2# pylint: disable=not-callable, no-member, unsubscriptable-object
3# indent = tab
4# tab-size = 4
6# Copyright 2021 Aristocratos (jakob@qvantnet.com)
8#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
12#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
14#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18#    limitations under the License.
20import os, sys, io, threading, signal, re, subprocess, logging, logging.handlers, argparse
21import urllib.request
22from time import time, sleep, strftime, tzset
23from datetime import timedelta
24from _thread import interrupt_main
25from collections import defaultdict
26from select import select
27from distutils.util import strtobool
28from string import Template
29from math import ceil, floor
30from random import randint
31from shutil import which
32from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Any, Iterable
34errors: List[str] = []
35try: import fcntl, termios, tty, pwd
36except Exception as e: errors.append(f'{e}')
38try: import psutil # type: ignore
39except Exception as e: errors.append(f'{e}')
41SELF_START = time()
43SYSTEM: str
44if "linux" in sys.platform: SYSTEM = "Linux"
45elif "bsd" in sys.platform: SYSTEM = "BSD"
46elif "darwin" in sys.platform: SYSTEM = "MacOS"
47else: SYSTEM = "Other"
49if errors:
50	print("ERROR!")
51	print("\n".join(errors))
52	if SYSTEM == "Other":
53		print("\nUnsupported platform!\n")
54	else:
55		print("\nInstall required modules!\n")
56	raise SystemExit(1)
58VERSION: str = "1.0.67"
60#? Argument parser ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
61args = argparse.ArgumentParser()
62args.add_argument("-b", "--boxes",		action="store",	dest="boxes", 	help = "which boxes to show at start, example: -b \"cpu mem net proc\"")
63args.add_argument("-lc", "--low-color", action="store_true", 			help = "disable truecolor, converts 24-bit colors to 256-color")
64args.add_argument("-v", "--version",	action="store_true", 			help = "show version info and exit")
65args.add_argument("--debug",			action="store_true", 			help = "start with loglevel set to DEBUG overriding value set in config")
66stdargs = args.parse_args()
68if stdargs.version:
69	print(f'bpytop version: {VERSION}\n'
70		f'psutil version: {".".join(str(x) for x in psutil.version_info)}')
71	raise SystemExit(0)
73ARG_BOXES: str = stdargs.boxes
74LOW_COLOR: bool = stdargs.low_color
75DEBUG: bool = stdargs.debug
77#? Variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
79BANNER_SRC: List[Tuple[str, str, str]] = [
80	("#ffa50a", "#0fd7ff", "██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗   ██╗████████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗"),
81	("#f09800", "#00bfe6", "██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝╚══██╔══╝██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗"),
82	("#db8b00", "#00a6c7", "██████╔╝██████╔╝ ╚████╔╝    ██║   ██║   ██║██████╔╝"),
83	("#c27b00", "#008ca8", "██╔══██╗██╔═══╝   ╚██╔╝     ██║   ██║   ██║██╔═══╝ "),
84	("#a86b00", "#006e85", "██████╔╝██║        ██║      ██║   ╚██████╔╝██║"),
85	("#000000", "#000000", "╚═════╝ ╚═╝        ╚═╝      ╚═╝    ╚═════╝ ╚═╝"),
88#*?This is the template used to create the config file
89DEFAULT_CONF: Template = Template(f'#? Config file for bpytop v. {VERSION}' + '''
91#* Color theme, looks for a .theme file in "/usr/[local/]share/bpytop/themes" and "~/.config/bpytop/themes", "Default" for builtin default theme.
92#* Prefix name by a plus sign (+) for a theme located in user themes folder, i.e. color_theme="+monokai"
95#* If the theme set background should be shown, set to False if you want terminal background transparency
98#* Sets if 24-bit truecolor should be used, will convert 24-bit colors to 256 color (6x6x6 color cube) if false.
101#* Manually set which boxes to show. Available values are "cpu mem net proc", separate values with whitespace.
104#* Update time in milliseconds, increases automatically if set below internal loops processing time, recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample times for graphs.
107#* Processes update multiplier, sets how often the process list is updated as a multiplier of "update_ms".
108#* Set to 2 or higher to greatly decrease bpytop cpu usage. (Only integers)
111#* Processes sorting, "pid" "program" "arguments" "threads" "user" "memory" "cpu lazy" "cpu responsive",
112#* "cpu lazy" updates top process over time, "cpu responsive" updates top process directly.
115#* Reverse sorting order, True or False.
118#* Show processes as a tree
121#* Which depth the tree view should auto collapse processes at
124#* Use the cpu graph colors in the process list.
127#* Use a darkening gradient in the process list.
130#* If process cpu usage should be of the core it's running on or usage of the total available cpu power.
133#* Show process memory as bytes instead of percent
136#* Sets the CPU stat shown in upper half of the CPU graph, "total" is always available, see:
137#* https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#psutil.cpu_times for attributes available on specific platforms.
138#* Select from a list of detected attributes from the options menu
141#* Sets the CPU stat shown in lower half of the CPU graph, "total" is always available, see:
142#* https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#psutil.cpu_times for attributes available on specific platforms.
143#* Select from a list of detected attributes from the options menu
146#* Toggles if the lower CPU graph should be inverted.
149#* Set to True to completely disable the lower CPU graph.
152#* Shows the system uptime in the CPU box.
155#* Check cpu temperature, needs "osx-cpu-temp" on MacOS X.
158#* Which sensor to use for cpu temperature, use options menu to select from list of available sensors.
161#* Show temperatures for cpu cores also if check_temp is True and sensors has been found
164#* Which temperature scale to use, available values: "celsius", "fahrenheit", "kelvin" and "rankine"
167#* Show CPU frequency, can cause slowdowns on certain systems with some versions of psutil
170#* Draw a clock at top of screen, formatting according to strftime, empty string to disable.
173#* Update main ui in background when menus are showing, set this to false if the menus is flickering too much for comfort.
176#* Custom cpu model name, empty string to disable.
179#* Optional filter for shown disks, should be full path of a mountpoint, separate multiple values with a comma ",".
180#* Begin line with "exclude=" to change to exclude filter, otherwise defaults to "most include" filter. Example: disks_filter="exclude=/boot, /home/user"
183#* Show graphs instead of meters for memory values.
186#* If swap memory should be shown in memory box.
189#* Show swap as a disk, ignores show_swap value above, inserts itself after first disk.
192#* If mem box should be split to also show disks info.
195#* Filter out non physical disks. Set this to False to include network disks, RAM disks and similar.
198#* Read disks list from /etc/fstab. This also disables only_physical.
201#* Toggles if io stats should be shown in regular disk usage view
204#* Toggles io mode for disks, showing only big graphs for disk read/write speeds.
207#* Set to True to show combined read/write io graphs in io mode.
210#* Set the top speed for the io graphs in MiB/s (10 by default), use format "device:speed" separate disks with a comma ",".
211#* Example: "/dev/sda:100, /dev/sdb:20"
214#* Set fixed values for network graphs, default "10M" = 10 Mibibytes, possible units "K", "M", "G", append with "bit" for bits instead of bytes, i.e "100mbit"
218#* Start in network graphs auto rescaling mode, ignores any values set above and rescales down to 10 Kibibytes at the lowest.
221#* Sync the scaling for download and upload to whichever currently has the highest scale
224#* If the network graphs color gradient should scale to bandwidth usage or auto scale, bandwidth usage is based on "net_download" and "net_upload" values
227#* Starts with the Network Interface specified here.
230#* Show battery stats in top right if battery is present
233#* Show init screen at startup, the init screen is purely cosmetical
236#* Enable check for new version from github.com/aristocratos/bpytop at start.
239#* Set loglevel for "~/.config/bpytop/error.log" levels are: "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFO" "DEBUG".
240#* The level set includes all lower levels, i.e. "DEBUG" will show all logging info.
244CONFIG_DIR: str = f'{os.path.expanduser("~")}/.config/bpytop'
245if not os.path.isdir(CONFIG_DIR):
246	try:
247		os.makedirs(CONFIG_DIR)
248		os.mkdir(f'{CONFIG_DIR}/themes')
249	except PermissionError:
250		print(f'ERROR!\nNo permission to write to "{CONFIG_DIR}" directory!')
251		raise SystemExit(1)
252CONFIG_FILE: str = f'{CONFIG_DIR}/bpytop.conf'
253THEME_DIR: str = ""
255if os.path.isdir(f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/bpytop-themes'):
256	THEME_DIR = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/bpytop-themes'
257elif os.path.isdir(f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/themes'):
258	THEME_DIR = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/themes'
260	for td in ["/usr/local/", "/usr/", "/snap/bpytop/current/usr/"]:
261		if os.path.isdir(f'{td}share/bpytop/themes'):
262			THEME_DIR = f'{td}share/bpytop/themes'
263			break
264USER_THEME_DIR: str = f'{CONFIG_DIR}/themes'
266CORES: int = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) or 1
267THREADS: int = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True) or 1
269THREAD_ERROR: int = 0
271DEFAULT_THEME: Dict[str, str] = {
272	"main_bg" : "#00",
273	"main_fg" : "#cc",
274	"title" : "#ee",
275	"hi_fg" : "#969696",
276	"selected_bg" : "#7e2626",
277	"selected_fg" : "#ee",
278	"inactive_fg" : "#40",
279	"graph_text" : "#60",
280	"meter_bg" : "#40",
281	"proc_misc" : "#0de756",
282	"cpu_box" : "#3d7b46",
283	"mem_box" : "#8a882e",
284	"net_box" : "#423ba5",
285	"proc_box" : "#923535",
286	"div_line" : "#30",
287	"temp_start" : "#4897d4",
288	"temp_mid" : "#5474e8",
289	"temp_end" : "#ff40b6",
290	"cpu_start" : "#50f095",
291	"cpu_mid" : "#f2e266",
292	"cpu_end" : "#fa1e1e",
293	"free_start" : "#223014",
294	"free_mid" : "#b5e685",
295	"free_end" : "#dcff85",
296	"cached_start" : "#0b1a29",
297	"cached_mid" : "#74e6fc",
298	"cached_end" : "#26c5ff",
299	"available_start" : "#292107",
300	"available_mid" : "#ffd77a",
301	"available_end" : "#ffb814",
302	"used_start" : "#3b1f1c",
303	"used_mid" : "#d9626d",
304	"used_end" : "#ff4769",
305	"download_start" : "#231a63",
306	"download_mid" : "#4f43a3",
307	"download_end" : "#b0a9de",
308	"upload_start" : "#510554",
309	"upload_mid" : "#7d4180",
310	"upload_end" : "#dcafde",
311	"process_start" : "#80d0a3",
312	"process_mid" : "#dcd179",
313	"process_end" : "#d45454",
316MENUS: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]]] = {
317	"options" : {
318		"normal" : (
319			"┌─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐",
320			"│ │├─┘ │ ││ ││││└─┐",
321			"└─┘┴   ┴ ┴└─┘┘└┘└─┘"),
322		"selected" : (
323			"╔═╗╔═╗╔╦╗╦╔═╗╔╗╔╔═╗",
324			"║ ║╠═╝ ║ ║║ ║║║║╚═╗",
325			"╚═╝╩   ╩ ╩╚═╝╝╚╝╚═╝") },
326	"help" : {
327		"normal" : (
328			"┬ ┬┌─┐┬  ┌─┐",
329			"├─┤├┤ │  ├─┘",
330			"┴ ┴└─┘┴─┘┴  "),
331		"selected" : (
332			"╦ ╦╔═╗╦  ╔═╗",
333			"╠═╣║╣ ║  ╠═╝",
334			"╩ ╩╚═╝╩═╝╩  ") },
335	"quit" : {
336		"normal" : (
337			"┌─┐ ┬ ┬ ┬┌┬┐",
338			"│─┼┐│ │ │ │ ",
339			"└─┘└└─┘ ┴ ┴ "),
340		"selected" : (
341			"╔═╗ ╦ ╦ ╦╔╦╗ ",
342			"║═╬╗║ ║ ║ ║  ",
343			"╚═╝╚╚═╝ ╩ ╩  ") }
346MENU_COLORS: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = {
347	"normal" : ("#0fd7ff", "#00bfe6", "#00a6c7", "#008ca8"),
348	"selected" : ("#ffa50a", "#f09800", "#db8b00", "#c27b00")
351#? Units for floating_humanizer function
352UNITS: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = {
353	"bit" : ("bit", "Kib", "Mib", "Gib", "Tib", "Pib", "Eib", "Zib", "Yib", "Bib", "GEb"),
354	"byte" : ("Byte", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB", "BiB", "GEB")
357SUBSCRIPT: Tuple[str, ...] = ("₀", "₁", "₂", "₃", "₄", "₅", "₆", "₇", "₈", "₉")
358SUPERSCRIPT: Tuple[str, ...] = ("⁰", "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "⁶", "⁷", "⁸", "⁹")
360#? Setup error logger ---------------------------------------------------------------->
363	errlog = logging.getLogger("ErrorLogger")
364	errlog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
365	eh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(f'{CONFIG_DIR}/error.log', maxBytes=1048576, backupCount=4)
366	eh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
367	eh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%d/%m/%y (%X)"))
368	errlog.addHandler(eh)
369except PermissionError:
370	print(f'ERROR!\nNo permission to write to "{CONFIG_DIR}" directory!')
371	raise SystemExit(1)
373#? Timers for testing and debugging -------------------------------------------------------------->
375class TimeIt:
376	timers: Dict[str, float] = {}
377	paused: Dict[str, float] = {}
379	@classmethod
380	def start(cls, name):
381		cls.timers[name] = time()
383	@classmethod
384	def pause(cls, name):
385		if name in cls.timers:
386			cls.paused[name] = time() - cls.timers[name]
387			del cls.timers[name]
389	@classmethod
390	def stop(cls, name):
391		if name in cls.timers:
392			total: float = time() - cls.timers[name]
393			del cls.timers[name]
394			if name in cls.paused:
395				total += cls.paused[name]
396				del cls.paused[name]
397			errlog.debug(f'{name} completed in {total:.6f} seconds')
399def timeit_decorator(func):
400	def timed(*args, **kw):
401		ts = time()
402		out = func(*args, **kw)
403		errlog.debug(f'{func.__name__} completed in {time() - ts:.6f} seconds')
404		return out
405	return timed
407#? Set up config class and load config ----------------------------------------------------------->
409class Config:
410	'''Holds all config variables and functions for loading from and saving to disk'''
411	keys: List[str] = ["color_theme", "update_ms", "proc_sorting", "proc_reversed", "proc_tree", "check_temp", "draw_clock", "background_update", "custom_cpu_name",
412						"proc_colors", "proc_gradient", "proc_per_core", "proc_mem_bytes", "disks_filter", "update_check", "log_level", "mem_graphs", "show_swap",
413						"swap_disk", "show_disks", "use_fstab", "net_download", "net_upload", "net_auto", "net_color_fixed", "show_init", "theme_background",
414						"net_sync", "show_battery", "tree_depth", "cpu_sensor", "show_coretemp", "proc_update_mult", "shown_boxes", "net_iface", "only_physical",
415						"truecolor", "io_mode", "io_graph_combined", "io_graph_speeds", "show_io_stat", "cpu_graph_upper", "cpu_graph_lower", "cpu_invert_lower",
416						"cpu_single_graph", "show_uptime", "temp_scale", "show_cpu_freq"]
417	conf_dict: Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]] = {}
418	color_theme: str = "Default"
419	theme_background: bool = True
420	truecolor: bool = True
421	shown_boxes: str = "cpu mem net proc"
422	update_ms: int = 2000
423	proc_update_mult: int = 2
424	proc_sorting: str = "cpu lazy"
425	proc_reversed: bool = False
426	proc_tree: bool = False
427	tree_depth: int = 3
428	proc_colors: bool = True
429	proc_gradient: bool = True
430	proc_per_core: bool = False
431	proc_mem_bytes: bool = True
432	cpu_graph_upper: str = "total"
433	cpu_graph_lower: str = "total"
434	cpu_invert_lower: bool = True
435	cpu_single_graph: bool = False
436	show_uptime: bool = True
437	check_temp: bool = True
438	cpu_sensor: str = "Auto"
439	show_coretemp: bool = True
440	temp_scale: str = "celsius"
441	show_cpu_freq: bool = True
442	draw_clock: str = "%X"
443	background_update: bool = True
444	custom_cpu_name: str = ""
445	disks_filter: str = ""
446	update_check: bool = True
447	mem_graphs: bool = True
448	show_swap: bool = True
449	swap_disk: bool = True
450	show_disks: bool = True
451	only_physical: bool = True
452	use_fstab: bool = False
453	show_io_stat: bool = True
454	io_mode: bool = False
455	io_graph_combined: bool = False
456	io_graph_speeds: str = ""
457	net_download: str = "10M"
458	net_upload: str = "10M"
459	net_color_fixed: bool = False
460	net_auto: bool = True
461	net_sync: bool = False
462	net_iface: str = ""
463	show_battery: bool = True
464	show_init: bool = False
465	log_level: str = "WARNING"
467	warnings: List[str] = []
468	info: List[str] = []
470	sorting_options: List[str] = ["pid", "program", "arguments", "threads", "user", "memory", "cpu lazy", "cpu responsive"]
471	log_levels: List[str] = ["ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"]
472	cpu_percent_fields: List = ["total"]
473	cpu_percent_fields.extend(getattr(psutil.cpu_times_percent(), "_fields", []))
474	temp_scales: List[str] = ["celsius", "fahrenheit", "kelvin", "rankine"]
476	cpu_sensors: List[str] = [ "Auto" ]
478	if hasattr(psutil, "sensors_temperatures"):
479		try:
480			_temps = psutil.sensors_temperatures()
481			if _temps:
482				for _name, _entries in _temps.items():
483					for _num, _entry in enumerate(_entries, 1):
484						if hasattr(_entry, "current"):
485							cpu_sensors.append(f'{_name}:{_num if _entry.label == "" else _entry.label}')
486		except:
487			pass
489	changed: bool = False
490	recreate: bool = False
491	config_file: str = ""
493	_initialized: bool = False
495	def __init__(self, path: str):
496		self.config_file = path
497		conf: Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]] = self.load_config()
498		if not "version" in conf.keys():
499			self.recreate = True
500			self.info.append(f'Config file malformatted or missing, will be recreated on exit!')
501		elif conf["version"] != VERSION:
502			self.recreate = True
503			self.info.append(f'Config file version and bpytop version missmatch, will be recreated on exit!')
504		for key in self.keys:
505			if key in conf.keys() and conf[key] != "_error_":
506				setattr(self, key, conf[key])
507			else:
508				self.recreate = True
509				self.conf_dict[key] = getattr(self, key)
510		self._initialized = True
512	def __setattr__(self, name, value):
513		if self._initialized:
514			object.__setattr__(self, "changed", True)
515		object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
516		if name not in ["_initialized", "recreate", "changed"]:
517			self.conf_dict[name] = value
519	def load_config(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]]:
520		'''Load config from file, set correct types for values and return a dict'''
521		new_config: Dict[str,Union[str, int, bool]] = {}
522		conf_file: str = ""
523		if os.path.isfile(self.config_file):
524			conf_file = self.config_file
525		elif SYSTEM == "BSD" and os.path.isfile("/usr/local/etc/bpytop.conf"):
526			conf_file = "/usr/local/etc/bpytop.conf"
527		elif SYSTEM != "BSD" and os.path.isfile("/etc/bpytop.conf"):
528			conf_file = "/etc/bpytop.conf"
529		else:
530			return new_config
531		try:
532			with open(conf_file, "r") as f:
533				for line in f:
534					line = line.strip()
535					if line.startswith("#? Config"):
536						new_config["version"] = line[line.find("v. ") + 3:]
537						continue
538					if not '=' in line:
539						continue
540					key, line = line.split('=', maxsplit=1)
541					if not key in self.keys:
542						continue
543					line = line.strip('"')
544					if type(getattr(self, key)) == int:
545						try:
546							new_config[key] = int(line)
547						except ValueError:
548							self.warnings.append(f'Config key "{key}" should be an integer!')
549					if type(getattr(self, key)) == bool:
550						try:
551							new_config[key] = bool(strtobool(line))
552						except ValueError:
553							self.warnings.append(f'Config key "{key}" can only be True or False!')
554					if type(getattr(self, key)) == str:
555						new_config[key] = str(line)
556		except Exception as e:
557			errlog.exception(str(e))
558		if "proc_sorting" in new_config and not new_config["proc_sorting"] in self.sorting_options:
559			new_config["proc_sorting"] = "_error_"
560			self.warnings.append(f'Config key "proc_sorted" didn\'t get an acceptable value!')
561		if "log_level" in new_config and not new_config["log_level"] in self.log_levels:
562			new_config["log_level"] = "_error_"
563			self.warnings.append(f'Config key "log_level" didn\'t get an acceptable value!')
564		if "update_ms" in new_config and int(new_config["update_ms"]) < 100:
565			new_config["update_ms"] = 100
566			self.warnings.append(f'Config key "update_ms" can\'t be lower than 100!')
567		for net_name in ["net_download", "net_upload"]:
568			if net_name in new_config and not new_config[net_name][0].isdigit(): # type: ignore
569				new_config[net_name] = "_error_"
570		if "cpu_sensor" in new_config and not new_config["cpu_sensor"] in self.cpu_sensors:
571			new_config["cpu_sensor"] = "_error_"
572			self.warnings.append(f'Config key "cpu_sensor" does not contain an available sensor!')
573		if "shown_boxes" in new_config and not new_config["shown_boxes"] == "":
574			for box in new_config["shown_boxes"].split(): #type: ignore
575				if not box in ["cpu", "mem", "net", "proc"]:
576					new_config["shown_boxes"] = "_error_"
577					self.warnings.append(f'Config key "shown_boxes" contains invalid box names!')
578					break
579		for cpu_graph in ["cpu_graph_upper", "cpu_graph_lower"]:
580			if cpu_graph in new_config and not new_config[cpu_graph] in self.cpu_percent_fields:
581				new_config[cpu_graph] = "_error_"
582				self.warnings.append(f'Config key "{cpu_graph}" does not contain an available cpu stat attribute!')
583		if "temp_scale" in new_config and not new_config["temp_scale"] in self.temp_scales:
584			new_config["temp_scale"] = "_error_"
585			self.warnings.append(f'Config key "temp_scale" does not contain a recognized temperature scale!')
586		return new_config
588	def save_config(self):
589		'''Save current config to config file if difference in values or version, creates a new file if not found'''
590		if not self.changed and not self.recreate: return
591		try:
592			with open(self.config_file, "w" if os.path.isfile(self.config_file) else "x") as f:
593				f.write(DEFAULT_CONF.substitute(self.conf_dict))
594		except Exception as e:
595			errlog.exception(str(e))
598	CONFIG: Config = Config(CONFIG_FILE)
599	if DEBUG:
600		errlog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
601	else:
602		errlog.setLevel(getattr(logging, CONFIG.log_level))
603		DEBUG = CONFIG.log_level == "DEBUG"
604	errlog.info(f'New instance of bpytop version {VERSION} started with pid {os.getpid()}')
605	errlog.info(f'Loglevel set to {"DEBUG" if DEBUG else CONFIG.log_level}')
606	errlog.debug(f'Using psutil version {".".join(str(x) for x in psutil.version_info)}')
607	errlog.debug(f'CMD: {" ".join(sys.argv)}')
608	if CONFIG.info:
609		for info in CONFIG.info:
610			errlog.info(info)
611		CONFIG.info = []
612	if CONFIG.warnings:
613		for warning in CONFIG.warnings:
614			errlog.warning(warning)
615		CONFIG.warnings = []
616except Exception as e:
617	errlog.exception(f'{e}')
618	raise SystemExit(1)
620if ARG_BOXES:
621	_new_boxes: List = []
622	for _box in ARG_BOXES.split():
623		if _box in ["cpu", "mem", "net", "proc"]:
624			_new_boxes.append(_box)
625	CONFIG.shown_boxes = " ".join(_new_boxes)
626	del _box, _new_boxes
628if SYSTEM == "Linux" and not os.path.isdir("/sys/class/power_supply"):
629	CONFIG.show_battery = False
631if psutil.version_info[0] < 5 or (psutil.version_info[0] == 5 and psutil.version_info[1] < 7):
632	warn = f'psutil version {".".join(str(x) for x in psutil.version_info)} detected, version 5.7.0 or later required for full functionality!'
633	print("WARNING!", warn)
634	errlog.warning(warn)
637#? Classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
639class Term:
640	"""Terminal info and commands"""
641	width: int = 0
642	height: int = 0
643	resized: bool = False
644	_w : int = 0
645	_h : int = 0
646	fg: str = "" 												#* Default foreground color
647	bg: str = "" 												#* Default background color
648	hide_cursor 		= "\033[?25l"							#* Hide terminal cursor
649	show_cursor 		= "\033[?25h"							#* Show terminal cursor
650	alt_screen 			= "\033[?1049h"							#* Switch to alternate screen
651	normal_screen 		= "\033[?1049l"							#* Switch to normal screen
652	clear				= "\033[2J\033[0;0f"					#* Clear screen and set cursor to position 0,0
653	mouse_on			= "\033[?1002h\033[?1015h\033[?1006h" 	#* Enable reporting of mouse position on click and release
654	mouse_off			= "\033[?1002l" 						#* Disable mouse reporting
655	mouse_direct_on		= "\033[?1003h"							#* Enable reporting of mouse position at any movement
656	mouse_direct_off	= "\033[?1003l"							#* Disable direct mouse reporting
657	winch = threading.Event()
658	old_boxes: List = []
659	min_width: int = 0
660	min_height: int = 0
662	@classmethod
663	def refresh(cls, *args, force: bool = False):
664		"""Update width, height and set resized flag if terminal has been resized"""
665		if Init.running: cls.resized = False; return
666		if cls.resized: cls.winch.set(); return
667		cls._w, cls._h = os.get_terminal_size()
668		if (cls._w, cls._h) == (cls.width, cls.height) and cls.old_boxes == Box.boxes and not force: return
669		if force: Collector.collect_interrupt = True
670		if cls.old_boxes != Box.boxes:
671			w_p = h_p = 0
672			cls.min_width = cls.min_height = 0
673			cls.old_boxes = Box.boxes.copy()
674			for box_class in Box.__subclasses__():
675				for box_name in Box.boxes:
676					if box_name in str(box_class).capitalize():
677						if not (box_name == "cpu" and "proc" in Box.boxes) and not (box_name == "net" and "mem" in Box.boxes) and w_p + box_class.width_p <= 100:
678							w_p += box_class.width_p
679							cls.min_width += getattr(box_class, "min_w", 0)
680						if not (box_name in ["mem", "net"] and "proc" in Box.boxes) and h_p + box_class.height_p <= 100:
681							h_p += box_class.height_p
682							cls.min_height += getattr(box_class, "min_h", 0)
683		while (cls._w, cls._h) != (cls.width, cls.height) or (cls._w < cls.min_width or cls._h < cls.min_height):
684			if Init.running: Init.resized = True
685			CpuBox.clock_block = True
686			cls.resized = True
687			Collector.collect_interrupt = True
688			cls.width, cls.height = cls._w, cls._h
689			Draw.now(Term.clear)
690			box_width = min(50, cls._w - 2)
691			Draw.now(f'{create_box(cls._w // 2 - box_width // 2, cls._h // 2 - 2, 50, 3, "resizing", line_color=Colors.green, title_color=Colors.white)}',
692				f'{Mv.r(box_width // 4)}{Colors.default}{Colors.black_bg}{Fx.b}Width : {cls._w}   Height: {cls._h}{Fx.ub}{Term.bg}{Term.fg}')
693			if cls._w < 80 or cls._h < 24:
694				while cls._w < cls.min_width or cls._h < cls.min_height:
695					Draw.now(Term.clear)
696					box_width = min(50, cls._w - 2)
697					Draw.now(f'{create_box(cls._w // 2 - box_width // 2, cls._h // 2 - 2, box_width, 4, "warning", line_color=Colors.red, title_color=Colors.white)}',
698						f'{Mv.r(box_width // 4)}{Colors.default}{Colors.black_bg}{Fx.b}Width: {Colors.red if cls._w < cls.min_width else Colors.green}{cls._w}   ',
699						f'{Colors.default}Height: {Colors.red if cls._h < cls.min_height else Colors.green}{cls._h}{Term.bg}{Term.fg}',
700						f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(25)}{Colors.default}{Colors.black_bg}Current config need: {cls.min_width} x {cls.min_height}{Fx.ub}{Term.bg}{Term.fg}')
701					cls.winch.wait(0.3)
702					while Key.has_key():
703						if Key.last() == "q": clean_quit()
704					cls.winch.clear()
705					cls._w, cls._h = os.get_terminal_size()
706			else:
707				cls.winch.wait(0.3)
708				cls.winch.clear()
709			cls._w, cls._h = os.get_terminal_size()
711		Key.mouse = {}
712		Box.calc_sizes()
713		Collector.proc_counter = 1
714		if Menu.active: Menu.resized = True
715		Box.draw_bg(now=False)
716		cls.resized = False
717		Timer.finish()
719	@staticmethod
720	def echo(on: bool):
721		"""Toggle input echo"""
722		(iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc) = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin.fileno())
723		if on:
724			lflag |= termios.ECHO # type: ignore
725		else:
726			lflag &= ~termios.ECHO # type: ignore
727		new_attr = [iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc]
728		termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TCSANOW, new_attr)
730	@staticmethod
731	def title(text: str = "") -> str:
732		out: str = f'{os.environ.get("TERMINAL_TITLE", "")}'
733		if out and text: out += " "
734		if text: out += f'{text}'
735		return f'\033]0;{out}\a'
737class Fx:
738	"""Text effects
739	* trans(string: str): Replace whitespace with escape move right to not overwrite background behind whitespace.
740	* uncolor(string: str) : Removes all 24-bit color and returns string ."""
