4The following is a list (and re-explanation) of term definitions used elsewhere in the Ansible documentation.
6Consult the documentation home page for the full documentation and to see the terms in context, but this should be a good resource
7to check your knowledge of Ansible's components and understand how they fit together.  It's something you might wish to read for review or
8when a term comes up on the mailing list.
10.. glossary::
12    Action
13        An action is a part of a task that specifies which of the modules to
14        run and which arguments to pass to that module.  Each task can have
15        only one action, but it may also have other parameters.
17    Ad Hoc
18        Refers to running Ansible to perform some quick command, using
19        :command:`/usr/bin/ansible`, rather than the :term:`orchestration`
20        language, which is :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-playbook`.  An example
21        of an ad hoc command might be rebooting 50 machines in your
22        infrastructure.  Anything you can do ad hoc can be accomplished by
23        writing a :term:`playbook <playbooks>` and playbooks can also glue
24        lots of other operations together.
26    Ansible (the package)
27        A software package (Python, deb, rpm, and so on) that contains ansible-core and a select group of collections. Playbooks that worked with Ansible 2.9 should still work with the Ansible 2.10 package. See the :file:`ansible-<version>.build` file in the release-specific directory at  `ansible-build-data <https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible-build-data>`_ for a list of collections included in Ansible, as well as the included ``ansible-core`` version.
29    ansible-base
30        Used only for 2.10. The installable package (RPM/Python/Deb package) generated from the `ansible/ansible repository <https://github.com/ansible/ansible>`_. See ``ansible-core``.
32    ansible-core
33        Name used starting with 2.11. The installable package (RPM/Python/Deb package) generated from the `ansible/ansible repository <https://github.com/ansible/ansible>`_. Contains the command-line tools and the code for basic features and functions, such as copying module code to managed nodes. The ``ansible-core`` package includes a few modules and plugins and allows you to add others by installing collections.
35    Ansible Galaxy
36        An `online resource <galaxy.ansible.com>`_ for finding and sharing Ansible community content. Also, the command-line utility that lets users install individual Ansible Collections, for example`` ansible-galaxy install community.crypto``.
38    Async
39        Refers to a task that is configured to run in the background rather
40        than waiting for completion.  If you have a long process that would
41        run longer than the SSH timeout, it would make sense to launch that
42        task in async mode.  Async modes can poll for completion every so many
43        seconds or can be configured to "fire and forget", in which case
44        Ansible will not even check on the task again; it will just kick it
45        off and proceed to future steps.  Async modes work with both
46        :command:`/usr/bin/ansible` and :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-playbook`.
48    Callback Plugin
49        Refers to some user-written code that can intercept results from
50        Ansible and do something with them.  Some supplied examples in the
51        GitHub project perform custom logging, send email, or even play sound
52        effects.
54    Check Mode
55        Refers to running Ansible with the ``--check`` option, which does not
56        make any changes on the remote systems, but only outputs the changes
57        that might occur if the command ran without this flag.  This is
58        analogous to so-called "dry run" modes in other systems, though the
59        user should be warned that this does not take into account unexpected
60        command failures or cascade effects (which is true of similar modes in
61        other systems).  Use this to get an idea of what might happen, but do
62        not substitute it for a good staging environment.
64    Collection
65        A packaging format for bundling and distributing Ansible content, including plugins, roles, modules, and more. Collections release independent of other collections or ``ansible-core`` so features can be available sooner to users. Some collections are packaged with Ansible (version 2.10 or later). You can install other collections (or other versions of collections) with ``ansible-galaxy collection install <namespace.collection>``.
67    Collection name
68        The second part of a Fully Qualified Collection Name. The collection name divides the collection namespace and usually reflects the function of the collection content. For example, the ``cisco`` namespace might contain ``cisco.ios``, ``cisco.aci``, and ``cisco.nxos``, with content for managing the different network devices maintained by Cisco.
70    community.general (collection)
71        A special collection managed by the Ansible Community Team containing all the modules and plugins which shipped in Ansible 2.9 that do ont have their own dedicated Collection. See `community.general <https://galaxy.ansible.com/community/general>`_` on Galaxy.
73    community.network (collection)
74        Similar to ``community.general``, focusing on network content. `community.network <https://galaxy.ansible.com/community/network>`_` on Galaxy.
