1## @file
2# This file contained the parser for INF file
4# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
6# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
14# Import Modules
16import re
17import os
18from copy import deepcopy
20from Library.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
21from Library.StringUtils import ConvertSpecialChar
22from Library.Misc import ProcessLineExtender
23from Library.Misc import ProcessEdkComment
24from Library.Parsing import NormPath
25from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidInfMoudleTypeList
26from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidArch
27from Library import DataType as DT
28from Library import GlobalData
30import Logger.Log as Logger
31from Logger import StringTable as ST
32from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID
33from Logger.ToolError import FILE_READ_FAILURE
34from Logger.ToolError import PARSER_ERROR
36from Object.Parser.InfCommonObject import InfSectionCommonDef
37from Parser.InfSectionParser import InfSectionParser
38from Parser.InfParserMisc import gINF_SECTION_DEF
39from Parser.InfParserMisc import IsBinaryInf
41## OpenInfFile
44def OpenInfFile(Filename):
45    FileLinesList = []
47    try:
48        FInputfile = open(Filename, "r")
49        try:
50            FileLinesList = FInputfile.readlines()
51        except BaseException:
52            Logger.Error("InfParser",
53                         FILE_READ_FAILURE,
54                         ST.ERR_FILE_OPEN_FAILURE,
55                         File=Filename)
56        finally:
57            FInputfile.close()
58    except BaseException:
59        Logger.Error("InfParser",
60                     FILE_READ_FAILURE,
61                     ST.ERR_FILE_OPEN_FAILURE,
62                     File=Filename)
64    return FileLinesList
66## InfParser
68# This class defined the structure used in InfParser object
70# @param InfObject:         Inherited from InfSectionParser class
71# @param Filename:          Input value for Filename of INF file, default is
72#                           None
73# @param WorkspaceDir:      Input value for current workspace directory,
74#                           default is None
76class InfParser(InfSectionParser):
78    def __init__(self, Filename = None, WorkspaceDir = None):
80        #
81        # Call parent class construct function
82        #
83        InfSectionParser.__init__()
85        self.WorkspaceDir    = WorkspaceDir
86        self.SupArchList     = DT.ARCH_LIST
87        self.EventList    = []
88        self.HobList      = []
89        self.BootModeList = []
91        #
92        # Load Inf file if filename is not None
93        #
94        if Filename is not None:
95            self.ParseInfFile(Filename)
97    ## Parse INF file
98    #
99    # Parse the file if it exists
100    #
101    # @param Filename:  Input value for filename of INF file
102    #
103    def ParseInfFile(self, Filename):
105        Filename = NormPath(Filename)
106        (Path, Name) = os.path.split(Filename)
107        self.FullPath = Filename
108        self.RelaPath = Path
109        self.FileName = Name
110        GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR = Path
111        GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_NAME = self.FullPath
112        GlobalData.gIS_BINARY_INF = False
113        #
114        # Initialize common data
115        #
116        LineNo             = 0
117        CurrentSection     = DT.MODEL_UNKNOWN
118        SectionLines       = []
120        #
121        # Flags
122        #
123        HeaderCommentStart = False
124        HeaderCommentEnd   = False
125        HeaderStarLineNo = -1
126        BinaryHeaderCommentStart = False
127        BinaryHeaderCommentEnd   = False
128        BinaryHeaderStarLineNo = -1
130        #
131        # While Section ends. parse whole section contents.
132        #
133        NewSectionStartFlag = False
134        FirstSectionStartFlag = False
136        #
137        # Parse file content
138        #
139        CommentBlock       = []
141        #
142        # Variables for Event/Hob/BootMode
143        #
144        self.EventList    = []
145        self.HobList      = []
146        self.BootModeList = []
147        SectionType = ''
149        FileLinesList = OpenInfFile (Filename)
151        #
152        # One INF file can only has one [Defines] section.
153        #
154        DefineSectionParsedFlag = False
156        #
157        # Convert special characters in lines to space character.
