2# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
4# Copyright (C) 2005-2017 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
6# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9# (at your option) any later version.
11# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14# GNU General Public License for more details.
16# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21package ipmi;
23use strict;
24use warnings;
25use Monitorix;
26use RRDs;
27use POSIX qw(strftime);
28use Exporter 'import';
29our @EXPORT = qw(ipmi_init ipmi_update ipmi_cgi);
31sub ipmi_init {
32	my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
33	my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
34	my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
35	my $ipmi = $config->{ipmi};
37	my $info;
38	my @ds;
39	my @rra;
40	my @tmp;
41	my $n;
43	my @average;
44	my @min;
45	my @max;
46	my @last;
48	if(-e $rrd) {
49		$info = RRDs::info($rrd);
50		for my $key (keys %$info) {
51			if(index($key, 'ds[') == 0) {
52				if(index($key, '.type') != -1) {
53					push(@ds, substr($key, 3, index($key, ']') - 3));
54				}
55			}
56			if(index($key, 'rra[') == 0) {
57				if(index($key, '.rows') != -1) {
58					push(@rra, substr($key, 4, index($key, ']') - 4));
59				}
60			}
61		}
62		if(scalar(@ds) / 9 != scalar(my @fl = split(',', $ipmi->{list}))) {
63			logger("$myself: Detected size mismatch between 'list' (" . scalar(my @fl = split(',', $ipmi->{list})) . ") and $rrd (" . scalar(@ds) / 9 . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historical data will be lost. Backup file created.");
64			rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
65		}
66		if(scalar(@rra) < 12 + (4 * $config->{max_historic_years})) {
67			logger("$myself: Detected size mismatch between 'max_historic_years' (" . $config->{max_historic_years} . ") and $rrd (" . ((scalar(@rra) -12) / 4) . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historical data will be lost. Backup file created.");
68			rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
69		}
70	}
72	if(!(-e $rrd)) {
73		logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
74		for($n = 1; $n <= $config->{max_historic_years}; $n++) {
75			push(@average, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:" . (365 * $n));
76			push(@min, "RRA:MIN:0.5:1440:" . (365 * $n));
77			push(@max, "RRA:MAX:0.5:1440:" . (365 * $n));
78			push(@last, "RRA:LAST:0.5:1440:" . (365 * $n));
79		}
80		for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @sl = split(',', $ipmi->{list})); $n++) {
81			push(@tmp, "DS:ipmi" . $n . "_s1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
82			push(@tmp, "DS:ipmi" . $n . "_s2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
83			push(@tmp, "DS:ipmi" . $n . "_s3:GAUGE:120:0:U");
84			push(@tmp, "DS:ipmi" . $n . "_s4:GAUGE:120:0:U");
85			push(@tmp, "DS:ipmi" . $n . "_s5:GAUGE:120:0:U");
86			push(@tmp, "DS:ipmi" . $n . "_s6:GAUGE:120:0:U");
87			push(@tmp, "DS:ipmi" . $n . "_s7:GAUGE:120:0:U");
88			push(@tmp, "DS:ipmi" . $n . "_s8:GAUGE:120:0:U");
89			push(@tmp, "DS:ipmi" . $n . "_s9:GAUGE:120:0:U");
90		}
91		eval {
92			RRDs::create($rrd,
93				"--step=60",
94				@tmp,
95				"RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1440",
96				"RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:30:336",
97				"RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:744",
98				@average,
99				"RRA:MIN:0.5:1:1440",
100				"RRA:MIN:0.5:30:336",
101				"RRA:MIN:0.5:60:744",
102				@min,
103				"RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1440",
104				"RRA:MAX:0.5:30:336",
105				"RRA:MAX:0.5:60:744",
106				@max,
107				"RRA:LAST:0.5:1:1440",
108				"RRA:LAST:0.5:30:336",
109				"RRA:LAST:0.5:60:744",
110				@last,
111			);
112		};
113		my $err = RRDs::error;
114		if($@ || $err) {
115			logger("$@") unless !$@;
116			if($err) {
117				logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
118				if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
119					logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
120				}
121			}
122			return;
123		}
124	}
126	$config->{ipmi_hist_alerts} = ();
127	push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
