2Tests for the Git state
5import functools
6import inspect
7import logging
8import os
9import shutil
10import socket
11import string
12import tempfile
13import urllib.parse
15import pytest
16import salt.utils.files
17import salt.utils.path
18from salt.utils.versions import LooseVersion as _LooseVersion
19from tests.support.case import ModuleCase
20from tests.support.helpers import TstSuiteLoggingHandler, with_tempdir
21from tests.support.mixins import SaltReturnAssertsMixin
22from tests.support.runtests import RUNTIME_VARS
24TEST_REPO = "https://github.com/saltstack/salt-test-repo.git"
27def __check_git_version(caller, min_version, skip_msg):
28    """
29    Common logic for version check
30    """
31    if inspect.isclass(caller):
32        actual_setup = getattr(caller, "setUp", None)
34        def setUp(self, *args, **kwargs):
35            if not salt.utils.path.which("git"):
36                self.skipTest("git is not installed")
37            git_version = self.run_function("git.version")
38            if _LooseVersion(git_version) < _LooseVersion(min_version):
39                self.skipTest(skip_msg.format(min_version, git_version))
40            if actual_setup is not None:
41                actual_setup(self, *args, **kwargs)
43        caller.setUp = setUp
44        return caller
46    @functools.wraps(caller)
47    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
48        if not salt.utils.path.which("git"):
49            self.skipTest("git is not installed")
50        git_version = self.run_function("git.version")
51        if _LooseVersion(git_version) < _LooseVersion(min_version):
52            self.skipTest(skip_msg.format(min_version, git_version))
53        return caller(self, *args, **kwargs)
55    return wrapper
58def ensure_min_git(caller=None, min_version="1.6.5"):
59    """
60    Skip test if minimum supported git version is not installed
61    """
62    if caller is None:
63        return functools.partial(ensure_min_git, min_version=min_version)
65    return __check_git_version(
66        caller, min_version, "git {0} or newer required to run this test (detected {1})"
67    )
70def uses_git_opts(caller):
71    """
72    Skip test if git_opts is not supported
74    IMPORTANT! This decorator should be at the bottom of any decorators added
75    to a given function.
76    """
77    min_version = "1.7.2"
78    return __check_git_version(
79        caller,
80        min_version,
81        "git_opts only supported in git {0} and newer (detected {1})",
82    )
85class WithGitMirror:
86    def __init__(self, repo_url, **kwargs):
87        self.repo_url = repo_url
88        if "dir" not in kwargs:
89            kwargs["dir"] = RUNTIME_VARS.TMP
90        self.kwargs = kwargs
92    def __call__(self, func):
93        self.func = func
94        return functools.wraps(func)(
95            # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
96            lambda testcase, *args, **kwargs: self.wrap(testcase, *args, **kwargs)
97            # pylint: enable=unnecessary-lambda
98        )
100    def wrap(self, testcase, *args, **kwargs):
101        # Get temp dir paths
102        mirror_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**self.kwargs)
103        admin_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**self.kwargs)
104        clone_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**self.kwargs)
105        # Clean up the directories, we want git to actually create them
106        os.rmdir(mirror_dir)
107        os.rmdir(admin_dir)
108        os.rmdir(clone_dir)
109        # Create a URL to clone
110        mirror_url = "file://" + mirror_dir
111        # Mirror the repo
112        testcase.run_function("git.clone", [mirror_dir], url=TEST_REPO, opts="--mirror")
113        # Make sure the directory for the mirror now exists
114        assert os.path.exists(mirror_dir)
115        # Clone to the admin dir
116        ret = testcase.run_state("git.latest", name=mirror_url, target=admin_dir)
117        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
118        assert os.path.exists(admin_dir)
120        try:
121            # Run the actual function with three arguments added:
122            #   1. URL for the test to use to clone
123            #   2. Cloned admin dir for making/pushing changes to the mirror
124            #   3. Yet-nonexistent clone_dir for the test function to use as a
125            #      destination for cloning.