158        #
159        FileLinesList = ConvertSpecialChar(FileLinesList)
161        #
162        # Process Line Extender
163        #
164        FileLinesList = ProcessLineExtender(FileLinesList)
166        #
167        # Process EdkI INF style comment if found
168        #
169        OrigLines = [Line for Line in FileLinesList]
170        FileLinesList, EdkCommentStartPos = ProcessEdkComment(FileLinesList)
172        #
173        # Judge whether the INF file is Binary INF or not
174        #
175        if IsBinaryInf(FileLinesList):
176            GlobalData.gIS_BINARY_INF = True
178        InfSectionCommonDefObj = None
180        for Line in FileLinesList:
181            LineNo   = LineNo + 1
182            Line     = Line.strip()
183            if (LineNo < len(FileLinesList) - 1):
184                NextLine = FileLinesList[LineNo].strip()
186            #
187            # blank line
188            #
189            if (Line == '' or not Line) and LineNo == len(FileLinesList):
190                LastSectionFalg = True
192            #
193            # check whether file header comment section started
194            #
195            if Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) and \
196               (Line.find(DT.TAB_HEADER_COMMENT) > -1) and \
197               not HeaderCommentStart and not HeaderCommentEnd:
199                CurrentSection = DT.MODEL_META_DATA_FILE_HEADER
200                #
201                # Append the first line to section lines.
202                #
203                HeaderStarLineNo = LineNo
204                SectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
205                HeaderCommentStart = True
206                continue
208            #
209            # Collect Header content.
210            #
211            if (Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) and CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_META_DATA_FILE_HEADER) and\
212                HeaderCommentStart and not Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) and not\
213                HeaderCommentEnd and NextLine != '':
214                SectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
215                continue
216            #
217            # Header content end
218            #
219            if (Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) or not Line.strip().startswith("#")) and HeaderCommentStart \
220                and not HeaderCommentEnd:
221                HeaderCommentEnd = True
222                BinaryHeaderCommentStart = False
223                BinaryHeaderCommentEnd   = False
224                HeaderCommentStart = False
225                if Line.find(DT.TAB_BINARY_HEADER_COMMENT) > -1:
226                    self.InfHeaderParser(SectionLines, self.InfHeader, self.FileName)
227                    SectionLines = []
228                else:
229                    SectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
230                    #
231                    # Call Header comment parser.
232                    #
233                    self.InfHeaderParser(SectionLines, self.InfHeader, self.FileName)
234                    SectionLines = []
235                    continue
237            #
238            # check whether binary header comment section started
239            #
240            if Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) and \
241                (Line.find(DT.TAB_BINARY_HEADER_COMMENT) > -1) and \
242                not BinaryHeaderCommentStart:
243                SectionLines = []
244                CurrentSection = DT.MODEL_META_DATA_FILE_HEADER
245                #
246                # Append the first line to section lines.
247                #
248                BinaryHeaderStarLineNo = LineNo
249                SectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
250                BinaryHeaderCommentStart = True
251                HeaderCommentEnd = True
252                continue
254            #
255            # check whether there are more than one binary header exist
256            #
257            if Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) and BinaryHeaderCommentStart and \
258                not BinaryHeaderCommentEnd and (Line.find(DT.TAB_BINARY_HEADER_COMMENT) > -1):
259                Logger.Error('Parser',
260                             FORMAT_INVALID,
261                             ST.ERR_MULTIPLE_BINARYHEADER_EXIST,
262                             File=Filename)
264            #
265            # Collect Binary Header content.
266            #
267            if (Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) and CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_META_DATA_FILE_HEADER) and\
268                BinaryHeaderCommentStart and not Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) and not\
269                BinaryHeaderCommentEnd and NextLine != '':
270                SectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
271                continue
272            #
273            # Binary Header content end
274            #
275            if (Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) or not Line.strip().startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT)) and \
276                BinaryHeaderCommentStart and not BinaryHeaderCommentEnd:
277                SectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
278                BinaryHeaderCommentStart = False
279                #
280                # Call Binary Header comment parser.
281                #
282                self.InfHeaderParser(SectionLines, self.InfBinaryHeader, self.FileName, True)
283                SectionLines = []
284                BinaryHeaderCommentEnd   = True
285                continue
286            #
287            # Find a new section tab
288            # Or at the last line of INF file,
289            # need to process the last section.
290            #
291            LastSectionFalg = False
292            if LineNo == len(FileLinesList):
293                LastSectionFalg = True
295            if Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) and not Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT):
296                SectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
297                if not LastSectionFalg:
298                    continue
300            #
301            # Encountered a section. start with '[' and end with ']'
302            #
303            if (Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SECTION_START) and \
304               Line.find(DT.TAB_SECTION_END) > -1) or LastSectionFalg:
306                HeaderCommentEnd = True
307                BinaryHeaderCommentEnd = True
309                if not LastSectionFalg:
310                    #
311                    # check to prevent '#' inside section header
312                    #
313                    HeaderContent = Line[1:Line.find(DT.TAB_SECTION_END)]
314                    if HeaderContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) != -1:
315                        Logger.Error("InfParser",
316                                     FORMAT_INVALID,
317                                     ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_DEFINE_SECTION_HEADER_INVALID,
318                                     File=self.FullPath,
319                                     Line=LineNo,
320                                     ExtraData=Line)
322                    #
323                    # Keep last time section header content for section parser
324                    # usage.
