2Runner to manage Windows software repo
5# WARNING: Any modules imported here must also be added to
6# salt/modules/win_repo.py
9import logging
10import os
12import salt.loader
13import salt.minion
14import salt.template
15import salt.utils.files
16import salt.utils.gitfs
17import salt.utils.msgpack
18import salt.utils.path
19from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltRenderError
21log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
23# Global parameters which can be overridden on a per-remote basis
24PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES = ("ssl_verify", "refspecs", "fallback")
26# Fall back to default per-remote-only. This isn't technically needed since
27# salt.utils.gitfs.GitBase.__init__ will default to
28# salt.utils.gitfs.PER_REMOTE_ONLY for this value, so this is mainly for
29# runners and other modules that import salt.runners.winrepo.
30PER_REMOTE_ONLY = salt.utils.gitfs.PER_REMOTE_ONLY
31GLOBAL_ONLY = ("branch",)
34def genrepo(opts=None, fire_event=True):
35    """
36    Generate winrepo_cachefile based on sls files in the winrepo_dir
38    opts
39        Specify an alternate opts dict. Should not be used unless this function
40        is imported into an execution module.
42    fire_event : True
43        Fire an event on failure. Only supported on the master.
45    CLI Example:
47    .. code-block:: bash
49        salt-run winrepo.genrepo
50    """
51    if opts is None:
52        opts = __opts__
54    winrepo_dir = opts["winrepo_dir"]
55    winrepo_cachefile = opts["winrepo_cachefile"]
57    ret = {}
58    if not os.path.exists(winrepo_dir):
59        os.makedirs(winrepo_dir)
60    renderers = salt.loader.render(opts, __salt__)
61    for root, _, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(winrepo_dir):
62        for name in files:
63            if name.endswith(".sls"):
64                try:
65                    config = salt.template.compile_template(
66                        os.path.join(root, name),
67                        renderers,
68                        opts["renderer"],
69                        opts["renderer_blacklist"],
70                        opts["renderer_whitelist"],
71                    )
72                except SaltRenderError as exc:
73                    log.debug("Failed to render %s.", os.path.join(root, name))
74                    log.debug("Error: %s.", exc)
75                    continue
76                if config:
77                    revmap = {}
78                    for pkgname, versions in config.items():
79                        log.debug("Compiling winrepo data for package '%s'", pkgname)
80                        for version, repodata in versions.items():
81                            log.debug(
82                                "Compiling winrepo data for %s version %s",
83                                pkgname,
84                                version,
85                            )
86                            if not isinstance(version, str):
87                                config[pkgname][str(version)] = config[pkgname].pop(
88                                    version
89                                )
90                            if not isinstance(repodata, dict):
91                                msg = "Failed to compile {}.".format(
92                                    os.path.join(root, name)
93                                )
94                                log.debug(msg)
95                                if fire_event:
96                                    try:
97                                        __jid_event__.fire_event(
98                                            {"error": msg}, "progress"
99                                        )
100                                    except NameError:
101                                        log.error(
102                                            "Attempted to fire the an event "
103                                            "with the following error, but "
104                                            "event firing is not supported: %s",
105                                            msg,
106                                        )
107                                continue
108                            revmap[repodata["full_name"]] = pkgname
109                    ret.setdefault("repo", {}).update(config)
110                    ret.setdefault("name_map", {}).update(revmap)
111    with salt.utils.files.fopen(
112        os.path.join(winrepo_dir, winrepo_cachefile), "w+b"
113    ) as repo:
114        repo.write(salt.utils.msgpack.dumps(ret))
115    return ret
118def update_git_repos(opts=None, clean=False, masterless=False):
119    """
120    Checkout git repos containing Windows Software Package Definitions
122    opts
123        Specify an alternate opts dict. Should not be used unless this function
124        is imported into an execution module.
126    clean : False
127        Clean repo cachedirs which are not configured under
128        :conf_master:`winrepo_remotes`.
130        .. warning::
131            This argument should not be set to ``True`` if a mix of git and
132            non-git repo definitions are being used, as it will result in the
133            non-git repo definitions being removed.
135        .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0
137    CLI Examples:
139    .. code-block:: bash
141        salt-run winrepo.update_git_repos
142        salt-run winrepo.update_git_repos clean=True
143    """
144    if opts is None:
145        opts = __opts__
147    winrepo_dir = opts["winrepo_dir"]
148    winrepo_remotes = opts["winrepo_remotes"]
150    winrepo_cfg = [
151        (winrepo_remotes, winrepo_dir),
152        (opts["winrepo_remotes_ng"], opts["winrepo_dir_ng"]),
153    ]
155    ret = {}
156    for remotes, base_dir in winrepo_cfg:
157        if not any(
158            (salt.utils.gitfs.GITPYTHON_VERSION, salt.utils.gitfs.PYGIT2_VERSION)
159        ):
160            # Use legacy code
161            winrepo_result = {}
162            for remote_info in remotes:
163                if "/" in remote_info:
164                    targetname = remote_info.split("/")[-1]
165                else:
166                    targetname = remote_info
167                rev = "HEAD"
168                # If a revision is specified, use it.
169                try:
170                    rev, remote_url = remote_info.strip().split()
171                except ValueError:
172                    remote_url = remote_info
173                gittarget = os.path.join(base_dir, targetname).replace(".", "_")
174                if masterless:
175                    result = __salt__["state.single"](
176                        "git.latest",
177                        name=remote_url,
178                        rev=rev,
179                        branch="winrepo",
180                        target=gittarget,
181                        force_checkout=True,
182                        force_reset=True,
183                    )
184                    if isinstance(result, list):
185                        # Errors were detected
186                        raise CommandExecutionError(
187                            "Failed up update winrepo remotes: {}".format(
188                                "\n".join(result)
189                            )
190                        )
191                    if "name" not in result:
192                        # Highstate output dict, the results are actually nested
193                        # one level down.
194                        key = next(iter(result))
195                        result = result[key]
196                else:
197                    mminion = salt.minion.MasterMinion(opts)
198                    result = mminion.states["git.latest"](
199                        remote_url,
200                        rev=rev,
201                        branch="winrepo",
202                        target=gittarget,
203                        force_checkout=True,
204                        force_reset=True,
205                    )
206                winrepo_result[result["name"]] = result["result"]
207            ret.update(winrepo_result)
208        else:
209            # New winrepo code utilizing salt.utils.gitfs
210            try:
211                winrepo = salt.utils.gitfs.WinRepo(
212                    opts,
213                    remotes,
214                    per_remote_overrides=PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES,
215                    per_remote_only=PER_REMOTE_ONLY,
216                    global_only=GLOBAL_ONLY,
217                    cache_root=base_dir,
218                )
219                winrepo.fetch_remotes()
220                # Since we're not running update(), we need to manually call
221                # clear_old_remotes() to remove directories from remotes that
222                # have been removed from configuration.
223                if clean:
224                    winrepo.clear_old_remotes()
225                winrepo.checkout()
226            except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
227                msg = "Failed to update winrepo_remotes: {}".format(exc)
228                log.error(msg, exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
229                return msg
230            ret.update(winrepo.winrepo_dirs)
231    return ret