741	start					= "\033["			#* Escape sequence start
742	sep						= ";"				#* Escape sequence separator
743	end						= "m"				#* Escape sequence end
744	reset = rs				= "\033[0m"			#* Reset foreground/background color and text effects
745	bold = b				= "\033[1m"			#* Bold on
746	unbold = ub				= "\033[22m"		#* Bold off
747	dark = d				= "\033[2m"			#* Dark on
748	undark = ud				= "\033[22m"		#* Dark off
749	italic = i				= "\033[3m"			#* Italic on
750	unitalic = ui			= "\033[23m"		#* Italic off
751	underline = u			= "\033[4m"			#* Underline on
752	ununderline = uu		= "\033[24m"		#* Underline off
753	blink = bl 				= "\033[5m"			#* Blink on
754	unblink = ubl			= "\033[25m"		#* Blink off
755	strike = s 				= "\033[9m"			#* Strike / crossed-out on
756	unstrike = us			= "\033[29m"		#* Strike / crossed-out off
758	#* Precompiled regex for finding a 24-bit color escape sequence in a string
759	color_re = re.compile(r"\033\[\d+;\d?;?\d*;?\d*;?\d*m")
761	@staticmethod
762	def trans(string: str):
763		return string.replace(" ", "\033[1C")
765	@classmethod
766	def uncolor(cls, string: str) -> str:
767		return f'{cls.color_re.sub("", string)}'
769class Raw(object):
770	"""Set raw input mode for device"""
771	def __init__(self, stream):
772		self.stream = stream
773		self.fd = self.stream.fileno()
774	def __enter__(self):
775		self.original_stty = termios.tcgetattr(self.stream)
776		tty.setcbreak(self.stream)
777	def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
778		termios.tcsetattr(self.stream, termios.TCSANOW, self.original_stty)
780class Nonblocking(object):
781	"""Set nonblocking mode for device"""
782	def __init__(self, stream):
783		self.stream = stream
784		self.fd = self.stream.fileno()
785	def __enter__(self):
786		self.orig_fl = fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
787		fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, self.orig_fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
788	def __exit__(self, *args):
789		fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, self.orig_fl)
791class Mv:
792	"""Class with collection of cursor movement functions: .t[o](line, column) | .r[ight](columns) | .l[eft](columns) | .u[p](lines) | .d[own](lines) | .save() | .restore()"""
793	@staticmethod
794	def to(line: int, col: int) -> str:
795		return f'\033[{line};{col}f'	#* Move cursor to line, column
796	@staticmethod
797	def right(x: int) -> str:			#* Move cursor right x columns
798		return f'\033[{x}C'
799	@staticmethod
800	def left(x: int) -> str:			#* Move cursor left x columns
801		return f'\033[{x}D'
802	@staticmethod
803	def up(x: int) -> str:				#* Move cursor up x lines
804		return f'\033[{x}A'
805	@staticmethod
806	def down(x: int) -> str:			#* Move cursor down x lines
807		return f'\033[{x}B'
809	save: str = "\033[s" 				#* Save cursor position
810	restore: str = "\033[u" 			#* Restore saved cursor postion
811	t = to
812	r = right
813	l = left
814	u = up
815	d = down
817class Key:
818	"""Handles the threaded input reader for keypresses and mouse events"""
819	list: List[str] = []
820	mouse: Dict[str, List[List[int]]] = {}
821	mouse_pos: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)
822	escape: Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], str] = {
823		"\n" :					"enter",
824		("\x7f", "\x08") :		"backspace",
825		("[A", "OA") :			"up",
826		("[B", "OB") :			"down",
827		("[D", "OD") :			"left",
828		("[C", "OC") :			"right",
829		"[2~" :					"insert",
830		"[3~" :					"delete",
831		"[H" :					"home",
832		"[F" :					"end",
833		"[5~" :					"page_up",
834		"[6~" :					"page_down",
835		"\t" :					"tab",
836		"[Z" :					"shift_tab",
837		"OP" :					"f1",
838		"OQ" :					"f2",
839		"OR" :					"f3",
840		"OS" :					"f4",
841		"[15" :					"f5",
842		"[17" :					"f6",
843		"[18" :					"f7",
844		"[19" :					"f8",
845		"[20" :					"f9",
846		"[21" :					"f10",
847		"[23" :					"f11",
848		"[24" :					"f12"
849		}
850	new = threading.Event()
851	idle = threading.Event()
852	mouse_move = threading.Event()
853	mouse_report: bool = False
854	idle.set()
855	stopping: bool = False
856	started: bool = False
857	reader: threading.Thread
858	@classmethod
859	def start(cls):
860		cls.stopping = False
861		cls.reader = threading.Thread(target=cls._get_key)
862		cls.reader.start()
863		cls.started = True
865	@classmethod
866	def stop(cls):
867		if cls.started and cls.reader.is_alive():
868			cls.stopping = True
869			try:
870				cls.reader.join()
871			except:
872				pass
874	@classmethod
875	def last(cls) -> str:
876		if cls.list: return cls.list.pop()
877		else: return ""
879	@classmethod
880	def get(cls) -> str:
881		if cls.list: return cls.list.pop(0)
882		else: return ""
884	@classmethod
885	def get_mouse(cls) -> Tuple[int, int]:
886		if cls.new.is_set():
887			cls.new.clear()
888		return cls.mouse_pos
890	@classmethod
891	def mouse_moved(cls) -> bool:
892		if cls.mouse_move.is_set():
893			cls.mouse_move.clear()
894			return True
895		else:
896			return False
898	@classmethod
899	def has_key(cls) -> bool:
900		return bool(cls.list)
902	@classmethod
903	def clear(cls):
904		cls.list = []
906	@classmethod
907	def input_wait(cls, sec: float = 0.0, mouse: bool = False) -> bool:
908		'''Returns True if key is detected else waits out timer and returns False'''
909		if cls.list: return True
910		if mouse: Draw.now(Term.mouse_direct_on)
911		cls.new.wait(sec if sec > 0 else 0.0)
912		if mouse: Draw.now(Term.mouse_direct_off, Term.mouse_on)
914		if cls.new.is_set():
915			cls.new.clear()
916			return True
917		else:
918			return False
920	@classmethod
921	def break_wait(cls):
922		cls.list.append("_null")
923		cls.new.set()
924		sleep(0.01)
925		cls.new.clear()
927	@classmethod
928	def _get_key(cls):
929		"""Get a key or escape sequence from stdin, convert to readable format and save to keys list. Meant to be run in it's own thread."""
930		input_key: str = ""
931		clean_key: str = ""
932		try:
933			while not cls.stopping:
934				with Raw(sys.stdin):
935					if not select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1)[0]:			#* Wait 100ms for input on stdin then restart loop to check for stop flag
936						continue
937					input_key += sys.stdin.read(1)						#* Read 1 key safely with blocking on
938					if input_key == "\033":								#* If first character is a escape sequence keep reading
939						cls.idle.clear()								#* Report IO block in progress to prevent Draw functions from getting a IO Block error
940						Draw.idle.wait()								#* Wait for Draw function to finish if busy
941						with Nonblocking(sys.stdin): 					#* Set non blocking to prevent read stall
942							input_key += sys.stdin.read(20)
943							if input_key.startswith("\033[<"):
944								_ = sys.stdin.read(1000)
945						cls.idle.set()									#* Report IO blocking done
946					#errlog.debug(f'{repr(input_key)}')
947					if input_key == "\033":	clean_key = "escape"		#* Key is "escape" key if only containing \033
948					elif input_key.startswith(("\033[<0;", "\033[<35;", "\033[<64;", "\033[<65;")): #* Detected mouse event
949						try:
950							cls.mouse_pos = (int(input_key.split(";")[1]), int(input_key.split(";")[2].rstrip("mM")))
951						except:
952							pass
953						else:
954							if input_key.startswith("\033[<35;"):		#* Detected mouse move in mouse direct mode
955									cls.mouse_move.set()
956									cls.new.set()
957							elif input_key.startswith("\033[<64;"):		#* Detected mouse scroll up
958								clean_key = "mouse_scroll_up"
959							elif input_key.startswith("\033[<65;"):		#* Detected mouse scroll down
960								clean_key = "mouse_scroll_down"
961							elif input_key.startswith("\033[<0;") and input_key.endswith("m"): #* Detected mouse click release
962								if Menu.active:
963									clean_key = "mouse_click"
964								else:
965									for key_name, positions in cls.mouse.items(): #* Check if mouse position is clickable
966										if list(cls.mouse_pos) in positions:
967											clean_key = key_name
968											break
969									else:
970										clean_key = "mouse_click"
971					elif input_key == "\\": clean_key = "\\"			#* Clean up "\" to not return escaped
972					else:
973						for code in cls.escape.keys():					#* Go trough dict of escape codes to get the cleaned key name
974							if input_key.lstrip("\033").startswith(code):
975								clean_key = cls.escape[code]
976								break
977						else:											#* If not found in escape dict and length of key is 1, assume regular character
978							if len(input_key) == 1:
979								clean_key = input_key
980					if clean_key:
981						cls.list.append(clean_key)						#* Store up to 10 keys in input queue for later processing
982						if len(cls.list) > 10: del cls.list[0]
983						clean_key = ""
984						cls.new.set()									#* Set threading event to interrupt main thread sleep
985					input_key = ""
988		except Exception as e:
989			errlog.exception(f'Input thread failed with exception: {e}')
990			cls.idle.set()
991			cls.list.clear()
992			clean_quit(1, thread=True)
994class Draw:
995	'''Holds the draw buffer and manages IO blocking queue
996	* .buffer([+]name[!], *args, append=False, now=False, z=100) : Add *args to buffer
997	* - Adding "+" prefix to name sets append to True and appends to name's current string
998	* - Adding "!" suffix to name sets now to True and print name's current string
999	* .out(clear=False) : Print all strings in buffer, clear=True clear all buffers after
1000	* .now(*args) : Prints all arguments as a string
1001	* .clear(*names) : Clear named buffers, all if no argument
1002	* .last_screen() : Prints all saved buffers
1003	'''
1004	strings: Dict[str, str] = {}
1005	z_order: Dict[str, int] = {}
1006	saved: Dict[str, str] = {}
1007	save: Dict[str, bool] = {}
1008	once: Dict[str, bool] = {}
1009	idle = threading.Event()
1010	idle.set()
1012	@classmethod
1013	def now(cls, *args):
1014		'''Wait for input reader and self to be idle then print to screen'''
1015		Key.idle.wait()
1016		cls.idle.wait()
1017		cls.idle.clear()
1018		try:
1019			print(*args, sep="", end="", flush=True)
1020		except BlockingIOError:
1021			pass
1022			Key.idle.wait()
1023			print(*args, sep="", end="", flush=True)
1024		cls.idle.set()
1026	@classmethod
1027	def buffer(cls, name: str, *args: str, append: bool = False, now: bool = False, z: int = 100, only_save: bool = False, no_save: bool = False, once: bool = False):
1028		string: str = ""
1029		if name.startswith("+"):
1030			name = name.lstrip("+")
1031			append = True
1032		if name.endswith("!"):
1033			name = name.rstrip("!")
1034			now = True
1035		cls.save[name] = not no_save
1036		cls.once[name] = once
1037		if not name in cls.z_order or z != 100: cls.z_order[name] = z
1038		if args: string = "".join(args)
1039		if only_save:
1040			if name not in cls.saved or not append: cls.saved[name] = ""
1041			cls.saved[name] += string
1042		else:
1043			if name not in cls.strings or not append: cls.strings[name] = ""
1044			cls.strings[name] += string
1045			if now:
1046				cls.out(name)
1048	@classmethod
1049	def out(cls, *names: str, clear = False):
1050		out: str = ""
1051		if not cls.strings: return
1052		if names:
1053			for name in sorted(cls.z_order, key=cls.z_order.get, reverse=True): #type: ignore
1054				if name in names and name in cls.strings:
1055					out += cls.strings[name]
1056					if cls.save[name]:
1057						cls.saved[name] = cls.strings[name]
1058					if clear or cls.once[name]:
1059						cls.clear(name)
1060			cls.now(out)
1061		else:
1062			for name in sorted(cls.z_order, key=cls.z_order.get, reverse=True): #type: ignore
1063				if name in cls.strings:
1064					out += cls.strings[name]
1065					if cls.save[name]:
1066						cls.saved[name] = cls.strings[name]
1067					if cls.once[name] and not clear:
1068						cls.clear(name)
1069			if clear:
1070				cls.clear()
1071			cls.now(out)
1073	@classmethod
1074	def saved_buffer(cls) -> str:
1075		out: str = ""
1076		for name in sorted(cls.z_order, key=cls.z_order.get, reverse=True): #type: ignore
1077			if name in cls.saved:
1078				out += cls.saved[name]
1079		return out
1082	@classmethod
1083	def clear(cls, *names, saved: bool = False):
1084		if names:
1085			for name in names:
1086				if name in cls.strings:
1087					del cls.strings[name]
1088				if name in cls.save:
1089					del cls.save[name]
1090				if name in cls.once:
1091					del cls.once[name]
1092				if saved:
1093					if name in cls.saved:
1094						del cls.saved[name]
1095					if name in cls.z_order:
1096						del cls.z_order[name]
1097		else:
1098			cls.strings = {}
1099			cls.save = {}
1100			cls.once = {}
1101			if saved:
1102				cls.saved = {}
1103				cls.z_order = {}
1105class Color:
1106	'''Holds representations for a 24-bit color value
1107	__init__(color, depth="fg", default=False)
1108	-- color accepts 6 digit hexadecimal: string "#RRGGBB", 2 digit hexadecimal: string "#FF" or decimal RGB "255 255 255" as a string.
1109	-- depth accepts "fg" or "bg"
1110	__call__(*args) joins str arguments to a string and apply color
1111	__str__ returns escape sequence to set color
1112	__iter__ returns iteration over red, green and blue in integer values of 0-255.
1113	* Values:  .hexa: str  |  .dec: Tuple[int, int, int]  |  .red: int  |  .green: int  |  .blue: int  |  .depth: str  |  .escape: str
1114	'''
1115	hexa: str; dec: Tuple[int, int, int]; red: int; green: int; blue: int; depth: str; escape: str; default: bool
1117	def __init__(self, color: str, depth: str = "fg", default: bool = False):
1118		self.depth = depth
1119		self.default = default
1120		try:
1121			if not color:
1122				self.dec = (-1, -1, -1)
1123				self.hexa = ""
1124				self.red = self.green = self.blue = -1
1125				self.escape = "\033[49m" if depth == "bg" and default else ""
1126				return
1128			elif color.startswith("#"):
1129				self.hexa = color
1130				if len(self.hexa) == 3:
1131					self.hexa += self.hexa[1:3] + self.hexa[1:3]
1132					c = int(self.hexa[1:3], base=16)
1133					self.dec = (c, c, c)
1134				elif len(self.hexa) == 7:
1135					self.dec = (int(self.hexa[1:3], base=16), int(self.hexa[3:5], base=16), int(self.hexa[5:7], base=16))
1136				else:
1137					raise ValueError(f'Incorrectly formatted hexadecimal rgb string: {self.hexa}')
1139			else:
1140				c_t = tuple(map(int, color.split(" ")))
1141				if len(c_t) == 3:
1142					self.dec = c_t #type: ignore
1143				else:
1144					raise ValueError(f'RGB dec should be "0-255 0-255 0-255"')
1146			if not all(0 <= c <= 255 for c in self.dec):
1147				raise ValueError(f'One or more RGB values are out of range: {color}')
1149		except Exception as e:
1150			errlog.exception(str(e))
1151			self.escape = ""
1152			return
1154		if self.dec and not self.hexa: self.hexa = f'{hex(self.dec[0]).lstrip("0x").zfill(2)}{hex(self.dec[1]).lstrip("0x").zfill(2)}{hex(self.dec[2]).lstrip("0x").zfill(2)}'
1156		if self.dec and self.hexa:
1157			self.red, self.green, self.blue = self.dec
1158			self.escape = f'\033[{38 if self.depth == "fg" else 48};2;{";".join(str(c) for c in self.dec)}m'
1160		if not CONFIG.truecolor or LOW_COLOR:
1161			self.escape = f'{self.truecolor_to_256(rgb=self.dec, depth=self.depth)}'
1163	def __str__(self) -> str:
1164		return self.escape
1166	def __repr__(self) -> str:
1167		return repr(self.escape)
1169	def __iter__(self) -> Iterable:
1170		for c in self.dec: yield c
1172	def __call__(self, *args: str) -> str:
1173		if len(args) < 1: return ""
1174		return f'{self.escape}{"".join(args)}{getattr(Term, self.depth)}'
1176	@staticmethod
1177	def truecolor_to_256(rgb: Tuple[int, int, int], depth: str="fg") -> str:
1178		out: str = ""
1179		pre: str = f'\033[{"38" if depth == "fg" else "48"};5;'
1181		greyscale: Tuple[int, int, int] = ( rgb[0] // 11, rgb[1] // 11, rgb[2] // 11 )
1182		if greyscale[0] == greyscale[1] == greyscale[2]:
1183			out = f'{pre}{232 + greyscale[0]}m'
1184		else:
1185			out = f'{pre}{round(rgb[0] / 51) * 36 + round(rgb[1] / 51) * 6 + round(rgb[2] / 51) + 16}m'
1187		return out
1189	@staticmethod
1190	def escape_color(hexa: str = "", r: int = 0, g: int = 0, b: int = 0, depth: str = "fg") -> str:
1191		"""Returns escape sequence to set color
1192		* accepts either 6 digit hexadecimal hexa="#RRGGBB", 2 digit hexadecimal: hexa="#FF"
1193		* or decimal RGB: r=0-255, g=0-255, b=0-255
1194		* depth="fg" or "bg"
1195		"""
1196		dint: int = 38 if depth == "fg" else 48
1197		color: str = ""
1198		if hexa:
1199			try:
1200				if len(hexa) == 3:
1201					c = int(hexa[1:], base=16)
1202					if CONFIG.truecolor and not LOW_COLOR:
1203						color = f'\033[{dint};2;{c};{c};{c}m'
1204					else:
1205						color = f'{Color.truecolor_to_256(rgb=(c, c, c), depth=depth)}'
1206				elif len(hexa) == 7:
1207					if CONFIG.truecolor and not LOW_COLOR:
1208						color = f'\033[{dint};2;{int(hexa[1:3], base=16)};{int(hexa[3:5], base=16)};{int(hexa[5:7], base=16)}m'
1209					else:
1210						color = f'{Color.truecolor_to_256(rgb=(int(hexa[1:3], base=16), int(hexa[3:5], base=16), int(hexa[5:7], base=16)), depth=depth)}'
1211			except ValueError as e:
1212				errlog.exception(f'{e}')
1213		else:
1214			if CONFIG.truecolor and not LOW_COLOR:
1215				color = f'\033[{dint};2;{r};{g};{b}m'
1216			else:
1217				color = f'{Color.truecolor_to_256(rgb=(r, g, b), depth=depth)}'
1218		return color
1220	@classmethod
1221	def fg(cls, *args) -> str:
1222		if len(args) > 2: return cls.escape_color(r=args[0], g=args[1], b=args[2], depth="fg")
1223		else: return cls.escape_color(hexa=args[0], depth="fg")
1225	@classmethod
1226	def bg(cls, *args) -> str:
1227		if len(args) > 2: return cls.escape_color(r=args[0], g=args[1], b=args[2], depth="bg")
1228		else: return cls.escape_color(hexa=args[0], depth="bg")
1230class Colors:
1231	'''Standard colors for menus and dialogs'''
1232	default = Color("#cc")
1233	white = Color("#ff")
1234	red = Color("#bf3636")
1235	green = Color("#68bf36")
1236	blue = Color("#0fd7ff")
1237	yellow = Color("#db8b00")
1238	black_bg = Color("#00", depth="bg")
1239	null = Color("")
1241class Theme:
1242	'''__init__ accepts a dict containing { "color_element" : "color" }'''
1244	themes: Dict[str, str] = {}
1245	cached: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = { "Default" : DEFAULT_THEME }
1246	current: str = ""
1248	main_bg = main_fg = title = hi_fg = selected_bg = selected_fg = inactive_fg = proc_misc = cpu_box = mem_box = net_box = proc_box = div_line = temp_start = temp_mid = temp_end = cpu_start = cpu_mid = cpu_end = free_start = free_mid = free_end = cached_start = cached_mid = cached_end = available_start = available_mid = available_end = used_start = used_mid = used_end = download_start = download_mid = download_end = upload_start = upload_mid = upload_end = graph_text = meter_bg = process_start = process_mid = process_end = Colors.default
1250	gradient: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
1251		"temp" : [],
1252		"cpu" : [],
1253		"free" : [],
1254		"cached" : [],
1255		"available" : [],
1256		"used" : [],
1257		"download" : [],
1258		"upload" : [],
1259		"proc" : [],
1260		"proc_color" : [],
1261		"process" : [],
1262	}
1263	def __init__(self, theme: str):
1264		self.refresh()
1265		self._load_theme(theme)
1267	def __call__(self, theme: str):
1268		for k in self.gradient.keys(): self.gradient[k] = []
1269		self._load_theme(theme)
1271	def _load_theme(self, theme: str):
1272		tdict: Dict[str, str]
1273		if theme in self.cached:
1274			tdict = self.cached[theme]
1275		elif theme in self.themes:
1276			tdict = self._load_file(self.themes[theme])
1277			self.cached[theme] = tdict
1278		else:
1279			errlog.warning(f'No theme named "{theme}" found!')
1280			theme = "Default"
1281			CONFIG.color_theme = theme
1282			tdict = DEFAULT_THEME
1283		self.current = theme
1284		#if CONFIG.color_theme != theme: CONFIG.color_theme = theme
1285		if not "graph_text" in tdict and "inactive_fg" in tdict:
1286			tdict["graph_text"] = tdict["inactive_fg"]
1287		if not "meter_bg" in tdict and "inactive_fg" in tdict:
1288			tdict["meter_bg"] = tdict["inactive_fg"]
1289		if not "process_start" in tdict and "cpu_start" in tdict:
1290			tdict["process_start"] = tdict["cpu_start"]
1291			tdict["process_mid"] = tdict.get("cpu_mid", "")
1292			tdict["process_end"] = tdict.get("cpu_end", "")
1295		#* Get key names from DEFAULT_THEME dict to not leave any color unset if missing from theme dict
1296		for item, value in DEFAULT_THEME.items():
1297			default = item in ["main_fg", "main_bg"]
1298			depth = "bg" if item in ["main_bg", "selected_bg"] else "fg"
1299			if item in tdict:
1300				setattr(self, item, Color(tdict[item], depth=depth, default=default))
1301			else:
1302				setattr(self, item, Color(value, depth=depth, default=default))
1304		#* Create color gradients from one, two or three colors, 101 values indexed 0-100
1305		self.proc_start, self.proc_mid, self.proc_end = self.main_fg, Colors.null, self.inactive_fg
1306		self.proc_color_start, self.proc_color_mid, self.proc_color_end = self.inactive_fg, Colors.null, self.process_start
1308		rgb: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int, int]]
1309		colors: List[List[int]] = []
1310		for name in self.gradient:
1311			rgb = { "start" : getattr(self, f'{name}_start').dec, "mid" : getattr(self, f'{name}_mid').dec, "end" : getattr(self, f'{name}_end').dec }
1312			colors = [ list(getattr(self, f'{name}_start')) ]
1313			if rgb["end"][0] >= 0:
1314				r = 50 if rgb["mid"][0] >= 0 else 100
1315				for first, second in ["start", "mid" if r == 50 else "end"], ["mid", "end"]:
1316					for i in range(r):
1317						colors += [[rgb[first][n] + i * (rgb[second][n] - rgb[first][n]) // r for n in range(3)]]
1318					if r == 100:
1319						break
1320				self.gradient[name] += [ Color.fg(*color) for color in colors ]
1322			else:
1323				c = Color.fg(*rgb["start"])
1324				self.gradient[name] += [c] * 101
1325		#* Set terminal colors
1326		Term.fg = f'{self.main_fg}'
1327		Term.bg = f'{self.main_bg}' if CONFIG.theme_background else "\033[49m"
1328		Draw.now(self.main_fg, self.main_bg)
1330	@classmethod
1331	def refresh(cls):
1332		'''Sets themes dict with names and paths to all found themes'''
1333		cls.themes = { "Default" : "Default" }
1334		try:
1335			for d in (THEME_DIR, USER_THEME_DIR):
1336				if not d: continue
1337				for f in os.listdir(d):
1338					if f.endswith(".theme"):
1339						cls.themes[f'{"" if d == THEME_DIR else "+"}{f[:-6]}'] = f'{d}/{f}'
1340		except Exception as e:
1341			errlog.exception(str(e))
1343	@staticmethod
1344	def _load_file(path: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
1345		'''Load a bashtop formatted theme file and return a dict'''
1346		new_theme: Dict[str, str] = {}
1347		try:
1348			with open(path, "r") as f:
1349				for line in f:
1350					if not line.startswith("theme["): continue
1351					key = line[6:line.find("]")]
1352					s = line.find('"')
1353					value = line[s + 1:line.find('"', s + 1)]
1354					new_theme[key] = value
1355		except Exception as e:
1356			errlog.exception(str(e))
1358		return new_theme
1360class Banner:
1361	'''Holds the bpytop banner, .draw(line, [col=0], [center=False], [now=False])'''
1362	out: List[str] = []
1363	c_color: str = ""
1364	length: int = 0
1365	if not out:
1366		for num, (color, color2, line) in enumerate(BANNER_SRC):
1367			if len(line) > length: length = len(line)
1368			out_var = ""
1369			line_color = Color.fg(color)
1370			line_color2 = Color.fg(color2)
1371			line_dark = Color.fg(f'#{80 - num * 6}')
1372			for n, letter in enumerate(line):
1373				if letter == "█" and c_color != line_color:
1374					if 5 < n < 25: c_color = line_color2
1375					else: c_color = line_color
1376					out_var += c_color
1377				elif letter == " ":
1378					letter = f'{Mv.r(1)}'
1379					c_color = ""
1380				elif letter != "█" and c_color != line_dark:
1381					c_color = line_dark
1382					out_var += line_dark
1383				out_var += letter
1384			out.append(out_var)
1386	@classmethod
1387	def draw(cls, line: int, col: int = 0, center: bool = False, now: bool = False):
1388		out: str = ""
1389		if center: col = Term.width // 2 - cls.length // 2
1390		for n, o in enumerate(cls.out):
1391			out += f'{Mv.to(line + n, col)}{o}'
1392		out += f'{Term.fg}'
1393		if now: Draw.out(out)
1394		else: return out
1396class Symbol:
1397	h_line: str			= "─"
1398	v_line: str			= "│"
1399	left_up: str		= "┌"
1400	right_up: str		= "┐"
1401	left_down: str		= "└"
1402	right_down: str		= "┘"
1403	title_left: str		= "┤"
1404	title_right: str	= "├"
1405	div_up: str			= "┬"
1406	div_down: str		= "┴"
1407	graph_up: Dict[float, str] = {
1408	0.0 : " ", 0.1 : "⢀", 0.2 : "⢠", 0.3 : "⢰", 0.4 : "⢸",
1409	1.0 : "⡀", 1.1 : "⣀", 1.2 : "⣠", 1.3 : "⣰", 1.4 : "⣸",
1410	2.0 : "⡄", 2.1 : "⣄", 2.2 : "⣤", 2.3 : "⣴", 2.4 : "⣼",
1411	3.0 : "⡆", 3.1 : "⣆", 3.2 : "⣦", 3.3 : "⣶", 3.4 : "⣾",
1412	4.0 : "⡇", 4.1 : "⣇", 4.2 : "⣧", 4.3 : "⣷", 4.4 : "⣿"
1413	}
1414	graph_up_small = graph_up.copy()
1415	graph_up_small[0.0] = "\033[1C"
1417	graph_down: Dict[float, str] = {
1418	0.0 : " ", 0.1 : "⠈", 0.2 : "⠘", 0.3 : "⠸", 0.4 : "⢸",
1419	1.0 : "⠁", 1.1 : "⠉", 1.2 : "⠙", 1.3 : "⠹", 1.4 : "⢹",
1420	2.0 : "⠃", 2.1 : "⠋", 2.2 : "⠛", 2.3 : "⠻", 2.4 : "⢻",
1421	3.0 : "⠇", 3.1 : "⠏", 3.2 : "⠟", 3.3 : "⠿", 3.4 : "⢿",
1422	4.0 : "⡇", 4.1 : "⡏", 4.2 : "⡟", 4.3 : "⡿", 4.4 : "⣿"
1423	}
1424	graph_down_small = graph_down.copy()
1425	graph_down_small[0.0] = "\033[1C"
1426	meter: str = "■"
1427	up: str = "↑"
1428	down: str = "↓"
1429	left: str = "←"
1430	right: str = "→"
1431	enter: str = "↲"
1432	ok: str = f'{Color.fg("#30ff50")}√{Color.fg("#cc")}'
1433	fail: str = f'{Color.fg("#ff3050")}!{Color.fg("#cc")}'
1435class Graph:
1436	'''Class for creating and adding to graphs
1437	* __str__ : returns graph as a string
1438	* add(value: int) : adds a value to graph and returns it as a string
1439	* __call__ : same as add
1440	'''
1441	out: str
1442	width: int
1443	height: int
1444	graphs: Dict[bool, List[str]]
1445	colors: List[str]
1446	invert: bool
1447	max_value: int
1448	color_max_value: int
1449	offset: int
1450	no_zero: bool
1451	round_up_low: bool
1452	current: bool
1453	last: int
1454	lowest: int = 0
1455	symbol: Dict[float, str]
1457	def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, color: Union[List[str], Color, None], data: List[int], invert: bool = False, max_value: int = 0, offset: int = 0, color_max_value: Union[int, None] = None, no_zero: bool = False, round_up_low: bool = False):
1458		self.graphs: Dict[bool, List[str]] = {False : [], True : []}
1459		self.current: bool = True
1460		self.width = width
1461		self.height = height
1462		self.invert = invert
1463		self.offset = offset
1464		self.round_up_low = round_up_low
1465		self.no_zero = no_zero or round_up_low
1466		if not data: data = [0]
1467		if max_value:
1468			self.lowest = 1 if self.round_up_low else 0
1469			self.max_value = max_value
1470			data = [ min_max((v + offset) * 100 // (max_value + offset), min_max(v + offset, 0, self.lowest), 100) for v in data ] #* Convert values to percentage values of max_value with max_value as ceiling
1471		else:
1472			self.max_value = 0
1473		if color_max_value:
1474			self.color_max_value = color_max_value
1475		else:
1476			self.color_max_value = self.max_value
1477		if self.color_max_value and self.max_value:
1478			color_scale = int(100.0 * self.max_value / self.color_max_value)
1479		else:
1480			color_scale = 100
1481		self.colors: List[str] = []
1482		if isinstance(color, list) and height > 1:
1483			for i in range(1, height + 1): self.colors.insert(0, color[min(100, i * color_scale // height)]) #* Calculate colors of graph
1484			if invert: self.colors.reverse()
1485		elif isinstance(color, Color) and height > 1:
1486			self.colors = [ f'{color}' for _ in range(height) ]
1487		else:
1488			if isinstance(color, list): self.colors = color
1489			elif isinstance(color, Color): self.colors = [ f'{color}' for _ in range(101) ]
1490		if self.height == 1:
1491			self.symbol = Symbol.graph_down_small if invert else Symbol.graph_up_small
1492		else:
1493			self.symbol = Symbol.graph_down if invert else Symbol.graph_up
1494		value_width: int = ceil(len(data) / 2)
1495		filler: str = ""
1496		if value_width > width: #* If the size of given data set is bigger then width of graph, shrink data set
1497			data = data[-(width*2):]
1498			value_width = ceil(len(data) / 2)
1499		elif value_width < width: #* If the size of given data set is smaller then width of graph, fill graph with whitespace
1500			filler = self.symbol[0.0] * (width - value_width)
1501		if len(data) % 2: data.insert(0, 0)
1502		for _ in range(height):
1503			for b in [True, False]:
1504				self.graphs[b].append(filler)
1505		self._create(data, new=True)
1507	def _create(self, data: List[int], new: bool = False):
1508		h_high: int
1509		h_low: int
1510		value: Dict[str, int] = { "left" : 0, "right" : 0 }
1511		val: int
1512		side: str
1514		#* Create the graph
1515		for h in range(self.height):
1516			h_high = round(100 * (self.height - h) / self.height) if self.height > 1 else 100
1517			h_low = round(100 * (self.height - (h + 1)) / self.height) if self.height > 1 else 0
1518			for v in range(len(data)):
1519				if new: self.current = bool(v % 2) #* Switch between True and False graphs
1520				if new and v == 0: self.last = 0
1521				for val, side in [self.last, "left"], [data[v], "right"]: # type: ignore
1522					if val >= h_high:
1523						value[side] = 4
1524					elif val <= h_low:
1525						value[side] = 0
1526					else:
1527						if self.height == 1: value[side] = round(val * 4 / 100 + 0.5)
1528						else: value[side] = round((val - h_low) * 4 / (h_high - h_low) + 0.1)
1529					if self.no_zero and not (new and v == 0 and side == "left") and h == self.height - 1 and value[side] < 1 and not (self.round_up_low and val == 0): value[side] = 1
1530				if new: self.last = data[v]
1531				self.graphs[self.current][h] += self.symbol[float(value["left"] + value["right"] / 10)]
1532		if data: self.last = data[-1]
1533		self.out = ""
1535		if self.height == 1:
1536			self.out += f'{"" if not self.colors else (THEME.inactive_fg if self.last < 5 else self.colors[self.last])}{self.graphs[self.current][0]}'
1537		elif self.height > 1:
1538			for h in range(self.height):
1539				if h > 0: self.out += f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(self.width)}'
1540				self.out += f'{"" if not self.colors else self.colors[h]}{self.graphs[self.current][h if not self.invert else (self.height - 1) - h]}'
1541		if self.colors: self.out += f'{Term.fg}'
1543	def __call__(self, value: Union[int, None] = None) -> str:
1544		if not isinstance(value, int): return self.out
1545		self.current = not self.current
1546		if self.height == 1:
1547			if self.graphs[self.current][0].startswith(self.symbol[0.0]):
1548				self.graphs[self.current][0] = self.graphs[self.current][0].replace(self.symbol[0.0], "", 1)
1549			else:
1550				self.graphs[self.current][0] = self.graphs[self.current][0][1:]
1551		else:
1552			for n in range(self.height):
1553				self.graphs[self.current][n] = self.graphs[self.current][n][1:]
1554		if self.max_value: value = min_max((value + self.offset) * 100 // (self.max_value + self.offset), min_max(value + self.offset, 0, self.lowest), 100)
1555		self._create([value])
1556		return self.out
1558	def add(self, value: Union[int, None] = None) -> str:
1559		return self.__call__(value)
1561	def __str__(self):
1562		return self.out
1564	def __repr__(self):
1565		return repr(self.out)
1568class Graphs:
1569	'''Holds all graphs and lists of graphs for dynamically created graphs'''
1570	cpu: Dict[str, Graph] = {}
1571	cores: List[Graph] = [NotImplemented] * THREADS
1572	temps: List[Graph] = [NotImplemented] * (THREADS + 1)
1573	net: Dict[str, Graph] = {}
1574	detailed_cpu: Graph = NotImplemented
1575	detailed_mem: Graph = NotImplemented
1576	pid_cpu: Dict[int, Graph] = {}
1577	disk_io: Dict[str, Dict[str, Graph]] = {}
1579class Meter:
1580	'''Creates a percentage meter
1581	__init__(value, width, theme, gradient_name) to create new meter
1582	__call__(value) to set value and return meter as a string
1583	__str__ returns last set meter as a string
1584	'''
1585	out: str
1586	color_gradient: List[str]
1587	color_inactive: Color
1588	gradient_name: str
1589	width: int
1590	invert: bool
1591	saved: Dict[int, str]
1593	def __init__(self, value: int, width: int, gradient_name: str, invert: bool = False):
1594		self.gradient_name = gradient_name
1595		self.color_gradient = THEME.gradient[gradient_name]
1596		self.color_inactive = THEME.meter_bg
1597		self.width = width
1598		self.saved = {}
1599		self.invert = invert
1600		self.out = self._create(value)
1602	def __call__(self, value: Union[int, None]) -> str:
1603		if not isinstance(value, int): return self.out
1604		if value > 100: value = 100
1605		elif value < 0: value = 100
1606		if value in self.saved:
1607			self.out = self.saved[value]
1608		else:
1609			self.out = self._create(value)
1610		return self.out
1612	def __str__(self) -> str:
1613		return self.out
1615	def __repr__(self):
1616		return repr(self.out)
1618	def _create(self, value: int) -> str:
1619		if value > 100: value = 100
1620		elif value < 0: value = 100
1621		out: str = ""
1622		for i in range(1, self.width + 1):
1623			if value >= round(i * 100 / self.width):
1624				out += f'{self.color_gradient[round(i * 100 / self.width) if not self.invert else round(100 - (i * 100 / self.width))]}{Symbol.meter}'
1625			else:
1626				out += self.color_inactive(Symbol.meter * (self.width + 1 - i))
1627				break
1628		else:
1629			out += f'{Term.fg}'
1630		if not value in self.saved:
1631			self.saved[value] = out
1632		return out
1634class Meters:
1635	cpu: Meter
1636	battery: Meter
1637	mem: Dict[str, Union[Meter, Graph]] = {}
1638	swap: Dict[str, Union[Meter, Graph]] = {}
1639	disks_used: Dict[str, Meter] = {}
1640	disks_free: Dict[str, Meter] = {}
1642class Box:
1643	'''Box class with all needed attributes for create_box() function'''
1644	name: str
1645	num: int = 0
1646	boxes: List = []
1647	view_modes: Dict[str, List] = {"full" : ["cpu", "mem", "net", "proc"], "stat" : ["cpu", "mem", "net"], "proc" : ["cpu", "proc"]}
1648	view_mode: str
1649	for view_mode in view_modes:
1650		if sorted(CONFIG.shown_boxes.split(), key=str.lower) == view_modes[view_mode]:
1651			break
1652	else:
1653		view_mode = "user"
1654		view_modes["user"] = CONFIG.shown_boxes.split()
1655	height_p: int
1656	width_p: int
1657	x: int
1658	y: int
1659	width: int
1660	height: int
1661	out: str
1662	bg: str
1663	_b_cpu_h: int
1664	_b_mem_h: int
1665	redraw_all: bool
1666	buffers: List[str] = []
1667	c_counter: int = 0
1668	clock_on: bool = False
1669	clock: str = ""
1670	clock_len: int = 0
1671	resized: bool = False
1672	clock_custom_format: Dict[str, Any] = {
1673		"/host" : os.uname()[1],
1674		"/user" : os.environ.get("USER") or pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0],
1675		"/uptime" : "",
1676		}
1677	if clock_custom_format["/host"].endswith(".local"):
1678		clock_custom_format["/host"] = clock_custom_format["/host"].replace(".local", "")
1680	@classmethod
1681	def calc_sizes(cls):
1682		'''Calculate sizes of boxes'''
1683		cls.boxes = CONFIG.shown_boxes.split()
1684		for sub in cls.__subclasses__():
1685			sub._calc_size() # type: ignore
1686			sub.resized = True # type: ignore
1688	@classmethod
1689	def draw_update_ms(cls, now: bool = True):
1690		if not "cpu" in cls.boxes: return
1691		update_string: str = f'{CONFIG.update_ms}ms'
1692		xpos: int = CpuBox.x + CpuBox.width - len(update_string) - 15
1693		if not "+" in Key.mouse:
1694			Key.mouse["+"] = [[xpos + 7 + i, CpuBox.y] for i in range(3)]
1695			Key.mouse["-"] = [[CpuBox.x + CpuBox.width - 4 + i, CpuBox.y] for i in range(3)]
1696		Draw.buffer("update_ms!" if now and not Menu.active else "update_ms",
1697			f'{Mv.to(CpuBox.y, xpos)}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.h_line * 7, Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg("+")} ',
1698			f'{THEME.title(update_string)} {THEME.hi_fg("-")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_right)}', only_save=Menu.active, once=True)
1699		if now and not Menu.active:
1700			Draw.clear("update_ms")
1701			if CONFIG.show_battery and hasattr(psutil, "sensors_battery") and psutil.sensors_battery():
1702				Draw.out("battery")
1704	@classmethod
1705	def draw_clock(cls, force: bool = False):
1706		if not "cpu" in cls.boxes or not cls.clock_on: return
1707		cls.c_counter += 1
1708		if cls.c_counter > 3600 / (Config.update_ms / 1000):
1709			tzset()
1710			cls.c_counter = 0
1711		out: str = ""
1712		if force: pass
1713		elif Term.resized or strftime(CONFIG.draw_clock) == cls.clock: return
1714		clock_string = cls.clock = strftime(CONFIG.draw_clock)
1715		for custom in cls.clock_custom_format:
1716			if custom in clock_string:
1717				if custom == "/uptime": cls.clock_custom_format["/uptime"] = CpuCollector.uptime
1718				clock_string = clock_string.replace(custom, cls.clock_custom_format[custom])
1719		clock_len = len(clock_string[:(CpuBox.width-56)])
1720		if cls.clock_len != clock_len and not CpuBox.resized:
1721			out = f'{Mv.to(CpuBox.y, ((CpuBox.width)//2)-(cls.clock_len//2))}{Fx.ub}{THEME.cpu_box}{Symbol.h_line * cls.clock_len}'
1722		cls.clock_len = clock_len
1723		now: bool = False if Menu.active else not force
1724		out += (f'{Mv.to(CpuBox.y, ((CpuBox.width)//2)-(clock_len//2))}{Fx.ub}{THEME.cpu_box}'
1725			f'{Symbol.title_left}{Fx.b}{THEME.title(clock_string[:clock_len])}{Fx.ub}{THEME.cpu_box}{Symbol.title_right}{Term.fg}')
1726		Draw.buffer("clock", out, z=1, now=now, once=not force, only_save=Menu.active)
1727		if now and not Menu.active:
1728			if CONFIG.show_battery and hasattr(psutil, "sensors_battery") and psutil.sensors_battery():
1729				Draw.out("battery")
1731	@classmethod
1732	def empty_bg(cls) -> str:
1733		return (f'{Term.clear}' +
1734				(f'{Banner.draw(Term.height // 2 - 10, center=True)}'
1735				f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(46)}{Colors.black_bg}{Colors.default}{Fx.b}[esc] Menu'
1736				f'{Mv.r(25)}{Fx.i}Version: {VERSION}{Fx.ui}' if Term.height > 22 else "") +
1737				f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(34)}{Fx.b}All boxes hidden!'
