2:maintainer:    SaltStack
3:maturity:      new
4:platform:      all
6Utilities supporting modules for Hashicorp Vault. Configuration instructions are
7documented in the execution module docs.
10import base64
11import logging
12import os
13import time
15import requests
16import salt.crypt
17import salt.exceptions
18import salt.utils.versions
20log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
23# Load the __salt__ dunder if not already loaded (when called from utils-module)
24__salt__ = None
27def __virtual__():
28    try:
29        global __salt__  # pylint: disable=global-statement
30        if not __salt__:
31            __salt__ = salt.loader.minion_mods(__opts__)
32            logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
33            return True
34    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
35        log.error("Could not load __salt__: %s", e)
36        return False
39def _get_token_and_url_from_master():
40    """
41    Get a token with correct policies for the minion, and the url to the Vault
42    service
43    """
44    minion_id = __grains__["id"]
45    pki_dir = __opts__["pki_dir"]
46    # Allow minion override salt-master settings/defaults
47    try:
48        uses = __opts__.get("vault", {}).get("auth", {}).get("uses", None)
49        ttl = __opts__.get("vault", {}).get("auth", {}).get("ttl", None)
50    except (TypeError, AttributeError):
51        # If uses or ttl are not defined, just use defaults
52        uses = None
53        ttl = None
55    # When rendering pillars, the module executes on the master, but the token
56    # should be issued for the minion, so that the correct policies are applied
57    if __opts__.get("__role", "minion") == "minion":
58        private_key = "{}/minion.pem".format(pki_dir)
59        log.debug("Running on minion, signing token request with key %s", private_key)
60        signature = base64.b64encode(salt.crypt.sign_message(private_key, minion_id))
61        result = __salt__["publish.runner"](
62            "vault.generate_token", arg=[minion_id, signature, False, ttl, uses]
63        )
64    else:
65        private_key = "{}/master.pem".format(pki_dir)
66        log.debug(
67            "Running on master, signing token request for %s with key %s",
68            minion_id,
69            private_key,
70        )
71        signature = base64.b64encode(salt.crypt.sign_message(private_key, minion_id))
72        result = __salt__["saltutil.runner"](
73            "vault.generate_token",
74            minion_id=minion_id,
75            signature=signature,
76            impersonated_by_master=True,
77            ttl=ttl,
78            uses=uses,
79        )
80    if not result:
81        log.error(
82            "Failed to get token from master! No result returned - "
83            "is the peer publish configuration correct?"
84        )
85        raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(result)
86    if not isinstance(result, dict):
87        log.error("Failed to get token from master! Response is not a dict: %s", result)
88        raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(result)
89    if "error" in result:
90        log.error(
91            "Failed to get token from master! An error was returned: %s",
92            result["error"],
93        )
94        raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(result)
95    if "session" in result.get("token_backend", "session"):
96        # This is the only way that this key can be placed onto __context__
97        # Thus is tells the minion that the master is configured for token_backend: session
98        log.debug("Using session storage for vault credentials")
99        __context__["vault_secret_path_metadata"] = {}
100    return {
101        "url": result["url"],
102        "token": result["token"],
103        "verify": result.get("verify", None),
104        "namespace": result.get("namespace"),
105        "uses": result.get("uses", 1),
106        "lease_duration": result["lease_duration"],
107        "issued": result["issued"],
108    }
111def get_vault_connection():
112    """
113    Get the connection details for calling Vault, from local configuration if
114    it exists, or from the master otherwise
115    """
117    def _use_local_config():
118        log.debug("Using Vault connection details from local config")
119        # Vault Enterprise requires a namespace
120        namespace = __opts__["vault"].get("namespace")
121        try:
122            if __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["method"] == "approle":
123                verify = __opts__["vault"].get("verify", None)
124                if _selftoken_expired():
125                    log.debug("Vault token expired. Recreating one")
126                    # Requesting a short ttl token
127                    url = "{}/v1/auth/approle/login".format(__opts__["vault"]["url"])
128                    payload = {"role_id": __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["role_id"]}
129                    if "secret_id" in __opts__["vault"]["auth"]:
130                        payload["secret_id"] = __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["secret_id"]
131                    if namespace is not None:
132                        headers = {"X-Vault-Namespace": namespace}
133                        response = requests.post(