126            return self.func(
127                testcase, mirror_url, admin_dir, clone_dir, *args, **kwargs
128            )
129        finally:
130            shutil.rmtree(mirror_dir, ignore_errors=True)
131            shutil.rmtree(admin_dir, ignore_errors=True)
132            shutil.rmtree(clone_dir, ignore_errors=True)
135with_git_mirror = WithGitMirror
139class GitTest(ModuleCase, SaltReturnAssertsMixin):
140    """
141    Validate the git state
142    """
144    def setUp(self):
145        domain = urllib.parse.urlparse(TEST_REPO).netloc
146        try:
147            if hasattr(socket, "setdefaulttimeout"):
148                # 10 second dns timeout
149                socket.setdefaulttimeout(10)
150            socket.gethostbyname(domain)
151        except OSError:
152            msg = "error resolving {0}, possible network issue?"
153            self.skipTest(msg.format(domain))
155    def tearDown(self):
156        # Reset the dns timeout after the test is over
157        socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)
159    def _head(self, cwd):
160        return self.run_function("git.rev_parse", [cwd, "HEAD"])
162    @with_tempdir(create=False)
163    @pytest.mark.slow_test
164    def test_latest(self, target):
165        """
166        git.latest
167        """
168        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, target=target)
169        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
170        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, ".git")))
172    @with_tempdir(create=False)
173    @pytest.mark.slow_test
174    def test_latest_config_get_regexp_retcode(self, target):
175        """
176        git.latest
177        """
179        log_format = "[%(levelname)-8s] %(jid)s %(message)s"
180        self.handler = TstSuiteLoggingHandler(format=log_format, level=logging.DEBUG)
181        ret_code_err = "failed with return code: 1"
182        with self.handler:
183            ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, target=target)
184            self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
185            self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, ".git")))
186            assert any(ret_code_err in s for s in self.handler.messages) is False, False
188    @with_tempdir(create=False)
189    @pytest.mark.slow_test
190    def test_latest_with_rev_and_submodules(self, target):
191        """
192        git.latest
193        """
194        ret = self.run_state(
195            "git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, rev="develop", target=target, submodules=True
196        )
197        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
198        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, ".git")))
200    @with_tempdir(create=False)
201    @pytest.mark.slow_test
202    def test_latest_failure(self, target):
203        """
204        git.latest
205        """
206        ret = self.run_state(
207            "git.latest",
208            name="https://youSpelledGitHubWrong.com/saltstack/salt-test-repo.git",
209            rev="develop",
210            target=target,
211            submodules=True,
212        )
213        self.assertSaltFalseReturn(ret)
214        self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, ".git")))
216    @with_tempdir()
217    @pytest.mark.slow_test
218    def test_latest_empty_dir(self, target):
219        """
220        git.latest
221        """
222        ret = self.run_state(
223            "git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, rev="develop", target=target, submodules=True
224        )
225        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
226        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, ".git")))
228    @with_tempdir(create=False)
229    @pytest.mark.slow_test
230    def test_latest_unless_no_cwd_issue_6800(self, target):
231        """
232        cwd=target was being passed to _run_check which blew up if
233        target dir did not already exist.
234        """
235        ret = self.run_state(
236            "git.latest",
237            name=TEST_REPO,
238            rev="develop",
239            target=target,
240            unless="test -e {}".format(target),
241            submodules=True,
242        )
243        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
244        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, ".git")))
246    @with_tempdir(create=False)
247    @pytest.mark.slow_test
248    def test_numeric_rev(self, target):
249        """
250        git.latest with numeric revision
251        """
252        ret = self.run_state(
253            "git.latest",
254            name=TEST_REPO,
255            rev=0.11,
256            target=target,
257            submodules=True,
258            timeout=120,
259        )
260        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
261        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, ".git")))
263    @with_tempdir(create=False)
264    @pytest.mark.slow_test
265    def test_latest_with_local_changes(self, target):
266        """
267        Ensure that we fail the state when there are local changes and succeed
268        when force_reset is True.
269        """
270        # Clone repo
271        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, target=target)
272        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
273        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, ".git")))
275        # Make change to LICENSE file.