128	logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
131sub ipmi_update {
132	my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
133	my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
134	my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
135	my $ipmi = $config->{ipmi};
136	my $args = $ipmi->{extra_args} || "";
138	my @sens;
140	my $n;
141	my $str;
142	my $rrdata = "N";
144	if(!open(IN, "ipmitool $args sdr |")) {
145		logger("$myself: unable to execute 'ipmitool'. $!");
146		return;
147	}
148	my @data = <IN>;
149	close(IN);
151	my $e = 0;
152	while($e < scalar(my @sl = split(',', $ipmi->{list}))) {
153		my $e2 = 0;
154		foreach my $i (split(',', $ipmi->{desc}->{$e})) {
155			my $unit;
157			$sens[$e][$e2] = 0 unless defined $sens[$e][$e2];
158			$str = trim($i);
159			$unit = $ipmi->{units}->{$e};
160			foreach(@data) {
161				if(/^($str)\s+\|\s+(\d+\.*\d*)\s+$unit\s+/) {
162					my $val = $2;
163					$sens[$e][$e2] = $val;
165					# check alerts for each sensor defined
166					$str =~ s/ /_/;
167					my @al = split(',', $ipmi->{alerts}->{$str} || "");
168					if(scalar(@al)) {
169						my $timeintvl = trim($al[0]);
170						my $threshold = trim($al[1]);
171						my $script = trim($al[2]);
173						if(!$threshold || $val < $threshold) {
174							$config->{ipmi_hist_alerts}->{$str} = 0;
175						} else {
176							if(!$config->{ipmi_hist_alerts}->{$str}) {
177								$config->{ipmi_hist_alerts}->{$str} = time;
178							}
179							if($config->{ipmi_hist_alerts}->{$str} > 0 && (time - $config->{ipmi_hist_alerts}->{$str}) >= $timeintvl) {
180								if(-x $script) {
181									logger("$myself: alert on IPMI Sensor ($str): executing script '$script'.");
182									system($script . " " . $timeintvl . " " . $threshold . " " . $val);
183								} else {
184									logger("$myself: ERROR: script '$script' doesn't exist or don't has execution permissions.");
185								}
186								$config->{ipmi_hist_alerts}->{$str} = time;
187							}
188						}
189					}
190				}
191			}
192			$e2++;
193		}
194		$e++;
195	}
197	$e = 0;
198	while($e < scalar(my @sl = split(',', $ipmi->{list}))) {
199		for($n = 0; $n < 9; $n++) {
200			$sens[$e][$n] = 0 unless defined $sens[$e][$n];
201			$rrdata .= ":" . $sens[$e][$n];
202		}
203		$e++;
204	}
206	RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
207	logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
208	my $err = RRDs::error;
209	logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
212sub ipmi_cgi {
213	my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
214	my @output;
216	my $ipmi = $config->{ipmi};
217	my @rigid = split(',', ($ipmi->{rigid} || ""));
218	my @limit = split(',', ($ipmi->{limit} || ""));
219	my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
220	my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
221	my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
222	my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
223	my $zoom = "--zoom=" . $config->{global_zoom};
224	my %rrd = (
225		'new' => \&RRDs::graphv,
226		'old' => \&RRDs::graph,
227	);
228	my $version = "new";
229	my $pic;
230	my $picz;
231	my $picz_width;
232	my $picz_height;
234	my $u = "";
235	my $width;
236	my $height;
237	my @riglim;
238	my @IMG;
239	my @IMGz;
240	my @tmp;
241	my @tmpz;
242	my @CDEF;
243	my $n;
244	my $n2;
245	my $str;
246	my $err;
247	my @LC = (
248		"#4444EE",
249		"#EEEE44",
250		"#44EEEE",
251		"#EE44EE",
252		"#888888",
253		"#E29136",
254		"#44EE44",
255		"#448844",
256		"#EE4444",
257	);
259	$version = "old" if $RRDs::VERSION < 1.3;
260	my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
261	my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
262	my $IMG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
263	my $imgfmt_uc = uc($config->{image_format});
264	my $imgfmt_lc = lc($config->{image_format});
266	$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
269	# text mode
270	#
271	if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
272		if($title) {
273			push(@output, main::graph_header($title, 2));
274			push(@output, "    <tr>\n");
275			push(@output, "    <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
276		}
277		my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
