1 //! This crate provides type-level numbers evaluated at compile time. It depends only on libcore.
2 //!
3 //! The traits defined or used in this crate are used in a typical manner. They can be divided into
4 //! two categories: **marker traits** and **type operators**.
5 //!
6 //! Many of the marker traits have functions defined, but they all do essentially the same thing:
7 //! convert a type into its runtime counterpart, and are really just there for debugging. For
8 //! example,
9 //!
10 //! ```rust
11 //! use typenum::{Integer, N4};
12 //!
13 //! assert_eq!(N4::to_i32(), -4);
14 //! ```
15 //!
16 //! **Type operators** are traits that behave as functions at the type level. These are the meat of
17 //! this library. Where possible, traits defined in libcore have been used, but their attached
18 //! functions have not been implemented.
19 //!
20 //! For example, the `Add` trait is implemented for both unsigned and signed integers, but the
21 //! `add` function is not. As there are never any objects of the types defined here, it wouldn't
22 //! make sense to implement it. What is important is its associated type `Output`, which is where
23 //! the addition happens.
24 //!
25 //! ```rust
26 //! use std::ops::Add;
27 //! use typenum::{Integer, P3, P4};
28 //!
29 //! type X = <P3 as Add<P4>>::Output;
30 //! assert_eq!(<X as Integer>::to_i32(), 7);
31 //! ```
32 //!
33 //! In addition, helper aliases are defined for type operators. For example, the above snippet
34 //! could be replaced with
35 //!
36 //! ```rust
37 //! use typenum::{Integer, Sum, P3, P4};
38 //!
39 //! type X = Sum<P3, P4>;
40 //! assert_eq!(<X as Integer>::to_i32(), 7);
41 //! ```
42 //!
43 //! Documented in each module is the full list of type operators implemented.
45 #![no_std]
46 #![forbid(unsafe_code)]
47 #![warn(missing_docs)]
48 #![cfg_attr(feature = "strict", deny(missing_docs))]
49 #![cfg_attr(feature = "strict", deny(warnings))]
50 #![cfg_attr(
51     feature = "cargo-clippy",
52     allow(
53         clippy::len_without_is_empty,
54         clippy::many_single_char_names,
55         clippy::new_without_default,
56         clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl,
57         clippy::type_complexity,
58         clippy::wrong_self_convention,
59     )
60 )]
61 #![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", deny(clippy::missing_inline_in_public_items))]
63 // For debugging macros:
64 // #![feature(trace_macros)]
65 // trace_macros!(true);
67 use core::cmp::Ordering;
69 #[cfg(feature = "force_unix_path_separator")]
70 mod generated {
71     include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/op.rs"));
72     include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/consts.rs"));
73 }
75 #[cfg(not(feature = "force_unix_path_separator"))]
76 mod generated {
77     include!(env!("TYPENUM_BUILD_OP"));
78     include!(env!("TYPENUM_BUILD_CONSTS"));
79 }
81 pub mod bit;
82 pub mod int;
83 pub mod marker_traits;
84 pub mod operator_aliases;
85 pub mod private;
86 pub mod type_operators;
87 pub mod uint;
89 pub mod array;
91 pub use crate::{
92     array::{ATerm, TArr},
93     consts::*,
94     generated::consts,
95     int::{NInt, PInt},
96     marker_traits::*,
97     operator_aliases::*,
98     type_operators::*,
99     uint::{UInt, UTerm},
100 };
102 /// A potential output from `Cmp`, this is the type equivalent to the enum variant
103 /// `core::cmp::Ordering::Greater`.
104 #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy, Hash, Debug, Default)]
105 pub struct Greater;
107 /// A potential output from `Cmp`, this is the type equivalent to the enum variant
108 /// `core::cmp::Ordering::Less`.
109 #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy, Hash, Debug, Default)]
110 pub struct Less;
112 /// A potential output from `Cmp`, this is the type equivalent to the enum variant
113 /// `core::cmp::Ordering::Equal`.
114 #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy, Hash, Debug, Default)]
115 pub struct Equal;
117 /// Returns `core::cmp::Ordering::Greater`
118 impl Ord for Greater {
119     #[inline]
to_ordering() -> Ordering120     fn to_ordering() -> Ordering {
121         Ordering::Greater
122     }
123 }
125 /// Returns `core::cmp::Ordering::Less`
126 impl Ord for Less {
127     #[inline]
to_ordering() -> Ordering128     fn to_ordering() -> Ordering {
129         Ordering::Less
130     }
131 }
133 /// Returns `core::cmp::Ordering::Equal`
134 impl Ord for Equal {
135     #[inline]
to_ordering() -> Ordering136     fn to_ordering() -> Ordering {
137         Ordering::Equal
138     }
139 }
141 /// Asserts that two types are the same.
142 #[macro_export]
143 macro_rules! assert_type_eq {
144     ($a:ty, $b:ty) => {
145         const _: core::marker::PhantomData<<$a as $crate::Same<$b>>::Output> =
146             core::marker::PhantomData;
147     };
148 }
150 /// Asserts that a type is `True`, aka `B1`.
151 #[macro_export]
152 macro_rules! assert_type {
153     ($a:ty) => {
154         const _: core::marker::PhantomData<<$a as $crate::Same<True>>::Output> =
155             core::marker::PhantomData;
156     };
157 }