1// Copyright 2019 Istio Authors
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package mesh
17import (
18	"fmt"
19	"os"
20	"path/filepath"
21	"strings"
23	"gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
24	"k8s.io/client-go/rest"
26	"istio.io/api/operator/v1alpha1"
27	iopv1alpha1 "istio.io/istio/operator/pkg/apis/istio/v1alpha1"
28	"istio.io/istio/operator/pkg/apis/istio/v1alpha1/validation"
29	"istio.io/istio/operator/pkg/helm"
30	"istio.io/istio/operator/pkg/name"
31	"istio.io/istio/operator/pkg/tpath"
32	"istio.io/istio/operator/pkg/translate"
33	"istio.io/istio/operator/pkg/util"
34	"istio.io/istio/operator/pkg/util/clog"
35	"istio.io/istio/operator/pkg/validate"
36	"istio.io/istio/operator/version"
37	pkgversion "istio.io/pkg/version"
40// GenerateConfig creates an IstioOperatorSpec from the following sources, overlaid sequentially:
41// 1. Compiled in base, or optionally base from paths pointing to one or multiple ICP/IOP files at inFilenames.
42// 2. Profile overlay, if non-default overlay is selected. This also comes either from compiled in or path specified in IOP contained in inFilenames.
43// 3. User overlays stored in inFilenames.
44// 4. setOverlayYAML, which comes from --set flag passed to manifest command.
46// Note that the user overlay at inFilenames can optionally contain a file path to a set of profiles different from the
47// ones that are compiled in. If it does, the starting point will be the base and profile YAMLs at that file path.
48// Otherwise it will be the compiled in profile YAMLs.
49// In step 3, the remaining fields in the same user overlay are applied on the resulting profile base.
50// The force flag causes validation errors not to abort but only emit log/console warnings.
51func GenerateConfig(inFilenames []string, setFlags []string, force bool, kubeConfig *rest.Config,
52	l clog.Logger) (string, *v1alpha1.IstioOperatorSpec, error) {
53	if err := validateSetFlags(setFlags); err != nil {
54		return "", nil, err
55	}
57	fy, profile, err := readYamlProfile(inFilenames, setFlags, force, l)
58	if err != nil {
59		return "", nil, err
60	}
62	iopsString, iops, err := genIOPSFromProfile(profile, fy, setFlags, force, kubeConfig, l)
63	if err != nil {
64		return "", nil, err
65	}
67	errs, warning := validation.ValidateConfig(false, iops.Values, iops)
68	if warning != "" {
69		l.LogAndError(warning)
70	}
72	if errs.ToError() != nil {
73		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("generated config failed semantic validation: %v", errs)
74	}
75	return iopsString, iops, nil
78func readYamlProfile(inFilenames []string, setFlags []string, force bool, l clog.Logger) (string, string, error) {
79	profile := name.DefaultProfileName
80	// Get the overlay YAML from the list of files passed in. Also get the profile from the overlay files.
81	fy, fp, err := parseYAMLFiles(inFilenames, force, l)
82	if err != nil {
83		return "", "", err
84	}
85	if fp != "" {
86		profile = fp
87	}
88	// The profile coming from --set flag has the highest precedence.
89	psf := getValueForSetFlag(setFlags, "profile")
90	if psf != "" {
91		profile = psf
92	}
93	return fy, profile, nil
96// parseYAMLFiles parses the given slice of filenames containing YAML and merges them into a single IstioOperator
97// format YAML strings. It returns the overlay YAML, the profile name and error result.