1738				f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(17)}{Fx.b}[1] {Fx.ub}Toggle CPU box'
1739				f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(18)}{Fx.b}[2] {Fx.ub}Toggle MEM box'
1740				f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(18)}{Fx.b}[3] {Fx.ub}Toggle NET box'
1741				f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(18)}{Fx.b}[4] {Fx.ub}Toggle PROC box'
1742				f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(19)}{Fx.b}[m] {Fx.ub}Cycle presets'
1743				f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(17)}{Fx.b}[q] Quit {Fx.ub}{Term.bg}{Term.fg}')
1745	@classmethod
1746	def draw_bg(cls, now: bool = True):
1747		'''Draw all boxes outlines and titles'''
1748		out: str = ""
1749		if not cls.boxes:
1750			out = cls.empty_bg()
1751		else:
1752			out = "".join(sub._draw_bg() for sub in cls.__subclasses__()) # type: ignore
1753		Draw.buffer("bg", out, now=now, z=1000, only_save=Menu.active, once=True)
1754		cls.draw_update_ms(now=now)
1755		if CONFIG.draw_clock: cls.draw_clock(force=True)
1757class SubBox:
1758	box_x: int = 0
1759	box_y: int = 0
1760	box_width: int = 0
1761	box_height: int = 0
1762	box_columns: int = 0
1763	column_size: int = 0
1765class CpuBox(Box, SubBox):
1766	name = "cpu"
1767	num = 1
1768	x = 1
1769	y = 1
1770	height_p = 32
1771	width_p = 100
1772	min_w: int = 60
1773	min_h: int = 8
1774	resized: bool = True
1775	redraw: bool = False
1776	buffer: str = "cpu"
1777	battery_percent: int = 1000
1778	battery_secs: int = 0
1779	battery_status: str = "Unknown"
1780	old_battery_pos = 0
1781	old_battery_len = 0
1782	battery_path: Union[str, None] = ""
1783	battery_clear: bool = False
1784	battery_symbols: Dict[str, str] = {"Charging": "▲",
1785									"Discharging": "▼",
1786									"Full": "■",
1787									"Not charging": "■"}
1788	clock_block: bool = True
1789	Box.buffers.append(buffer)
1791	@classmethod
1792	def _calc_size(cls):
1793		if not "cpu" in cls.boxes:
1794			Box._b_cpu_h = 0
1795			cls.width = Term.width
1796			return
1797		cpu = CpuCollector
1798		height_p: int
1799		if cls.boxes == ["cpu"]:
1800			height_p = 100
1801		else:
1802			height_p = cls.height_p
1803		cls.width = round(Term.width * cls.width_p / 100)
1804		cls.height = round(Term.height * height_p / 100)
1805		if cls.height < 8: cls.height = 8
1806		Box._b_cpu_h = cls.height
1807		#THREADS = 64
1808		cls.box_columns = ceil((THREADS + 1) / (cls.height - 5))
1809		if cls.box_columns * (20 + 13 if cpu.got_sensors else 21) < cls.width - (cls.width // 3):
1810			cls.column_size = 2
1811			cls.box_width = (20 + 13 if cpu.got_sensors else 21) * cls.box_columns - ((cls.box_columns - 1) * 1)
1812		elif cls.box_columns * (15 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 15) < cls.width - (cls.width // 3):
1813			cls.column_size = 1
1814			cls.box_width = (15 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 15) * cls.box_columns - ((cls.box_columns - 1) * 1)
1815		elif cls.box_columns * (8 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 8) < cls.width - (cls.width // 3):
1816			cls.column_size = 0
1817		else:
1818			cls.box_columns = (cls.width - cls.width // 3) // (8 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 8); cls.column_size = 0
1820		if cls.column_size == 0: cls.box_width = (8 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 8) * cls.box_columns + 1
1822		cls.box_height = ceil(THREADS / cls.box_columns) + 4
1824		if cls.box_height > cls.height - 2: cls.box_height = cls.height - 2
1825		cls.box_x = (cls.width - 1) - cls.box_width
1826		cls.box_y = cls.y + ceil((cls.height - 2) / 2) - ceil(cls.box_height / 2) + 1
1828	@classmethod
1829	def _draw_bg(cls) -> str:
1830		if not "cpu" in cls.boxes: return ""
1831		if not "M" in Key.mouse:
1832			Key.mouse["M"] = [[cls.x + 10 + i, cls.y] for i in range(6)]
1833		return (f'{create_box(box=cls, line_color=THEME.cpu_box)}'
1834		f'{Mv.to(cls.y, cls.x + 10)}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg("M")}{THEME.title("enu")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
1835		f'{create_box(x=cls.box_x, y=cls.box_y, width=cls.box_width, height=cls.box_height, line_color=THEME.div_line, fill=False, title=CPU_NAME[:cls.box_width - 14] if not CONFIG.custom_cpu_name else CONFIG.custom_cpu_name[:cls.box_width - 14])}')
1837	@classmethod
1838	def battery_activity(cls) -> bool:
1839		if not hasattr(psutil, "sensors_battery") or psutil.sensors_battery() == None:
1840			if cls.battery_percent != 1000:
1841				cls.battery_clear = True
1842			return False
1844		if cls.battery_path == "":
1845			cls.battery_path = None
1846			if os.path.isdir("/sys/class/power_supply"):
1847				for directory in sorted(os.listdir("/sys/class/power_supply")):
1848					if directory.startswith('BAT') or 'battery' in directory.lower():
1849						cls.battery_path = f'/sys/class/power_supply/{directory}/'
1850						break
1852		return_true: bool = False
1853		percent: int = ceil(getattr(psutil.sensors_battery(), "percent", 0))
1854		if percent != cls.battery_percent:
1855			cls.battery_percent = percent
1856			return_true = True
1858		seconds: int = getattr(psutil.sensors_battery(), "secsleft", 0)
1859		if seconds != cls.battery_secs:
1860			cls.battery_secs = seconds
1861			return_true = True
1863		status: str = "not_set"
1864		if cls.battery_path:
1865			status = readfile(cls.battery_path + "status", default="not_set")
1866		if status == "not_set" and getattr(psutil.sensors_battery(), "power_plugged", None) == True:
1867			status = "Charging" if cls.battery_percent < 100 else "Full"
1868		elif status == "not_set" and getattr(psutil.sensors_battery(), "power_plugged", None) == False:
1869			status = "Discharging"
1870		elif status == "not_set":
1871			status = "Unknown"
1872		if status != cls.battery_status:
1873			cls.battery_status = status
1874			return_true = True
1876		return return_true or cls.resized or cls.redraw or Menu.active
1878	@classmethod
1879	def _draw_fg(cls):
1880		if not "cpu" in cls.boxes: return
1881		cpu = CpuCollector
1882		if cpu.redraw: cls.redraw = True
1883		out: str = ""
1884		out_misc: str = ""
1885		lavg: str = ""
1886		x, y, w, h = cls.x + 1, cls.y + 1, cls.width - 2, cls.height - 2
1887		bx, by, bw, bh = cls.box_x + 1, cls.box_y + 1, cls.box_width - 2, cls.box_height - 2
1888		hh: int = ceil(h / 2)
1889		hh2: int = h - hh
1890		mid_line: bool = False
1891		temp: int = 0
1892		unit: str = ""
1893		if not CONFIG.cpu_single_graph and CONFIG.cpu_graph_upper != CONFIG.cpu_graph_lower:
1894			mid_line = True
1895			if h % 2: hh = floor(h / 2)
1896			else: hh2 -= 1
1898		hide_cores: bool = (cpu.cpu_temp_only or not CONFIG.show_coretemp) and cpu.got_sensors
1899		ct_width: int = (max(6, 6 * cls.column_size)) * hide_cores
1901		if cls.resized or cls.redraw:
1902			if not "m" in Key.mouse:
1903				Key.mouse["m"] = [[cls.x + 16 + i, cls.y] for i in range(12)]
1904			out_misc += f'{Mv.to(cls.y, cls.x + 16)}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg("m")}{THEME.title}ode:{Box.view_mode}{Fx.ub}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
1905			Graphs.cpu["up"] = Graph(w - bw - 3, (h if CONFIG.cpu_single_graph else hh), THEME.gradient["cpu"], cpu.cpu_upper, round_up_low=True)
1906			if not CONFIG.cpu_single_graph:
1907				Graphs.cpu["down"] = Graph(w - bw - 3, hh2, THEME.gradient["cpu"], cpu.cpu_lower, invert=CONFIG.cpu_invert_lower, round_up_low=True)
1908			Meters.cpu = Meter(cpu.cpu_usage[0][-1], bw - (21 if cpu.got_sensors else 9), "cpu")
1909			if cls.column_size > 0 or ct_width > 0:
1910				for n in range(THREADS):
1911					Graphs.cores[n] = Graph(5 * cls.column_size + ct_width, 1, None, cpu.cpu_usage[n + 1])
1912			if cpu.got_sensors:
1913				Graphs.temps[0] = Graph(5, 1, None, cpu.cpu_temp[0], max_value=cpu.cpu_temp_crit, offset=-23)
1914				if cls.column_size > 1:
1915					for n in range(1, THREADS + 1):
1916						if not cpu.cpu_temp[n]:
1917							continue
1918						Graphs.temps[n] = Graph(5, 1, None, cpu.cpu_temp[n], max_value=cpu.cpu_temp_crit, offset=-23)
1919			Draw.buffer("cpu_misc", out_misc, only_save=True)
1921		if CONFIG.show_battery and cls.battery_activity():
1922			bat_out: str = ""
1923			if cls.battery_secs > 0:
1924				battery_time: str = f' {cls.battery_secs // 3600:02}:{(cls.battery_secs % 3600) // 60:02}'
1925			else:
1926				battery_time = ""
1927			if not hasattr(Meters, "battery") or cls.resized:
1928				Meters.battery = Meter(cls.battery_percent, 10, "cpu", invert=True)
1929			battery_symbol: str = cls.battery_symbols.get(cls.battery_status, "○")
1930			battery_len: int = len(f'{CONFIG.update_ms}') + (11 if cls.width >= 100 else 0) + len(battery_time) + len(f'{cls.battery_percent}')
1931			battery_pos = cls.width - battery_len - 17
1932			if (battery_pos != cls.old_battery_pos or battery_len != cls.old_battery_len) and cls.old_battery_pos > 0 and not cls.resized:
1933				bat_out += f'{Mv.to(y-1, cls.old_battery_pos)}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.h_line*(cls.old_battery_len+4))}'
1934			cls.old_battery_pos, cls.old_battery_len = battery_pos, battery_len
1935			bat_out += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, battery_pos)}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title}BAT{battery_symbol} {cls.battery_percent}%'+
1936				("" if cls.width < 100 else f' {Fx.ub}{Meters.battery(cls.battery_percent)}{Fx.b}') +
1937				f'{THEME.title}{battery_time}{Fx.ub}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
1938			Draw.buffer("battery", f'{bat_out}{Term.fg}', only_save=Menu.active)
1939		elif cls.battery_clear:
1940			out += f'{Mv.to(y-1, cls.old_battery_pos)}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.h_line*(cls.old_battery_len+4))}'
1941			cls.battery_clear = False
1942			cls.battery_percent = 1000
1943			cls.battery_secs = 0
1944			cls.battery_status = "Unknown"
1945			cls.old_battery_pos = 0
1946			cls.old_battery_len = 0
1947			cls.battery_path = ""
1948			Draw.clear("battery", saved=True)
1950		cx = cy = cc = 0
1951		ccw = (bw + 1) // cls.box_columns
1952		if cpu.cpu_freq:
1953			freq: str = f'{cpu.cpu_freq} Mhz' if cpu.cpu_freq < 1000 else f'{float(cpu.cpu_freq / 1000):.1f} GHz'
1954			out += f'{Mv.to(by - 1, bx + bw - 9)}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title(freq)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.title_right)}'
1955		out += f'{Mv.to(y, x)}{Graphs.cpu["up"](None if cls.resized else cpu.cpu_upper[-1])}'
1956		if mid_line:
1957			out += (f'{Mv.to(y+hh, x-1)}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_right)}{THEME.div_line}{Symbol.h_line * (w - bw - 3)}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.title_left)}'
1958					f'{Mv.to(y+hh, x+((w-bw)//2)-((len(CONFIG.cpu_graph_upper)+len(CONFIG.cpu_graph_lower))//2)-4)}{THEME.main_fg}{CONFIG.cpu_graph_upper}{Mv.r(1)}▲▼{Mv.r(1)}{CONFIG.cpu_graph_lower}')
1959		if not CONFIG.cpu_single_graph and Graphs.cpu.get("down"):
1960			out += f'{Mv.to(y + hh + (1 * mid_line), x)}{Graphs.cpu["down"](None if cls.resized else cpu.cpu_lower[-1])}'
1961		out += (f'{THEME.main_fg}{Mv.to(by + cy, bx + cx)}{Fx.b}{"CPU "}{Fx.ub}{Meters.cpu(cpu.cpu_usage[0][-1])}'
1962				f'{THEME.gradient["cpu"][cpu.cpu_usage[0][-1]]}{cpu.cpu_usage[0][-1]:>4}{THEME.main_fg}%')
1963		if cpu.got_sensors:
1964			try:
1965				temp, unit = temperature(cpu.cpu_temp[0][-1], CONFIG.temp_scale)
1966				out += (f'{THEME.inactive_fg} ⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀{Mv.l(5)}{THEME.gradient["temp"][min_max(cpu.cpu_temp[0][-1], 0, cpu.cpu_temp_crit) * 100 // cpu.cpu_temp_crit]}{Graphs.temps[0](None if cls.resized else cpu.cpu_temp[0][-1])}'
1967						f'{temp:>4}{THEME.main_fg}{unit}')
1968			except:
1969				cpu.got_sensors = False
1971		cy += 1
1972		for n in range(1, THREADS + 1):
1973			out += f'{THEME.main_fg}{Mv.to(by + cy, bx + cx)}{Fx.b + "C" + Fx.ub if THREADS < 100 else ""}{str(n):<{2 if cls.column_size == 0 else 3}}'
1974			if cls.column_size > 0 or ct_width > 0:
1975				out += f'{THEME.inactive_fg}{"⡀" * (5 * cls.column_size + ct_width)}{Mv.l(5 * cls.column_size + ct_width)}{THEME.gradient["cpu"][cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]]}{Graphs.cores[n-1](None if cls.resized else cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1])}'
1976			else:
1977				out += f'{THEME.gradient["cpu"][cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]]}'
1978			out += f'{cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]:>{3 if cls.column_size < 2 else 4}}{THEME.main_fg}%'
1979			if cpu.got_sensors and cpu.cpu_temp[n] and not hide_cores:
1980				try:
1981					temp, unit = temperature(cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1], CONFIG.temp_scale)
1982					if cls.column_size > 1:
1983						out += f'{THEME.inactive_fg} ⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀{Mv.l(5)}{THEME.gradient["temp"][min_max(cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1], 0, cpu.cpu_temp_crit) * 100 // cpu.cpu_temp_crit]}{Graphs.temps[n](None if cls.resized else cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1])}'
1984					else:
1985						out += f'{THEME.gradient["temp"][min_max(temp, 0, cpu.cpu_temp_crit) * 100 // cpu.cpu_temp_crit]}'
1986					out += f'{temp:>4}{THEME.main_fg}{unit}'
1987				except:
1988					cpu.got_sensors = False
1989			elif cpu.got_sensors and not hide_cores:
1990				out += f'{Mv.r(max(6, 6 * cls.column_size))}'
1991			out += f'{THEME.div_line(Symbol.v_line)}'
1992			cy += 1
1993			if cy > ceil(THREADS/cls.box_columns) and n != THREADS:
1994				cc += 1; cy = 1; cx = ccw * cc
1995				if cc == cls.box_columns: break
1997		if cy < bh - 1: cy = bh - 1
1999		if cy < bh and cc < cls.box_columns:
2000			if cls.column_size == 2 and cpu.got_sensors:
2001				lavg = f' Load AVG:  {"   ".join(str(l) for l in cpu.load_avg):^19.19}'
2002			elif cls.column_size == 2 or (cls.column_size == 1 and cpu.got_sensors):
2003				lavg = f'LAV: {" ".join(str(l) for l in cpu.load_avg):^14.14}'
2004			elif cls.column_size == 1 or (cls.column_size == 0 and cpu.got_sensors):
2005				lavg = f'L {" ".join(str(round(l, 1)) for l in cpu.load_avg):^11.11}'
2006			else:
2007				lavg = f'{" ".join(str(round(l, 1)) for l in cpu.load_avg[:2]):^7.7}'
2008			out += f'{Mv.to(by + cy, bx + cx)}{THEME.main_fg}{lavg}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.v_line)}'
2010		if CONFIG.show_uptime:
2011			out += f'{Mv.to(y + (0 if not CONFIG.cpu_invert_lower or CONFIG.cpu_single_graph else h - 1), x + 1)}{THEME.graph_text}{Fx.trans("up " + cpu.uptime)}'
2014		Draw.buffer(cls.buffer, f'{out_misc}{out}{Term.fg}', only_save=Menu.active)
2015		cls.resized = cls.redraw = cls.clock_block = False
2017class MemBox(Box):
2018	name = "mem"
2019	num = 2
2020	height_p = 38
2021	width_p = 45
2022	min_w: int = 36
2023	min_h: int = 10
2024	x = 1
2025	y = 1
2026	mem_meter: int = 0
2027	mem_size: int = 0
2028	disk_meter: int = 0
2029	divider: int = 0
2030	mem_width: int = 0
2031	disks_width: int = 0
2032	disks_io_h: int = 0
2033	disks_io_order: List[str] = []
2034	graph_speeds: Dict[str, int] = {}
2035	graph_height: int
2036	resized: bool = True
2037	redraw: bool = False
2038	buffer: str = "mem"
2039	swap_on: bool = CONFIG.show_swap
2040	Box.buffers.append(buffer)
2041	mem_names: List[str] = ["used", "available", "cached", "free"]
2042	swap_names: List[str] = ["used", "free"]
2044	@classmethod
2045	def _calc_size(cls):
2046		if not "mem" in cls.boxes:
2047			Box._b_mem_h = 0
2048			cls.width = Term.width
2049			return
2050		width_p: int; height_p: int
2051		if not "proc" in cls.boxes:
2052			width_p = 100
2053		else:
2054			width_p = cls.width_p
2056		if not "cpu" in cls.boxes:
2057			height_p = 60 if "net" in cls.boxes else 98
2058		elif not "net" in cls.boxes:
2059			height_p = 98 - CpuBox.height_p
2060		else:
2061			height_p = cls.height_p
2063		cls.width = round(Term.width * width_p / 100)
2064		cls.height = round(Term.height * height_p / 100) + 1
2065		if cls.height + Box._b_cpu_h > Term.height: cls.height = Term.height - Box._b_cpu_h
2066		Box._b_mem_h = cls.height
2067		cls.y = Box._b_cpu_h + 1
2068		if CONFIG.show_disks:
2069			cls.mem_width = ceil((cls.width - 3) / 2)
2070			cls.disks_width = cls.width - cls.mem_width - 3
2071			if cls.mem_width + cls.disks_width < cls.width - 2: cls.mem_width += 1
2072			cls.divider = cls.x + cls.mem_width
2073		else:
2074			cls.mem_width = cls.width - 1
2076		item_height: int = 6 if cls.swap_on and not CONFIG.swap_disk else 4
2077		if cls.height - (3 if cls.swap_on and not CONFIG.swap_disk else 2) > 2 * item_height: cls.mem_size = 3
2078		elif cls.mem_width > 25: cls.mem_size = 2
2079		else: cls.mem_size = 1
2081		cls.mem_meter = cls.width - (cls.disks_width if CONFIG.show_disks else 0) - (9 if cls.mem_size > 2 else 20)
2082		if cls.mem_size == 1: cls.mem_meter += 6
2083		if cls.mem_meter < 1: cls.mem_meter = 0
2085		if CONFIG.mem_graphs:
2086			cls.graph_height = round(((cls.height - (2 if cls.swap_on and not CONFIG.swap_disk else 1)) - (2 if cls.mem_size == 3 else 1) * item_height) / item_height)
2087			if cls.graph_height == 0: cls.graph_height = 1
2088			if cls.graph_height > 1: cls.mem_meter += 6
2089		else:
2090			cls.graph_height = 0
2092		if CONFIG.show_disks:
2093			cls.disk_meter = cls.width - cls.mem_width - 23
2094			if cls.disks_width < 25:
2095				cls.disk_meter += 10
2096			if cls.disk_meter < 1: cls.disk_meter = 0
2098	@classmethod
2099	def _draw_bg(cls) -> str:
2100		if not "mem" in cls.boxes: return ""
2101		out: str = ""
2102		out += f'{create_box(box=cls, line_color=THEME.mem_box)}'
2103		if CONFIG.show_disks:
2104			out += (f'{Mv.to(cls.y, cls.divider + 2)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg("d")}{THEME.title("isks")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2105					f'{Mv.to(cls.y, cls.divider)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.div_up)}'
2106					f'{Mv.to(cls.y + cls.height - 1, cls.divider)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.div_down)}{THEME.div_line}'
2107					f'{"".join(f"{Mv.to(cls.y + i, cls.divider)}{Symbol.v_line}" for i in range(1, cls.height - 1))}')
2108			Key.mouse["d"] = [[cls.divider + 3 + i, cls.y] for i in range(5)]
2109		else:
2110			out += f'{Mv.to(cls.y, cls.x + cls.width - 9)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_left)}{THEME.hi_fg("d")}{THEME.title("isks")}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2111			Key.mouse["d"] = [[cls.x + cls.width - 8 + i, cls.y] for i in range(5)]
2112		return out
2114	@classmethod
2115	def _draw_fg(cls):
2116		if not "mem" in cls.boxes: return
2117		mem = MemCollector
2118		if mem.redraw: cls.redraw = True
2119		out: str = ""
2120		out_misc: str = ""
2121		gbg: str = ""
2122		gmv: str = ""
2123		gli: str = ""
2124		x, y, w, h = cls.x + 1, cls.y + 1, cls.width - 2, cls.height - 2
2125		if cls.resized or cls.redraw:
2126			cls.redraw = True
2127			cls._calc_size()
2128			out_misc += cls._draw_bg()
2129			Meters.mem = {}
2130			Meters.swap = {}
2131			Meters.disks_used = {}
2132			Meters.disks_free = {}
2133			if cls.mem_meter > 0:
2134				for name in cls.mem_names:
2135					if CONFIG.mem_graphs:
2136						Meters.mem[name] = Graph(cls.mem_meter, cls.graph_height, THEME.gradient[name], mem.vlist[name])
2137					else:
2138						Meters.mem[name] = Meter(mem.percent[name], cls.mem_meter, name)
2139				if cls.swap_on:
2140					for name in cls.swap_names:
2141						if CONFIG.swap_disk and CONFIG.show_disks:
2142							break
2143						elif CONFIG.mem_graphs and not CONFIG.swap_disk:
2144							Meters.swap[name] = Graph(cls.mem_meter, cls.graph_height, THEME.gradient[name], mem.swap_vlist[name])
2145						else:
2146							Meters.swap[name] = Meter(mem.swap_percent[name], cls.mem_meter, name)
2148			if CONFIG.show_disks and mem.disks:
2149				if CONFIG.show_io_stat or CONFIG.io_mode:
2150					d_graph: List[str] = []
2151					d_no_graph: List[str] = []
2152					l_vals: List[Tuple[str, int, str, bool]] = []
2153					if CONFIG.io_mode:
2154						cls.disks_io_h = (cls.height - 2 - len(mem.disks)) // max(1, len(mem.disks_io_dict))
2155						if cls.disks_io_h < 2: cls.disks_io_h = 1 if CONFIG.io_graph_combined else 2
2156					else:
2157						cls.disks_io_h = 1
2159					if CONFIG.io_graph_speeds and not cls.graph_speeds:
2160						try:
2161							cls.graph_speeds = { spds.split(":")[0] : int(spds.split(":")[1]) for spds in list(i.strip() for i in CONFIG.io_graph_speeds.split(","))}
2162						except (KeyError, ValueError):
2163							errlog.error("Wrong formatting in io_graph_speeds variable. Using defaults.")
