1 /******************************************************************************
2 * example.c
3 * Example for using bkisofs
4 * Author: Andrew Smith
5 * Compile with: cc example.c bk.a -o example
6 * */
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <time.h>
11 /* need to include bk.h for access to bkisofs functions and structures */
12 #include "bk.h"
14 void addProgressUpdaterCbk(VolInfo* volInfo);
15 void fatalError(const char* message);
16 void printNameAndContents(BkFileBase* item, int numSpaces);
17 void readProgressUpdaterCbk(VolInfo* volInfo);
18 void writeProgressUpdaterCbk(VolInfo* volInfo, double percentComplete);
main(int argv,char ** argc)20 int main( int argv, char** argc)
21 {
22     /* A variable of type VolInfo stores information about an image */
23     VolInfo volInfo;
24     /* bk functions return ints that need to be checked to see whether
25     * the functions were successful or not */
26     int rc;
28     if(argv != 2)
29         fatalError("Usage: example myfile.iso");
31     /* initialise volInfo, set it up to scan for duplicate files */
32     rc = bk_init_vol_info(&volInfo, true);
33     if(rc <= 0)
34         fatalError(bk_get_error_string(rc));
36     /* open the iso file (supplied as argument 1) */
37     rc = bk_open_image(&volInfo, argc[1]);
38     if(rc <= 0)
39         fatalError(bk_get_error_string(rc));
41     /* read information about the volume (required before reading directory tree) */
42     rc = bk_read_vol_info(&volInfo);
43     if(rc <= 0)
44         fatalError(bk_get_error_string(rc));
46     /* read the directory tree */
47     if(volInfo.filenameTypes & FNTYPE_ROCKRIDGE)
48         rc = bk_read_dir_tree(&volInfo, FNTYPE_ROCKRIDGE, true, readProgressUpdaterCbk);
49     else if(volInfo.filenameTypes & FNTYPE_JOLIET)
50         rc = bk_read_dir_tree(&volInfo, FNTYPE_JOLIET, false, readProgressUpdaterCbk);
51     else
52         rc = bk_read_dir_tree(&volInfo, FNTYPE_9660, false, readProgressUpdaterCbk);
53     if(rc <= 0)
54         fatalError(bk_get_error_string(rc));
56     /* add the file /etc/fstab to the root of the image */
57     rc = bk_add(&volInfo, "/etc/fstab", "/", addProgressUpdaterCbk);
58     if(rc <= 0)
59         fatalError(bk_get_error_string(rc));
61     /* print the entire directory tree */
62     printNameAndContents(BK_BASE_PTR( &(volInfo.dirTree) ), 0);
64     /* save the new ISO as /tmp/example.iso */
65     /* note that bkisofs will print some stuff to stdout when writing an ISO */
66     rc = bk_write_image("/tmp/example.iso", &volInfo, time(NULL),
67                         FNTYPE_9660 | FNTYPE_ROCKRIDGE | FNTYPE_JOLIET,
68                         writeProgressUpdaterCbk);
70     /* we're finished with this ISO, so clean up */
71     bk_destroy_vol_info(&volInfo);
73     return 0;
74 }
76 /* you can use this to update a progress bar or something */
addProgressUpdaterCbk(VolInfo * volInfo)77 void addProgressUpdaterCbk(VolInfo* volInfo)
78 {
79     printf("Add progress updater\n");
80 }
fatalError(const char * message)82 void fatalError(const char* message)
83 {
84     printf("Fatal error: %s\n", message);
85     exit(1);
86 }
printNameAndContents(BkFileBase * base,int numSpaces)88 void printNameAndContents(BkFileBase* base, int numSpaces)
89 {
90     int count;
92     /* print the spaces (indentation, for prettyness) */
93     for(count = 0; count < numSpaces; count++)
94         printf(" ");
96     if(IS_DIR(base->posixFileMode))
97     {
98         /* print name of the directory */
99         printf("%s (directory)\n", base->name);
101         /* print all the directory's children */
102         BkFileBase* child = BK_DIR_PTR(base)->children;
103         while(child != NULL)
104         {
105             printNameAndContents(child, numSpaces + 2);
106             child = child->next;
107         }
108     }
109     else if(IS_REG_FILE(base->posixFileMode))
110     {
111         /* print name and size of the file */
112         printf("%s (regular file), size %u\n", base->name, BK_FILE_PTR(base)->size);
113     }
114     else if(IS_SYMLINK(base->posixFileMode))
115     {
116         /* print name and target of the symbolic link */
117         printf("%s -> %s (symbolic link)\n", base->name, BK_SYMLINK_PTR(base)->target);
118     }
119 }
121 /* you can use this to update a progress bar or something */
readProgressUpdaterCbk(VolInfo * volInfo)122 void readProgressUpdaterCbk(VolInfo* volInfo)
123 {
124     printf("Read progress updater\n");
125 }
127 /* you can use this to update a progress bar or something */
writeProgressUpdaterCbk(VolInfo * volInfo,double percentComplete)128 void writeProgressUpdaterCbk(VolInfo* volInfo, double percentComplete)
129 {
130     printf("Write progress updater: ~%.2lf%% complete\n", percentComplete);
131 }