2# Tcl ignores the next line \
3exec /usr/local/bin/wish8.6 "$0" -- "${1+$@}"
5# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Paul Mackerras.  All rights reserved.
6# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
7# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
8# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
10set Script [info script]
11set ScriptTail [file tail $Script]
12if {[file type $Script] == "link"} {
13  set ScriptBin [file join [file dirname $Script] [file readlink $Script]]
14} else {
15  set ScriptBin $Script
17set TclExe [info nameofexecutable]
18set compound_ok [expr {$tcl_version >= 8.4}]
20set nofilecmp [catch {load libfilecmp.so.0.0}]
21set rcsflag {}
22set diffbflag {}
23set diffBflag {}
24set diffiflag {}
25set diffwflag {}
26set diffdflag {}
27set ctxlines 3
28set showsame 0
29set underlinetabs 0
30set redisp_immed 1
31set diffnewfirst 0
32set nukefiles {*.o *~ *.orig CVS *.a *.link *.old *.save .depend .*.flags SCCS}
33set filelistfont {Helvetica -12}
34set textfont {Courier -12}
35set maxdepth 9999999
36set nxdirmode 0
37set docvsignore 0
39set defaultcvsignore {
40    RCS SCCS CVS CVS.adm RCSLOG cvslog.* tags TAGS
41    .make.state .nse_depinfo *~ \#* .\#* ,* _$* *$
42    *.old *.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej .del-* *.a *.olb
43    *.o *.obj *.so *.exe *.Z *.elc *.ln core
46if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
47   set TclExe [file attributes $TclExe -shortname]
48   # I don't like it any better than you do
49   set nullfile "C:/temp/nulfile"
50   set nf [open "$nullfile" w]
51   close $nf
52} else {
53   set nullfile "/dev/null"
55set diffprogram {}
56set showprogram {}
58set numlines 20
59set canvy0 0
60set canvy 0
61set canvx 0
63set have_unidiff 1
64set caught [catch "exec diff -u $nullfile $nullfile" err]
65if {$caught != 0} {
66   puts "Unified diff not available.  Will use context diff for patches."
67   set have_unidiff 0
70catch {source ~/.dirdiff}
72proc ignorefile pat {
73    global nukefiles
74    if {$pat == "!"} {
75	set nukefiles {}
76    } else {
77	lappend nukefiles $pat
78    }
81set linespc [font metrics $filelistfont -linespace]
82if {$linespc < 15} {set linespc 15}
83set blotw [expr $linespc-3]
84set bloth [expr $linespc-3]
85set blotspc $linespc
87proc usage {} {
88    puts stderr {Usage: dirdiff [options]... dir1 dir2 ...
91   -a, --all		don't exclude any files
92   -o, --only pattern	only process files matching pattern
93   -I, --ignore pattern	don't process files matching pattern
94   -r, --rcs		ignore differences in RCS strings
95   -c, --context num	set number of lines of context to show
96   -b, -w, -B, -i, -d	pass these on to diff(1)
97   -S			show files that are the same in the file list
98   -C			Ignore files listed in .cvsignore files
100Note: dirdiff needs to be able to load the libfilecmp.so.0.0 shared library
101for the -r or -t flags to work.}
104proc NewDirDialog {} {
105   global d0 d1 d2 d3 d4
106   toplevel .newdirDlg
107   wm transient .newdirDlg
108   wm title .newdirDlg "Directories"
109   set waitvar 0
111   frame .newdirDlg.top -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
112   pack .newdirDlg.top -side top -fill x \
113      -ipadx 20 -ipady 20 -padx 5 -pady 5
115   button .newdirDlg.top.b0 -text "Browse..." -command { set d0 [tk_chooseDirectory] }
116   button .newdirDlg.top.b1 -text "Browse..." -command { set d1 [tk_chooseDirectory] }
117   button .newdirDlg.top.b2 -text "Browse..." -command { set d2 [tk_chooseDirectory] }
118   button .newdirDlg.top.b3 -text "Browse..." -command { set d3 [tk_chooseDirectory] }
119   button .newdirDlg.top.b4 -text "Browse..." -command { set d4 [tk_chooseDirectory] }
120   for { set n 0 } { $n < 5 } { incr n } {
121      set dn [expr {$n + 1}]
122      label .newdirDlg.top.l$n -text "Directory $dn"
123      entry .newdirDlg.top.e$n -width 25 -textvariable d$n
124      grid .newdirDlg.top.l$n -row $n -column 0 -sticky e
125      grid .newdirDlg.top.e$n -row $n -column 1 -sticky sew -pady 4
126      grid .newdirDlg.top.b$n -row $n -column 2 -sticky w
127   }
128   grid columnconfigure .newdirDlg.top 0 -weight 0
129   grid columnconfigure .newdirDlg.top 1 -weight 1
130   grid columnconfigure .newdirDlg.top 2 -weight 0
132   frame .newdirDlg.bot
133   button .newdirDlg.bot.ok -text "OK" -width 5 -default active \
134      -command {
135         set dirs [list $d0 $d1 $d2 $d3 $d4]
136         destroy .newdirDlg
137         set waitvar 1
138      }
139   button .newdirDlg.bot.cancel -text "Cancel" -width 5 -default normal \
140      -command {
141         set dirs {}
142         destroy .newdirDlg
143         exit 0
144      }
146   pack .newdirDlg.bot -side bottom -fill x -expand n
147   pack .newdirDlg.bot.ok .newdirDlg.bot.cancel \
148      -side left -fill none -expand y -pady 4
150   tkwait variable waitvar
153proc addfiles {sd} {
154    global dirs stat onlyfiles statinfo fserial nextserial
155    global filetype filesize filetime nxdirmode
156    global docvsignore cvsignores defaultcvsignore
157    if {$nxdirmode == 0} {
158	set dcount 0
159	foreach d $dirs {
160	    if {[catch {file stat $d/$sd stat}] == 0} {
161		if {$stat(type) == "directory"} {incr dcount}
162	    }
163	}
164	if {$dcount <= 1} {
165	    return {}
166	}
167    }
168    if {$docvsignore} {
169	# read the .cvsignore in each directory
170	set cvsignores($sd) {}
171	foreach d $dirs {
172	    catch {
173		set ign $defaultcvsignore
174		set f [open $d/$sd.cvsignore r]
175		while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {
176		    foreach i [split $line] {
177			if {$i == "!"} {
178			    set ign {}
179			} else {
180			    lappend ign $i
181			}
182		    }
183		}
184		close $f
185		set cvsignores($sd) [concat $cvsignores($sd) $ign]
186	    }
187	}
188	set cvsignores($sd) [lsort -unique $cvsignores($sd)]
189    }
190    foreach d $dirs {
191	foreach f [lsort [glob -nocomplain $d/$sd* $d/$sd.*]] {
192	    set fs $sd[file tail $f]
193	    set wantim 0
194	    if [notnuked $fs] {
195		if {[catch {file lstat $f stat}] == 0} {
196		    if {$stat(type) == "file"} {
197			if [info exists onlyfiles] {
198			    foreach o $onlyfiles {
199				if [string match $o $fs] {
200				    set wantim 1
201				    break
202				}
203			    }
204			} else {
205			    set wantim [notcvsignored $fs]
206			}
207		    } elseif {$stat(type) == "directory"} {
208			append fs /
209			set wantim 1
210		    }
211		}
212	    }
213	    if {$wantim} {
214		if {![info exists files($fs)]} {
215		    set fserial($fs) [incr nextserial]
216		    set files($fs) 1
217		}
218		set filetype($f) $stat(type)
219		set filesize($f) $stat(size)
220		set filetime($f) $stat(mtime)
221	    }
222	}
223    }
224    return [lsort [array names files]]
227# Called to re-lstat a given file across all directories
228proc updatefileinfo {f} {
229    global dirs filetype filesize filetime
231    foreach d $dirs {
232	set df [joinname $d [string trimright $f /]]
233	if {[catch {file lstat $df stat}] == 0} {
234	    set filetype($df) $stat(type)
235	    set filesize($df) $stat(size)
236	    set filetime($df) $stat(mtime)
237	} else {
238	    catch {unset filetype($df)}
239	}
240    }
243# Returns 1 if we are interested in this file, i.e. if it isn't
244# matched by something in the exclude list
245proc notnuked {f} {
246    global nukefiles
247    set ft [file tail $f]
248    if {$ft == "." || $ft == ".."} {
249	return 0
250    }
251    foreach n $nukefiles {
252	if {[string match $n $f] || [string match $n $ft]} {
253	    return 0
254	}
255    }
256    return 1
259proc notcvsignored {f} {
260    global docvsignore cvsignores
261    set sd [file dirname $f]/
262    if {$sd == "./"} {
263	set sd ""
264    }
265    set ft [file tail $f]
266    if {$docvsignore && [info exists cvsignores($sd)]} {
267	foreach n $cvsignores($sd) {
268	    if {[string match $n $ft]} {
269		return 0
270	    }
271	}
272    }
273    return 1
276proc joinname {dir f} {
277    global filemode
278    if {$filemode} {
279	return $dir
280    }
281    return [file join $dir $f]
284proc fileisa {f t} {
285    global filetype
286    return [expr {[info exists filetype($f)] && $filetype($f) == $t}]
289proc diffages {f showsame maxdepth} {
290    global dirs nofilecmp rcsflag filesize filetime nxdirmode
291    set numgroups 0
292    set notexist {}
293    set doesexist {}
294    foreach d $dirs {
295	set sameas($d) {}
296	set group($d) 0
297	set fname [joinname $d [string trimright $f /]]
298	if {!([fileisa $fname "file"]
299	      || ($maxdepth <= 0 && [fileisa $fname "directory"]))} {
300	    set fd [file dirname $fname]
301	    if {$nxdirmode || [file dirname $f] == "." \
302		    || [fileisa $fd "directory"]} {
303		lappend notexist $d
304	    }
305	} else {
306	    lappend doesexist $d
307	    set fsize($d) $filesize($fname)
308	    set fmtime($d) $filetime($fname)
309	    foreach d2 $dirs {
310		if {$d2 == $d} break
311		if {$sameas($d2) != "" || $group($d2) == 0} continue
312		if {$fsize($d) == $fsize($d2) \
313			&& $fmtime($d) == $fmtime($d2)} {
314		    set notsame 0
315		} elseif {$rcsflag != "" || $fsize($d) == $fsize($d2)} {
316		    set fname2 [joinname $d2 [string trimright $f /]]
317		    if $nofilecmp {
318			set notsame [catch {exec cmp -s $fname $fname2}]
319		    } else {
320			set same 0
321			catch {
322			    set same [eval filecmp $rcsflag $fname $fname2]
323			}
324			set notsame [expr !$same]
325		    }
326		} else {
327		    set notsame 1
328		}
329		if {$notsame == 0} {
330		    set sameas($d) $d2
331		    set g $group($d2)
332		    set group($d) $g
333		    lappend groupelts($g) $d
334		    if {$fmtime($d) > $gmtime($g)} {
335			set gmtime($g) $fmtime($d)
336		    }
337		    break
338		}
339	    }
340	    if {$sameas($d) == ""} {
341		incr numgroups
342		set group($d) $numgroups
343		set groupelts($numgroups) $d
344		set gmtime($numgroups) $fmtime($d)
345	    }
346	}
347    }
348    if {!$showsame && $numgroups == 1 && $notexist == ""} {
349	return {}
350    }
351    set glist {}
352    for {set g 1} {$g <= $numgroups} {incr g} {
353	lappend glist [list [format "%.8x" $gmtime($g)] $g]
354    }
355    set grank(0) 0
356    set rank 1
357    foreach xx [lsort -decreasing $glist] {
358	set g [lindex $xx 1]
359	set grank($g) $rank
360	incr rank
361    }
362    set res {}
363    foreach d $dirs {
364	lappend res $grank($group($d))
365    }
366    return [list $numgroups $res]
369proc subdirgroups {sd} {
370    global dirs
371    set nummiss 0
372    set groups {}
373    foreach d $dirs {
374	set fn [joinname $d $sd]
375	if {![fileisa $fn "directory"]} {
376	    set pd [file dirname $sd]
377	    lappend groups 0
378	    set fnp [joinname $d $pd]
379	    if {$pd == "." || [fileisa $fnp "directory"]} {
380		incr nummiss
381	    }
382	} else {
383	    lappend groups 1
384	}
385    }
386    if {$nummiss == 0} {
387	return {}
388    }
389    return [list dir $groups]
392set stringx 8
394proc initcanv {} {
395    global canvw canvx canvy canvy0 linespc stringx ruletype
396    global dirs arroww blotspc blotw ycoord filelistfont
397    $canvw delete all
398    $canvw yview moveto 0
399    $canvw conf -scrollregion {0 0 0 1}
400    catch {unset ycoord}
401    catch {unset ruletype}
402    set canvy $canvy0
403    if {![info exists arroww]} {
404	set stringx [expr $blotspc + 8]
405	return
406    }
407    set numdirs [llength $dirs]
408    set stringx [expr $numdirs * $blotspc + 8]
409    $arroww delete all
410    set arrowh [expr ($numdirs+1) * $linespc]
411    $arroww conf -height $arrowh
412    set y 0
413    set yoff [expr $linespc / 2]
414    set x [expr $canvx + 3 + ($blotw / 2)]
415    set x2 [expr $stringx - 3]
416    set horiz [expr $arrowh + 2]
417    foreach d $dirs {
418	set y2 [expr $y + $yoff]
419	set t [$arroww create line $x $horiz $x $y2 $x2 $y2 \
420		-width 2 -arrow first]
421	$arroww addtag arrows withtag $t
422	set t [$arroww create text $stringx $y -text $d -anchor nw \
423		   -font $filelistfont]
424	$arroww addtag strings withtag $t
425	incr y $linespc
426	incr x $blotspc
427    }
429    set dx [expr [$arroww cget -width] / 2]
430    set dy [expr $horiz - 1]
431    $arroww create text $dx $dy -text "Older <- " -anchor se
432    $arroww create image $dx $dy -image paper_red -anchor sw
433    incr dx $blotspc
434    $arroww create image $dx $dy -image paper_orange -anchor sw
435    incr dx $blotspc
436    $arroww create image $dx $dy -image paper_yellow -anchor sw
437    incr dx $blotspc
438    $arroww create image $dx $dy -image paper_yellowgreen -anchor sw
439    incr dx $blotspc
440    $arroww create image $dx $dy -image paper_green -anchor sw
441    incr dx $blotspc
442    $arroww create text $dx $dy -text " -> Newer" -anchor sw
445proc addcline {blots str} {
446    global canvy canvx linespc stringx blotw bloth blotspc canvw ycoord
447    global filelistfont
448    set x [expr $canvx+1]
449    set y [expr $canvy+1]
450    foreach b $blots {
451	set t [$canvw create image $x $y -image $b -anchor nw]
452	$canvw addtag blots withtag $t
453	incr x $blotspc
454    }
455    set t [$canvw create text $stringx $canvy -anchor nw -text $str \
456	      -font $filelistfont]
457    $canvw addtag strings withtag $t
458    set ycoord($str) $canvy
459    incr canvy $linespc
460    set vis [lindex [$canvw yview] 1]
461    $canvw conf -scrollregion "0 0 0 $canvy"
462    if {$vis >= 1.0} {
463	$canvw yview moveto 1
464    }
467proc displine {groups name} {
468    global agecolors
469    set ng [lindex $groups 0]
470    set cols $agecolors($ng)
471    set blots {}
472    foreach g [lindex $groups 1] {
473	lappend blots [lindex $cols $g]
474    }
475    addcline $blots $name
478proc dispfilelines {groups} {
479    global agecolors dirs
480    set ng [lindex $groups 0]
481    set cols $agecolors($ng)
482    set n 0
483    foreach g [lindex $groups 1] {
484	addcline [lindex $cols $g] [lindex $dirs $n]
485	incr n
486    }
489proc ruleoff {stopped} {
490    global canvw canvy linespc ruletype
491    set y [expr $canvy + $linespc/2]
492    set color black
493    if {$stopped} {set color red}
494    $canvw create line 0 $y [$canvw cget -width] $y -width 2 -fill $color
495    incr canvy $linespc
496    set vis [lindex [$canvw yview] 1]
497    $canvw conf -scrollregion "0 0 0 $canvy"
498    if {$vis >= 1.0} {
499	$canvw yview moveto 1
500    }
501    set ruletype $stopped
504proc updatecline {si di f} {
505    global ycoord canvw blotspc bloth blotw groups
506    global filemode dirs changed
507    if {$filemode} {
508	set fs [lindex $dirs $si]
509	set fd [lindex $dirs $di]
510	if {![info exists ycoord($fs)] || ![info exists ycoord($fd)]} return
511	set ys [expr $ycoord($fs) + 2]
512	set yd [expr $ycoord($fd) + 2]
513	set xs 2
514	set xd 2
515    } else {
516	if {![info exists ycoord($f)]} return
517	set ys [expr $ycoord($f) + 2]
518	set yd $ys
519	set xs [expr $si * $blotspc + 2]
520	set xd [expr $di * $blotspc + 2]
521    }
522    set ts [$canvw find overlapping $xs $ys \
523	    [expr $xs+$blotw-2] [expr $ys+$bloth-2]]
524    set td [$canvw find overlapping $xd $yd \
525	    [expr $xd+$blotw-2] [expr $yd+$bloth-2]]
526    if {$ts != "" && $td != ""} {
527	$canvw itemconf $td -image [$canvw itemcget $ts -image]
528        set changed 1
529    }
530    set ng [lindex $groups($f) 0]
531    set g [lindex $groups($f) 1]
532    set groups($f) [list $ng [lreplace $g $di $di [lindex $g $si]]]
535proc refreshcline {f} {
536    global ycoord canvw blotspc bloth blotw groups
537    global agecolors changed
538    if {![info exists ycoord($f)]} return
539    set y [expr $ycoord($f) + 2]
540    set ng [lindex $groups($f) 0]
541    set cols $agecolors($ng)
542    set x 2
543    foreach g [lindex $groups($f) 1] {
544	set t [$canvw find overlapping $x $y \
545		[expr $x+$blotw-2] [expr $y+$bloth-2]]
546	if {$t != ""} {
547	    $canvw itemconf $t -image [lindex $cols $g]
548            set changed 1
549	}
550	incr x $blotspc
551    }
554proc makepatchmenu {base} {
555    global dirs
556    menu $base.p -tearoff 0
557    set sub1 0
558    foreach d1 $dirs {
559	set any 0
560	incr sub1
561	menu $base.p.$sub1 -tearoff 0
562	foreach d2 $dirs {
563	    if {$d1 == $d2} continue
564	    set any 1
565	    $base.p.$sub1 add command -label "$d2" \
566		    -command "makepatch \"$d1\" \"$d2\""
567	}
568	if {$any} {
569	    $base.p add cascade -label "$d1 ->" -menu $base.p.$sub1
570	}
571	incr sub1
572    }
573    $base add cascade -label "Make patch" -menu $base.p
576proc maketouchmenu {base} {
577    global dirs dirreadonly
578    menu $base.t -tearoff 0
579    set i 0
580    foreach d $dirs {
581	if {!$dirreadonly($i)} {
582	    $base.t add command -label $d -command "touchfiles \"$d\""
583	}
584	incr i
585    }
586    $base add cascade -label "Touch" -menu $base.t
589proc readonlychange {i} {
590    global dirreadonly
591    .bar.file.t entryconf $i \
592	-state [expr {$dirreadonly($i)? "disabled": "normal"}]
593    selcurfile
596proc makewins {} {
597    global canvw numlines linespc arroww diffbut copybut filelabel nofilecmp
598    global filemode dirs dirinterest filelistfont dirreadonly
599    global rcsflag diffiflag diffwflag diffbflag diffBflag diffdflag
600    global bgcolors
602    set i 0
603    foreach d $dirs {
604	set dirreadonly($i) 0
605	incr i
606    }
608    # Native-style menubar
609    menu .bar
610    .bar add cascade -label "File" -menu .bar.file
612    # File menu
613    menu .bar.file
614    .bar.file add command -label "Rediff" -command rediff
615    if {!$filemode} {
616	.bar.file add command -label "Redisplay" -command "redisplay 1"
617    }
618    set menubg [lindex [.bar.file configure -background] 4]
619    set bgcolors(1) [list $menubg $menubg]
620    set bgcolors(2) [list $menubg green "#ff8080"]
621    set bgcolors(3) [list $menubg green yellow "#ff8080"]
622    set bgcolors(4) [list $menubg green yellow orange "#ff8080"]
623    set bgcolors(5) [list $menubg green "#e0ff90" yellow orange "#ff8080"]
625    makepatchmenu .bar.file
626    maketouchmenu .bar.file
627    .bar.file add command -label "Exclude selection" -command exclsel
628    .bar.file add command -label "Stop" -command "set stopped 1"
629    .bar.file add separator
630    .bar.file add command -label "Quit" -command "set stopped 1; destroy ."