76    Connection Plugin
77        By default, Ansible talks to remote machines through pluggable
78        libraries.  Ansible uses native OpenSSH (:term:`SSH (Native)`) or
79        a Python implementation called :term:`paramiko`.  OpenSSH is preferred
80        if you are using a recent version, and also enables some features like
81        Kerberos and jump hosts.  This is covered in the :ref:`getting
82        started section <remote_connection_information>`.  There are also
83        other connection types like ``accelerate`` mode, which must be
84        bootstrapped over one of the SSH-based connection types but is very
85        fast, and local mode, which acts on the local system.  Users can also
86        write their own connection plugins.
88    Conditionals
89        A conditional is an expression that evaluates to true or false that
90        decides whether a given task is executed on a given machine or not.
91        Ansible's conditionals are powered by the 'when' statement, which are
92        discussed in the :ref:`working_with_playbooks`.
94    Declarative
95        An approach to achieving a task that uses a description of the
96        final state rather than a description of the sequence of steps
97        necessary to achieve that state. For a real world example, a
98        declarative specification of a task would be: "put me in California".
99        Depending on your current location, the sequence of steps to get you to
100        California may vary, and if you are already in California, nothing
101        at all needs to be done. Ansible's Resources are declarative; it
102        figures out the steps needed to achieve the final state. It also lets
103        you know whether or not any steps needed to be taken to get to the
104        final state.
106    Diff Mode
107        A ``--diff`` flag can be passed to Ansible to show what changed on
108        modules that support it. You can combine it with ``--check`` to get a
109        good 'dry run'.  File diffs are normally in unified diff format.
111    Executor
112        A core software component of Ansible that is the power behind
113        :command:`/usr/bin/ansible` directly -- and corresponds to the
114        invocation of each task in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>`.  The
115        Executor is something Ansible developers may talk about, but it's not
116        really user land vocabulary.
118    Facts
119        Facts are simply things that are discovered about remote nodes.  While
120        they can be used in :term:`playbooks` and templates just like
121        variables, facts are things that are inferred, rather than set.  Facts
122        are automatically discovered by Ansible when running plays by
123        executing the internal :ref:`setup module <setup_module>` on the remote nodes.  You
124        never have to call the setup module explicitly, it just runs, but it
125        can be disabled to save time if it is not needed or you can tell
126        ansible to collect only a subset of the full facts via the
127        ``gather_subset:`` option. For the convenience of users who are
128        switching from other configuration management systems, the fact module
129        will also pull in facts from the :program:`ohai` and :program:`facter`
130        tools if they are installed.  These are fact libraries from Chef and
131        Puppet, respectively. (These may also be disabled via
132        ``gather_subset:``)
134    Filter Plugin
135        A filter plugin is something that most users will never need to
136        understand.  These allow for the creation of new :term:`Jinja2`
137        filters, which are more or less only of use to people who know what
138        Jinja2 filters are.  If you need them, you can learn how to write them
139        in the :ref:`API docs section <developing_filter_plugins>`.
141    Forks
142        Ansible talks to remote nodes in parallel and the level of parallelism
143        can be set either by passing ``--forks`` or editing the default in
144        a configuration file.  The default is a very conservative five (5)
145        forks, though if you have a lot of RAM, you can easily set this to
146        a value like 50 for increased parallelism.
148    Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN)
149        The full definition of a module, plugin, or role hosted within a collection, in the form <namespace.collection.content_name>. Allows a Playbook to refer to a specific module or plugin from a specific source in an unambiguous manner, for example, ``community.grafana.grafana_dashboard``. The FQCN is required when you want to specify the exact source of a plugin. For example, if multiple collections contain a module plugin called ``user``, the FQCN specifies which one to use for a given task. When you have multiple collections installed, the FQCN is always the explicit and authoritative indicator of which collection to search for the correct plugin for each task.
151    Gather Facts (Boolean)
152        :term:`Facts` are mentioned above.  Sometimes when running a multi-play
153        :term:`playbook <playbooks>`, it is desirable to have some plays that
154        don't bother with fact computation if they aren't going to need to
155        utilize any of these values.  Setting ``gather_facts: False`` on
156        a playbook allows this implicit fact gathering to be skipped.