2164					for name in mem.disks.keys():
2165						if name in mem.disks_io_dict:
2166							d_graph.append(name)
2167						else:
2168							d_no_graph.append(name)
2169							continue
2170						if CONFIG.io_graph_combined or not CONFIG.io_mode:
2171							l_vals = [("rw", cls.disks_io_h, "available", False)]
2172						else:
2173							l_vals = [("read", cls.disks_io_h // 2, "free", False), ("write", cls.disks_io_h // 2, "used", True)]
2175						Graphs.disk_io[name] = {_name : Graph(width=cls.disks_width - (6 if not CONFIG.io_mode else 0), height=_height, color=THEME.gradient[_gradient],
2176												data=mem.disks_io_dict[name][_name], invert=_invert, max_value=cls.graph_speeds.get(name, 10), no_zero=True)
2177												for _name, _height, _gradient, _invert in l_vals}
2178					cls.disks_io_order = d_graph + d_no_graph
2180				if cls.disk_meter > 0:
2181					for n, name in enumerate(mem.disks.keys()):
2182						if n * 2 > h: break
2183						Meters.disks_used[name] = Meter(mem.disks[name]["used_percent"], cls.disk_meter, "used")
2184						if len(mem.disks) * 3 <= h + 1:
2185							Meters.disks_free[name] = Meter(mem.disks[name]["free_percent"], cls.disk_meter, "free")
2186			if not "g" in Key.mouse:
2187				Key.mouse["g"] = [[x + 8 + i, y-1] for i in range(5)]
2188			out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x + 7)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.mem_graphs else ""}'
2189				f'{THEME.hi_fg("g")}{THEME.title("raph")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2190			if CONFIG.show_disks:
2191				if not "s" in Key.mouse:
2192					Key.mouse["s"] = [[x + w - 6 + i, y-1] for i in range(4)]
2193				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x + w - 7)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.swap_disk else ""}'
2194				f'{THEME.hi_fg("s")}{THEME.title("wap")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2195				if not "i" in Key.mouse:
2196					Key.mouse["i"] = [[x + w - 10 + i, y-1] for i in range(2)]
2197				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x + w - 11)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.io_mode else ""}'
2198				f'{THEME.hi_fg("i")}{THEME.title("o")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2200			if Collector.collect_interrupt: return
2201			Draw.buffer("mem_misc", out_misc, only_save=True)
2202		try:
2203			#* Mem
2204			cx = 1; cy = 1
2206			out += f'{Mv.to(y, x+1)}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}Total:{mem.string["total"]:>{cls.mem_width - 9}}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}'
2207			if cls.graph_height > 0:
2208				gli = f'{Mv.l(2)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_right)}{THEME.div_line}{Symbol.h_line * (cls.mem_width - 1)}{"" if CONFIG.show_disks else THEME.mem_box}{Symbol.title_left}{Mv.l(cls.mem_width - 1)}{THEME.title}'
2209			if cls.graph_height >= 2:
2210				gbg = f'{Mv.l(1)}'
2211				gmv = f'{Mv.l(cls.mem_width - 2)}{Mv.u(cls.graph_height - 1)}'
2213			big_mem: bool = cls.mem_width > 21
2214			for name in cls.mem_names:
2215				if cy > h - 1: break
2216				if Collector.collect_interrupt: return
2217				if cls.mem_size > 2:
2218					out += (f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}{name.capitalize()[:None if big_mem else 5]+":":<{1 if big_mem else 6.6}}{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx + cls.mem_width - 3 - (len(mem.string[name])))}{Fx.trans(mem.string[name])}'
2219							f'{Mv.to(y+cy+1, x+cx)}{gbg}{Meters.mem[name](None if cls.resized else mem.percent[name])}{gmv}{str(mem.percent[name])+"%":>4}')
2220					cy += 2 if not cls.graph_height else cls.graph_height + 1
2221				else:
2222					out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{name.capitalize():{5.5 if cls.mem_size > 1 else 1.1}} {gbg}{Meters.mem[name](None if cls.resized else mem.percent[name])}{mem.string[name][:None if cls.mem_size > 1 else -2]:>{9 if cls.mem_size > 1 else 7}}'
2223					cy += 1 if not cls.graph_height else cls.graph_height
2224			#* Swap
2225			if cls.swap_on and CONFIG.show_swap and not CONFIG.swap_disk and mem.swap_string:
2226				if h - cy > 5:
2227					if cls.graph_height > 0: out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}'
2228					cy += 1
2230				out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}Swap:{mem.swap_string["total"]:>{cls.mem_width - 8}}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}'
2231				cy += 1
2232				for name in cls.swap_names:
2233					if cy > h - 1: break
2234					if Collector.collect_interrupt: return
2235					if cls.mem_size > 2:
2236						out += (f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}{name.capitalize()[:None if big_mem else 5]+":":<{1 if big_mem else 6.6}}{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx + cls.mem_width - 3 - (len(mem.swap_string[name])))}{Fx.trans(mem.swap_string[name])}'
2237								f'{Mv.to(y+cy+1, x+cx)}{gbg}{Meters.swap[name](None if cls.resized else mem.swap_percent[name])}{gmv}{str(mem.swap_percent[name])+"%":>4}')
2238						cy += 2 if not cls.graph_height else cls.graph_height + 1
2239					else:
2240						out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{name.capitalize():{5.5 if cls.mem_size > 1 else 1.1}} {gbg}{Meters.swap[name](None if cls.resized else mem.swap_percent[name])}{mem.swap_string[name][:None if cls.mem_size > 1 else -2]:>{9 if cls.mem_size > 1 else 7}}'; cy += 1 if not cls.graph_height else cls.graph_height
2242			if cls.graph_height > 0 and not cy == h: out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}'
2244			#* Disks
2245			if CONFIG.show_disks and mem.disks:
2246				cx = x + cls.mem_width - 1; cy = 0
2247				big_disk: bool = cls.disks_width >= 25
2248				gli = f'{Mv.l(2)}{THEME.div_line}{Symbol.title_right}{Symbol.h_line * cls.disks_width}{THEME.mem_box}{Symbol.title_left}{Mv.l(cls.disks_width - 1)}'
2249				if CONFIG.io_mode:
2250					for name in cls.disks_io_order:
2251						item = mem.disks[name]
2252						io_item = mem.disks_io_dict.get(name, {})
2253						if Collector.collect_interrupt: return
2254						if cy > h - 1: break
2255						out += Fx.trans(f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{item["name"]:{cls.disks_width - 2}.12}{Mv.to(y+cy, x + cx + cls.disks_width - 11)}{item["total"][:None if big_disk else -2]:>9}')
2256						if big_disk:
2257							out += Fx.trans(f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x + cx + (cls.disks_width // 2) - (len(str(item["used_percent"])) // 2) - 2)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}{item["used_percent"]}%')
2258						cy += 1
2260						if io_item:
2261							if cy > h - 1: break
2262							if CONFIG.io_graph_combined:
2263								if cls.disks_io_h <= 1:
2264									out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx-1)}{" " * 5}'
2265								out += (f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx-1)}{Fx.ub}{Graphs.disk_io[name]["rw"](None if cls.redraw else mem.disks_io_dict[name]["rw"][-1])}'
2266										f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx-1)}{THEME.main_fg}{item["io"] or "RW"}')
2267								cy += cls.disks_io_h
2268							else:
2269								if cls.disks_io_h <= 3:
2270									out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx-1)}{" " * 5}{Mv.to(y+cy+1, x+cx-1)}{" " * 5}'
2271								out += (f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx-1)}{Fx.ub}{Graphs.disk_io[name]["read"](None if cls.redraw else mem.disks_io_dict[name]["read"][-1])}'
2272										f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx-1)}{THEME.main_fg}{item["io_r"] or "R"}')
2273								cy += cls.disks_io_h // 2
2274								out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx-1)}{Graphs.disk_io[name]["write"](None if cls.redraw else mem.disks_io_dict[name]["write"][-1])}'
2275								cy += cls.disks_io_h // 2
2276								out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy-1, x+cx-1)}{THEME.main_fg}{item["io_w"] or "W"}'
2277				else:
2278					for name, item in mem.disks.items():
2279						if Collector.collect_interrupt: return
2280						if not name in Meters.disks_used:
2281							continue
2282						if cy > h - 1: break
2283						out += Fx.trans(f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{item["name"]:{cls.disks_width - 2}.12}{Mv.to(y+cy, x + cx + cls.disks_width - 11)}{item["total"][:None if big_disk else -2]:>9}')
2284						if big_disk:
2285							out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x + cx + (cls.disks_width // 2) - (len(item["io"]) // 2) - 2)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}{Fx.trans(item["io"])}'
2286						cy += 1
2287						if cy > h - 1: break
2288						if CONFIG.show_io_stat and name in Graphs.disk_io:
2289							out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx-1)}{THEME.main_fg}{Fx.ub}{" IO: " if big_disk else " IO   " + Mv.l(2)}{Fx.ub}{Graphs.disk_io[name]["rw"](None if cls.redraw else mem.disks_io_dict[name]["rw"][-1])}'
2290							if not big_disk and item["io"]:
2291								out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx-1)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}{item["io"]}'
2292							cy += 1
2293							if cy > h - 1: break
2294						out += Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx) + (f'Used:{str(item["used_percent"]) + "%":>4} ' if big_disk else "U ")
2295						out += f'{Meters.disks_used[name](None if cls.resized else mem.disks[name]["used_percent"])}{item["used"][:None if big_disk else -2]:>{9 if big_disk else 7}}'
2296						cy += 1
2298						if len(mem.disks) * 3 + (len(mem.disks_io_dict) if CONFIG.show_io_stat else 0) <= h + 1:
2299							if cy > h - 1: break
2300							out += Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)
2301							out += f'Free:{str(item["free_percent"]) + "%":>4} ' if big_disk else f'{"F "}'
2302							out += f'{Meters.disks_free[name](None if cls.resized else mem.disks[name]["free_percent"])}{item["free"][:None if big_disk else -2]:>{9 if big_disk else 7}}'
2303							cy += 1
2304							if len(mem.disks) * 4 + (len(mem.disks_io_dict) if CONFIG.show_io_stat else 0) <= h + 1: cy += 1
2305		except (KeyError, TypeError):
2306			return
2307		Draw.buffer(cls.buffer, f'{out_misc}{out}{Term.fg}', only_save=Menu.active)
2308		cls.resized = cls.redraw = False
2310class NetBox(Box, SubBox):
2311	name = "net"
2312	num = 3
2313	height_p = 30
2314	width_p = 45
2315	min_w: int = 36
2316	min_h: int = 6
2317	x = 1
2318	y = 1
2319	resized: bool = True
2320	redraw: bool = True
2321	graph_height: Dict[str, int] = {}
2322	symbols: Dict[str, str] = {"download" : "▼", "upload" : "▲"}
2323	buffer: str = "net"
2325	Box.buffers.append(buffer)
2327	@classmethod
2328	def _calc_size(cls):
2329		if not "net" in cls.boxes:
2330			cls.width = Term.width
2331			return
2332		if not "proc" in cls.boxes:
2333			width_p = 100
2334		else:
2335			width_p = cls.width_p
2337		cls.width = round(Term.width * width_p / 100)
2338		cls.height = Term.height - Box._b_cpu_h - Box._b_mem_h
2339		cls.y = Term.height - cls.height + 1
2340		cls.box_width = 27 if cls.width > 45 else 19
2341		cls.box_height = 9 if cls.height > 10 else cls.height - 2
2342		cls.box_x = cls.width - cls.box_width - 1
2343		cls.box_y = cls.y + ((cls.height - 2) // 2) - cls.box_height // 2 + 1
2344		cls.graph_height["download"] = round((cls.height - 2) / 2)
2345		cls.graph_height["upload"] = cls.height - 2 - cls.graph_height["download"]
2346		cls.redraw = True
2348	@classmethod
2349	def _draw_bg(cls) -> str:
2350		if not "net" in cls.boxes: return ""
2351		return f'{create_box(box=cls, line_color=THEME.net_box)}\
2352		{create_box(x=cls.box_x, y=cls.box_y, width=cls.box_width, height=cls.box_height, line_color=THEME.div_line, fill=False, title="Download", title2="Upload")}'
2354	@classmethod
2355	def _draw_fg(cls):
2356		if not "net" in cls.boxes: return
2357		net = NetCollector
2358		if net.redraw: cls.redraw = True
2359		if not net.nic: return
2360		out: str = ""
2361		out_misc: str = ""
2362		x, y, w, h = cls.x + 1, cls.y + 1, cls.width - 2, cls.height - 2
2363		bx, by, bw, bh = cls.box_x + 1, cls.box_y + 1, cls.box_width - 2, cls.box_height - 2
2364		reset: bool = bool(net.stats[net.nic]["download"]["offset"])
2366		if cls.resized or cls.redraw:
2367			out_misc += cls._draw_bg()
2368			Key.mouse["b"] = [[x+w - len(net.nic[:10]) - 9 + i, y-1] for i in range(4)]
2369			Key.mouse["n"] = [[x+w - 5 + i, y-1] for i in range(4)]
2370			Key.mouse["z"] = [[x+w - len(net.nic[:10]) - 14 + i, y-1] for i in range(4)]
2373			out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x+w - 25)}{THEME.net_box}{Symbol.h_line * (10 - len(net.nic[:10]))}{Symbol.title_left}{Fx.b if reset else ""}{THEME.hi_fg("z")}{THEME.title("ero")}'
2374				f'{Fx.ub}{THEME.net_box(Symbol.title_right)}{Term.fg}'
2375				f'{THEME.net_box}{Symbol.title_left}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg("<b")} {THEME.title(net.nic[:10])} {THEME.hi_fg("n>")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.net_box(Symbol.title_right)}{Term.fg}')
2376			if w - len(net.nic[:10]) - 20 > 6:
2377				Key.mouse["a"] = [[x+w - 20 - len(net.nic[:10]) + i, y-1] for i in range(4)]
2378				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x+w - 21 - len(net.nic[:10]))}{THEME.net_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if net.auto_min else ""}{THEME.hi_fg("a")}{THEME.title("uto")}'
2379				f'{Fx.ub}{THEME.net_box(Symbol.title_right)}{Term.fg}')
2380			if w - len(net.nic[:10]) - 20 > 13:
2381				Key.mouse["y"] = [[x+w - 26 - len(net.nic[:10]) + i, y-1] for i in range(4)]
2382				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x+w - 27 - len(net.nic[:10]))}{THEME.net_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.net_sync else ""}{THEME.title("s")}{THEME.hi_fg("y")}{THEME.title("nc")}'
2383				f'{Fx.ub}{THEME.net_box(Symbol.title_right)}{Term.fg}')
2384			if net.address and w - len(net.nic[:10]) - len(net.address) - 20 > 15:
2385				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x+7)}{THEME.net_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title(net.address)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.net_box(Symbol.title_right)}{Term.fg}')
2386			Draw.buffer("net_misc", out_misc, only_save=True)
2388		cy = 0
2389		for direction in ["download", "upload"]:
2390			strings = net.strings[net.nic][direction]
2391			stats = net.stats[net.nic][direction]
2392			if cls.redraw: stats["redraw"] = True
2393			if stats["redraw"] or cls.resized:
2394				Graphs.net[direction] = Graph(w - bw - 3, cls.graph_height[direction], THEME.gradient[direction], stats["speed"], max_value=net.sync_top if CONFIG.net_sync else stats["graph_top"],
2395					invert=direction != "download", color_max_value=net.net_min.get(direction) if CONFIG.net_color_fixed else None, round_up_low=True)
2396			out += f'{Mv.to(y if direction == "download" else y + cls.graph_height["download"], x)}{Graphs.net[direction](None if stats["redraw"] else stats["speed"][-1])}'
2398			out += (f'{Mv.to(by+cy, bx)}{THEME.main_fg}{cls.symbols[direction]} {strings["byte_ps"]:<10.10}' +
2399					("" if bw < 20 else f'{Mv.to(by+cy, bx+bw - 12)}{"(" + strings["bit_ps"] + ")":>12.12}'))
2400			cy += 1 if bh != 3 else 2
2401			if bh >= 6:
2402				out += f'{Mv.to(by+cy, bx)}{cls.symbols[direction]} {"Top:"}{Mv.to(by+cy, bx+bw - 12)}{"(" + strings["top"] + ")":>12.12}'
2403				cy += 1
2404			if bh >= 4:
2405				out += f'{Mv.to(by+cy, bx)}{cls.symbols[direction]} {"Total:"}{Mv.to(by+cy, bx+bw - 10)}{strings["total"]:>10.10}'
2406				if bh > 2 and bh % 2: cy += 2
2407				else: cy += 1
2408			stats["redraw"] = False
2410		out += (f'{Mv.to(y, x)}{THEME.graph_text(net.sync_string if CONFIG.net_sync else net.strings[net.nic]["download"]["graph_top"])}'
2411				f'{Mv.to(y+h-1, x)}{THEME.graph_text(net.sync_string if CONFIG.net_sync else net.strings[net.nic]["upload"]["graph_top"])}')
2413		Draw.buffer(cls.buffer, f'{out_misc}{out}{Term.fg}', only_save=Menu.active)
2414		cls.redraw = cls.resized = False
2416class ProcBox(Box):
2417	name = "proc"
2418	num = 4
2419	height_p = 68
2420	width_p = 55
2421	min_w: int = 44
2422	min_h: int = 16
2423	x = 1
2424	y = 1
2425	current_y: int = 0
2426	current_h: int = 0
2427	select_max: int = 0
2428	selected: int = 0
2429	selected_pid: int = 0
2430	last_selection: int = 0
2431	filtering: bool = False
2432	moved: bool = False
2433	start: int = 1
2434	count: int = 0
2435	s_len: int = 0
2436	detailed: bool = False
2437	detailed_x: int = 0
2438	detailed_y: int = 0
2439	detailed_width: int = 0
2440	detailed_height: int = 8
2441	resized: bool = True
2442	redraw: bool = True
2443	buffer: str = "proc"
2444	pid_counter: Dict[int, int] = {}
2445	Box.buffers.append(buffer)
2447	@classmethod
2448	def _calc_size(cls):
2449		if not "proc" in cls.boxes:
2450			cls.width = Term.width
2451			return
2452		width_p: int; height_p: int
2453		if not "net" in cls.boxes and not "mem" in cls.boxes:
2454			width_p = 100
2455		else:
2456			width_p = cls.width_p
2458		if not "cpu" in cls.boxes:
2459			height_p = 100
2460		else:
2461			height_p = cls.height_p
2463		cls.width = round(Term.width * width_p / 100)
2464		cls.height = round(Term.height * height_p / 100)
2465		if cls.height + Box._b_cpu_h > Term.height: cls.height = Term.height - Box._b_cpu_h
2466		cls.x = Term.width - cls.width + 1
2467		cls.y = Box._b_cpu_h + 1
2468		cls.current_y = cls.y
2469		cls.current_h = cls.height
2470		cls.select_max = cls.height - 3
2471		cls.redraw = True
2472		cls.resized = True
2474	@classmethod
2475	def _draw_bg(cls) -> str:
2476		if not "proc" in cls.boxes: return ""
2477		return create_box(box=cls, line_color=THEME.proc_box)
2479	@classmethod
2480	def selector(cls, key: str, mouse_pos: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)):
2481		old: Tuple[int, int] = (cls.start, cls.selected)
2482		new_sel: int
2483		if key in ["up", "k"]:
2484			if cls.selected == 1 and cls.start > 1:
2485				cls.start -= 1
2486			elif cls.selected == 1:
2487				cls.selected = 0
2488			elif cls.selected > 1:
2489				cls.selected -= 1
2490		elif key in ["down", "j"]:
2491			if cls.selected == 0 and ProcCollector.detailed and cls.last_selection:
2492				cls.selected = cls.last_selection
2493				cls.last_selection = 0
2494			if cls.selected == cls.select_max and cls.start < ProcCollector.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1:
2495				cls.start += 1
2496			elif cls.selected < cls.select_max:
2497				cls.selected += 1
2498		elif key == "mouse_scroll_up" and cls.start > 1:
2499			cls.start -= 5
2500		elif key == "mouse_scroll_down" and cls.start < ProcCollector.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1:
2501			cls.start += 5
2502		elif key == "page_up" and cls.start > 1:
2503			cls.start -= cls.select_max
2504		elif key == "page_down" and cls.start < ProcCollector.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1:
2505			cls.start += cls.select_max
2506		elif key == "home":
2507			if cls.start > 1: cls.start = 1
2508			elif cls.selected > 0: cls.selected = 0
2509		elif key == "end":
2510			if cls.start < ProcCollector.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1: cls.start = ProcCollector.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1
2511			elif cls.selected < cls.select_max: cls.selected = cls.select_max
2512		elif key == "mouse_click":
2513			if mouse_pos[0] > cls.x + cls.width - 4 and cls.current_y + 1 < mouse_pos[1] < cls.current_y + 1 + cls.select_max + 1:
2514				if mouse_pos[1] == cls.current_y + 2:
2515					cls.start = 1
2516				elif mouse_pos[1] == cls.current_y + 1 + cls.select_max:
2517					cls.start = ProcCollector.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1
2518				else:
2519					cls.start = round((mouse_pos[1] - cls.current_y) * ((ProcCollector.num_procs - cls.select_max - 2) / (cls.select_max - 2)))
2520			else:
2521				new_sel = mouse_pos[1] - cls.current_y - 1 if mouse_pos[1] >= cls.current_y - 1 else 0
2522				if new_sel > 0 and new_sel == cls.selected:
2523					Key.list.insert(0, "enter")
2524					return
2525				elif new_sel > 0 and new_sel != cls.selected:
2526					if cls.last_selection: cls.last_selection = 0
2527					cls.selected = new_sel
2528		elif key == "mouse_unselect":
2529			cls.selected = 0
2531		if cls.start > ProcCollector.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1 and ProcCollector.num_procs > cls.select_max: cls.start = ProcCollector.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1
2532		elif cls.start > ProcCollector.num_procs: cls.start = ProcCollector.num_procs
2533		if cls.start < 1: cls.start = 1
2534		if cls.selected > ProcCollector.num_procs and ProcCollector.num_procs < cls.select_max: cls.selected = ProcCollector.num_procs
2535		elif cls.selected > cls.select_max: cls.selected = cls.select_max
2536		if cls.selected < 0: cls.selected = 0
2538		if old != (cls.start, cls.selected):
2539			cls.moved = True
2540			Collector.collect(ProcCollector, proc_interrupt=True, redraw=True, only_draw=True)
2543	@classmethod
2544	def _draw_fg(cls):
2545		if not "proc" in cls.boxes: return
2546		proc = ProcCollector
2547		if proc.proc_interrupt: return
2548		if proc.redraw: cls.redraw = True
2549		out: str = ""
2550		out_misc: str = ""
2551		n: int = 0
2552		x, y, w, h = cls.x + 1, cls.current_y + 1, cls.width - 2, cls.current_h - 2
2553		prog_len: int; arg_len: int; val: int; c_color: str; m_color: str; t_color: str; sort_pos: int; tree_len: int; is_selected: bool; calc: int
2554		dgx: int; dgw: int; dx: int; dw: int; dy: int
2555		l_count: int = 0
2556		scroll_pos: int = 0
2557		killed: bool = True
2558		indent: str = ""
2559		offset: int = 0
2560		tr_show: bool = True
2561		usr_show: bool = True
2562		vals: List[str]
2563		g_color: str = ""
2564		s_len: int = 0
2565		if proc.search_filter: s_len = len(proc.search_filter[:10])
2566		loc_string: str = f'{cls.start + cls.selected - 1}/{proc.num_procs}'
2567		end: str = ""
2569		if proc.detailed:
2570			dgx, dgw = x, w // 3
2571			dw = w - dgw - 1
2572			if dw > 120:
2573				dw = 120
2574				dgw = w - 121
2575			dx = x + dgw + 2
2576			dy = cls.y + 1
2578		if w > 67:
2579			arg_len = w - 53 - (1 if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else 0)
2580			prog_len = 15
2581		else:
2582			arg_len = 0
2583			prog_len = w - 38 - (1 if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else 0)
2584			if prog_len < 15:
2585				tr_show = False
2586				prog_len += 5
2587			if prog_len < 12:
2588				usr_show = False
2589				prog_len += 9
2591		if CONFIG.proc_tree:
2592			tree_len = arg_len + prog_len + 6
2593			arg_len = 0
2595		#* Buttons and titles only redrawn if needed
2596		if cls.resized or cls.redraw:
2597			s_len += len(CONFIG.proc_sorting)
2598			if cls.resized or s_len != cls.s_len or proc.detailed:
2599				cls.s_len = s_len
2600				for k in ["e", "r", "c", "T", "K", "I", "enter", "left", " ", "f", "delete"]:
2601					if k in Key.mouse: del Key.mouse[k]
2602			if proc.detailed:
2603				killed = proc.details.get("killed", False)
2604				main = THEME.main_fg if cls.selected == 0 and not killed else THEME.inactive_fg
2605				hi = THEME.hi_fg if cls.selected == 0 and not killed else THEME.inactive_fg
2606				title = THEME.title if cls.selected == 0 and not killed else THEME.inactive_fg
2607				if cls.current_y != cls.y + 8 or cls.resized or Graphs.detailed_cpu is NotImplemented:
2608					cls.current_y = cls.y + 8
2609					cls.current_h = cls.height - 8
2610					for i in range(7): out_misc += f'{Mv.to(dy+i, x)}{" " * w}'
2611					out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(dy+7, x-1)}{THEME.proc_box}{Symbol.title_right}{Symbol.h_line*w}{Symbol.title_left}'
2612					f'{Mv.to(dy+7, x+1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg(SUPERSCRIPT[cls.num])}{THEME.title(cls.name)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}{THEME.div_line}')
2613					for i in range(7):
2614						out_misc += f'{Mv.to(dy + i, dgx + dgw + 1)}{Symbol.v_line}'
2616				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(dy-1, x-1)}{THEME.proc_box}{Symbol.left_up}{Symbol.h_line*w}{Symbol.right_up}'
2617					f'{Mv.to(dy-1, dgx + dgw + 1)}{Symbol.div_up}'
2618					f'{Mv.to(dy-1, x+1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title(str(proc.details["pid"]))}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2619					f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title(proc.details["name"][:(dgw - 11)])}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2621				if cls.selected == 0:
2622					Key.mouse["enter"] = [[dx+dw-10 + i, dy-1] for i in range(7)]
2623				if cls.selected == 0 and not killed:
2624					Key.mouse["T"] = [[dx+2 + i, dy-1] for i in range(9)]
2626				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(dy-1, dx+dw - 11)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{title if cls.selected > 0 else THEME.title}close{Fx.ub} {main if cls.selected > 0 else THEME.main_fg}{Symbol.enter}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2627					f'{Mv.to(dy-1, dx+1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{hi}T{title}erminate{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2628				if dw > 28:
2629					if cls.selected == 0 and not killed and not "K" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["K"] = [[dx + 13 + i, dy-1] for i in range(4)]
2630					out_misc += f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{hi}K{title}ill{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2631				if dw > 39:
2632					if cls.selected == 0 and not killed and not "I" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["I"] = [[dx + 19 + i, dy-1] for i in range(9)]
2633					out_misc += f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{hi}I{title}nterrupt{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2635				if Graphs.detailed_cpu is NotImplemented or cls.resized:
2636					Graphs.detailed_cpu = Graph(dgw+1, 7, THEME.gradient["cpu"], proc.details_cpu)
2637					Graphs.detailed_mem = Graph(dw // 3, 1, None, proc.details_mem)
2639				cls.select_max = cls.height - 11
2640				y = cls.y + 9
2641				h = cls.height - 10
2643			else:
2644				if cls.current_y != cls.y or cls.resized:
2645					cls.current_y = cls.y
2646					cls.current_h = cls.height
2647					y, h = cls.y + 1, cls.height - 2
2648					out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x-1)}{THEME.proc_box}{Symbol.left_up}{Symbol.h_line*w}{Symbol.right_up}'
2649						f'{Mv.to(y-1, x+1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg(SUPERSCRIPT[cls.num])}{THEME.title(cls.name)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2650						f'{Mv.to(y+7, x-1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.v_line)}{Mv.r(w)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.v_line)}')
2651				cls.select_max = cls.height - 3
2654			sort_pos = x + w - len(CONFIG.proc_sorting) - 7
2655			if not "left" in Key.mouse:
2656				Key.mouse["left"] = [[sort_pos + i, y-1] for i in range(3)]
2657				Key.mouse["right"] = [[sort_pos + len(CONFIG.proc_sorting) + 3 + i, y-1] for i in range(3)]
2660			out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x + 8)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.h_line * (w - 9))}' +
2661				("" if not proc.detailed else f"{Mv.to(dy+7, dgx + dgw + 1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.div_down)}") +
2662				f'{Mv.to(y-1, sort_pos)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg("<")} {THEME.title(CONFIG.proc_sorting)} '
2663				f'{THEME.hi_fg(">")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2666			if w > 29 + s_len:
2667				if not "e" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["e"] = [[sort_pos - 5 + i, y-1] for i in range(4)]
2668				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, sort_pos - 6)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.proc_tree else ""}'
2669					f'{THEME.title("tre")}{THEME.hi_fg("e")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2670			if w > 37 + s_len:
2671				if not "r" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["r"] = [[sort_pos - 14 + i, y-1] for i in range(7)]
2672				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, sort_pos - 15)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.proc_reversed else ""}'
2673					f'{THEME.hi_fg("r")}{THEME.title("everse")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2674			if w > 47 + s_len:
2675				if not "c" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["c"] = [[sort_pos - 24 + i, y-1] for i in range(8)]
2676				out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, sort_pos - 25)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.proc_per_core else ""}'
2677					f'{THEME.title("per-")}{THEME.hi_fg("c")}{THEME.title("ore")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2679			if not "f" in Key.mouse or cls.resized: Key.mouse["f"] = [[x+6 + i, y-1] for i in range(6 if not proc.search_filter else 2 + len(proc.search_filter[-10:]))]
2680			if proc.search_filter:
2681				if not "delete" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["delete"] = [[x+12 + len(proc.search_filter[-10:]) + i, y-1] for i in range(3)]
2682			elif "delete" in Key.mouse:
2683				del Key.mouse["delete"]
2684			out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x + 8)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if cls.filtering or proc.search_filter else ""}{THEME.hi_fg("F" if cls.filtering and proc.case_sensitive else "f")}{THEME.title}' +
2685				("ilter" if not proc.search_filter and not cls.filtering else f' {proc.search_filter[-(10 if w < 83 else w - 74):]}{(Fx.bl + "█" + Fx.ubl) if cls.filtering else THEME.hi_fg(" del")}') +
2686				f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2688			main = THEME.inactive_fg if cls.selected == 0 else THEME.main_fg
2689			hi = THEME.inactive_fg if cls.selected == 0 else THEME.hi_fg
2690			title = THEME.inactive_fg if cls.selected == 0 else THEME.title
2691			out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y+h, x + 1)}{THEME.proc_box}{Symbol.h_line*(w-4)}'
2692					f'{Mv.to(y+h, x+1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{main}{Symbol.up} {Fx.b}{THEME.main_fg("select")} {Fx.ub}'