134                            url, headers=headers, json=payload, verify=verify
135                        )
136                    else:
137                        response = requests.post(url, json=payload, verify=verify)
138                    if response.status_code != 200:
139                        errmsg = "An error occurred while getting a token from approle"
140                        raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(errmsg)
141                    __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["token"] = response.json()["auth"][
142                        "client_token"
143                    ]
144            if __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["method"] == "wrapped_token":
145                verify = __opts__["vault"].get("verify", None)
146                if _wrapped_token_valid():
147                    url = "{}/v1/sys/wrapping/unwrap".format(__opts__["vault"]["url"])
148                    headers = {"X-Vault-Token": __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["token"]}
149                    if namespace is not None:
150                        headers["X-Vault-Namespace"] = namespace
151                    response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, verify=verify)
152                    if response.status_code != 200:
153                        errmsg = "An error occured while unwrapping vault token"
154                        raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(errmsg)
155                    __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["token"] = response.json()["auth"][
156                        "client_token"
157                    ]
158            return {
159                "url": __opts__["vault"]["url"],
160                "namespace": namespace,
161                "token": __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["token"],
162                "verify": __opts__["vault"].get("verify", None),
163                "issued": int(round(time.time())),
164                "ttl": 3600,
165            }
166        except KeyError as err:
167            errmsg = 'Minion has "vault" config section, but could not find key "{}" within'.format(
168                err
169            )
170            raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(errmsg)
172    if "vault" in __opts__ and __opts__.get("__role", "minion") == "master":
173        if "id" in __grains__:
174            log.debug("Contacting master for Vault connection details")
175            return _get_token_and_url_from_master()
176        else:
177            return _use_local_config()
178    elif any(
179        (
180            __opts__.get("local", None),
181            __opts__.get("file_client", None) == "local",
182            __opts__.get("master_type", None) == "disable",
183        )
184    ):
185        return _use_local_config()
186    else:
187        log.debug("Contacting master for Vault connection details")
188        return _get_token_and_url_from_master()
191def del_cache():
192    """
193    Delete cache file
194    """
195    log.debug("Deleting cache file")
196    cache_file = os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "salt_vault_token")
198    if os.path.exists(cache_file):
199        os.remove(cache_file)
200    else:
201        log.debug("Attempted to delete vault cache file, but it does not exist.")
204def write_cache(connection):
205    """
206    Write the vault token to cache
207    """
208    # If uses is 1 and unlimited_use_token is not true, then this is a single use token and should not be cached
209    # In that case, we still want to cache the vault metadata lookup information for paths, so continue on
210    if (
211        connection.get("uses", None) == 1
212        and "unlimited_use_token" not in connection
213        and "vault_secret_path_metadata" not in connection
214    ):
215        log.debug("Not caching vault single use token")
216        __context__["vault_token"] = connection
217        return True
218    elif (
219        "vault_secret_path_metadata" in __context__
220        and "vault_secret_path_metadata" not in connection
221    ):
222        # If session storage is being used, and info passed is not the already saved metadata
223        log.debug("Storing token only for this session")
224        __context__["vault_token"] = connection
225        return True
226    elif "vault_secret_path_metadata" in __context__:
227        # Must have been passed metadata. This is already handled by _get_secret_path_metadata
228        #  and does not need to be resaved
229        return True
231    cache_file = os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "salt_vault_token")
232    try:
233        log.debug("Writing vault cache file")
234        # Detect if token was issued without use limit
235        if connection.get("uses") == 0:
236            connection["unlimited_use_token"] = True
237        else:
238            connection["unlimited_use_token"] = False
239        with salt.utils.files.fpopen(cache_file, "w", mode=0o600) as fp_:
240            fp_.write(salt.utils.json.dumps(connection))
241        return True
242    except OSError:
243        log.error(
244            "Failed to cache vault information", exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG
245        )
246        return False
