2- name: fail with incorrect DSC resource name
3  win_dsc:
4    resource_name: FakeResource
5  register: fail_invalid_resource
6  failed_when: fail_invalid_resource.msg != "Resource 'FakeResource' not found."
8- name: fail with invalid DSC version
9  win_dsc:
10    resource_name: xTestResource
11    module_version: 0.0.1
12  register: fail_invalid_version
13  failed_when: 'fail_invalid_version.msg != "Resource ''xTestResource'' with version ''0.0.1'' not found. Versions installed: ''1.0.0'', ''1.0.1''."'
15- name: fail with mandatory option not set
16  win_dsc:
17    resource_name: xSetReboot
18    Value: yes
19  register: fail_man_key
20  failed_when: 'fail_man_key.msg != "missing required arguments: KeyParam"'
22- name: fail with mandatory option not set in sub dict
23  win_dsc:
24    resource_name: xTestResource
25    Path: C:\path
26    Ensure: Present
27    CimInstanceParam:  # Missing KeyValue in dict
28      Choice: Choice1
29  register: fail_man_key_sub_dict
30  failed_when: 'fail_man_key_sub_dict.msg != "missing required arguments: KeyValue found in CimInstanceParam"'
32- name: fail invalid option
33  win_dsc:
34    resource_name: xSetReboot
35    KeyParam: key
36    OtherParam: invalid
37  register: fail_invalid_option
38  failed_when: 'fail_invalid_option.msg != "Unsupported parameters for (win_dsc) module: OtherParam. Supported parameters include: KeyParam, PsDscRunAsCredential_username, module_version, Value, PsDscRunAsCredential_password, resource_name, DependsOn"'
40- name: fail invalid option in sub dict
41  win_dsc:
42    resource_name: xTestResource
43    Path: C:\path
44    Ensure: Present
45    NestedCimInstanceParam:
46      KeyValue: key
47      CimValue:
48        KeyValue: other key
49        InvalidKey: invalid
50  register: fail_invalid_option_sub_dict
51  failed_when: 'fail_invalid_option_sub_dict.msg != "Unsupported parameters for (win_dsc) module: InvalidKey found in NestedCimInstanceParam -> CimValue. Supported parameters include: IntValue, KeyValue, StringArrayValue, Choice, StringValue"'
53- name: fail invalid read only option
54  win_dsc:
55    resource_name: xTestResource
56    Path: C:\path
57    Ensure: Present
58    ReadParam: abc
59  register: fail_invalid_option_read_only
60  failed_when: '"Unsupported parameters for (win_dsc) module: ReadParam" not in fail_invalid_option_read_only.msg'
62- name: fail invalid choice
63  win_dsc:
64    resource_name: xTestResource
65    Path: C:\path
66    Ensure: invalid
67  register: fail_invalid_choice
68  failed_when: 'fail_invalid_choice.msg != "value of Ensure must be one of: Present, Absent. Got no match for: invalid"'
70- name: fail invalid choice in sub dict
71  win_dsc:
72    resource_name: xTestResource
73    Path: C:\path
74    Ensure: Present
75    CimInstanceArrayParam:
76    - KeyValue: key
77    - KeyValue: key2
78      Choice: Choice3
79  register: fail_invalid_choice_sub_dict
80  failed_when: 'fail_invalid_choice_sub_dict.msg != "value of Choice must be one of: Choice1, Choice2. Got no match for: Choice3 found in CimInstanceArrayParam"'
82- name: fail old version missing new option
83  win_dsc:
84    resource_name: xTestResource
85    module_version: 1.0.0
86    Path: C:\path
87    Ensure: Present
88    CimInstanceParam:  # CimInstanceParam does not exist in the 1.0.0 version
89      Key: key
90  register: fail_invalid_option_old
91  failed_when: '"Unsupported parameters for (win_dsc) module: CimInstanceParam" not in fail_invalid_option_old.msg'
93- name: fail old version missing new option sub dict
94  win_dsc:
95    resource_name: xTestResource
96    module_version: 1.0.0
97    Path: C:\path
98    Ensure: Present
99    CimInstanceArrayParam:
100    - Key: key
101      Choice: Choice1
102  register: fail_invalid_option_old_sub_dict
103  failed_when: 'fail_invalid_option_old_sub_dict.msg != "Unsupported parameters for (win_dsc) module: Choice found in CimInstanceArrayParam. Supported parameters include: Key, IntValue, StringArrayValue, StringValue"'
105- name: create test file (check mode)
106  win_dsc:
107    resource_name: File
108    DestinationPath: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\dsc-file'
109    Contents: file contents
110    Attributes:
111    - Hidden
112    - ReadOnly
113    Ensure: Present
114    Type: File
115  register: create_file_check
116  check_mode: yes
118- name: get result of create test file (check mode)
119  win_stat:
120    path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\dsc-file'
121  register: create_file_actual_check
123- name: assert create test file (check mode)
124  assert:
125    that:
126    - create_file_check is changed
127    - create_file_check.module_version == None  # Some built in modules don't have a version set
128    - not create_file_check.reboot_required
129    - not create_file_actual_check.stat.exists
