1package main
3import (
4	"bytes"
5	"fmt"
6	"io"
7	"os"
8	"path/filepath"
9	"strconv"
10	"strings"
11	"sync"
13	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/debug"
14	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/errors"
15	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/filter"
16	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/fs"
17	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/repository"
20type rejectionCache struct {
21	m   map[string]bool
22	mtx sync.Mutex
25// Lock locks the mutex in rc.
26func (rc *rejectionCache) Lock() {
27	if rc != nil {
28		rc.mtx.Lock()
29	}
32// Unlock unlocks the mutex in rc.
33func (rc *rejectionCache) Unlock() {
34	if rc != nil {
35		rc.mtx.Unlock()
36	}
39// Get returns the last stored value for dir and a second boolean that
40// indicates whether that value was actually written to the cache. It is the
41// callers responsibility to call rc.Lock and rc.Unlock before using this
42// method, otherwise data races may occur.
43func (rc *rejectionCache) Get(dir string) (bool, bool) {
44	if rc == nil || rc.m == nil {
45		return false, false
46	}
47	v, ok := rc.m[dir]
48	return v, ok
51// Store stores a new value for dir.  It is the callers responsibility to call
52// rc.Lock and rc.Unlock before using this method, otherwise data races may
53// occur.
54func (rc *rejectionCache) Store(dir string, rejected bool) {
55	if rc == nil {
56		return
57	}
58	if rc.m == nil {
59		rc.m = make(map[string]bool)
60	}
61	rc.m[dir] = rejected
64// RejectByNameFunc is a function that takes a filename of a
65// file that would be included in the backup. The function returns true if it
66// should be excluded (rejected) from the backup.
67type RejectByNameFunc func(path string) bool
69// RejectFunc is a function that takes a filename and os.FileInfo of a
70// file that would be included in the backup. The function returns true if it
71// should be excluded (rejected) from the backup.
72type RejectFunc func(path string, fi os.FileInfo) bool
74// rejectByPattern returns a RejectByNameFunc which rejects files that match
75// one of the patterns.
76func rejectByPattern(patterns []string) RejectByNameFunc {
77	parsedPatterns := filter.ParsePatterns(patterns)
78	return func(item string) bool {
79		matched, err := filter.List(parsedPatterns, item)
80		if err != nil {
81			Warnf("error for exclude pattern: %v", err)
82		}
84		if matched {
85			debug.Log("path %q excluded by an exclude pattern", item)
86			return true
87		}
89		return false
90	}
93// Same as `rejectByPattern` but case insensitive.
94func rejectByInsensitivePattern(patterns []string) RejectByNameFunc {
95	for index, path := range patterns {
96		patterns[index] = strings.ToLower(path)
97	}
99	rejFunc := rejectByPattern(patterns)
100	return func(item string) bool {
101		return rejFunc(strings.ToLower(item))
102	}
105// rejectIfPresent returns a RejectByNameFunc which itself returns whether a path
106// should be excluded. The RejectByNameFunc considers a file to be excluded when
107// it resides in a directory with an exclusion file, that is specified by
108// excludeFileSpec in the form "filename[:content]". The returned error is
109// non-nil if the filename component of excludeFileSpec is empty. If rc is
110// non-nil, it is going to be used in the RejectByNameFunc to expedite the evaluation
111// of a directory based on previous visits.
112func rejectIfPresent(excludeFileSpec string) (RejectByNameFunc, error) {
113	if excludeFileSpec == "" {
114		return nil, errors.New("name for exclusion tagfile is empty")
115	}
116	colon := strings.Index(excludeFileSpec, ":")
117	if colon == 0 {
118		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no name for exclusion tagfile provided")
119	}
120	tf, tc := "", ""
121	if colon > 0 {
122		tf = excludeFileSpec[:colon]
123		tc = excludeFileSpec[colon+1:]
124	} else {
125		tf = excludeFileSpec
126	}
127	debug.Log("using %q as exclusion tagfile", tf)
128	rc := &rejectionCache{}
129	fn := func(filename string) bool {
130		return isExcludedByFile(filename, tf, tc, rc)
131	}
132	return fn, nil
135// isExcludedByFile interprets filename as a path and returns true if that file
136// is in an excluded directory. A directory is identified as excluded if it contains a
137// tagfile which bears the name specified in tagFilename and starts with
138// header. If rc is non-nil, it is used to expedite the evaluation of a
139// directory based on previous visits.