276        with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(target, "LICENSE"), "a") as fp_:
277            fp_.write("Lorem ipsum dolor blah blah blah....\n")
279        # Make sure that we now have uncommitted changes
280        self.assertTrue(self.run_function("git.diff", [target, "HEAD"]))
282        # Re-run state with force_reset=False
283        ret = self.run_state(
284            "git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, force_reset=False
285        )
286        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
287        self.assertEqual(
288            ret[next(iter(ret))]["comment"],
289            "Repository {} is up-to-date, but with uncommitted changes. "
290            "Set 'force_reset' to True to purge uncommitted changes.".format(target),
291        )
293        # Now run the state with force_reset=True
294        ret = self.run_state(
295            "git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, force_reset=True
296        )
297        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
299        # Make sure that we no longer have uncommitted changes
300        self.assertFalse(self.run_function("git.diff", [target, "HEAD"]))
302    @with_git_mirror(TEST_REPO)
303    @uses_git_opts
304    @pytest.mark.slow_test
305    def test_latest_fast_forward(self, mirror_url, admin_dir, clone_dir):
306        """
307        Test running git.latest state a second time after changes have been
308        made to the remote repo.
309        """
310        # Clone the repo
311        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=mirror_url, target=clone_dir)
312        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
313        assert ret["result"]
315        # Make a change to the repo by editing the file in the admin copy
316        # of the repo and committing.
317        head_pre = self._head(admin_dir)
318        with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(admin_dir, "LICENSE"), "a") as fp_:
319            fp_.write("Hello world!")
320        self.run_function(
321            "git.commit",
322            [admin_dir, "added a line"],
323            git_opts='-c user.name="Foo Bar" -c user.email=foo@bar.com',
324            opts="-a",
325        )
326        # Make sure HEAD is pointing to a new SHA so we know we properly
327        # committed our change.
328        head_post = self._head(admin_dir)
329        assert head_pre != head_post
331        # Push the change to the mirror
332        # NOTE: the test will fail if the salt-test-repo's default branch
333        # is changed.
334        self.run_function("git.push", [admin_dir, "origin", "develop"])
336        # Re-run the git.latest state on the clone_dir
337        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=mirror_url, target=clone_dir)
338        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
339        assert ret["result"]
341        # Make sure that the clone_dir now has the correct SHA
342        assert head_post == self._head(clone_dir)
344    @with_tempdir(create=False)
345    def _changed_local_branch_helper(self, target, rev, hint):
346        """
347        We're testing two almost identical cases, the only thing that differs
348        is the rev used for the git.latest state.
349        """
350        # Clone repo
351        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, rev=rev, target=target)
352        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
354        # Check out a new branch in the clone and make a commit, to ensure
355        # that when we re-run the state, it is not a fast-forward change
356        self.run_function("git.checkout", [target, "new_branch"], opts="-b")
357        with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(target, "foo"), "w"):
358            pass
359        self.run_function("git.add", [target, "."])
360        self.run_function(
361            "git.commit",
362            [target, "add file"],
363            git_opts='-c user.name="Foo Bar" -c user.email=foo@bar.com',
364        )
366        # Re-run the state, this should fail with a specific hint in the
367        # comment field.
368        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, rev=rev, target=target)
369        self.assertSaltFalseReturn(ret)
371        comment = ret[next(iter(ret))]["comment"]
372        self.assertTrue(hint in comment)
374    @uses_git_opts
375    @pytest.mark.slow_test
376    def test_latest_changed_local_branch_rev_head(self):
377        """
378        Test for presence of hint in failure message when the local branch has
379        been changed and a the rev is set to HEAD
381        This test will fail if the default branch for the salt-test-repo is
382        ever changed.
383        """
384        self._changed_local_branch_helper(  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
385            "HEAD",
386            "The default remote branch (develop) differs from the local "
387            "branch (new_branch)",
388        )
390    @uses_git_opts
391    @pytest.mark.slow_test
392    def test_latest_changed_local_branch_rev_develop(self):
393        """
394        Test for presence of hint in failure message when the local branch has
395        been changed and a non-HEAD rev is specified
396        """
397        self._changed_local_branch_helper(  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
398            "develop",
399            "The desired rev (develop) differs from the name of the local "
400            "branch (new_branch)",
401        )
403    @uses_git_opts
404    @with_tempdir(create=False)
405    @with_tempdir()
406    @pytest.mark.slow_test
407    def test_latest_updated_remote_rev(self, name, target):
408        """
409        Ensure that we don't exit early when checking for a fast-forward
410        """
411        # Initialize a new git repository
412        self.run_function("git.init", [name])
414        # Add and commit a file
415        with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(name, "foo.txt"), "w") as fp_:
416            fp_.write("Hello world\n")
417        self.run_function("git.add", [name, "."])
