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1# jemalloc-sys - Rust bindings to the `jemalloc` C library
3[![Travis-CI Status]][travis] [![Appveyor Status]][appveyor] [![Latest Version]][crates.io] [![docs]][docs.rs]
5> Note: the Rust allocator API is implemented for `jemalloc` in the
6> [`jemallocator`](https://crates.io/crates/jemallocator) crate.
8## Documentation
10* [Latest release (docs.rs)][docs.rs]
11* [master branch`][master_docs]
13`jemalloc` is a general purpose memory allocator, its documentation
15 can be found here:
17* [API documentation][jemalloc_docs]
18* [Wiki][jemalloc_wiki] (design documents, presentations, profiling, debugging, tuning, ...)
20[jemalloc_docs]: http://jemalloc.net/jemalloc.3.html
21[jemalloc_wiki]: https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/wiki
23**Current jemalloc version**: 5.1.
25## Platform support
27See the platform support of the
28[`jemallocator`](https://crates.io/crates/jemallocator) crate.
30## Features
32Most features correspond to `jemalloc` features - the reference is
35### Cargo features
37This crate provides following cargo feature flags:
39* `profiling` (configure `jemalloc` with `--enable-prof`): Enable heap profiling
40  and leak detection functionality. See jemalloc's "opt.prof" option
41  documentation for usage details. When enabled, there are several approaches to
42  backtracing, and the configure script chooses the first one in the following
43  list that appears to function correctly:
45  * `libunwind` (requires --enable-prof-libunwind)
46  * `libgcc` (unless --disable-prof-libgcc)
47  * `gcc intrinsics` (unless --disable-prof-gcc)
49* `stats` (configure `jemalloc` with `--enable-stats`): Enable statistics
50  gathering functionality. See the `jemalloc`'s "`opt.stats_print`" option
51  documentation for usage details.
53* `debug` (configure `jemalloc` with `--enable-debug`): Enable assertions and
54  validation code. This incurs a substantial performance hit, but is very useful
55  during application development.
57* `background_threads_runtime_support` (enabled by default): enables
58  background-threads run-time support when building `jemalloc-sys` on some POSIX
59  targets supported by `jemalloc`. Background threads are disabled at run-time
60  by default. This option allows dynamically enabling them at run-time.
62* `background_threads` (disabled by default): enables background threads by
63  default at run-time. When set to true, background threads are created on
64  demand (the number of background threads will be no more than the number of
65  CPUs or active arenas). Threads run periodically, and handle purging
66  asynchronously. When switching off, background threads are terminated
67  synchronously. Note that after `fork(2)` function, the state in the child
68  process will be disabled regardless the state in parent process. See
69  `stats.background_thread` for related stats. `opt.background_thread` can be
70  used to set the default option. The background thread is only available on
71  selected pthread-based platforms.
73* `unprefixed_malloc_on_supported_platforms`: when disabled, configure
74  `jemalloc` with `--with-jemalloc-prefix=_rjem_`. Enabling this causes symbols
75  like `malloc` to be emitted without a prefix, overriding the ones defined by
76  libc. This usually causes C and C++ code linked in the same program to use
77  `jemalloc` as well. On some platforms prefixes are always used because
78  unprefixing is known to cause segfaults due to allocator mismatches.
80* `disable_initial_exec_tls` (disabled by default): when enabled, jemalloc is
81  built with the `--disable-initial-exec-tls` option. It disables the
82  initial-exec TLS model for jemalloc's internal thread-local storage (on those
83  platforms that support explicit settings). This can allow jemalloc to be
84  dynamically loaded after program startup (e.g. using dlopen). If you encounter
85  the error `yourlib.so: cannot allocate memory in static TLS block`, you'll
86  likely want to enable this.
