2layout: "docs"
3page_title: "Helm - Kubernetes"
4sidebar_current: "docs-platform-k8s-helm"
5description: |-
6  The Consul Helm chart is the recommended way to install and configure Consul on Kubernetes. In addition to running Consul itself, the Helm chart is the primary method for installing and configuring Consul integrations with Kubernetes such as catalog syncing, Connect injection, and more.
9# Helm Chart
11The [Consul Helm chart](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-helm)
12is the recommended way to install and configure Consul on Kubernetes.
13In addition to running Consul itself, the Helm chart is the primary
14method for installing and configuring Consul integrations with
15Kubernetes such as catalog syncing, Connect injection, and more.
17This page assumes general knowledge of [Helm](https://helm.sh/) and
18how to use it. Using Helm to install Consul will require that Helm is
19properly installed and configured with your Kubernetes cluster.
21-> **Important:** The Helm chart is new and
22may still change significantly over time. Please always run Helm with
23`--dry-run` before any install or upgrade to verify changes.
25## Using the Helm Chart
27To use the Helm chart, you must download or clone the
28[consul-helm GitHub repository](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-helm)
29and run Helm against the directory. We plan to transition to using a real
30Helm repository soon. When running Helm, we highly recommend you always
31checkout a specific tagged release of the chart to avoid any
32instabilities from master.
34Prior to this, you must have Helm installed and configured both in your
35Kubernetes cluster and locally on your machine. The steps to do this are
36out of the scope of this document, please read the
37[Helm documentation](https://helm.sh/) for more information.
39Example chart usage:
42# Clone the chart repo
43$ git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-helm.git
44$ cd consul-helm
46# Checkout a tagged version
47$ git checkout v0.1.0
49# Run Helm
50$ helm install --dry-run ./
53~> **Warning:** By default, the chart will install _everything_: a
54Consul server cluster, client agents on all nodes, feature components, etc.
55This provides a nice out-of-box experience for new users, but may not be
56appropriate for a production setup. Considering setting the `global.enabled`
57value to `false` and opt-in to the various components.
59## Configuration (Values)
61The chart is highly customizable using
62[Helm configuration values](https://docs.helm.sh/using_helm/#customizing-the-chart-before-installing).
63Each value has a sane default tuned for an optimal getting started experience
64with Consul. Before going into production, please review the parameters below
65and consider if they're appropriate for your deployment.
67* <a name="v-global" href="#v-global">`global`</a> - These values are global values that affect multiple components of the chart.
69  - <a name="v-global-enabled" href="#v-global-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: true`) -
70  The master enabled/disabled configuration. If this is true, most components
71  will be installed by default. If this is false, no components will be installed
72  by default and manually opt-in is required, such as by setting
73  <a href="#v-">`server.enabled`</a> to true.
76  - <a name="v-global-domain" href="#v-global-domain">`domain`</a> (`string: "consul"`) -
77  The domain Consul uses for DNS queries. This is used to configure agents both
78  for DNS listening but also to know what domain to join to join the cluster.
79  This should be consistent throughout the chart, but can be overridden
80  per-component as well.
82  - <a name="v-global-image" href="#v-global-image">`image`</a> (`string: "consul:latest"`) -
83  The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the containers running
84  Consul agents. **This should be pinned to a specific version when running
85  in production.** Otherwise, other changes to the chart may inadvertently
86  upgrade your Consul version.
88  - <a name="v-global-imagek8s" href="#v-global-imagek8s">`imageK8S`</a> (`string: "hashicorp/consul-k8s:latest"`) -
89  The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the
90  [consul-k8s](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-k8s) binary. This is
91  used by components such as catalog sync. **This should be pinned to a specific
92  version when running in production.** Otherwise, other changes to the chart may
93  inadvertently upgrade the version.
95  - <a name="v-global-datacenter" href="#v-global-datacenter">`datacenter`</a> (`string: "dc1"`) -
96  The name of the datacenter that the agent cluster should register as.
97  This must not be changed once the cluster is bootstrapped and running,
98  since Consul doesn't yet support an automatic way to change this value.
101* <a name="v-server" href="#v-server">`server`</a> - Values that configure
102  running a Consul server cluster within Kubernetes.
104  - <a name="v-server-enabled" href="#v-server-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: global.enabled`) -
105  If true, the chart will install all the resources necessary for a Consul
106  server cluster. If you're running Consul externally and want agents within
107  Kubernetes to join that cluster, this should probably be false.
109  - <a name="v-server-image" href="#v-server-image">`image`</a> (`string: global.image`) -
110  The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the containers running
111  Consul server agents.
113  - <a name="v-server-replicas" href="#v-server-replicas">`replicas`</a> (`integer: 3`) -
114  The number of server agents to run. This determines the fault tolerance
115  of the cluster. Please see the [deployment table](/docs/internals/consensus.html#deployment-table)
116  for more information.
