2 "kind": "discovery#restDescription",
3 "etag": "\"kEk3sFj6Ef5_yR1-H3bAO6qw9mI/3m5rB86FE5KuW1K3jAl88AxCreg\"",
4 "discoveryVersion": "v1",
5 "id": "paramrename:v1",
6 "name": "paramrename",
7 "version": "v1",
8 "title": "Example API",
9 "description": "The Example API demonstrates parameter renaming.",
10 "ownerDomain": "google.com",
11 "ownerName": "Google",
12 "protocol": "rest",
13 "schemas": {
14 },
15 "resources": {
16  "events": {
17   "methods": {
18    "move": {
19     "id": "calendar.events.move",
20     "path": "calendars/{calendarId}/events/{eventId}/move",
21     "httpMethod": "POST",
22     "description": "Moves an event to another calendar, i.e. changes an event's organizer.",
23     "parameters": {
24      "destination": {
25       "type": "string",
26       "description": "Calendar identifier of the target calendar where the event is to be moved to.",
27       "required": true,
28       "location": "query"
29      },
30      "source-param": {
31       "type": "string",
32       "description": "Some parameter.",
33       "required": false,
34       "location": "query"
35      },
36      "right-string": {
37       "type": "string",
38       "description": "Yet another parameter.",
39       "required": true,
40       "location": "path"
41      }
42     },
43     "parameterOrder": [
44      "destination",
45      "right-string"
46     ],
47     "response": {
48      "$ref": "Event"
49     },
50     "scopes": [
51      "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar"
52     ]
53    }
54   }
55  },
56  "reports": {
57   "methods": {
58    "query": {
59     "id": "youtubeAnalytics.reports.query",
60     "path": "reports",
61     "httpMethod": "GET",
62     "description": "Retrieve your YouTube Analytics reports.",
63     "parameters": {
64      "start-date": {
65       "type": "string",
66       "description": "The start date for fetching YouTube Analytics data. The value should be in YYYY-MM-DD format.",
67       "required": true,
68       "pattern": "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}",
69       "location": "query"
70      }
71     },
72     "parameterOrder": [
73      "start-date"
74     ],
75     "response": {
76      "$ref": "ResultTable"
77     },
78     "scopes": [
79      "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics-monetary.readonly",
80      "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics.readonly"
81     ]
82    }
83   }
84  }
85 }