2In-memory caching used by Salt
5import functools
6import logging
7import os
8import re
9import time
11import salt.config
12import salt.payload
13import salt.utils.atomicfile
14import salt.utils.data
15import salt.utils.dictupdate
16import salt.utils.files
17import salt.utils.msgpack
18from salt.utils.zeromq import zmq
20log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
23class CacheFactory:
24    """
25    Cache which can use a number of backends
26    """
28    @classmethod
29    def factory(cls, backend, ttl, *args, **kwargs):
30        log.debug("Factory backend: %s", backend)
31        if backend == "memory":
32            return CacheDict(ttl, *args, **kwargs)
33        elif backend == "disk":
34            return CacheDisk(ttl, kwargs["minion_cache_path"], *args, **kwargs)
35        else:
36            log.error("CacheFactory received unrecognized cache type")
39class CacheDict(dict):
40    """
41    Subclass of dict that will lazily delete items past ttl
42    """
44    def __init__(self, ttl, *args, **kwargs):
45        dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
46        self._ttl = ttl
47        self._key_cache_time = {}
49    def _enforce_ttl_key(self, key):
50        """
51        Enforce the TTL to a specific key, delete if its past TTL
52        """
53        if key not in self._key_cache_time:
54            return
55        if time.time() - self._key_cache_time[key] > self._ttl:
56            del self._key_cache_time[key]
57            dict.__delitem__(self, key)
59    def __getitem__(self, key):
60        """
61        Check if the key is ttld out, then do the get
62        """
63        self._enforce_ttl_key(key)
64        return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
66    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
67        """
68        Make sure to update the key cache time
69        """
70        self._key_cache_time[key] = time.time()
71        dict.__setitem__(self, key, val)
73    def __contains__(self, key):
74        self._enforce_ttl_key(key)
75        return dict.__contains__(self, key)
78class CacheDisk(CacheDict):
79    """
80    Class that represents itself as a dictionary to a consumer
81    but uses a disk-based backend. Serialization and de-serialization
82    is done with msgpack
83    """
85    def __init__(self, ttl, path, *args, **kwargs):
86        super().__init__(ttl, *args, **kwargs)
87        self._path = path
88        self._dict = {}
89        self._read()
91    def _enforce_ttl_key(self, key):
92        """
93        Enforce the TTL to a specific key, delete if its past TTL
94        """
95        if key not in self._key_cache_time:
96            return
97        if time.time() - self._key_cache_time[key] > self._ttl:
98            del self._key_cache_time[key]
99            self._dict.__delitem__(key)
101    def __contains__(self, key):
102        self._enforce_ttl_key(key)
103        return self._dict.__contains__(key)
105    def __getitem__(self, key):
106        """
107        Check if the key is ttld out, then do the get
108        """
109        self._enforce_ttl_key(key)
110        return self._dict.__getitem__(key)
112    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
113        """
114        Make sure to update the key cache time
115        """
116        self._key_cache_time[key] = time.time()
117        self._dict.__setitem__(key, val)
118        # Do the same as the parent but also persist
119        self._write()
121    def __delitem__(self, key):
122        """
123        Make sure to remove the key cache time
124        """
125        del self._key_cache_time[key]
126        self._dict.__delitem__(key)
127        # Do the same as the parent but also persist
128        self._write()
130    def clear(self):
131        """
132        Clear the cache
133        """
134        self._key_cache_time.clear()
135        self._dict.clear()
136        # Do the same as the parent but also persist
137        self._write()
139    def _read(self):
140        """
141        Read in from disk
142        """
143        if not salt.utils.msgpack.HAS_MSGPACK or not os.path.exists(self._path):
144            return
145        with salt.utils.files.fopen(self._path, "rb") as fp_:
146            cache = salt.utils.data.decode(
147                salt.utils.msgpack.load(fp_, encoding=__salt_system_encoding__)
148            )
149        if "CacheDisk_cachetime" in cache:  # new format
150            self._dict = cache["CacheDisk_data"]
151            self._key_cache_time = cache["CacheDisk_cachetime"]
152        else:  # old format
153            self._dict = cache
154            timestamp = os.path.getmtime(self._path)
155            for key in self._dict:
156                self._key_cache_time[key] = timestamp
157        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
158            log.debug("Disk cache retrieved: %s", cache)
160    def _write(self):
161        """
162        Write out to disk
163        """
164        if not salt.utils.msgpack.HAS_MSGPACK:
165            return
166        # TODO Add check into preflight to ensure dir exists
167        # TODO Dir hashing?