418        self.run_function(
419            "git.commit",
420            [name, "initial commit"],
421            git_opts='-c user.name="Foo Bar" -c user.email=foo@bar.com',
422        )
424        # Run the state to clone the repo we just created
425        ret = self.run_state(
426            "git.latest",
427            name=name,
428            target=target,
429        )
430        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
432        # Add another commit
433        with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(name, "foo.txt"), "w") as fp_:
434            fp_.write("Added a line\n")
435        self.run_function(
436            "git.commit",
437            [name, "added a line"],
438            git_opts='-c user.name="Foo Bar" -c user.email=foo@bar.com',
439            opts="-a",
440        )
442        # Run the state again. It should pass, if it doesn't then there was
443        # a problem checking whether or not the change is a fast-forward.
444        ret = self.run_state(
445            "git.latest",
446            name=name,
447            target=target,
448        )
449        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
451    @with_tempdir(create=False)
452    @pytest.mark.slow_test
453    def test_latest_depth(self, target):
454        """
455        Test running git.latest state using the "depth" argument to limit the
456        history. See #45394.
457        """
458        ret = self.run_state(
459            "git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, rev="HEAD", target=target, depth=1
460        )
461        # HEAD is not a branch, this should fail
462        self.assertSaltFalseReturn(ret)
463        self.assertIn(
464            "must be set to the name of a branch", ret[next(iter(ret))]["comment"]
465        )
467        ret = self.run_state(
468            "git.latest",
469            name=TEST_REPO,
470            rev="non-default-branch",
471            target=target,
472            depth=1,
473        )
474        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
475        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, ".git")))
477    @with_git_mirror(TEST_REPO)
478    @uses_git_opts
479    @pytest.mark.slow_test
480    def test_latest_sync_tags(self, mirror_url, admin_dir, clone_dir):
481        """
482        Test that a removed tag is properly reported as such and removed in the
483        local clone, and that new tags are reported as new.
484        """
485        tag1 = "mytag1"
486        tag2 = "mytag2"
488        # Add and push a tag
489        self.run_function("git.tag", [admin_dir, tag1])
490        self.run_function("git.push", [admin_dir, "origin", tag1])
492        # Clone the repo
493        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=mirror_url, target=clone_dir)
494        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
495        assert ret["result"]
497        # Now remove the tag
498        self.run_function("git.push", [admin_dir, "origin", ":{}".format(tag1)])
499        # Add and push another tag
500        self.run_function("git.tag", [admin_dir, tag2])
501        self.run_function("git.push", [admin_dir, "origin", tag2])
503        # Re-run the state with sync_tags=False. This should NOT delete the tag
504        # from the local clone, but should report that a tag has been added.
505        ret = self.run_state(
506            "git.latest", name=mirror_url, target=clone_dir, sync_tags=False
507        )
508        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
509        assert ret["result"]
510        # Make ABSOLUTELY SURE both tags are present, since we shouldn't have
511        # removed tag1.
512        all_tags = self.run_function("git.list_tags", [clone_dir])
513        assert tag1 in all_tags
514        assert tag2 in all_tags
515        # Make sure the reported changes are correct
516        expected_changes = {"new_tags": [tag2]}
517        assert ret["changes"] == expected_changes, ret["changes"]
519        # Re-run the state with sync_tags=True. This should remove the local
520        # tag, since it doesn't exist in the remote repository.