325                    #
326                    self.LastSectionHeaderContent = deepcopy(self.SectionHeaderContent)
328                    #
329                    # TailComments in section define.
330                    #
331                    TailComments = ''
332                    CommentIndex = Line.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT)
333                    if  CommentIndex > -1:
334                        TailComments = Line[CommentIndex:]
335                        Line = Line[:CommentIndex]
337                    InfSectionCommonDefObj = InfSectionCommonDef()
338                    if TailComments != '':
339                        InfSectionCommonDefObj.SetTailComments(TailComments)
340                    if CommentBlock != '':
341                        InfSectionCommonDefObj.SetHeaderComments(CommentBlock)
342                        CommentBlock = []
343                    #
344                    # Call section parser before section header parer to avoid encounter EDKI INF file
345                    #
346                    if CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE:
347                        DefineSectionParsedFlag = self._CallSectionParsers(CurrentSection,
348                                                                   DefineSectionParsedFlag, SectionLines,
349                                                                   InfSectionCommonDefObj, LineNo)
350                    #
351                    # Compare the new section name with current
352                    #
353                    self.SectionHeaderParser(Line, self.FileName, LineNo)
355                    self._CheckSectionHeaders(Line, LineNo)
357                    SectionType = _ConvertSecNameToType(self.SectionHeaderContent[0][0])
359                if not FirstSectionStartFlag:
360                    CurrentSection = SectionType
361                    FirstSectionStartFlag = True
362                else:
363                    NewSectionStartFlag = True
364            else:
365                SectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
366                continue
368            if LastSectionFalg:
369                SectionLines, CurrentSection = self._ProcessLastSection(SectionLines, Line, LineNo, CurrentSection)
371            #
372            # End of section content collect.
373            # Parser the section content collected previously.
374            #
375            if NewSectionStartFlag or LastSectionFalg:
376                if CurrentSection != DT.MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE or \
377                    (LastSectionFalg and CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE):
378                    DefineSectionParsedFlag = self._CallSectionParsers(CurrentSection,
379                                                                       DefineSectionParsedFlag, SectionLines,
380                                                                       InfSectionCommonDefObj, LineNo)
382                CurrentSection = SectionType
383                #
384                # Clear section lines
385                #
386                SectionLines = []
388        if HeaderStarLineNo == -1:
389            Logger.Error("InfParser",
390                        FORMAT_INVALID,
391                        ST.ERR_NO_SOURCE_HEADER,
392                        File=self.FullPath)
393        if BinaryHeaderStarLineNo > -1 and HeaderStarLineNo > -1  and HeaderStarLineNo > BinaryHeaderStarLineNo:
394            Logger.Error("InfParser",
395                        FORMAT_INVALID,
396                        ST.ERR_BINARY_HEADER_ORDER,
397                        File=self.FullPath)
398        #
399        # EDKII INF should not have EDKI style comment
400        #
401        if EdkCommentStartPos != -1:
402            Logger.Error("InfParser",
403                         FORMAT_INVALID,
404                         ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_EDKI_COMMENT_IN_EDKII,
405                         File=self.FullPath,
406                         Line=EdkCommentStartPos + 1,
407                         ExtraData=OrigLines[EdkCommentStartPos])
409        #
410        # extract [Event] [Hob] [BootMode] sections
411        #
412        self._ExtractEventHobBootMod(FileLinesList)
414    ## _CheckSectionHeaders
415    #
416    #
417    def _CheckSectionHeaders(self, Line, LineNo):
418        if len(self.SectionHeaderContent) == 0:
419            Logger.Error("InfParser",
420                         FORMAT_INVALID,
422                         File=self.FullPath,
423                         Line=LineNo, ExtraData=Line)
424        else:
425            for SectionItem in self.SectionHeaderContent:
426                ArchList = []
427                #
428                # Not cover Depex/UserExtension section header
429                # check.
