. \" Manual Seite fuer fileluopen . \" @(#)fileluopen.3 1.1 . \"
FILELUOPEN 3 "15. Juli 1988" "J\*org Schilling" "Schily\'s LIBRARY FUNCTIONS"
fileluopen() - opens a file given a logical unit number
 FILE *fileluopen(lu, modes)
 int lu;  char *modes; 
fileluopen() makes an object of type FILE, suitable for use with fileread(), putc(), etc.

The lu argument is a logical unit number assigned by the kernel when it opens a file. Logical unit numbers are not usually visible, although several routines reguire LUs as arguments and fdown() may be used to map a FILE object to a corresponding LU number.

The modes argument is a string encoding the modes of the file, just as for fileopen(), except that the 'c' and 't' options are not allowed.

Returns the FILE value.