521        ret = self.run_state(
522            "git.latest", name=mirror_url, target=clone_dir, sync_tags=True
523        )
524        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
525        assert ret["result"]
526        # Make ABSOLUTELY SURE the expected tags are present/gone
527        all_tags = self.run_function("git.list_tags", [clone_dir])
528        assert tag1 not in all_tags
529        assert tag2 in all_tags
530        # Make sure the reported changes are correct
531        expected_changes = {"deleted_tags": [tag1]}
532        assert ret["changes"] == expected_changes, ret["changes"]
534    @with_tempdir(create=False)
535    @pytest.mark.slow_test
536    def test_cloned(self, target):
537        """
538        Test git.cloned state
539        """
540        # Test mode
541        ret = self.run_state("git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, test=True)
542        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
543        assert ret["result"] is None
544        assert ret["changes"] == {"new": "{} => {}".format(TEST_REPO, target)}
545        assert ret["comment"] == "{} would be cloned to {}".format(TEST_REPO, target)
547        # Now actually run the state
548        ret = self.run_state("git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target)
549        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
550        assert ret["result"] is True
551        assert ret["changes"] == {"new": "{} => {}".format(TEST_REPO, target)}
552        assert ret["comment"] == "{} cloned to {}".format(TEST_REPO, target)
554        # Run the state again to test idempotence
555        ret = self.run_state("git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target)
556        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
557        assert ret["result"] is True
558        assert not ret["changes"]
559        assert ret["comment"] == "Repository already exists at {}".format(target)
561        # Run the state again to test idempotence (test mode)
562        ret = self.run_state("git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, test=True)
563        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
564        assert not ret["changes"]
565        assert ret["result"] is True
566        assert ret["comment"] == "Repository already exists at {}".format(target)
568    @with_tempdir(create=False)
569    @pytest.mark.slow_test
570    def test_cloned_with_branch(self, target):
571        """
572        Test git.cloned state with branch provided
573        """
574        old_branch = "master"
575        new_branch = "develop"
576        bad_branch = "thisbranchdoesnotexist"
578        # Test mode
579        ret = self.run_state(
580            "git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, branch=old_branch, test=True
581        )
582        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
583        assert ret["result"] is None
584        assert ret["changes"] == {"new": "{} => {}".format(TEST_REPO, target)}
585        assert ret["comment"] == "{} would be cloned to {} with branch '{}'".format(
586            TEST_REPO, target, old_branch
587        )
589        # Now actually run the state
590        ret = self.run_state(
591            "git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, branch=old_branch
592        )
593        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
594        assert ret["result"] is True
595        assert ret["changes"] == {"new": "{} => {}".format(TEST_REPO, target)}
596        assert ret["comment"] == "{} cloned to {} with branch '{}'".format(
597            TEST_REPO, target, old_branch
598        )
600        # Run the state again to test idempotence
601        ret = self.run_state(
602            "git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, branch=old_branch
603        )
604        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
605        assert ret["result"] is True
606        assert not ret["changes"]
607        assert ret[
608            "comment"
609        ] == "Repository already exists at {} and is checked out to branch '{}'".format(
610            target, old_branch
611        )
613        # Run the state again to test idempotence (test mode)
614        ret = self.run_state(
615            "git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, test=True, branch=old_branch
616        )
617        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
618        assert ret["result"] is True
619        assert not ret["changes"]
620        assert ret[
621            "comment"
622        ] == "Repository already exists at {} and is checked out to branch '{}'".format(
623            target, old_branch
624        )
626        # Change branch (test mode)
627        ret = self.run_state(
628            "git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, branch=new_branch, test=True
629        )
630        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
631        assert ret["result"] is None
632        assert ret["changes"] == {"branch": {"old": old_branch, "new": new_branch}}
633        assert ret["comment"] == "Branch would be changed to '{}'".format(new_branch)
635        # Now really change the branch
636        ret = self.run_state(
637            "git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, branch=new_branch
638        )
639        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
640        assert ret["result"] is True
641        assert ret["changes"] == {"branch": {"old": old_branch, "new": new_branch}}
642        assert ret["comment"] == "Branch changed to '{}'".format(new_branch)
644        # Change back to original branch. This tests that we don't attempt to
645        # checkout a new branch (i.e. git checkout -b) for a branch that exists
646        # locally, as that would fail.
647        ret = self.run_state(
648            "git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, branch=old_branch
649        )
650        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
651        assert ret["result"] is True
652        assert ret["changes"] == {"branch": {"old": new_branch, "new": old_branch}}
653        assert ret["comment"] == "Branch changed to '{}'".format(old_branch)
655        # Test switching to a nonexistent branch. This should fail.