158    Globbing
159        Globbing is a way to select lots of hosts based on wildcards, rather
160        than the name of the host specifically, or the name of the group they
161        are in.  For instance, it is possible to select ``ww*`` to match all
162        hosts starting with ``www``.   This concept is pulled directly from
163        :program:`Func`, one of Michael DeHaan's (an Ansible Founder) earlier
164        projects.  In addition to basic globbing, various set operations are
165        also possible, such as 'hosts in this group and not in another group',
166        and so on.
168    Group
169        A group consists of several hosts assigned to a pool that can be
170        conveniently targeted together, as well as given variables that they
171        share in common.
173    Group Vars
174        The :file:`group_vars/` files are files that live in a directory
175        alongside an inventory file, with an optional filename named after
176        each group.  This is a convenient place to put variables that are
177        provided to a given group, especially complex data structures, so that
178        these variables do not have to be embedded in the :term:`inventory`
179        file or :term:`playbook <playbooks>`.
181    Handlers
182        Handlers are just like regular tasks in an Ansible
183        :term:`playbook <playbooks>` (see :term:`Tasks`) but are only run if
184        the Task contains a ``notify`` directive and also indicates that it
185        changed something.  For example, if a config file is changed, then the
186        task referencing the config file templating operation may notify
187        a service restart handler.  This means services can be bounced only if
188        they need to be restarted.  Handlers can be used for things other than
189        service restarts, but service restarts are the most common usage.
191    Host
192        A host is simply a remote machine that Ansible manages.  They can have
193        individual variables assigned to them, and can also be organized in
194        groups.  All hosts have a name they can be reached at (which is either
195        an IP address or a domain name) and, optionally, a port number, if they
196        are not to be accessed on the default SSH port.
198    Host Specifier
199        Each :term:`Play <plays>` in Ansible maps a series of :term:`tasks` (which define the role,
200        purpose, or orders of a system) to a set of systems.
202        This ``hosts:`` directive in each play is often called the hosts specifier.
204        It may select one system, many systems, one or more groups, or even
205        some hosts that are in one group and explicitly not in another.
207    Host Vars
208        Just like :term:`Group Vars`, a directory alongside the inventory file named
209        :file:`host_vars/` can contain a file named after each hostname in the
210        inventory file, in :term:`YAML` format.  This provides a convenient place to
211        assign variables to the host without having to embed them in the
212        :term:`inventory` file.  The Host Vars file can also be used to define complex
213        data structures that can't be represented in the inventory file.
215    Idempotency
216        An operation is idempotent if the result of performing it once is
217        exactly the same as the result of performing it repeatedly without
218        any intervening actions.
220    Includes
221        The idea that :term:`playbook <playbooks>` files (which are nothing
222        more than lists of :term:`plays`) can include other lists of plays,
223        and task lists can externalize lists of :term:`tasks` in other files,
224        and similarly with :term:`handlers`.  Includes can be parameterized,
225        which means that the loaded file can pass variables.  For instance, an
226        included play for setting up a WordPress blog may take a parameter
227        called ``user`` and that play could be included more than once to
228        create a blog for both ``alice`` and ``bob``.
230    Inventory
231        A file (by default, Ansible uses a simple INI format) that describes
232        :term:`Hosts <Host>` and :term:`Groups <Group>` in Ansible.  Inventory
233        can also be provided via an :term:`Inventory Script` (sometimes called
234        an "External Inventory Script").
236    Inventory Script
237        A very simple program (or a complicated one) that looks up
238        :term:`hosts <Host>`, :term:`group` membership for hosts, and variable
239        information from an external resource -- whether that be a SQL
240        database, a CMDB solution, or something like LDAP.  This concept was
241        adapted from Puppet (where it is called an "External Nodes
242        Classifier") and works more or less exactly the same way.
244    Jinja2
245        Jinja2 is the preferred templating language of Ansible's template
246        module.  It is a very simple Python template language that is
247        generally readable and easy to write.
249    JSON
250        Ansible uses JSON for return data from remote modules.  This allows
251        modules to be written in any language, not just Python.
253    Lazy Evaluation
254        In general, Ansible evaluates any variables in
255        :term:`playbook <playbooks>` content at the last possible second,
256        which means that if you define a data structure that data structure
257        itself can define variable values within it, and everything "just
258        works" as you would expect.  This also means variable strings can
259        include other variables inside of those strings.