430                #
431                if SectionItem[0].strip().upper() == DT.TAB_INF_FIXED_PCD.upper() or \
432                    SectionItem[0].strip().upper() == DT.TAB_INF_PATCH_PCD.upper() or \
433                    SectionItem[0].strip().upper() == DT.TAB_INF_PCD_EX.upper() or \
434                    SectionItem[0].strip().upper() == DT.TAB_INF_PCD.upper() or \
435                    SectionItem[0].strip().upper() == DT.TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD.upper():
436                    ArchList = GetSplitValueList(SectionItem[1].strip(), ' ')
437                else:
438                    ArchList = [SectionItem[1].strip()]
440                for Arch in ArchList:
441                    if (not IsValidArch(Arch)) and \
442                        (SectionItem[0].strip().upper() != DT.TAB_DEPEX.upper()) and \
443                        (SectionItem[0].strip().upper() != DT.TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper()) and \
444                        (SectionItem[0].strip().upper() != DT.TAB_COMMON_DEFINES.upper()):
445                        Logger.Error("InfParser",
446                                     FORMAT_INVALID,
447                                     ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_DEFINE_FROMAT_INVALID%(SectionItem[1]),
448                                     File=self.FullPath,
449                                     Line=LineNo, ExtraData=Line)
450                #
451                # Check if the ModuleType is valid
452                #
453                ChkModSectionList = ['LIBRARYCLASSES']
454                if (self.SectionHeaderContent[0][0].upper() in ChkModSectionList):
455                    if SectionItem[2].strip().upper():
456                        MoudleTypeList = GetSplitValueList(
457                                    SectionItem[2].strip().upper())
458                        if (not IsValidInfMoudleTypeList(MoudleTypeList)):
459                            Logger.Error("InfParser",
460                                         FORMAT_INVALID,
461                                         ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_DEFINE_FROMAT_INVALID%(SectionItem[2]),
462                                         File=self.FullPath, Line=LineNo,
463                                         ExtraData=Line)
465    ## _CallSectionParsers
466    #
467    #
468    def _CallSectionParsers(self, CurrentSection, DefineSectionParsedFlag,
469                            SectionLines, InfSectionCommonDefObj, LineNo):
470        if CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE:
471            if not DefineSectionParsedFlag:
472                self.InfDefineParser(SectionLines,
473                                     self.InfDefSection,
474                                     self.FullPath,
475                                     InfSectionCommonDefObj)
476                DefineSectionParsedFlag = True
477            else:
478                Logger.Error("Parser",
479                             PARSER_ERROR,
480                             ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_MULTI_DEFINE_SECTION,
481                             File=self.FullPath,
482                             RaiseError = Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
484        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION:
485            self.InfBuildOptionParser(SectionLines,
486                                      self.InfBuildOptionSection,
487                                      self.FullPath)
489        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS:
490            self.InfLibraryParser(SectionLines,
491                                  self.InfLibraryClassSection,
492                                  self.FullPath)
494        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE:
495            self.InfPackageParser(SectionLines,
496                                  self.InfPackageSection,
497                                  self.FullPath)
498        #
499        # [Pcd] Sections, put it together
500        #
501        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD or \
502             CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE or \
503             CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG or \
504             CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX or \
505             CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC:
506            self.InfPcdParser(SectionLines,
507                              self.InfPcdSection,
508                              self.FullPath)
510        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE:
511            self.InfSourceParser(SectionLines,
512                                 self.InfSourcesSection,
513                                 self.FullPath)
515        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION:
516            self.InfUserExtensionParser(SectionLines,
517                                        self.InfUserExtensionSection,
518                                        self.FullPath)
520        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL:
521            self.InfProtocolParser(SectionLines,
522                                   self.InfProtocolSection,
523                                   self.FullPath)
525        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_EFI_PPI:
526            self.InfPpiParser(SectionLines,
527                              self.InfPpiSection,
528                              self.FullPath)
530        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_EFI_GUID:
531            self.InfGuidParser(SectionLines,
532                               self.InfGuidSection,
533                               self.FullPath)
535        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_EFI_DEPEX:
536            self.InfDepexParser(SectionLines,
537                                self.InfDepexSection,
538                                self.FullPath)
540        elif CurrentSection == DT.MODEL_EFI_BINARY_FILE:
541            self.InfBinaryParser(SectionLines,
542                                 self.InfBinariesSection,
543                                 self.FullPath)
544        #
545        # Unknown section type found, raise error.
