1{{#if (not (has-feature "DR Replication"))}}
2  {{upgrade-page title="Replication"}}
3{{else if (or cluster.allReplicationDisabled cluster.replicationAttrs.replicationDisabled)}}
4  <PageHeader as |p|>
5    <p.levelLeft>
6      <h1 class="title is-3">
7        {{#if initialReplicationMode}}
8          {{#if (eq initialReplicationMode 'dr')}}
9            Enable Disaster Recovery Replication
10          {{else if (eq initialReplicationMode 'performance')}}
11            Enable Performance Replication
12          {{/if}}
13        {{else}}
14          Enable Replication
15        {{/if}}
16      </h1>
17    </p.levelLeft>
18  </PageHeader>
20  <form
21    onsubmit={{
22      action
23        "onSubmit"
24        "enable"
25        (or mode 'primary')
26        (hash
27          token=token
28          primary_cluster_addr=primary_cluster_addr
29          primary_api_addr=primary_api_addr
30          ca_file=ca_file
31          ca_path=ca_path
32          replicationMode=replicationMode
33          )
34      }}
35    >
36    <div class="box is-sideless is-fullwidth is-marginless">
37      {{message-error errors=errors}}
38      {{#if initialReplicationMode}}
39        {{#if (eq initialReplicationMode 'dr')}}
40          <h3 class="title is-flex-center is-5 is-marginless">
41            <Icon
42              @size="xl"
43              aria-hidden="true"
44              @glyph="replication"
45            />
46            Disaster Recovery (DR) Replication
47          </h3>
48          <p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
49            DR is designed to protect against catastrophic failure of entire clusters. Secondaries do not forward service requests (until they are elected and become a new primary).
50          </p>
51        {{else if (eq initialReplicationMode 'performance')}}
52          <h3 class="title is-flex-center is-5 is-marginless">
53            <Icon
54              @size="xl"
55              aria-hidden="true"
56              @glyph="perf-replication"
57            />
58            Performance Replication
59          </h3>
60          {{#if (not (has-feature "Performance Replication"))}}
61            <p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
62              Performance Replication is a feature of Vault Enterprise Premium
63            </p>
64          {{else}}
65            <p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
66              Performance replication scales workloads horizontally across clusters to make requests faster. Local secondaries handle read requests but forward writes to the primary to be handled.
67            </p>
68          {{/if}}
69        {{/if}}
70      {{else}}
71        <p class="has-text-grey-dark box is-shadowless is-fullwidth has-slim-padding">
72          <label for="replication-mode" class="is-label is-block">
73            Type of replication
74          </label>
75          In both Performance and Disaster Recovery (DR) Replication, secondaries share the underlying configuration, policies, and supporting secrets as their primary cluster.
76        </p>
77        <div class="columns">
78          <div class="column is-flex">
79            <label for="dr" class="box-label is-column {{if (eq replicationMode 'dr') 'is-selected'}}">
80              <div>
81                <h3 class="box-label-header title is-6">
82                  <Icon
83                    @size="xl"
84                    aria-hidden="true"
85                    @glyph="replication"
86                  />
87                  Disaster Recovery (DR)
88                </h3>
89                <p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
90                  DR is designed to protect against catastrophic failure of entire clusters. Secondaries do not forward service requests (until they are elected and become a new primary).
91                </p>
92              </div>
93              <div>
94                {{radio-button
95                  value="dr"
96                  groupValue=replicationMode
97                  name="replication-mode"
98                  radioId="dr"
99                }}
100                <label for="dr" data-test-replication-type-select="dr"></label>
101              </div>
102            </label>
103          </div>
104          <div class="column is-flex">
105            <label for="performance" class="box-label is-column {{if (eq replicationMode 'performance') 'is-selected'}}">
106              <div>
107                <h3 class="box-label-header title is-6">
108                  <Icon
109                    @size="xl"
110                    aria-hidden="true"
111                    @glyph="perf-replication"
112                  />
113                   Performance
114                </h3>
115                {{#if (not (has-feature "Performance Replication"))}}
116                  <p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
117                    Performance Replication is a feature of Vault Enterprise Premium
118                  </p>
119                {{else}}
120                  <p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
121                    Performance Replication scales workloads horizontally across clusters to make requests faster. Local secondaries handle read requests but forward writes to the primary to be handled.