98func parseYAMLFiles(inFilenames []string, force bool, l clog.Logger) (overlayYAML string, profile string, err error) {
99	if inFilenames == nil {
100		return "", "", nil
101	}
102	y, err := ReadLayeredYAMLs(inFilenames)
103	if err != nil {
104		return "", "", err
105	}
106	var fileOverlayIOP *iopv1alpha1.IstioOperator
107	fileOverlayIOP, err = validate.UnmarshalIOP(y)
108	if err != nil {
109		return "", "", err
110	}
111	if err := validate.ValidIOP(fileOverlayIOP); err != nil {
112		if !force {
113			return "", "", fmt.Errorf("validation errors (use --force to override): \n%s", err)
114		}
115		l.LogAndErrorf("Validation errors (continuing because of --force):\n%s", err)
116	}
117	if fileOverlayIOP.Spec != nil && fileOverlayIOP.Spec.Profile != "" {
118		if profile != "" && profile != fileOverlayIOP.Spec.Profile {
119			return "", "", fmt.Errorf("different profiles cannot be overlaid")
120		}
121		profile = fileOverlayIOP.Spec.Profile
122	}
123	return y, profile, nil
126// genIOPSFromProfile generates an IstioOperatorSpec from the given profile name or path, and overlay YAMLs from user
127// files and the --set flag. If successful, it returns an IstioOperatorSpec string and struct.
128func genIOPSFromProfile(profileOrPath, fileOverlayYAML string, setFlags []string, skipValidation bool,
129	kubeConfig *rest.Config, l clog.Logger) (string, *v1alpha1.IstioOperatorSpec, error) {
131	installPackagePath, err := getInstallPackagePath(fileOverlayYAML)
132	if err != nil {
133		return "", nil, err
134	}
135	if sfp := getValueForSetFlag(setFlags, "installPackagePath"); sfp != "" {
136		// set flag installPackagePath has the highest precedence, if set.
137		installPackagePath = sfp
138	}
140	// If installPackagePath is a URL, fetch and extract it and continue with the local filesystem path instead.
141	installPackagePath, profileOrPath, err = rewriteURLToLocalInstallPath(installPackagePath, profileOrPath, skipValidation)
142	if err != nil {
143		return "", nil, err
144	}
146	// To generate the base profileOrPath for overlaying with user values, we need the installPackagePath where the profiles
147	// can be found, and the selected profileOrPath. Both of these can come from either the user overlay file or --set flag.
148	outYAML, err := helm.GetProfileYAML(installPackagePath, profileOrPath)
149	if err != nil {
150		return "", nil, err
151	}
153	// Hub and tag are only known at build time and must be passed in here during runtime from build stamps.
154	outYAML, err = overlayHubAndTag(outYAML)
155	if err != nil {
156		return "", nil, err
157	}
159	// Merge k8s specific values.
160	if kubeConfig != nil {
161		kubeOverrides, err := getClusterSpecificValues(kubeConfig, skipValidation, l)
162		if err != nil {
163			return "", nil, err
164		}
165		installerScope.Infof("Applying Cluster specific settings: %v", kubeOverrides)
166		outYAML, err = util.OverlayYAML(outYAML, kubeOverrides)
167		if err != nil {
168			return "", nil, err
169		}
170	}
172	// Combine file and --set overlays and translate any K8s settings in values to IOP format. Users should not set
173	// these but we have to support this path until it's deprecated.
174	overlayYAML, err := overlaySetFlagValues(fileOverlayYAML, setFlags)
175	if err != nil {
176		return "", nil, err
177	}
178	mvs := version.OperatorBinaryVersion.MinorVersion
179	t, err := translate.NewReverseTranslator(mvs)
180	if err != nil {
181		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating values.yaml translator: %s", err)
182	}
183	overlayYAML, err = t.TranslateK8SfromValueToIOP(overlayYAML)
184	if err != nil {
185		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("could not overlay k8s settings from values to IOP: %s", err)
186	}
188	// Merge user file and --set flags.
189	outYAML, err = util.OverlayYAML(outYAML, overlayYAML)
190	if err != nil {
191		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("could not overlay user config over base: %s", err)
192	}
194	if err := name.ScanBundledAddonComponents(installPackagePath); err != nil {
195		return "", nil, err
196	}
197	// If enablement came from user values overlay (file or --set), translate into addonComponents paths and overlay that.