632    # Diff menu
633    set diffbut .bar.diff
634    menu $diffbut
635    .bar add cascade -label "Diff" -menu $diffbut
636    $diffbut add command -label "All" -command difffiles
638    # Copy menu
639    set copybut .bar.copy
640    menu $copybut
641    .bar add cascade -label "Copy/Del" -menu $copybut
643    # Options menu
644    menu .bar.options
645    .bar add cascade -label "Options" -menu .bar.options
647    .bar.options add radiobutton -label "Literal comparison" \
648	    -variable rcsflag -value " " \
649	    -state [expr {$nofilecmp? "disabled": "normal"}]
650    .bar.options add radiobutton -label "Ignore differences in RCS strings" \
651	    -variable rcsflag -value "-rcs" \
652	    -state [expr {$nofilecmp? "disabled": "normal"}]
653    .bar.options add checkbutton -label "Show files that are identical" \
654	    -variable showsame
656    .bar.options add checkbutton -label "Redisplay immediately" \
657	    -variable redisp_immed
658    .bar.options add checkbutton -label "Show files that aren't in some dirs" \
659	    -variable nxdirmode
660    .bar.options add checkbutton -label "Ignore files in .cvsignore" \
661	    -variable docvsignore
662    .bar.options add command -label "Excluded files..." -command exclfilelist
663    .bar.options add command -label "Diff options..." -command diffoptions
664    .bar.options add command -label "External viewers..." -command extprograms
665    .bar.options add command -label "Save options" -command saveoptions
667    .bar.options add separator
668    set i 0
669    foreach d $dirs {
670	set dirinterest($i) 1
671	.bar.options add checkbutton -label "Show $d" \
672		-variable dirinterest($i) -command redisplay
673	incr i
674    }
676    .bar.options add separator
677    set i 0
678    foreach d $dirs {
679	.bar.options add checkbutton -label "Read-only $d" \
680		-variable dirreadonly($i) -command "readonlychange $i"
681	incr i
682    }
684    # Help menu
685    menu .bar.help
686    .bar add cascade -label "Help" -menu .bar.help
687    .bar.help add command -label "About dirdiff" -command about
688    .bar.help add command -label "About diff" -command about_diff
689    .bar.help add command -label "Show help text" -command helptext
691    . configure -menu .bar
693    # make the filename display bar
694    if {!$filemode} {
695	frame .file -relief sunk -bd 1
696	set filelabel .file.name
697	#label $filelabel -relief flat -padx 7 -text "File: "
698	label $filelabel -relief flat -padx 7 -image paper
699        set fileentry .file.ent
700        entry $fileentry -relief sunk -bd 1 -textvariable selfile \
701               -font $filelistfont
702	pack $filelabel -side left
703	pack $fileentry -side left -fill x -expand yes
704	pack .file -side top -fill x
705    }
707    # make the frame containing the 2 canvases (one for the top section
708    # containing the directory names, one for the files) and the scrollbar
709    # in file mode the top section is omitted
710    frame .cf
711    if {$filemode} {
712	set numlines [llength $dirs]
713    }
714    canvas .cf.c -height [expr $numlines * $linespc] \
715	    -yscrollincr $linespc -yscrollcommand ".csb set" \
716            -bg white -relief sunk -bd 1
717    set canvw .cf.c
718    if {!$filemode} {
719	canvas .cf.d -height [expr 3 * $linespc] \
720               -relief flat -bd 1 -highlightthickness 0
721	set arroww .cf.d
722	pack .cf.d -side top -fill x
723    }
724    pack .cf.c -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
725    scrollbar .csb -command "$canvw yview" -highlightthickness 0
726    pack .csb -side right -fill y
727    pack .cf -side left -fill both -expand 1
729    if {!$filemode} {
730	bind $fileentry <Return> "search_canvas"
731    }
732    # set up event bindings on the main canvas
733    bind $canvw <1> {selcanvline %x %y 0}
734    bind $canvw <Shift-1> {selcanvline %x %y 1}
735    bind $canvw <B1-Motion> {selcanvline %x %y 2}
736    bind $canvw <Control-1> {selcanvline %x %y 3}
737    # This caused selcurfile to always be done twice
738    #bind $canvw <ButtonRelease-1> {selcurfile}
739    bind $canvw <ButtonRelease-4> "$canvw yview scroll -5 u"
740    bind $canvw <ButtonRelease-5> "$canvw yview scroll 5 u"
741    bind $canvw <2> "$canvw scan mark 0 %y"
742    bind $canvw <B2-Motion> "$canvw scan dragto 0 %y"
743    bind $canvw <Double-Button-1> "set doubleclick 1; showsomediff 0"
744    bind $canvw <Key-Return> "showsomediff 0"
745    $canvw conf -scrollregion {0 0 0 1}
746    if {!$filemode} {
747	bind . N "diffnextfile 1"
748	bind . P "diffnextfile -1"
749    }
750    bind . C copydifffile
751    bind . <Key-Return> "showsomediff 0"
752    bind . <Key-Prior> "$canvw yview scroll -1 p"
753    bind . <Key-Next> "$canvw yview scroll 1 p"
754    bind . <Key-Delete> "$canvw yview scroll -1 p"
755    bind . <Key-BackSpace> "$canvw yview scroll -1 p"
756    bind . <Key-space> "$canvw yview scroll 1 p"
757    bind . <Key-Up> "$canvw yview scroll -1 u"
758    bind . <Key-Down> "$canvw yview scroll 1 u"
759    bind . Q "set stopped 1; destroy ."
760    # Need a way to unselect all
761    bind . <Escape> resetsel
765proc about {} {
766    set w .about
767    if {[winfo exists $w]} {
768	raise $w
769	return
770    }
771    toplevel $w
772    wm title $w "About dirdiff"
773    message $w.m -text {
774Dirdiff version 2.1
776Copyright1999-2005 Paul Mackerras
778Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
780(CVS $Revision: 1.70 $)} \
781	    -justify center -aspect 400
782    pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
783    button $w.ok -text Close -command "destroy $w"
784    pack $w.ok -side bottom
787proc about_diff {} {
788    set w .about_diff
789    if {[winfo exists $w]} {
790	raise $w
791	return
792    }
793    toplevel $w
794    wm title $w "About diff"
795    set retval [catch "exec diff -v" err]
796    message $w.m -text $err -justify center -aspect 600
797    pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
798    if {$retval == 0} {
799       text $w.t -bg white -yscrollcommand "$w.sb set" -wrap word
800       scrollbar $w.sb -command "$w.t yview"
801       pack $w.sb -side right -fill y
802       pack $w.t -side left -fill both -expand 1
803       set fdh [open "|diff --help" r]
804       while { [eof $fdh] == 0 } {
805          $w.t insert end "[gets $fdh]\n"
806       }
807       pack $w.t -side top -fill both -expand yes
808    }
809    button $w.ok -text Close -command "destroy $w"
810    pack $w.ok -side bottom
813proc helptext {} {
814    set w .help
815    if {[winfo exists $w]} {
816	raise $w
817	return
818    }
819    toplevel $w
820    wm title $w "Dirdiff help"
821    text $w.t -font {Times -14} -yscrollcommand "$w.sb set" -wrap word
822    scrollbar $w.sb -command "$w.t yview"
823    pack $w.sb -side right -fill y
824    pack $w.t -side left -fill both -expand 1
825    bind $w <Key-Prior> "$w.t yview scroll -1 p"
826    bind $w <Key-BackSpace> "$w.t yview scroll -1 p"
827    bind $w <Key-Delete> "$w.t yview scroll -1 p"
828    bind $w b "$w.t yview scroll -1 p"
829    bind $w B "$w.t yview scroll -1 p"
830    bind $w <Key-Up> "$w.t yview scroll -1 u"
831    bind $w <Key-Down> "$w.t yview scroll 1 u"
832    bind $w d "$w.t yview scroll \[expr \"int(\[$w.t cget -height\]/2)\"\] u"
833    bind $w D "$w.t yview scroll \[expr \"int(\[$w.t cget -height\]/2)\"\] u"
834    bind $w u "$w.t yview scroll \[expr \"int(-\[$w.t cget -height\]/2)\"\] u"
835    bind $w U "$w.t yview scroll \[expr \"int(-\[$w.t cget -height\]/2)\"\] u"
836    bind $w q "destroy $w"
837    bind $w Q "destroy $w"
838    $w.t insert end {Dirdiff instructions.
840Dirdiff compares all the files in up to five directories.  There is one \
841column in the main window for each directory.
843Each file is shown with a coloured square indicating its status.  Files \
844are like leaves on a deciduous tree: the newest ones are green, and then \
845they turn yellow, orange, and red as they get older.
847Double-click a file to show differences between two versions.  By default, \
848the first and last versions are compared, but this can be changed by the \
849'Diff' menu in the main window.
851You can select several files to copy or to make a patch by shift-clicking.
853You can search for a file by typing part of its name in the entry and \
854pressing the <Return> key.
856In the diff window, check the boxes on the left margin for changes you \
857want to preserve, and then choose 'Merge' to move those changes into one \
858of the files.  Alternatively, choose 'Copy' in the main window to copy \
859across the whole file, replacing any changes.
861'Make patch' produces a file describing the changes between the files that \
862can be applied by the patch tool.  You can edit the patch before saving, \
863and may wish to add explanatory text, instructions, or patch(1) Prereq \
864lines at the beginning.  To save the patch, enter a filename in the patch \
865window relative to the current directory, and choose 'Save'.  This will \
866also close the window.
868If you are sending out patches, then the "from" directory should be the \
869original version of the source.  Try to make sure that the two files have \
870the same number of leading directories.  See the patch(1) man page for \
871more information.
872    }
874    $w.t conf -state disabled
877proc filediffs {} {
878    global groups selitem fserial
879    updatefileinfo .
880    set groups(.) [set gr [diffages . 1 1]]
881    set fserial(.) 1
882    dispfilelines $gr
883    clearsecsel
884    selcurfile
887proc diffsin {sd maxdepth} {
888    global groups stopped showsame alllines nxdirmode
889    foreach f [addfiles $sd] {
890	if {$stopped} return
891	lappend alllines $f
892	set d [string trimright $f /]
893	if {$d == $f || $maxdepth <= 0} {
894	    set groups($f) [set gr [diffages $f $showsame $maxdepth]]
895	    if [interesting_line $gr] {
896		displine $gr $f
897	    }
898	} else {
899	    set groups($f) [set gr [subdirgroups $d]]
900	    if {$nxdirmode == 0 && [interesting_line $gr]} {
901		displine $gr $f
902	    }
903	    diffsin $f [expr $maxdepth-1]
904	}
905	catch update
906    }
909proc canvdiffs {} {
910    global canvw groups stopped filemode alllines
911    global filetype filetime filesize maxdepth
912    set stopped 0
913    set alllines {}
914    catch {unset filetype}
915    catch {unset filetime}
916    catch {unset filesize}
917    initcanv
918    if {$filemode} {
919	filediffs
920    } else {
921	diffsin {} $maxdepth
922	if {[catch update]} return
923	ruleoff $stopped
924    }
925    if {[catch update]} return
926    if {[lindex [$canvw yview] 1] >= 1.0} {
927	$canvw yview moveto 0
928    }
931proc textitemat {x y} {
932    global canvw
933    foreach i [$canvw find overlapping $x $y [expr $x+50] $y] {
934	if {[$canvw type $i] == "text"} {
935	    return $i
936	}
937    }
938    return {}
941proc itemofname {f} {
942    global stringx ycoord linespc
943    if {![info exists ycoord($f)]} {
944	return {}
945    }
946    return [textitemat [expr {$stringx+5}] [expr {$ycoord($f) + $linespc/2}]]
949proc addtobbox {bbox x y} {
950    set x0 [lindex $bbox 0]
951    set y0 [lindex $bbox 1]
952    set x1 [lindex $bbox 2]
953    set y1 [lindex $bbox 3]
954    if {$x < $x0} {set x0 $x}
955    if {$y < $y0} {set y0 $y}
956    if {$x > $x1} {set x1 $x}
957    if {$x > $y1} {set y1 $y}
958    return [list $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1]
961proc selcanvline {x y tipe} {
962    global canvw stringx selitem secsel clickitem groups selfile clickmode
963    global filemode doubleclick clicky
964    if {$filemode} return
965    set x [expr $stringx+5]
966    set y [$canvw canvasy $y]
967    set it [textitemat $x $y]
968    if {$it == {}} return
969    if {$tipe == 0} {
970	# click, no shift
971	clearsecsel
972	selectitem $it
973	set clickitem $it
974	set clicky $y
975	set clickmode 1
976	selcurfile
977	addsecsel $it
978	set doubleclick 0
979    } elseif {$tipe == 1} {
980	# shift-click
981	set clickitem $it
982	set clicky $y
983	if {$it != $selitem} {
984	    if {![info exists secsel($it)]} {
985		set clickmode 1
986		addsecsel $it
987	    } else {
988		set clickmode 0
989		remsecsel $it
990	    }
991	}
992	set doubleclick 0
993    } elseif {$tipe == 2 || $tipe == 3} {
994	# motion with button 1 down
995	if {$tipe == 2 && [info exists doubleclick] && $doubleclick} return
996	if {![info exists clickitem]} return
997	foreach i [$canvw find overlapping \
998		       $x [expr {$y < $clicky? $y: $clicky}] \
999		       [expr $x+50] [expr {$y > $clicky? $y: $clicky}]] {
1000	    if {[$canvw type $i] == "text"} {
1001		set f [$canvw itemcget $i -text]
1002		if {$groups($f) == $groups($selfile)} {
1003		    if {$clickmode && ![info exists secsel($i)]} {
1004			addsecsel $i
1005		    } elseif {!$clickmode && [info exists secsel($i)]} {
1006			remsecsel $i
1007		    }
1008		}
1009	    }
1010	}
1011    }
1014proc selectitem {it} {
1015    global selitem canvw
1016    set selitem $it
1017    $canvw select from $it 0
1018    $canvw select to $it end
1021proc addsecsel {it} {
1022    global canvw secsel
1023    set t [eval $canvw create rect [$canvw bbox $it] -outline {{}} \
1024	    -tags secsel -fill [$canvw cget -selectbackground]]
1025    $canvw lower $t
1026    set secsel($it) $t
1029proc remsecsel {it} {
1030    global canvw secsel
1031    $canvw delete $secsel($it)
1032    unset secsel($it)
1035proc clearsecsel {} {
1036    global canvw secsel
1037    $canvw delete secsel
1038    catch {unset secsel}
1041proc selnextline {inc} {
1042    global canvw selitem linespc stringx canvy filemode
1043    if {$filemode} {
1044	if {$inc != 0} {
1045	    return 0
1046	}
1047	selcurfile
1048	return 1
1049    }
1050    if {$selitem == ""} {
1051	return 0
1052    }
1053    set y [expr [lindex [$canvw bbox $selitem] 1] + $linespc * $inc + 5]
1054    set x [expr $stringx+5]
1055    set i [textitemat $x $y]
1056    if {$i == ""} {
1057	return 0
1058    }
1059    clearsecsel
1060    selectitem $i
1061    set bbox [$canvw bbox $i]
1062    set y [expr {([lindex $bbox 1] + [lindex $bbox 3]) / 2.0}]
1063    if {$canvy > 0} {
1064	set ytop [expr {($y - $linespc / 2.0) / $canvy}]
1065	set ybot [expr {($y + $linespc / 2.0) / $canvy}]
1066	set wnow [$canvw yview]
1067	if {$ytop < [lindex $wnow 0]} {
1068	    $canvw yview moveto $ytop
1069	} elseif {$ybot > [lindex $wnow 1]} {
1070	    set wh [expr {[lindex $wnow 1] - [lindex $wnow 0]}]
1071	    $canvw yview moveto [expr {$ybot - $wh}]
1072	}
1073    } else {
1074	$canvw yview moveto 0
1075    }
1076    selcurfile
1077    addsecsel $i
1078    return 1
1081proc calcgroupelts {f} {
1082    global groupelts numgroups groups
1083    set gr $groups($f)
1084    set numgroups [lindex $gr 0]
1085    if {$numgroups == "dir"} {
1086	set numgroups 1
1087    }
1088    set gr [lindex $gr 1]
1089    for {set g 0} {$g <= $numgroups} {incr g} {
1090	set groupelts($g) {}
1091    }
1092    set i 0
1093    foreach g $gr {
1094	lappend groupelts($g) $i
1095	incr i
1096    }
1099proc selcurfile {} {
1100    global canvw selitem filelabel selfile groups filemode
1101    global groupelts diffbut copybut numgroups
1102    if {!$filemode} {
1103	if {$selitem == ""} return
1104	set selfile [$canvw itemcget $selitem -text]
1105    } else {
1106	set selfile .