249def _read_cache_file():
250    """
251    Return contents of cache file
252    """
253    try:
254        cache_file = os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "salt_vault_token")
255        with salt.utils.files.fopen(cache_file, "r") as contents:
256            return salt.utils.json.load(contents)
257    except FileNotFoundError:
258        return {}
261def get_cache():
262    """
263    Return connection information from vault cache file
264    """
266    def _gen_new_connection():
267        log.debug("Refreshing token")
268        connection = get_vault_connection()
269        write_status = write_cache(connection)
270        return connection
272    connection = _read_cache_file()
273    # If no cache, or only metadata info is saved in cache, generate a new token
274    if not connection or "url" not in connection:
275        return _gen_new_connection()
277    # Drop 10 seconds from ttl to be safe
278    if "lease_duration" in connection:
279        ttl = connection["lease_duration"]
280    else:
281        ttl = connection["ttl"]
282    ttl10 = connection["issued"] + ttl - 10
283    cur_time = int(round(time.time()))
285    # Determine if ttl still valid
286    if ttl10 < cur_time:
287        log.debug("Cached token has expired %s < %s: DELETING", ttl10, cur_time)
288        del_cache()
289        return _gen_new_connection()
290    else:
291        log.debug("Token has not expired %s > %s", ttl10, cur_time)
292    return connection
295def make_request(
296    method,
297    resource,
298    token=None,
299    vault_url=None,
300    namespace=None,
301    get_token_url=False,
302    retry=False,
303    **args
305    """
306    Make a request to Vault
307    """
308    if "vault_token" in __context__:
309        connection = __context__["vault_token"]
310    else:
311        connection = get_cache()
312    token = connection["token"] if not token else token
313    vault_url = connection["url"] if not vault_url else vault_url
314    namespace = namespace or connection["namespace"]
315    if "verify" in args:
316        args["verify"] = args["verify"]
317    else:
318        try:
319            args["verify"] = __opts__.get("vault").get("verify", None)
320        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
321            # Don't worry about setting verify if it doesn't exist
322            pass
323    url = "{}/{}".format(vault_url, resource)
324    headers = {"X-Vault-Token": str(token), "Content-Type": "application/json"}
325    if namespace is not None:
326        headers["X-Vault-Namespace"] = namespace
327    response = requests.request(method, url, headers=headers, **args)
328    if not response.ok and response.json().get("errors", None) == ["permission denied"]:
329        log.info("Permission denied from vault")
330        del_cache()
331        if not retry:
332            log.debug("Retrying with new credentials")
333            response = make_request(
334                method,
335                resource,
336                token=None,
337                vault_url=vault_url,
338                get_token_url=get_token_url,
339                retry=True,
340                **args
341            )
342        else:
343            log.error("Unable to connect to vault server: %s", response.text)
344            return response
345    elif not response.ok:
346        log.error("Error from vault: %s", response.text)
347        return response
349    # Decrement vault uses, only on secret URL lookups and multi use tokens
350    if (
351        "uses" in connection
352        and not connection.get("unlimited_use_token")
353        and not resource.startswith("v1/sys")
354    ):
355        log.debug("Decrementing Vault uses on limited token for url: %s", resource)
356        connection["uses"] -= 1
357        if connection["uses"] <= 0:
358            log.debug("Cached token has no more uses left.")
359            if "vault_token" not in __context__:
360                del_cache()
361            else:
362                log.debug("Deleting token from memory")
363                del __context__["vault_token"]
364        else:
365            log.debug("Token has %s uses left", connection["uses"])
366            write_cache(connection)
368    if get_token_url:
369        return response, token, vault_url
370    else:
371        return response
374def _selftoken_expired():
375    """
376    Validate the current token exists and is still valid
377    """
378    try:
379        verify = __opts__["vault"].get("verify", None)
380        # Vault Enterprise requires a namespace
381        namespace = __opts__["vault"].get("namespace")
382        url = "{}/v1/auth/token/lookup-self".format(__opts__["vault"]["url"])
383        if "token" not in __opts__["vault"]["auth"]:
384            return True
385        headers = {"X-Vault-Token": __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["token"]}
386        if namespace is not None:
387            headers["X-Vault-Namespace"] = namespace
388        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=verify)
389        if response.status_code != 200:
390            return True
391        return False
392    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
393        raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(
394            "Error while looking up self token : {}".format(e)