278			"--start=-$tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen}",
279			"AVERAGE",
280			"-r $tf->{res}");
281		$err = RRDs::error;
282		push(@output, "ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
283		my $line1;
284		my $line2;
285		my $line3;
286		push(@output, "    <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
287		push(@output, "    ");
288		for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @sl = split(',', $ipmi->{list})); $n++) {
289			$line1 = "";
290			foreach my $i (split(',', $ipmi->{desc}->{$n})) {
291				$i = trim($i);
292				$str = $ipmi->{map}->{$i} || $i;
293				$str = sprintf("%7s", substr($str, 0, 5));
294				$line1 .= "        ";
295				$line2 .= sprintf(" %7s", $str);
296				$line3 .= "--------";
297			}
298			if($line1) {
299				my $i = length($line1);
300				push(@output, sprintf(sprintf("%${i}s", sprintf("%s", trim($sl[$n])))));
301			}
302		}
303		push(@output, "\n");
304		push(@output, "Time$line2\n");
305		push(@output, "----$line3 \n");
306		my $line;
307		my $time;
308		my $n2;
309		my $n3;
310		my $from;
311		my $to;
312		for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
313			$line = @$data[$n];
314			$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
315			push(@output, sprintf(" %2d$tf->{tc} ", $time));
316			for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @sl = split(',', $ipmi->{list})); $n2++) {
317				$n3 = $n2 * 9;
318				foreach my $i (split(',', $ipmi->{desc}->{$n2})) {
319					$from = $n3++;
320					$to = $from + 1;
321					my ($j) = @$line[$from..$to];
322					push(@output, sprintf("%7.1lf ", $j || 0));
323				}
324			}
325			push(@output, "\n");
326		}
327		push(@output, "    </pre>\n");
328		if($title) {
329			push(@output, "    </td>\n");
330			push(@output, "    </tr>\n");
331			push(@output, main::graph_footer());
332		}
333		push(@output, "  <br>\n");
334		return @output;
335	}
338	# graph mode
339	#
340	if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
341		$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000";  # visible color for text mode
342		$u = "_";
343	}
344	if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
345		$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000";  # visible color for text mode
346		$u = "";
347	}
349	for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @sl = split(',', $ipmi->{list})); $n++) {
350		$str = $u . $package . $n . "." . $tf->{when} . ".$imgfmt_lc";
351		push(@IMG, $str);
352		unlink("$IMG_DIR" . $str);
353		if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
354			$str = $u . $package . $n . "z." . $tf->{when} . ".$imgfmt_lc";
355			push(@IMGz, $str);
356			unlink("$IMG_DIR" . $str);
357		}
358	}
360	@riglim = @{setup_riglim($rigid[0], $limit[0])};
361	$n = 0;
362	while($n < scalar(my @sl = split(',', $ipmi->{list}))) {
363		if($title) {
364			if($n == 0) {
365				push(@output, main::graph_header($title, $ipmi->{graphs_per_row}));
366			}
367			push(@output, "    <tr>\n");
368		}
369		for($n2 = 0; $n2 < $ipmi->{graphs_per_row}; $n2++) {
370			last unless $n < scalar(my @sl = split(',', $ipmi->{list}));
371			if($title) {
372				push(@output, "    <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
373			}
374			undef(@tmp);
375			undef(@tmpz);
376			undef(@CDEF);
377			my $e = 0;
378			my $unit = $ipmi->{units}->{$n};
379			foreach my $i (split(',', $ipmi->{desc}->{$n})) {
380				$i = trim($i);
381				$str = $ipmi->{map}->{$i} || $i;
382				$str = sprintf("%-40s", substr($str, 0, 40));
383				push(@tmp, "LINE2:s" . ($e + 1) . $LC[$e] . ":$str");
384				push(@tmp, "GPRINT:s" . ($e + 1) . ":LAST: Current\\:%7.1lf\\n");
385				push(@tmpz, "LINE2:s" . ($e + 1) . $LC[$e] . ":$str");
386				$e++;
387			}
388			while($e < 9) {
389				push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
390				$e++;
391			}
392			if(lc($config->{show_gaps}) eq "y") {
393				push(@tmp, "AREA:wrongdata#$colors->{gap}:");
394				push(@tmpz, "AREA:wrongdata#$colors->{gap}:");
395				push(@CDEF, "CDEF:wrongdata=allvalues,UN,INF,UNKN,IF");
396			}
397			($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{medium});
398			$str = substr(trim($sl[$n]), 0, 25);
399			$pic = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$n]",
