1<h4 class="title is-5 is-marginless">
2  Disable Replication
4<div class="content">
5  <p>
6    Disable {{replicationDisplayMode}} Replication entirely on the cluster.
7    {{#if model.replicationAttrs.isPrimary}}
8      Any secondaries will no longer be able to connect.
9    {{else if (eq model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl 'bootstrapping')}}
10      <br>
11      Since the cluster is currently bootstrapping, we need to know which mode to disable.
12      Be sure to choose it below.
13      <label for="replication-mode" class="is-label">
14        Replication cluster mode
15      </label>
16      <div class="field is-expanded">
17        <div class="control select is-fullwidth">
18          <select onchange={{action (mut mode) value="target.value"}} id="replication-mode" name="replication-mode">
19            {{#each (array 'primary' 'secondary') as |modeOption|}}
20              <option
21                selected={{if mode (eq mode modeOption) (eq modeOption 'primary')}}
22                value={{modeOption}}
23              >
24                {{modeOption}}
25              </option>
26            {{/each}}
27          </select>
28        </div>
29      </div>
30    {{else}}
31      The cluster will no longer be able to connect to the primary.
32    {{/if}}
33    <AlertInline
34      @type="danger"
35      @message="Caution: re-enabling this node as a primary or secondary will change its cluster ID."
36    />
37  </p>
38  <p>
39    In the secondary case this means a wipe of the
40    underlying storage when connected to a primary, and in the primary case,
41    secondaries connecting back to the cluster (even if they have connected
42    before) will require a wipe of the underlying storage.
43  </p>
45<div class="field">
46  <div class="control">
47    <ConfirmAction
48      @buttonClasses="button is-primary"
49      @confirmTitle="Disable this cluster?"
50      @confirmMessage="Data in this cluster will no longer be replicated."
51      @confirmButtonText="Disable"
52      @horizontalPosition="auto-left"
53      @onConfirmAction={{action
54        "onSubmit"
55        "disable"
56        (if
57          (eq model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl 'bootstrapping')
58          mode
59          model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl
60        )
61      }}
62      data-test-disable-replication="true"
63    >
64      Disable Replication
65    </ConfirmAction>
66  </div>