131- name: assert create test file verbosity (check mode)
132  assert:
133    that:
134    - create_file_check.verbose_test is defined
135    - not create_file_check.verbose_set is defined
136  when: ansible_verbosity >= 3
138- name: create test file
139  win_dsc:
140    resource_name: File
141    DestinationPath: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\dsc-file'
142    Contents: file contents
143    Attributes:
144    - Hidden
145    - ReadOnly
146    Ensure: Present
147    Type: File
148  register: create_file
150- name: get result of create test file
151  win_stat:
152    path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\dsc-file'
153  register: create_file_actual
155- name: assert create test file verbosity
156  assert:
157    that:
158    - create_file.verbose_test is defined
159    - create_file.verbose_set is defined
160  when: ansible_verbosity >= 3
162- name: assert create test file
163  assert:
164    that:
165    - create_file is changed
166    - create_file.module_version == None
167    - not create_file.reboot_required
168    - create_file_actual.stat.exists
169    - create_file_actual.stat.attributes == "ReadOnly, Hidden, Archive"
170    - create_file_actual.stat.checksum == 'd48daab51112b49ecabd917adc345b8ba257055e'
172- name: create test file (idempotent)
173  win_dsc:
174    resource_name: File
175    DestinationPath: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\dsc-file'
176    Contents: file contents
177    Attributes:
178    - Hidden
179    - ReadOnly
180    Ensure: Present
181    Type: File
182  register: create_file_again
184- name: assert create test file (idempotent)
185  assert:
186    that:
187    - not create_file_again is changed
188    - create_file.module_version == None
189    - not create_file.reboot_required
191- name: get SID of the current Ansible user
192  win_shell: |
193    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
194    [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal]::Current.Sid.Value
195  register: actual_sid
197- name: run DSC process as another user
198  win_dsc:
199    resource_name: Script
200    GetScript: '@{ Result= "" }'
201    SetScript: |
202      Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
203      $sid = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal]::Current.Sid.Value
204      Set-Content -Path "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\runas.txt" -Value $sid
205    TestScript: $false
206    PsDscRunAsCredential_username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
207    PsDscRunAsCredential_password: '{{ ansible_password }}'
208  register: runas_user
210- name: get result of run DSC process as another user
211  slurp:
212    path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\runas.txt'
213  register: runas_user_result
215- name: assert run DSC process as another user
216  assert:
217    that:
218    - runas_user is changed
219    - runas_user.module_version != None  # Can't reliably set the version but we can test it is set
220    - not runas_user.reboot_required
221    - runas_user_result.content|b64decode == actual_sid.stdout
223- name: run DSC that sets reboot_required with defaults
224  win_dsc:
225    resource_name: xSetReboot
226    KeyParam: value  # Just to satisfy the Resource with key validation
227  register: set_reboot_defaults
229- name: assert run DSC that sets reboot_required with defaults
230  assert:
231    that:
232    - set_reboot_defaults.reboot_required
234- name: run DSC that sets reboot_required with False
235  win_dsc:
236    resource_name: xSetReboot
237    KeyParam: value
238    Value: no
239  register: set_reboot_false
241- name: assert run DSC that sets reboot_required with False
242  assert:
243    that:
244    - not set_reboot_false.reboot_required
246- name: run DSC that sets reboot_required with True
247  win_dsc:
248    resource_name: xSetReboot
249    KeyParam: value
250    Value: yes
251  register: set_reboot_true
253- name: assert run DSC that sets reboot_required with True
254  assert:
255    that:
256    - set_reboot_true.reboot_required
258- name: test DSC with all types
259  win_dsc:
260    resource_name: xTestResource
261    Path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\test-types.json'
262    Ensure: Present
263    StringParam: string param
264    StringArrayParam:
265    - string 1
266    - string 2
267    Int8Param: 127  # [SByte]::MaxValue
268    Int8ArrayParam:
269    - 127
270    - '127'
271    UInt8Param: 255  # [Byte]::MaxValue
272    UInt8ArrayParam:
273    - 255
274    - '255'
275    Int16Param: 32767  # [Int16]::MaxValue
276    Int16ArrayParam: 32767, 32767
277    UInt16Param: '65535'  # [UInt16]::MaxValue
278    UInt16ArrayParam: 65535
279    Int32Param: 2147483647  # [Int32]::MaxValue
280    Int32ArrayParam: '2147483647'
281    UInt32Param: '4294967295'  # [UInt32]::MaxValue
282    UInt32ArrayParam:
283    - '4294967295'
284    - 4294967295
285    Int64Param: 9223372036854775807  # [Int64]::MaxValue
286    Int64ArrayParam:
287    - -9223372036854775808  # [Int64]::MinValue
288    - 9223372036854775807
289    UInt64Param: 18446744073709551615  # [UInt64]::MaxValue
290    UInt64ArrayParam:
291    - 0  # [UInt64]::MinValue
292    - 18446744073709551615
293    BooleanParam: True
294    BooleanArrayParam:
295    - True
296    - 'True'
297    - 'true'
298    - 'y'
299    - 'yes'
300    - 1
301    - False
302    - 'False'
303    - 'false'
304    - 'n'
305    - 'no'
306    - 0
307    CharParam: c
308    CharArrayParam:
309    - c
310    - h
311    - a
312    - r
313    SingleParam: 3.402823E+38
314    SingleArrayParam:
315    - '3.402823E+38'
316    - 1.2393494
317    DoubleParam: 1.79769313486232E+300
318    DoubleArrayParam:
319    - '1.79769313486232E+300'
320    - 3.56821831681516
321    DateTimeParam: '2019-02-22T13:57:31.2311892-04:00'
322    DateTimeArrayParam:
323    - '2019-02-22T13:57:31.2311892+00:00'
324    - '2019-02-22T13:57:31.2311892+04:00'
325    PSCredentialParam_username: username1
326    PSCredentialParam_password: password1
327    HashtableParam:
328      key1: string 1
329      key2: ''
330      key3: 1
331    CimInstanceParam:
332      KeyValue: a
333    CimInstanceArrayParam:
334    - KeyValue: b
335      Choice: Choice1
336      StringValue: string 1
337      IntValue: 1
338      StringArrayValue:
339      - abc
340      - def
341    - KeyValue: c
342      Choice: Choice2
343      StringValue: string 2
344      IntValue: '2'
345      StringArrayValue:
346      - ghi
347      - jkl
348    NestedCimInstanceParam:
349      KeyValue: key value
350      CimValue:
351        KeyValue: d
352      CimArrayValue:
353      - KeyValue: e
354        Choice: Choice2
355      HashValue:
356        a: a
357      IntValue: '300'
358  register: dsc_types
360- name: get result of test DSC with all types
361  slurp:
362    path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\test-types.json'
363  register: dsc_types_raw
365- name: convert result of test DSC with all types to dict
366  set_fact:
367    dsc_types_actual: '{{ dsc_types_raw.content | b64decode | from_json }}'
369- name: assert test DSC with all types
370  assert:
371    that:
372    - dsc_types is changed
373    - dsc_types.module_version == '1.0.1'
374    - not dsc_types.reboot_required
375    - dsc_types_actual.Version == '1.0.1'
376    - dsc_types_actual.Verbose.Value.IsPresent
377    - dsc_types_actual.DefaultParam.Value == 'Default'  # ensures that the default is set in the engine if we don't set it outselves
378    - dsc_types_actual.Ensure.Value == 'Present'
379    - dsc_types_actual.Path.Value == remote_tmp_dir + "\\test-types.json"
380    - dsc_types_actual.StringParam.Type == 'System.String'
381    - dsc_types_actual.StringParam.Value == 'string param'
382    - dsc_types_actual.StringArrayParam.Type == 'System.String[]'
383    - dsc_types_actual.StringArrayParam.Value == ['string 1', 'string 2']
384    - dsc_types_actual.Int8Param.Type == 'System.SByte'
385    - dsc_types_actual.Int8Param.Value == 127
386    - dsc_types_actual.Int8ArrayParam.Type == 'System.SByte[]'
387    - dsc_types_actual.Int8ArrayParam.Value == [127, 127]
388    - dsc_types_actual.UInt8Param.Type == 'System.Byte'
389    - dsc_types_actual.UInt8Param.Value == 255
390    - dsc_types_actual.UInt8ArrayParam.Type == 'System.Byte[]'
391    - dsc_types_actual.UInt8ArrayParam.Value == [255, 255]
392    - dsc_types_actual.Int16Param.Type == 'System.Int16'
393    - dsc_types_actual.Int16Param.Value == 32767
394    - dsc_types_actual.Int16ArrayParam.Type == 'System.Int16[]'
395    - dsc_types_actual.Int16ArrayParam.Value == [32767, 32767]
396    - dsc_types_actual.UInt16Param.Type == 'System.UInt16'
397    - dsc_types_actual.UInt16Param.Value == 65535
398    - dsc_types_actual.UInt16ArrayParam.Type == 'System.UInt16[]'
399    - dsc_types_actual.UInt16ArrayParam.Value == [65535]
400    - dsc_types_actual.Int32Param.Type == 'System.Int32'
401    - dsc_types_actual.Int32Param.Value == 2147483647
402    - dsc_types_actual.Int32ArrayParam.Type == 'System.Int32[]'
403    - dsc_types_actual.Int32ArrayParam.Value == [2147483647]
404    - dsc_types_actual.UInt32Param.Type == 'System.UInt32'
405    - dsc_types_actual.UInt32Param.Value == 4294967295
406    - dsc_types_actual.UInt32ArrayParam.Type == 'System.UInt32[]'
407    - dsc_types_actual.UInt32ArrayParam.Value == [4294967295, 4294967295]
408    - dsc_types_actual.Int64Param.Type == 'System.Int64'
409    - dsc_types_actual.Int64Param.Value == 9223372036854775807
410    - dsc_types_actual.Int64ArrayParam.Type == 'System.Int64[]'
411    - dsc_types_actual.Int64ArrayParam.Value == [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807]
412    - dsc_types_actual.UInt64Param.Type == 'System.UInt64'