261    Library
262        A collection of modules made available to :command:`/usr/bin/ansible`
263        or an Ansible :term:`playbook <playbooks>`.
265    Limit Groups
266        By passing ``--limit somegroup`` to :command:`ansible` or
267        :command:`ansible-playbook`, the commands can be limited to a subset
268        of :term:`hosts <Host>`.  For instance, this can be used to run
269        a :term:`playbook <playbooks>` that normally targets an entire set of
270        servers to one particular server.
272    Local Action
273        A local_action directive in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>` targeting
274        remote machines means that the given step will actually occur on the
275        local machine, but that the variable ``{{ ansible_hostname }}`` can be
276        passed in to reference the remote hostname being referred to in that
277        step.  This can be used to trigger, for example, an rsync operation.
279    Local Connection
280        By using ``connection: local`` in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>`, or
281        passing ``-c local`` to :command:`/usr/bin/ansible`, this indicates
282        that we are managing the local host and not a remote machine.
284    Lookup Plugin
285        A lookup plugin is a way to get data into Ansible from the outside world.
286        Lookup plugins are an extension of Jinja2 and can be accessed in templates, for example,
287        ``{{ lookup('file','/path/to/file') }}``.
288        These are how such things as ``with_items``, are implemented.
289        There are also lookup plugins like ``file`` which loads data from
290        a file and ones for querying environment variables, DNS text records,
291        or key value stores.
293    Loops
294        Generally, Ansible is not a programming language. It prefers to be
295        more declarative, though various constructs like ``loop`` allow
296        a particular task to be repeated for multiple items in a list.
297        Certain modules, like :ref:`yum <yum_module>` and :ref:`apt <apt_module>`, actually take
298        lists directly, and can install all packages given in those lists
299        within a single transaction, dramatically speeding up total time to
300        configuration, so they can be used without loops.
302    Modules
303        Modules are the units of work that Ansible ships out to remote
304        machines.   Modules are kicked off by either
305        :command:`/usr/bin/ansible` or :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-playbook`
306        (where multiple tasks use lots of different modules in conjunction).
307        Modules can be implemented in any language, including Perl, Bash, or
308        Ruby -- but can leverage some useful communal library code if written
309        in Python.  Modules just have to return :term:`JSON`.  Once modules are
310        executed on remote machines, they are removed, so no long running
311        daemons are used.  Ansible refers to the collection of available
312        modules as a :term:`library`.
314    Multi-Tier
315        The concept that IT systems are not managed one system at a time, but
316        by interactions between multiple systems and groups of systems in
317        well defined orders.  For instance, a web server may need to be
318        updated before a database server and pieces on the web server may
319        need to be updated after *THAT* database server and various load
320        balancers and monitoring servers may need to be contacted.  Ansible
321        models entire IT topologies and workflows rather than looking at
322        configuration from a "one system at a time" perspective.
324    Namespace
325        The first part of a fully qualified collection name, the namespace usually reflects a functional content category. Example: in ``cisco.ios.ios_config``, ``cisco`` is the namespace. Namespaces are reserved and distributed by Red Hat at Red Hat's discretion. Many, but not all, namespaces will correspond with vendor names. See `Galaxy namespaces <https://galaxy.ansible.com/docs/contributing/namespaces.html#galaxy-namespaces>`_ on the Galaxy docsite for namespace requirements.
327    Notify
328        The act of a :term:`task <tasks>` registering a change event and
329        informing a :term:`handler <handlers>` task that another
330        :term:`action` needs to be run at the end of the :term:`play <plays>`.  If
331        a handler is notified by multiple tasks, it will still be run only
332        once.  Handlers are run in the order they are listed, not in the order
333        that they are notified.
335    Orchestration
336        Many software automation systems use this word to mean different
337        things.  Ansible uses it as a conductor would conduct an orchestra.
338        A datacenter or cloud architecture is full of many systems, playing
339        many parts -- web servers, database servers, maybe load balancers,
340        monitoring systems, continuous integration systems, and so on.  In
341        performing any process, it is necessary to touch systems in particular
342        orders, often to simulate rolling updates or to deploy software
343        correctly.  Some system may perform some steps, then others, then
344        previous systems already processed may need to perform more steps.