2693					f'{THEME.inactive_fg if cls.selected == cls.select_max else THEME.main_fg}{Symbol.down}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2694					f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{title}{Fx.b}info {Fx.ub}{main}{Symbol.enter}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2695			if not "enter" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["enter"] = [[x + 14 + i, y+h] for i in range(6)]
2696			if w - len(loc_string) > 34:
2697				if not "T" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["T"] = [[x + 22 + i, y+h] for i in range(9)]
2698				out_misc += f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{hi}T{title}erminate{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2699			if w - len(loc_string) > 40:
2700				if not "K" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["K"] = [[x + 33 + i, y+h] for i in range(4)]
2701				out_misc += f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{hi}K{title}ill{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2702			if w - len(loc_string) > 51:
2703				if not "I" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["I"] = [[x + 39 + i, y+h] for i in range(9)]
2704				out_misc += f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{hi}I{title}nterrupt{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2705			if CONFIG.proc_tree and w - len(loc_string) > 65:
2706				if not " " in Key.mouse: Key.mouse[" "] = [[x + 50 + i, y+h] for i in range(12)]
2707				out_misc += f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{hi}spc {title}collapse{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
2709			#* Processes labels
2710			selected: str = CONFIG.proc_sorting
2711			label: str
2712			if selected == "memory": selected = "mem"
2713			if selected == "threads" and not CONFIG.proc_tree and not arg_len: selected = "tr"
2714			if CONFIG.proc_tree:
2715				label = (f'{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{Mv.to(y, x)}{" Tree:":<{tree_len-2}}' + (f'{"Threads: ":<9}' if tr_show else " "*4) + (f'{"User:":<9}' if usr_show else "") + f'Mem%{"Cpu%":>11}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg} ' +
2716						(" " if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else ""))
2717				if selected in ["pid", "program", "arguments"]: selected = "tree"
2718			else:
2719				label = (f'{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{Mv.to(y, x)}{"Pid:":>7} {"Program:" if prog_len > 8 else "Prg:":<{prog_len}}' + (f'{"Arguments:":<{arg_len-4}}' if arg_len else "") +
2720					((f'{"Threads:":<9}' if arg_len else f'{"Tr:":^5}') if tr_show else "") + (f'{"User:":<9}' if usr_show else "") + f'Mem%{"Cpu%":>11}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg} ' +
2721					(" " if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else ""))
2722				if selected == "program" and prog_len <= 8: selected = "prg"
2723			selected = selected.split(" ")[0].capitalize()
2724			if CONFIG.proc_mem_bytes: label = label.replace("Mem%", "MemB")
2725			label = label.replace(selected, f'{Fx.u}{selected}{Fx.uu}')
2726			out_misc += label
2728			Draw.buffer("proc_misc", out_misc, only_save=True)
2730		#* Detailed box draw
2731		if proc.detailed:
2732			if proc.details["status"] == psutil.STATUS_RUNNING: stat_color = Fx.b
2733			elif proc.details["status"] in [psutil.STATUS_DEAD, psutil.STATUS_STOPPED, psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE]: stat_color = f'{THEME.inactive_fg}'
2734			else: stat_color = ""
2735			expand = proc.expand
2736			iw = (dw - 3) // (4 + expand)
2737			iw2 = iw - 1
2738			out += (f'{Mv.to(dy, dgx)}{Graphs.detailed_cpu(None if cls.moved or proc.details["killed"] else proc.details_cpu[-1])}'
2739					f'{Mv.to(dy, dgx)}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{0 if proc.details["killed"] else proc.details["cpu_percent"]}%{Mv.r(1)}{"" if SYSTEM == "MacOS" else (("C" if dgw < 20 else "Core") + str(proc.details["cpu_num"]))}')
2740			for i, l in enumerate(["C", "P", "U"]):
2741				out += f'{Mv.to(dy+2+i, dgx)}{l}'
2742			for i, l in enumerate(["C", "M", "D"]):
2743				out += f'{Mv.to(dy+4+i, dx+1)}{l}'
2744			out += (f'{Mv.to(dy, dx+1)} {"Status:":^{iw}.{iw2}}{"Elapsed:":^{iw}.{iw2}}' +
2745					(f'{"Parent:":^{iw}.{iw2}}' if dw > 28 else "") + (f'{"User:":^{iw}.{iw2}}' if dw > 38 else "") +
2746					(f'{"Threads:":^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 0 else "") + (f'{"Nice:":^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 1 else "") +
2747					(f'{"IO Read:":^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 2 else "") + (f'{"IO Write:":^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 3 else "") +
2748					(f'{"TTY:":^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 4 else "") +
2749					f'{Mv.to(dy+1, dx+1)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}{stat_color}{proc.details["status"]:^{iw}.{iw2}}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}{proc.details["uptime"]:^{iw}.{iw2}} ' +
2750					(f'{proc.details["parent_name"]:^{iw}.{iw2}}' if dw > 28 else "") + (f'{proc.details["username"]:^{iw}.{iw2}}' if dw > 38 else "") +
2751					(f'{proc.details["threads"]:^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 0 else "") + (f'{proc.details["nice"]:^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 1 else "") +
2752					(f'{proc.details["io_read"]:^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 2 else "") + (f'{proc.details["io_write"]:^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 3 else "") +
2753					(f'{proc.details["terminal"][-(iw2):]:^{iw}.{iw2}}' if expand > 4 else "") +
2754					f'{Mv.to(dy+3, dx)}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{("Memory: " if dw > 42 else "M:") + str(round(proc.details["memory_percent"], 1)) + "%":>{dw//3-1}}{Fx.ub} {THEME.inactive_fg}{"⡀"*(dw//3)}'
2755					f'{Mv.l(dw//3)}{THEME.proc_misc}{Graphs.detailed_mem(None if cls.moved else proc.details_mem[-1])} '
2756					f'{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{proc.details["memory_bytes"]:.{dw//3 - 2}}{THEME.main_fg}{Fx.ub}')
2757			cy = dy + (4 if len(proc.details["cmdline"]) > dw - 5 else 5)
2758			for i in range(ceil(len(proc.details["cmdline"]) / (dw - 5))):
2759				out += f'{Mv.to(cy+i, dx + 3)}{proc.details["cmdline"][((dw-5)*i):][:(dw-5)]:{"^" if i == 0 else "<"}{dw-5}}'
2760				if i == 2: break
2762		#* Checking for selection out of bounds
2763		if cls.start > proc.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1 and proc.num_procs > cls.select_max: cls.start = proc.num_procs - cls.select_max + 1
2764		elif cls.start > proc.num_procs: cls.start = proc.num_procs
2765		if cls.start < 1: cls.start = 1
2766		if cls.selected > proc.num_procs and proc.num_procs < cls.select_max: cls.selected = proc.num_procs
2767		elif cls.selected > cls.select_max: cls.selected = cls.select_max
2768		if cls.selected < 0: cls.selected = 0
2770		#* Start iteration over all processes and info
2771		cy = 1
2772		for n, (pid, items) in enumerate(proc.processes.items(), start=1):
2773			if n < cls.start: continue
2774			l_count += 1
2775			if l_count == cls.selected:
2776				is_selected = True
2777				cls.selected_pid = pid
2778			else: is_selected = False
2780			indent, name, cmd, threads, username, mem, mem_b, cpu = [items.get(v, d) for v, d in [("indent", ""), ("name", ""), ("cmd", ""), ("threads", 0), ("username", "?"), ("mem", 0.0), ("mem_b", 0), ("cpu", 0.0)]]
2782			if CONFIG.proc_tree:
2783				arg_len = 0
2784				offset = tree_len - len(f'{indent}{pid}')
2785				if offset < 1: offset = 0
2786				indent = f'{indent:.{tree_len - len(str(pid))}}'
2787				if offset - len(name) > 12:
2788					cmd = cmd.split(" ")[0].split("/")[-1]
2789					if not cmd.startswith(name):
2790						offset = len(name)
2791						arg_len = tree_len - len(f'{indent}{pid} {name} ') + 2
2792						cmd = f'({cmd[:(arg_len-4)]})'
2793			else:
2794				offset = prog_len - 1
2795			if cpu > 1.0 or pid in Graphs.pid_cpu:
2796				if pid not in Graphs.pid_cpu:
2797					Graphs.pid_cpu[pid] = Graph(5, 1, None, [0])
2798					cls.pid_counter[pid] = 0
2799				elif cpu < 1.0:
2800					cls.pid_counter[pid] += 1
2801					if cls.pid_counter[pid] > 10:
2802						del cls.pid_counter[pid], Graphs.pid_cpu[pid]
2803				else:
2804					cls.pid_counter[pid] = 0
2806			end = f'{THEME.main_fg}{Fx.ub}' if CONFIG.proc_colors else Fx.ub
2807			if cls.selected > cy: calc = cls.selected - cy
2808			elif 0 < cls.selected <= cy: calc = cy - cls.selected
2809			else: calc = cy
2810			if CONFIG.proc_colors and not is_selected:
2811				vals = []
2812				for v in [int(cpu), int(mem), int(threads // 3)]:
2813					if CONFIG.proc_gradient:
2814						val = ((v if v <= 100 else 100) + 100) - calc * 100 // cls.select_max
2815						vals += [f'{THEME.gradient["proc_color" if val < 100 else "process"][val if val < 100 else val - 100]}']
2816					else:
2817						vals += [f'{THEME.gradient["process"][v if v <= 100 else 100]}']
2818				c_color, m_color, t_color = vals
2819			else:
2820				c_color = m_color = t_color = Fx.b
2821			if CONFIG.proc_gradient and not is_selected:
2822				g_color = f'{THEME.gradient["proc"][calc * 100 // cls.select_max]}'
2823			if is_selected:
2824				c_color = m_color = t_color = g_color = end = ""
2825				out += f'{THEME.selected_bg}{THEME.selected_fg}{Fx.b}'
2827			#* Creates one line for a process with all gathered information
2828			out += (f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x)}{g_color}{indent}{pid:>{(1 if CONFIG.proc_tree else 7)}} ' +
2829				f'{c_color}{name:<{offset}.{offset}} {end}' +
2830				(f'{g_color}{cmd:<{arg_len}.{arg_len-1}}' if arg_len else "") +
2831				(t_color + (f'{threads:>4} ' if threads < 1000 else "999> ") + end if tr_show else "") +
2832				(g_color + (f'{username:<9.9}' if len(username) < 10 else f'{username[:8]:<8}+') if usr_show else "") +
2833				m_color + ((f'{mem:>4.1f}' if mem < 100 else f'{mem:>4.0f} ') if not CONFIG.proc_mem_bytes else f'{floating_humanizer(mem_b, short=True):>4.4}') + end +
2834				f' {THEME.inactive_fg}{"⡀"*5}{THEME.main_fg}{g_color}{c_color}' + (f' {cpu:>4.1f} ' if cpu < 100 else f'{cpu:>5.0f} ') + end +
2835				(" " if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else ""))
2837			#* Draw small cpu graph for process if cpu usage was above 1% in the last 10 updates
2838			if pid in Graphs.pid_cpu:
2839				out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x + w - (12 if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else 11))}{c_color if CONFIG.proc_colors else THEME.proc_misc}{Graphs.pid_cpu[pid](None if cls.moved else round(cpu))}{THEME.main_fg}'
2841			if is_selected: out += f'{Fx.ub}{Term.fg}{Term.bg}{Mv.to(y+cy, x + w - 1)}{" " if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else ""}'
2843			cy += 1
2844			if cy == h: break
2845		if cy < h:
2846			for i in range(h-cy):
2847				out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy+i, x)}{" " * w}'
2849		#* Draw scrollbar if needed
2850		if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max:
2851			if cls.resized:
2852				Key.mouse["mouse_scroll_up"] = [[x+w-2+i, y] for i in range(3)]
2853				Key.mouse["mouse_scroll_down"] = [[x+w-2+i, y+h-1] for i in range(3)]
2854			scroll_pos = round(cls.start * (cls.select_max - 2) / (proc.num_procs - (cls.select_max - 2)))
2855			if scroll_pos < 0 or cls.start == 1: scroll_pos = 0
2856			elif scroll_pos > h - 3 or cls.start >= proc.num_procs - cls.select_max: scroll_pos = h - 3
2857			out += (f'{Mv.to(y, x+w-1)}{Fx.b}{THEME.main_fg}↑{Mv.to(y+h-1, x+w-1)}↓{Fx.ub}'
2858					f'{Mv.to(y+1+scroll_pos, x+w-1)}█')
2859		elif "scroll_up" in Key.mouse:
2860			del Key.mouse["scroll_up"], Key.mouse["scroll_down"]
2862		#* Draw current selection and number of processes
2863		out += (f'{Mv.to(y+h, x + w - 3 - len(loc_string))}{THEME.proc_box}{Symbol.title_left}{THEME.title}'
2864					f'{Fx.b}{loc_string}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
2866		#* Clean up dead processes graphs and counters
2867		cls.count += 1
2868		if cls.count == 100:
2869			cls.count = 0
2870			for p in list(cls.pid_counter):
2871				if not psutil.pid_exists(p):
2872					del cls.pid_counter[p], Graphs.pid_cpu[p]
2874		Draw.buffer(cls.buffer, f'{out_misc}{out}{Term.fg}', only_save=Menu.active)
2875		cls.redraw = cls.resized = cls.moved = False
2877class Collector:
2878	'''Data collector master class
2879	* .start(): Starts collector thread
2880	* .stop(): Stops collector thread
2881	* .collect(*collectors: Collector, draw_now: bool = True, interrupt: bool = False): queues up collectors to run'''
2882	stopping: bool = False
2883	started: bool = False
2884	draw_now: bool = False
2885	redraw: bool = False
2886	only_draw: bool = False
2887	thread: threading.Thread
2888	collect_run = threading.Event()
2889	collect_idle = threading.Event()
2890	collect_idle.set()
2891	collect_done = threading.Event()
2892	collect_queue: List = []
2893	collect_interrupt: bool = False
2894	proc_interrupt: bool = False
2895	use_draw_list: bool = False
2896	proc_counter: int = 1
2898	@classmethod
2899	def start(cls):
2900		cls.stopping = False
2901		cls.thread = threading.Thread(target=cls._runner, args=())
2902		cls.thread.start()
2903		cls.started = True
2905	@classmethod
2906	def stop(cls):
2907		if cls.started and cls.thread.is_alive():
2908			cls.stopping = True
2909			cls.started = False
2910			cls.collect_queue = []
2911			cls.collect_idle.set()
2912			cls.collect_done.set()
2913			try:
2914				cls.thread.join()
2915			except:
2916				pass
2918	@classmethod
2919	def _runner(cls):
2920		'''This is meant to run in it's own thread, collecting and drawing when collect_run is set'''
2921		draw_buffers: List[str] = []
2922		debugged: bool = False
2923		try:
2924			while not cls.stopping:
2925				if CONFIG.draw_clock and CONFIG.update_ms != 1000: Box.draw_clock()
2926				cls.collect_run.wait(0.1)
2927				if not cls.collect_run.is_set():
2928					continue
2929				draw_buffers = []
2930				cls.collect_interrupt = False
2931				cls.collect_run.clear()
2932				cls.collect_idle.clear()
2933				cls.collect_done.clear()
2934				if DEBUG and not debugged: TimeIt.start("Collect and draw")
2935				while cls.collect_queue:
2936					collector = cls.collect_queue.pop()
2937					if not cls.only_draw:
2938						collector._collect()
2939					collector._draw()
2940					if cls.use_draw_list: draw_buffers.append(collector.buffer)
2941					if cls.collect_interrupt: break
2942				if DEBUG and not debugged: TimeIt.stop("Collect and draw"); debugged = True
2943				if cls.draw_now and not Menu.active and not cls.collect_interrupt:
2944					if cls.use_draw_list: Draw.out(*draw_buffers)
2945					else: Draw.out()
2946				if CONFIG.draw_clock and CONFIG.update_ms == 1000: Box.draw_clock()
2947				cls.collect_idle.set()
2948				cls.collect_done.set()
2949		except Exception as e:
2950			errlog.exception(f'Data collection thread failed with exception: {e}')
2951			cls.collect_idle.set()
2952			cls.collect_done.set()
2953			clean_quit(1, thread=True)
2955	@classmethod
2956	def collect(cls, *collectors, draw_now: bool = True, interrupt: bool = False, proc_interrupt: bool = False, redraw: bool = False, only_draw: bool = False):
2957		'''Setup collect queue for _runner'''
2958		cls.collect_interrupt = interrupt
2959		cls.proc_interrupt = proc_interrupt
2960		cls.collect_idle.wait()
2961		cls.collect_interrupt = False
2962		cls.proc_interrupt = False
2963		cls.use_draw_list = False
2964		cls.draw_now = draw_now
2965		cls.redraw = redraw
2966		cls.only_draw = only_draw
2968		if collectors:
2969			cls.collect_queue = [*collectors]
2970			cls.use_draw_list = True
2971			if ProcCollector in cls.collect_queue:
2972				cls.proc_counter = 1
2974		else:
2975			cls.collect_queue = list(cls.__subclasses__())
2976			if CONFIG.proc_update_mult > 1:
2977				if cls.proc_counter > 1:
2978					cls.collect_queue.remove(ProcCollector)
2979				if cls.proc_counter == CONFIG.proc_update_mult:
2980					cls.proc_counter = 0
2981				cls.proc_counter += 1
2983		cls.collect_run.set()
2986class CpuCollector(Collector):
2987	'''Collects cpu usage for cpu and cores, cpu frequency, load_avg, uptime and cpu temps'''
2988	cpu_usage: List[List[int]] = []
2989	cpu_upper: List[int] = []
2990	cpu_lower: List[int] = []
2991	cpu_temp: List[List[int]] = []
2992	cpu_temp_high: int = 0
2993	cpu_temp_crit: int = 0
2994	for _ in range(THREADS + 1):
2995		cpu_usage.append([])
2996		cpu_temp.append([])
2997	freq_error: bool = False
2998	cpu_freq: int = 0
2999	load_avg: List[float] = []
3000	uptime: str = ""
3001	buffer: str = CpuBox.buffer
3002	sensor_method: str = ""
3003	got_sensors: bool = False
3004	sensor_swap: bool = False
3005	cpu_temp_only: bool = False
3007	@classmethod
3008	def get_sensors(cls):
3009		'''Check if we can get cpu temps and return method of getting temps'''
3010		cls.sensor_method = ""
3011		if SYSTEM == "MacOS":
3012			try:
3013				if which("coretemp") and subprocess.check_output(["coretemp", "-p"], universal_newlines=True).strip().replace("-", "").isdigit():
3014					cls.sensor_method = "coretemp"
3015				elif which("osx-cpu-temp") and subprocess.check_output("osx-cpu-temp", universal_newlines=True).rstrip().endswith("°C"):
3016					cls.sensor_method = "osx-cpu-temp"
3017			except: pass
3018		elif CONFIG.cpu_sensor != "Auto" and CONFIG.cpu_sensor in CONFIG.cpu_sensors:
3019			cls.sensor_method = "psutil"
3020		elif hasattr(psutil, "sensors_temperatures"):
3021			try:
3022				temps = psutil.sensors_temperatures()
3023				if temps:
3024					for name, entries in temps.items():
3025						if name.lower().startswith("cpu"):
3026							cls.sensor_method = "psutil"
3027							break
3028						for entry in entries:
3029							if entry.label.startswith(("Package", "Core 0", "Tdie", "CPU")):
3030								cls.sensor_method = "psutil"
3031								break
3032			except: pass
3033		if not cls.sensor_method and SYSTEM == "Linux":
3034			try:
3035				if which("vcgencmd") and subprocess.check_output(["vcgencmd", "measure_temp"], universal_newlines=True).strip().endswith("'C"):
3036					cls.sensor_method = "vcgencmd"
3037			except: pass
3038		cls.got_sensors = bool(cls.sensor_method)
3040	@classmethod
3041	def _collect(cls):
3042		cls.cpu_usage[0].append(ceil(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False)))
3043		if len(cls.cpu_usage[0]) > Term.width * 4:
3044			del cls.cpu_usage[0][0]
3046		cpu_times_percent = psutil.cpu_times_percent()
3047		for x in ["upper", "lower"]:
3048			if getattr(CONFIG, "cpu_graph_" + x) == "total":
3049				setattr(cls, "cpu_" + x, cls.cpu_usage[0])
3050			else:
3051				getattr(cls, "cpu_" + x).append(ceil(getattr(cpu_times_percent, getattr(CONFIG, "cpu_graph_" + x))))
3052			if len(getattr(cls, "cpu_" + x)) > Term.width * 4:
3053				del getattr(cls, "cpu_" + x)[0]
3055		for n, thread in enumerate(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True), start=1):
3056			cls.cpu_usage[n].append(ceil(thread))
3057			if len(cls.cpu_usage[n]) > Term.width * 2:
3058				del cls.cpu_usage[n][0]
3059		try:
3060			if CONFIG.show_cpu_freq and hasattr(psutil.cpu_freq(), "current"):
3061				freq: float = psutil.cpu_freq().current
3062				cls.cpu_freq = round(freq * (1 if freq > 10 else 1000))
3063			elif cls.cpu_freq > 0:
3064				cls.cpu_freq = 0
3065		except Exception as e:
3066			if not cls.freq_error:
3067				cls.freq_error = True
3068				errlog.error("Exception while getting cpu frequency!")
3069				errlog.exception(f'{e}')
3070			else:
3071				pass
3072		cls.load_avg = [round(lavg, 2) for lavg in psutil.getloadavg()]
3073		cls.uptime = str(timedelta(seconds=round(time()-psutil.boot_time(),0)))[:-3].replace(" days,", "d").replace(" day,", "d")
3075		if CONFIG.check_temp and cls.got_sensors:
3076			cls._collect_temps()
3078	@classmethod
3079	def _collect_temps(cls):
3080		temp: int = 1000
3081		cores: List[int] = []
3082		core_dict: Dict[int, int] = {}
3083		entry_int: int = 0
3084		cpu_type: str = ""
3085		c_max: int = 0
3086		s_name: str = "_-_"
3087		s_label: str = "_-_"
3088		if cls.sensor_method == "psutil":
3089			try:
3090				if CONFIG.cpu_sensor != "Auto":
3091					s_name, s_label = CONFIG.cpu_sensor.split(":", 1)
3092				for name, entries in psutil.sensors_temperatures().items():
3093					for num, entry in enumerate(entries, 1):
3094						if name == s_name and (entry.label == s_label or str(num) == s_label):
3095							if entry.label.startswith("Package"):
3096								cpu_type = "intel"
3097							elif entry.label.startswith("Tdie"):
3098								cpu_type = "ryzen"
3099							else:
3100								cpu_type = "other"
3101							if getattr(entry, "high", None) != None and entry.high > 1: cls.cpu_temp_high = round(entry.high)
3102							else: cls.cpu_temp_high = 80
3103							if getattr(entry, "critical", None) != None and entry.critical > 1: cls.cpu_temp_crit = round(entry.critical)
3104							else: cls.cpu_temp_crit = 95
3105							temp = round(entry.current)
3106						elif entry.label.startswith(("Package", "Tdie")) and cpu_type in ["", "other"] and s_name == "_-_" and hasattr(entry, "current"):
3107							if not cls.cpu_temp_high or cls.sensor_swap or cpu_type == "other":
3108								cls.sensor_swap = False
3109								if getattr(entry, "high", None) != None and entry.high > 1: cls.cpu_temp_high = round(entry.high)
3110								else: cls.cpu_temp_high = 80
3111								if getattr(entry, "critical", None) != None and entry.critical > 1: cls.cpu_temp_crit = round(entry.critical)
3112								else: cls.cpu_temp_crit = 95
3113							cpu_type = "intel" if entry.label.startswith("Package") else "ryzen"
3114							temp = round(entry.current)
3115						elif (entry.label.startswith(("Core", "Tccd", "CPU")) or (name.lower().startswith("cpu") and not entry.label)) and hasattr(entry, "current"):
3116							if entry.label.startswith(("Core", "Tccd")):
3117								entry_int = int(entry.label.replace("Core", "").replace("Tccd", ""))
3118								if entry_int in core_dict and cpu_type != "ryzen":
3119									if c_max == 0:
3120										c_max = max(core_dict) + 1
3121									if c_max < THREADS // 2 and (entry_int + c_max) not in core_dict:
3122										core_dict[(entry_int + c_max)] = round(entry.current)
3123									continue
3124								elif entry_int in core_dict:
3125									continue
3126								core_dict[entry_int] = round(entry.current)
3127								continue
3128							elif cpu_type in ["intel", "ryzen"]:
3129								continue
3130							if not cpu_type:
3131								cpu_type = "other"
3132								if not cls.cpu_temp_high or cls.sensor_swap:
3133									cls.sensor_swap = False
3134									if getattr(entry, "high", None) != None and entry.high > 1: cls.cpu_temp_high = round(entry.high)
3135									else: cls.cpu_temp_high = 60 if name == "cpu_thermal" else 80
3136									if getattr(entry, "critical", None) != None and entry.critical > 1: cls.cpu_temp_crit = round(entry.critical)
3137									else: cls.cpu_temp_crit = 80 if name == "cpu_thermal" else 95
3138								temp = round(entry.current)
3139							cores.append(round(entry.current))
3140				if core_dict:
3141					if not temp or temp == 1000:
3142						temp = sum(core_dict.values()) // len(core_dict)
3143					if not cls.cpu_temp_high or not cls.cpu_temp_crit:
3144						cls.cpu_temp_high, cls.cpu_temp_crit = 80, 95
3145					cls.cpu_temp[0].append(temp)
3146					if cpu_type == "ryzen":
3147						ccds: int = len(core_dict)
3148						cores_per_ccd: int = CORES // ccds
3149						z: int = 1
3150						for x in range(THREADS):
3151							if x == CORES:
3152								z = 1
3153							if CORE_MAP[x] + 1 > cores_per_ccd * z:
3154								z += 1
3155							if z in core_dict:
3156								cls.cpu_temp[x+1].append(core_dict[z])
3157					else:
3158						for x in range(THREADS):
3159							if CORE_MAP[x] in core_dict:
3160								cls.cpu_temp[x+1].append(core_dict[CORE_MAP[x]])
3162				elif len(cores) == THREADS / 2:
3163					cls.cpu_temp[0].append(temp)
3164					for n, t in enumerate(cores, start=1):
3165						try:
3166							cls.cpu_temp[n].append(t)
3167							cls.cpu_temp[THREADS // 2 + n].append(t)
3168						except IndexError:
3169							break
3171				else:
3172					cls.cpu_temp[0].append(temp)
3173					if len(cores) > 1:
3174						for n, t in enumerate(cores, start=1):
3175							try:
3176								cls.cpu_temp[n].append(t)
3177							except IndexError:
3178								break
3179			except Exception as e:
3180					errlog.exception(f'{e}')
3181					cls.got_sensors = False
3182					CpuBox._calc_size()
3184		else:
3185			try:
3186				if cls.sensor_method == "coretemp":
3187					temp = max(0, int(subprocess.check_output(["coretemp", "-p"], universal_newlines=True).strip()))
3188					cores = [max(0, int(x)) for x in subprocess.check_output("coretemp", universal_newlines=True).split()]
3189					if len(cores) == THREADS / 2:
3190						cls.cpu_temp[0].append(temp)
3191						for n, t in enumerate(cores, start=1):
3192							try:
3193								cls.cpu_temp[n].append(t)
3194								cls.cpu_temp[THREADS // 2 + n].append(t)
3195							except IndexError:
3196								break
3197					else:
3198						cores.insert(0, temp)
3199						for n, t in enumerate(cores):
3200							try:
3201								cls.cpu_temp[n].append(t)
3202							except IndexError:
3203								break
3204					if not cls.cpu_temp_high:
3205						cls.cpu_temp_high = 85
3206						cls.cpu_temp_crit = 100
3207				elif cls.sensor_method == "osx-cpu-temp":
3208					temp = max(0, round(float(subprocess.check_output("osx-cpu-temp", universal_newlines=True).strip()[:-2])))
3209					if not cls.cpu_temp_high:
3210						cls.cpu_temp_high = 85
3211						cls.cpu_temp_crit = 100
3212				elif cls.sensor_method == "vcgencmd":
3213					temp = max(0, round(float(subprocess.check_output(["vcgencmd", "measure_temp"], universal_newlines=True).strip()[5:-2])))
3214					if not cls.cpu_temp_high:
3215						cls.cpu_temp_high = 60
3216						cls.cpu_temp_crit = 80
3217			except Exception as e:
3218					errlog.exception(f'{e}')
3219					cls.got_sensors = False
3220					CpuBox._calc_size()
3221			else:
3222				if not cores:
3223					cls.cpu_temp[0].append(temp)
3225		if not core_dict and len(cores) <= 1:
3226			cls.cpu_temp_only = True
3227		if len(cls.cpu_temp[0]) > 5:
3228			for n in range(len(cls.cpu_temp)):
3229				if cls.cpu_temp[n]:
3230					del cls.cpu_temp[n][0]
3232	@classmethod
3233	def _draw(cls):
3234		CpuBox._draw_fg()
3236class MemCollector(Collector):
3237	'''Collects memory and disks information'''
3238	values: Dict[str, int] = {}
3239	vlist: Dict[str, List[int]] = {}
3240	percent: Dict[str, int] = {}
3241	string: Dict[str, str] = {}
3243	swap_values: Dict[str, int] = {}
3244	swap_vlist: Dict[str, List[int]] = {}
3245	swap_percent: Dict[str, int] = {}
3246	swap_string: Dict[str, str] = {}
3248	disks: Dict[str, Dict]
3249	disk_hist: Dict[str, Tuple] = {}
3250	timestamp: float = time()
3251	disks_io_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[int]]] = {}
3252	recheck_diskutil: bool = True
3253	diskutil_map: Dict[str, str] = {}
3255	io_error: bool = False
3257	old_disks: List[str] = []
3258	old_io_disks: List[str] = []
3260	fstab_filter: List[str] = []
3262	excludes: List[str] = ["squashfs", "nullfs"]
3263	if SYSTEM == "BSD": excludes += ["devfs", "tmpfs", "procfs", "linprocfs", "gvfs", "fusefs"]
3265	buffer: str = MemBox.buffer
3267	@classmethod
3268	def _collect(cls):
3269		#* Collect memory
3270		mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
3271		if hasattr(mem, "cached"):
3272			cls.values["cached"] = mem.cached
3273		else:
3274			cls.values["cached"] = mem.active
3275		cls.values["total"], cls.values["free"], cls.values["available"] = mem.total, mem.free, mem.available
3276		cls.values["used"] = cls.values["total"] - cls.values["available"]
3278		for key, value in cls.values.items():
3279			cls.string[key] = floating_humanizer(value)
3280			if key == "total": continue
3281			cls.percent[key] = round(value * 100 / cls.values["total"])
3282			if CONFIG.mem_graphs:
3283				if not key in cls.vlist: cls.vlist[key] = []
3284				cls.vlist[key].append(cls.percent[key])
3285				if len(cls.vlist[key]) > MemBox.width: del cls.vlist[key][0]
3287		#* Collect swap
3288		if CONFIG.show_swap or CONFIG.swap_disk:
3289			swap = psutil.swap_memory()
3290			cls.swap_values["total"], cls.swap_values["free"] = swap.total, swap.free
3291			cls.swap_values["used"] = cls.swap_values["total"] - cls.swap_values["free"]
3293			if swap.total:
3294				if not MemBox.swap_on:
3295					MemBox.redraw = True
3296				MemBox.swap_on = True
3297				for key, value in cls.swap_values.items():
3298					cls.swap_string[key] = floating_humanizer(value)
3299					if key == "total": continue
3300					cls.swap_percent[key] = round(value * 100 / cls.swap_values["total"])
3301					if CONFIG.mem_graphs:
3302						if not key in cls.swap_vlist: cls.swap_vlist[key] = []
3303						cls.swap_vlist[key].append(cls.swap_percent[key])
3304						if len(cls.swap_vlist[key]) > MemBox.width: del cls.swap_vlist[key][0]
3305			else:
3306				if MemBox.swap_on:
3307					MemBox.redraw = True
3308				MemBox.swap_on = False
3309		else:
3310			if MemBox.swap_on:
3311				MemBox.redraw = True
3312			MemBox.swap_on = False
3315		if not CONFIG.show_disks: return
3316		#* Collect disks usage
3317		disk_read: int = 0
3318		disk_write: int = 0
3319		dev_name: str
3320		disk_name: str
3321		filtering: Tuple = ()
3322		filter_exclude: bool = False
3323		io_string_r: str
3324		io_string_w: str
3325		u_percent: int
3326		cls.disks = {}
3328		if CONFIG.disks_filter:
3329			if CONFIG.disks_filter.startswith("exclude="):
3330				filter_exclude = True
3331				filtering = tuple(v.strip() for v in CONFIG.disks_filter.replace("exclude=", "").strip().split(","))
3332			else:
3333				filtering = tuple(v.strip() for v in CONFIG.disks_filter.strip().split(","))
3334		try:
3335			io_counters = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=SYSTEM != "BSD", nowrap=True)
3336		except ValueError as e:
3337			if not cls.io_error:
3338				cls.io_error = True
3339				errlog.error(f'Non fatal error during disk io collection!')
3340				if psutil.version_info[0] < 5 or (psutil.version_info[0] == 5 and psutil.version_info[1] < 7):
3341					errlog.error(f'Caused by outdated psutil version.')