395        )
398def _wrapped_token_valid():
399    """
400    Validate the wrapped token exists and is still valid
401    """
402    try:
403        verify = __opts__["vault"].get("verify", None)
404        # Vault Enterprise requires a namespace
405        namespace = __opts__["vault"].get("namespace")
406        url = "{}/v1/sys/wrapping/lookup".format(__opts__["vault"]["url"])
407        if "token" not in __opts__["vault"]["auth"]:
408            return False
409        headers = {"X-Vault-Token": __opts__["vault"]["auth"]["token"]}
410        if namespace is not None:
411            headers["X-Vault-Namespace"] = namespace
412        response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, verify=verify)
413        if response.status_code != 200:
414            return False
415        return True
416    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
417        raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(
418            "Error while looking up wrapped token : {}".format(e)
419        )
422def is_v2(path):
423    """
424    Determines if a given secret path is kv version 1 or 2
426    CLI Example:
428    .. code-block:: bash
430        salt '*' vault.is_v2 "secret/my/secret"
431    """
432    ret = {"v2": False, "data": path, "metadata": path, "delete": path, "type": None}
433    path_metadata = _get_secret_path_metadata(path)
434    if not path_metadata:
435        # metadata lookup failed. Simply return not v2
436        return ret
437    ret["type"] = path_metadata.get("type", "kv")
438    if (
439        ret["type"] == "kv"
440        and path_metadata["options"] is not None
441        and path_metadata.get("options", {}).get("version", "1") in ["2"]
442    ):
443        ret["v2"] = True
444        ret["data"] = _v2_the_path(path, path_metadata.get("path", path))
445        ret["metadata"] = _v2_the_path(
446            path, path_metadata.get("path", path), "metadata"
447        )
448        ret["destroy"] = _v2_the_path(path, path_metadata.get("path", path), "destroy")
449    return ret
452def _v2_the_path(path, pfilter, ptype="data"):
453    """
454    Given a path, a filter, and a path type, properly inject 'data' or 'metadata' into the path
456    CLI Example:
458    .. code-block:: python
460        _v2_the_path('dev/secrets/fu/bar', 'dev/secrets', 'data') => 'dev/secrets/data/fu/bar'
461    """
462    possible_types = ["data", "metadata", "destroy"]
463    assert ptype in possible_types
464    msg = (
465        "Path {} already contains {} in the right place - saltstack duct tape?".format(
466            path, ptype
467        )
468    )
470    path = path.rstrip("/").lstrip("/")
471    pfilter = pfilter.rstrip("/").lstrip("/")
473    together = pfilter + "/" + ptype
475    otype = possible_types[0] if possible_types[0] != ptype else possible_types[1]
476    other = pfilter + "/" + otype
477    if path.startswith(other):
478        path = path.replace(other, together, 1)
479        msg = 'Path is a "{}" type but "{}" type requested - Flipping: {}'.format(
480            otype, ptype, path
481        )
482    elif not path.startswith(together):
483        msg = "Converting path to v2 {} => {}".format(
484            path, path.replace(pfilter, together, 1)
485        )
486        path = path.replace(pfilter, together, 1)
488    log.debug(msg)
489    return path
492def _get_secret_path_metadata(path):
493    """
494    Given a path, query vault to determine mount point, type, and version
496    CLI Example:
498    .. code-block:: python
500        _get_secret_path_metadata('dev/secrets/fu/bar')
501    """
502    ckey = "vault_secret_path_metadata"
504    # Attempt to lookup from cache
505    if ckey in __context__:
506        cache_content = __context__[ckey]
507    else:
508        cache_content = _read_cache_file()
509    if ckey not in cache_content:
510        cache_content[ckey] = {}
512    ret = None
513    if path.startswith(tuple(cache_content[ckey].keys())):
514        log.debug("Found cached metadata for %s", path)
515        ret = next(v for k, v in cache_content[ckey].items() if path.startswith(k))
516    else:
517        log.debug("Fetching metadata for %s", path)
518        try:
519            url = "v1/sys/internal/ui/mounts/{}".format(path)
520            response = make_request("GET", url)
521            if response.ok:
522                response.raise_for_status()
523            if response.json().get("data", False):
524                log.debug("Got metadata for %s", path)
525                ret = response.json()["data"]
526                # Write metadata to cache file
527                # Check for new cache content from make_request
528                if "url" not in cache_content:
529                    if ckey in __context__:
530                        cache_content = __context__[ckey]
531                    else:
532                        cache_content = _read_cache_file()
533                    if ckey not in cache_content:
534                        cache_content[ckey] = {}
535                cache_content[ckey][path] = ret
536                write_cache(cache_content)
537            else:
538                raise response.json()
539        except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
540            log.error("Failed to get secret metadata %s: %s", type(err).__name__, err)
541    return ret