198	outYAML, err = translate.OverlayValuesEnablement(outYAML, overlayYAML, overlayYAML)
199	if err != nil {
200		return "", nil, err
201	}
203	// Grab just the IstioOperatorSpec subtree.
204	outYAML, err = tpath.GetSpecSubtree(outYAML)
205	if err != nil {
206		return "", nil, err
207	}
209	finalIOPS, err := unmarshalAndValidateIOPS(outYAML, skipValidation, l)
210	if err != nil {
211		return "", nil, err
212	}
213	// InstallPackagePath may have been a URL, change to extracted to local file path.
214	finalIOPS.InstallPackagePath = installPackagePath
215	return util.ToYAMLWithJSONPB(finalIOPS), finalIOPS, nil
218// rewriteURLToLocalInstallPath checks installPackagePath and if it is a URL, it tries to download and extract the
219// Istio release tar at the URL to a local file path. If successful, it returns the resulting local paths to the
220// installation charts and profile file.
221// If installPackagePath is not a URL, it returns installPackagePath and profileOrPath unmodified.
222func rewriteURLToLocalInstallPath(installPackagePath, profileOrPath string, skipValidation bool) (string, string, error) {
223	isURL, err := util.IsHTTPURL(installPackagePath)
224	if err != nil && !skipValidation {
225		return "", "", err
226	}
227	if isURL {
228		installPackagePath, err = fetchExtractInstallPackageHTTP(installPackagePath)
229		if err != nil {
230			return "", "", err
231		}
232		// Transform a profileOrPath like "default" or "demo" into a filesystem path like
233		// /tmp/istio-install-packages/istio-1.5.1/manifests/profiles/default.yaml OR
234		// /tmp/istio-install-packages/istio-1.5.1/install/kubernetes/operator/profiles/default.yaml (before 1.6).
235		baseDir := filepath.Join(installPackagePath, helm.OperatorSubdirFilePath15)
236		if _, err := os.Stat(baseDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
237			baseDir = filepath.Join(installPackagePath, helm.OperatorSubdirFilePath)
238		}
239		profileOrPath = filepath.Join(baseDir, "profiles", profileOrPath+".yaml")
240		// Rewrite installPackagePath to the local file path for further processing.
241		installPackagePath = baseDir
242	}
244	return installPackagePath, profileOrPath, nil
247// Due to the fact that base profile is compiled in before a tag can be created, we must allow an additional
248// override from variables that are set during release build time.
249func overlayHubAndTag(yml string) (string, error) {
250	hub := pkgversion.DockerInfo.Hub
251	tag := pkgversion.DockerInfo.Tag
252	out := yml
253	if hub != "unknown" && tag != "unknown" {
254		buildHubTagOverlayYAML, err := helm.GenerateHubTagOverlay(hub, tag)
255		if err != nil {
256			return "", err
257		}
258		out, err = util.OverlayYAML(yml, buildHubTagOverlayYAML)
259		if err != nil {
260			return "", err
261		}
262	}
263	return out, nil
266func getClusterSpecificValues(config *rest.Config, force bool, l clog.Logger) (string, error) {
267	overlays := []string{}
269	jwt, err := getJwtTypeOverlay(config, l)
270	if err != nil {
271		if force {
272			l.LogAndPrint(err)
273		} else {
274			return "", err
275		}
276	} else {
277		overlays = append(overlays, jwt)
278	}
280	return makeTreeFromSetList(overlays)
284func getJwtTypeOverlay(config *rest.Config, l clog.Logger) (string, error) {
285	jwtPolicy, err := util.DetectSupportedJWTPolicy(config)
286	if err != nil {
287		return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to determine JWT policy support. Use the --force flag to ignore this: %v", err)
288	}
289	if jwtPolicy == util.FirstPartyJWT {
290		// nolint: lll
291		l.LogAndPrint("Detected that your cluster does not support third party JWT authentication. " +
292			"Falling back to less secure first party JWT. See https://istio.io/docs/ops/best-practices/security/#configure-third-party-service-account-tokens for details.")