140func isExcludedByFile(filename, tagFilename, header string, rc *rejectionCache) bool {
141	if tagFilename == "" {
142		return false
143	}
144	dir, base := filepath.Split(filename)
145	if base == tagFilename {
146		return false // do not exclude the tagfile itself
147	}
148	rc.Lock()
149	defer rc.Unlock()
151	rejected, visited := rc.Get(dir)
152	if visited {
153		return rejected
154	}
155	rejected = isDirExcludedByFile(dir, tagFilename, header)
156	rc.Store(dir, rejected)
157	return rejected
160func isDirExcludedByFile(dir, tagFilename, header string) bool {
161	tf := filepath.Join(dir, tagFilename)
162	_, err := fs.Lstat(tf)
163	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
164		return false
165	}
166	if err != nil {
167		Warnf("could not access exclusion tagfile: %v", err)
168		return false
169	}
170	// when no signature is given, the mere presence of tf is enough reason
171	// to exclude filename
172	if len(header) == 0 {
173		return true
174	}
175	// From this stage, errors mean tagFilename exists but it is malformed.
176	// Warnings will be generated so that the user is informed that the
177	// indented ignore-action is not performed.
178	f, err := os.Open(tf)
179	if err != nil {
180		Warnf("could not open exclusion tagfile: %v", err)
181		return false
182	}
183	defer func() {
184		_ = f.Close()
185	}()
186	buf := make([]byte, len(header))
187	_, err = io.ReadFull(f, buf)
188	// EOF is handled with a dedicated message, otherwise the warning were too cryptic
189	if err == io.EOF {
190		Warnf("invalid (too short) signature in exclusion tagfile %q\n", tf)
191		return false
192	}
193	if err != nil {
194		Warnf("could not read signature from exclusion tagfile %q: %v\n", tf, err)
195		return false
196	}
197	if !bytes.Equal(buf, []byte(header)) {
198		Warnf("invalid signature in exclusion tagfile %q\n", tf)
199		return false
200	}
201	return true
204// DeviceMap is used to track allowed source devices for backup. This is used to
205// check for crossing mount points during backup (for --one-file-system). It
206// maps the name of a source path to its device ID.
207type DeviceMap map[string]uint64
209// NewDeviceMap creates a new device map from the list of source paths.
210func NewDeviceMap(allowedSourcePaths []string) (DeviceMap, error) {
211	deviceMap := make(map[string]uint64)
213	for _, item := range allowedSourcePaths {
214		item, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(item))
215		if err != nil {
216			return nil, err
217		}
219		fi, err := fs.Lstat(item)
220		if err != nil {
221			return nil, err
222		}
224		id, err := fs.DeviceID(fi)
225		if err != nil {
226			return nil, err
227		}
229		deviceMap[item] = id
230	}
232	if len(deviceMap) == 0 {
233		return nil, errors.New("zero allowed devices")
234	}
236	return deviceMap, nil
239// IsAllowed returns true if the path is located on an allowed device.
240func (m DeviceMap) IsAllowed(item string, deviceID uint64) (bool, error) {
241	for dir := item; ; dir = filepath.Dir(dir) {
242		debug.Log("item %v, test dir %v", item, dir)
244		// find a parent directory that is on an allowed device (otherwise
245		// we would not traverse the directory at all)
246		allowedID, ok := m[dir]
247		if !ok {
248			if dir == filepath.Dir(dir) {
249				// arrived at root, no allowed device found. this should not happen.
250				break
251			}
252			continue
253		}
255		// if the item has a different device ID than the parent directory,
256		// we crossed a file system boundary
257		if allowedID != deviceID {
258			debug.Log("item %v (dir %v) on disallowed device %d", item, dir, deviceID)
259			return false, nil
260		}
262		// item is on allowed device, accept it
263		debug.Log("item %v allowed", item)
264		return true, nil
265	}
267	return false, fmt.Errorf("item %v (device ID %v) not found, deviceMap: %v", item, deviceID, m)
270// rejectByDevice returns a RejectFunc that rejects files which are on a
271// different file systems than the files/dirs in samples.
