5.. versionadded:: 2018.3.0
7Execution module that processes plain text and extracts data
8using TextFSM templates. The output is presented in JSON serializable
9data, and can be easily re-used in other modules, or directly
10inside the renderer (Jinja, Mako, Genshi, etc.).
12:depends:   - textfsm Python library
14.. note::
16    Install  ``textfsm`` library: ``pip install textfsm``.
19import logging
20import os
22from salt.utils.files import fopen
25    import textfsm
27    HAS_TEXTFSM = True
28except ImportError:
29    HAS_TEXTFSM = False
32    from textfsm import clitable
34    HAS_CLITABLE = True
35except ImportError:
36    HAS_CLITABLE = False
38log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
40__virtualname__ = "textfsm"
41__proxyenabled__ = ["*"]
44def __virtual__():
45    """
46    Only load this execution module if TextFSM is installed.
47    """
48    if HAS_TEXTFSM:
49        return __virtualname__
50    return (
51        False,
52        "The textfsm execution module failed to load: requires the textfsm library.",
53    )
56def _clitable_to_dict(objects, fsm_handler):
57    """
58    Converts TextFSM cli_table object to list of dictionaries.
59    """
60    objs = []
61    log.debug("Cli Table: %s; FSM handler: %s", objects, fsm_handler)
62    for row in objects:
63        temp_dict = {}
64        for index, element in enumerate(row):
65            temp_dict[fsm_handler.header[index].lower()] = element
66        objs.append(temp_dict)
67    log.debug("Extraction result: %s", objs)
68    return objs
71def extract(template_path, raw_text=None, raw_text_file=None, saltenv="base"):
72    r"""
73    Extracts the data entities from the unstructured
74    raw text sent as input and returns the data
75    mapping, processing using the TextFSM template.
77    template_path
78        The path to the TextFSM template.
79        This can be specified using the absolute path
80        to the file, or using one of the following URL schemes:
82        - ``salt://``, to fetch the template from the Salt fileserver.
83        - ``http://`` or ``https://``
84        - ``ftp://``
85        - ``s3://``
86        - ``swift://``
88    raw_text: ``None``
89        The unstructured text to be parsed.
91    raw_text_file: ``None``
92        Text file to read, having the raw text to be parsed using the TextFSM template.
93        Supports the same URL schemes as the ``template_path`` argument.
95    saltenv: ``base``
96        Salt fileserver environment from which to retrieve the file.
97        Ignored if ``template_path`` is not a ``salt://`` URL.
99    CLI Example:
101    .. code-block:: bash
103        salt '*' textfsm.extract salt://textfsm/juniper_version_template raw_text_file=s3://junos_ver.txt
104        salt '*' textfsm.extract http://some-server/textfsm/juniper_version_template raw_text='Hostname: router.abc ... snip ...'
106    Jinja template example:
108    .. code-block:: jinja
110        {%- set raw_text = 'Hostname: router.abc ... snip ...' -%}
111        {%- set textfsm_extract = salt.textfsm.extract('https://some-server/textfsm/juniper_version_template', raw_text) -%}
113    Raw text example:
115    .. code-block:: text
117        Hostname: router.abc
118        Model: mx960
119        JUNOS Base OS boot [9.1S3.5]
120        JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.1S3.5]
121        JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.1S3.5]
122        JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.1S3.5]
123        JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.1S3.5]
124        JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (MX Common) [9.1S3.5]
125        JUNOS Online Documentation [9.1S3.5]
126        JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.1S3.5]
128    TextFSM Example:
130    .. code-block:: text
132        Value Chassis (\S+)
133        Value Required Model (\S+)
134        Value Boot (.*)
135        Value Base (.*)
136        Value Kernel (.*)
137        Value Crypto (.*)
138        Value Documentation (.*)
139        Value Routing (.*)
141        Start
142        # Support multiple chassis systems.
