1// +build codegen
3package api
5// ServiceName returns the SDK's naming of the service. Has
6// backwards compatibility built in for services that were
7// incorrectly named with the service's endpoint prefix.
8func ServiceName(a *API) string {
9	if oldName, ok := oldServiceNames[a.PackageName()]; ok {
10		return oldName
11	}
13	return ServiceID(a)
16var oldServiceNames = map[string]string{
17	"migrationhub":                    "mgh",
18	"acmpca":                          "acm-pca",
19	"acm":                             "acm",
20	"alexaforbusiness":                "a4b",
21	"apigateway":                      "apigateway",
22	"applicationautoscaling":          "autoscaling",
23	"appstream":                       "appstream2",
24	"appsync":                         "appsync",
25	"athena":                          "athena",
26	"autoscalingplans":                "autoscaling",
27	"autoscaling":                     "autoscaling",
28	"batch":                           "batch",
29	"budgets":                         "budgets",
30	"costexplorer":                    "ce",
31	"cloud9":                          "cloud9",
32	"clouddirectory":                  "clouddirectory",
33	"cloudformation":                  "cloudformation",
34	"cloudfront":                      "cloudfront",
35	"cloudhsm":                        "cloudhsm",
36	"cloudhsmv2":                      "cloudhsmv2",
37	"cloudsearch":                     "cloudsearch",
38	"cloudsearchdomain":               "cloudsearchdomain",
39	"cloudtrail":                      "cloudtrail",
40	"codebuild":                       "codebuild",
41	"codecommit":                      "codecommit",
42	"codedeploy":                      "codedeploy",
43	"codepipeline":                    "codepipeline",
44	"codestar":                        "codestar",
45	"cognitoidentity":                 "cognito-identity",
46	"cognitoidentityprovider":         "cognito-idp",
47	"cognitosync":                     "cognito-sync",
48	"comprehend":                      "comprehend",
49	"configservice":                   "config",
50	"connect":                         "connect",
51	"costandusagereportservice":       "cur",
52	"datapipeline":                    "datapipeline",
53	"dax":                             "dax",
54	"devicefarm":                      "devicefarm",
55	"directconnect":                   "directconnect",
56	"applicationdiscoveryservice":     "discovery",
57	"databasemigrationservice":        "dms",
58	"directoryservice":                "ds",
59	"dynamodb":                        "dynamodb",
60	"ec2":                             "ec2",
61	"ecr":                             "ecr",
62	"ecs":                             "ecs",
63	"eks":                             "eks",
64	"elasticache":                     "elasticache",
65	"elasticbeanstalk":                "elasticbeanstalk",
66	"efs":                             "elasticfilesystem",
67	"elb":                             "elasticloadbalancing",
68	"elbv2":                           "elasticloadbalancing",
69	"emr":                             "elasticmapreduce",
70	"elastictranscoder":               "elastictranscoder",
71	"ses":                             "email",
72	"marketplaceentitlementservice":   "entitlement.marketplace",
73	"elasticsearchservice":            "es",
74	"cloudwatchevents":                "events",
75	"firehose":                        "firehose",
76	"fms":                             "fms",
77	"gamelift":                        "gamelift",
78	"glacier":                         "glacier",
79	"glue":                            "glue",
80	"greengrass":                      "greengrass",
81	"guardduty":                       "guardduty",
82	"health":                          "health",
83	"iam":                             "iam",
84	"inspector":                       "inspector",
85	"iotdataplane":                    "data.iot",
86	"iotjobsdataplane":                "data.jobs.iot",
87	"iot":                             "iot",
88	"iot1clickdevicesservice":         "devices.iot1click",
89	"iot1clickprojects":               "projects.iot1click",
90	"iotanalytics":                    "iotanalytics",
91	"kinesisvideoarchivedmedia":       "kinesisvideo",
92	"kinesisvideomedia":               "kinesisvideo",
93	"kinesis":                         "kinesis",
94	"kinesisanalytics":                "kinesisanalytics",
95	"kinesisvideo":                    "kinesisvideo",
96	"kms":                             "kms",
97	"lambda":                          "lambda",
98	"lexmodelbuildingservice":         "models.lex",
99	"lightsail":                       "lightsail",
100	"cloudwatchlogs":                  "logs",
101	"machinelearning":                 "machinelearning",
102	"marketplacecommerceanalytics":    "marketplacecommerceanalytics",
103	"mediaconvert":                    "mediaconvert",
104	"medialive":                       "medialive",
105	"mediapackage":                    "mediapackage",
106	"mediastoredata":                  "data.mediastore",
107	"mediastore":                      "mediastore",
108	"mediatailor":                     "api.mediatailor",
109	"marketplacemetering":             "metering.marketplace",
110	"mobile":                          "mobile",
111	"mobileanalytics":                 "mobileanalytics",
112	"cloudwatch":                      "monitoring",
113	"mq":                              "mq",
114	"mturk":                           "mturk-requester",
115	"neptune":                         "rds",
116	"opsworks":                        "opsworks",
117	"opsworkscm":                      "opsworks-cm",
118	"organizations":                   "organizations",
119	"pi":                              "pi",
120	"pinpoint":                        "pinpoint",
121	"polly":                           "polly",
122	"pricing":                         "api.pricing",
123	"rds":                             "rds",
124	"redshift":                        "redshift",
125	"rekognition":                     "rekognition",
126	"resourcegroups":                  "resource-groups",
127	"resourcegroupstaggingapi":        "tagging",
128	"route53":                         "route53",
129	"route53domains":                  "route53domains",
130	"lexruntimeservice":               "runtime.lex",
131	"sagemakerruntime":                "runtime.sagemaker",
132	"s3":                              "s3",
133	"sagemaker":                       "sagemaker",
134	"simpledb":                        "sdb",
135	"secretsmanager":                  "secretsmanager",
136	"serverlessapplicationrepository": "serverlessrepo",
137	"servicecatalog":                  "servicecatalog",
138	"servicediscovery":                "servicediscovery",
139	"shield":                          "shield",
140	"sms":                             "sms",
141	"snowball":                        "snowball",
142	"sns":                             "sns",
143	"sqs":                             "sqs",
144	"ssm":                             "ssm",
145	"sfn":                             "states",
146	"storagegateway":                  "storagegateway",
147	"dynamodbstreams":                 "streams.dynamodb",
148	"sts":                             "sts",
149	"support":                         "support",
150	"swf":                             "swf",
151	"transcribeservice":               "transcribe",
152	"translate":                       "translate",
153	"wafregional":                     "waf-regional",
154	"waf":                             "waf",
155	"workdocs":                        "workdocs",
156	"workmail":                        "workmail",
157	"workspaces":                      "workspaces",
158	"xray":                            "xray",