3342				errlog.exception(f'{e}')
3343			io_counters = None
3345		if SYSTEM == "MacOS" and cls.recheck_diskutil:
3346			cls.recheck_diskutil = False
3347			try:
3348				dutil_out = subprocess.check_output(["diskutil", "list", "physical"], universal_newlines=True)
3349				for line in dutil_out.split("\n"):
3350					line = line.replace("\u2068", "").replace("\u2069", "")
3351					if line.startswith("/dev/"):
3352						xdisk = line.split()[0].replace("/dev/", "")
3353					elif "Container" in line:
3354						ydisk = line.split()[3]
3355						if xdisk and ydisk:
3356							cls.diskutil_map[xdisk] = ydisk
3357							xdisk = ydisk = ""
3358			except:
3359				pass
3361		if CONFIG.use_fstab and SYSTEM != "MacOS" and not cls.fstab_filter:
3362			try:
3363				with open('/etc/fstab','r') as fstab:
3364					for line in fstab:
3365						line = line.strip()
3366						if line and not line.startswith('#'):
3367							mount_data = (line.split())
3368							if mount_data[2].lower() != "swap":
3369								cls.fstab_filter += [mount_data[1]]
3370				errlog.debug(f'new fstab_filter set : {cls.fstab_filter}')
3371			except IOError:
3372				CONFIG.use_fstab = False
3373				errlog.warning(f'Error reading fstab, use_fstab flag reset to {CONFIG.use_fstab}')
3374		if not CONFIG.use_fstab and cls.fstab_filter:
3375			cls.fstab_filter = []
3376			errlog.debug(f'use_fstab flag has been turned to {CONFIG.use_fstab}, fstab_filter cleared')
3378		for disk in psutil.disk_partitions(all=CONFIG.use_fstab or not CONFIG.only_physical):
3379			disk_io = None
3380			io_string_r = io_string_w = ""
3381			if CONFIG.use_fstab and disk.mountpoint not in cls.fstab_filter:
3382				continue
3383			disk_name = disk.mountpoint.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] if not disk.mountpoint == "/" else "root"
3384			if cls.excludes and disk.fstype in cls.excludes:
3385				continue
3386			if filtering and ((not filter_exclude and not disk.mountpoint in filtering) or (filter_exclude and disk.mountpoint in filtering)):
3387				continue
3388			if SYSTEM == "MacOS" and disk.mountpoint == "/private/var/vm":
3389				continue
3390			try:
3391				disk_u = psutil.disk_usage(disk.mountpoint)
3392			except:
3393				pass
3395			u_percent = round(getattr(disk_u, "percent", 0))
3396			cls.disks[disk.device] = { "name" : disk_name, "used_percent" : u_percent, "free_percent" : 100 - u_percent }
3397			for name in ["total", "used", "free"]:
3398				cls.disks[disk.device][name] = floating_humanizer(getattr(disk_u, name, 0))
3400			#* Collect disk io
3401			if io_counters:
3402				try:
3403					if SYSTEM != "BSD":
3404						dev_name = os.path.realpath(disk.device).rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
3405						if not dev_name in io_counters:
3406							for names in io_counters:
3407								if names in dev_name:
3408									disk_io = io_counters[names]
3409									break
3410							else:
3411								if cls.diskutil_map:
3412									for names, items in cls.diskutil_map.items():
3413										if items in dev_name and names in io_counters:
3414											disk_io = io_counters[names]
3415						else:
3416							disk_io = io_counters[dev_name]
3417					elif disk.mountpoint == "/":
3418						disk_io = io_counters
3419					else:
3420						raise Exception
3421					disk_read = round((disk_io.read_bytes - cls.disk_hist[disk.device][0]) / (time() - cls.timestamp)) #type: ignore
3422					disk_write = round((disk_io.write_bytes - cls.disk_hist[disk.device][1]) / (time() - cls.timestamp)) #type: ignore
3423					if not disk.device in cls.disks_io_dict:
3424						cls.disks_io_dict[disk.device] = {"read" : [], "write" : [], "rw" : []}
3425					cls.disks_io_dict[disk.device]["read"].append(disk_read >> 20)
3426					cls.disks_io_dict[disk.device]["write"].append(disk_write >> 20)
3427					cls.disks_io_dict[disk.device]["rw"].append((disk_read + disk_write) >> 20)
3429					if len(cls.disks_io_dict[disk.device]["read"]) > MemBox.width:
3430						del cls.disks_io_dict[disk.device]["read"][0], cls.disks_io_dict[disk.device]["write"][0], cls.disks_io_dict[disk.device]["rw"][0]
3432				except:
3433					disk_read = disk_write = 0
3434			else:
3435				disk_read = disk_write = 0
3437			if disk_io:
3438				cls.disk_hist[disk.device] = (disk_io.read_bytes, disk_io.write_bytes)
3439				if CONFIG.io_mode or MemBox.disks_width > 30:
3440					if disk_read > 0:
3441						io_string_r = f'▲{floating_humanizer(disk_read, short=True)}'
3442					if disk_write > 0:
3443						io_string_w = f'▼{floating_humanizer(disk_write, short=True)}'
3444					if CONFIG.io_mode:
3445						cls.disks[disk.device]["io_r"] = io_string_r
3446						cls.disks[disk.device]["io_w"] = io_string_w
3447				elif disk_read + disk_write > 0:
3448					io_string_r += f'▼▲{floating_humanizer(disk_read + disk_write, short=True)}'
3450			cls.disks[disk.device]["io"] = io_string_r + (" " if io_string_w and io_string_r else "") + io_string_w
3452		if CONFIG.swap_disk and MemBox.swap_on:
3453			cls.disks["__swap"] = { "name" : "swap", "used_percent" : cls.swap_percent["used"], "free_percent" : cls.swap_percent["free"], "io" : "" }
3454			for name in ["total", "used", "free"]:
3455				cls.disks["__swap"][name] = cls.swap_string[name]
3456			if len(cls.disks) > 2:
3457				try:
3458					new = { list(cls.disks)[0] : cls.disks.pop(list(cls.disks)[0])}
3459					new["__swap"] = cls.disks.pop("__swap")
3460					new.update(cls.disks)
3461					cls.disks = new
3462				except:
3463					pass
3465		if cls.old_disks != list(cls.disks) or cls.old_io_disks != list(cls.disks_io_dict):
3466			MemBox.redraw = True
3467			cls.recheck_diskutil = True
3468			cls.old_disks = list(cls.disks)
3469			cls.old_io_disks = list(cls.disks_io_dict)
3471		cls.timestamp = time()
3473	@classmethod
3474	def _draw(cls):
3475		MemBox._draw_fg()
3477class NetCollector(Collector):
3478	'''Collects network stats'''
3479	buffer: str = NetBox.buffer
3480	nics: List[str] = []
3481	nic_i: int = 0
3482	nic: str = ""
3483	new_nic: str = ""
3484	nic_error: bool = False
3485	reset: bool = False
3486	graph_raise: Dict[str, int] = {"download" : 5, "upload" : 5}
3487	graph_lower: Dict[str, int] = {"download" : 5, "upload" : 5}
3488	#min_top: int = 10<<10
3489	#* Stats structure = stats[netword device][download, upload][total, last, top, graph_top, offset, speed, redraw, graph_raise, graph_low] = int, List[int], bool
3490	stats: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = {}
3491	#* Strings structure strings[network device][download, upload][total, byte_ps, bit_ps, top, graph_top] = str
3492	strings: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]] = {}
3493	switched: bool = False
3494	timestamp: float = time()
3495	net_min: Dict[str, int] = {"download" : -1, "upload" : -1}
3496	auto_min: bool = CONFIG.net_auto
3497	net_iface: str = CONFIG.net_iface
3498	sync_top: int = 0
3499	sync_string: str = ""
3500	address: str = ""
3502	@classmethod
3503	def _get_nics(cls):
3504		'''Get a list of all network devices sorted by highest throughput'''
3505		cls.nic_i = 0
3506		cls.nics = []
3507		cls.nic = ""
3508		try:
3509			io_all = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
3510		except Exception as e:
3511			if not cls.nic_error:
3512				cls.nic_error = True
3513				errlog.exception(f'{e}')
3514		if not io_all: return
3515		up_stat = psutil.net_if_stats()
3516		for nic in sorted(io_all.keys(), key=lambda nic: (getattr(io_all[nic], "bytes_recv", 0) + getattr(io_all[nic], "bytes_sent", 0)), reverse=True):
3517			if nic not in up_stat or not up_stat[nic].isup:
3518				continue
3519			cls.nics.append(nic)
3520		if not cls.nics: cls.nics = [""]
3521		cls.nic = cls.nics[cls.nic_i]
3522		if cls.net_iface and cls.net_iface in cls.nics:
3523                        cls.nic = cls.net_iface
3524                        cls.nic_i = cls.nics.index(cls.nic)
3527	@classmethod
3528	def switch(cls, key: str):
3529		if cls.net_iface: cls.net_iface = ""
3530		if len(cls.nics) < 2 and cls.nic in cls.nics:
3531			return
3533		if cls.nic_i == -1:
3534			cls.nic_i = 0 if key == "n" else -1
3535		else:
3536			cls.nic_i += +1 if key == "n" else -1
3538		cls.nic_i %= len(cls.nics)
3539		cls.new_nic = cls.nics[cls.nic_i]
3540		cls.switched = True
3541		Collector.collect(NetCollector, redraw=True)
3543	@classmethod
3544	def _collect(cls):
3545		speed: int
3546		stat: Dict
3547		up_stat = psutil.net_if_stats()
3549		if sorted(cls.nics) != sorted(nic for nic in up_stat if up_stat[nic].isup):
3550			old_nic = cls.nic
3551			cls._get_nics()
3552			cls.nic = old_nic
3553			if cls.nic not in cls.nics:
3554				cls.nic_i = -1
3555			else:
3556				cls.nic_i = cls.nics.index(cls.nic)
3558		if cls.switched:
3559			cls.nic = cls.new_nic
3560			cls.switched = False
3562		if not cls.nic or cls.nic not in up_stat:
3563			cls._get_nics()
3564			if not cls.nic: return
3565			NetBox.redraw = True
3566		try:
3567			io_all = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[cls.nic]
3568		except KeyError:
3569			pass
3570			return
3571		if not cls.nic in cls.stats:
3572			cls.stats[cls.nic] = {}
3573			cls.strings[cls.nic] = { "download" : {}, "upload" : {}}
3574			for direction, value in ["download", io_all.bytes_recv], ["upload", io_all.bytes_sent]:
3575				cls.stats[cls.nic][direction] = { "total" : value, "last" : value, "top" : 0, "graph_top" : 0, "offset" : 0, "speed" : [], "redraw" : True, "graph_raise" : 0, "graph_lower" : 7 }
3576				for v in ["total", "byte_ps", "bit_ps", "top", "graph_top"]:
3577					cls.strings[cls.nic][direction][v] = ""
3579		cls.stats[cls.nic]["download"]["total"] = io_all.bytes_recv
3580		cls.stats[cls.nic]["upload"]["total"] = io_all.bytes_sent
3581		if cls.nic in psutil.net_if_addrs():
3582			cls.address = getattr(psutil.net_if_addrs()[cls.nic][0], "address", "")
3584		for direction in ["download", "upload"]:
3585			stat = cls.stats[cls.nic][direction]
3586			strings = cls.strings[cls.nic][direction]
3587			#* Calculate current speed
3588			stat["speed"].append(round((stat["total"] - stat["last"]) / (time() - cls.timestamp)))
3589			stat["last"] = stat["total"]
3590			speed = stat["speed"][-1]
3592			if cls.net_min[direction] == -1:
3593				cls.net_min[direction] = units_to_bytes(getattr(CONFIG, "net_" + direction))
3594				stat["graph_top"] = cls.net_min[direction]
3595				stat["graph_lower"] = 7
3596				if not cls.auto_min:
3597					stat["redraw"] = True
3598					strings["graph_top"] = floating_humanizer(stat["graph_top"], short=True)
3600			if stat["offset"] and stat["offset"] > stat["total"]:
3601				cls.reset = True
3603			if cls.reset:
3604				if not stat["offset"]:
3605					stat["offset"] = stat["total"]
3606				else:
3607					stat["offset"] = 0
3608				if direction == "upload":
3609					cls.reset = False
3610					NetBox.redraw = True
3612			if len(stat["speed"]) > NetBox.width * 2:
3613				del stat["speed"][0]
3615			strings["total"] = floating_humanizer(stat["total"] - stat["offset"])
3616			strings["byte_ps"] = floating_humanizer(stat["speed"][-1], per_second=True)
3617			strings["bit_ps"] = floating_humanizer(stat["speed"][-1], bit=True, per_second=True)
3619			if speed > stat["top"] or not stat["top"]:
3620				stat["top"] = speed
3621				strings["top"] = floating_humanizer(stat["top"], bit=True, per_second=True)
3623			if cls.auto_min:
3624				if speed > stat["graph_top"]:
3625					stat["graph_raise"] += 1
3626					if stat["graph_lower"] > 0: stat["graph_lower"] -= 1
3627				elif speed < stat["graph_top"] // 10:
3628					stat["graph_lower"] += 1
3629					if stat["graph_raise"] > 0: stat["graph_raise"] -= 1
3631				if stat["graph_raise"] >= 5 or stat["graph_lower"] >= 5:
3632					if stat["graph_raise"] >= 5:
3633						stat["graph_top"] = round(max(stat["speed"][-5:]) / 0.8)
3634					elif stat["graph_lower"] >= 5:
3635						stat["graph_top"] = max(10 << 10, max(stat["speed"][-5:]) * 3)
3636					stat["graph_raise"] = 0
3637					stat["graph_lower"] = 0
3638					stat["redraw"] = True
3639					strings["graph_top"] = floating_humanizer(stat["graph_top"], short=True)
3641		cls.timestamp = time()
3643		if CONFIG.net_sync:
3644			c_max: int = max(cls.stats[cls.nic]["download"]["graph_top"], cls.stats[cls.nic]["upload"]["graph_top"])
3645			if c_max != cls.sync_top:
3646				cls.sync_top = c_max
3647				cls.sync_string = floating_humanizer(cls.sync_top, short=True)
3648				NetBox.redraw = True
3650	@classmethod
3651	def _draw(cls):
3652		NetBox._draw_fg()
3655class ProcCollector(Collector):
3656	'''Collects process stats'''
3657	buffer: str = ProcBox.buffer
3658	search_filter: str = ""
3659	case_sensitive: bool = False
3660	processes: Dict = {}
3661	num_procs: int = 0
3662	det_cpu: float = 0.0
3663	detailed: bool = False
3664	detailed_pid: Union[int, None] = None
3665	details: Dict[str, Any] = {}
3666	details_cpu: List[int] = []
3667	details_mem: List[int] = []
3668	expand: int = 0
3669	collapsed: Dict = {}
3670	tree_counter: int = 0
3671	p_values: List[str] = ["pid", "name", "cmdline", "num_threads", "username", "memory_percent", "cpu_percent", "cpu_times", "create_time"]
3672	sort_expr: Dict = {}
3673	sort_expr["pid"] = compile("p.info['pid']", "str", "eval")
3674	sort_expr["program"] = compile("'' if p.info['name'] == 0.0 else p.info['name']", "str", "eval")
3675	sort_expr["arguments"] = compile("' '.join(str(p.info['cmdline'])) or ('' if p.info['name'] == 0.0 else p.info['name'])", "str", "eval")
3676	sort_expr["threads"] = compile("0 if p.info['num_threads'] == 0.0 else p.info['num_threads']", "str", "eval")
3677	sort_expr["user"] = compile("'' if p.info['username'] == 0.0 else p.info['username']", "str", "eval")
3678	sort_expr["memory"] = compile("p.info['memory_percent']", "str", "eval")
3679	sort_expr["cpu lazy"] = compile("(sum(p.info['cpu_times'][:2] if not p.info['cpu_times'] == 0.0 else [0.0, 0.0]) * 1000 / (time() - p.info['create_time']))", "str", "eval")
3680	sort_expr["cpu responsive"] = compile("(p.info['cpu_percent'] if CONFIG.proc_per_core else (p.info['cpu_percent'] / THREADS))", "str", "eval")
3682	@classmethod
3683	def _collect(cls):
3684		'''List all processess with pid, name, arguments, threads, username, memory percent and cpu percent'''
3685		if not "proc" in Box.boxes: return
3686		out: Dict = {}
3687		cls.det_cpu = 0.0
3688		sorting: str = CONFIG.proc_sorting
3689		reverse: bool = not CONFIG.proc_reversed
3690		proc_per_cpu: bool = CONFIG.proc_per_core
3691		search: List[str] = []
3692		if cls.search_filter:
3693			if cls.case_sensitive:
3694				search = [i.strip() for i in cls.search_filter.split(",")]
3695			else:
3696				search = [i.strip() for i in cls.search_filter.lower().split(",")]
3697		err: float = 0.0
3698		n: int = 0
3700		if CONFIG.proc_tree and sorting == "arguments":
3701			sorting = "program"
3703		sort_cmd = cls.sort_expr[sorting]
3705		if CONFIG.proc_tree:
3706			cls._tree(sort_cmd=sort_cmd, reverse=reverse, proc_per_cpu=proc_per_cpu, search=search)
3707		else:
3708			for p in sorted(psutil.process_iter(cls.p_values + (["memory_info"] if CONFIG.proc_mem_bytes else []), err), key=lambda p: eval(sort_cmd), reverse=reverse):
3709				if cls.collect_interrupt or cls.proc_interrupt:
3710					return
3711				if p.info["name"] == "idle" or p.info["name"] == err or p.info["pid"] == err:
3712					continue
3713				if p.info["cmdline"] == err:
3714					p.info["cmdline"] = ""
3715				if p.info["username"] == err:
3716					p.info["username"] = ""
3717				if p.info["num_threads"] == err:
3718					p.info["num_threads"] = 0
3719				if search:
3720					if cls.detailed and p.info["pid"] == cls.detailed_pid:
3721						cls.det_cpu = p.info["cpu_percent"]
3722					for value in [ p.info["name"], " ".join(p.info["cmdline"]), str(p.info["pid"]), p.info["username"] ]:
3723						if not cls.case_sensitive:
3724							value = value.lower()
3725						for s in search:
3726							if s in value:
3727								break
3728						else: continue
3729						break
3730					else: continue
3732				cpu = p.info["cpu_percent"] if proc_per_cpu else round(p.info["cpu_percent"] / THREADS, 2)
3733				mem = p.info["memory_percent"]
3734				if CONFIG.proc_mem_bytes and hasattr(p.info["memory_info"], "rss"):
3735					mem_b = p.info["memory_info"].rss
3736				else:
3737					mem_b = 0
3739				cmd = " ".join(p.info["cmdline"]) or "[" + p.info["name"] + "]"
3741				out[p.info["pid"]] = {
3742					"name" : p.info["name"],
3743					"cmd" : cmd,
3744					"threads" : p.info["num_threads"],
3745					"username" : p.info["username"],
3746					"mem" : mem,
3747					"mem_b" : mem_b,
3748					"cpu" : cpu }
3750				n += 1
3752			cls.num_procs = n
3753			cls.processes = out.copy()
3755		if cls.detailed:
3756			cls.expand = ((ProcBox.width - 2) - ((ProcBox.width - 2) // 3) - 40) // 10
3757			if cls.expand > 5: cls.expand = 5
3758		if cls.detailed and not cls.details.get("killed", False):
3759			try:
3760				c_pid = cls.detailed_pid
3761				det = psutil.Process(c_pid)
3762			except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.ZombieProcess):
3763				cls.details["killed"] = True
3764				cls.details["status"] = psutil.STATUS_DEAD
3765				ProcBox.redraw = True
3766			else:
3767				attrs: List[str] = ["status", "memory_info", "create_time"]
3768				if not SYSTEM == "MacOS": attrs.extend(["cpu_num"])
3769				if cls.expand:
3770					attrs.extend(["nice", "terminal"])
3771					if not SYSTEM == "MacOS": attrs.extend(["io_counters"])
3773				if not c_pid in cls.processes: attrs.extend(["pid", "name", "cmdline", "num_threads", "username", "memory_percent"])
3775				cls.details = det.as_dict(attrs=attrs, ad_value="")
3776				if det.parent() != None: cls.details["parent_name"] = det.parent().name()
3777				else: cls.details["parent_name"] = ""
3779				cls.details["pid"] = c_pid
3780				if c_pid in cls.processes:
3781					cls.details["name"] = cls.processes[c_pid]["name"]
3782					cls.details["cmdline"] = cls.processes[c_pid]["cmd"]
3783					cls.details["threads"] = f'{cls.processes[c_pid]["threads"]}'
3784					cls.details["username"] = cls.processes[c_pid]["username"]
3785					cls.details["memory_percent"] = cls.processes[c_pid]["mem"]
3786					cls.details["cpu_percent"] = round(cls.processes[c_pid]["cpu"] * (1 if CONFIG.proc_per_core else THREADS))
3787				else:
3788					cls.details["cmdline"] = " ".join(cls.details["cmdline"]) or "[" + cls.details["name"] + "]"
3789					cls.details["threads"] = f'{cls.details["num_threads"]}'
3790					cls.details["cpu_percent"] = round(cls.det_cpu)
3792				cls.details["killed"] = False
3793				if SYSTEM == "MacOS":
3794					cls.details["cpu_num"] = -1
3795					cls.details["io_counters"] = ""
3798				if hasattr(cls.details["memory_info"], "rss"): cls.details["memory_bytes"] = floating_humanizer(cls.details["memory_info"].rss) # type: ignore
3799				else: cls.details["memory_bytes"] = "? Bytes"
3801				if isinstance(cls.details["create_time"], float):
3802					uptime = timedelta(seconds=round(time()-cls.details["create_time"],0))
3803					if uptime.days > 0: cls.details["uptime"] = f'{uptime.days}d {str(uptime).split(",")[1][:-3].strip()}'
3804					else: cls.details["uptime"] = f'{uptime}'
3805				else: cls.details["uptime"] = "??:??:??"
3807				if cls.expand:
3808					if cls.expand > 1 : cls.details["nice"] = f'{cls.details["nice"]}'
3809					if SYSTEM == "BSD":
3810						if cls.expand > 2:
3811							if hasattr(cls.details["io_counters"], "read_count"): cls.details["io_read"] = f'{cls.details["io_counters"].read_count}'
3812							else: cls.details["io_read"] = "?"
3813						if cls.expand > 3:
3814							if hasattr(cls.details["io_counters"], "write_count"): cls.details["io_write"] = f'{cls.details["io_counters"].write_count}'
3815							else: cls.details["io_write"] = "?"
3816					else:
3817						if cls.expand > 2:
3818							if hasattr(cls.details["io_counters"], "read_bytes"): cls.details["io_read"] = floating_humanizer(cls.details["io_counters"].read_bytes)
3819							else: cls.details["io_read"] = "?"
3820						if cls.expand > 3:
3821							if hasattr(cls.details["io_counters"], "write_bytes"): cls.details["io_write"] = floating_humanizer(cls.details["io_counters"].write_bytes)
3822							else: cls.details["io_write"] = "?"
3823					if cls.expand > 4 : cls.details["terminal"] = f'{cls.details["terminal"]}'.replace("/dev/", "")
3825				cls.details_cpu.append(cls.details["cpu_percent"])
3826				mem = cls.details["memory_percent"]
3827				if mem > 80: mem = round(mem)
3828				elif mem > 60: mem = round(mem * 1.2)
3829				elif mem > 30: mem = round(mem * 1.5)
3830				elif mem > 10: mem = round(mem * 2)
3831				elif mem > 5: mem = round(mem * 10)
3832				else: mem = round(mem * 20)
3833				cls.details_mem.append(mem)
3834				if len(cls.details_cpu) > ProcBox.width: del cls.details_cpu[0]
3835				if len(cls.details_mem) > ProcBox.width: del cls.details_mem[0]
3837	@classmethod
3838	def _tree(cls, sort_cmd, reverse: bool, proc_per_cpu: bool, search: List[str]):
3839		'''List all processess in a tree view with pid, name, threads, username, memory percent and cpu percent'''
3840		out: Dict = {}
3841		err: float = 0.0
3842		det_cpu: float = 0.0
3843		infolist: Dict = {}
3844		cls.tree_counter += 1
3845		tree = defaultdict(list)
3846		n: int = 0
3847		for p in sorted(psutil.process_iter(cls.p_values + (["memory_info"] if CONFIG.proc_mem_bytes else []), err), key=lambda p: eval(sort_cmd), reverse=reverse):
3848			if cls.collect_interrupt: return
3849			try:
3850				tree[p.ppid()].append(p.pid)
3851			except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.ZombieProcess):
3852				pass
3853			else:
3854				infolist[p.pid] = p.info
3855				n += 1
3856		if 0 in tree and 0 in tree[0]:
3857			tree[0].remove(0)
3859		def create_tree(pid: int, tree: defaultdict, indent: str = "", inindent: str = " ", found: bool = False, depth: int = 0, collapse_to: Union[None, int] = None):
3860			nonlocal infolist, proc_per_cpu, search, out, det_cpu
3861			name: str; threads: int; username: str; mem: float; cpu: float; collapse: bool = False
3862			cont: bool = True
3863			getinfo: Dict = {}
3864			if cls.collect_interrupt: return
3865			try:
3866				name = psutil.Process(pid).name()
3867				if name == "idle": return
3868			except psutil.Error:
3869				pass
3870				cont = False
3871				name = ""
3872			if pid in infolist:
3873				getinfo = infolist[pid]
3875			if search and not found:
3876				if cls.detailed and pid == cls.detailed_pid:
3877						det_cpu = getinfo["cpu_percent"]
3878				if "username" in getinfo and isinstance(getinfo["username"], float): getinfo["username"] = ""
3879				if "cmdline" in getinfo and isinstance(getinfo["cmdline"], float): getinfo["cmdline"] = ""
3880				for value in [ name, str(pid), getinfo.get("username", ""), " ".join(getinfo.get("cmdline", "")) ]:
3881					if not cls.case_sensitive:
3882						value = value.lower()
3883					for s in search:
3884						if s in value:
3885							found = True
3886							break
3887					else: continue
3888					break
3889				else: cont = False
3890			if cont:
3891				if getinfo:
3892					if getinfo["num_threads"] == err: threads = 0
3893					else: threads = getinfo["num_threads"]
3894					if getinfo["username"] == err: username = ""
3895					else: username = getinfo["username"]
3896					cpu = getinfo["cpu_percent"] if proc_per_cpu else round(getinfo["cpu_percent"] / THREADS, 2)
3897					mem = getinfo["memory_percent"]
3898					if getinfo["cmdline"] == err: cmd = ""
3899					else: cmd = " ".join(getinfo["cmdline"]) or "[" + getinfo["name"] + "]"
3900					if CONFIG.proc_mem_bytes and hasattr(getinfo["memory_info"], "rss"):
3901						mem_b = getinfo["memory_info"].rss
3902					else:
3903						mem_b = 0
3904				else:
3905					threads = mem_b = 0
3906					username = ""
3907					mem = cpu = 0.0
3909				if pid in cls.collapsed:
3910					collapse = cls.collapsed[pid]
3911				else:
3912					collapse = depth > CONFIG.tree_depth
3913					cls.collapsed[pid] = collapse
3915				if collapse_to and not search:
3916					out[collapse_to]["threads"] += threads
3917					out[collapse_to]["mem"] += mem
3918					out[collapse_to]["mem_b"] += mem_b
3919					out[collapse_to]["cpu"] += cpu
3920				else:
3921					if pid in tree and len(tree[pid]) > 0:
3922						sign: str = "+" if collapse else "-"
3923						inindent = inindent.replace(" ├─ ", "[" + sign + "]─").replace(" └─ ", "[" + sign + "]─")
3924					out[pid] = {
3925						"indent" : inindent,
3926						"name": name,
3927						"cmd" : cmd,
3928						"threads" : threads,
3929						"username" : username,
3930						"mem" : mem,
3931						"mem_b" : mem_b,
3932						"cpu" : cpu,
3933						"depth" : depth,
3934						}
3936			if search: collapse = False
3937			elif collapse and not collapse_to:
3938				collapse_to = pid
3940			if pid not in tree:
3941				return
3942			children = tree[pid][:-1]
3944			for child in children:
3945				create_tree(child, tree, indent + " │ ", indent + " ├─ ", found=found, depth=depth+1, collapse_to=collapse_to)
3946			create_tree(tree[pid][-1], tree, indent + "  ", indent + " └─ ", depth=depth+1, collapse_to=collapse_to)
3948		create_tree(min(tree), tree)
3949		cls.det_cpu = det_cpu
3951		if cls.collect_interrupt: return
3952		if cls.tree_counter >= 100:
3953			cls.tree_counter = 0
3954			for pid in list(cls.collapsed):
3955				if not psutil.pid_exists(pid):
3956					del cls.collapsed[pid]
3957		cls.num_procs = len(out)
3958		cls.processes = out.copy()
3960	@classmethod
3961	def sorting(cls, key: str):
3962		index: int = CONFIG.sorting_options.index(CONFIG.proc_sorting) + (1 if key in ["right", "l"] else -1)
3963		if index >= len(CONFIG.sorting_options): index = 0
3964		elif index < 0: index = len(CONFIG.sorting_options) - 1
3965		CONFIG.proc_sorting = CONFIG.sorting_options[index]
3966		if "left" in Key.mouse: del Key.mouse["left"]
3967		Collector.collect(ProcCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
3969	@classmethod
3970	def _draw(cls):
3971		ProcBox._draw_fg()
3973class Menu:
3974	'''Holds all menus'''
3975	active: bool = False
3976	close: bool = False
3977	resized: bool = True
3978	menus: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {}
3979	menu_length: Dict[str, int] = {}
3980	background: str = ""
3981	for name, menu in MENUS.items():
3982		menu_length[name] = len(menu["normal"][0])
3983		menus[name] = {}
3984		for sel in ["normal", "selected"]:
3985			menus[name][sel] = ""
3986			for i in range(len(menu[sel])):
3987				menus[name][sel] += Fx.trans(f'{Color.fg(MENU_COLORS[sel][i])}{menu[sel][i]}')
3988				if i < len(menu[sel]) - 1: menus[name][sel] += f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(len(menu[sel][i]))}'
3990	@classmethod
3991	def main(cls):
3992		if Term.width < 80 or Term.height < 24:
3993			errlog.warning(f'The menu system only works on a terminal size of 80x24 or above!')
3994			return
3995		out: str = ""
3996		banner: str = ""
3997		redraw: bool = True
3998		key: str = ""
3999		mx: int = 0
4000		my: int = 0
4001		skip: bool = False
4002		mouse_over: bool = False
4003		mouse_items: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {}
4004		cls.active = True
4005		cls.resized = True
4006		menu_names: List[str] = list(cls.menus.keys())
4007		menu_index: int = 0
4008		menu_current: str = menu_names[0]
4009		cls.background = f'{THEME.inactive_fg}' + Fx.uncolor(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}') + f'{Term.fg}'
4011		while not cls.close:
4012			key = ""
4013			if cls.resized:
4014				banner = (f'{Banner.draw(Term.height // 2 - 10, center=True)}{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(46)}{Colors.black_bg}{Colors.default}{Fx.b}← esc'
4015					f'{Mv.r(30)}{Fx.i}Version: {VERSION}{Fx.ui}{Fx.ub}{Term.bg}{Term.fg}')
4016				if UpdateChecker.version != VERSION:
4017					banner += f'{Mv.to(Term.height, 1)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title}New release {UpdateChecker.version} available at https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop{Fx.ub}{Term.fg}'
4018				cy = 0
4019				for name, menu in cls.menus.items():
4020					ypos = Term.height // 2 - 2 + cy
4021					xpos = Term.width // 2 - (cls.menu_length[name] // 2)
4022					mouse_items[name] = { "x1" : xpos, "x2" : xpos + cls.menu_length[name] - 1, "y1" : ypos, "y2" : ypos + 2 }
4023					cy += 3
4024				redraw = True
4025				cls.resized = False
4027			if redraw:
4028				out = ""
4029				for name, menu in cls.menus.items():
4030					out += f'{Mv.to(mouse_items[name]["y1"], mouse_items[name]["x1"])}{menu["selected" if name == menu_current else "normal"]}'
4032			if skip and redraw:
4033				Draw.now(out)
4034			elif not skip:
4035				Draw.now(f'{cls.background}{banner}{out}')
4036			skip = redraw = False
4038			if Key.input_wait(Timer.left(), mouse=True):
4039				if Key.mouse_moved():
4040					mx, my = Key.get_mouse()
4041					for name, pos in mouse_items.items():
4042						if pos["x1"] <= mx <= pos["x2"] and pos["y1"] <= my <= pos["y2"]:
4043							mouse_over = True
4044							if name != menu_current:
4045								menu_current = name
4046								menu_index = menu_names.index(name)
4047								redraw = True
4048							break
4049					else:
4050						mouse_over = False
4051				else:
4052					key = Key.get()
4054				if key == "mouse_click" and not mouse_over:
4055					key = "M"
4057				if key == "q":
4058					clean_quit()
4059				elif key in ["escape", "M"]:
4060					cls.close = True
4061					break
4062				elif key in ["up", "mouse_scroll_up", "shift_tab"]:
4063					menu_index -= 1
4064					if menu_index < 0: menu_index = len(menu_names) - 1
4065					menu_current = menu_names[menu_index]
4066					redraw = True
4067				elif key in ["down", "mouse_scroll_down", "tab"]:
4068					menu_index += 1
4069					if menu_index > len(menu_names) - 1: menu_index = 0
4070					menu_current = menu_names[menu_index]
4071					redraw = True
4072				elif key == "enter" or (key == "mouse_click" and mouse_over):
4073					if menu_current == "quit":
4074						clean_quit()
4075					elif menu_current == "options":
4076						cls.options()
4077						cls.resized = True
4078					elif menu_current == "help":
4079						cls.help()
4080						cls.resized = True
4082			if Timer.not_zero() and not cls.resized:
4083				skip = True
4084			else:
4085				Collector.collect()
4086				Collector.collect_done.wait(2)
4087				if CONFIG.background_update: cls.background = f'{THEME.inactive_fg}' + Fx.uncolor(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}') + f'{Term.fg}'
4088				Timer.stamp()
4091		Draw.now(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}')
4092		cls.background = ""
4093		cls.active = False
4094		cls.close = False
4096	@classmethod
4097	def help(cls):
4098		if Term.width < 80 or Term.height < 24:
4099			errlog.warning(f'The menu system only works on a terminal size of 80x24 or above!')