143          ^\S+:$$ -> Continue.Record
144          ^${Chassis}:$$
145          ^Model: ${Model}
146          ^JUNOS Base OS boot \[${Boot}\]
147          ^JUNOS Software Release \[${Base}\]
148          ^JUNOS Base OS Software Suite \[${Base}\]
149          ^JUNOS Kernel Software Suite \[${Kernel}\]
150          ^JUNOS Crypto Software Suite \[${Crypto}\]
151          ^JUNOS Online Documentation \[${Documentation}\]
152          ^JUNOS Routing Software Suite \[${Routing}\]
154    Output example:
156    .. code-block:: json
158        {
159            "comment": "",
160            "result": true,
161            "out": [
162                {
163                    "kernel": "9.1S3.5",
164                    "documentation": "9.1S3.5",
165                    "boot": "9.1S3.5",
166                    "crypto": "9.1S3.5",
167                    "chassis": "",
168                    "routing": "9.1S3.5",
169                    "base": "9.1S3.5",
170                    "model": "mx960"
171                }
172            ]
173        }
174    """
175    ret = {"result": False, "comment": "", "out": None}
176    log.debug(
177        "Caching %s(saltenv: %s) using the Salt fileserver", template_path, saltenv
178    )
179    tpl_cached_path = __salt__["cp.cache_file"](template_path, saltenv=saltenv)
180    if tpl_cached_path is False:
181        ret["comment"] = "Unable to read the TextFSM template from {}".format(
182            template_path
183        )
184        log.error(ret["comment"])
185        return ret
186    try:
187        log.debug("Reading TextFSM template from cache path: %s", tpl_cached_path)
188        # Disabling pylint W8470 to nto complain about fopen.
189        # Unfortunately textFSM needs the file handle rather than the content...
190        # pylint: disable=W8470
191        tpl_file_handle = fopen(tpl_cached_path, "r")
192        # pylint: disable=W8470
193        log.debug(tpl_file_handle.read())
194        tpl_file_handle.seek(0)  # move the object position back at the top of the file
195        fsm_handler = textfsm.TextFSM(tpl_file_handle)
196    except textfsm.TextFSMTemplateError as tfte:
197        log.error("Unable to parse the TextFSM template", exc_info=True)
198        ret[
199            "comment"
200        ] = "Unable to parse the TextFSM template from {}: {}. Please check the logs.".format(
201            template_path, tfte
202        )
203        return ret
204    if not raw_text and raw_text_file:
205        log.debug("Trying to read the raw input from %s", raw_text_file)
206        raw_text = __salt__["cp.get_file_str"](raw_text_file, saltenv=saltenv)
207        if raw_text is False:
208            ret[
209                "comment"
210            ] = "Unable to read from {}. Please specify a valid input file or text.".format(
211                raw_text_file
212            )
213            log.error(ret["comment"])
214            return ret
215    if not raw_text:
216        ret["comment"] = "Please specify a valid input file or text."
217        log.error(ret["comment"])
218        return ret
219    log.debug("Processing the raw text:\n%s", raw_text)
220    objects = fsm_handler.ParseText(raw_text)
221    ret["out"] = _clitable_to_dict(objects, fsm_handler)
222    ret["result"] = True
223    return ret
226def index(
227    command,
228    platform=None,
229    platform_grain_name=None,
230    platform_column_name=None,
231    output=None,
232    output_file=None,
233    textfsm_path=None,
234    index_file=None,
235    saltenv="base",
236    include_empty=False,
237    include_pat=None,
238    exclude_pat=None,
240    """
241    Dynamically identify the template required to extract the
242    information from the unstructured raw text.
244    The output has the same structure as the ``extract`` execution
245    function, the difference being that ``index`` is capable
246    to identify what template to use, based on the platform
247    details and the ``command``.
249    command
250        The command executed on the device, to get the output.
252    platform
253        The platform name, as defined in the TextFSM index file.
255        .. note::
256            For ease of use, it is recommended to define the TextFSM
257            indexfile with values that can be matches using the grains.
259    platform_grain_name
260        The name of the grain used to identify the platform name
261        in the TextFSM index file.
263        .. note::
264            This option can be also specified in the minion configuration
265            file or pillar as ``textfsm_platform_grain``.