168        with salt.utils.atomicfile.atomic_open(self._path, "wb+") as fp_:
169            cache = {
170                "CacheDisk_data": self._dict,
171                "CacheDisk_cachetime": self._key_cache_time,
172            }
173            salt.utils.msgpack.dump(cache, fp_, use_bin_type=True)
176class CacheCli:
177    """
178    Connection client for the ConCache. Should be used by all
179    components that need the list of currently connected minions
180    """
182    def __init__(self, opts):
183        """
184        Sets up the zmq-connection to the ConCache
185        """
186        self.opts = opts
187        self.cache_sock = os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "con_cache.ipc")
188        self.cache_upd_sock = os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "con_upd.ipc")
190        context = zmq.Context()
192        # the socket for talking to the cache
193        self.creq_out = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
194        self.creq_out.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 100)
195        self.creq_out.connect("ipc://" + self.cache_sock)
197        # the socket for sending updates to the cache
198        self.cupd_out = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
199        self.cupd_out.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 1)
200        self.cupd_out.connect("ipc://" + self.cache_upd_sock)
202    def put_cache(self, minions):
203        """
204        published the given minions to the ConCache
205        """
206        self.cupd_out.send(salt.payload.dumps(minions))
208    def get_cached(self):
209        """
210        queries the ConCache for a list of currently connected minions
211        """
212        msg = salt.payload.dumps("minions")
213        self.creq_out.send(msg)
214        min_list = salt.payload.loads(self.creq_out.recv())
215        return min_list
218class CacheRegex:
219    """
220    Create a regular expression object cache for the most frequently
221    used patterns to minimize compilation of the same patterns over
222    and over again
223    """
225    def __init__(
226        self, prepend="", append="", size=1000, keep_fraction=0.8, max_age=3600
227    ):
228        self.prepend = prepend
229        self.append = append
230        self.size = size
231        self.clear_size = int(size - size * (keep_fraction))
232        if self.clear_size >= size:
233            self.clear_size = int(size / 2) + 1
234            if self.clear_size > size:
235                self.clear_size = size
236        self.max_age = max_age
237        self.cache = {}
238        self.timestamp = time.time()
240    def clear(self):
241        """
242        Clear the cache
243        """
244        self.cache.clear()
246    def sweep(self):
247        """
248        Sweep the cache and remove the outdated or least frequently
249        used entries
250        """
251        if self.max_age < time.time() - self.timestamp:
252            self.clear()
253            self.timestamp = time.time()
254        else:
255            paterns = list(self.cache.values())
256            paterns.sort()
257            for idx in range(self.clear_size):
258                del self.cache[paterns[idx][2]]
260    def get(self, pattern):
261        """
262        Get a compiled regular expression object based on pattern and
263        cache it when it is not in the cache already
264        """
265        try:
266            self.cache[pattern][0] += 1
267            return self.cache[pattern][1]
268        except KeyError:
269            pass
270        if len(self.cache) > self.size:
271            self.sweep()
272        regex = re.compile("{}{}{}".format(self.prepend, pattern, self.append))
273        self.cache[pattern] = [1, regex, pattern, time.time()]
274        return regex
277class ContextCache:
278    def __init__(self, opts, name):
279        """
280        Create a context cache
281        """
282        self.opts = opts
283        self.cache_path = os.path.join(opts["cachedir"], "context", "{}.p".format(name))
285    def cache_context(self, context):
286        """
287        Cache the given context to disk
288        """
289        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self.cache_path)):
290            os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(self.cache_path))
291        with salt.utils.files.fopen(self.cache_path, "w+b") as cache:
292            salt.payload.dump(context, cache)
294    def get_cache_context(self):
295        """
296        Retrieve a context cache from disk
297        """
298        with salt.utils.files.fopen(self.cache_path, "rb") as cache:
299            return salt.utils.data.decode(salt.payload.load(cache))
302def context_cache(func):
303    """
304    A decorator to be used module functions which need to cache their
305    context.
307    To evaluate a __context__ and re-hydrate it if a given key
308    is empty or contains no items, pass a list of keys to evaulate.
309    """
311    @functools.wraps(func)
312    def context_cache_wrap(*args, **kwargs):
313        try:
314            func_context = func.__globals__["__context__"].value()
315        except AttributeError:
316            func_context = func.__globals__["__context__"]
317        try:
318            func_opts = func.__globals__["__opts__"].value()
319        except AttributeError:
320            func_opts = func.__globals__["__opts__"]
321        func_name = func.__globals__["__name__"]
323        context_cache = ContextCache(func_opts, func_name)
324        if not func_context and os.path.isfile(context_cache.cache_path):
325            salt.utils.dictupdate.update(
326                func_context, context_cache.get_cache_context()
327            )
328        else:
329            context_cache.cache_context(func_context)
330        return func(*args, **kwargs)
332    return context_cache_wrap