656        ret = self.run_state(
657            "git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, branch=bad_branch
658        )
659        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
660        assert ret["result"] is False
661        assert not ret["changes"]
662        assert ret["comment"].startswith(
663            "Failed to change branch to '{}':".format(bad_branch)
664        )
666    @with_tempdir(create=False)
667    @ensure_min_git(min_version="1.7.10")
668    @pytest.mark.slow_test
669    def test_cloned_with_nonexistant_branch(self, target):
670        """
671        Test git.cloned state with a nonexistent branch provided
672        """
673        branch = "thisbranchdoesnotexist"
675        # Test mode
676        ret = self.run_state(
677            "git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, branch=branch, test=True
678        )
679        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
680        assert ret["result"] is None
681        assert ret["changes"]
682        assert ret["comment"] == "{} would be cloned to {} with branch '{}'".format(
683            TEST_REPO, target, branch
684        )
686        # Now actually run the state
687        ret = self.run_state("git.cloned", name=TEST_REPO, target=target, branch=branch)
688        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
689        assert ret["result"] is False
690        assert not ret["changes"]
691        assert ret["comment"].startswith("Clone failed:")
692        assert "not found in upstream origin" in ret["comment"]
694    @with_tempdir(create=False)
695    @pytest.mark.slow_test
696    def test_present(self, name):
697        """
698        git.present
699        """
700        ret = self.run_state("git.present", name=name, bare=True)
701        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
702        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(name, "HEAD")))
704    @with_tempdir()
705    @pytest.mark.slow_test
706    def test_present_failure(self, name):
707        """
708        git.present
709        """
710        fname = os.path.join(name, "stoptheprocess")
712        with salt.utils.files.fopen(fname, "a"):
713            pass
715        ret = self.run_state("git.present", name=name, bare=True)
716        self.assertSaltFalseReturn(ret)
717        self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(name, "HEAD")))
719    @with_tempdir()
720    @pytest.mark.slow_test
721    def test_present_empty_dir(self, name):
722        """
723        git.present
724        """
725        ret = self.run_state("git.present", name=name, bare=True)
726        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
727        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(name, "HEAD")))
729    @with_tempdir()
730    @pytest.mark.slow_test
731    def test_config_set_value_with_space_character(self, name):
732        """
733        git.config
734        """
735        self.run_function("git.init", [name])
737        ret = self.run_state(
738            "git.config_set",
739            name="user.name",
740            value="foo bar",
741            repo=name,
742            **{"global": False}
743        )
744        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
749class LocalRepoGitTest(ModuleCase, SaltReturnAssertsMixin):
750    """
751    Tests which do no require connectivity to github.com
752    """
754    def setUp(self):
755        self.repo = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=RUNTIME_VARS.TMP)
756        self.admin = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=RUNTIME_VARS.TMP)
757        self.target = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=RUNTIME_VARS.TMP)
758        for dirname in (self.repo, self.admin, self.target):
759            self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, dirname, ignore_errors=True)
761        # Create bare repo
762        self.run_function("git.init", [self.repo], bare=True)
763        # Clone bare repo
764        self.run_function("git.clone", [self.admin], url=self.repo)
765        self._commit(self.admin, "", message="initial commit")
766        self._push(self.admin)
768    def _commit(self, repo_path, content, message):
769        with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(repo_path, "foo"), "a") as fp_:
770            fp_.write(content)
771        self.run_function("git.add", [repo_path, "."])