267        .. note::
268            This option is ignored when ``platform`` is specified.
270    platform_column_name: ``Platform``
271        The column name used to identify the platform,
272        exactly as specified in the TextFSM index file.
273        Default: ``Platform``.
275        .. note::
276            This is field is case sensitive, make sure
277            to assign the correct value to this option,
278            exactly as defined in the index file.
280        .. note::
281            This option can be also specified in the minion configuration
282            file or pillar as ``textfsm_platform_column_name``.
284    output
285        The raw output from the device, to be parsed
286        and extract the structured data.
288    output_file
289        The path to a file that contains the raw output from the device,
290        used to extract the structured data.
291        This option supports the usual Salt-specific schemes: ``file://``,
292        ``salt://``, ``http://``, ``https://``, ``ftp://``, ``s3://``, ``swift://``.
294    textfsm_path
295        The path where the TextFSM templates can be found. This can be either
296        absolute path on the server, either specified using the following URL
297        schemes: ``file://``, ``salt://``, ``http://``, ``https://``, ``ftp://``,
298        ``s3://``, ``swift://``.
300        .. note::
301            This needs to be a directory with a flat structure, having an
302            index file (whose name can be specified using the ``index_file`` option)
303            and a number of TextFSM templates.
305        .. note::
306            This option can be also specified in the minion configuration
307            file or pillar as ``textfsm_path``.
309    index_file: ``index``
310        The name of the TextFSM index file, under the ``textfsm_path``. Default: ``index``.
312        .. note::
313            This option can be also specified in the minion configuration
314            file or pillar as ``textfsm_index_file``.
316    saltenv: ``base``
317        Salt fileserver environment from which to retrieve the file.
318        Ignored if ``textfsm_path`` is not a ``salt://`` URL.
320    include_empty: ``False``
321        Include empty files under the ``textfsm_path``.
323    include_pat
324        Glob or regex to narrow down the files cached from the given path.
325        If matching with a regex, the regex must be prefixed with ``E@``,
326        otherwise the expression will be interpreted as a glob.
328    exclude_pat
329        Glob or regex to exclude certain files from being cached from the given path.
330        If matching with a regex, the regex must be prefixed with ``E@``,
331        otherwise the expression will be interpreted as a glob.
333        .. note::
334            If used with ``include_pat``, files matching this pattern will be
335            excluded from the subset of files defined by ``include_pat``.
337    CLI Example:
339    .. code-block:: bash
341        salt '*' textfsm.index 'sh ver' platform=Juniper output_file=salt://textfsm/juniper_version_example textfsm_path=salt://textfsm/
342        salt '*' textfsm.index 'sh ver' output_file=salt://textfsm/juniper_version_example textfsm_path=ftp://textfsm/ platform_column_name=Vendor
343        salt '*' textfsm.index 'sh ver' output_file=salt://textfsm/juniper_version_example textfsm_path=https://some-server/textfsm/ platform_column_name=Vendor platform_grain_name=vendor
345    TextFSM index file example:
347    ``salt://textfsm/index``
349    .. code-block:: text
351        Template, Hostname, Vendor, Command
352        juniper_version_template, .*, Juniper, sh[[ow]] ve[[rsion]]
354    The usage can be simplified,
355    by defining (some of) the following options: ``textfsm_platform_grain``,
356    ``textfsm_path``, ``textfsm_platform_column_name``, or ``textfsm_index_file``,
357    in the (proxy) minion configuration file or pillar.
359    Configuration example:
361    .. code-block:: yaml
363        textfsm_platform_grain: vendor
364        textfsm_path: salt://textfsm/
365        textfsm_platform_column_name: Vendor
367    And the CLI usage becomes as simple as:
369    .. code-block:: bash
371        salt '*' textfsm.index 'sh ver' output_file=salt://textfsm/juniper_version_example
373    Usgae inside a Jinja template:
375    .. code-block:: jinja
377        {%- set command = 'sh ver' -%}
378        {%- set output = salt.net.cli(command) -%}
379        {%- set textfsm_extract = salt.textfsm.index(command, output=output) -%}
380    """
381    ret = {"out": None, "result": False, "comment": ""}
382    if not HAS_CLITABLE:
383        ret["comment"] = "TextFSM does not seem that has clitable embedded."