1107    }
1108    calcgroupelts $selfile
1109    set x [string trimright $selfile /]
1110    if {$x == $selfile} {
1111	if {[info exists filelabel]} {
1112	    $filelabel conf -image paper
1113	}
1114	confdiffbut 0
1115	confcopybutfile
1116    } else {
1117	if {[info exists filelabel]} {
1118	    $filelabel conf -image folder
1119	}
1120	confdiffbut 1
1121	confcopybutdir
1122    }
1125proc mkdiffimage {gn go} {
1126    global numgroups agecolors
1127    set cols $agecolors($numgroups)
1128    set i1 [lindex $cols $go]
1129    set i2 [lindex $cols $gn]
1130    set iname "icon-$i1-$i2"
1131    if {![info exists $iname]} {
1132	set w1 [image width $i1]
1133	set w2 [image width $i2]
1134	set h [image height $i1]
1135	image create photo $iname -width [expr {$w1+$w2}] -height $h
1136	$iname copy $i1
1137	$iname copy $i2 -to $w1 0
1138    }
1139    return $iname
1142proc confdiffbut {isdir} {
1143    global diffbut numgroups dirs selfile groupelts filemode
1144    global groups agecolors bgcolors compound_ok
1145    $diffbut delete 0 end
1146    destroy [winfo children $diffbut]
1147    set ng [lindex $groups($selfile) 0]
1149    if {$isdir} {
1150	# do nothing
1151    } elseif {$numgroups == 1} {
1152	set xi [lindex $groupelts(1) 0]
1153	if {$xi != ""} {
1154	    set x [lindex $dirs $xi]
1155	    $diffbut add command -label "Show $x" \
1156		    -command "showfile \"$x\" \"$selfile\""
1157	}
1158    } elseif {$numgroups > 1} {
1159	if {$numgroups > 2} {
1160	    set x {}
1161	    for {set gn 1} {$gn <= $numgroups} {incr gn} {
1162		set i [lindex $groupelts($gn) 0]
1163		lappend x [lindex $dirs $i]
1164	    }
1165	    $diffbut add command -label "$numgroups-way diff" \
1166		-command "diffn {$x} {$selfile}"
1167	}
1168	for {set gn 1} {$gn < $numgroups} {incr gn} {
1169	    set yi [lindex $groupelts($gn) 0]
1170	    if {$yi == ""} continue
1172            set age [lindex [lindex $groups($selfile) 1] $yi]
1173            set im [lindex $agecolors($ng) $age]
1174            set cl [lindex $bgcolors($ng) $age]
1175	    set y [lindex $dirs $yi]
1176            if {[winfo exists $diffbut.$gn]} {destroy $diffbut.$gn}
1177            menu $diffbut.$gn -tearoff 0
1178            set any 0
1179	    for {set go [expr $gn+1]} {$go <= $numgroups} {incr go} {
1180		set xi [lindex $groupelts($go) 0]
1181                set age [lindex [lindex $groups($selfile) 1] $xi]
1182                set im2 [lindex $agecolors($ng) $age]
1183                set cl2 [lindex $bgcolors($ng) $age]
1184		set xi [lindex $groupelts($go) 0]
1185		if {$xi == ""} continue
1186		set x [lindex $dirs $xi]
1187		set cmd "diff2 \"$x\" \"$y\" \"$selfile\""
1188		if {$numgroups <= 3} {
1189		    if {$compound_ok} {
1190			$diffbut add command -label "$x vs. $y" \
1191			    -command $cmd \
1192			    -image [mkdiffimage $gn $go] \
1193			    -compound left
1194		    } else {
1195			$diffbut add command -label "$x vs. $y" \
1196			    -command $cmd
1197		    }
1198		} else {
1199		    incr any
1200		    if {$compound_ok} {
1201			$diffbut.$gn add command -label "$x" \
1202			    -image $im2 -compound left \
1203			    -command $cmd
1204		    } else {
1205			$diffbut.$gn add command -label "$x" \
1206			    -background $cl2 \
1207			    -command $cmd
1208		    }
1209		}
1210	    }
1211	    if {$any} {
1212                if {$compound_ok} {
1213	            $diffbut add cascade -label "$y vs. ..." \
1214                       -image $im -compound left \
1215		       -menu $diffbut.$gn
1216	        } else {
1217	            $diffbut add cascade -label "$y vs. ..." \
1218                       -background $cl \
1219		       -menu $diffbut.$gn
1220                }
1221            }
1222        }
1223    }
1224    if {!$filemode} {
1225	$diffbut add separator
1226	$diffbut add command -label "Rediff selected file(s)" \
1227		-command "redifffiles"
1228    }
1229    .bar entryconfigure 2 -state normal
1232proc mkcopyimage {i1 i2} {
1233    if {$i1 == ""} {
1234	return $i2
1235    }
1236    if {$i2 == ""} {
1237	return $i1
1238    }
1239    set iname "icon-$i1-$i2"
1240    if {![info exists $iname]} {
1241	set w1 [image width $i1]
1242	set w2 [image width $i2]
1243	set h [image height $i1]
1244	image create photo $iname -width [expr {$w1+$w2}] -height $h
1245	$iname copy $i1
1246	$iname copy $i2 -to $w1 0
1247    }
1248    return $iname
1251proc confcopybutfile {} {
1252    global copybut groupelts numgroups selfile dirs
1253    global groups agecolors bgcolors compound_ok dirreadonly
1254    $copybut delete 0 end
1255    destroy [winfo children $copybut]
1256    set numdirs [llength $dirs]
1257    set srcs {}
1258    set rev {}
1259    set ng [lindex $groups($selfile) 0]
1261    for {set gn 1} {$gn <= $numgroups} {incr gn} {
1262	set srcs [concat $srcs $groupelts($gn)]
1263	set src [lindex $groupelts($gn) 0]
1264	if {$src == ""} continue
1265        set age [lindex [lindex $groups($selfile) 1] $src]
1266        set im [lindex $agecolors($ng) $age]
1267        set cl [lindex $bgcolors($ng) $age]
1269	set x [lindex $dirs $src]
1270        if {[winfo exists $copybut.new2old$src]} {destroy $copybut.new2old$src}
1271	menu $copybut.new2old$src -tearoff 0
1272        set dsts {}
1273	for {set dst 0} {$dst < $numdirs} {incr dst} {
1274	    if {!$dirreadonly($dst) && [lsearch $srcs $dst] < 0} {
1275                lappend dsts $dst
1276	    }
1277	}
1278	set any [llength $dsts]
1279        if {$any} {
1280	    foreach dst $dsts {
1281                set age [lindex [lindex $groups($selfile) 1] $dst]
1282                set im2 [lindex $agecolors($ng) $age]
1283                set cl2 [lindex $bgcolors($ng) $age]
1284                if {$im2 == "ex"} {set im2 ""}
1285		set y [lindex $dirs $dst]
1286		set cmd "copyselfile \"$src\" \"$dst\" \"$selfile\" 0"
1287		if {$any == 1} {
1288		    if {$compound_ok} {
1289			$copybut add command -label "$x -> $y" \
1290			    -command $cmd -image [mkcopyimage $im $im2] \
1291			    -compound left
1292		    } else {
1293			$copybut add command -label "$x -> $y" \
1294			    -command $cmd
1295		    }
1296		} elseif {$compound_ok} {
1297		    $copybut.new2old$src add command -label "$y" \
1298                        -image $im2 -compound left \
1299			-command $cmd
1300                } else {
1301		    $copybut.new2old$src add command -label "$y" \
1302                        -background $cl2 \
1303			-command $cmd
1304                }
1305	    }
1306	    if {$any > 1} {
1307		if {$compound_ok} {
1308		    $copybut add cascade -label "$x ->" \
1309			-image $im -compound left \
1310			-menu $copybut.new2old$src
1311		} else {
1312		    $copybut add cascade -label "$x ->" \
1313			-background $cl \
1314			-menu $copybut.new2old$src
1315		}
1316	    }
1317        }
1318    }
1319    set needsep 1
1320    for {set gn $numgroups} {$gn >= 1} {incr gn -1} {
1321	set src [lindex $groupelts($gn) 0]
1322	if {$src == ""} continue
1324        set age [lindex [lindex $groups($selfile) 1] $src]
1325        set im [lindex $agecolors($ng) $age]
1326        set cl [lindex $bgcolors($ng) $age]
1327	set x [lindex $dirs $src]
1328        if {[winfo exists $copybut.old2new$src]} {destroy $copybut.old2new$src}
1329	menu $copybut.old2new$src -tearoff 0
1330	set dsts {}
1331	for {set gd 1} {$gd < $gn} {incr gd} {
1332	    foreach dst $groupelts($gd) {
1333		if {!$dirreadonly($dst)} {
1334		    lappend dsts $dst
1335		}
1336	    }
1337	}
1338        set any [llength $dsts]
1339	if {$any} {
1340	    if $needsep {
1341		$copybut add separator
1342		set needsep 0
1343	    }
1344	    foreach dst $dsts {
1345                set age [lindex [lindex $groups($selfile) 1] $dst]
1346                set im2 [lindex $agecolors($ng) $age]
1347                set cl2 [lindex $bgcolors($ng) $age]
1348		set y [lindex $dirs $dst]
1349		set cmd "copyselfile \"$src\" \"$dst\" \"$selfile\" 1"
1350		if {$any == 1} {
1351		    if {$compound_ok} {
1352			$copybut add command -label "$x -> $y" \
1353			    -command $cmd -image [mkcopyimage $im $im2] \
1354			    -compound left
1355		    } else {
1356			$copybut add command -label "$x -> $y" \
1357			    -command $cmd
1358		    }
1359		} elseif {$compound_ok} {
1360		    $copybut.old2new$src add command -label "$y" \
1361                        -image $im2 -compound left \
1362			-command $cmd
1363                } else {
1364		    $copybut.old2new$src add command -label "$y" \
1365                        -background $cl2 \
1366			-command $cmd
1367                }
1368	    }
1369	}
1370        if {$any > 1} {
1371            if {$compound_ok} {
1372	        $copybut add cascade -label "$x ->" \
1373                    -image $im -compound left \
1374                    -menu $copybut.old2new$src
1375            } else {
1376	        $copybut add cascade -label "$x ->" \
1377                    -background $cl \
1378                    -menu $copybut.old2new$src
1379            }
1380        }
1381    }
1382    if {$groupelts(0) != {}} {
1383	set needsep 1
1384	for {set gn 1} {$gn <= $numgroups} {incr gn} {
1385	    foreach dst $groupelts($gn) {
1386		if {$dirreadonly($dst)} continue
1387		set x [lindex $dirs $dst]
1388		if $needsep {
1389		    $copybut add separator
1390		    set needsep 0
1391		}
1392                if {$compound_ok} {
1393		    $copybut add command -label "Remove from $x" \
1394                        -image ex -compound left \
1395			-command "removeselfile \"$dst\" \"$selfile\""
1396                } else {
1397		    $copybut add command -label "Remove from $x" \
1398			-command "removeselfile \"$dst\" \"$selfile\""
1399                }
1400	    }
1401	}
1402    }
1403    .bar entryconfigure 3 -state normal
1406proc confcopybutdir {} {
1407    global copybut groupelts selfile dirs compound_ok dirreadonly
1408    $copybut delete 0 end
1409    set srcs $groupelts(1)
1410    set dsts $groupelts(0)
1411    if {$srcs != {} && $dsts != {}} {
1412	foreach s $srcs {
1413	    set x [lindex $dirs $s]
1414	    foreach d $dsts {
1415		if {$dirreadonly($d)} continue
1416		set y [lindex $dirs $d]
1417		$copybut add command -label "$x -> $y" \
1418			-command "copyselfile \"$s\" \"$d\" \"$selfile\" 0"
1419	    }
1420	}
1421	set needsep 1
1422	foreach s $srcs {
1423	    if {$dirreadonly($s)} continue
1424	    set x [lindex $dirs $s]
1425	    if {$needsep} {
1426		$copybut add separator
1427		set needsep 0
1428	    }
1429            if {$compound_ok} {
1430	        $copybut add command -label "Remove from $x" \
1431                    -image ex -compound left \
1432		    -command "removeselfile \"$s\" \"$selfile\""
1433            } else {
1434	        $copybut add command -label "Remove from $x" \
1435		    -command "removeselfile \"$s\" \"$selfile\""
1436            }
1437	}
1438    }
1439    .bar entryconfigure 3 -state normal
1442proc resetsel {} {
1443    global selitem selfile filelabel diffbut copybut
1444    global canvw
1445    set selitem {}
1446    set selfile {}
1447    $canvw select clear
1448    if {[info exists filelabel]} {
1449	$filelabel conf -image paper
1450    }
1451    .bar entryconfigure 2 -state disabled
1452    .bar entryconfigure 3 -state disabled
1453    clearsecsel
1456proc removediffs {} {
1457    global texttop textw diffing difff
1458    catch {destroy $texttop}
1459    catch {unset texttop}
1460    catch {unset textw}
1461    catch {close $difff}
1462    set diffing 0
1465proc showfile {d f} {
1466    global showprogram incline
1468    set fn [joinname $d $f]
1470    # Show the file in an external viewer
1471    if { [llength $showprogram] > 0} {
1472       eval "exec $showprogram \"$fn\" &"
1473       return
1474    }
1475    # Or make our own viewer
1476    global textw texttop mergebut
1477    if {!([info exists textw] && [winfo exists $textw])} {
1478	maketextw
1479    } else {
1480	raise $texttop
1481    }
1482    wm title $texttop "Contents of $fn"
1483    $mergebut.m delete 0 end
1484    $textw conf -state normal -tabs {}
1485    $textw delete 0.0 end
1486    set nl {}
1487    set f [open $fn r]
1488    set n [gets $f line]
1489    while {$n >= 0} {
1490	$textw insert end "$nl$line"
1491	set nl "\n"
1492	set n [gets $f line]
1493    }
1494    close $f
1495    $textw conf -state disabled
1496    bind $textw <1> {}
1497    bind $textw <Shift-Button-1> {}
1498    bind $textw <B1-Motion> {}
1499    bind $textw <ButtonRelease-1> {}
1500    bind $textw <B1-Leave> {}
1501    bind $textw <B1-Enter> {}
1502    bind $textw <2> {}
1503    bind $textw <B2-Motion> {}
1504    bind $textw <ButtonRelease-2> {}
1505    bind $textw <Any-Button-3> {}
1506    catch {unset incline}
1509proc redifffiles {} {
1510    global groups showsame selfile rediffed groups filemode
1511    if {$filemode} {
1512	resetsel
1513	canvdiffs
1514	return
1515    }
1516    if {$selfile == {}} return
1517    set files [secondarysel $selfile]
1518    foreach f $files {
1519	updatefileinfo $f
1520	set d [string trimright $f /]
1521	if {[lindex $groups($f) 0] != "dir"} {
1522	    set groups($f) [diffages $f 1 0]
1523	} else {
1524	    set groups($f) [subdirgroups $d]
1525	}
1526	refreshcline $f
1527    }
1528    selcurfile
1529    set rediffed $selfile
1532proc diff2 {d1 d2 f {orig 1}} {
1533    global diffprogram nullfile
1535    global textw groups dirs numgroups bgcolors selfile texttop
1536    global difff lno diffdirs diffiflag diffwflag diffbflag diffBflag diffdflag
1537    global ctxlines difffile charwidth mergebut diffcolors
1538    global diffing filemode rediffed diffnewfirst underlinetabs
1539    global nextlix diffndirs allf origdiffdirs difftabs
1540    set diffndirs 2
1541    set difftabs ""
1542    set allf {0 1}
1543    set group [lindex $groups($selfile) 1]
1544    set i1 [lindex $group [lsearch $dirs $d1]]
1545    set i2 [lindex $group [lsearch $dirs $d2]]
1546    if {($i1 > $i2) == $diffnewfirst} {
1547	set x $d1
1548	set d1 $d2
1549	set d2 $x
1550	set x $i1
1551	set i1 $i2
1552	set i2 $x
1553    }
1554    set ds [list $d1 $d2]
1555    if {$diffing} {
1556	if {$ds == $diffdirs && $f == $difffile} return
1557	catch {close $difff}
1558    }
1559    set diffdirs $ds
1560    set difffile $f
1561    if {$orig} {
1562	set origdiffdirs $ds
1563    }
1564    if {[info exists rediffed] && $rediffed == $f} {
1565	unset rediffed
1566    }
1567    set path1 [joinname $d1 $f]
1568    set path2 [joinname $d2 $f]
1569    set diffopts "-U $ctxlines $diffiflag $diffwflag $diffbflag $diffBflag $diffdflag"
1571    if { [llength $diffprogram] > 0} {
1572       eval "exec $diffprogram \"$path1\" \"$path2\" &"
1573       return
1574    }
1575    # If we used an external diff program, its options are used.  If we didn't,
1576    # we use our diffopts, and we may be in trouble.
1577    set caught [catch "exec diff $diffopts $nullfile $nullfile" err]
1578    if {$caught != 0} {
1579       set msg "diff $diffopts\n$err\n"
1580       append msg "Suggestion: Use an external diff viewer such as tkdiff or gvimdiff"
1581       error_popup "$msg"
1582       return
1583    }
1585    # Build a window
1586    if {![info exists textw] || ![winfo exists $textw]} {
1587	maketextw
1588    }
1589    if {$filemode} {
1590	wm title $texttop "Differences: $d1 vs $d2"
1591    } else {
1592	wm title $texttop "Differences: $f"
1593    }
1594    $mergebut.m delete 0 end
1595    $textw conf -state normal
1596    $textw delete 0.0 end
1597    set charwidth [font measure [$textw cget -font] n]
1598    $textw conf -tabs "[expr 4*$charwidth] left [expr 12*$charwidth] left"
1599    set x $bgcolors($numgroups)
1600    $textw tag delete [$textw tag names]
1601    set diffoldcolor [lindex $x $i1]
1602    set diffnewcolor [lindex $x $i2]
1603    $textw tag conf d0 -back $diffoldcolor
1604    $textw tag conf d1 -back $diffnewcolor
1605    set diffcolors [list $diffoldcolor $diffnewcolor]
1606    $textw tag conf sep -back blue -fore white
1607    $textw tag conf ul -underline $underlinetabs
1608    $textw tag lower sep
1609    bind $textw <1> "startbutspan %x %y 0"
1610    bind $textw <Shift-Button-1> "startbutspan %x %y 1; break"
1611    bind $textw <B1-Motion> "setbutspan %x %y"
1612    bind $textw <ButtonRelease-1> "endbutspan"
1613    bind $textw <B1-Leave> "startbutscroll %W %x %y; break"
1614    bind $textw <B1-Enter> "endbutscroll %W %x %y; break"
1615    bind $textw <2> "startdrag $textw %x %y; break"
1616    bind $textw <B2-Motion> "dragdiff $textw %x %y; break"
1617    bind $textw <ButtonRelease-2> "finishdrag $textw"
1618    bind $textw <Any-Button-3> "togglebuts %x %y"
1620    # Start a diff
1621    set difff [open "|diff $diffopts $path1 $path2" r]
1622    set diffing 1
1623    set lno 1
1624    set nextlix 1000
1625    catch {unset oldin}
1626    catch {unset newin}
1628    global linelist
1629    set linelist {{{} {} {}}}
1631    global fcontents
1632    update
1633    catch {
1634	set f [open $path1 r]
1635	set fcontents(0) [split [read -nonewline $f] "\n"]
1636	close $f
1637    }
1638    catch {
1639	set f [open $path2 r]
1640	set fcontents(1) [split [read -nonewline $f] "\n"]
1641    }
1643    global file1lnum file2lnum incline
1644    set file1lnum 0
1645    set file2lnum 0
1646    catch {unset incline}
1647    fconfigure $difff -blocking 0
1648    fileevent $difff readable "readdiff $difff"
1651# linelist structure:
1652# one entry per displayed line, plus a 0'th null entry (not displayed)
1653# each entry is: linenumbers treenumbers line lix
1654# linenumbers contains one entry per tree, {} if this line
1655#  isn't in a tree's version of the file
1656# treenumbers is a list of the tree numbers where this line appears,
1657#  or {} for a separator line ($allf for a context line)
1658# line is the actual text of the line, or for a separator line,
1659#  a list of the pieces of text to appear across the separator line
1660# lix is the index of the checkbutton for this line if present
1661# header lines (---/+++) have linenumbers == {} and treenumbers == {}
1663proc readdiff {f} {
1664    global difff lno textw dirreadonly nextlix
1665    global incline linelist
1666    global file1lnum file2lnum diffing textfont
1667    global fcontents allf
1668    if {$f != $difff} {
1669	catch {close $f}
1670	return
1671    }
1672    set n [gets $difff line]
1673    if {$n < 0} {
1674	if {![eof $difff]} return
1675	catch {close $difff}