772        self.run_function(
773            "git.commit",
774            [repo_path, message],
775            git_opts='-c user.name="Foo Bar" -c user.email=foo@bar.com',
776        )
778    def _push(self, repo_path, remote="origin", ref="master"):
779        self.run_function("git.push", [repo_path], remote=remote, ref=ref)
781    def _test_latest_force_reset_setup(self):
782        # Perform the initial clone
783        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=self.repo, target=self.target)
784        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
786        # Make and push changes to remote repo
787        self._commit(self.admin, content="Hello world!\n", message="added a line")
788        self._push(self.admin)
790        # Make local changes to clone, but don't commit them
791        with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(self.target, "foo"), "a") as fp_:
792            fp_.write("Local changes!\n")
794    @pytest.mark.slow_test
795    def test_latest_force_reset_remote_changes(self):
796        """
797        This tests that an otherwise fast-forward change with local chanegs
798        will not reset local changes when force_reset='remote_changes'
799        """
800        self._test_latest_force_reset_setup()
802        # This should fail because of the local changes
803        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=self.repo, target=self.target)
804        self.assertSaltFalseReturn(ret)
805        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
806        self.assertIn("there are uncommitted changes", ret["comment"])
807        self.assertIn("Set 'force_reset' to True (or 'remote-changes')", ret["comment"])
808        self.assertEqual(ret["changes"], {})
810        # Now run again with force_reset='remote_changes', the state should
811        # succeed and discard the local changes
812        ret = self.run_state(
813            "git.latest",
814            name=self.repo,
815            target=self.target,
816            force_reset="remote-changes",
817        )
818        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
819        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
820        self.assertIn("Uncommitted changes were discarded", ret["comment"])
821        self.assertIn("Repository was fast-forwarded", ret["comment"])
822        self.assertNotIn("forced update", ret["changes"])
823        self.assertIn("revision", ret["changes"])
825        # Add new local changes, but don't commit them
826        with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(self.target, "foo"), "a") as fp_:
827            fp_.write("More local changes!\n")
829        # Now run again with force_reset='remote_changes', the state should
830        # succeed with an up-to-date message and mention that there are local
831        # changes, telling the user how to discard them.
832        ret = self.run_state(
833            "git.latest",
834            name=self.repo,
835            target=self.target,
836            force_reset="remote-changes",
837        )
838        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
839        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
840        self.assertIn("up-to-date, but with uncommitted changes", ret["comment"])
841        self.assertIn(
842            "Set 'force_reset' to True to purge uncommitted changes", ret["comment"]
843        )
844        self.assertEqual(ret["changes"], {})
846    @pytest.mark.slow_test
847    def test_latest_force_reset_true_fast_forward(self):
848        """
849        This tests that an otherwise fast-forward change with local chanegs
850        does reset local changes when force_reset=True
851        """
852        self._test_latest_force_reset_setup()
854        # Test that local changes are discarded and that we fast-forward
855        ret = self.run_state(
856            "git.latest", name=self.repo, target=self.target, force_reset=True
857        )
858        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
859        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
860        self.assertIn("Uncommitted changes were discarded", ret["comment"])
861        self.assertIn("Repository was fast-forwarded", ret["comment"])
863        # Add new local changes
864        with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(self.target, "foo"), "a") as fp_:
865            fp_.write("More local changes!\n")
867        # Running without setting force_reset should mention uncommitted changes
868        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=self.repo, target=self.target)
869        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
870        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
871        self.assertIn("up-to-date, but with uncommitted changes", ret["comment"])
872        self.assertIn(
873            "Set 'force_reset' to True to purge uncommitted changes", ret["comment"]
874        )
875        self.assertEqual(ret["changes"], {})
877        # Test that local changes are discarded
878        ret = self.run_state(
879            "git.latest", name=TEST_REPO, target=self.target, force_reset=True
880        )
881        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
882        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
883        assert "Uncommitted changes were discarded" in ret["comment"]
884        assert "Repository was hard-reset" in ret["comment"]
885        assert "forced update" in ret["changes"]
887    @pytest.mark.slow_test
888    def test_latest_force_reset_true_non_fast_forward(self):
889        """
890        This tests that a non fast-forward change with divergent commits fails
891        unless force_reset=True.