272func rejectByDevice(samples []string) (RejectFunc, error) {
273	deviceMap, err := NewDeviceMap(samples)
274	if err != nil {
275		return nil, err
276	}
277	debug.Log("allowed devices: %v\n", deviceMap)
279	return func(item string, fi os.FileInfo) bool {
280		id, err := fs.DeviceID(fi)
281		if err != nil {
282			// This should never happen because gatherDevices() would have
283			// errored out earlier. If it still does that's a reason to panic.
284			panic(err)
285		}
287		allowed, err := deviceMap.IsAllowed(filepath.Clean(item), id)
288		if err != nil {
289			// this should not happen
290			panic(fmt.Sprintf("error checking device ID of %v: %v", item, err))
291		}
293		if allowed {
294			// accept item
295			return false
296		}
298		// reject everything except directories
299		if !fi.IsDir() {
300			return true
301		}
303		// special case: make sure we keep mountpoints (directories which
304		// contain a mounted file system). Test this by checking if the parent
305		// directory would be included.
306		parentDir := filepath.Dir(filepath.Clean(item))
308		parentFI, err := fs.Lstat(parentDir)
309		if err != nil {
310			debug.Log("item %v: error running lstat() on parent directory: %v", item, err)
311			// if in doubt, reject
312			return true
313		}
315		parentDeviceID, err := fs.DeviceID(parentFI)
316		if err != nil {
317			debug.Log("item %v: getting device ID of parent directory: %v", item, err)
318			// if in doubt, reject
319			return true
320		}
322		parentAllowed, err := deviceMap.IsAllowed(parentDir, parentDeviceID)
323		if err != nil {
324			debug.Log("item %v: error checking parent directory: %v", item, err)
325			// if in doubt, reject
326			return true
327		}
329		if parentAllowed {
330			// we found a mount point, so accept the directory
331			return false
332		}
334		// reject everything else
335		return true
336	}, nil
339// rejectResticCache returns a RejectByNameFunc that rejects the restic cache
340// directory (if set).
341func rejectResticCache(repo *repository.Repository) (RejectByNameFunc, error) {
342	if repo.Cache == nil {
343		return func(string) bool {
344			return false
345		}, nil
346	}
347	cacheBase := repo.Cache.BaseDir()
349	if cacheBase == "" {
350		return nil, errors.New("cacheBase is empty string")
351	}
353	return func(item string) bool {
354		if fs.HasPathPrefix(cacheBase, item) {
355			debug.Log("rejecting restic cache directory %v", item)
356			return true
357		}
359		return false
360	}, nil
363func rejectBySize(maxSizeStr string) (RejectFunc, error) {
364	maxSize, err := parseSizeStr(maxSizeStr)
365	if err != nil {
366		return nil, err
367	}
369	return func(item string, fi os.FileInfo) bool {
370		// directory will be ignored
371		if fi.IsDir() {
372			return false
373		}
375		filesize := fi.Size()
376		if filesize > maxSize {
377			debug.Log("file %s is oversize: %d", item, filesize)
378			return true
379		}
381		return false
382	}, nil
385func parseSizeStr(sizeStr string) (int64, error) {
386	if sizeStr == "" {
387		return 0, errors.New("expected size, got empty string")
388	}
390	numStr := sizeStr[:len(sizeStr)-1]
391	var unit int64 = 1
393	switch sizeStr[len(sizeStr)-1] {
394	case 'b', 'B':
395		// use initialized values, do nothing here
396	case 'k', 'K':
397		unit = 1024
398	case 'm', 'M':
399		unit = 1024 * 1024
400	case 'g', 'G':
401		unit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
402	case 't', 'T':
403		unit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
404	default:
405		numStr = sizeStr
406	}
407	value, err := strconv.ParseInt(numStr, 10, 64)
408	if err != nil {
409		return 0, err
410	}
411	return value * unit, nil