345        Along the way, emails may need to be sent or web services contacted.
346        Ansible orchestration is all about modeling that kind of process.
348    paramiko
349        By default, Ansible manages machines over SSH.   The library that
350        Ansible uses by default to do this is a Python-powered library called
351        paramiko.  The paramiko library is generally fast and easy to manage,
352        though users who want to use Kerberos or Jump Hosts may wish to switch
353        to a native SSH binary such as OpenSSH by specifying the connection
354        type in their :term:`playbooks`, or using the ``-c ssh`` flag.
356    Playbooks
357        Playbooks are the language by which Ansible orchestrates, configures,
358        administers, or deploys systems.  They are called playbooks partially
359        because it's a sports analogy, and it's supposed to be fun using them.
360        They aren't workbooks :)
362    Plays
363        A :term:`playbook <playbooks>` is a list of plays.  A play is
364        minimally a mapping between a set of :term:`hosts <Host>` selected by a host
365        specifier (usually chosen by :term:`groups <Group>` but sometimes by
366        hostname :term:`globs <Globbing>`) and the :term:`tasks` which run on those
367        hosts to define the role that those systems will perform. There can be
368        one or many plays in a playbook.
370    Pull Mode
371        By default, Ansible runs in :term:`push mode`, which allows it very
372        fine-grained control over when it talks to each system.  Pull mode is
373        provided for when you would rather have nodes check in every N minutes
374        on a particular schedule.  It uses a program called
375        :command:`ansible-pull` and can also be set up (or reconfigured) using
376        a push-mode :term:`playbook <playbooks>`.  Most Ansible users use push
377        mode, but pull mode is included for variety and the sake of having
378        choices.
380        :command:`ansible-pull` works by checking configuration orders out of
381        git on a crontab and then managing the machine locally, using the
382        :term:`local connection` plugin.
384    Push Mode
385        Push mode is the default mode of Ansible. In fact, it's not really
386        a mode at all -- it's just how Ansible works when you aren't thinking
387        about it.  Push mode allows Ansible to be fine-grained and conduct
388        nodes through complex orchestration processes without waiting for them
389        to check in.
391    Register Variable
392        The result of running any :term:`task <tasks>` in Ansible can be
393        stored in a variable for use in a template or a conditional statement.
394        The keyword used to define the variable is called ``register``, taking
395        its name from the idea of registers in assembly programming (though
396        Ansible will never feel like assembly programming).  There are an
397        infinite number of variable names you can use for registration.
399    Resource Model
400        Ansible modules work in terms of resources.   For instance, the
401        :ref:`file module <file_module>` will select a particular file and ensure
402        that the attributes of that resource match a particular model. As an
403        example, we might wish to change the owner of :file:`/etc/motd` to
404        ``root`` if it is not already set to ``root``, or set its mode to
405        ``0644`` if it is not already set to ``0644``.  The resource models
406        are :term:`idempotent <idempotency>` meaning change commands are not
407        run unless needed, and Ansible will bring the system back to a desired
408        state regardless of the actual state -- rather than you having to tell
409        it how to get to the state.
411    Roles
412        Roles are units of organization in Ansible.  Assigning a role to
413        a group of :term:`hosts <Host>` (or a set of :term:`groups <group>`,
414        or :term:`host patterns <Globbing>`, and so on) implies that they should
415        implement a specific behavior.  A role may include applying certain
416        variable values, certain :term:`tasks`, and certain :term:`handlers`
417        -- or just one or more of these things.  Because of the file structure
418        associated with a role, roles become redistributable units that allow
419        you to share behavior among :term:`playbooks` -- or even with other users.
421    Rolling Update
422        The act of addressing a number of nodes in a group N at a time to
423        avoid updating them all at once and bringing the system offline.  For
424        instance, in a web topology of 500 nodes handling very large volume,
425        it may be reasonable to update 10 or 20 machines at a time, moving on
426        to the next 10 or 20 when done.  The ``serial:`` keyword in an Ansible
427        :term:`playbooks` control the size of the rolling update pool.  The
428        default is to address the batch size all at once, so this is something
429        that you must opt-in to.  OS configuration (such as making sure config
430        files are correct) does not typically have to use the rolling update
431        model, but can do so if desired.
