2For running command line executables with a timeout
5import shlex
6import subprocess
7import threading
9import salt.exceptions
10import salt.utils.data
11import salt.utils.stringutils
14class TimedProc:
15    """
16    Create a TimedProc object, calls subprocess.Popen with passed args and **kwargs
17    """
19    def __init__(self, args, **kwargs):
21        self.wait = not kwargs.pop("bg", False)
22        self.stdin = kwargs.pop("stdin", None)
23        self.with_communicate = kwargs.pop("with_communicate", self.wait)
24        self.timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", None)
25        self.stdin_raw_newlines = kwargs.pop("stdin_raw_newlines", False)
27        # If you're not willing to wait for the process
28        # you can't define any stdin, stdout or stderr
29        if not self.wait:
30            self.stdin = kwargs["stdin"] = None
31            self.with_communicate = False
32        elif self.stdin is not None:
33            if not self.stdin_raw_newlines:
34                # Translate a newline submitted as '\n' on the CLI to an actual
35                # newline character.
36                self.stdin = salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(
37                    self.stdin.replace("\\n", "\n")
38                )
39            kwargs["stdin"] = subprocess.PIPE
41        if not self.with_communicate:
42            self.stdout = kwargs["stdout"] = None
43            self.stderr = kwargs["stderr"] = None
45        if self.timeout and not isinstance(self.timeout, (int, float)):
46            raise salt.exceptions.TimedProcTimeoutError(
47                "Error: timeout {} must be a number".format(self.timeout)
48            )
49        if kwargs.get("shell", False):
50            args = salt.utils.data.decode(args, to_str=True)
52        try:
53            self.process = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
54        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
55            if not kwargs.get("shell", False):
56                if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
57                    try:
58                        args = shlex.split(args)
59                    except AttributeError:
60                        args = shlex.split(str(args))
61                str_args = []
62                for arg in args:
63                    if not isinstance(arg, str):
64                        str_args.append(str(arg))
65                    else:
66                        str_args.append(arg)
67                args = str_args
68            else:
69                if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple, str)):
70                    # Handle corner case where someone does a 'cmd.run 3'
71                    args = str(args)
72            # Ensure that environment variables are strings
73            for key, val in kwargs.get("env", {}).items():
74                if not isinstance(val, str):
75                    kwargs["env"][key] = str(val)
76                if not isinstance(key, str):
77                    kwargs["env"][str(key)] = kwargs["env"].pop(key)
78            args = salt.utils.data.decode(args)
79            self.process = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
80        self.command = args
82    def run(self):
83        """
84        wait for subprocess to terminate and return subprocess' return code.
85        If timeout is reached, throw TimedProcTimeoutError
86        """
88        def receive():
89            if self.with_communicate:
90                self.stdout, self.stderr = self.process.communicate(input=self.stdin)
91            elif self.wait:
92                self.process.wait()
94        if not self.timeout:
95            receive()
96        else:
97            rt = threading.Thread(target=receive)
98            rt.start()
99            rt.join(self.timeout)
100            if rt.is_alive():
101                # Subprocess cleanup (best effort)
102                self.process.kill()
104                def terminate():
105                    if rt.is_alive():
106                        self.process.terminate()
108                threading.Timer(10, terminate).start()
109                raise salt.exceptions.TimedProcTimeoutError(
110                    "{} : Timed out after {} seconds".format(
111                        self.command,
112                        str(self.timeout),
113                    )
114                )
115        return self.process.returncode