293	}
294	return "values.global.jwtPolicy=" + string(jwtPolicy), nil
297// unmarshalAndValidateIOPS unmarshals a string containing IstioOperator YAML, validates it, and returns a struct
298// representation if successful. If force is set, validation errors are written to logger rather than causing an
299// error.
300func unmarshalAndValidateIOPS(iopsYAML string, force bool, l clog.Logger) (*v1alpha1.IstioOperatorSpec, error) {
301	iops := &v1alpha1.IstioOperatorSpec{}
302	if err := util.UnmarshalWithJSONPB(iopsYAML, iops, false); err != nil {
303		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal merged YAML: %s\n\nYAML:\n%s", err, iopsYAML)
304	}
305	if errs := validate.CheckIstioOperatorSpec(iops, true); len(errs) != 0 && !force {
306		l.LogAndError("Run the command with the --force flag if you want to ignore the validation error and proceed.")
307		return iops, fmt.Errorf(errs.Error())
308	}
309	return iops, nil
312// getInstallPackagePath returns the installPackagePath in the given IstioOperator YAML string.
313func getInstallPackagePath(iopYAML string) (string, error) {
314	iop, err := validate.UnmarshalIOP(iopYAML)
315	if err != nil {
316		return "", err
317	}
318	if iop.Spec == nil {
319		return "", nil
320	}
321	return iop.Spec.InstallPackagePath, nil
324// validateSetFlags validates that setFlags all have path=value format.
325func validateSetFlags(setFlags []string) error {
326	for _, sf := range setFlags {
327		pv := strings.Split(sf, "=")
328		if len(pv) != 2 {
329			return fmt.Errorf("set flag %s has incorrect format, must be path=value", sf)
330		}
331	}
332	return nil
335// overlaySetFlagValues overlays each of the setFlags on top of the passed in IOP YAML string.
336func overlaySetFlagValues(iopYAML string, setFlags []string) (string, error) {
337	iop := make(map[string]interface{})
338	if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(iopYAML), &iop); err != nil {
339		return "", err
340	}
341	// Unmarshal returns nil for empty manifests but we need something to insert into.
342	if iop == nil {
343		iop = make(map[string]interface{})
344	}
346	for _, sf := range setFlags {
347		p, v := getPV(sf)
348		p = strings.TrimPrefix(p, "spec.")
349		inc, _, err := tpath.GetPathContext(iop, util.PathFromString("spec."+p), true)
350		if err != nil {
351			return "", err
352		}
353		// input value type is always string, transform it to correct type before setting.
354		if err := tpath.WritePathContext(inc, util.ParseValue(v), false); err != nil {
355			return "", err
356		}
357	}
359	out, err := yaml.Marshal(iop)
360	if err != nil {
361		return "", err
362	}
364	return string(out), nil
367// getValueForSetFlag parses the passed set flags which have format key=value and if any set the given path,
368// returns the corresponding value, otherwise returns the empty string. setFlags must have valid format.
369func getValueForSetFlag(setFlags []string, path string) string {
370	ret := ""
371	for _, sf := range setFlags {
372		p, v := getPV(sf)
373		if p == path {
374			ret = v
375		}
376		// if set multiple times, return last set value
377	}
378	return ret
381// getPV returns the path and value components for the given set flag string, which must be in path=value format.
382func getPV(setFlag string) (path string, value string) {
383	pv := strings.Split(setFlag, "=")
384	if len(pv) != 2 {
385		return setFlag, ""
386	}
387	path, value = strings.TrimSpace(pv[0]), strings.TrimSpace(pv[1])
388	return