1676	set diffing 0
1677	if {$lno > 1} {
1678	    $textw delete "end - 1c" end
1679	    set t [$textw tag names "end - 1l"]
1680	    if {$t != ""} {
1681		$textw tag add $t "end - 1l" end
1682	    }
1683	}
1684	$textw conf -state disabled
1685	if {$lno > 3} {
1686	    confmergebut
1687	    confmpatchbut
1688	}
1689	return
1690    }
1691    set x [string index $line 0]
1692    if {$x == "@" && [regexp { -([0-9,]+) .*\+([0-9,]+) } $line z r1 r2]} {
1693	set r1 [lindex [split $r1 ,] 0]
1694	set r2 [lindex [split $r2 ,] 0]
1695	catch {set file1lnum [expr {$r1+0}]}
1696	catch {set file2lnum [expr {$r2+0}]}
1697	lappend linelist [makesepline $lno [list $file1lnum $file2lnum]]
1698	$textw insert end "\n"
1699	redisplaylines $textw $lno 1
1700	incr lno
1701	return
1702    }
1703    set ix 1
1704    if {($x == "-" || $x == "+") && $lno > 3} {
1705	set lix $nextlix
1706	incr nextlix
1707	set incline($lix) 0
1708	makecheckbox $textw $lix end
1709	set ix 2
1710	set line [string range $line 1 end]
1711	if {$x == "-"} {
1712	    lappend linelist [list [list $file1lnum {}] 0 $line $lix]
1713	} else {
1714	    lappend linelist [list [list {} $file2lnum] 1 $line $lix]
1715	}
1716    } elseif {$x == "-" || $x == "+"} {
1717	set line [string trimleft $line $x]
1718	lappend linelist [list {} [expr {$x == "+"}] $line]
1719    } elseif {$x == " "} {
1720	set line [string range $line 1 end]
1721	lappend linelist [list [list $file1lnum $file2lnum] $allf $line]
1722    }
1723    set lbeg [$textw index "end - 1c linestart"]
1724    $textw insert end "\t"
1725    set r [tabexpand $line $ix]
1726    $textw insert end [lindex $r 0]
1727    $textw insert end "\n"
1728    foreach tgp [lindex $r 1] {
1729	$textw tag add ul "$lbeg + [lindex $tgp 0]c" "$lbeg + [lindex $tgp 1]c"
1730    }
1731    set lend [$textw index "$lbeg + 1l"]
1732    if {$x == "-"} {
1733	$textw tag add d0 $lbeg $lend
1734    } elseif {$x == "+"} {
1735	$textw tag add d1 $lbeg $lend
1736    }
1737    if {$x != "+"} {incr file1lnum}
1738    if {$x != "-"} {incr file2lnum}
1739    incr lno
1742proc confmergebut {} {
1743    global mergebut diffdirs difffile
1744    global groups dirs diffmtime allf dirreadonly
1745    set group [lindex $groups($difffile) 1]
1746    foreach i $allf {
1747	set g [lindex $group [lsearch $dirs [lindex $diffdirs $i]]]
1748	set k 0
1749	foreach gx $group {
1750	    if {$gx == $g && !$dirreadonly($k)} {
1751		set f [lindex $dirs $k]
1752		$mergebut.m add command -label "update $f" \
1753		    -command "diffmerge $i \"$f\""
1754		set path [joinname $f $difffile]
1755		set diffmtime($path) [file mtime $path]
1756	    }
1757	    incr k
1758	}
1759    }
1762proc confmpatchbut {} {
1763    global mpatchbut diffdirs difffile
1764    global groups dirs allf dirreadonly
1765    set group [lindex $groups($difffile) 1]
1766    foreach i $allf {
1767	set g [lindex $group [lsearch $dirs [lindex $diffdirs $i]]]
1768	set k 0
1769	foreach gx $group {
1770	    if {$gx == $g && !$dirreadonly($k)} {
1771		set f [lindex $dirs $k]
1772		$mpatchbut.m add command -label "for $f" \
1773		    -command "diffmpatch $i \"$f\""
1774	    }
1775	    incr k
1776	}
1777    }
1780proc makesepline {lno lnums} {
1781    global linelist fcontents diffndirs
1782    set plinfo [lindex $linelist [expr $lno-1]]
1783    set lns [lindex $plinfo 0]
1784    set gapmin [llength $fcontents(0)]
1785    set gapmax 0
1786    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
1787	set fl($i) [lindex $lnums $i]
1788	set pfl [lindex $lns $i]
1789	if {$pfl == {}} {set pfl 0}
1790	set gap [expr $fl($i) - $pfl - 1]
1791	if {$gap < $gapmin} {set gapmin $gap}
1792	if {$gap > $gapmax} {set gapmax $gap}
1793	set flen [llength $fcontents($i)]
1794	if {$flen == 0} {
1795	    set pct($i) "--"
1796	} else {
1797	    set pct($i) [expr {int($fl($i) * 100.0 / $flen)}]
1798	}
1799    }
1800    set nls $gapmin
1801    if {$nls != $gapmax} {
1802	append nls "-$gapmax lines"
1803    } elseif {$nls == 1} {
1804	append nls " line"
1805    } else {
1806	append nls " lines"
1807    }
1808    set pad [expr {$diffndirs > 4? "  ": "    "}]
1809    set line [list "$pad\(gap: $nls)$pad"]
1810    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
1811	lappend line "$pad$fl($i) ($pct($i)%)$pad"
1812    }
1813    return [list $lnums {} $line]
1816proc makecheckbox {w lix pos} {
1817    checkbutton $w.inc$lix -variable incline($lix) \
1818	-font {Courier -10} -cursor top_left_arrow \
1819	-highlightthickness 0 -padx 2 -pady 0
1820    $w window create $pos -window $w.inc$lix -stretch true
1821    bind $w.inc$lix <1> "wstartbutspan %W %x %y; break"
1822    bind $w.inc$lix <B1-Motion> "wsetbutspan %W %x %y; break"
1823    bind $w.inc$lix <ButtonRelease-1> "endbutspan; break"
1824    bind $w.inc$lix <Shift-Button-1> "wtogglebuts %W %x %y; break"
1825    bind $w.inc$lix <Any-Button-3> "wtogglebuts %W %x %y"
1828proc tabexpand {line ix} {
1829    set col 0
1830    set txt {}
1831    set tgs {}
1832    set trailb [string length [string trimright $line]]
1833    while {[set tpos [string first "\t" $line]] >= 0} {
1834	if {$tpos > 0} {
1835	    append txt [string range $line 0 [expr $tpos-1]]
1836	    if {$trailb < $tpos} {
1837		lappend tgs [list [expr $ix+$trailb] [expr $ix+$tpos]]
1838		set trailb 0
1839	    } else {
1840		set trailb [expr $trailb-$tpos]
1841	    }
1842	    incr ix $tpos
1843	    incr col $tpos
1844	}
1845	set nsp [expr {8 - ($col & 7)}]
1846	append txt [string range "         " 1 $nsp]
1847	lappend tgs [list $ix [expr $ix+$nsp]]
1848	set line [string range $line [expr $tpos+1] end]
1849	incr ix $nsp
1850	incr col $nsp
1851	if {$trailb > 0} {incr trailb -1}
1852    }
1853    append txt $line
1854    set tpos [string length $line]
1855    if {$trailb < $tpos} {
1856	lappend tgs [list [expr $ix+$trailb] [expr $ix+$tpos]]
1857    }
1858    return [list $txt $tgs]
1861proc startbutspan {x y doall} {
1862    global butspanstart textw linelist butspanline
1863    set l [lindex [split [$textw index @$x,$y] .] 0]
1864    set lix [lindex [lindex $linelist $l] 3]
1865    if {$lix != {}} {
1866	set butspanstart $lix
1867	set butspanline $l
1868	$textw.inc$lix toggle
1869	if {$doall} {
1870	    togglegroup $l
1871	}
1872    }
1875proc setbutspan {x y} {
1876    global incline butspanstart textw linelist butspanline
1877    global textscrollx textscrolly
1878    if {![info exists butspanstart]} return
1879    set lend [lindex [split [$textw index @$x,$y] .] 0]
1880    set ln $butspanline
1881    set textscrollx $x
1882    set textscrolly $y
1883    set butspanline $lend
1884    if {$ln == $lend} return
1885    set inc [expr {$ln < $lend? 1: -1}]
1886    set m $butspanstart
1887    while 1 {
1888	incr ln $inc
1889	set l [lindex [lindex $linelist $ln] 3]
1890	if {[info exists incline($l)] && [info exists incline($m)]} {
1891	    set incline($l) $incline($m)
1892	}
1893	if {$ln == $lend} break
1894    }
1897proc endbutspan {} {
1898    global butspanstart
1899    catch {unset butspanstart}
1902proc wstartbutspan {w x y} {
1903    incr x [winfo x $w]
1904    incr y [winfo y $w]
1905    startbutspan $x $y 0
1908proc wsetbutspan {w x y} {
1909    incr x [winfo x $w]
1910    incr y [winfo y $w]
1911    setbutspan $x $y
1914proc dobutscroll {} {
1915    global textscrollid textscrollx textscrolly textw
1916    if {![winfo exists $textw]} return
1917    if {$textscrolly < 0} {
1918	$textw yview scroll -2 units
1919    } elseif {$textscrolly >= [winfo height $textw]} {
1920	$textw yview scroll 2 units
1921    }
1922    setbutspan $textscrollx $textscrolly
1923    set textscrollid [after 100 dobutscroll]
1926proc startbutscroll {w x y} {
1927    global textscrollx textscrolly
1928    set textscrollx $x
1929    set textscrolly $y
1930    dobutscroll
1933proc endbutscroll {w x y} {
1934    global textscrollid
1935    catch {after cancel $textscrollid; unset textscrollid}
1938proc redisplaylines {w l nl} {
1939    global linelist diffndirs difftabs
1940    for {set i 0} {$i < $nl} {incr i} {
1941	set lend [$w index "$l.0 + 1l"]
1942	for {set j 0} {$j < $diffndirs} {incr j} {
1943	    $w tag remove d$j $l.0 $lend
1944	}
1945	$w tag remove sep $l.0 $lend
1946	$w delete $l.0 "$l.0 lineend"
1947	set linfo [lindex $linelist $l]
1948	set ty [lindex $linfo 1]
1949	set line [lindex $linfo 2]
1950	if {$ty == {}} {
1951	    $w insert $l.0 "\t$difftabs[lindex $line 0]" sep
1952	    for {set j 0} {$j < $diffndirs} {incr j} {
1953		$w insert "$l.0 lineend" [lindex $line [expr $j+1]] d$j
1954	    }
1955	    $w insert "$l.0 lineend" "   " sep
1956	    $w tag add sep "$l.0 lineend" "$l.0 + 1l"
1957	} else {
1958	    set nm [llength $ty]
1959	    set main [lindex $ty [expr $nm-1]]
1960	    set ix 0
1961	    set lix [lindex $linfo 3]
1962	    if {$lix != {}} {
1963		catch {destroy $w.inc$lix}
1964		makecheckbox $w $lix $l.0
1965		incr ix
1966	    }
1968	    $w insert $l.$ix "\t$difftabs"
1969	    incr ix [expr $diffndirs-1]
1970	    if {$nm < $diffndirs} {
1971		set sub [lindex $ty 0]
1972		if {$nm <= 2} {
1973		    $w tag add d$sub $l.0 $l.$ix
1974		} else {
1975		    set pix 0
1976		    set nix [expr {$ix - $diffndirs + 3}]
1977		    for {set j 0} {$j < $diffndirs-2} {incr j} {
1978			set x [lindex $ty $j]
1979			$w tag add d$x $l.$pix $l.$nix
1980			set pix $nix
1981			incr nix
1982		    }
1983		}
1984	    }
1986	    set x [tabexpand $line $ix]
1987	    $w insert $l.$ix [lindex $x 0]
1988	    foreach tgp [lindex $x 1] {
1989		$w tag add ul $l.[lindex $tgp 0] $l.[lindex $tgp 1]
1990	    }
1991	    if {$nm < $diffndirs} {
1992		set lend [$w index "$l.0 + 1l"]
1993		$w tag add d$main $l.$ix $lend
1994	    }
1995	}
1996	incr l
1997    }
2000proc exchangelines {w start na nb} {
2001    global linelist
2002    set last [expr $start+$na+$nb-1]
2003    set eltsa [lrange $linelist $start [expr $start+$na-1]]
2004    set eltsb [lrange $linelist [expr $start+$na] $last]
2005    set linelist [eval lreplace \$linelist $start $last $eltsb $eltsa]
2006    $w conf -state normal
2007    redisplaylines $w $start [expr $na+$nb]
2008    $w conf -state disabled
2011proc addtoall {l x} {
2012    set ret {}
2013    foreach i $l {
2014	lappend ret [expr {$i + $x}]
2015    }
2016    return $ret
2019proc subfromall {l x} {
2020    set ret {}
2021    foreach i $l {
2022	lappend ret [expr {$i - $x}]
2023    }
2024    return $ret
2027proc setunion {a b} {
2028    return [lsort -unique [concat $a $b]]
2031proc setintersects {a b} {
2032    return [expr {[llength [setunion $a $b]] < [llength $a] + [llength $b]}]
2035# called on button 2 down in the diff window
2036# start dragging a diff hunk or separator line
2037proc startdrag {w x y} {
2038    global dragline draglineorig draguplines dragdownlines allf
2039    global dragsep dragseporig linelist dragsplit dragsplitorig
2040    global diffndirs
2041    set pos [$w index @$x,$y]
2042    set l [lindex [split $pos .] 0]
2043    $w tag remove sel 0.0 end
2044    set linfo [lindex $linelist $l]
2045    set ltype [lindex $linfo 1]
2046    if {$ltype == {}} {
2047	# dragging a separator line
2048	set dragsep $l
2049	set dragseporig $l
2050	catch {unset dragline}
2051	catch {unset dragsplit}
2052	# check for a separator bar covering a single line of context
2053	dragsepstart $w
2054	$w tag add sel $l.0 "$l.0 + 1l"
2055    } elseif {$ltype == $allf} {
2056	# dragging a context line
2057	set dragsplit $l
2058	set dragsplitorig $l
2059	catch {unset dragline}
2060	catch {unset dragsep}
2061	$w tag add sel $l.0 "$l.0 + 1l"
2062    } else {
2063	# dragging a diff line
2064	set dragline $l
2065	set draglineorig $l
2066	catch {unset dragsep}
2067	catch {unset dragsplit}
2068	$w tag add sel $l.0 "$l.0 + 1l"
2069    }
2072# called on movement with button 2 down in the diff window
2073proc dragdiff {w x y} {
2074    global dragline draglineorig linelist dragsep dragsplit
2075    global diffndirs allf dragnlines
2076    if {[info exists dragsep]} {
2077	dragsepbar $w $x $y
2078	return
2079    } elseif {[info exists dragsplit]} {
2080	dragdiffsplit $w $x $y
2081	return
2082    }
2083    if {![info exists dragline]} return
2084    set pos [$w index @$x,$y]
2085    set l [lindex [split $pos .] 0]
2086    if {$l == $dragline} return
2087    $w tag remove sel 0.0 end
2088    set id [lindex $linelist $dragline]
2089    # t = set of trees this line is in
2090    set t [lindex $id 1]
2091    set dist [expr $l - $dragline]
2092    while {$dist != 0} {
2093	if {$dragline < $draglineorig \
2094		|| ($dragline == $draglineorig && $l < $dragline)} {
2095	    # moving line $dragline and lines above it of same type
2096	    if {$dist < 0} {
2097		# dragging upwards
2098		set i [expr $dragline - 1]
2099		while 1 {
2100		    set pt [lindex [lindex $linelist $i] 1]
2101		    if {$pt == {} || $pt == $allf \
2102			    || ![setintersects $pt $t]} break
2103		    set t [setunion $t $pt]
2104		    incr i -1
2105		}
2106		set nlines [expr $dragline - $i]
2107		set j $i
2108		while {$i > $j + $dist} {
2109		    set pt [lindex [lindex $linelist $i] 1]
2110		    if {$pt == {} || $pt == $allf \
2111			    || [setintersects $pt $t]} break
2112		    incr i -1
2113		}
2114		set nabove [expr $j - $i]
2115		if {$nabove > 0} {
2116		    exchangelines $w [expr $i+1] $nabove $nlines
2117		    incr dist $nabove
2118		    for {set k 0} {$k < $nabove} {incr k} {
2119			set dragnlines($dragline) $nlines
2120			incr dragline -1
2121		    }
2122		} else {
2123		    set dist 0
2124		}
2125	    } else {
2126		# dragging back downwards
2127		incr dragline
2128		incr dist -1
2129		set nlines $dragnlines($dragline)
2130		exchangelines $w [expr {$dragline - $nlines}] $nlines 1
2131	    }
2132	} else {
2133	    # moving line $dragline and lines below it of same type
2134	    if {$dist > 0} {
2135		# dragging downwards
2136		set i [expr $dragline + 1]
2137		while 1 {
2138		    set pt [lindex [lindex $linelist $i] 1]
2139		    if {$pt == {} || $pt == $allf \
2140			    || ![setintersects $pt $t]} break
2141		    set t [setunion $t $pt]
2142		    incr i
2143		}
2144		set nlines [expr $i - $dragline]
2145		set j $i
2146		while {$i < $j + $dist} {
2147		    set pt [lindex [lindex $linelist $i] 1]
2148		    if {$pt == {} || $pt == $allf \
2149			    || [setintersects $pt $t]} break
2150		    incr i
2151		}
2152		set nbelow [expr $i - $j]
2153		if {$nbelow > 0} {
2154		    exchangelines $w $dragline $nlines $nbelow
2155		    incr dist -$nbelow
2156		    for {set k 0} {$k < $nbelow} {incr k} {
2157			set dragnlines($dragline) $nlines
2158			incr dragline
2159		    }
2160		} else {
2161		    set dist 0
2162		}
2163	    } else {
2164		# dragging back upwards
2165		incr dragline -1
2166		incr dist
2167		set nlines $dragnlines($dragline)
2168		exchangelines $w $dragline 1 $nlines
2169	    }
2170	}
2171    }
2172    $w tag add sel $dragline.0 "$dragline.0 + 1l"
2175# starting to drag a separator bar (button 2 down)
2176proc dragsepstart {w} {
2177    global dragsep linelist fcontents dragsepnowhere allf diffndirs
2178    set plinfob [lindex $linelist [expr $dragsep-1]]
2179    set f1lb [lindex [lindex $plinfob 0] 0]
2180    set plinfo [lindex $linelist $dragsep]
2181    set plns [lindex $plinfo 0]
2182    set f1l [lindex $plns 0]
2183    set dragsepnowhere [expr {$f1l <= $f1lb + 2}]
2184    if {$f1l == $f1lb + 2} {
2185	# turn the separator into a line of context
2186	set line [lindex $fcontents(0) [expr {$f1l - 2}]]
2187	set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsep $dragsep \
2188			  [list [subfromall $plns 1] $allf $line]]
2189	$w conf -state normal
2190	redisplaylines $w $dragsep 1
2191	$w conf -state disabled
2192    }
2195proc dragsepbar {w x y} {
2196    global dragsep dragseporig linelist fcontents dragsepnowhere allf
2197    set l [lindex [split [$w index @$x,$y] .] 0]
2198    if {$l == $dragsep || $dragsepnowhere} return
2199    $w tag remove sel 0.0 end
2200    set dist [expr $l - $dragsep]
2201    while {$dist != 0} {
2202	set plinfob [lindex $linelist [expr $dragsep-1]]
2203	set f1lb [lindex [lindex $plinfob 0] 0]
2204	set plinfo [lindex $linelist $dragsep]
2205	set plns [lindex $plinfo 0]
2206	set f1l [lindex $plns 0]
2207	set ty [lindex $plinfo 1]
2208	if {$dragsep < $dragseporig \
2209		|| ($dragsep == $dragseporig && $l < $dragsep)} {
2210	    # the separator bar is above its original location (or will be)
2211	    set inc [expr {$dist < 0? 1: -1}]
2212	    set lnums [subfromall $plns $inc]
2213	    if {$ty != {}} {
2214		if {$dist < 0} break
2215		set lnums [addtoall $lnums 1]
2216	    }
2217	    set f1l [lindex $lnums 0]
2218	    $w conf -state normal
2219	    if {$dist < 0} {
2220		# dragging further upwards
2221		set line [lindex $fcontents(0) [expr $f1l-1]]
2222		if {$f1lb + 2 == $f1l} {
2223		    # turn the separator into an ordinary line
2224		    set lns [subfromall $lnums 1]
2225		    set f1ls [lindex $lns 0]
2226		    set lsep [lindex $fcontents(0) [expr $f1ls-1]]
2227		    set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsep $dragsep \
2228				      [list $lns $allf $lsep] \
2229				      [list $lnums $allf $line]]
2230		} else {
2231		    set sline [makesepline $dragsep $lnums]
2232		    set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsep $dragsep \
2233				    $sline [list $lnums $allf $line]]
2234		}
2235		$w insert "$dragsep.0 + 1l" "\n"
2236		redisplaylines $w $dragsep 2
2237		$w yview scroll 1 units
2238	    } else {
2239		# moving back down towards original location
2240		set sline [makesepline $dragsep $lnums]
2241		set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsep [expr $dragsep+1] \
2242				  $sline]
2243		$w delete "$dragsep.0 + 1l" "$dragsep.0 + 2l"
2244		redisplaylines $w $dragsep 1
2245		$w yview scroll -1 units
2246	    }
2247	    $w conf -state disabled
2248	    incr dragseporig $inc
2249	    incr dist $inc
2250	} else {
2251	    # the separator bar is below its original location (or will be)
2252	    if {$dist > 0} {
2253		# dragging further downwards
2254		if {$ty != {}} break
2255		set plnsb [lindex $plinfob 0]
2256		set lnumsb [addtoall $plnsb 1]
2257		set f1lb [lindex $lnumsb 0]
2258		set line [lindex $fcontents(0) [expr $f1lb-1]]
2259		set linelist [linsert $linelist $dragsep \
2260				  [list $lnumsb $allf $line]]
2261		$w conf -state normal
2262		$w insert $dragsep.0 "\n"
2263		redisplaylines $w $dragsep 1
