the html file(s) indicated in the command-line arguments and
16#  changes all image references according to the translations described in the
17#  above file.  Finally, it renames the image files.
19# Original creation: 3-27-05  by Karl Cunningham.
20#   Modified 5-21-05 to go FROM and TO meaningful filenames.
22my $TRANSFILE = "imagename_translations";
23my $path;
25# Loads the contents of $TRANSFILE file into the hash referenced in the first
26#  argument. The hash is loaded to translate old to new if $direction is 0,
27#  otherwise it is loaded to translate new to old.  In this context, the
28#  'old' filename is the meaningful name, and the 'new' filename is the
29#  imgxx.png filename.  It is assumed that the old image is the one that
30#  latex2html has used as the source to create the imgxx.png filename.
31# The filename extension is taken from the file
32sub read_transfile {
33	my ($trans,$direction) = @_;
35	if (!open IN,"<$path$TRANSFILE") {
36		print "WARNING:  Cannot open image translation file $path$TRANSFILE for reading\n";
37		print "   Image filename translation aborted\n\n";
38		exit 0;
39	}
41	while (<IN>) {
42		chomp;
43		my ($new,$old) = split(/\001/);
45		# Old filenames will usually have a leading ./ which we don't need.
46		$old =~ s/^\.\///;
48		# The filename extension of the old filename must be made to match
49		#  the new filename because it indicates the encoding format of the image.
50		my ($ext) = $new =~ /(\.[^\.]*)$/;
51		$old =~ s/\.[^\.]*$/$ext/;
52		if ($direction == 0) {
53			$trans->{$new} = $old;
54		} else {
55			$trans->{$old} = $new;
56		}
57	}
58	close IN;
61# Translates the image names in the file given as the first argument, according to
62#  the translations in the hash that is given as the second argument.
63#  The file contents are read in entirely into a string, the string is processed, and
64#  the file contents are then written. No particular care is taken to ensure that the
65#  file is not lost if a system failure occurs at an inopportune time.  It is assumed
66#  that the html files being processed here can be recreated on demand.
68# Links to other files are added to the %filelist for processing.  That way,
69#  all linked files will be processed (assuming they are local).
70sub translate_html {
71	my ($filename,$trans,$filelist) = @_;
72	my ($contents,$out,$this,$img,$dest);
73	my $cnt = 0;
75	# If the filename is an external link ignore it.  And drop any file:// from
76	#  the filename.
77	$filename =~ /^(http|ftp|mailto)\:/ and return 0;
78	$filename =~ s/^file\:\/\///;
79	# Load the contents of the html file.
80	if (!open IF,"<$path$filename") {
81		print "WARNING:  Cannot open $path$filename for reading\n";
82		print "  Image Filename Translation aborted\n\n";
83		exit 0;
84	}
86	while (<IF>) {
87		$contents .= $_;
88	}
89	close IF;
91	# Now do the translation...
92	#  First, search for an image filename.
93	while ($contents =~ /\<\s*IMG[^\>]*SRC=\"/si) {
94		$contents = $';
95		$out .= $` . $&;
97		# The next thing is an image name.  Get it and translate it.
98		$contents =~ /^(.*?)\"/s;
99		$contents = $';
100		$this = $&;
101		$img = $1;
102		# If the image is in our list of ones to be translated, do it
103		#  and feed the result to the output.
104		$cnt += $this =~ s/$img/$trans->{$img}/ if (defined($trans->{$img}));
105		$out .= $this;
106	}
107	$out .= $contents;
109	# Now send the translated text to the html file, overwriting what's there.
110	open OF,">$path$filename" or die "Cannot open $path$filename for writing\n";
111	print OF $out;
112	close OF;
114	# Now look for any links to other files and add them to the list of files to do.
115	while ($out =~ /\<\s*A[^\>]*HREF=\"(.*?)\"/si) {
116		$out = $';
117		$dest = $1;
118		# Drop an # and anything after it.
119		$dest =~ s/\#.*//;
120		$filelist->{$dest} = '' if $dest;
121	}
122	return $cnt;
125# REnames the image files spefified in the %translate hash.
126sub rename_images {
127	my $translate = shift;
128	my ($response);
130	foreach (keys(%$translate)) {
131		if (! $translate->{$_}) {
132			print "    WARNING: No destination Filename for $_\n";
133		} else {
134			$response = `mv -f $path$_ $path$translate->{$_} 2>&1`;
135			$response and print "ERROR from system    $response\n";
136		}
137	}
141############# MAIN #############################
144# %filelist starts out with keys from the @ARGV list.  As files are processed,
145#  any links to other files are added to the %filelist.  A hash of processed
146#  files is kept so we don't do any twice.
148# The first argument must be either --to_meaningful_names or --from_meaningful_names
150my (%translate,$search_regex,%filelist,%completed,$thisfile);
151my ($cnt,$direction);
153my $arg0 = shift(@ARGV);
154$arg0 =~ /^(--to_meaningful_names|--from_meaningful_names)$/ or
155	die "ERROR: First argument must be either \'--to_meaningful_names\' or \'--from_meaningful_names\'\n";
157$direction = ($arg0 eq '--to_meaningful_names') ? 0 : 1;
159(@ARGV) or die "ERROR: Filename(s) to process must be given as arguments\n";
161# Use the first argument to get the path to the file of translations.
162my $tmp = $ARGV[0];
163($path) = $tmp =~ /(.*\/)/;
164$path = '' unless $path;
168foreach (@ARGV) {
169	# Strip the path from the filename, and use it later on.
170	if (s/(.*\/)//) {
171		$path = $1;
172	} else {
173		$path = '';
174	}
175	$filelist{$_} = '';
177	while ($thisfile = (keys(%filelist))[0]) {
178		$cnt += translate_html($thisfile,\%translate,\%filelist) if (!exists($completed{$thisfile}));
179		delete($filelist{$thisfile});
180		$completed{$thisfile} = '';
181	}
182	print "translate_images.pl: $cnt image filenames translated ",($direction)?"from":"to"," meaningful names\n";