88### Environment variables
90`jemalloc` options taking values are passed via environment variables using the
91schema `JEMALLOC_SYS_{KEY}=VALUE` where the `KEY` names correspond to the
92`./configure` options of `jemalloc` where the words are capitalized and the
93hyphens `-` are replaced with underscores `_`(see
96* `JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_MALLOC_CONF=<malloc_conf>`: Embed `<malloc_conf>` as a
97  run-time options string that is processed prior to the `malloc_conf` global
98  variable, the `/etc/malloc.conf` symlink, and the `MALLOC_CONF` environment
99  variable (note: this variable might be prefixed as `_RJEM_MALLOC_CONF`). For
100  example, to change the default decay time to 30 seconds:
102  ```
104  ```
106* `JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_LG_PAGE=<lg-page>`: Specify the base 2 log of the allocator
107  page size, which must in turn be at least as large as the system page size. By
108  default the configure script determines the host's page size and sets the
109  allocator page size equal to the system page size, so this option need not be
110  specified unless the system page size may change between configuration and
111  execution, e.g. when cross compiling.
113* `JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_LG_HUGEPAGE=<lg-hugepage>`: Specify the base 2 log of the
114  system huge page size. This option is useful when cross compiling, or when
115  overriding the default for systems that do not explicitly support huge pages.
118* `JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_LG_QUANTUM=<lg-quantum>`: Specify the base 2 log of the
119  minimum allocation alignment. jemalloc needs to know the minimum alignment
120  that meets the following C standard requirement (quoted from the April 12,
121  2011 draft of the C11 standard):
123  > The pointer returned if the allocation succeeds is suitably aligned so that
124  > it may be assigned to a pointer to any type of object with a fundamental
125  > alignment requirement and then used to access such an object or an array of
126  > such objects in the space allocated [...]
128  This setting is architecture-specific, and although jemalloc includes known
129  safe values for the most commonly used modern architectures, there is a
130  wrinkle related to GNU libc (glibc) that may impact your choice of . On most
131  modern architectures, this mandates 16-byte alignment (=4), but the glibc
132  developers chose not to meet this requirement for performance reasons. An old
133  discussion can be found at https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=206
134  . Unlike glibc, jemalloc does follow the C standard by default (caveat:
135  jemalloc technically cheats for size classes smaller than the quantum), but
136  the fact that Linux systems already work around this allocator noncompliance
137  means that it is generally safe in practice to let jemalloc's minimum
138  alignment follow glibc's lead. If you specify `JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_LG_QUANTUM=3`
139  during configuration, jemalloc will provide additional size classes that are
140  not 16-byte-aligned (24, 40, and 56).
142* `JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_LG_VADDR=<lg-vaddr>`: Specify the number of significant
143  virtual address bits. By default, the configure script attempts to detect
144  virtual address size on those platforms where it knows how, and picks a
145  default otherwise. This option may be useful when cross-compiling.
147* `JEMALLOC_SYS_GIT_DEV_BRANCH`: when this environment variable is defined, the
148  latest commit from `jemalloc`'s dev branch is fetched from
149  `https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc` and built.
151[jemalloc_install]: https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/blob/dev/INSTALL.md#advanced-configuration
153## License
155This project is licensed under either of
157 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
158   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
159 * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
160   http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
162at your option.
164## Contribution
166Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
167for inclusion in `jemalloc-sys` by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license,
168shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
170[travis]: https://travis-ci.org/gnzlbg/jemallocator
171[Travis-CI Status]: https://travis-ci.org/gnzlbg/jemallocator.svg?branch=master
172[appveyor]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/gnzlbg/jemallocator/branch/master
173[Appveyor Status]: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/gnzlbg/jemallocator?branch=master&svg=true
174[Latest Version]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/jemalloc-sys.svg
175[crates.io]: https://crates.io/crates/jemalloc-ctl
176[docs]: https://docs.rs/jemalloc-sys/badge.svg
177[docs.rs]: https://docs.rs/jemalloc-sys/
178[master_docs]: https://gnzlbg.github.io/jemallocator/jemalloc-sys