2264		incr dragsep
2265		incr dist -1
2266		if {$f1l == $f1lb + 2} {
2267		    # replace separator bar by normal line
2268		    set lnums [subfromall $plns 1]
2269		    set f1l [lindex $lnums 0]
2270		    set line [lindex $fcontents(0) [expr $f1l-1]]
2271		    set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsep $dragsep \
2272				      [list $lnums $allf $line]]
2273		} else {
2274		    set sline [makesepline $dragsep $plns]
2275		    set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsep $dragsep $sline]
2276		}
2277		redisplaylines $w $dragsep 1
2278		$w conf -state disabled
2279	    } else {
2280		# moving back up towards original location
2281		incr dragsep -1
2282		set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsep $dragsep]
2283		$w conf -state normal
2284		$w delete $dragsep.0 "$dragsep.0 + 1l"
2285		# reconstruct the separator line
2286		if {$ty != {}} {
2287		    set plns [addtoall $plns 1]
2288		}
2289		set sline [makesepline $dragsep $plns]
2290		set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsep $dragsep $sline]
2291		redisplaylines $w $dragsep 1
2292		$w conf -state disabled
2293		incr dist
2294	    }
2295	}
2296    }
2297    $w tag add sel $dragsep.0 "$dragsep.0 + 1l"
2300# dragging a context line - splits it into -/+ versions
2301proc dragdiffsplit {w x y} {
2302    global dragsplit dragsplitorig linelist fcontents diffndirs
2303    global nextlix incline allf
2304    set pos [$w index @$x,$y]
2305    set l [lindex [split $pos .] 0]
2306    if {$l == $dragsplit} return
2307    $w tag remove sel 0.0 end
2308    set dist [expr $l - $dragsplit]
2309    $w conf -state normal
2310    while {$dist != 0} {
2311	if {$dragsplit < $dragsplitorig \
2312		|| ($dragsplit == $dragsplitorig && $l < $dragsplit)} {
2313	    # moving line $dragsplit up
2314	    if {$dist < 0} {
2315		# split line dragsplit
2316		set linfo [lindex $linelist $dragsplit]
2317		if {[lindex $linfo 1] != $allf} break
2318		set lns [lindex $linfo 0]
2319		set newlns {}
2320		for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
2321		    lappend newlns {}
2322		}
2324		set f1l [lindex $lns 0]
2325		set line1 [lindex $fcontents(0) [expr $f1l-1]]
2326		set lix1 $nextlix
2327		set incline($lix1) 0
2328		set lnsx [lreplace $newlns 0 0 $f1l]
2329		set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsplit $dragsplit \
2330				  [list $lnsx 0 $line1 $lix1]]
2331		redisplaylines $w $dragsplit 1
2333		set l [expr $dragsplitorig + 1]
2334		set deltal [expr {$l - $dragsplit}]
2336		for {set i 1} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
2337		    set fl [lindex $lns $i]
2338		    set line [lindex $fcontents($i) [expr $fl-1]]
2339		    set lix [incr nextlix]
2340		    set incline($lix) 0
2341		    set lnsx [lreplace $newlns $i $i $fl]
2342		    set linelist [linsert $linelist $l \
2343				      [list $lnsx $i $line $lix]]
2344		    $w insert $l.0 "\n"
2345		    redisplaylines $w $l 1
2346		    incr l $deltal
2347		}
2349		incr nextlix
2350		incr dragsplit -1
2351		incr dist
2352	    } else {
2353		# reduce split by one line
2354		incr dragsplit
2355		set l [expr $dragsplitorig + 1]
2356		set deltal [expr {$l - $dragsplit}]
2357		set kl $dragsplit
2358		set lnums {}
2359		for {set k 0} {$k < $diffndirs} {incr k} {
2360		    set fl [lindex [lindex [lindex $linelist $kl] 0] $k]
2361		    lappend lnums $fl
2362		    incr kl $deltal
2363		}
2365		set f1l [lindex $lnums 0]
2366		set line1 [lindex $fcontents(0) [expr $f1l-1]]
2367		set linelist [lreplace $linelist $dragsplit $dragsplit \
2368				  [list $lnums $allf $line1]]
2369		redisplaylines $w $dragsplit 1
2371		incr deltal -1
2372		for {set k 1} {$k < $diffndirs} {incr k} {
2373		    set linelist [lreplace $linelist $l $l]
2374		    $w delete $l.0 "$l.0 + 1l"
2375		    incr l $deltal
2376		}
2378		incr dist -1
2379	    }
2380	} else {
2381	    # moving line $dragsplit down
2382	    if {$dist > 0} {
2383		# split another line
2384		set deltal [expr {$dragsplit - $dragsplitorig}]
2385		set l [expr $dragsplit + ($diffndirs - 1) * $deltal]
2386		set linfo [lindex $linelist $l]
2387		if {[lindex $linfo 1] != $allf} break
2388		set lns [lindex $linfo 0]
2389		set nullns {}
2390		for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
2391		    lappend nullns {}
2392		}
2394		set l $dragsplit
2395		for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
2396		    set fl [lindex $lns $i]
2397		    set line [lindex $fcontents($i) [expr $fl-1]]
2398		    set lix $nextlix
2399		    incr nextlix
2400		    set incline($lix) 0
2401		    set lnums [lreplace $nullns $i $i $fl]
2402		    if {$i < $diffndirs - 1} {
2403			set linelist [linsert $linelist $l \
2404					  [list $lnums $i $line $lix]]
2405			$w insert $l.0 "\n"
2406			redisplaylines $w $l 1
2407			incr l
2408		    } else {
2409			set linelist [lreplace $linelist $l $l \
2410				  [list $lnums $i $line $lix]]
2411			redisplaylines $w $l 1
2412		    }
2413		    incr l $deltal
2414		}
2416		incr dragsplit
2417		incr dist -1
2418	    } else {
2419		# reduce split by one line
2420		incr dragsplit -1
2421		incr dist
2422		set deltal [expr {$dragsplit - $dragsplitorig}]
2423		set l $dragsplit
2424		set lnums {}
2425		for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
2426		    lappend lnums [lindex [lindex [lindex $linelist $l] 0] $i]
2427		    if {$i < $diffndirs - 1} {
2428			set linelist [lreplace $linelist $l $l]
2429			$w delete $l.0 "$l.0 + 1l"
2430		    } else {
2431			set f1l [lindex $lnums 0]
2432			set line1 [lindex $fcontents(0) [expr $f1l-1]]
2433			set linelist [lreplace $linelist $l $l \
2434					  [list $lnums $allf $line1]]
2435			redisplaylines $w $l 1
2436		    }
2437		    incr l $deltal
2438		}
2439	    }
2440	    break
2441	}
2442    }
2443    $w conf -state disabled
2446# button 2 up
2447proc finishdrag {w} {
2448    global dragline dragsep dragsplit
2449    if {[info exists dragline]} {
2450	$w tag remove sel 0.0 end
2451	unset dragline
2452    }
2453    if {[info exists dragsep]} {
2454	$w tag remove sel 0.0 end
2455	unset dragsep
2456    }
2457    if {[info exists dragsplit]} {
2458	$w tag remove sel 0.0 end
2459	unset dragsplit
2460    }
2463proc togglegroup {l} {
2464    global incline textw linelist
2465    set linfo [lindex $linelist $l]
2466    set lix [lindex $linfo 3]
2467    if {$lix == {}} return
2468    if $incline($lix) {
2469	set state select
2470    } else {
2471	set state deselect
2472    }
2473    set l0 $l
2474    while 1 {
2475	incr l0 -1
2476	set linfo [lindex $linelist $l0]
2477	set lix [lindex $linfo 3]
2478	if {$lix == {}} break
2479	$textw.inc$lix $state
2480    }
2481    set l1 $l
2482    while 1 {
2483	incr l1
2484	set linfo [lindex $linelist $l1]
2485	set lix [lindex $linfo 3]
2486	if {$lix == {}} break
2487	$textw.inc$lix $state
2488    }
2491proc togglebuts {x y} {
2492    global textw linelist
2493    set l [lindex [split [$textw index @$x,$y] .] 0]
2494    set lix [lindex [lindex $linelist $l] 3]
2495    if {$lix != {}} {
2496	$textw.inc$lix toggle
2497	togglegroup $l
2498    }
2501proc wtogglebuts {w x y} {
2502    incr x [winfo x $w]
2503    incr y [winfo y $w]
2504    togglebuts $x $y
2507proc invertbuttons {} {
2508    global incline textw
2509    foreach l [array names incline] {
2510	set incline($l) [expr {1 - $incline($l)}]
2511    }
2514proc changeunderlinetabs {} {
2515    global textw underlinetabs
2516    $textw tag conf ul -underline $underlinetabs
2519proc diffn {dirlist f {orig 1}} {
2520    global diffing diffdirs difffile difffds diffrel allf
2521    global difflnos diffndirs diffstate difflnum nextdiffhdr diffhdr
2522    global diffiflag diffwflag diffbflag diffdflag incline
2523    global diffblocked fcontents ldisp havediffs nextlix origdiffdirs
2525    if {$orig} {
2526	set origdiffdirs $dirlist
2527    }
2528    # reverse the list so we have oldest first
2529    set x {}
2530    for {set i [llength $dirlist]} {[incr i -1] >= 0} {} {
2531	lappend x [lindex $dirlist $i]
2532    }
2533    set dirlist $x
2534    if {$diffing} {
2535	if {$dirlist == $diffdirs && $f == $difffile} return
2536	foreach i [array names difffds] {
2537	    catch {close $difffds($i)}
2538	}
2539    }
2540    set diffdirs $dirlist
2541    set difffile $f
2542    set diffndirs [llength $dirlist]
2543    set nextdiffhdr 0
2544    catch {unset diffhdr}
2545    set havediffs 0
2546    set nextlix 1000
2547    catch {unset incline}
2549    set diffopts "-u $diffiflag $diffwflag $diffbflag $diffdflag"
2550    set d [lindex $dirlist 0]
2551    set p [joinname $d $f]
2552    set diffrel(0) 0
2553    set allf 0
2554    for {set j 1} {$j < $diffndirs} {incr j} {
2555	set e [lindex $dirlist $j]
2556	set q [joinname $e $f]
2557	set difflnos($j) {0 0}
2558	set diffstate($j) 0
2559	set difflnum($j) 0
2560	set diffblocked($j) 0
2561	set diffrel($j) 0
2562	set fd [open "|diff $diffopts $p $q" r]
2563	set difffds($j) $fd
2564	fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
2565	fileevent $fd readable "readndiff $fd $j"
2566	lappend allf $j
2567    }
2568    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
2569	set ldisp($i) 0
2570    }
2572    # Build a window
2573    global textw filemode mergebut mpatchbut bgcolors numgroups
2574    global groups dirs difftabs linelist texttop underlinetabs
2575    global diffcolors
2576    if {![info exists textw] || ![winfo exists $textw]} {
2577	maketextw
2578    }
2579    if {$filemode} {
2580	wm title $texttop "Differences: all files"
2581    } else {
2582	wm title $texttop "Differences: $f"
2583    }
2584    $mergebut.m delete 0 end
2585    $mpatchbut.m delete 0 end
2586    $textw conf -state normal
2587    $textw delete 0.0 end
2588    set charwidth [font measure [$textw cget -font] n]
2589    set tlist "[expr 4*$charwidth] left"
2590    set difftabs ""
2591    set j 4
2592    for {set i 2} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
2593	incr j 2
2594	if {$diffndirs < 4} {
2595	    incr j
2596	}
2597	append tlist " [expr $j*$charwidth] left"
2598	append difftabs "\t"
2599    }
2600    incr j 8
2601    append tlist " [expr $j*$charwidth] left"
2602    $textw conf -tabs $tlist
2603    set x $bgcolors($numgroups)
2604    $textw tag delete [$textw tag names]
2605    set group [lindex $groups($f) 1]
2606    set diffcolors {}
2607    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
2608	set d [lindex $diffdirs $i]
2609	set j [lindex $group [lsearch $dirs $d]]
2610	set c [lindex $x $j]
2611	$textw tag conf d$i -back $c
2612	lappend diffcolors $c
2613    }
2614    $textw tag conf sep -back blue -fore white
2615    $textw tag conf ul -underline $underlinetabs
2616    $textw tag lower sep
2617    bind $textw <1> "startbutspan %x %y 0; break"
2618    bind $textw <Shift-Button-1> "startbutspan %x %y 1; break"
2619    bind $textw <B1-Motion> "setbutspan %x %y; break"
2620    bind $textw <ButtonRelease-1> "endbutspan; break"
2621    bind $textw <B1-Leave> "startbutscroll %W %x %y; break"
2622    bind $textw <B1-Enter> "endbutscroll %W %x %y; break"
2623    bind $textw <2> "startdrag $textw %x %y; break"
2624    bind $textw <B2-Motion> "dragdiff $textw %x %y; break"
2625    bind $textw <ButtonRelease-2> "finishdrag $textw"
2626    bind $textw <Any-Button-3> "togglebuts %x %y"
2627    set linelist {{{} {} {}}}
2629    # read in the files
2630    set i 0
2631    foreach d $dirlist {
2632	set p [joinname $d $f]
2633	set fcontents($i) {}
2634	if {[catch {
2635	    set fd [open $p r]
2636	    set fcontents($i) [split [read -nonewline $fd] "\n"]
2637	    close $fd
2638	} err]} {
2639	    puts "error reading $p: $err"
2640	}
2641	incr i
2642    }
2645proc readndiff {fd ix} {
2646    global difflnos diffeof difflnum diffhdr
2647    global nextdiffhdr diffstate diffhunk
2648    global parthunklen parthunkstart diffblocked
2650    set n [gets $fd line]
2651    set l [incr difflnum($ix)]
2652    if {$n < 0} {
2653	if {![eof $fd]} return
2654	#puts "eof for $ix"
2655	addhunk $ix 2
2656	close $fd
2657	return
2658    }
2659    set x [string index $line 0]
2660    if {$l <= 2} {
2661	# expect --- or +++ line or "Binary files ..."
2662	if {$ix == 1 && $x == "-"} {
2663	    set diffhdr(0) [string range $line 4 end]
2664	}
2665	if {$x == "+"} {
2666	    set diffhdr($ix) [string range $line 4 end]
2667	}
2668	while {[info exists diffhdr($nextdiffhdr)]} {
2669	    emithdr $nextdiffhdr $diffhdr($nextdiffhdr)
2670	    incr nextdiffhdr
2671	}
2672	return
2673    }
2674    if {$x == "-" || $x == "+"} {
2675	set addit [expr {$x == "+"}]
2676	set line [string range $line 1 end]
2677	if {$diffstate($ix) == 0} {
2678	    # start of a new hunk of diff
2679	    set parthunklen($ix,0) 0
2680	    set parthunklen($ix,1) 0
2681	    set parthunkstart($ix) $difflnos($ix)
2682	    if {[info exists diffhunk($ix)]} {
2683		# block this diff for now
2684		fileevent $fd readable {}
2685		set diffblocked($ix) 1
2686		#puts "blocking $ix"
2687	    }
2688	    set diffstate($ix) 1
2689	}
2690	set fl [lindex $difflnos($ix) $addit]
2691	incr parthunklen($ix,$addit)
2692	set difflnos($ix) [lreplace $difflnos($ix) $addit $addit [incr fl]]
2693    } else {
2694	if {$diffstate($ix) == 1} {
2695	    # end of a new hunk of diff
2696	    addhunk $ix 0
2697	}
2698	set f0l [lindex $difflnos($ix) 0]
2699	set f1l [lindex $difflnos($ix) 1]
2700	if {$x == "@" && [regexp { -([0-9,]+) .*\+([0-9,]+) } $line z r1 r2]} {
2701	    set r1 [lindex [split $r1 ,] 0]
2702	    set r2 [lindex [split $r2 ,] 0]
2703	    catch {set f0l [expr {$r1+0}]}
2704	    catch {set f1l [expr {$r2+0}]}
2705	} else {
2706	    incr f0l
2707	    incr f1l
2708	}
2709	set difflnos($ix) [list $f0l $f1l]
2710    }
2713proc addhunk {ix newstate} {
2714    global diffstate parthunklen parthunkstart diffhunk
2715    #puts "addhunk $ix newstate=$newstate diffstate($ix)=$diffstate($ix)"
2716    if {$diffstate($ix) == 1} {
2717	#puts "   start=$parthunkstart($ix) len= $parthunklen($ix,0) $parthunklen($ix,1)"
2718	if {[info exists diffhunk($ix)]} {
2719	    puts "oops, overwriting hunk for $ix"
2720	}
2721	set diffhunk($ix) [list $parthunkstart($ix) \
2722			       $parthunklen($ix,0) $parthunklen($ix,1)]
2723    }
2724    set diffstate($ix) $newstate
2725    processhunks
2728proc consumehunk {ix} {
2729    global diffhunk diffblocked difffds
2730    #puts "consumehunk $ix"
2731    unset diffhunk($ix)
2732    if {$diffblocked($ix)} {
2733	set fd $difffds($ix)
2734	fileevent $fd readable "readndiff $fd $ix"
2735	set diffblocked($ix) 0
2736    }
2739proc diffstart {lno} {
2740    global hunkstart hunkend diffndirs diffrel
2741    #puts -nonewline "diffstart $lno:"
2742    for {set j 0} {$j < $diffndirs} {incr j} {
2743	set hunkstart($j) [expr $lno + $diffrel($j)]
2744	set hunkend($j) $hunkstart($j)
2745	#puts -nonewline " $hunkstart($j)"
2746    }
2747    #puts ""
2750proc adddiffhunk {ix} {
2751    global hunkend diffndirs diffhunk
2752    #puts "adddiffhunk $ix: $diffhunk($ix)"
2753    set stl [lindex $diffhunk($ix) 0]
2754    set lst [lindex $stl 0]
2755    set rst [lindex $stl 1]
2756    set llen [lindex $diffhunk($ix) 1]
2757    set rlen [lindex $diffhunk($ix) 2]
2758    set lend [expr $lst + $llen]
2759    set rend [expr $rst + $rlen]
2760    set x [expr $lend - $hunkend(0)]
2761    if {$x < 0} {
2762	set rend [expr $rend - $x]
2763    } elseif {$x > 0} {
2764	for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
2765	    incr hunkend($i) $x
2766	}
2767    }
2768    set hunkend($ix) $rend
2771proc addoverlaps {} {
2772    global diffhunk hunkend diffndirs diffstate
2773    set overlap 0
2774    for {set j 1} {$j < $diffndirs} {incr j} {
2775	if {![info exists diffhunk($j)]} continue
2776	set lnos [lindex $diffhunk($j) 0]
2777	if {[lindex $lnos 0] <= $hunkend(0) || \
2778		[lindex $lnos 1] <= $hunkend($j)} {
2779	    set overlap 1
2780	    adddiffhunk $j
2781	    consumehunk $j
2782	}
2783    }
2784    return $overlap
2787proc processhunks {} {
2788    global diffhunk diffstate diffndirs diffrel
2789    global havediffs hunkstart hunkend
2791    while 1 {
2792	if {$havediffs} {
2793	    addoverlaps
2794	}
2796	# check that we have a hunk or EOF for each pair
2797	set alleof 1
2798	for {set j 1} {$j < $diffndirs} {incr j} {
2799	    if {$diffstate($j) != 2} {
2800		set alleof 0
2801		if {![info exists diffhunk($j)]} return
2802	    }
2803	}
2804	#if {$alleof} {puts "processhunks: eof on all"}
2806	if {$havediffs} {
2807	    putdiffhunks
2808	    #puts -nonewline "diffrel:"
2809	    for {set j 1} {$j < $diffndirs} {incr j} {
2810		set diffrel($j) [expr $hunkend($j) - $hunkend(0)]
2811		#puts -nonewline " $diffrel($j)"
2812	    }
2813	    #puts ""
2814	    set havediffs 0
2815	    unset hunkstart
2816	    unset hunkend
2817	}
2819	# find which hunk is the earliest
2820	set first {}
2821	for {set j 1} {$j < $diffndirs} {incr j} {
2822	    if {[info exists diffhunk($j)]} {
2823		set st0 [lindex [lindex $diffhunk($j) 0] 0]
2824		if {$first == {} || $st0 < $earliest} {
2825		    set first $j
2826		    set earliest $st0
2827		}
2828	    }
2829	}
2830	if {$first == {}} {
2831	    # have reached EOF on all diffs
2832	    ndiffdone
2833	    return
2834	}
2836	set havediffs 1
2837	diffstart $earliest
2838	adddiffhunk $first
2839	consumehunk $first
2840    }
2843proc existingmatch {matches f fl} {
2844    global diffndirs
2845    foreach m $matches {
2846	if {$f == [lindex $m 0]} {
2847	    set nl [lindex $m 2]
2848	    set lnos [lindex $m 1]
2849	    set o [expr [lindex $fl 0] - [lindex $lnos 0]]
2850	    if {$o < 0 || $o >= $nl} {
2851		return 0
2852	    }
2853	    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $f]} {incr i} {
2854		if {[lindex $fl $i] != [lindex $lnos $i] + $o} {
2855		    return 0
2856		}
2857	    }
2858	    return 1
2859	}
2860    }
2861    return 0
2864# f is a list of file indices, fl is a corresponding list of line numbers
2865# relative to the start of this section
2866proc matchlength {f fl} {
2867    global difflines
2868    set l0 [lindex $fl 0]
2869    set f0 [lindex $f 0]
2870    set f0len [llength $difflines($f0)]
2871    set nf [llength $f]
2872    set len 1
2873    while {[incr l0] < $f0len} {
2874	set line [lindex $difflines($f0) $l0]
2875	for {set i 1} {$i < $nf} {incr i} {
2876	    set fi [lindex $f $i]
2877	    set li [expr [lindex $fl $i] + $len]