4100			return
4101		out: str = ""
4102		out_misc : str = ""
4103		redraw: bool = True
4104		key: str = ""
4105		skip: bool = False
4106		main_active: bool = cls.active
4107		cls.active = True
4108		cls.resized = True
4109		if not cls.background:
4110			cls.background = f'{THEME.inactive_fg}' + Fx.uncolor(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}') + f'{Term.fg}'
4111		help_items: Dict[str, str] = {
4112			"(Mouse 1)" : "Clicks buttons and selects in process list.",
4113			"Selected (Mouse 1)" : "Show detailed information for selected process.",
4114			"(Mouse scroll)" : "Scrolls any scrollable list/text under cursor.",
4115			"(Esc, shift+m)" : "Toggles main menu.",
4116			"(m)" : "Cycle view presets, order: full->proc->stat->user.",
4117			"(1)" : "Toggle CPU box.",
4118			"(2)" : "Toggle MEM box.",
4119			"(3)" : "Toggle NET box.",
4120			"(4)" : "Toggle PROC box.",
4121			"(d)" : "Toggle disks view in MEM box.",
4122			"(F2, o)" : "Shows options.",
4123			"(F1, shift+h)" : "Shows this window.",
4124			"(ctrl+z)" : "Sleep program and put in background.",
4125			"(ctrl+c, q)" : "Quits program.",
4126			"(+) / (-)" : "Add/Subtract 100ms to/from update timer.",
4127			"(Up, k) (Down, j)" : "Select in process list.",
4128			"(Enter)" : "Show detailed information for selected process.",
4129			"(Spacebar)" : "Expand/collapse the selected process in tree view.",
4130			"(Pg Up) (Pg Down)" : "Jump 1 page in process list.",
4131			"(Home) (End)" : "Jump to first or last page in process list.",
4132			"(Left, h) (Right, l)" : "Select previous/next sorting column.",
4133			"(b) (n)" : "Select previous/next network device.",
4134			"(s)" : "Toggle showing swap as a disk.",
4135			"(i)" : "Toggle disks io mode with big graphs.",
4136			"(z)" : "Toggle totals reset for current network device",
4137			"(a)" : "Toggle auto scaling for the network graphs.",
4138			"(y)" : "Toggle synced scaling mode for network graphs.",
4139			"(f)" : "Input a NON case-sensitive process filter.",
4140			"(shift+f)" : "Input a case-sensitive process filter.",
4141			"(c)" : "Toggle per-core cpu usage of processes.",
4142			"(r)" : "Reverse sorting order in processes box.",
4143			"(e)" : "Toggle processes tree view.",
4144			"(delete)" : "Clear any entered filter.",
4145			"Selected (shift+t)" : "Terminate selected process with SIGTERM - 15.",
4146			"Selected (shift+k)" : "Kill selected process with SIGKILL - 9.",
4147			"Selected (shift+i)" : "Interrupt selected process with SIGINT - 2.",
4148			"_1" : " ",
4149			"_2" : "For bug reporting and project updates, visit:",
4150			"_3" : "https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop",
4151		}
4153		while not cls.close:
4154			key = ""
4155			if cls.resized:
4156				y = 8 if Term.height < len(help_items) + 10 else Term.height // 2 - len(help_items) // 2 + 4
4157				out_misc = (f'{Banner.draw(y-7, center=True)}{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(46)}{Colors.black_bg}{Colors.default}{Fx.b}← esc'
4158					f'{Mv.r(30)}{Fx.i}Version: {VERSION}{Fx.ui}{Fx.ub}{Term.bg}{Term.fg}')
4159				x = Term.width//2-36
4160				h, w = Term.height-2-y, 72
4161				if len(help_items) > h:
4162					pages = ceil(len(help_items) / h)
4163				else:
4164					h = len(help_items)
4165					pages = 0
4166				page = 1
4167				out_misc += create_box(x, y, w, h+3, "help", line_color=THEME.div_line)
4168				redraw = True
4169				cls.resized = False
4171			if redraw:
4172				out = ""
4173				cy = 0
4174				if pages:
4175					out += (f'{Mv.to(y, x+56)}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title("pg")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg(Symbol.up)} {Fx.b}{THEME.title}{page}/{pages} '
4176					f'pg{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg(Symbol.down)}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.title_right)}')
4177				out += f'{Mv.to(y+1, x+1)}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{"Keys:":^20}Description:{THEME.main_fg}'
4178				for n, (keys, desc) in enumerate(help_items.items()):
4179					if pages and n < (page - 1) * h: continue
4180					out += f'{Mv.to(y+2+cy, x+1)}{Fx.b}{("" if keys.startswith("_") else keys):^20.20}{Fx.ub}{desc:50.50}'
4181					cy += 1
4182					if cy == h: break
4183				if cy < h:
4184					for i in range(h-cy):
4185						out += f'{Mv.to(y+2+cy+i, x+1)}{" " * (w-2)}'
4187			if skip and redraw:
4188				Draw.now(out)
4189			elif not skip:
4190				Draw.now(f'{cls.background}{out_misc}{out}')
4191			skip = redraw = False
4193			if Key.input_wait(Timer.left()):
4194				key = Key.get()
4196				if key == "mouse_click":
4197					mx, my = Key.get_mouse()
4198					if x <= mx < x + w and y <= my < y + h + 3:
4199						if pages and my == y and x + 56 <  mx < x + 61:
4200							key = "up"
4201						elif pages and my == y and x + 63 < mx < x + 68:
4202							key = "down"
4203					else:
4204						key = "escape"
4206				if key == "q":
4207					clean_quit()
4208				elif key in ["escape", "M", "enter", "backspace", "H", "f1"]:
4209					cls.close = True
4210					break
4211				elif key in ["up", "mouse_scroll_up", "page_up"] and pages:
4212					page -= 1
4213					if page < 1: page = pages
4214					redraw = True
4215				elif key in ["down", "mouse_scroll_down", "page_down"] and pages:
4216					page += 1
4217					if page > pages: page = 1
4218					redraw = True
4220			if Timer.not_zero() and not cls.resized:
4221				skip = True
4222			else:
4223				Collector.collect()
4224				Collector.collect_done.wait(2)
4225				if CONFIG.background_update: cls.background = f'{THEME.inactive_fg}' + Fx.uncolor(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}') + f'{Term.fg}'
4226				Timer.stamp()
4228		if main_active:
4229			cls.close = False
4230			return
4231		Draw.now(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}')
4232		cls.background = ""
4233		cls.active = False
4234		cls.close = False
4236	@classmethod
4237	def options(cls):
4238		if Term.width < 80 or Term.height < 24:
4239			errlog.warning(f'The menu system only works on a terminal size of 80x24 or above!')
4240			return
4241		out: str = ""
4242		out_misc : str = ""
4243		redraw: bool = True
4244		selected_cat: str = ""
4245		selected_int: int = 0
4246		option_items: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
4247		cat_list: List[str] = []
4248		cat_int: int = 0
4249		change_cat: bool = False
4250		key: str = ""
4251		skip: bool = False
4252		main_active: bool = cls.active
4253		cls.active = True
4254		cls.resized = True
4255		d_quote: str
4256		inputting: bool = False
4257		input_val: str = ""
4258		Theme.refresh()
4259		if not cls.background:
4260			cls.background = f'{THEME.inactive_fg}' + Fx.uncolor(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}') + f'{Term.fg}'
4261		categories: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] = {
4262			"system" : {
4263				"color_theme" : [
4264					'Set color theme.',
4265					'',
4266					'Choose from all theme files in',
4267					'"/usr/[local/]share/bpytop/themes" and',
4268					'"~/.config/bpytop/themes".',
4269					'',
4270					'"Default" for builtin default theme.',
4271					'User themes are prefixed by a plus sign "+".',
4272					'',
4273					'For theme updates see:',
4274					'https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop'],
4275				"theme_background" : [
4276					'If the theme set background should be shown.',
4277					'',
4278					'Set to False if you want terminal background',
4279					'transparency.'],
4280				"truecolor" : [
4281					'Sets if 24-bit truecolor should be used.',
4282					'(Requires restart to take effect!)',
4283					'',
4284					'Will convert 24-bit colors to 256 color',
4285					'(6x6x6 color cube) if False.',
4286					'',
4287					'Set to False if your terminal doesn\'t have',
4288					'truecolor support and can\'t convert to',
4289					'256-color.'],
4290				"shown_boxes" : [
4291					'Manually set which boxes to show.',
4292					'',
4293					'Available values are "cpu mem net proc".',
4294					'Seperate values with whitespace.',
4295					'',
4296					'Toggle between presets with mode key "m".'],
4297				"update_ms" : [
4298					'Update time in milliseconds.',
4299					'',
4300					'Recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample',
4301					'times for graphs.',
4302					'',
4303					'Min value: 100 ms',
4304					'Max value: 86400000 ms = 24 hours.'],
4305				"draw_clock" : [
4306					'Draw a clock at top of screen.',
4307					'(Only visible if cpu box is enabled!)',
4308					'',
4309					'Formatting according to strftime, empty',
4310					'string to disable.',
4311					'',
4312					'Custom formatting options:',
4313					'"/host" = hostname',
4314					'"/user" = username',
4315					'"/uptime" = system uptime',
4316					'',
4317					'Examples of strftime formats:',
4318					'"%X" = locale HH:MM:SS',
4319					'"%H" = 24h hour, "%I" = 12h hour',
4320					'"%M" = minute, "%S" = second',
4321					'"%d" = day, "%m" = month, "%y" = year'],
4322				"background_update" : [
4323					'Update main ui when menus are showing.',
4324					'',
4325					'True or False.',
4326					'',
4327					'Set this to false if the menus is flickering',
4328					'too much for a comfortable experience.'],
4329				"show_battery" : [
4330					'Show battery stats.',
4331					'(Only visible if cpu box is enabled!)',
4332					'',
4333					'Show battery stats in the top right corner',
4334					'if a battery is present.'],
4335				"show_init" : [
4336					'Show init screen at startup.',
4337					'',
4338					'The init screen is purely cosmetical and',
4339					'slows down start to show status messages.'],
4340				"update_check" : [
4341					'Check for updates at start.',
4342					'',
4343					'Checks for latest version from:',
4344					'https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop'],
4345				"log_level" : [
4346					'Set loglevel for error.log',
4347					'',
4348					'Levels are: "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFO" "DEBUG".',
4349					'The level set includes all lower levels,',
4350					'i.e. "DEBUG" will show all logging info.']
4351			},
4352			"cpu" : {
4353				"cpu_graph_upper" : [
4354					'Sets the CPU stat shown in upper half of',
4355					'the CPU graph.',
4356					'',
4357					'"total" = Total cpu usage.',
4358					'"user" = User mode cpu usage.',
4359					'"system" = Kernel mode cpu usage.',
4360					'See:',
4361					'https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/',
4362					'#psutil.cpu_times',
4363					'for attributes available on specific platforms.'],
4364				"cpu_graph_lower" : [
4365					'Sets the CPU stat shown in lower half of',
4366					'the CPU graph.',
4367					'',
4368					'"total" = Total cpu usage.',
4369					'"user" = User mode cpu usage.',
4370					'"system" = Kernel mode cpu usage.',
4371					'See:',
4372					'https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/',
4373					'#psutil.cpu_times',
4374					'for attributes available on specific platforms.'],
4375				"cpu_invert_lower" : [
4376						'Toggles orientation of the lower CPU graph.',
4377						'',
4378						'True or False.'],
4379				"cpu_single_graph" : [
4380						'Completely disable the lower CPU graph.',
4381						'',
4382						'Shows only upper CPU graph and resizes it',
4383						'to fit to box height.',
4384						'',
4385						'True or False.'],
4386				"check_temp" : [
4387					'Enable cpu temperature reporting.',
4388					'',
4389					'True or False.'],
4390				"cpu_sensor" : [
4391					'Cpu temperature sensor',
4392					'',
4393					'Select the sensor that corresponds to',
4394					'your cpu temperature.',
4395					'Set to "Auto" for auto detection.'],
4396				"show_coretemp" : [
4397					'Show temperatures for cpu cores.',
4398					'',
4399					'Only works if check_temp is True and',
4400					'the system is reporting core temps.'],
4401				"temp_scale" : [
4402					'Which temperature scale to use.',
4403					'',
4404					'Celsius, default scale.',
4405					'',
4406					'Fahrenheit, the american one.',
4407					'',
4408					'Kelvin, 0 = absolute zero, 1 degree change',
4409					'equals 1 degree change in Celsius.',
4410					'',
4411					'Rankine, 0 = abosulte zero, 1 degree change',
4412					'equals 1 degree change in Fahrenheit.'],
4413				"show_cpu_freq" : [
4414					'Show CPU frequency',
4415					'',
4416					'Can cause slowdowns on systems with many',
4417					'cores and psutil versions below 5.8.1'],
4418				"custom_cpu_name" : [
4419					'Custom cpu model name in cpu percentage box.',
4420					'',
4421					'Empty string to disable.'],
4422				"show_uptime" : [
4423					'Shows the system uptime in the CPU box.',
4424					'',
4425					'Can also be shown in the clock by using',
4426					'"/uptime" in the formatting.',
4427					'',
4428					'True or False.'],
4429			},
4430			"mem" : {
4431				"mem_graphs" : [
4432					'Show graphs for memory values.',
4433					'',
4434					'True or False.'],
4435				"show_disks" : [
4436					'Split memory box to also show disks.',
4437					'',
4438					'True or False.'],
4439				"show_io_stat" : [
4440					'Toggle small IO stat graphs.',
4441					'',
4442					'Toggles the small IO graphs for the regular',
4443					'disk usage view.',
4444					'',
4445					'True or False.'],
4446				"io_mode" : [
4447					'Toggles io mode for disks.',
4448					'',
4449					'Shows big graphs for disk read/write speeds',
4450					'instead of used/free percentage meters.',
4451					'',
4452					'True or False.'],
4453				"io_graph_combined" : [
4454					'Toggle combined read and write graphs.',
4455					'',
4456					'Only has effect if "io mode" is True.',
4457					'',
4458					'True or False.'],
4459				"io_graph_speeds" : [
4460					'Set top speeds for the io graphs.',
4461					'',
4462					'Manually set which speed in MiB/s that equals',
4463					'100 percent in the io graphs.',
4464					'(10 MiB/s by default).',
4465					'',
4466					'Format: "device:speed" seperate disks with a',
4467					'comma ",".',
4468					'',
4469					'Example: "/dev/sda:100, /dev/sdb:20".'],
4470				"show_swap" : [
4471					'If swap memory should be shown in memory box.',
4472					'',
4473					'True or False.'],
4474				"swap_disk" : [
4475					'Show swap as a disk.',
4476					'',
4477					'Ignores show_swap value above.',
4478					'Inserts itself after first disk.'],
4479				"only_physical" : [
4480					'Filter out non physical disks.',
4481					'',
4482					'Set this to False to include network disks,',
4483					'RAM disks and similar.',
4484					'',
4485					'True or False.'],
4486				"use_fstab" : [
4487					'Read disks list from /etc/fstab.',
4488					'(Has no effect on macOS X)',
4489					'',
4490					'This also disables only_physical.',
4491					'',
4492					'True or False.'],
4493				"disks_filter" : [
4494					'Optional filter for shown disks.',
4495					'',
4496					'Should be full path of a mountpoint,',
4497					'"root" replaces "/", separate multiple values',
4498					'with a comma ",".',
4499					'Begin line with "exclude=" to change to exclude',
4500					'filter.',
4501					'Oterwise defaults to "most include" filter.',
4502					'',
4503					'Example: disks_filter="exclude=/boot, /home/user"'],
4504			},
4505			"net" : {
4506				"net_download" : [
4507					'Fixed network graph download value.',
4508					'',
4509					'Default "10M" = 10 MibiBytes.',
4510					'Possible units:',
4511					'"K" (KiB), "M" (MiB), "G" (GiB).',
4512					'',
4513					'Append "bit" for bits instead of bytes,',
4514					'i.e "100Mbit"',
4515					'',
4516					'Can be toggled with auto button.'],
4517				"net_upload" : [
4518					'Fixed network graph upload value.',
4519					'',
4520					'Default "10M" = 10 MibiBytes.',
4521					'Possible units:',
4522					'"K" (KiB), "M" (MiB), "G" (GiB).',
4523					'',
4524					'Append "bit" for bits instead of bytes,',
4525					'i.e "100Mbit"',
4526					'',
4527					'Can be toggled with auto button.'],
4528				"net_auto" : [
4529					'Start in network graphs auto rescaling mode.',
4530					'',
4531					'Ignores any values set above at start and',
4532					'rescales down to 10KibiBytes at the lowest.',
4533					'',
4534					'True or False.'],
4535				"net_sync" : [
4536					'Network scale sync.',
4537					'',
4538					'Syncs the scaling for download and upload to',
4539					'whichever currently has the highest scale.',
4540					'',
4541					'True or False.'],
4542				"net_color_fixed" : [
4543					'Set network graphs color gradient to fixed.',
4544					'',
4545					'If True the network graphs color is based',
4546					'on the total bandwidth usage instead of',
4547					'the current autoscaling.',
4548					'',
4549					'The bandwidth usage is based on the',
4550					'"net_download" and "net_upload" values set',
4551					'above.'],
4552				"net_iface" : [
4553					'Network Interface.',
4554					'',
4555					'Manually set the starting Network Interface.',
4556					'Will otherwise automatically choose the NIC',
4557					'with the highest total download since boot.'],
4558			},
4559			"proc" : {
4560				"proc_update_mult" : [
4561					'Processes update multiplier.',
4562					'Sets how often the process list is updated as',
4563					'a multiplier of "update_ms".',
4564					'',
4565					'Set to 2 or higher to greatly decrease bpytop',
4566					'cpu usage. (Only integers)'],
4567				"proc_sorting" : [
4568					'Processes sorting option.',
4569					'',
4570					'Possible values: "pid", "program", "arguments",',
4571					'"threads", "user", "memory", "cpu lazy" and',
4572					'"cpu responsive".',
4573					'',
4574					'"cpu lazy" updates top process over time,',
4575					'"cpu responsive" updates top process directly.'],
4576				"proc_reversed" : [
4577					'Reverse processes sorting order.',
4578					'',
4579					'True or False.'],
4580				"proc_tree" : [
4581					'Processes tree view.',
4582					'',
4583					'Set true to show processes grouped by parents,',
4584					'with lines drawn between parent and child',
4585					'process.'],
4586				"tree_depth" : [
4587					'Process tree auto collapse depth.',
4588					'',
4589					'Sets the depth where the tree view will auto',
4590					'collapse processes at.'],
4591				"proc_colors" : [
4592					'Enable colors in process view.',
4593					'',
4594					'Uses the cpu graph gradient colors.'],
4595				"proc_gradient" : [
4596					'Enable process view gradient fade.',
4597					'',
4598					'Fades from top or current selection.',
4599					'Max fade value is equal to current themes',
4600					'"inactive_fg" color value.'],
4601				"proc_per_core" : [
4602					'Process usage per core.',
4603					'',
4604					'If process cpu usage should be of the core',
4605					'it\'s running on or usage of the total',
4606					'available cpu power.',
4607					'',
4608					'If true and process is multithreaded',
4609					'cpu usage can reach over 100%.'],
4610				"proc_mem_bytes" : [
4611					'Show memory as bytes in process list.',
4612					' ',
4613					'True or False.'],
4614			}
4615		}
4617		loglevel_i: int = CONFIG.log_levels.index(CONFIG.log_level)
4618		cpu_sensor_i: int = CONFIG.cpu_sensors.index(CONFIG.cpu_sensor)
4619		cpu_graph_i: Dict[str, int] = { "cpu_graph_upper" : CONFIG.cpu_percent_fields.index(CONFIG.cpu_graph_upper),
4620										"cpu_graph_lower" : CONFIG.cpu_percent_fields.index(CONFIG.cpu_graph_lower)}
4621		temp_scale_i: int = CONFIG.temp_scales.index(CONFIG.temp_scale)
4622		color_i: int
4623		max_opt_len: int = max([len(categories[x]) for x in categories]) * 2
4624		cat_list = list(categories)
4625		while not cls.close:
4626			key = ""
4627			if cls.resized or change_cat:
4628				cls.resized = change_cat = False
4629				selected_cat = list(categories)[cat_int]
4630				option_items = categories[cat_list[cat_int]]
4631				option_len: int = len(option_items) * 2
4632				y = 12 if Term.height < max_opt_len + 13 else Term.height // 2 - max_opt_len // 2 + 7
4633				out_misc = (f'{Banner.draw(y-10, center=True)}{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(46)}{Colors.black_bg}{Colors.default}{Fx.b}← esc'
4634					f'{Mv.r(30)}{Fx.i}Version: {VERSION}{Fx.ui}{Fx.ub}{Term.bg}{Term.fg}')
4635				x = Term.width//2-38
4636				x2 = x + 27
4637				h, w, w2 = min(Term.height-1-y, option_len), 26, 50
4638				h -= h % 2
4639				color_i = list(Theme.themes).index(THEME.current)
4640				out_misc += create_box(x, y - 3, w+w2+1, 3, f'tab{Symbol.right}', line_color=THEME.div_line)
4641				out_misc += create_box(x, y, w, h+2, "options", line_color=THEME.div_line)
4642				redraw = True
4644				cat_width = floor((w+w2) / len(categories))
4645				out_misc += f'{Fx.b}'
4646				for cx, cat in enumerate(categories):
4647					out_misc += f'{Mv.to(y-2, x + 1 + (cat_width * cx) + round(cat_width / 2 - len(cat) / 2 ))}'
4648					if cat == selected_cat:
4649						out_misc += f'{THEME.hi_fg}[{THEME.title}{Fx.u}{cat}{Fx.uu}{THEME.hi_fg}]'
4650					else:
4651						out_misc += f'{THEME.hi_fg}{SUPERSCRIPT[cx+1]}{THEME.title}{cat}'
4652				out_misc += f'{Fx.ub}'
4653				if option_len > h:
4654					pages = ceil(option_len / h)
4655				else:
4656					h = option_len
4657					pages = 0
4658				page = pages if selected_int == -1 and pages > 0 else 1
4659				selected_int = 0 if selected_int >= 0 else len(option_items) - 1
4660			if redraw:
4661				out = ""
4662				cy = 0
4664				selected = list(option_items)[selected_int]
4665				if pages:
4666					out += (f'{Mv.to(y+h+1, x+11)}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title("pg")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg(Symbol.up)} {Fx.b}{THEME.title}{page}/{pages} '
4667					f'pg{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg(Symbol.down)}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.title_right)}')
4668				#out += f'{Mv.to(y+1, x+1)}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{"Keys:":^20}Description:{THEME.main_fg}'
4669				for n, opt in enumerate(option_items):
4670					if pages and n < (page - 1) * ceil(h / 2): continue
4671					value = getattr(CONFIG, opt)
4672					t_color = f'{THEME.selected_bg}{THEME.selected_fg}' if opt == selected else f'{THEME.title}'
4673					v_color	= "" if opt == selected else f'{THEME.title}'
4674					d_quote = '"' if isinstance(value, str) else ""
4675					if opt == "color_theme":
4676						counter = f' {color_i + 1}/{len(Theme.themes)}'
4677					elif opt == "proc_sorting":
4678						counter = f' {CONFIG.sorting_options.index(CONFIG.proc_sorting) + 1}/{len(CONFIG.sorting_options)}'
4679					elif opt == "log_level":
4680						counter = f' {loglevel_i + 1}/{len(CONFIG.log_levels)}'
4681					elif opt == "cpu_sensor":
4682						counter = f' {cpu_sensor_i + 1}/{len(CONFIG.cpu_sensors)}'
4683					elif opt in ["cpu_graph_upper", "cpu_graph_lower"]:
4684						counter = f' {cpu_graph_i[opt] + 1}/{len(CONFIG.cpu_percent_fields)}'
4685					elif opt == "temp_scale":
4686						counter = f' {temp_scale_i + 1}/{len(CONFIG.temp_scales)}'
4687					else:
4688						counter = ""
4689					out += f'{Mv.to(y+1+cy, x+1)}{t_color}{Fx.b}{opt.replace("_", " ").capitalize() + counter:^24.24}{Fx.ub}{Mv.to(y+2+cy, x+1)}{v_color}'
4690					if opt == selected:
4691						if isinstance(value, bool) or opt in ["color_theme", "proc_sorting", "log_level", "cpu_sensor", "cpu_graph_upper", "cpu_graph_lower", "temp_scale"]:
4692							out += f'{t_color} {Symbol.left}{v_color}{d_quote + str(value) + d_quote:^20.20}{t_color}{Symbol.right} '
4693						elif inputting:
4694							out += f'{str(input_val)[-17:] + Fx.bl + "█" + Fx.ubl + "" + Symbol.enter:^33.33}'
4695						else:
4696							out += ((f'{t_color} {Symbol.left}{v_color}' if type(value) is int else "  ") +
4697							f'{str(value) + " " + Symbol.enter:^20.20}' + (f'{t_color}{Symbol.right} ' if type(value) is int else "  "))
4698					else:
4699						out += f'{d_quote + str(value) + d_quote:^24.24}'
4700					out += f'{Term.bg}'
4701					if opt == selected:
4702						h2 = len(option_items[opt]) + 2
4703						y2 = y + (selected_int * 2) - ((page-1) * h)
4704						if y2 + h2 > Term.height: y2 = Term.height - h2
4705						out += f'{create_box(x2, y2, w2, h2, "description", line_color=THEME.div_line)}{THEME.main_fg}'
4706						for n, desc in enumerate(option_items[opt]):
4707							out += f'{Mv.to(y2+1+n, x2+2)}{desc:.48}'
4708					cy += 2
4709					if cy >= h: break
4710				if cy < h:
4711					for i in range(h-cy):
4712						out += f'{Mv.to(y+1+cy+i, x+1)}{" " * (w-2)}'
4715			if not skip or redraw:
4716				Draw.now(f'{cls.background}{out_misc}{out}')
4717			skip = redraw = False
4719			if Key.input_wait(Timer.left()):
4720				key = Key.get()
4721				redraw = True
4722				has_sel = False
4723				if key == "mouse_click" and not inputting:
4724					mx, my = Key.get_mouse()
4725					if x < mx < x + w + w2 and y - 4 < my < y:
4726						# if my == y - 2:
4727						for cx, cat in enumerate(categories):
4728							ccx = x + (cat_width * cx) + round(cat_width / 2 - len(cat) / 2 )
4729							if ccx - 2 < mx < ccx + 2 + len(cat):
4730								key = str(cx+1)
4731								break
4732					elif x < mx < x + w and y < my < y + h + 2:
4733						mouse_sel = ceil((my - y) / 2) - 1 + ceil((page-1) * (h / 2))
4734						if pages and my == y+h+1 and x+11 < mx < x+16:
4735							key = "page_up"
4736						elif pages and my == y+h+1 and x+19 < mx < x+24:
4737							key = "page_down"
4738						elif my == y+h+1:
4739							pass
4740						elif mouse_sel == selected_int:
4741							if mx < x + 6:
4742								key = "left"
4743							elif mx > x + 19:
4744								key = "right"
4745							else:
4746								key = "enter"
4747						elif mouse_sel < len(option_items):
4748							selected_int = mouse_sel
4749							has_sel = True
4750					else:
4751						key = "escape"
4752				if inputting:
4753					if key in ["escape", "mouse_click"]:
4754						inputting = False
4755					elif key == "enter":
4756						inputting = False
4757						if str(getattr(CONFIG, selected)) != input_val:
4758							if selected == "update_ms":
4759								if not input_val or int(input_val) < 100:
4760									CONFIG.update_ms = 100
4761								elif int(input_val) > 86399900:
4762									CONFIG.update_ms = 86399900
4763								else:
4764									CONFIG.update_ms = int(input_val)
4765							elif selected == "proc_update_mult":
4766								if not input_val or int(input_val) < 1:
4767									CONFIG.proc_update_mult = 1
4768								else:
4769									CONFIG.proc_update_mult = int(input_val)
4770								Collector.proc_counter = 1
4771							elif selected == "tree_depth":
4772								if not input_val or int(input_val) < 0:
4773									CONFIG.tree_depth = 0
4774								else:
4775									CONFIG.tree_depth = int(input_val)
4776								ProcCollector.collapsed = {}
4777							elif selected == "shown_boxes":
4778								new_boxes: List = []
4779								for box in input_val.split():
4780									if box in ["cpu", "mem", "net", "proc"]:
4781										new_boxes.append(box)
4782								CONFIG.shown_boxes = " ".join(new_boxes)
4783								Box.view_mode = "user"
4784								Box.view_modes["user"] = CONFIG.shown_boxes.split()
4785								Draw.clear(saved=True)
4786							elif isinstance(getattr(CONFIG, selected), str):
4787								setattr(CONFIG, selected, input_val)
4788								if selected.startswith("net_"):
4789									NetCollector.net_min = {"download" : -1, "upload" : -1}
4790								elif selected == "draw_clock":
4791									Box.clock_on = len(CONFIG.draw_clock) > 0
4792									if not Box.clock_on: Draw.clear("clock", saved=True)
4793								elif selected == "io_graph_speeds":
4794									MemBox.graph_speeds = {}
4795							Term.refresh(force=True)
4796							cls.resized = False
4797					elif key == "backspace" and len(input_val):
4798						input_val = input_val[:-1]
4799					elif key == "delete":
4800							input_val = ""
4801					elif isinstance(getattr(CONFIG, selected), str) and len(key) == 1:
4802						input_val += key
4803					elif isinstance(getattr(CONFIG, selected), int) and key.isdigit():
4804						input_val += key
4805				elif key == "q":
4806					clean_quit()
4807				elif key in ["escape", "o", "M", "f2"]:
4808					cls.close = True
4809					break
4810				elif key == "tab" or (key == "down" and selected_int == len(option_items) - 1 and (page == pages or pages == 0)):
4811					if cat_int == len(categories) - 1:
4812						cat_int = 0
4813					else:
4814						cat_int += 1
4815					change_cat = True
4816				elif key == "shift_tab" or (key == "up" and selected_int == 0 and page == 1):
4817					if cat_int == 0:
4818						cat_int = len(categories) - 1
4819					else:
4820						cat_int -= 1
4821					change_cat = True
4822					selected_int = -1 if key != "shift_tab" else 0
4823				elif key in list(map(str, range(1, len(cat_list)+1))) and key != str(cat_int + 1):
4824					cat_int = int(key) - 1
4825					change_cat = True
4826				elif key == "enter" and selected in ["update_ms", "disks_filter", "custom_cpu_name", "net_download",
4827					 "net_upload", "draw_clock", "tree_depth", "proc_update_mult", "shown_boxes", "net_iface", "io_graph_speeds"]:
4828					inputting = True
4829					input_val = str(getattr(CONFIG, selected))
4830				elif key == "left" and selected == "update_ms" and CONFIG.update_ms - 100 >= 100:
4831					CONFIG.update_ms -= 100
4832					Box.draw_update_ms()
4833				elif key == "right" and selected == "update_ms" and CONFIG.update_ms + 100 <= 86399900:
4834					CONFIG.update_ms += 100
4835					Box.draw_update_ms()
4836				elif key == "left" and selected == "proc_update_mult" and CONFIG.proc_update_mult > 1:
4837					CONFIG.proc_update_mult -= 1
4838					Collector.proc_counter = 1
4839				elif key == "right" and selected == "proc_update_mult":
4840					CONFIG.proc_update_mult += 1
4841					Collector.proc_counter = 1
4842				elif key == "left" and selected == "tree_depth" and CONFIG.tree_depth > 0:
4843					CONFIG.tree_depth -= 1
4844					ProcCollector.collapsed = {}
4845				elif key == "right" and selected == "tree_depth":
4846					CONFIG.tree_depth += 1
4847					ProcCollector.collapsed = {}
4848				elif key in ["left", "right"] and isinstance(getattr(CONFIG, selected), bool):
4849					setattr(CONFIG, selected, not getattr(CONFIG, selected))
4850					if selected == "check_temp":
4851						if CONFIG.check_temp:
4852							CpuCollector.get_sensors()
4853						else:
4854							CpuCollector.sensor_method = ""
4855							CpuCollector.got_sensors = False
4856					if selected in ["net_auto", "net_color_fixed", "net_sync"]:
4857						if selected == "net_auto": NetCollector.auto_min = CONFIG.net_auto
4858						NetBox.redraw = True
4859					if selected == "theme_background":
4860						Term.bg = f'{THEME.main_bg}' if CONFIG.theme_background else "\033[49m"
4861						Draw.now(Term.bg)
4862					if selected == "show_battery":
4863						Draw.clear("battery", saved=True)
4864					Term.refresh(force=True)
4865					cls.resized = False
4866				elif key in ["left", "right"] and selected == "color_theme" and len(Theme.themes) > 1:
4867					if key == "left":
4868						color_i -= 1
4869						if color_i < 0: color_i = len(Theme.themes) - 1
4870					elif key == "right":
4871						color_i += 1
4872						if color_i > len(Theme.themes) - 1: color_i = 0
4873					Collector.collect_idle.wait()
4874					CONFIG.color_theme = list(Theme.themes)[color_i]
4875					THEME(CONFIG.color_theme)
4876					Term.refresh(force=True)
4877					Timer.finish()
4878				elif key in ["left", "right"] and selected == "proc_sorting":
4879					ProcCollector.sorting(key)
4880				elif key in ["left", "right"] and selected == "log_level":
4881					if key == "left":
4882						loglevel_i -= 1
4883						if loglevel_i < 0: loglevel_i = len(CONFIG.log_levels) - 1
4884					elif key == "right":
4885						loglevel_i += 1
4886						if loglevel_i > len(CONFIG.log_levels) - 1: loglevel_i = 0
4887					CONFIG.log_level = CONFIG.log_levels[loglevel_i]
4888					errlog.setLevel(getattr(logging, CONFIG.log_level))
4889					errlog.info(f'Loglevel set to {CONFIG.log_level}')
4890				elif key in ["left", "right"] and selected in ["cpu_graph_upper", "cpu_graph_lower"]:
4891					if key == "left":
4892						cpu_graph_i[selected] -= 1
4893						if cpu_graph_i[selected] < 0: cpu_graph_i[selected] = len(CONFIG.cpu_percent_fields) - 1
4894					if key == "right":
4895						cpu_graph_i[selected] += 1
4896						if cpu_graph_i[selected] > len(CONFIG.cpu_percent_fields) - 1: cpu_graph_i[selected] = 0
4897					setattr(CONFIG, selected, CONFIG.cpu_percent_fields[cpu_graph_i[selected]])
4898					setattr(CpuCollector, selected.replace("_graph", ""), [])
4899					Term.refresh(force=True)
4900					cls.resized = False
4901				elif key in ["left", "right"] and selected == "temp_scale":
4902					if key == "left":
4903						temp_scale_i -= 1
4904						if temp_scale_i < 0: temp_scale_i = len(CONFIG.temp_scales) - 1
4905					if key == "right":
4906						temp_scale_i += 1
4907						if temp_scale_i > len(CONFIG.temp_scales) - 1: temp_scale_i = 0
4908					CONFIG.temp_scale = CONFIG.temp_scales[temp_scale_i]
4909					Term.refresh(force=True)
4910					cls.resized = False
4911				elif key in ["left", "right"] and selected == "cpu_sensor" and len(CONFIG.cpu_sensors) > 1:
4912					if key == "left":
4913						cpu_sensor_i -= 1
4914						if cpu_sensor_i < 0: cpu_sensor_i = len(CONFIG.cpu_sensors) - 1
4915					elif key == "right":
4916						cpu_sensor_i += 1
4917						if cpu_sensor_i > len(CONFIG.cpu_sensors) - 1: cpu_sensor_i = 0
4918					Collector.collect_idle.wait()
4919					CpuCollector.sensor_swap = True
4920					CONFIG.cpu_sensor = CONFIG.cpu_sensors[cpu_sensor_i]
4921					if CONFIG.check_temp and (CpuCollector.sensor_method != "psutil" or CONFIG.cpu_sensor == "Auto"):
4922						CpuCollector.get_sensors()
4923						Term.refresh(force=True)
4924						cls.resized = False
4925				elif key in ["up", "mouse_scroll_up"]:
4926					selected_int -= 1
4927					if selected_int < 0: selected_int = len(option_items) - 1
4928					page = floor(selected_int * 2 / h) + 1
4929				elif key in ["down", "mouse_scroll_down"]:
4930					selected_int += 1
4931					if selected_int > len(option_items) - 1: selected_int = 0
4932					page = floor(selected_int * 2 / h) + 1
4933				elif key == "page_up":
4934					if not pages or page == 1:
4935						selected_int = 0
4936					else:
4937						page -= 1
4938						if page < 1: page = pages
4939					selected_int = (page-1) * ceil(h / 2)
4940				elif key == "page_down":
4941					if not pages or page == pages:
4942						selected_int = len(option_items) - 1
4943					else:
4944						page += 1
4945						if page > pages: page = 1
4946						selected_int = (page-1) * ceil(h / 2)
4947				elif has_sel:
4948					pass
4949				else:
4950					redraw = False
4952			if Timer.not_zero() and not cls.resized:
4953				skip = True
4954			else:
4955				Collector.collect()
4956				Collector.collect_done.wait(2)
4957				if CONFIG.background_update: cls.background = f'{THEME.inactive_fg}' + Fx.uncolor(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}') + f'{Term.fg}'
4958				Timer.stamp()
4960		if main_active:
4961			cls.close = False
4962			return
4963		Draw.now(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}')
4964		cls.background = ""
4965		cls.active = False
4966		cls.close = False
4968class Timer:
4969	timestamp: float
4970	return_zero = False
4972	@classmethod
4973	def stamp(cls):
4974		cls.timestamp = time()
4976	@classmethod
4977	def not_zero(cls) -> bool:
4978		if cls.return_zero:
4979			cls.return_zero = False
4980			return False
4981		return cls.timestamp + (CONFIG.update_ms / 1000) > time()
4983	@classmethod
4984	def left(cls) -> float:
4985		t_left: float = cls.timestamp + (CONFIG.update_ms / 1000) - time()
4986		if t_left > CONFIG.update_ms / 1000:
4987			cls.stamp()
4988			return CONFIG.update_ms / 1000
4989		return t_left
4991	@classmethod
4992	def finish(cls):
4993		cls.return_zero = True
4994		cls.timestamp = time() - (CONFIG.update_ms / 1000)
4995		Key.break_wait()
4997class UpdateChecker:
4998	version: str = VERSION
4999	thread: threading.Thread
5001	@classmethod
5002	def run(cls):
5003		cls.thread = threading.Thread(target=cls._checker)
5004		cls.thread.start()
5006	@classmethod
5007	def _checker(cls):
5008		try:
5009			with urllib.request.urlopen("https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop/raw/master/bpytop.py", timeout=5) as source: # type: ignore
5010				for line in source:
5011					line = line.decode("utf-8")
5012					if line.startswith("VERSION: str ="):
5013						cls.version = line[(line.index("=")+1):].strip('" \n')
5014						break
5015		except Exception as e:
5016			errlog.exception(f'{e}')
5017		else:
5018			if cls.version != VERSION and which("notify-send"):
5019				try:
5020					subprocess.run(["notify-send", "-u", "normal", "BpyTop Update!",
5021						f'New version of BpyTop available!\nCurrent version: {VERSION}\nNew version: {cls.version}\nDownload at github.com/aristocratos/bpytop',
5022						"-i", "update-notifier", "-t", "10000"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
5023				except Exception as e:
5024					errlog.exception(f'{e}')
5026class Init:
5027	running: bool = True
5028	initbg_colors: List[str] = []
5029	initbg_data: List[int]
5030	initbg_up: Graph
5031	initbg_down: Graph
5032	resized = False
5034	@classmethod
5035	def start(cls):
5036		Draw.buffer("init", z=1)
5037		Draw.buffer("initbg", z=10)
5038		for i in range(51):
5039			for _ in range(2): cls.initbg_colors.append(Color.fg(i, i, i))
5040		Draw.buffer("banner", (f'{Banner.draw(Term.height // 2 - 10, center=True)}{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(11)}{Colors.black_bg}{Colors.default}'
5041				f'{Fx.b}{Fx.i}Version: {VERSION}{Fx.ui}{Fx.ub}{Term.bg}{Term.fg}{Color.fg("#50")}'), z=2)
5042		for _i in range(7):
5043			perc = f'{str(round((_i + 1) * 14 + 2)) + "%":>5}'
5044			Draw.buffer("+banner", f'{Mv.to(Term.height // 2 - 2 + _i, Term.width // 2 - 28)}{Fx.trans(perc)}{Symbol.v_line}')
5046		Draw.out("banner")
5047		Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Color.fg("#cc")}{Fx.b}{Mv.to(Term.height // 2 - 2, Term.width // 2 - 21)}{Mv.save}')
5049		cls.initbg_data = [randint(0, 100) for _ in range(Term.width * 2)]
5050		cls.initbg_up = Graph(Term.width, Term.height // 2, cls.initbg_colors, cls.initbg_data, invert=True)
5051		cls.initbg_down = Graph(Term.width, Term.height // 2, cls.initbg_colors, cls.initbg_data, invert=False)
5053	@classmethod
5054	def success(cls):
5055		if not CONFIG.show_init or cls.resized: return
5056		cls.draw_bg(5)
5057		Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Symbol.ok}\n{Mv.r(Term.width // 2 - 22)}{Mv.save}')
5059	@staticmethod
5060	def fail(err):
5061		if CONFIG.show_init:
5062			Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Symbol.fail}')
5063			sleep(2)
5064		errlog.exception(f'{err}')
5065		clean_quit(1, errmsg=f'Error during init! See {CONFIG_DIR}/error.log for more information.')