122                  </p>
123                {{/if}}
124              </div>
125              <div>
126                {{#if (has-feature "Performance Replication")}}
127                  {{radio-button
128                    value="performance"
129                    groupValue=replicationMode
130                    name="replication-mode"
131                    classNames="box columns is-centered"
132                    radioId="performance"
133                  }}
134                  <label for="performance" data-test-replication-type-select="performance"></label>
135                {{/if}}
136              </div>
137            </label>
138          </div>
139        </div>
140      {{/if}}
141    </div>
142    <div class="box is-sideless is-fullwidth is-marginless">
143      <label for="replication-mode" class="is-label">
144        Cluster mode
145      </label>
146      <div class="field is-expanded">
147        <div class="control select is-fullwidth">
148          <select onchange={{action (mut mode) value="target.value"}} id="replication-mode" name="replication-mode" data-test-replication-cluster-mode-select=true>
149            {{#each (array 'primary' 'secondary') as |modeOption|}}
150              <option
151                selected={{if mode (eq mode modeOption) (eq modeOption 'primary')}}
152                value={{modeOption}}
153              >
154                {{modeOption}}
155              </option>
156            {{/each}}
157          </select>
158        </div>
159        {{#if (eq mode 'secondary')}}
160          <AlertInline
161            @class="has-top"
162            @type="warning"
163            @message="This will immediately clear all data in this cluster!"
164          />
165        {{/if}}
166      </div>
167      {{#if (eq mode 'primary')}}
168        {{#if cluster.canEnablePrimary}}
169          <div class="field">
170            <label for="primary_cluster_addr" class="is-label">
171              Primary cluster address <em class="is-optional">(optional)</em>
172            </label>
173            <div class="control">
174              {{input  class="input" id="primary_cluster_addr" name="primary_cluster_addr" value=primary_cluster_addr}}
175            </div>
176            <p class="help has-text-grey">
177              Overrides the cluster address that the primary gives to secondary nodes.
178            </p>
179          </div>
180        {{else}}
181          <p>
182            The token you are using is not authorized to enable primary replication.
183          </p>
184        {{/if}}
185      {{else}}
186        {{#if cluster.canEnableSecondary}}
187          {{#if (and
188              (eq replicationMode 'dr')
189              (not cluster.performance.replicationDisabled)
190              (has-feature "Performance Replication")
191            )
192          }}
193            <div class="has-text-danger">
194              {{toggle-button
195                toggleTarget=this
196                toggleAttr='showExplanation'
197                openLabel="Disable Performance Replication in order to enable this cluster as a DR secondary."
198                closedLabel="Disable Performance Replication in order to enable this cluster as a DR secondary."
199                class="has-text-danger"
200              }}
201              {{#if showExplanation}}
202                <p>
203                  When running as a DR Secondary Vault is read only.
204                  For this reason, we don't allow other Replication modes to operate at the same time. This cluster is also
205                  currently operating as a Performance {{capitalize cluster.performance.modeForUrl}}.
206                </p>
207              {{/if}}
208            </div>
209          {{else}}
210            <div class="field">
211              <label for="secondary-token" class="is-label">
212                Secondary activation token
213              </label>
214              <div class="control">
215                {{textarea value=token id="secondary-token" name="secondary-token" class="textarea"}}
216              </div>
217            </div>
218            <div class="field">
219              <label for="primary_api_addr" class="is-label">
220                Primary API address {{#unless (and token (not tokenIncludesAPIAddr))}}<em class="is-optional">(optional)</em>{{/unless}}
221              </label>
222              <div class="control">
223                {{input value=primary_api_addr id="primary_api_addr" name="primary_api_addr" class="input"}}
224              </div>
225              <p class="help {{if (and token (not tokenIncludesAPIAddr)) 'is-danger' 'has-text-grey'}}">
226                {{#if (and token (not tokenIncludesAPIAddr))}}
227                  The supplied token does not contain an embedded address for the primary cluster. Please enter the primary cluster's API address (normal Vault address).
228                {{else}}
229                  Set this to the API address (normal Vault address) to override the
230                  value embedded in the token.
231                {{/if}}
232              </p>
233            </div>
234            <div class="field">
235              <label for="ca_file" class="is-label">
236                CA file <em class="is-optional">(optional)</em>
237              </label>
238              <div class="control">
239                {{input value=ca_file id="ca_file" name="ca_file" class="input"}}
240              </div>
241              <p class="help has-text-grey">
242                Specifies the path to a CA root file (PEM format) that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.