2878	    if {$li >= [llength $difflines($fi)] || \
2879		    [lindex $difflines($fi) $li] != $line} {
2880		return $len
2881	    }
2882	}
2883	incr len
2884    }
2885    return $len
2888# m is a match expressed as a list {files lines length}
2889# existing is a list of matches in that format
2890proc expandmatchback {m existing} {
2891    global difflines
2892    set fi [lindex $m 0]
2893    set fl [lindex $m 1]
2894    set len [lindex $m 2]
2895    set f0 [lindex $fi 0]
2896    set l0 [lindex $fl 0]
2897    set nf [llength $fi]
2898    for {set j 0} {$j < $nf} {incr j} {
2899	set f [lindex $fi $j]
2900	set l [lindex $fl $j]
2901	set lno($f) $l
2902	set minlno($f) 0
2903    }
2904    foreach e $existing {
2905	set k 0
2906	foreach ef [lindex $e 0] {
2907	    if {[info exists lno($ef)]} {
2908		set el [lindex [lindex $e 1] $k]
2909		if {$el < $lno($ef)} {
2910		    incr el [lindex $e 2]
2911		    if {$el > $minlno($ef)} {
2912			set minlno($ef) $el
2913		    }
2914		}
2915	    }
2916	    incr k
2917	}
2918    }
2919    set nl [expr $l0 - $minlno($f0)]
2920    for {set x 1} {$x <= $nl} {incr x} {
2921	set line [lindex $difflines($f0) [expr $l0 - $x]]
2922	for {set j 1} {$j < $nf} {incr j} {
2923	    set f [lindex $fi $j]
2924	    set l [expr [lindex $fl $j] - $x]
2925	    if {$l < $minlno($f)} break
2926	    if {[lindex $difflines($f) $l] != $line} break
2927	}
2928	if {$j < $nf} break
2929    }
2930    if {$x == 1} {
2931	return $m
2932    }
2933    set newfl {}
2934    incr x -1
2935    foreach l $fl {
2936	lappend newfl [expr $l - $x]
2937    }
2938    return [list $fi $newfl [expr $len + $x]]
2941proc removematches {matches f l nl} {
2942    set new {}
2943    set el [expr $l + $nl]
2944    foreach m $matches {
2945	set i [lsearch [lindex $m 0] $f]
2946	if {$i < 0} {
2947	    lappend new $m
2948	} else {
2949	    set lm [lindex [lindex $m 1] $i]
2950	    set elm [expr [lindex $m 2] + $lm]
2951	    if {$el <= $lm || $elm <= $l} {
2952		lappend new $m
2953	    } else {
2954		if {$lm < $l} {
2955		    lappend new [lreplace $m 2 2 [expr $l - $lm]]
2956		}
2957		if {$elm > $el} {
2958		    set inc [expr $el - $lm]
2959		    set lnos {}
2960		    foreach x [lindex $m 1] {
2961			lappend lnos [expr $x + $inc]
2962		    }
2963		    lappend new [lreplace $m 1 2 $lnos [expr $elm - $el]]
2964		}
2965	    }
2966	}
2967    }
2968    return $new
2971proc removeinversions {matches bm} {
2972    set bf [lindex $bm 0]
2973    set bl [lindex $bm 1]
2974    set new {}
2975    foreach m $matches {
2976	set isbefore 0
2977	set isafter 0
2978	set i 0
2979	set mf [lindex $m 0]
2980	set ml [lindex $m 1]
2981	foreach f $mf {
2982	    set j [lsearch -exact $bf $f]
2983	    if {$j >= 0} {
2984		if {[lindex $ml $i] < [lindex $bl $j]} {
2985		    set isbefore 1
2986		} else {
2987		    set isafter 1
2988		}
2989	    }
2990	    incr i
2991	}
2992	if {!($isbefore && $isafter)} {
2993	    lappend new $m
2994	}
2995    }
2996    return $new
2999proc overlapsbest {bestmatches mf ml mlen} {
3000    foreach bm $bestmatches {
3001	set bf [lindex $bm 0]
3002	set bl [lindex $bm 1]
3003	set blen [lindex $bm 2]
3004	set isbefore 0
3005	set isafter 0
3006	set i 0
3007	foreach f $mf {
3008	    set j [lsearch -exact $bf $f]
3009	    if {$j >= 0} {
3010		set li [lindex $ml $i]
3011		set lj [lindex $bl $j]
3012		if {$li < $lj} {
3013		    if {$isafter || $li + $mlen > $lj} {
3014			return 1
3015		    }
3016		    set isbefore 1
3017		} else {
3018		    if {$isbefore || $lj + $blen > $li} {
3019			return 1
3020		    }
3021		    set isafter 1
3022		}
3023	    }
3024	    incr i
3025	}
3026    }
3027    return 0
3030proc findbestmatch {matches} {
3031    set best 0
3032    set bestnf 0
3033    set bm {}
3034    foreach m $matches {
3035	set nf [llength [lindex $m 0]]
3036	set good [lindex $m 2]
3037	if {$nf > $bestnf || ($nf == $bestnf && $good > $best)} {
3038	    set best $good
3039	    set bestnf $nf
3040	    set bm $m
3041	}
3042    }
3043    return $bm
3046proc findmatches {} {
3047    global hunkstart hunkend diffndirs
3048    global difflines fcontents lineinst diffwflag diffbflag
3049    set matches {}
3050    catch {unset lineinst}
3051    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3052	set difflines($i) {}
3053	for {set j $hunkstart($i)} {$j < $hunkend($i)} {incr j} {
3054	    set line [lindex $fcontents($i) [expr $j-1]]
3055	    if {$diffwflag != ""} {
3056		regsub -all {[ 	]+} $line {} line
3057	    } elseif {$diffbflag != ""} {
3058		regsub -all {[ 	]+} $line { } line
3059		regsub { $} $line {} line
3060	    }
3061	    lappend difflines($i) $line
3062	}
3063    }
3064    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3065	set l 0
3066	foreach line $difflines($i) {
3067	    lappend lineinst($line) [list $i $l]
3068	    if {![regexp {^[[:space:]]*$} $line]} {
3069		foreach inst $lineinst($line) {
3070		    set f [lindex $inst 0]
3071		    if {$f == $i || [lsearch -exact $f $i] >= 0} continue
3072		    set fl [lindex $inst 1]
3073		    lappend f $i
3074		    lappend fl $l
3075		    if {![existingmatch $matches $f $fl]} {
3076			lappend matches [list $f $fl [matchlength $f $fl]]
3077		    }
3078		    lappend lineinst($line) [list $f $fl]
3079		}
3080	    }
3081	    incr l
3082	}
3083    }
3084    set bestmatches {}
3085    while {$matches != {}} {
3086	set bm [findbestmatch $matches]
3087	set bm [expandmatchback $bm $bestmatches]
3088	lappend bestmatches $bm
3089	set i 0
3090	set nl [lindex $bm 2]
3091	foreach f [lindex $bm 0] {
3092	    set lno [lindex [lindex $bm 1] $i]
3093	    set matches [removematches $matches $f $lno $nl]
3094	    incr i
3095	}
3096	set matches [removeinversions $matches $bm]
3097    }
3099    # now add in the blank-line matches that we ignored before
3100    set matches {}
3101    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3102	set l 0
3103	foreach line $difflines($i) {
3104	    if {[regexp {^[[:space:]]*$} $line]} {
3105		foreach inst $lineinst($line) {
3106		    set f [lindex $inst 0]
3107		    if {$f >= $i || [lsearch -exact $f $i] >= 0} continue
3108		    set fl [lindex $inst 1]
3109		    lappend f $i
3110		    lappend fl $l
3111		    if {![existingmatch $matches $f $fl]} {
3112			set mlen [matchlength $f $fl]
3113			if {![overlapsbest $bestmatches $f $fl $mlen]} {
3114			    lappend matches [list $f $fl $mlen]
3115			}
3116		    }
3117		    lappend lineinst($line) [list $f $fl]
3118		}
3119	    }
3120	    incr l
3121	}
3122    }
3123    while {$matches != {}} {
3124	set bm [findbestmatch $matches]
3125	lappend bestmatches $bm
3126	set i 0
3127	set nl [lindex $bm 2]
3128	foreach f [lindex $bm 0] {
3129	    set lno [lindex [lindex $bm 1] $i]
3130	    set matches [removematches $matches $f $lno $nl]
3131	    incr i
3132	}
3133	set matches [removeinversions $matches $bm]
3134    }
3136    #puts "best matches: $bestmatches"
3137    return $bestmatches
3140proc filematches {matches i nlines} {
3141    global hunkstart hunkend diffndirs
3142    set res {}
3143    foreach m $matches {
3144	set k [lsearch -exact [lindex $m 0] $i]
3145	if {$k >= 0} {
3146	    set l [lindex [lindex $m 1] $k]
3147	    set e [expr $l + [lindex $m 2]]
3148	    lappend res [list $l $e $m]
3149	}
3150    }
3151    set full {}
3152    set ld 0
3153    foreach m [lsort -integer -index 0 $res] {
3154	set l [lindex $m 0]
3155	if {$ld < $l} {
3156	    lappend full [list $ld $l [list $i $ld [expr $l - $ld]]]
3157	}
3158	if {[lindex [lindex [lindex $m 2] 0] 0] == $i} {
3159	    lappend full $m
3160	}
3161	set ld [lindex $m 1]
3162    }
3163    if {$ld < $nlines} {
3164	lappend full [list $ld $nlines [list $i $ld [expr $nlines - $ld]]]
3165    }
3166    #puts "filematches $i -> {$full}"
3167    return $full
3170proc putdiffhunks {} {
3171    global hunkstart hunkend diffndirs
3172    global matchlist fcontents
3173    #puts -nonewline "putdiffhunks"
3174    #for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3175	#puts -nonewline " $i: ($hunkstart($i),$hunkend($i))"
3176    #}
3177    #puts ""
3178    set matches [findmatches]
3179    #puts "matches: $matches"
3180    set totsegs 0
3181    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3182	set nlines($i) [expr $hunkend($i) - $hunkstart($i)]
3183	set displ($i) [filematches $matches $i $nlines($i)]
3184	set nsegs($i) [llength $displ($i)]
3185	set ix($i) 0
3186	if {$nsegs($i) > 0} {
3187	    set curseg($i) [lindex $displ($i) 0]
3188	    incr totsegs $nsegs($i)
3189	}
3190	set nextline($i) 0
3191    }
3192    set displist {}
3193    while {$totsegs > 0} {
3194	for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3195	    if {$nsegs($i) == 0} continue
3196	    set m [lindex $curseg($i) 2]
3197	    set blocked 0
3198	    set k 0
3199	    set lnos [lindex $m 1]
3200	    foreach f [lindex $m 0] {
3201		set l [lindex $lnos $k]
3202		if {$l > $nextline($f)} {
3203		    set blocked 1
3204		    break
3205		}
3206		if {$l < $nextline($f)} {
3207		    puts "oops, misordered span for $i {$curseg($i)}"
3208		    #puts -nonewline "nextline: "
3209		    #for {set z 0} {$z < $diffndirs} {incr z} {
3210			#puts -nonewline " $nextline($z)"
3211		    #}
3212		    #puts -nonewline "\nix: "
3213		    #for {set z 0} {$z < $diffndirs} {incr z} {
3214			#puts -nonewline " $ix($z)"
3215		    #}
3216		    #puts -nonewline "\nnsegs: "
3217		    #for {set z 0} {$z < $diffndirs} {incr z} {
3218			#puts -nonewline " $nsegs($z)"
3219		    #}
3220		    #puts ""
3221		    #for {set z 0} {$z < $diffndirs} {incr z} {
3222			#puts "displ($z): {$displ($z)}"
3223		    #}
3224		    #puts "displist:"
3225		    #foreach z $displist {
3226			#puts "  $z"
3227		    #}
3228		    #puts ""
3229		}
3230		incr k
3231	    }
3232	    if {!$blocked} {
3233		lappend displist $curseg($i)
3234		set nl [lindex $m 2]
3235		foreach f [lindex $m 0] {
3236		    incr nextline($f) $nl
3237		}
3238		incr ix($i)
3239		incr nsegs($i) -1
3240		if {$nsegs($i) > 0} {
3241		    set curseg($i) [lindex $displ($i) $ix($i)]
3242		} else {
3243		    unset curseg($i)
3244		}
3245		break
3246	    }
3247	}
3248	incr totsegs -1
3249    }
3250    #puts "displist:"
3251    #foreach d $displist {
3252	#puts $d
3253    #}
3254    emitstart
3255    foreach d $displist {
3256	set l [lindex $d 0]
3257	set e [lindex $d 1]
3258	set m [lindex $d 2]
3259	set fs [lindex $m 0]
3260	set i [lindex $fs 0]
3261	set fl [expr $hunkstart($i) + $l - 1]
3262	for {} {$l < $e} {incr l} {
3263	    emitdiff $fs [lindex $fcontents($i) $fl]
3264	    incr fl
3265	}
3266    }
3269proc emithdr {i line} {
3270    global textw difftabs linelist
3271    $textw insert end "\t$difftabs$line\n" d$i
3272    lappend linelist [list {} {} $line]
3275proc emitctxline {} {
3276    global textw linelist ldisp fcontents difftabs diffndirs
3277    set lnums {}
3278    set memb {}
3279    set line [lindex $fcontents(0) [expr $ldisp(0)-1]]
3280    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3281	lappend lnums $ldisp($i)
3282	incr ldisp($i)
3283	lappend memb $i
3284    }
3285    lappend linelist [list $lnums $memb $line]
3286    set ix [expr $diffndirs-1]
3287    set r [tabexpand $line $ix]
3288    set l [lindex [split [$textw index "end - 1c"] .] 0]
3289    $textw insert end "\t$difftabs[lindex $r 0]\n"
3290    foreach tgp [lindex $r 1] {
3291	$textw tag add ul $l.[lindex $tgp 0] $l.[lindex $tgp 1]
3292    }
3295proc emitstart {} {
3296    global diffndirs ctxlines ldisp textw difftabs linelist
3297    global prevhunkend fcontents hunkstart
3298    set nctx $ctxlines
3299    set needsep 1
3300    if {[info exists prevhunkend]} {
3301	if {$hunkstart(0) - $prevhunkend <= 2 * $ctxlines + 1} {
3302	    set nctx [expr $hunkstart(0) - $prevhunkend]
3303	    set needsep 0
3304	} else {
3305	    for {set l 0} {$l < $ctxlines} {incr l} {
3306		emitctxline
3307	    }
3308	}
3309    }
3310    if {$nctx >= $hunkstart(0)} {
3311	set nctx [expr $hunkstart(0) - 1]
3312    }
3313    if {$needsep} {
3314	set lnums {}
3315	for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3316	    set ldisp($i) [expr $hunkstart($i) - $nctx]
3317	    lappend lnums $ldisp($i)
3318	}
3319	set l [llength $linelist]
3320	lappend linelist [makesepline $l $lnums]
3321	$textw insert end "\n"
3322	redisplaylines $textw $l 1
3323    }
3324    for {set l 0} {$l < $nctx} {incr l} {
3325	emitctxline
3326    }
3329proc emitdiff {set line} {
3330    global diffndirs ldisp textw difftabs linelist
3331    global prevhunkend fcontents nextlix incline
3332    #puts -nonewline "emitdiff set={$set} ldisp ="
3333    #for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {puts -nonewline " $ldisp($i)"}
3334    #puts " line={$line}"
3335    set nm [llength $set]
3336    if {$nm == $diffndirs} {
3337	emitctxline
3338	return
3339    }
3340    if {$nm == 0 || $nm > $diffndirs} {
3341	#puts "oops, $nm members in emitdiff?"
3342	return
3343    }
3344    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3345	set isin($i) 0
3346    }
3347    foreach i $set {
3348	set isin($i) 1
3349    }
3350    set lnums {}
3351    for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {
3352	if {$isin($i)} {
3353	    lappend lnums $ldisp($i)
3354	    incr ldisp($i)
3355	} else {
3356	    lappend lnums {}
3357	}
3358    }
3359    set lix $nextlix
3360    incr nextlix
3361    set incline($lix) 0
3362    set l [llength $linelist]
3363    lappend linelist [list $lnums $set $line $lix]
3364    $textw insert end "\n"
3365    redisplaylines $textw $l 1
3366    set prevhunkend $ldisp(0)
3369proc ndiffdone {} {
3370    global textw prevhunkend fcontents ctxlines
3371    global diffing ldisp diffndirs
3372    #puts -nonewline "ldisp ="
3373    #for {set i 0} {$i < $diffndirs} {incr i} {puts -nonewline " $ldisp($i)"}
3374    #puts ""
3375    if {[info exists prevhunkend]} {
3376	set l0 [llength $fcontents(0)]
3377	#puts "ndiffdone, prevhunkend=$prevhunkend l0=$l0 ctxlines=$ctxlines"
3378	set nctx $ctxlines
3379	if {$prevhunkend - 1 + $nctx > $l0} {
3380	    set nctx [expr $l0 - $prevhunkend + 1]
3381	}
3382	for {set l 0} {$l < $nctx} {incr l} {
3383	    emitctxline
3384	}
3385	unset prevhunkend
3386    } else {
3387	#puts "ndiffdone, prevhunkend not set"
3388    }
3389    set diffing 0
3390    $textw delete "end - 1c" end
3391    $textw conf -state disabled
3393    # configure the merge button
3394    confmergebut
3395    confmpatchbut
3398proc diffmerge {ix dir} {
3399    global diffdirs difffile diffmtime fserial linelist
3400    global dirs diffcolors textfont incline diffndirs
3401    global fcontents allf
3402    set infile [joinname $dir $difffile]
3403    if {$diffmtime($infile) != [file mtime $infile]} {
3404	error_popup "File $infile has changed since the diff was performed."
3405	return
3406    }
3408    set di [lsearch -exact $dirs $dir]
3409    set fi $fserial($difffile)
3410    set w ".merge:$di:$fi"
3411    catch {destroy $w}
3412    toplevel $w
3413    wm title $w "Dirdiff: merged $infile"
3414    frame $w.bar -relief raised -border 2
3415    pack $w.bar -side top -fill x
3416    menubutton $w.bar.file -text File -menu $w.bar.file.m -padx 10 -pady 1
3417    menu $w.bar.file.m -tearoff 0
3418    $w.bar.file.m add command -label Save -command "savemerge $w"
3419    $w.bar.file.m add command -label Close -command "destroy $w"
3420    pack $w.bar.file -side left
3421    menubutton $w.bar.edit -text Edit -menu $w.bar.edit.m -padx 10 -pady 1
3422    menu $w.bar.edit.m -tearoff 0
3423    $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Cut -command "tk_textCut $w.t"
3424    $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Copy -command "tk_textCopy $w.t"
3425    $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Paste -command "tk_textPaste $w.t"
3426    $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Find \
3427	    -command "difffind :merge:$di:$fi $w.t"
3428    pack $w.bar.edit -side left
3429    frame $w.f -relief sunk -border 2
3430    entry $w.f.filename
3431    $w.f.filename insert 0 $infile
3432    pack $w.f.filename -side left -fill x -expand 1
3433    pack $w.f -side top -fill x
3434    text $w.t -yscrollcommand "$w.sb set" -font $textfont
3435    scrollbar $w.sb -command "$w.t yview"
3436    pack $w.sb -side right -fill y
3437    pack $w.t -side left -fill both -expand 1
3438    bind $w <Key-Prior> "$w.t yview scroll -1 p"
3439    bind $w <Key-Next> "$w.t yview scroll 1 p"
3440    for {set x 0} {$x < $diffndirs} {incr x} {
3441	$w.t tag conf d$x -back [lindex $diffcolors $x]
3442    }
3444    set inf $fcontents($ix)
3445    set l 1
3446    foreach m $linelist {
3447	set lns [lindex $m 0]
3448	set ty [lindex $m 1]
3449	if {$lns == {} || $ty == {}} continue
3450	set tl [lindex $lns $ix]
3451	if {$tl != {}} {
3452	    for {} {$l < $tl} {incr l} {
3453		set line [lindex $inf [expr $l-1]]
3454		$w.t insert end "$line\n"
3455	    }
3456	}
3457	if {$ty == $allf} {
3458	    set line [lindex $inf [expr $l-1]]
3459	    $w.t insert end "$line\n"
3460	    incr l
3461	} elseif {[llength $ty] < $diffndirs} {
3462	    set isme [expr {$ty == $ix || [lsearch -exact $ty $ix] >= 0}]
3463	    set lix [lindex $m 3]
3464	    set inc $incline($lix)
3465	    if {!$inc} {
3466		if {$isme} {
3467		    set line [lindex $inf [expr $l-1]]
3468		    $w.t insert end "$line\n" d$ix
3469		    incr l
3470		}
3471	    } else {
3472		if {!$isme} {
3473		    # insert this line
3474		    set line [lindex $m 2]
3475		    set last [lindex $ty end]
3476		    $w.t insert end "$line\n" d$last
3477		} else {
3478		    # delete this line
3479		    incr l
3480		}
3481	    }
3482	}
3483    }
3484    for {set nl [llength $inf]} {$l <= $nl} {incr l} {
3485	set line [lindex $inf [expr $l-1]]
3486	$w.t insert end "$line\n"
3487    }
3488    # delete last newline
3489    catch {$w.t delete "end - 1c" end}
3492proc savemerge {w} {
3493    set infile [$w.f.filename get]
3494    if {$infile == {}} {return}
3495    set tmpfile "$infile.tmp"
3496    set tf [open $tmpfile w]
3497    puts -nonewline $tf [$w.t get 0.0 end]
3498    close $tf
3499    scmedit $infile
3500    catch {file attr $tmpfile -perm [file attr $infile -perm]}
3501    file rename -force $infile $infile.orig
3502    file rename $tmpfile $infile
3503    destroy $w
3504    redifffiles
3507# Make a patch that would make the same changes to a destination
3508# file that doing a merge would have made.