413    - dsc_types_actual.UInt64Param.Value == 18446744073709551615
414    - dsc_types_actual.UInt64ArrayParam.Type == 'System.UInt64[]'
415    - dsc_types_actual.UInt64ArrayParam.Value == [0, 18446744073709551615]
416    - dsc_types_actual.BooleanParam.Type == 'System.Boolean'
417    - dsc_types_actual.BooleanParam.Value == True
418    - dsc_types_actual.BooleanArrayParam.Type == 'System.Boolean[]'
419    - dsc_types_actual.BooleanArrayParam.Value == [True, True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False]
420    - dsc_types_actual.CharParam.Type == 'System.Char'
421    - dsc_types_actual.CharParam.Value == 'c'
422    - dsc_types_actual.CharArrayParam.Type == 'System.Char[]'
423    - dsc_types_actual.CharArrayParam.Value == ['c', 'h', 'a', 'r']
424    - dsc_types_actual.SingleParam.Type == 'System.Single'
425    - dsc_types_actual.SingleParam.Value|string == '3.402823e+38'
426    - dsc_types_actual.SingleArrayParam.Type == 'System.Single[]'
427    - dsc_types_actual.SingleArrayParam.Value|length == 2
428    - dsc_types_actual.SingleArrayParam.Value[0]|string == '3.402823e+38'
429    - dsc_types_actual.SingleArrayParam.Value[1]|string == '1.23934937'
430    - dsc_types_actual.DoubleParam.Type == 'System.Double'
431    - dsc_types_actual.DoubleParam.Value == '1.79769313486232E+300'
432    - dsc_types_actual.DoubleArrayParam.Type == 'System.Double[]'
433    - dsc_types_actual.DoubleArrayParam.Value|length == 2
434    - dsc_types_actual.DoubleArrayParam.Value[0] == '1.79769313486232E+300'
435    - dsc_types_actual.DoubleArrayParam.Value[1] == '3.56821831681516'
436    - dsc_types_actual.DateTimeParam.Type == 'System.DateTime'
437    - dsc_types_actual.DateTimeParam.Value == '2019-02-22T17:57:31.2311890+00:00'
438    - dsc_types_actual.DateTimeArrayParam.Type == 'System.DateTime[]'
439    - dsc_types_actual.DateTimeArrayParam.Value == ['2019-02-22T13:57:31.2311890+00:00', '2019-02-22T09:57:31.2311890+00:00']
440    - dsc_types_actual.PSCredentialParam.Type == 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential'
441    - dsc_types_actual.PSCredentialParam.Value.username == 'username1'
442    - dsc_types_actual.PSCredentialParam.Value.password == 'password1'
443    # Hashtable is actually a CimInstance[] of MSFT_KeyValuePairs
444    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Type == 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]'
445    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value|length == 3
446    # Can't guarantee the order of the keys so just check they are the values they could be
447    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value[0].Key in ["key1", "key2", "key3"]
448    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value[0].Value in ["string 1", "1", ""]
449    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value[0]._cim_instance == 'MSFT_KeyValuePair'
450    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value[1].Key in ["key1", "key2", "key3"]
451    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value[1].Value in ["string 1", "1", ""]
452    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value[1]._cim_instance == 'MSFT_KeyValuePair'
453    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value[2].Key in ["key1", "key2", "key3"]
454    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value[2].Value in ["string 1", "1", ""]
455    - dsc_types_actual.HashtableParam.Value[2]._cim_instance == 'MSFT_KeyValuePair'
456    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceParam.Type == 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance'
457    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceParam.Value.Choice == None
458    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceParam.Value.IntValue == None
459    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceParam.Value.KeyValue == 'a'
460    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceParam.Value.StringArrayValue == None
461    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceParam.Value.StringValue == None
462    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceParam.Value._cim_instance == "ANSIBLE_xTestClass"
463    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Type == 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]'
464    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value|length == 2
465    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].Choice == 'Choice1'
466    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].IntValue == 1
467    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].KeyValue == 'b'
468    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].StringArrayValue == ['abc', 'def']
469    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].StringValue == 'string 1'
470    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0]._cim_instance == 'ANSIBLE_xTestClass'