118  - <a name="v-server-bootstrapexpect" href="#v-server-bootstrapexpect">`bootstrapExpect`</a> (`integer: 3`) -
119  For new clusters, this is the number of servers to wait for before
120  performing the initial leader election and bootstrap of the cluster. This
121  must be less than or equal to `server.replicas`. This value is only
122  used when bootstrapping new clusters, it has no effect during ongoing cluster
123  maintenance.
125  - <a name="v-server-connect" href="#v-server-connect">`connect`</a> (`boolean: true`) -
126  This will enable/disable [Connect](/docs/connect/index.html). Setting this
127  to true _will not_ automatically secure pod communication, this setting will
128  only enable usage of the feature. Consul will automatically initialize a new
129  CA and set of certificates. Additional Connect settings can be configured
130  by setting the `server.extraConfig` value.
132  - <a name="v-server-disruptionbudget" href="#v-server-disruptionbudget">`disruptionBudget`</a> -
133  This configures the
134  [PodDisruptionBudget](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/)
135  for the server cluster.
137      * <a name="v-server-disruptionbudget-enabled" href="#v-server-disruptionbudget-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: true`) -
138      This will enable/disable registering a PodDisruptionBudget for
139      the server cluster. If this is enabled, it will only register the
140      budget so long as the server cluster is enabled.
142      * <a name="v-server-disruptionbudget-maxunavailable" href="#v-server-disruptionbudget-maxunavailable">`maxUnavailable`</a> (`integer: null`) -
143      The maximum number of unavailable pods. By default, this will be automatically
144      computed based on the `server.replicas` value to be `(n/2)-1`.
146  - <a name="v-server-extraconfig" href="#v-server-extraconfig">`extraConfig`</a> (`string: "{}"`) -
147  A raw string of extra JSON or HCL configuration for Consul servers. This
148  will be saved as-is into a ConfigMap that is read by the Consul server agents.
149  This can be used to add additional configuration that isn't directly exposed
150  by the chart.
152  - <a name="v-server-extravolumes" href="#v-server-extravolumes">`extraVolumes`</a> (`array: []`) -
153  A list of extra volumes to mount for server agents. This is useful for bringing
154  in extra data that can be referenced by other configurations at a well known
155  path, such as TLS certificates or Gossip encryption keys.
156  The value of this should be a list of objects. Each object has the following
157  supports the following keys:
159      * <a name="v-server-extravolumes-type" href="#v-server-extravolumes-type">`type`</a> (`string: required`) -
160      Type of the volume, must be one of "configMap" or "secret". Case sensitive.
162      * <a name="v-server-extravolumes-name" href="#v-server-extravolumes-name">`name`</a> (`string: required`) -
163      Name of the configMap or secret to be mounted. This also controls the path
164      that it is mounted to. The volume will be mounted to `/config/userconfig/<name>`.
166      * <a name="v-server-extravolumes-load" href="#v-server-extravolumes-load">`load`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
167      If true, then the agent will be configured to automatically load HCL/JSON
168      configuration files from this volume with `-config-dir`. This defaults
169      to false.
171  - <a name="v-server-resources" href="#v-server-resources">`resources`</a> (`object: {}`) -
172  The resource requests (CPU, memory, etc.) for each of the server agents.
173  This should be an object mapping directly to a Kubernetes
174  [ResourceRequirements](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.11/#resourcerequirements-v1-core) object. If this isn't specified, then the pods
175  won't request any specific amount of resources. **Setting this is highly
176  recommended.**
178  - <a name="v-server-storage" href="#v-server-storage">`storage`</a> (`string: "10Gi"`) -
179  The amount of storage to request for the persistant volume backing the
180  Consul server data.
182  - <a name="v-server-updatepartition" href="#v-server-updatepartition">`updatePartition`</a> (`integer: 0`) -
183  This value is used to carefully control a rolling update of Consul server
184  agents. This value specifies the
185  [partition](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#partitions)
186  for performing a rolling update. Please read the linked Kubernetes
187  documentation for more information.
189* <a name="v-client" href="#v-client">`client`</a> - Values that configure
190  running a Consul client agent on Kubernetes nodes.
192  - <a name="v-client-enabled" href="#v-client-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: global.enabled`) -
193  If true, the chart will install all the resources necessary for a Consul
194  client on every Kubernetes node. This _does not_ require `server.enabled`,
195  since the agents can be configured to join an external cluster.