3509proc diffmpatch {ix dir} {
3510    global difffile diffmtime linelist
3511    global dirs textfont incline diffndirs filemode
3512    global fcontents allf mpatchserial
3514    if {![info exists mpatchserial]} {
3515	set mpatchserial 0
3516    }
3517    set fi [incr mpatchserial]
3518    set w ".mpatch:$fi"
3519    toplevel $w
3520    set fname [joinname $dir $difffile]
3521    set ftail [file tail $fname]
3522    wm title $w "Dirdiff: patch for $ftail"
3523    frame $w.bar -relief raised -border 2
3524    pack $w.bar -side top -fill x
3525    menubutton $w.bar.file -text File -menu $w.bar.file.m -padx 10 -pady 1
3526    menu $w.bar.file.m -tearoff 0
3527    $w.bar.file.m add command -label Save -command "savemerge $w"
3528    $w.bar.file.m add command -label Close -command "destroy $w"
3529    pack $w.bar.file -side left
3530    menubutton $w.bar.edit -text Edit -menu $w.bar.edit.m -padx 10 -pady 1
3531    menu $w.bar.edit.m -tearoff 0
3532    $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Cut -command "tk_textCut $w.t"
3533    $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Copy -command "tk_textCopy $w.t"
3534    $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Paste -command "tk_textPaste $w.t"
3535    $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Find \
3536	    -command "difffind :mpatch:$fi $w.t"
3537    pack $w.bar.edit -side left
3538    frame $w.f -relief sunk -border 2
3539    entry $w.f.filename
3540    $w.f.filename insert 0 "$ftail.patch"
3541    pack $w.f.filename -side left -fill x -expand 1
3542    pack $w.f -side top -fill x
3543    text $w.t -yscrollcommand "$w.sb set" -font $textfont
3544    scrollbar $w.sb -command "$w.t yview"
3545    pack $w.sb -side right -fill y
3546    pack $w.t -side left -fill both -expand 1
3547    bind $w <Key-Prior> "$w.t yview scroll -1 p"
3548    bind $w <Key-Next> "$w.t yview scroll 1 p"
3550    set inf $fcontents($ix)
3551    set l 1
3552    set delta 0
3553    set pluslines {}
3554    set ctxstart {}
3555    set filelen [llength $fcontents($ix)]
3557    foreach m $linelist {
3558	set lns [lindex $m 0]
3559	set ty [lindex $m 1]
3560	set lix [lindex $m 3]
3561	if {$lns == {}} continue
3562	set lineno [lindex $lns $ix]
3563	if {$lineno != {}} {
3564	    set l $lineno
3565	}
3566	if {$ty == {} || $ty == $allf || $lix == {} \
3567		|| ($lineno != {} && !$incline($lix))} {
3568	    # output accumulated '+' lines
3569	    if {$pluslines != {}} {
3570		$w.t insert end $pluslines
3571		set pluslines {}
3572	    }
3573	    if {$ty != {} && $lineno != {}} {
3574		incr l
3575	    }
3576	    continue
3577	}
3578	if {!$incline($lix)} continue
3580	# see if we need to start a new hunk
3581	if {$ctxstart == {} || $l > $ctxstart + 6} {
3582	    if {$ctxstart == {}} {
3583		# insert diff header
3584		set difftimefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
3585		$w.t insert end "--- $fname.orig\t"
3586		$w.t insert end [clock format $diffmtime($fname) \
3587				     -format $difftimefmt]
3588		$w.t insert end "\n+++ $fname\t"
3589		$w.t insert end [clock format [clock seconds] \
3590				     -format $difftimefmt]
3591		$w.t insert end "\n"
3592	    } else {
3593		finishhunk $w $ix $ctxstart $nctx $ndel $nadd
3594	    }
3595	    set nctx 0
3596	    set ndel 0
3597	    set nadd 0
3598	    set ctxstart [expr $l - 3]
3599	    if {$ctxstart < 1} {set ctxstart 1}
3600	    $w.t insert end "@@ -$ctxstart, "
3601	    $w.t mark set nminus "end - 2c"
3602	    $w.t insert end "+[expr $ctxstart + $delta], "
3603	    $w.t mark set nplus "end - 2c"
3604	    $w.t insert end "\n"
3605	}
3606	while {$ctxstart < $l} {
3607	    set line [lindex $fcontents($ix) [expr $ctxstart - 1]]
3608	    $w.t insert end " $line\n"
3609	    incr nctx
3610	    incr ctxstart
3611	}
3613	if {$lineno != {}} {
3614	    # delete this line
3615	    set line [lindex $inf [expr $lineno-1]]
3616	    $w.t insert end "-$line\n"
3617	    incr delta -1
3618	    incr l
3619	    incr ndel
3620	} else {
3621	    # insert this line
3622	    set line [lindex $m 2]
3623	    append pluslines "+$line\n"
3624	    incr delta
3625	    incr nadd
3626	}
3627	set ctxstart $l
3628    }
3630    if {$pluslines != {}} {
3631	$w.t insert end $pluslines
3632    }
3633    if {$ctxstart != {}} {
3634	finishhunk $w $ix $ctxstart $nctx $ndel $nadd
3635    }
3636    # delete last newline
3637    catch {$w.t delete "end - 1c" end}
3640proc finishhunk {w ix ctxstart nctx nneg npos} {
3641    global fcontents
3643    set filelen [llength $fcontents($ix)]
3644    for {set i $ctxstart} {$i < $ctxstart + 3} {incr i} {
3645	if {$i > $filelen} break
3646	set line [lindex $fcontents($ix) [expr $i - 1]]
3647	$w.t insert end " $line\n"
3648	incr nctx
3649    }
3650    $w.t insert nminus [expr $nctx + $nneg]
3651    $w.t insert nplus [expr $nctx + $npos]
3654proc nextdiff {} {
3655    global textw linelist
3656    set l [lindex [split [$textw index @0,0] .] 0]
3657    set nl [llength $linelist]
3658    while {[incr l] < $nl} {
3659	if {[lindex [lindex $linelist $l] 1] == {}} {
3660	    $textw yview $l.0
3661	    break
3662	}
3663    }
3666proc prevdiff {} {
3667    global textw linelist
3668    set l [lindex [split [$textw index @0,0] .] 0]
3669    while {[incr l -1] > 0} {
3670	if {[lindex [lindex $linelist $l] 1] == {}} {
3671	    $textw yview $l.0
3672	    break
3673	}
3674    }
3677proc diffnextfile {inc} {
3678    global diffdirs selfile numgroups groups dirs textw
3679    global ycoord canvw origdiffdirs
3680    if {!([info exists textw] && [winfo exists $textw])} return
3681    if {![selnextline $inc] || $numgroups <= 1 \
3682	    || ![info exists origdiffdirs]} {
3683	return
3684    }
3685    set seengrps {}
3686    set group [lindex $groups($selfile) 1]
3687    set ds {}
3688    foreach d $origdiffdirs {
3689	set i [lindex $group [lsearch $dirs $d]]
3690	if {$i != 0 && [lsearch -exact $seengrps $i] < 0} {
3691	    lappend ds $d
3692	    lappend seengrps $i
3693	}
3694    }
3695    if {[llength $ds] == 2} {
3696	diff2 [lindex $ds 0] [lindex $ds 1] $selfile 0
3697    } elseif {[llength $ds] > 2} {
3698	diffn $ds $selfile 0
3699    }
3702proc showsomediff {inc} {
3703    global diffdirs difffile selfile numgroups groups dirs textw
3704    global ycoord canvw groupelts dirinterest
3705    if {![selnextline $inc]} return
3706    if {[lindex $groups($selfile) 0] == "dir"} return
3708    if {$numgroups <= 1} {
3709	set xi [lindex $groupelts(1) 0]
3710	if {$xi != ""} {
3711	    showfile [lindex $dirs $xi] $selfile
3712	}
3713	return
3714    }
3716    set dirlist {}
3717    for {set gn 1} {$gn <= $numgroups} {incr gn} {
3718	foreach i $groupelts($gn) {
3719	    if {$dirinterest($i)} {
3720		lappend dirlist [lindex $dirs $i]
3721		break
3722	    }
3723	}
3724    }
3725    if {[llength $dirlist] == 2} {
3726	diff2 [lindex $dirlist 0] [lindex $dirlist 1] $selfile
3727    } elseif {[llength $dirlist] > 2} {
3728	diffn $dirlist $selfile
3729    }
3732proc copydifffile {} {
3733    global diffdirs selfile groups dirs changed
3734    if {![info exists diffdirs] || [llength $diffdirs] != 2} return
3735    set d1 [lindex $diffdirs 0]
3736    set d2 [lindex $diffdirs 1]
3737    if {[lindex $groups($selfile) 0] == "dir"} return
3738    set group [lindex $groups($selfile) 1]
3739    set n1 [lsearch $dirs $d1]
3740    set n2 [lsearch $dirs $d2]
3741    set i1 [lindex $group $n1]
3742    set i2 [lindex $group $n2]
3743    if {$i1 == 0 || $i2 == 0 || $i1 == $i2} return
3744    set changed 0
3745    copyfile $n2 $n1 $selfile 0
3746    if {$changed} redisplay
3749proc maketextw {} {
3750    global textw texttop mergebut mpatchbut filemode textfont dirs
3751    toplevel .diffs
3752    wm title .diffs "Differences"
3753    frame .diffs.bar -relief sunken -border 2
3754    pack .diffs.bar -side top -fill x
3755    button .diffs.bar.rediff -text Rediff -command "diffnextfile 0"
3756    pack .diffs.bar.rediff -side left
3757    button .diffs.bar.options -text Options -command diffoptions
3758    pack .diffs.bar.options -side left
3759    button .diffs.bar.find -text Find -command "difffind :diffs .diffs.t"
3760    pack .diffs.bar.find -side left
3761    menubutton .diffs.bar.merge -text Merge -menu .diffs.bar.merge.m -padx 10
3762    menu .diffs.bar.merge.m -tearoff 0
3763    pack .diffs.bar.merge -side left
3764    menubutton .diffs.bar.mpatch -text Patch -menu .diffs.bar.mpatch.m -padx 10
3765    menu .diffs.bar.mpatch.m -tearoff 0
3766    pack .diffs.bar.mpatch -side left
3767    if {!$filemode} {
3768	button .diffs.bar.next -text "Next file" -command "diffnextfile 1"
3769	pack .diffs.bar.next -side left
3770	button .diffs.bar.prev -text "Previous file" -command "diffnextfile -1"
3771	pack .diffs.bar.prev -side left
3772    }
3773    button .diffs.bar.invert -text "Invert" -command "invertbuttons"
3774    pack .diffs.bar.invert -side left
3775    set texttop .diffs
3776    set textw .diffs.t
3777    set mergebut .diffs.bar.merge
3778    set mpatchbut .diffs.bar.mpatch
3779    set wid [expr 82 + 2 * [llength $dirs]]
3780    text $textw -width $wid -height 32 -yscrollcommand ".diffs.sb set" \
3781	-font $textfont
3782    scrollbar .diffs.sb -command "$textw yview"
3783    pack .diffs.sb -side right -fill y
3784    pack $textw -side left -fill both -expand 1
3785    bind .diffs <Key-Prior> "$textw yview scroll -1 p"
3786    bind .diffs b "$textw yview scroll -1 p"
3787    bind .diffs B "$textw yview scroll -1 p"
3788    bind .diffs <Key-BackSpace> "$textw yview scroll -1 p"
3789    bind .diffs <Key-Delete> "$textw yview scroll -1 p"
3790    bind .diffs <Key-Next> "$textw yview scroll 1 p"
3791    bind .diffs <Key-space> "$textw yview scroll 1 p"
3792    bind .diffs <Key-Up> "$textw yview scroll -1 u"
3793    bind .diffs <Key-Down> "$textw yview scroll 1 u"
3794    bind .diffs d "$textw yview scroll \[expr \"int(\[$textw cget -height\]/2)\"\] u"
3795    bind .diffs D "$textw yview scroll \[expr \"int(\[$textw cget -height\]/2)\"\] u"
3796    bind .diffs u "$textw yview scroll \[expr \"int(-\[$textw cget -height\]/2)\"\] u"
3797    bind .diffs U "$textw yview scroll \[expr \"int(-\[$textw cget -height\]/2)\"\] u"
3798    bind .diffs n nextdiff
3799    bind .diffs p prevdiff
3800    if {!$filemode} {
3801	bind .diffs N "diffnextfile 1"
3802	bind .diffs P "diffnextfile -1"
3803    }
3804    bind .diffs q removediffs
3805    bind .diffs Q "set stopped 1; destroy ."
3806    bind .diffs <Key-Home> "$textw yview 1.0"
3807    bind .diffs g "$textw yview 1.0"
3808    bind .diffs <Key-End> "$textw yview -pickplace \[$textw index end\]"
3809    bind .diffs G "$textw yview -pickplace \[$textw index end\]"
3810    bind .diffs C copydifffile
3813proc diffoptions {} {
3814    global optionw
3815    if {[info exists optionw] && [winfo exists $optionw]} {
3816	raise $optionw
3817	return
3818    }
3819    set optionw .options
3820    toplevel $optionw
3821    wm title .options "Dirdiff options"
3822    checkbutton $optionw.diffiflag -text "Ignore case" \
3823	    -offvalue "" -onvalue "-i" -anchor w
3824    pack $optionw.diffiflag -side top -fill x
3825    checkbutton $optionw.diffwflag -text "Ignore all white space" \
3826	    -offvalue "" -onvalue "-w" -anchor w
3827    pack $optionw.diffwflag -side top -fill x
3828    checkbutton $optionw.diffbflag -text "Ignore amount of white space" \
3829	    -offvalue "" -onvalue "-b" -anchor w
3830    pack $optionw.diffbflag -side top -fill x
3831    checkbutton $optionw.diffBflag -text "Ignore blank lines" \
3832	    -offvalue "" -onvalue "-B" -anchor w
3833    pack $optionw.diffBflag -side top -fill x
3834    checkbutton $optionw.diffdflag -text "Minimize diffs" \
3835	    -offvalue "" -onvalue "-d" -anchor w
3836    pack $optionw.diffdflag -side top -fill x
3837    checkbutton $optionw.ultabs -text "Underline tabs" -anchor w \
3838	    -variable underlinetabs -command changeunderlinetabs
3839    pack $optionw.ultabs -side top -fill x
3840    checkbutton $optionw.newfirst -text "Newer file first" -anchor w \
3841	    -variable diffnewfirst
3842    pack $optionw.newfirst -side top -fill x
3843    frame $optionw.ctx
3844    pack $optionw.ctx -side top
3845    label $optionw.ctx.l -text "Lines of context: "
3846    pack $optionw.ctx.l -side left
3847    entry $optionw.ctx.v -width 5 -textvariable ctxlines
3848    pack $optionw.ctx.v -side left
3849    button $optionw.save -text "Save options" -command saveoptions
3850    pack $optionw.save -side top -fill x
3851    frame $optionw.space -height 6
3852    pack $optionw.space -side top -fill x
3853    button $optionw.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy $optionw"
3854    pack $optionw.dismiss -side bottom -fill x
3855    bind $optionw <Return> "destroy $optionw"
3858proc saveoptions {} {
3859    global rcsflag diffiflag diffwflag diffbflag diffBflag diffdflag
3860    global ctxlines showsame underlinetabs nukefiles redisp_immed
3861    global diffprogram showprogram
3862    global diffnewfirst textfont filelistfont nxdirmode
3863    global docvsignore
3864    set f [open "~/.dirdiff" w]
3865    puts $f [list set diffprogram $diffprogram]
3866    puts $f [list set showprogram $showprogram]
3867    puts $f [list set rcsflag $rcsflag]
3868    puts $f [list set diffiflag $diffiflag]
3869    puts $f [list set diffwflag $diffwflag]
3870    puts $f [list set diffbflag $diffbflag]
3871    puts $f [list set diffBflag $diffBflag]
3872    puts $f [list set diffdflag $diffdflag]
3873    puts $f [list set ctxlines $ctxlines]
3874    puts $f [list set showsame $showsame]
3875    puts $f [list set underlinetabs $underlinetabs]
3876    puts $f [list set redisp_immed $redisp_immed]
3877    puts $f [list set diffnewfirst $diffnewfirst]
3878    puts $f [list set nukefiles $nukefiles]
3879    puts $f [list set filelistfont $filelistfont]
3880    puts $f [list set textfont $textfont]
3881    puts $f [list set nxdirmode $nxdirmode]
3882    puts $f [list set docvsignore $docvsignore]
3883    close $f
3886proc difffind {tag txt} {
3887    global dfindw$tag igncase$tag diffiflag regexp$tag backwards$tag
3888    if {[info exists dfindw$tag] && [winfo exists [set dfindw$tag]]} {
3889	raise [set dfindw$tag]
3890	return
3891    }
3892    set w .find$tag
3893    set dfindw$tag $w
3894    toplevel $w
3895    wm title $w "Dirdiff: Find"
3896    frame $w.f
3897    pack $w.f -side top -fill x -expand 1
3898    button $w.f.b -text "Find:" -command [list dofind $tag $txt $w]
3899    bind $w <Return> [list dofind $tag $txt $w]
3900    pack $w.f.b -side left
3901    entry $w.f.e
3902    pack $w.f.e -side right
3903    if {![info exists igncase$tag]} {
3904	set igncase$tag [expr {$diffiflag != {}}]
3905    }
3906    checkbutton $w.case -variable igncase$tag -text "Ignore case" -anchor w
3907    pack $w.case -side top -fill x
3908    checkbutton $w.regexp -variable regexp$tag -text "Regular expression" \
3909	    -anchor w
3910    pack $w.regexp -side top -fill x
3911    checkbutton $w.backwards -variable backwards$tag \
3912	    -text "Search backwards" -anchor w
3913    pack $w.backwards -side top -fill x
3914    button $w.close -text "Close" -command "destroy $w"
3915    pack $w.close -side top -fill x
3918proc dofind {tag txt w} {
3919    global dfindw$tag igncase$tag regexp$tag backwards$tag
3920    if {![winfo exists $txt]} return
3921    set w [set dfindw$tag]
3922    set str [$w.f.e get]
3923    if {$str == {}} return
3924    set back [set backwards$tag]
3925    # By default, start the search from the insertion point.
3926    # If there is a selection, start from the end of the selection for
3927    # a forwards search, or from the beginning for a backwards search.
3928    set start [$txt index insert]
3929    if {[$txt tag ranges sel] != {}} {
3930	if {$back} {
3931	    set start [$txt index sel.first]
3932	} else {
3933	    set start [$txt index sel.last]
3934	}
3935    }
3936    set opts {}
3937    if {$back} {
3938	lappend opts "-backwards"
3939    }
3940    if {[set regexp$tag]} {
3941	lappend opts "-regexp"
3942    }
3943    if {[set igncase$tag]} {
3944	lappend opts "-nocase"
3945    }
3946    set pos [eval $txt search $opts -count count -- [list $str] $start]
3947    if {$pos == {}} {
3948	bell
3949	return
3950    }
3951    set epos "$pos + $count c"
3952    $txt mark set insert $epos
3953    $txt tag remove sel 0.0 end
3954    $txt tag add sel $pos $epos
3955    $txt see $epos
3956    $txt see $pos
3959proc makepatch {d1 d2} {
3960    global patchnum selfile patchfiles patch_outfile
3961    global showprogram
3963    set files [secondarysel $selfile]
3964    if {$files == {}} {
3965	error_popup "No files selected!"
3966	return
3967    }
3968    if {![info exists patchnum]} {
3969	set patchnum 0
3970    }
3971    set patchfiles($patchnum) $files
3973    # Put the diff in a temporary file for external viewer
3974    if { [llength $showprogram] > 0} {
3975       set patch_outfile "patch${patchnum}.diff"
3976       set w [open $patch_outfile w]
3977    # Or build our own viewer
3978    } else {
3979       set w ".patch:$patchnum"
3980       catch {destroy $w}
3981       toplevel $w
3982       wm title $w "Patch: $d1 to $d2"
3983       frame $w.bar -relief raised -border 2
3984       pack $w.bar -side top -fill x
3985       menubutton $w.bar.file -text File -menu $w.bar.file.m -padx 10 -pady 1
3986       menu $w.bar.file.m -tearoff 0
3987       $w.bar.file.m add command -label Save -command "savepatch $w"
3988       $w.bar.file.m add command -label Close -command "destroy $w"
3989       pack $w.bar.file -side left
3990       menubutton $w.bar.edit -text Edit -menu $w.bar.edit.m -padx 10 -pady 1
3991       menu $w.bar.edit.m -tearoff 0
3992       $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Cut -command "tk_textCut $w.t"
3993       $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Copy -command "tk_textCopy $w.t"
3994       $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Paste -command "tk_textPaste $w.t"
3995       $w.bar.edit.m add command -label Find \
3996	    -command "difffind :patch:$patchnum $w.t"
3997       pack $w.bar.edit -side left
3998       frame $w.f -relief sunk -border 2
3999       label $w.f.l -text "Filename: "
4000       entry $w.f.filename
4001       $w.f.filename insert 0 "patch$patchnum"
4002       pack $w.f.l -side left
4003       pack $w.f.filename -side left -fill x -expand 1
4004       pack $w.f -side top -fill x
4005       text $w.t -yscrollcommand "$w.sb set"
4006       scrollbar $w.sb -command "$w.t yview"
4007       pack $w.sb -side right -fill y
4008       pack $w.t -side left -fill both -expand 1
4009       bind $w <Key-Prior> "$w.t yview scroll -1 p"
4010       bind $w <Key-Next> "$w.t yview scroll 1 p"
4011    }
4013    patchnext $patchnum $w $d1 $d2 0
4014    incr patchnum
4017# Output lines to either our external patchfile or the internal vieiwer
4018proc lineout {w line} {
4019    if {[string match ".*" $w]} {
4020        $w.t insert end "$line\n"
4021    } else {
4022        puts $w "$line"
4023    }
4026proc patchnext {pnum w d1 d2 i} {
4027    global patchfiles have_unidiff showprogram patch_outfile nullfile
4029    set contextopt [expr {$have_unidiff ? "-u" : "-c"}]
4030    update
4031    for {} {[set f [lindex $patchfiles($pnum) $i]] != {}} {incr i} {
4032	set p1 [joinname $d1 $f]
4033	set p2 [joinname $d2 $f]
4034	if {[file exists $p1] && [file exists $p2]} {
4035	    set fh [open "|diff $contextopt $p1 $p2" r]
4036	} elseif {[file exists $p1] && ! [file exists $p2]} {
4037	    set fh [open "|diff $contextopt $p1 $nullfile" r]
4038	} elseif {! [file exists $p1] && [file exists $p2]} {
4039	    set fh [open "|diff $contextopt $nullfile $p2" r]
4040	} else {
4041            continue
4042	}
4043	fconfigure $fh -blocking 0
4044	fileevent $fh readable "readpatch $fh $pnum $w $d1 $d2 $i \"$f\""
4045	return
4046    }
4047    if {[string match ".*" $w]} {
4048       $w.t delete "end - 1c" end
4049    } else {
4050        close $w
4051        eval "exec $showprogram \"$patch_outfile\" &"
4052        # Should we remove the tempfile here?  We don't have it if we used
4053        # the internal viewer
4054    }
4055    unset patchfiles($pnum)
4058proc diffl_out {w d1 d2 f} {
4059    global have_unidiff
4060    set contextopt [expr {$have_unidiff ? "-urN" : "-cr"}]
4061    lineout $w "diff $contextopt [joinname $d1 $f] [joinname $d2 $f]"
4064proc readpatch {difff pnum w d1 d2 i f} {
4065    global have_unidiff showprogram
4066    set n [gets $difff line]
4067    if {$n < 0} {
4068	if {![eof $difff]} return
4069	catch {close $difff}
4070	patchnext $pnum $w $d1 $d2 [expr $i+1]
4071	return
4072    }
4073    if {[string match "Binary*" $line]} return
4074    if {$have_unidiff} {
4075       if {[string match "---*" $line]} {
4076           diffl_out $w $d1 $d2 $f
4077        }
4078    } else {
4079       if {[string match "\*\*\* ${d1}*" $line]} {
4080           diffl_out $w $d1 $d2 $f
4081        }
4082    }
4083    lineout $w $line
4086proc savepatch {w} {
4087    set outfile [$w.f.filename get]
4088    if {$outfile == {}} {return}
4089    set outf [open $outfile w]
4090    puts -nonewline $outf [$w.t get 0.0 end]
4091    close $outf
4092    destroy $w
4095# invoked from the File->Touch menu item
4096proc touchfiles {d} {
4097    global selfile
4098    set files [secondarysel $selfile]
4099    if {$files == {}} {
4100	error_popup "No files selected!"