384        log.error(ret["comment"])
385        return ret
386    if not platform:
387        platform_grain_name = __opts__.get("textfsm_platform_grain") or __pillar__.get(
388            "textfsm_platform_grain", platform_grain_name
389        )
390        if platform_grain_name:
391            log.debug(
392                "Using the %s grain to identify the platform name", platform_grain_name
393            )
394            platform = __grains__.get(platform_grain_name)
395            if not platform:
396                ret[
397                    "comment"
398                ] = "Unable to identify the platform name using the {} grain.".format(
399                    platform_grain_name
400                )
401                return ret
402            log.info("Using platform: %s", platform)
403        else:
404            ret[
405                "comment"
406            ] = "No platform specified, no platform grain identifier configured."
407            log.error(ret["comment"])
408            return ret
409    if not textfsm_path:
410        log.debug(
411            "No TextFSM templates path specified, trying to look into the opts and"
412            " pillar"
413        )
414        textfsm_path = __opts__.get("textfsm_path") or __pillar__.get("textfsm_path")
415        if not textfsm_path:
416            ret["comment"] = (
417                "No TextFSM templates path specified. Please configure in"
418                " opts/pillar/function args."
419            )
420            log.error(ret["comment"])
421            return ret
422    log.debug(
423        "Caching %s(saltenv: %s) using the Salt fileserver", textfsm_path, saltenv
424    )
425    textfsm_cachedir_ret = __salt__["cp.cache_dir"](
426        textfsm_path,
427        saltenv=saltenv,
428        include_empty=include_empty,
429        include_pat=include_pat,
430        exclude_pat=exclude_pat,
431    )
432    log.debug("Cache fun return:\n%s", textfsm_cachedir_ret)
433    if not textfsm_cachedir_ret:
434        ret[
435            "comment"
436        ] = "Unable to fetch from {}. Is the TextFSM path correctly specified?".format(
437            textfsm_path
438        )
439        log.error(ret["comment"])
440        return ret
441    textfsm_cachedir = os.path.dirname(textfsm_cachedir_ret[0])  # first item
442    index_file = __opts__.get("textfsm_index_file") or __pillar__.get(
443        "textfsm_index_file", "index"
444    )
445    index_file_path = os.path.join(textfsm_cachedir, index_file)
446    log.debug("Using the cached index file: %s", index_file_path)
447    log.debug("TextFSM templates cached under: %s", textfsm_cachedir)
448    textfsm_obj = clitable.CliTable(index_file_path, textfsm_cachedir)
449    attrs = {"Command": command}
450    platform_column_name = __opts__.get(
451        "textfsm_platform_column_name"
452    ) or __pillar__.get("textfsm_platform_column_name", "Platform")
453    log.info("Using the TextFSM platform idenfiticator: %s", platform_column_name)
454    attrs[platform_column_name] = platform
455    log.debug("Processing the TextFSM index file using the attributes: %s", attrs)
456    if not output and output_file:
457        log.debug("Processing the output from %s", output_file)
458        output = __salt__["cp.get_file_str"](output_file, saltenv=saltenv)
459        if output is False:
460            ret[
461                "comment"
462            ] = "Unable to read from {}. Please specify a valid file or text.".format(
463                output_file
464            )
465            log.error(ret["comment"])
466            return ret
467    if not output:
468        ret["comment"] = "Please specify a valid output text or file"
469        log.error(ret["comment"])
470        return ret
471    log.debug("Processing the raw text:\n%s", output)
472    try:
473        # Parse output through template
474        textfsm_obj.ParseCmd(output, attrs)
475        ret["out"] = _clitable_to_dict(textfsm_obj, textfsm_obj)
476        ret["result"] = True
477    except clitable.CliTableError as cterr:
478        log.error("Unable to proces the CliTable", exc_info=True)
479        ret["comment"] = "Unable to process the output: {}".format(cterr)
480    return ret