243              </p>
244            </div>
245            <div class="field">
246              <label for="ca_path" class="is-label">
247                CA path <em class="is-optional">(optional)</em>
248              </label>
249              <div class="control">
250                {{input value=ca_path id="ca_path" name="ca_file" class="input"}}
251              </div>
252              <p class="help has-text-grey">
253                Specifies the path to a CA root directory containing PEM-format files that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.
254              </p>
255            </div>
256            <p>
257              Note: If both <code>CA file</code> and <code>CA path</code> are not given, they default to system CA roots.
258            </p>
259          {{/if}}
260        {{else}}
261          <p>The token you are using is not authorized to enable secondary replication.</p>
262        {{/if}}
263      {{/if}}
264    </div>
265    {{#if (or (and (eq mode 'primary') cluster.canEnablePrimary) (and (eq mode 'secondary') cluster.canEnableSecondary))}}
266      <div class="field is-grouped box is-fullwidth is-bottomless">
267        <div class="control">
268          <button type="submit" class="button is-primary" disabled={{disallowEnable}} data-test-replication-enable=true>
269            Enable Replication
270          </button>
271        </div>
272      </div>
273    {{/if}}
274  </form>
275{{else if showModeSummary}}
276  <PageHeader as |p|>
277    <p.levelLeft>
278      <h1 class="title is-3">
279        Replication
280      </h1>
281    </p.levelLeft>
282  </PageHeader>
283  <div class="box is-sideless is-fullwidth is-marginless">
284    <h3 class="title is-flex-center is-5 is-marginless">
285      <Icon
286        @size="xl"
287        aria-hidden="true"
288        @glyph="replication"
289      />
290      Disaster Recovery (DR)
291    </h3>
292    {{#if cluster.dr.replicationEnabled}}
293      {{#link-to
294        "mode.index"
295        "dr"
296        class="link-plain"
297      }}
298        {{replication-mode-summary
299          mode="dr"
300          cluster=cluster
301          tagName="span"
302        }}
303      {{/link-to}}
304    {{else}}
305      {{replication-mode-summary
306        mode="dr"
307        cluster=cluster
308        tagName="div"
309      }}
310    {{/if}}
311  </div>
312  <div class="box is-bottomless is-fullwidth is-marginless">
313    <h3 class="title is-flex-center is-5 is-marginless">
314      <Icon
315        @size="xl"
316        aria-hidden="true"
317        @glyph="perf-replication"
318      />
319      Performance
320    </h3>
321    {{#if cluster.dr.replicationEnabled}}
322      {{#link-to
323        "mode.index"
324        "performance"
325        class="link-plain"
326      }}
327        {{replication-mode-summary
328          mode="performance"
329          cluster=cluster
330          tagName="span"
331        }}
332      {{/link-to}}
333    {{else}}
334      {{replication-mode-summary
335        mode="performance"
336        cluster=cluster
337        tagName="div"
338      }}
339    {{/if}}
340  </div>
342  {{#if (eq replicationAttrs.mode 'initializing')}}
343    The cluster is initializing replication. This may take some time.
344  {{else}}
345    {{info-table-row label="Mode" value=replicationAttrs.mode}}
346    {{info-table-row label="Replication set" value=replicationAttrs.clusterId}}
347    {{info-table-row label="Secondary ID" value=replicationAttrs.secondaryId}}
348    {{info-table-row label="State" value=replicationAttrs.state}}
349    {{info-table-row label="Primary cluster address" value=replicationAttrs.primaryClusterAddr}}
350    {{info-table-row label="Replication state" value=replicationAttrs.replicationState}}
351    {{info-table-row label="Last WAL entry" value=replicationAttrs.lastWAL}}
352    {{info-table-row label="Last Remote WAL entry" value=replicationAttrs.lastRemoteWAL}}
353    {{info-table-row label="Merkle root index" value=replicationAttrs.merkleRoot}}
354    {{#if replicationAttrs.syncProgress}}
355      {{info-table-row label="Sync progress" value=(concat replicationAttrs.syncProgress.progress '/' replicationAttrs.syncProgress.total)}}
356    {{/if}}
357  {{/if}}