4101	return
4102    }
4103    set now [clock seconds]
4104    set bad {}
4105    foreach f $files {
4106	set df [file join $d $f]
4107	if {[catch {file mtime $df $now} err]} {
4108	    append bad "$df: $err\n"
4109	}
4110    }
4111    if {$bad != {}} {
4112	error_popup "Errors occurred:\n$bad"
4113    }
4114    redifffiles
4117proc exclfilelist {} {
4118    global exclw nukefiles
4119    if {[info exists exclw] && [winfo exists $exclw]} {
4120	raise $exclw
4121	return
4122    }
4123    toplevel .excl
4124    wm title .excl "Dirdiff: excluded files"
4125    set exclw .excl
4126    frame $exclw.b
4127    listbox $exclw.l -height 10 -width 40 -yscrollcommand "$exclw.sb set" \
4128	    -selectmode single
4129    scrollbar $exclw.sb -command "$exclw.l yview"
4130    entry $exclw.e
4131    pack $exclw.b -side bottom -fill x
4132    pack $exclw.e -side bottom -fill x
4133    pack $exclw.sb -side right -fill y
4134    pack $exclw.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
4135    button $exclw.b.add -text "Add" -padx 20 -command addexcl
4136    button $exclw.b.rem -text "Remove" -command remexcl
4137    button $exclw.b.close -text "Close" -command closeexcl
4138    pack $exclw.b.add -side left -fill x
4139    pack $exclw.b.rem -side left -fill x
4140    pack $exclw.b.close -side right -fill x
4141    bind $exclw.e <Return> "addexcl"
4142    foreach i $nukefiles {
4143	$exclw.l insert end $i
4144    }
4147proc addexcl {} {
4148    global exclw nukefiles
4149    if {[info exists exclw] && [winfo exists $exclw]} {
4150	set e [$exclw.e get]
4151	if {$e != {}} {
4152	    $exclw.l insert end $e
4153	    lappend nukefiles $e
4154	    $exclw.l see end
4155	}
4156    }
4159proc remexcl {} {
4160    global exclw nukefiles
4161    if {[info exists exclw] && [winfo exists $exclw]} {
4162	set s [$exclw.l curselection]
4163	if {$s != {}} {
4164	    $exclw.l delete $s
4165	    set nukefiles [lreplace $nukefiles $s $s]
4166	}
4167    }
4170proc exclsel {} {
4171    global selfile nukefiles exclw
4172    set files [secondarysel $selfile]
4173    foreach f $files {
4174	set df [string trimright $f /]
4175	if {$df != {}} {
4176	    lappend nukefiles $df
4177	    if {[info exists exclw] && [winfo exists $exclw]} {
4178		$exclw.l insert end $df
4179	    }
4180	}
4181    }
4182    redisplay
4185proc extprograms {} {
4186   global showprogram diffprogram
4187   toplevel .ext
4188   frame .ext.top
4189   label .ext.top.diffl -text "Diff Viewing/Merging"
4190   entry .ext.top.diffe -textvariable diffprogram
4191   label .ext.top.showl -text "File Viewing"
4192   entry .ext.top.showe -textvariable showprogram
4193   grid .ext.top.diffl -row 0 -column 0 -sticky e
4194   grid .ext.top.diffe -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsew -pady 4
4195   grid .ext.top.showl -row 1 -column 0 -sticky e
4196   grid .ext.top.showe -row 1 -column 1 -sticky nsew -pady 4
4197   grid columnconfigure .ext.top 0 -weight 0
4198   grid columnconfigure .ext.top 1 -weight 1
4199   pack .ext.top -fill x -expand yes
4200   frame .ext.bot
4201   button .ext.bot.ok -text "OK" \
4202     -command {
4203        destroy .ext
4204     }
4205  pack .ext.bot .ext.bot.ok -fill x -expand yes
4208proc closeexcl {} {
4209    global exclw
4210    catch {destroy $exclw}
4211    catch {unset exclw}
4214proc secondarysel {fname} {
4215    global secsel canvw
4216    set files {}
4217    foreach it [array names secsel] {
4218	lappend files [$canvw itemcget $it -text]
4219    }
4220    if {$files == {}} {
4221	if {$fname == {}} {
4222	    return {}
4223	}
4224	set files [list $fname]
4225    }
4226    return [lsort $files]
4229proc copyselfile {src dst fname confirm} {
4230    global dirs changed
4231    set files [secondarysel $fname]
4232    set n [llength $files]
4233    set changed 0
4234    if {$n == 1} {
4235	copyfile $src $dst $fname $confirm
4236    } else {
4237	if {$confirm} {
4238	    set sd [lindex $dirs $src]
4239	    set dd [lindex $dirs $dst]
4240	    if {![confirm_popup "Copy $n older files from $sd to $dd?"]} {
4241		return
4242	    }
4243	}
4244	foreach f $files {
4245	    copyfile $src $dst $f 0
4246	}
4247    }
4248    if {$changed} redisplay
4249    after idle selcurfile
4252proc copyfile {src dst fname confirm} {
4253    global dirs filemode
4254    set sd [lindex $dirs $src]
4255    set dd [lindex $dirs $dst]
4256    set srcf [joinname $sd $fname]
4257    set dstf [joinname $dd $fname]
4258    if {$filemode} {
4259	set msg "$src to $dst"
4260	set copydst $dstf
4261    } else {
4262	set msg "$fname from $sd to $dd"
4263	set copydst [file dirname $dstf]
4264    }
4265    if {$confirm} {
4266	if {![confirm_popup "Copy older $msg?"]} {
4267	    return
4268	}
4269    }
4270    set z [string trimright $fname /]
4271    if {$z != $fname} {
4272	copydir $src $dst $z
4273	return
4274    }
4275    scmedit $dstf
4276    if [catch {file copy -force -- $srcf $copydst} err] {
4277	error_popup "Error copying $msg: $err"
4278    } else {
4279	scmnew $dstf
4280	updatecline $src $dst $fname
4281    }
4284proc copydir {src dst dname} {
4285    global dirs groups alllines
4286    set sn [lindex $dirs $src]
4287    set dn [lindex $dirs $dst]
4288    if [catch {exec cp -p -r $sn/$dname [file dirname $dn/$dname]} err] {
4289	error_popup "Error copying $dname from $sn to $dn: $err"
4290	return
4291    }
4292    foreach f $alllines {
4293	if [string match $dname* $f] {
4294	    updatecline $src $dst $f
4295	}
4296    }
4299proc scmedit {name} {
4302proc scmnew {name} {
4305proc removeselfile {dst fname} {
4306    global groupelts dirs changed
4307    set files [secondarysel $fname]
4308    if {$files == {}} return
4309    set nf 0
4310    set nd 0
4311    foreach x $files {
4312	if {[string range $x end end] == "/"} {
4313	    incr nd
4314	} else {
4315	    incr nf
4316	}
4317    }
4318    set dd [lindex $dirs $dst]
4319    if {$nd + $nf == 1} {
4320	set x [string trimright [joinname $dd $fname] /]
4321	if {![confirm_popup "Remove $x?"]} {
4322	    return
4323	}
4324    } else {
4325	set stuff "Remove "
4326	if {$nd > 0} {
4327	    if {$nd == 1} {
4328		append stuff "1 directory "
4329	    } else {
4330		append stuff "$nd directories "
4331	    }
4332	    if {$nf > 0} {
4333		append stuff "and "
4334	    }
4335	}
4336	if {$nf == 1} {
4337	    append stuff "1 file "
4338	} elseif {$nf > 1} {
4339	    append stuff "$nf files "
4340	}
4341	append stuff "from $dd?"
4342	if {![confirm_popup $stuff]} {
4343	    return
4344	}
4345    }
4346    set changed 0
4347    foreach f $files {
4348	set d [string trimright $f /]
4349	set dstf [joinname $dd $d]
4350	if {$d == $f} {
4351	    set bad [catch {file delete $dstf} err]
4352	} else {
4353	    set bad [catch {file delete -force $dstf} err]
4354	}
4355	if $bad {
4356	    error_popup "Error deleting $dstf: $err"
4357	} else {
4358	    updatecline [lindex $groupelts(0) 0] $dst $f
4359	}
4360    }
4361    if {$changed} redisplay
4362    after idle selcurfile
4365proc confirm_popup msg {
4366    global confirm_ok
4367    set confirm_ok 0
4368    set w .confirm
4369    toplevel $w
4370    wm transient $w .
4371    message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400
4372    pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
4373    button $w.ok -text OK -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
4374    pack $w.ok -side left -fill x
4375    button $w.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy $w"
4376    pack $w.cancel -side right -fill x
4377    bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
4378    tkwait window $w
4379    return $confirm_ok
4382proc error_popup msg {
4383    set w .error
4384    toplevel $w
4385    wm transient $w .
4386    message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400
4387    pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
4388    button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $w"
4389    pack $w.ok -side bottom -fill x
4390    bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
4391    tkwait window $w
4394proc notalldirs {dirs} {
4395    set type ""
4396    foreach d $dirs {
4397	if {[catch {file lstat $d stat} err]} {
4398	    puts stderr $err
4399	    exit 1
4400	}
4401	if {$type == ""} {
4402	    set type $stat(type)
4403	} elseif {$type != $stat(type)} {
4404	    puts stderr "Error: $d is a $stat(type) but [lindex $dirs 0] is a $type"
4405	    exit 1
4406	}
4407    }
4408    return [expr {$type == "file"}]
4411proc go {} {
4412    global diffing filemode dirs nextserial
4413    if {[llength $dirs] == 0} {exit 0}
4414    set diffing 0
4415    set nextserial 0
4416    set filemode [notalldirs $dirs]
4417    icons
4418    makewins
4419    initcanv
4420    resetsel
4421    removediffs
4422    update
4423    canvdiffs
4426proc rediff {} {
4427    initcanv
4428    resetsel
4429    removediffs
4430    update
4431    canvdiffs
4434proc repackgroups {gr} {
4435    if {[lindex $gr 0] == "dir"} {
4436	return $gr
4437    }
4438    set glist [lindex $gr 1]
4439    set glsort [lsort $glist]
4440    set ng(0) 0
4441    set lg 0
4442    set gc 0
4443    foreach e $glsort {
4444	if {$e != $lg} {
4445	    set lg $e
4446	    incr gc
4447	    set ng($e) $gc
4448	}
4449    }
4450    if {$gc == [lindex $gr 0]} {
4451	return $gr
4452    }
4453    set newlist {}
4454    foreach e $glist {
4455	lappend newlist $ng($e)
4456    }
4457    return [list $gc $newlist]
4460proc interesting_line {gr} {
4461    global dirinterest dirs showsame
4462    if {$gr == {}} {
4463	return 0
4464    }
4465    if {$showsame} {
4466	return 1
4467    }
4468    set glist [lindex $gr 1]
4469    set i 0
4470    foreach e $glist {
4471	if $dirinterest($i) {
4472	    if {[info exists first]} {
4473		if {$e != $first} {
4474		    return 1
4475		}
4476	    } else {
4477		set first $e
4478	    }
4479	}
4480	incr i
4481    }
4482    return 0
4485proc redisplay {{zapdiffs 0}} {
4486    global canvw canvy canvy0 alllines groups ruletype linespc stringx
4487    global ruletype selfile secsel ycoord filemode redisp_immed
4488    if {$filemode || !($zapdiffs || $redisp_immed)} return
4489    set y [expr {[lindex [$canvw yview] 0] * $canvy}]
4490    set i [textitemat [expr {$stringx+5}] [expr {$y + $linespc/2}]]
4491    set topy 0
4492    set topline {}
4493    if {$i != {}} {
4494	set topline [$canvw itemcget $i -text]
4495    }
4496    if {$zapdiffs} {
4497	removediffs
4498    } else {
4499	set filesel $selfile
4500	set filesecsel [secondarysel $selfile]
4501    }
4502    $canvw delete all
4503    set canvy $canvy0
4504    $canvw conf -scrollregion "0 0 0 1"
4505    catch {unset ycoord}
4506    resetsel
4507    foreach f $alllines {
4508	if {$f == $topline} {
4509	    set topy $canvy
4510	}
4511	set gr $groups($f)
4512	if {$gr != {} && [notnuked [string trimright $f /]]} {
4513	    set gr [repackgroups $gr]
4514	    set groups($f) $gr
4515	    if {[interesting_line $gr]} {
4516		displine $gr $f
4517	    }
4518	}
4519    }
4520    if {[info exists ruletype]} {
4521	ruleoff $ruletype
4522    }
4523    if {$canvy > 0} {
4524	$canvw yview moveto [expr {$topy * 1.0 / $canvy}]
4525    } else {
4526	$canvw yview moveto 0
4527    }
4528    if {!$zapdiffs} {
4529	foreach f $filesecsel {
4530	    set i [itemofname $f]
4531	    if {$i != {}} {
4532		addsecsel $i
4533	    }
4534	}
4535	set i [itemofname $filesel]
4536	if {$i != {}} {
4537	    selectitem $i
4538	    addsecsel $i
4539	}
4540	selcurfile
4541    }
4544proc icons {} {
4545   global agecolors
4547   image create photo ex \
4548       -format gif -data {
4553   image create photo folder \
4554       -format gif -data {
4559   image create photo paper \
4560       -format gif -data {
4565   image create photo paper_green \
4566       -format gif -data {
4570   image create photo paper_yellowgreen \
4571       -format gif -data {
4575   image create photo paper_yellow \
4576       -format gif -data {
4580   image create photo paper_orange \
4581       -format gif -data {
4585   image create photo paper_red \
4586       -format gif -data {
4592   set agecolors(dir) {ex folder}
4593   set agecolors(0) {ex}
4594   set agecolors(1) {ex paper}
4595   set agecolors(2) {ex paper_green paper_red}
4596   set agecolors(3) {ex paper_green paper_yellow paper_red}
4597   set agecolors(4) {ex paper_green paper_yellow paper_orange paper_red}
4598   set agecolors(5) {ex paper_green paper_yellowgreen paper_yellow paper_orange paper_red}
4601proc midy {bbox} {
4602    return [expr ([lindex $bbox 1] + [lindex $bbox 3]) / 2]
4605proc search_canvas {} {
4606    global canvw selfile clickitem clickmode clicky
4607    set search $selfile
4608    resetsel
4609    update
4610    set str_items [$canvw find withtag strings]
4611    foreach idx $str_items {
4612	set name [$canvw itemcget $idx -text]
4613	if {[string match "*$search*" $name]} {
4614	    set selitem $idx
4615	    $canvw select from $idx 0
4616	    $canvw select to $idx end
4617	    set clickitem $idx
4618	    set clicky [midy [$canvw bbox $clickitem]]
4619	    set clickmode 1
4620	    selcurfile
4621	    addsecsel $idx
4622	}
4623    }
4626if {![info exists dirs]} {
4627    global onlyfiles ctxlines showsame
4628    set dirs {}
4629    set ok 1
4630    set argc [llength $argv]
4631    set moreopts 1
4632    for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
4633	set arg [lindex $argv $i]
4634	if {$moreopts && [string range $arg 0 0] == "-"} {
4635	    switch -regexp -- $arg {
4636		"--" {
4637		    set moreopts 0
4638		}
4639		"-a|--all" {
4640		    set nukefiles {}
4641		}
4642		"-o|--only" {
4643		    incr i
4644		    if {$i < $argc} {
4645			lappend onlyfiles [lindex $argv $i]
4646			set nukefiles {}
4647		    } else {
4648			puts stderr "no argument given to $arg option"
4649			set ok 0
4650		    }
4651		}
4652		"-I|--ignore" {
4653		    incr i
4654		    if {$i < $argc} {
4655			ignorefile [lindex $argv $i]
4656		    } else {
4657			puts stderr "no argument given to $arg option"
4658			set ok 0
4659		    }
4660		}
4661		"-r|--rcs" {
4662		    if $nofilecmp {
4663			puts stderr "can't use $arg: libfilecmp.so.0.0 couldn't be loaded"
4664			set ok 0
4665		    }
4666		    set rcsflag "-rcs"
4667		}
4668		"-c|--context" {
4669		    incr i
4670		    if {$i < $argc} {
4671			set ctxlines [lindex $argv $i]
4672		    } else {
4673			puts stderr "no argument given to $arg option"
4674			set ok 0
4675		    }
4676		}
4677		"-D|--maxdepth" {
4678		    incr i
4679		    if {$i < $argc} {
4680			set maxdepth [lindex $argv $i]
4681		    } else {
4682			puts stderr "no argument given to $arg option"
4683			set ok 0
4684		    }
4685		}
4686		"-b" { set diffbflag "-b" }
4687		"-w" { set diffwflag "-w" }
4688		"-B" { set diffBflag "-B" }
4689		"-i" { set diffiflag "-i" }
4690		"-d" { set diffdflag "-d" }
4691		"-S" { set showsame 1 }
4692		"-C" { set docvsignore 1 }
4693		"-h|--help" {
4694		    usage
4695		    exit 0
4696		}
4697		default {
4698		    puts stderr "unrecognized option $arg"
4699		    set ok 0
4700		}
4701	    }
4702	} elseif {$arg != {}} {
4703	    lappend dirs $arg
4704	}
4705    }
4706    if {$ok && [llength $dirs] == 0} {
4707        # Ask for directories if they weren't on the command line
4708        wm withdraw .
4709        NewDirDialog
4710        #set dirs [list $d0 $d1 $d2 $d3 $d4]
4711        # Prune out the empty entries
4712        set newlist {}
4713        for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $dirs]} {incr i} {
4714           if {[lindex $dirs $i] != {} } {
4715               lappend newlist [lindex $dirs $i]
4716           }
4717        }
4718        set dirs $newlist
4719        if {[llength $dirs] < 2 } {
4720            # Can't user error_popup here without de-iconifying . first
4721            tk_dialog .err "Error" "Need at least 2 directories" error 0 {OK}
4722	    set ok 0
4723        }
4724        wm deiconify .
4725    }
4726    if {!$ok} {exit 1}
4727    set newd {}
4728    foreach d $dirs {
4729	set x [glob -nocomplain $d]
4730	if {$x == {}} {
4731	    set x $d
4732	}
4733	set newd [concat $newd $x]
4734    }
4735    if {[llength $newd] > 5} {
4736	puts stderr "Error: more than 5 directories or files specified"
4737	exit 1
4738    }
4739    set dirs $newd
4740    set doit 1
4743if [info exists doit] {go}