400				"--title=$str  ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
401				"--start=-$tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen}",
402				"--imgformat=$imgfmt_uc",
403				"--vertical-label=$unit",
404				"--width=$width",
405				"--height=$height",
406				@riglim,
407				$zoom,
408				@{$cgi->{version12}},
409				@{$cgi->{version12_small}},
410				@{$colors->{graph_colors}},
411				"DEF:s1=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s1:AVERAGE",
412				"DEF:s2=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s2:AVERAGE",
413				"DEF:s3=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s3:AVERAGE",
414				"DEF:s4=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s4:AVERAGE",
415				"DEF:s5=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s5:AVERAGE",
416				"DEF:s6=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s6:AVERAGE",
417				"DEF:s7=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s7:AVERAGE",
418				"DEF:s8=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s8:AVERAGE",
419				"DEF:s9=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s9:AVERAGE",
420				"CDEF:allvalues=s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,+",
421				@CDEF,
422				@tmp);
423			$err = RRDs::error;
424			push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$n]: $err\n") if $err;
425			if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
426				($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
427				$picz = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$n]",
428					"--title=$str  ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
429					"--start=-$tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen}",
430					"--imgformat=$imgfmt_uc",
431					"--vertical-label=$unit",
432					"--width=$width",
433					"--height=$height",
434					@riglim,
435					$zoom,
436					@{$cgi->{version12}},
437					@{$cgi->{version12_small}},
438					@{$colors->{graph_colors}},
439					"DEF:s1=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s1:AVERAGE",
440					"DEF:s2=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s2:AVERAGE",
441					"DEF:s3=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s3:AVERAGE",
442					"DEF:s4=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s4:AVERAGE",
443					"DEF:s5=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s5:AVERAGE",
444					"DEF:s6=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s6:AVERAGE",
445					"DEF:s7=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s7:AVERAGE",
446					"DEF:s8=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s8:AVERAGE",
447					"DEF:s9=$rrd:ipmi" . $n . "_s9:AVERAGE",
448					"CDEF:allvalues=s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,+",
449					@CDEF,
450					@tmpz);
451				$err = RRDs::error;
452				push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$n]: $err\n") if $err;
453			}
454			if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /ipmi$n/)) {
455				if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
456					if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
457						push(@output, "      <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$n] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$n] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
458					} else {
459						if($version eq "new") {
460							$picz_width = $picz->{image_width} * $config->{global_zoom};
461							$picz_height = $picz->{image_height} * $config->{global_zoom};
462						} else {
463							$picz_width = $width + 115;
464							$picz_height = $height + 100;
465						}
466						push(@output, "      <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$n] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$n] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
467					}
468				} else {
469					push(@output, "      <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$n] . "'>\n");
470				}
471			}
472			if($title) {
473				push(@output, "    </td>\n");
474			}
475			$n++;
476		}
477		if($title) {
478			push(@output, "    </tr>\n");
479		}
480	}
481	if($title) {
482		push(@output, main::graph_footer());
483	}
484	push(@output, "  <br>\n");
485	return @output;