471    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[1].Choice == 'Choice2'
472    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[1].IntValue == 2
473    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[1].KeyValue == 'c'
474    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[1].StringArrayValue == ['ghi', 'jkl']
475    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[1].StringValue == 'string 2'
476    - dsc_types_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[1]._cim_instance == 'ANSIBLE_xTestClass'
477    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Type == 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance'
478    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimArrayValue|length == 1
479    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimArrayValue[0].Choice == 'Choice2'
480    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimArrayValue[0].IntValue == None
481    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimArrayValue[0].KeyValue == 'e'
482    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimArrayValue[0].StringArrayValue == None
483    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimArrayValue[0].StringValue == None
484    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimArrayValue[0]._cim_instance == 'ANSIBLE_xTestClass'
485    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimValue.Choice == None
486    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimValue.IntValue == None
487    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimValue.KeyValue == 'd'
488    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimValue.StringArrayValue == None
489    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimValue.StringValue == None
490    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.CimValue._cim_instance == 'ANSIBLE_xTestClass'
491    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.HashValue|length == 1
492    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.HashValue[0].Key == 'a'
493    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.HashValue[0].Value == 'a'
494    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.HashValue[0]._cim_instance == 'MSFT_KeyValuePair'
495    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.IntValue == 300
496    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value.KeyValue == 'key value'
497    - dsc_types_actual.NestedCimInstanceParam.Value._cim_instance == 'ANSIBLE_xNestedClass'
499- name: test DSC with all types older version
500  win_dsc:
501    resource_name: xTestResource
502    module_version: 1.0.0
503    Path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\test-types.json'
504    Ensure: Absent
505    StringParam: string param old
506    CimInstanceArrayParam:
507    - Key: old key
508      StringValue: string old 1
509      IntValue: 0
510      StringArrayValue:
511      - zyx
512      - wvu
513  register: dsc_types_old
515- name: get result of test DSC with all types older version
516  slurp:
517    path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\test-types.json'
518  register: dsc_types_old_raw
520- name: convert result of test DSC with all types to dict
521  set_fact:
522    dsc_types_old_actual: '{{ dsc_types_old_raw.content | b64decode | from_json }}'
524- name: assert test DSC with all types older version
525  assert:
526    that:
527    - dsc_types_old is changed
528    - dsc_types_old.module_version == '1.0.0'
529    - not dsc_types_old.reboot_required
530    - dsc_types_old_actual.Version == '1.0.0'
531    - dsc_types_old_actual.Verbose.Value.IsPresent
532    - dsc_types_old_actual.DefaultParam.Value == 'Default'
533    - dsc_types_old_actual.Ensure.Value == 'Absent'
534    - dsc_types_old_actual.Path.Value == remote_tmp_dir + "\\test-types.json"
535    - dsc_types_old_actual.StringParam.Type == 'System.String'
536    - dsc_types_old_actual.StringParam.Value == 'string param old'
537    - dsc_types_old_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Type == 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]'
538    - dsc_types_old_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value|length == 1
539    - not dsc_types_old_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].Choice is defined  # 1.0.0 does not have a Choice option
540    - dsc_types_old_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].IntValue == 0
541    - dsc_types_old_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].Key == 'old key'
542    - dsc_types_old_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].StringArrayValue == ['zyx', 'wvu']
543    - dsc_types_old_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0].StringValue == 'string old 1'
544    - dsc_types_old_actual.CimInstanceArrayParam.Value[0]._cim_instance == 'ANSIBLE_xTestClass'