1 /// This trait defines a kebab case conversion.
2 ///
3 /// In kebab-case, word boundaries are indicated by hyphens.
4 ///
5 /// ## Example:
6 ///
7 /// ```rust
8 /// extern crate heck;
9 /// fn main() {
10 ///
11 ///     use heck::KebabCase;
12 ///
13 ///     let sentence = "We are going to inherit the earth.";
14 ///     assert_eq!(sentence.to_kebab_case(), "we-are-going-to-inherit-the-earth");
15 /// }
16 /// ```
17 pub trait KebabCase: ToOwned {
18     /// Convert this type to kebab case.
to_kebab_case(&self) -> Self::Owned19     fn to_kebab_case(&self) -> Self::Owned;
20 }
22 impl KebabCase for str {
to_kebab_case(&self) -> Self::Owned23     fn to_kebab_case(&self) -> Self::Owned {
24         ::transform(self, ::lowercase, |s| s.push('-'))
25     }
26 }
28 #[cfg(test)]
29 mod tests {
30     use super::KebabCase;
32     macro_rules! t {
33         ($t:ident : $s1:expr => $s2:expr) => {
34             #[test]
35             fn $t() {
36                 assert_eq!($s1.to_kebab_case(), $s2)
37             }
38         }
39     }
41     t!(test1: "CamelCase" => "camel-case");
42     t!(test2: "This is Human case." => "this-is-human-case");
43     t!(test3: "MixedUP CamelCase, with some Spaces" => "mixed-up-camel-case-with-some-spaces");
44     t!(test4: "mixed_up_ snake_case with some _spaces" => "mixed-up-snake-case-with-some-spaces");
45     t!(test5: "kebab-case" => "kebab-case");
46     t!(test6: "SHOUTY_SNAKE_CASE" => "shouty-snake-case");
47     t!(test7: "snake_case" => "snake-case");
48     t!(test8: "this-contains_ ALLKinds OfWord_Boundaries" => "this-contains-all-kinds-of-word-boundaries");
49     t!(test9: "XΣXΣ baffle" => "xσxς-baffle");
50     t!(test10: "XMLHttpRequest" => "xml-http-request");
51 }