197  - <a name="v-client-image" href="#v-client-image">`image`</a> (`string: global.image`) -
198  The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the containers running
199  Consul client agents.
201  - <a name="v-client-grpc" href="#v-client-grpc">`grpc`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
202  If true, agents will enable their GRPC listener on port 8502 and expose
203  it to the host. This will use slightly more resources, but is required for
204  [Connect](/docs/platform/k8s/connect.html).
206  - <a name="v-client-extraconfig" href="#v-client-extraconfig">`extraConfig`</a> (`string: "{}"`) -
207  A raw string of extra JSON or HCL configuration for Consul clients. This
208  will be saved as-is into a ConfigMap that is read by the Consul agents.
209  This can be used to add additional configuration that isn't directly exposed
210  by the chart.
212  - <a name="v-client-extravolumes" href="#v-client-extravolumes">`extraVolumes`</a> (`array: []`) -
213  A list of extra volumes to mount for client agents. This is useful for bringing
214  in extra data that can be referenced by other configurations at a well known
215  path, such as TLS certificates or Gossip encryption keys.
216  The value of this should be a list of objects. Each object has the following
217  supports the following keys:
219      * <a name="v-client-extravolumes-type" href="#v-client-extravolumes-type">`type`</a> (`string: required`) -
220      Type of the volume, must be one of "configMap" or "secret". Case sensitive.
222      * <a name="v-client-extravolumes-name" href="#v-client-extravolumes-name">`name`</a> (`string: required`) -
223      Name of the configMap or secret to be mounted. This also controls the path
224      that it is mounted to. The volume will be mounted to `/config/userconfig/<name>`.
226      * <a name="v-client-extravolumes-load" href="#v-client-extravolumes-load">`load`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
227      If true, then the agent will be configured to automatically load HCL/JSON
228      configuration files from this volume with `-config-dir`. This defaults
229      to false.
231  - <a name="v-client-join" href="#v-client-join">`join`</a> (`array<string>: null`) -
232  A list of values to specify to `-retry-join`. If this is `null` (default),
233  then the clients will attempt to automatically join the server cluster
234  running within Kubernetes. This means that with `server.enabled` set to true,
235  clients will automatically join that cluster. If `server.enabled` is not
236  true, then a value must be specified so the clients can join a valid cluster.
238  - <a name="v-client-resources" href="#v-client-resources">`resources`</a> (`object: {}`) -
239  The resource requests (CPU, memory, etc.) for each of the client agents.
240  This should be an object mapping directly to a Kubernetes
241  [ResourceRequirements](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.11/#resourcerequirements-v1-core) object. If this isn't specified, then the pods
242  won't request any specific amount of resources.
244* <a name="v-dns" href="#v-dns">`dns`</a> - Values that configure the Consul DNS service.
246  - <a name="v-dns-enabled" href="#v-dns-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: global.enabled`) -
247  If true, a `consul-dns` service will be created that exposes port 53 for
248  TCP and UDP to the running Consul agents (servers and clients). This can
249  then be used to [configure kube-dns](/docs/platform/k8s/dns.html). The Helm
250  chart _does not_ automatically configure kube-dns.
252* <a name="v-synccatalog" href="#v-synccatalog">`syncCatalog`</a> - Values that
253  configure running the [service sync](/docs/platform/k8s/service-sync.html)
254  process.
256  - <a name="v-synccatalog-enabled" href="#v-synccatalog-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
257  If true, the chart will install all the resources necessary for the
258  catalog sync process to run.
260  - <a name="v-synccatalog-image" href="#v-synccatalog-image">`image`</a> (`string: global.imageK8S`) -
261  The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for
262  [consul-k8s](/docs/platform/k8s/index.html#quot-consul-k8s-quot-project)
263  to run the sync program.
265  - <a name="v-synccatalog-k8sprefix" href="#v-synccatalog-k8sprefix">`k8sPrefix`</a> (`string: ""`) -
266  A prefix to prepend to all services registered in Kubernetes from Consul.
267  This defaults to `""` where no prefix is prepended; Consul services are
268  synced with the same name to Kubernetes.
270  - <a name="v-synccatalog-toconsul" href="#v-synccatalog-toconsul">`toConsul`</a> (`boolean: true`) -
271  If true, will sync Kubernetes services to Consul. This can be disabled to
272  have a one-way sync.
274  - <a name="v-synccatalog-tok8s" href="#v-synccatalog-tok8s">`toK8S`</a> (`boolean: true`) -
275  If true, will sync Consul services to Kubernetes. This can be disabled to
276  have a one-way sync.