892        """
893        self._test_latest_force_reset_setup()
895        # Reset to remote HEAD
896        ret = self.run_state(
897            "git.latest", name=self.repo, target=self.target, force_reset=True
898        )
899        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
900        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
901        self.assertIn("Uncommitted changes were discarded", ret["comment"])
902        self.assertIn("Repository was fast-forwarded", ret["comment"])
904        # Make and push changes to remote repo
905        self._commit(self.admin, content="New line\n", message="added another line")
906        self._push(self.admin)
908        # Make different changes to local file and commit locally
909        self._commit(
910            self.target,
911            content="Different new line\n",
912            message="added a different line",
913        )
915        # This should fail since the local clone has diverged and cannot
916        # fast-forward to the remote rev
917        ret = self.run_state("git.latest", name=self.repo, target=self.target)
918        self.assertSaltFalseReturn(ret)
919        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
920        self.assertIn("this is not a fast-forward merge", ret["comment"])
921        self.assertIn("Set 'force_reset' to True to force this update", ret["comment"])
922        self.assertEqual(ret["changes"], {})
924        # Repeat the state with force_reset=True and confirm that the hard
925        # reset was performed
926        ret = self.run_state(
927            "git.latest", name=self.repo, target=self.target, force_reset=True
928        )
929        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
930        ret = ret[next(iter(ret))]
931        self.assertIn("Repository was hard-reset", ret["comment"])
932        self.assertIn("forced update", ret["changes"])
933        self.assertIn("revision", ret["changes"])
935    @pytest.mark.slow_test
936    def test_renamed_default_branch(self):
937        """
938        Test the case where the remote branch has been removed
939        https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/36242
940        """
941        # Rename remote 'master' branch to 'develop'
942        os.rename(
943            os.path.join(self.repo, "refs", "heads", "master"),
944            os.path.join(self.repo, "refs", "heads", "develop"),
945        )
947        # Run git.latest state. This should successfully clone and fail with a
948        # specific error in the comment field.
949        ret = self.run_state(
950            "git.latest",
951            name=self.repo,
952            target=self.target,
953            rev="develop",
954        )
955        self.assertSaltFalseReturn(ret)
956        self.assertEqual(
957            ret[next(iter(ret))]["comment"],
958            "Remote HEAD refers to a ref that does not exist. "
959            "This can happen when the default branch on the "
960            "remote repository is renamed or deleted. If you "
961            "are unable to fix the remote repository, you can "
962            "work around this by setting the 'branch' argument "
963            "(which will ensure that the named branch is created "
964            "if it does not already exist).\n\n"
965            "Changes already made: {} cloned to {}".format(self.repo, self.target),
966        )
967        self.assertEqual(
968            ret[next(iter(ret))]["changes"],
969            {"new": "{} => {}".format(self.repo, self.target)},
970        )
972        # Run git.latest state again. This should fail again, with a different
973        # error in the comment field, and should not change anything.
974        ret = self.run_state(
975            "git.latest",
976            name=self.repo,
977            target=self.target,
978            rev="develop",
979        )
980        self.assertSaltFalseReturn(ret)
981        self.assertEqual(
982            ret[next(iter(ret))]["comment"],
983            "Cannot set/unset upstream tracking branch, local "
984            "HEAD refers to nonexistent branch. This may have "
985            "been caused by cloning a remote repository for which "
986            "the default branch was renamed or deleted. If you "
987            "are unable to fix the remote repository, you can "
988            "work around this by setting the 'branch' argument "
989            "(which will ensure that the named branch is created "
990            "if it does not already exist).",
991        )
992        self.assertEqual(ret[next(iter(ret))]["changes"], {})
994        # Run git.latest state again with a branch manually set. This should
995        # checkout a new branch and the state should pass.
996        ret = self.run_state(
997            "git.latest",
998            name=self.repo,
999            target=self.target,
1000            rev="develop",
1001            branch="develop",
1002        )
1003        # State should succeed
1004        self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
1005        self.assertSaltCommentRegexpMatches(
1006            ret,
1007            "New branch 'develop' was checked out, with origin/develop "
1008            r"\([0-9a-f]{7}\) as a starting point",
1009        )
1010        # Only the revision should be in the changes dict.
1011        self.assertEqual(list(ret[next(iter(ret))]["changes"].keys()), ["revision"])
1012        # Since the remote repo was incorrectly set up, the local head should
1013        # not exist (therefore the old revision should be None).
1014        self.assertEqual(ret[next(iter(ret))]["changes"]["revision"]["old"], None)
1015        # Make sure the new revision is a SHA (40 chars, all hex)
1016        self.assertTrue(len(ret[next(iter(ret))]["changes"]["revision"]["new"]) == 40)
1017        self.assertTrue(
1018            all(
1019                [
1020                    x in string.hexdigits
1021                    for x in ret[next(iter(ret))]["changes"]["revision"]["new"]
1022                ]
1023            )
1024        )