5067	@classmethod
5068	def draw_bg(cls, times: int = 5):
5069		for _ in range(times):
5070			sleep(0.05)
5071			x = randint(0, 100)
5072			Draw.buffer("initbg", f'{Fx.ub}{Mv.to(0, 0)}{cls.initbg_up(x)}{Mv.to(Term.height // 2, 0)}{cls.initbg_down(x)}')
5073			Draw.out("initbg", "banner", "init")
5075	@classmethod
5076	def done(cls):
5077		cls.running = False
5078		if not CONFIG.show_init: return
5079		if cls.resized:
5080			Draw.now(Term.clear)
5081		else:
5082			cls.draw_bg(10)
5083		Draw.clear("initbg", "banner", "init", saved=True)
5084		if cls.resized: return
5085		del cls.initbg_up, cls.initbg_down, cls.initbg_data, cls.initbg_colors
5088#? Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
5090def get_cpu_name() -> str:
5091	'''Fetch a suitable CPU identifier from the CPU model name string'''
5092	name: str = ""
5093	nlist: List = []
5094	command: str = ""
5095	cmd_out: str = ""
5096	rem_line: str = ""
5097	if SYSTEM == "Linux":
5098		command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo"
5099		rem_line = "model name"
5100	elif SYSTEM == "MacOS":
5101		command ="sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
5102	elif SYSTEM == "BSD":
5103		command ="sysctl hw.model"
5104		rem_line = "hw.model"
5106	try:
5107		cmd_out = subprocess.check_output("LANG=C " + command, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
5108	except:
5109		pass
5110	if rem_line:
5111		for line in cmd_out.split("\n"):
5112			if rem_line in line:
5113				name = re.sub( ".*" + rem_line + ".*:", "", line,1).lstrip()
5114	else:
5115		name = cmd_out
5116	nlist = name.split(" ")
5117	try:
5118		if "Xeon" in name and "CPU" in name:
5119			name = nlist[nlist.index("CPU")+(-1 if name.endswith(("CPU", "z")) else 1)]
5120		elif "Ryzen" in name:
5121			name = " ".join(nlist[nlist.index("Ryzen"):nlist.index("Ryzen")+3])
5122		elif "Duo" in name and "@" in name:
5123			name = " ".join(nlist[:nlist.index("@")])
5124		elif "CPU" in name and not nlist[0] == "CPU" and not nlist[nlist.index("CPU")-1].isdigit():
5125			name = nlist[nlist.index("CPU")-1]
5126	except:
5127		pass
5129	name = name.replace("Processor", "").replace("CPU", "").replace("(R)", "").replace("(TM)", "").replace("Intel", "")
5130	name = re.sub(r"\d?\.?\d+[mMgG][hH][zZ]", "", name)
5131	name = " ".join(name.split())
5133	return name
5135def get_cpu_core_mapping() -> List[int]:
5136	mapping: List[int] = []
5137	core_ids: List[int] = []
5139	if SYSTEM == "Linux" and os.path.isfile("/proc/cpuinfo"):
5140		try:
5141			mapping = [0] * THREADS
5142			num = 0
5143			with open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r") as f:
5144				for line in f:
5145					if line.startswith("processor"):
5146						num = int(line.strip()[(line.index(": ")+2):])
5147						if num > THREADS - 1:
5148							break
5149					elif line.startswith("core id"):
5150						core_id = int(line.strip()[(line.index(": ")+2):])
5151						if core_id not in core_ids:
5152							core_ids.append(core_id)
5153						mapping[num] = core_ids.index(core_id)
5154			if num < THREADS - 1:
5155				raise Exception
5156		except:
5157			mapping = []
5159	if not mapping:
5160		mapping = []
5161		for _ in range(THREADS // CORES):
5162			mapping.extend([x for x in range(CORES)])
5164	return mapping
5166def create_box(x: int = 0, y: int = 0, width: int = 0, height: int = 0, title: str = "", title2: str = "", line_color: Color = None, title_color: Color = None, fill: bool = True, box = None) -> str:
5167	'''Create a box from a box object or by given arguments'''
5168	out: str = f'{Term.fg}{Term.bg}'
5169	num: int = 0
5170	if not line_color: line_color = THEME.div_line
5171	if not title_color: title_color = THEME.title
5173	#* Get values from box class if given
5174	if box:
5175		x = box.x
5176		y = box.y
5177		width = box.width
5178		height = box.height
5179		title = box.name
5180		num = box.num
5181	hlines: Tuple[int, int] = (y, y + height - 1)
5183	out += f'{line_color}'
5185	#* Draw all horizontal lines
5186	for hpos in hlines:
5187		out += f'{Mv.to(hpos, x)}{Symbol.h_line * (width - 1)}'
5189	#* Draw all vertical lines and fill if enabled
5190	for hpos in range(hlines[0]+1, hlines[1]):
5191		out += f'{Mv.to(hpos, x)}{Symbol.v_line}{" " * (width-2) if fill else Mv.r(width-2)}{Symbol.v_line}'
5193	#* Draw corners
5194	out += f'{Mv.to(y, x)}{Symbol.left_up}\
5195	{Mv.to(y, x + width - 1)}{Symbol.right_up}\
5196	{Mv.to(y + height - 1, x)}{Symbol.left_down}\
5197	{Mv.to(y + height - 1, x + width - 1)}{Symbol.right_down}'
5199	#* Draw titles if enabled
5200	if title:
5201		numbered: str = "" if not num else f'{THEME.hi_fg(SUPERSCRIPT[num])}'
5202		out += f'{Mv.to(y, x + 2)}{Symbol.title_left}{Fx.b}{numbered}{title_color}{title}{Fx.ub}{line_color}{Symbol.title_right}'
5203	if title2:
5204		out += f'{Mv.to(hlines[1], x + 2)}{Symbol.title_left}{title_color}{Fx.b}{title2}{Fx.ub}{line_color}{Symbol.title_right}'
5206	return f'{out}{Term.fg}{Mv.to(y + 1, x + 1)}'
5208def now_sleeping(signum, frame):
5209	"""Reset terminal settings and stop background input read before putting to sleep"""
5210	Key.stop()
5211	Collector.stop()
5212	Draw.now(Term.clear, Term.normal_screen, Term.show_cursor, Term.mouse_off, Term.mouse_direct_off, Term.title())
5213	Term.echo(True)
5214	os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGSTOP)
5216def now_awake(signum, frame):
5217	"""Set terminal settings and restart background input read"""
5218	Draw.now(Term.alt_screen, Term.clear, Term.hide_cursor, Term.mouse_on, Term.title("BpyTOP"))
5219	Term.echo(False)
5220	Key.start()
5221	Term.refresh()
5222	Box.calc_sizes()
5223	Box.draw_bg()
5224	Collector.start()
5226def quit_sigint(signum, frame):
5227	"""SIGINT redirection to clean_quit()"""
5228	clean_quit()
5230def clean_quit(errcode: int = 0, errmsg: str = "", thread: bool = False):
5231	"""Stop background input read, save current config and reset terminal settings before quitting"""
5232	global THREAD_ERROR
5233	if thread:
5234		THREAD_ERROR = errcode
5235		interrupt_main()
5236		return
5237	if THREAD_ERROR: errcode = THREAD_ERROR
5238	Key.stop()
5239	Collector.stop()
5240	if not errcode: CONFIG.save_config()
5241	Draw.now(Term.clear, Term.normal_screen, Term.show_cursor, Term.mouse_off, Term.mouse_direct_off, Term.title())
5242	Term.echo(True)
5243	if errcode == 0:
5244		errlog.info(f'Exiting. Runtime {timedelta(seconds=round(time() - SELF_START, 0))} \n')
5245	else:
5246		errlog.warning(f'Exiting with errorcode ({errcode}). Runtime {timedelta(seconds=round(time() - SELF_START, 0))} \n')
5247		if not errmsg: errmsg = f'Bpytop exited with errorcode ({errcode}). See {CONFIG_DIR}/error.log for more information!'
5248	if errmsg: print(errmsg)
5250	raise SystemExit(errcode)
5252def floating_humanizer(value: Union[float, int], bit: bool = False, per_second: bool = False, start: int = 0, short: bool = False) -> str:
5253	'''Scales up in steps of 1024 to highest possible unit and returns string with unit suffixed
5254	* bit=True or defaults to bytes
5255	* start=int to set 1024 multiplier starting unit
5256	* short=True always returns 0 decimals and shortens unit to 1 character
5257	'''
5258	out: str = ""
5259	mult: int = 8 if bit else 1
5260	selector: int = start
5261	unit: Tuple[str, ...] = UNITS["bit"] if bit else UNITS["byte"]
5263	if isinstance(value, float): value = round(value * 100 * mult)
5264	elif value > 0: value *= 100 * mult
5265	else: value = 0
5267	while len(f'{value}') > 5 and value >= 102400:
5268		value >>= 10
5269		if value < 100:
5270			out = f'{value}'
5271			break
5272		selector += 1
5273	else:
5274		if len(f'{value}') == 4 and selector > 0:
5275			out = f'{value}'[:-2] + "." + f'{value}'[-2]
5276		elif len(f'{value}') == 3 and selector > 0:
5277			out = f'{value}'[:-2] + "." + f'{value}'[-2:]
5278		elif len(f'{value}') >= 2:
5279			out = f'{value}'[:-2]
5280		else:
5281			out = f'{value}'
5284	if short:
5285		if "." in out:
5286			out = f'{round(float(out))}'
5287		if len(out) > 3:
5288			out = f'{int(out[0]) + 1}'
5289			selector += 1
5290	out += f'{"" if short else " "}{unit[selector][0] if short else unit[selector]}'
5291	if per_second: out += "ps" if bit else "/s"
5293	return out
5295def units_to_bytes(value: str) -> int:
5296	if not value: return 0
5297	out: int = 0
5298	mult: int = 0
5299	bit: bool = False
5300	value_i: int = 0
5301	units: Dict[str, int] = {"k" : 1, "m" : 2, "g" : 3}
5302	try:
5303		if value.lower().endswith("s"):
5304			value = value[:-1]
5305		if value.lower().endswith("bit"):
5306			bit = True
5307			value = value[:-3]
5308		elif value.lower().endswith("byte"):
5309			value = value[:-4]
5311		if value[-1].lower() in units:
5312			mult = units[value[-1].lower()]
5313			value = value[:-1]
5315		if "." in value and value.replace(".", "").isdigit():
5316			if mult > 0:
5317				value_i = round(float(value) * 1024)
5318				mult -= 1
5319			else:
5320				value_i = round(float(value))
5321		elif value.isdigit():
5322			value_i = int(value)
5324		out = int(value_i) << (10 * mult)
5325		if bit: out = round(out / 8)
5326	except ValueError:
5327		out = 0
5328	return out
5330def min_max(value: int, min_value: int=0, max_value: int=100) -> int:
5331	return max(min_value, min(value, max_value))
5333def readfile(file: str, default: str = "") -> str:
5334	out: Union[str, None] = None
5335	if os.path.isfile(file):
5336		try:
5337			with open(file, "r") as f:
5338				out = f.read().strip()
5339		except:
5340			pass
5341	return default if out is None else out
5343def temperature(value: int, scale: str = "celsius") -> Tuple[int, str]:
5344	"""Returns a tuple with integer value and string unit converted from an integer in celsius to: celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin or rankine."""
5345	if scale == "celsius":
5346		return (value, "°C")
5347	elif scale == "fahrenheit":
5348		return (round(value * 1.8 + 32), "°F")
5349	elif scale == "kelvin":
5350		return (round(value + 273.15), "K ")
5351	elif scale == "rankine":
5352		return (round(value * 1.8 + 491.67), "°R")
5353	else:
5354		return (0, "")
5356def process_keys():
5357	mouse_pos: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)
5358	filtered: bool = False
5359	box_keys = {"1" : "cpu", "2" : "mem", "3" : "net", "4" : "proc"}
5360	while Key.has_key():
5361		key = Key.get()
5362		found: bool = True
5363		if key in ["mouse_scroll_up", "mouse_scroll_down", "mouse_click"]:
5364			mouse_pos = Key.get_mouse()
5365			if mouse_pos[0] >= ProcBox.x and ProcBox.current_y + 1 <= mouse_pos[1] < ProcBox.current_y + ProcBox.current_h - 1:
5366				pass
5367			elif key == "mouse_click":
5368				key = "mouse_unselect"
5369			else:
5370				key = "_null"
5372		if ProcBox.filtering:
5373			if key in ["enter", "mouse_click", "mouse_unselect"]:
5374				ProcBox.filtering = False
5375				Collector.collect(ProcCollector, redraw=True, only_draw=True)
5376				continue
5377			elif key in ["escape", "delete"]:
5378				ProcCollector.search_filter = ""
5379				ProcBox.filtering = False
5380			elif len(key) == 1:
5381				ProcCollector.search_filter += key
5382			elif key == "backspace" and len(ProcCollector.search_filter) > 0:
5383				ProcCollector.search_filter = ProcCollector.search_filter[:-1]
5384			else:
5385				continue
5386			Collector.collect(ProcCollector, proc_interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5387			if filtered: Collector.collect_done.wait(0.1)
5388			filtered = True
5389			continue
5391		if key == "_null":
5392			continue
5393		elif key == "q":
5394			clean_quit()
5395		elif key == "+" and CONFIG.update_ms + 100 <= 86399900:
5396			CONFIG.update_ms += 100
5397			Box.draw_update_ms()
5398		elif key == "-" and CONFIG.update_ms - 100 >= 100:
5399			CONFIG.update_ms -= 100
5400			Box.draw_update_ms()
5401		elif key in ["M", "escape"]:
5402			Menu.main()
5403		elif key in ["o", "f2"]:
5404			Menu.options()
5405		elif key in ["H", "f1"]:
5406			Menu.help()
5407		elif key == "m":
5408			if list(Box.view_modes).index(Box.view_mode) + 1 > len(list(Box.view_modes)) - 1:
5409				Box.view_mode = list(Box.view_modes)[0]
5410			else:
5411				Box.view_mode = list(Box.view_modes)[(list(Box.view_modes).index(Box.view_mode) + 1)]
5412			CONFIG.shown_boxes = " ".join(Box.view_modes[Box.view_mode])
5413			Draw.clear(saved=True)
5414			Term.refresh(force=True)
5415		elif key in box_keys:
5416			boxes = CONFIG.shown_boxes.split()
5417			if box_keys[key] in boxes:
5418				boxes.remove(box_keys[key])
5419			else:
5420				boxes.append(box_keys[key])
5421			CONFIG.shown_boxes = " ".join(boxes)
5422			Box.view_mode = "user"
5423			Box.view_modes["user"] = CONFIG.shown_boxes.split()
5424			Draw.clear(saved=True)
5425			Term.refresh(force=True)
5426		else:
5427			found = False
5429		if found: continue
5431		if "proc" in Box.boxes:
5432			if key in ["left", "right", "h", "l"]:
5433				ProcCollector.sorting(key)
5434			elif key == " " and CONFIG.proc_tree and ProcBox.selected > 0:
5435				if ProcBox.selected_pid in ProcCollector.collapsed:
5436					ProcCollector.collapsed[ProcBox.selected_pid] = not ProcCollector.collapsed[ProcBox.selected_pid]
5437				Collector.collect(ProcCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5438			elif key == "e":
5439				CONFIG.proc_tree = not CONFIG.proc_tree
5440				Collector.collect(ProcCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5441			elif key == "r":
5442				CONFIG.proc_reversed = not CONFIG.proc_reversed
5443				Collector.collect(ProcCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5444			elif key == "c":
5445				CONFIG.proc_per_core = not CONFIG.proc_per_core
5446				Collector.collect(ProcCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5447			elif key in ["f", "F"]:
5448				ProcBox.filtering = True
5449				ProcCollector.case_sensitive = key == "F"
5450				if not ProcCollector.search_filter: ProcBox.start = 0
5451				Collector.collect(ProcCollector, redraw=True, only_draw=True)
5452			elif key in ["T", "K", "I"] and (ProcBox.selected > 0 or ProcCollector.detailed):
5453				pid: int = ProcBox.selected_pid if ProcBox.selected > 0 else ProcCollector.detailed_pid # type: ignore
5454				if psutil.pid_exists(pid):
5455					if key == "T": sig = signal.SIGTERM
5456					elif key == "K": sig = signal.SIGKILL
5457					elif key == "I": sig = signal.SIGINT
5458					try:
5459						os.kill(pid, sig)
5460					except Exception as e:
5461						errlog.error(f'Exception when sending signal {sig} to pid {pid}')
5462						errlog.exception(f'{e}')
5463			elif key == "delete" and ProcCollector.search_filter:
5464				ProcCollector.search_filter = ""
5465				Collector.collect(ProcCollector, proc_interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5466			elif key == "enter":
5467				if ProcBox.selected > 0 and ProcCollector.detailed_pid != ProcBox.selected_pid and psutil.pid_exists(ProcBox.selected_pid):
5468					ProcCollector.detailed = True
5469					ProcBox.last_selection = ProcBox.selected
5470					ProcBox.selected = 0
5471					ProcCollector.detailed_pid = ProcBox.selected_pid
5472					ProcBox.resized = True
5473					Collector.proc_counter = 1
5474				elif ProcCollector.detailed:
5475					ProcBox.selected = ProcBox.last_selection
5476					ProcBox.last_selection = 0
5477					ProcCollector.detailed = False
5478					ProcCollector.detailed_pid = None
5479					ProcBox.resized = True
5480					Collector.proc_counter = 1
5481				else:
5482					continue
5483				ProcCollector.details = {}
5484				ProcCollector.details_cpu = []
5485				ProcCollector.details_mem = []
5486				Graphs.detailed_cpu = NotImplemented
5487				Graphs.detailed_mem = NotImplemented
5488				Collector.collect(ProcCollector, proc_interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5489			elif key in ["up", "down", "mouse_scroll_up", "mouse_scroll_down", "page_up", "page_down", "home", "end", "mouse_click", "mouse_unselect", "j", "k"]:
5490				ProcBox.selector(key, mouse_pos)
5492		if "net" in Box.boxes:
5493			if key in ["b", "n"]:
5494				NetCollector.switch(key)
5495			elif key == "z":
5496				NetCollector.reset = not NetCollector.reset
5497				Collector.collect(NetCollector, redraw=True)
5498			elif key == "y":
5499				CONFIG.net_sync = not CONFIG.net_sync
5500				Collector.collect(NetCollector, redraw=True)
5501			elif key == "a":
5502				NetCollector.auto_min = not NetCollector.auto_min
5503				NetCollector.net_min = {"download" : -1, "upload" : -1}
5504				Collector.collect(NetCollector, redraw=True)
5506		if "mem" in Box.boxes:
5507			if key == "g":
5508				CONFIG.mem_graphs = not CONFIG.mem_graphs
5509				Collector.collect(MemCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5510			elif key == "s":
5511				Collector.collect_idle.wait()
5512				CONFIG.swap_disk = not CONFIG.swap_disk
5513				Collector.collect(MemCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5514			elif key == "d":
5515				Collector.collect_idle.wait()
5516				CONFIG.show_disks = not CONFIG.show_disks
5517				Collector.collect(MemCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5518			elif key == "i":
5519				Collector.collect_idle.wait()
5520				CONFIG.io_mode = not CONFIG.io_mode
5521				Collector.collect(MemCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
5527#? Pre main -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
5530CPU_NAME: str = get_cpu_name()
5532CORE_MAP: List[int] = get_cpu_core_mapping()
5534THEME: Theme
5536def main():
5537	global THEME
5539	Term.width = os.get_terminal_size().columns
5540	Term.height = os.get_terminal_size().lines
5542	#? Init -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
5543	if DEBUG: TimeIt.start("Init")
5545	#? Switch to alternate screen, clear screen, hide cursor, enable mouse reporting and disable input echo
5546	Draw.now(Term.alt_screen, Term.clear, Term.hide_cursor, Term.mouse_on, Term.title("BpyTOP"))
5547	Term.echo(False)
5548	#Term.refresh(force=True)
5550	#? Start a thread checking for updates while running init
5551	if CONFIG.update_check: UpdateChecker.run()
5553	#? Draw banner and init status
5554	if CONFIG.show_init and not Init.resized:
5555		Init.start()
5557	#? Load theme
5558	if CONFIG.show_init:
5559		Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Loading theme and creating colors... ")}{Mv.save}')
5560	try:
5561		THEME = Theme(CONFIG.color_theme)
5562	except Exception as e:
5563		Init.fail(e)
5564	else:
5565		Init.success()
5567	#? Setup boxes
5568	if CONFIG.show_init:
5569		Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Doing some maths and drawing... ")}{Mv.save}')
5570	try:
5571		if CONFIG.check_temp: CpuCollector.get_sensors()
5572		Box.calc_sizes()
5573		Box.draw_bg(now=False)
5574	except Exception as e:
5575		Init.fail(e)
5576	else:
5577		Init.success()
5579	#? Setup signal handlers for SIGSTP, SIGCONT, SIGINT and SIGWINCH
5580	if CONFIG.show_init:
5581		Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Setting up signal handlers... ")}{Mv.save}')
5582	try:
5583		signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, now_sleeping) #* Ctrl-Z
5584		signal.signal(signal.SIGCONT, now_awake)	#* Resume
5585		signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, quit_sigint)	#* Ctrl-C
5586		signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, Term.refresh) #* Terminal resized
5587	except Exception as e:
5588		Init.fail(e)
5589	else:
5590		Init.success()
5592	#? Start a separate thread for reading keyboard input
5593	if CONFIG.show_init:
5594		Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Starting input reader thread... ")}{Mv.save}')
5595	try:
5596		if isinstance(sys.stdin, io.TextIOWrapper) and sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
5597			sys.stdin.reconfigure(errors="ignore")  # type: ignore
5598		Key.start()
5599	except Exception as e:
5600		Init.fail(e)
5601	else:
5602		Init.success()
5604	#? Start a separate thread for data collection and drawing
5605	if CONFIG.show_init:
5606		Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Starting data collection and drawer thread... ")}{Mv.save}')
5607	try:
5608		Collector.start()
5609	except Exception as e:
5610		Init.fail(e)
5611	else:
5612		Init.success()
5614	#? Collect data and draw to buffer
5615	if CONFIG.show_init:
5616		Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Collecting data and drawing... ")}{Mv.save}')
5617	try:
5618		Collector.collect(draw_now=False)
5619		pass
5620	except Exception as e:
5621		Init.fail(e)
5622	else:
5623		Init.success()
5625	#? Draw to screen
5626	if CONFIG.show_init:
5627		Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Finishing up... ")}{Mv.save}')
5628	try:
5629		Collector.collect_done.wait()
5630	except Exception as e:
5631		Init.fail(e)
5632	else:
5633		Init.success()
5635	Init.done()
5636	Term.refresh()
5637	Draw.out(clear=True)
5638	if CONFIG.draw_clock:
5639		Box.clock_on = True
5640	if DEBUG: TimeIt.stop("Init")
5642	#? Main loop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
5644	def run():
5645		while not False:
5646			Term.refresh()
5647			Timer.stamp()
5649			while Timer.not_zero():
5650				if Key.input_wait(Timer.left()):
5651					process_keys()
5653			Collector.collect()
5655	#? Start main loop
5656	try:
5657		run()
5658	except Exception as e:
5659		errlog.exception(f'{e}')
5660		clean_quit(1)
5661	else:
5662		#? Quit cleanly even if false starts being true...
5663		clean_quit()
5666if __name__ == "__main__":
5667	main()