546        #
547        else:
548            if len(self.SectionHeaderContent) >= 1:
549                Logger.Error("Parser",
550                             PARSER_ERROR,
551                             ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_UNKNOWN_SECTION,
552                             File=self.FullPath, Line=LineNo,
553                             RaiseError = Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
554            else:
555                Logger.Error("Parser",
556                             PARSER_ERROR,
557                             ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_NO_SECTION_ERROR,
558                             File=self.FullPath, Line=LineNo,
559                             RaiseError = Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
561        return DefineSectionParsedFlag
563    def _ExtractEventHobBootMod(self, FileLinesList):
564        SpecialSectionStart = False
565        CheckLocation = False
566        GFindSpecialCommentRe = \
567        re.compile(r"""#(?:\s*)\[(.*?)\](?:.*)""", re.DOTALL)
568        GFindNewSectionRe2 = \
569        re.compile(r"""#?(\s*)\[(.*?)\](.*)""", re.DOTALL)
570        LineNum = 0
571        Element = []
572        for Line in FileLinesList:
573            Line = Line.strip()
574            LineNum += 1
575            MatchObject = GFindSpecialCommentRe.search(Line)
576            if MatchObject:
577                SpecialSectionStart = True
578                Element = []
579                if MatchObject.group(1).upper().startswith("EVENT"):
580                    List = self.EventList
581                elif MatchObject.group(1).upper().startswith("HOB"):
582                    List = self.HobList
583                elif MatchObject.group(1).upper().startswith("BOOTMODE"):
584                    List = self.BootModeList
585                else:
586                    SpecialSectionStart = False
587                    CheckLocation = False
588                if SpecialSectionStart:
589                    Element.append([Line, LineNum])
590                    List.append(Element)
591            else:
592                #
593                # if currently in special section, try to detect end of current section
594                #
595                MatchObject = GFindNewSectionRe2.search(Line)
596                if SpecialSectionStart:
597                    if MatchObject:
598                        SpecialSectionStart = False
599                        CheckLocation = False
600                        Element = []
601                    elif not Line:
602                        SpecialSectionStart = False
603                        CheckLocation = True
604                        Element = []
605                    else:
606                        if not Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT):
607                            Logger.Warn("Parser",
608                                         ST.WARN_SPECIAL_SECTION_LOCATION_WRONG,
609                                         File=self.FullPath, Line=LineNum)
610                            SpecialSectionStart = False
611                            CheckLocation = False
612                            Element = []
613                        else:
614                            Element.append([Line, LineNum])
615                else:
616                    if CheckLocation:
617                        if MatchObject:
618                            CheckLocation = False
619                        elif Line:
620                            Logger.Warn("Parser",
621                                         ST.WARN_SPECIAL_SECTION_LOCATION_WRONG,
622                                         File=self.FullPath, Line=LineNum)
623                            CheckLocation = False
625        if len(self.BootModeList) >= 1:
626            self.InfSpecialCommentParser(self.BootModeList,
627                                         self.InfSpecialCommentSection,
628                                         self.FileName,
629                                         DT.TYPE_BOOTMODE_SECTION)
631        if len(self.EventList) >= 1:
632            self.InfSpecialCommentParser(self.EventList,
633                                         self.InfSpecialCommentSection,
634                                         self.FileName,
635                                         DT.TYPE_EVENT_SECTION)
637        if len(self.HobList) >= 1:
638            self.InfSpecialCommentParser(self.HobList,
639                                         self.InfSpecialCommentSection,
640                                         self.FileName,
641                                         DT.TYPE_HOB_SECTION)
642    ## _ProcessLastSection
643    #
644    #
645    def _ProcessLastSection(self, SectionLines, Line, LineNo, CurrentSection):
646        #
647        # The last line is a section header. will discard it.
648        #
649        if not (Line.startswith(DT.TAB_SECTION_START) and Line.find(DT.TAB_SECTION_END) > -1):
650            SectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
652        if len(self.SectionHeaderContent) >= 1:
653            TemSectionName = self.SectionHeaderContent[0][0].upper()
654            if TemSectionName.upper() not in gINF_SECTION_DEF.keys():
655                Logger.Error("InfParser",
656                             FORMAT_INVALID,
657                             ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_UNKNOWN_SECTION,
658                             File=self.FullPath,
659                             Line=LineNo,
660                             ExtraData=Line,
661                             RaiseError = Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR
662                             )
663            else:
664                CurrentSection = gINF_SECTION_DEF[TemSectionName]
665                self.LastSectionHeaderContent = self.SectionHeaderContent
667        return SectionLines, CurrentSection
669## _ConvertSecNameToType
672def _ConvertSecNameToType(SectionName):
673    SectionType = ''
674    if SectionName.upper() not in gINF_SECTION_DEF.keys():
675        SectionType = DT.MODEL_UNKNOWN
676    else:
677        SectionType = gINF_SECTION_DEF[SectionName.upper()]
679    return SectionType