433    Serial
434        .. seealso::
436            :term:`Rolling Update`
438    Sudo
439        Ansible does not require root logins, and since it's daemonless,
440        definitely does not require root level daemons (which can be
441        a security concern in sensitive environments).  Ansible can log in and
442        perform many operations wrapped in a sudo command, and can work with
443        both password-less and password-based sudo.  Some operations that
444        don't normally work with sudo (like scp file transfer) can be achieved
445        with Ansible's :ref:`copy <copy_module>`, :ref:`template <template_module>`, and
446        :ref:`fetch <fetch_module>` modules while running in sudo mode.
448    SSH (Native)
449        Native OpenSSH as an Ansible transport is specified with ``-c ssh``
450        (or a config file, or a directive in the :term:`playbook <playbooks>`)
451        and can be useful if wanting to login via Kerberized SSH or using SSH
452        jump hosts, and so on.  In 1.2.1, ``ssh`` will be used by default if the
453        OpenSSH binary on the control machine is sufficiently new.
454        Previously, Ansible selected ``paramiko`` as a default.  Using
455        a client that supports ``ControlMaster`` and ``ControlPersist`` is
456        recommended for maximum performance -- if you don't have that and
457        don't need Kerberos, jump hosts, or other features, ``paramiko`` is
458        a good choice.  Ansible will warn you if it doesn't detect
459        ControlMaster/ControlPersist capability.
461    Tags
462        Ansible allows tagging resources in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>`
463        with arbitrary keywords, and then running only the parts of the
464        playbook that correspond to those keywords.  For instance, it is
465        possible to have an entire OS configuration, and have certain steps
466        labeled ``ntp``, and then run just the ``ntp`` steps to reconfigure
467        the time server information on a remote host.
469    Task
470        :term:`Playbooks` exist to run tasks.  Tasks combine an :term:`action`
471        (a module and its arguments) with a name and optionally some other
472        keywords (like :term:`looping directives <loops>`).   :term:`Handlers`
473        are also tasks, but they are a special kind of task that do not run
474        unless they are notified by name when a task reports an underlying
475        change on a remote system.
477    Tasks
478        A list of :term:`Task`.
480    Templates
481        Ansible can easily transfer files to remote systems but often it is
482        desirable to substitute variables in other files.  Variables may come
483        from the :term:`inventory` file, :term:`Host Vars`, :term:`Group
484        Vars`, or :term:`Facts`. Templates use the :term:`Jinja2` template
485        engine and can also include logical constructs like loops and if
486        statements.
488    Transport
489        Ansible uses :term:``Connection Plugins`` to define types of available
490        transports.  These are simply how Ansible will reach out to managed
491        systems.  Transports included are :term:`paramiko`,
492        :term:`ssh <SSH (Native)>` (using OpenSSH), and
493        :term:`local <Local Connection>`.
495    When
496        An optional conditional statement attached to a :term:`task <tasks>` that is used to
497        determine if the task should run or not. If the expression following
498        the ``when:`` keyword evaluates to false, the task will be ignored.
500    Vars (Variables)
501        As opposed to :term:`Facts`, variables are names of values (they can
502        be simple scalar values -- integers, booleans, strings) or complex
503        ones (dictionaries/hashes, lists) that can be used in templates and
504        :term:`playbooks`.  They are declared things, not things that are
505        inferred from the remote system's current state or nature (which is
506        what Facts are).
508    YAML
509        Ansible does not want to force people to write programming language
510        code to automate infrastructure, so Ansible uses YAML to define
511        :term:`playbook <playbooks>` configuration languages and also variable
512        files.  YAML is nice because it has a minimum of syntax and is very
513        clean and easy for people to skim.  It is a good data format for
514        configuration files and humans, but also machine readable.  Ansible's
515        usage of YAML stemmed from Michael DeHaan's first use of it inside of
516        Cobbler around 2006.  YAML is fairly popular in the dynamic language
517        community and the format has libraries available for serialization in
518        many languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, and so on).
520.. seealso::
522   :ref:`ansible_faq`
523       Frequently asked questions
524   :ref:`working_with_playbooks`
525       An introduction to playbooks
526   :ref:`playbooks_best_practices`
527       Tips and tricks for playbooks
528   `User Mailing List <https://groups.google.com/group/ansible-devel>`_
529       Have a question?  Stop by the google group!
530   `irc.libera.chat <https://libera.chat/>`_
531       #ansible IRC chat channel