278* <a name="v-ui" href="#v-ui">`ui`</a> - Values that configure the Consul UI.
280  - <a name="v-ui-enabled" href="#v-ui-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: global.enabled`) -
281  If true, the UI will be enabled. This will only _enable_ the UI, it doesn't
282  automatically register any service for external access. The UI will only
283  be enabled on server agents. If `server.enabled` is false, then this setting
284  has no effect. To expose the UI in some way, you must configure
285  `ui.service`.
287  - <a name="v-ui-service" href="#v-ui-service">`service`</a> -
288  This configures the `Service` resource registered for the Consul UI.
290      * <a name="v-ui-service-enabled" href="#v-ui-service-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: true`) -
291      This will enable/disable registering a Kubernetes Service for the Consul UI.
292      This value only takes effect if `ui.enabled` is true and taking effect.
294      * <a name="v-ui-service-type" href="#v-ui-service-type">`type`</a> (`string: null`) -
295      The service type to register. This defaults to `null` which doesn't set
296      an explicit service type, which typically is defaulted to "ClusterIP"
297      by Kubernetes. The available service types are documented on
298      [the Kubernetes website](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types).
300* <a name="v-connectinject" href="#v-connectinject">`connectInject`</a> - Values that
301  configure running the [Connect injector](/docs/platform/k8s/connect.html).
303  - <a name="v-connectinject-enabled" href="#v-connectinject-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
304  If true, the chart will install all the resources necessary for the
305  Connect injector process to run. This will enable the injector but will
306  require pods to opt-in with an annotation by default.
308  - <a name="v-connectinject-imageConsul" href="#v-connectinject-imageConsul">`imageConsul`</a> (`string: global.image`) -
309  The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for Consul. This is used
310  for proxy service registration, Envoy configuration, etc.
312  - <a name="v-connectinject-imageEnvoy" href="#v-connectinject-imageEnvoy">`imageEnvoy`</a> (`string: ""`) -
313  The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the Envoy sidecar.
314  `envoy` must be on the executable path within this image. This Envoy
315  version must be compatible with the Consul version used by the injector.
316  This defaults to letting the injector choose the Envoy image, which is
317  usually `envoy/envoy-alpine`.
319  - <a name="v-connectinject-default" href="#v-connectinject-default">`default`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
320  If true, the injector will inject the Connect sidecar into all pods by
321  default. Otherwise, pods must specify the
322  [injection annotation](/docs/platform/k8s/connect.html#consul-hashicorp-com-connect-inject)
323  to opt-in to Connect injection. If this is true, pods can use the same
324  annotation to explicitly opt-out of injection.
326  - <a name="v-connectinject-namespaceselector" href="#v-connectinject-namespaceselector">`namespaceSelector`</a> (`string: ""`) -
327  A [selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/)
328  for restricting injection to only matching namespaces. By default
329  all namespaces except the system namespace will have injection enabled.
331  - <a name="v-connectinject-certs" href="#v-connectinject-certs">`certs`</a> -
332  The certs section configures how the webhook TLS certs are configured.
333  These are the TLS certs for the Kube apiserver communicating to the
334  webhook. By default, the injector will generate and manage its own certs,
335  but this requires the ability for the injector to update its own
336  `MutatingWebhookConfiguration`. In a production environment, custom certs
337  should probably be used. Configure the values below to enable this.
339      * <a name="v-connectinject-certs-secretname" href="#v-connectinject-certs-secretname">`secretName`</a> (`string: null`) -
340      secretName is the name of the Kubernetes secret that has the TLS certificate and
341      private key to serve the injector webhook. If this is null, then the
342      injector will default to its automatic management mode.
344      * <a name="v-connectinject-cabundle" href="#v-connectinject-cabundle">`caBundle`</a> (`string: ""`) -
345      The PEM-encoded CA public certificate bundle for the TLS certificate served by the
346      injector. This must be specified as a string and can't come from a
347      secret because it must be statically configured on the Kubernetes
348      `MutatingAdmissionWebhook` resource. This only needs to be specified
349      if `secretName` is not null.
351      * <a name="v-connectinject-certs-certname" href="#v-connectinject-certs-certname">`certName`</a> (`string: "tls.crt"`) -
352      The name of the certificate file within the `secretName` secret.
354      * <a name="v-connectinject-certs-keynamkeyname" href="#v-connectinject-certs-keyname">`keyName`</a> (`string: "tls.key"`) -
355      The name of the private key for the certificate file within the
356      `secretName` secret.