1 /* Header.h v1.0    Definitions for ODS2 file headers */
3 /* Small macro to swap words in a longword */
5 #define swapw(w) (w[0]<<16 | w[1])
7 /* File characteristic definitions */
9 #define FCH$M_NOBACKUP   0x2
10 #define FCH$M_CONTIGB    0x20
11 #define FCH$M_LOCKED     0x40
12 #define FCH$M_CONTIG     0x80
13 #define FCH$M_DIRECTORY  0x2000
14 #define FCH$M_MARKDEL    0x8000
15 #define FCH$M_ERASE      0x20000
17 /* File and record attribute definitions */
19 #define FAT$C_FIXED     0x1
20 #define FAT$C_VARIABLE  0x2
21 #define FAT$C_VFC       0x3
22 #define FAT$C_UNDEFINED 0x0
23 #define FAT$C_STREAM    0x4
24 #define FAT$C_STREAMLF  0x5
25 #define FAT$C_STREAMCR  0x6
27 #define FAT$C_DIRECT    0x3
28 #define FAT$C_INDEXED   0x2
29 #define FAT$C_RELATIVE  0x1
30 #define FAT$C_SEQUENTIAL 0x0
32 #define FAT$M_FORTRANCC 0x1
33 #define FAT$M_IMPLIEDCC 0x2
34 #define FAT$M_PRINTCC   0x4
35 #define FAT$M_NOSPAN    0x8
36 #define FAT$M_MSBRCW    0x10
38 /* Type definitions for basic data types */
40 typedef unsigned char u_byte;
41 typedef unsigned short u_word;
42 typedef unsigned int u_long;
44 /* Structure of time */
46 struct TIME {
47     unsigned char time[8];
48 };
50 /* Definition of a UIC */
52 struct UIC {
53     u_word uic$w_mem;
54     u_word uic$w_grp;
55 };
57 /* Definition for a FID */
59 struct fiddef {
60     u_word fid$w_num;
61     u_word fid$w_seq;
62     u_byte fid$b_rvn;
63     u_byte fid$b_nmx;
64 };
66 /* RMS record definition */
68 struct RECATTR {
69     u_byte fat$b_rtype;
70     u_byte fat$b_rattrib;
71     u_word fat$w_rsize;
72     u_word fat$l_hiblk[2];
73     u_word fat$l_efblk[2];
74     u_word fat$w_ffbyte;
75     u_byte fat$b_bktsize;
76     u_byte fat$b_vfcsize;
77     u_word fat$w_maxrec;
78     u_word fat$w_defext;
79     u_word fat$w_gbc;
80     u_byte fat$_UU0[8];
81     u_word fat$w_versions;
82 };
84 /* Layout of the volume home block... */
86 struct HOME {
87     u_long hm2$l_homelbn;
88     u_long hm2$l_alhomelbn;
89     u_long hm2$l_altidxlbn;
90     u_word hm2$w_struclev;
91     u_word hm2$w_cluster;
92     u_word hm2$w_homevbn;
93     u_word hm2$w_alhomevbn;
94     u_word hm2$w_altidxvbn;
95     u_word hm2$w_ibmapvbn;
96     u_long hm2$l_ibmaplbn;
97     u_long hm2$l_maxfiles;
98     u_word hm2$w_ibmapsize;
99     u_word hm2$w_resfiles;
100     u_word hm2$w_devtype;
101     u_word hm2$w_rvn;
102     u_word hm2$w_setcount;
103     u_word hm2$w_volchar;
104     struct UIC hm2$w_volowner;
105     u_long hm2$l_reserved1;
106     u_word hm2$w_protect;
107     u_word hm2$w_fileprot;
108     u_word hm2$w_reserved2;
109     u_word hm2$w_checksum1;
110     struct TIME hm2$q_credate;
111     u_byte hm2$b_window;
112     u_byte hm2$b_lru_lim;
113     u_word hm2$w_extend;
114     struct TIME hm2$q_retainmin;
115     struct TIME hm2$q_retainmax;
116     struct TIME hm2$q_revdate;
117     u_byte hm2$r_min_class[20];
118     u_byte hm2$r_max_class[20];
119     u_byte hm2$t_reserved3[320];
120     u_long hm2$l_serialnum;
121     char hm2$t_strucname[12];
122     char hm2$t_volname[12];
123     char hm2$t_ownername[12];
124     char hm2$t_format[12];
125     u_word hm2$w_reserved4;
126     u_word hm2$w_checksum2;
127 };
129 /* Structure of the header identification area */
131 struct IDENT {
132     char fi2$t_filename[20];
133     u_word fi2$w_revision;
134     struct TIME fi2$q_credate;
135     struct TIME fi2$q_revdate;
136     struct TIME fi2$q_expdate;
137     struct TIME fi2$q_bakdate;
138     char fi2$t_filenamext[66];
139 };
141 /* File header layout */
143 struct HEAD {
144     u_byte fh2$b_idoffset;
145     u_byte fh2$b_mpoffset;
146     u_byte fh2$b_acoffset;
147     u_byte fh2$b_rsoffset;
148     u_word fh2$w_seg_num;
149     u_word fh2$w_struclev;
150     struct fiddef fh2$w_fid;
151     struct fiddef fh2$w_ext_fid;
152     struct RECATTR fh2$w_recattr;
153     u_long fh2$l_filechar;
154     u_word fh2$w_reserved1;
155     u_byte fh2$b_map_inuse;
156     u_byte fh2$b_acc_mode;
157     struct UIC fh2$l_fileowner;
158     u_word fh2$w_fileprot;
159     struct fiddef fh2$w_backlink;
160     u_byte fh2$b_journal;
161     u_byte fh2$b_ru_active;
162     u_word fh2$w_reserved2;
163     u_long fh2$l_highwater;
164     u_byte fh2$b_reserved3[8];
165     u_byte fh2$r_class_prot[20];
166     u_byte fh2$r_restofit[402];
167     u_word fh2$w_checksum;
168 };
170 /* Storage control block layout */
172 struct SCB {
173     u_word scb$w_struclev;
174     u_word scb$w_cluster;
175     u_long scb$l_volsize;
176     u_long scb$l_blksize;
177     u_long scb$l_sectors;
178     u_long scb$l_tracks;
179     u_long scb$l_cylinders;
180     u_long scb$l_status;
181     u_long scb$l_status2;
182     u_word scb$w_writecnt;
183     char scb$t_volockname[12];
184     struct TIME scb$q_mounttime;
185     u_word scb$w_backrev;
186     u_long scb$q_genernum[2];
187     char scb$b_reserved[446];
188     u_word scb$w_checksum;
189 };