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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


.gitignoreH A D10-Dec-202131 43

READMEH A D10-Dec-2021193 53

buildvm.cH A D10-Dec-202112.7 KiB519406

buildvm.hH A D10-Dec-20212.5 KiB10672

buildvm_asm.cH A D10-Dec-20219 KiB349311

buildvm_fold.cH A D10-Dec-20216.3 KiB230198

buildvm_lib.cH A D10-Dec-202111.9 KiB458425

buildvm_libbc.hH A D10-Dec-20212.8 KiB5751

buildvm_peobj.cH A D10-Dec-202111.4 KiB380295

genlibbc.luaH A D10-Dec-20214.8 KiB198173

genminilua.luaH A D10-Dec-202111.8 KiB430390

minilua.cH A D10-Dec-2021170.3 KiB7,7717,746


1The files in this directory are only used during the build process of LuaJIT.
2For cross-compilation, they must be executed on the host, not on the target.
4These files should NOT be installed!