1 use std::fmt;
3 /// A wrapper for passing `FnMut` callbacks into the `js!` macro.
4 ///
5 /// Just like when passing regular `Fn` callbacks, don't forget
6 /// to `drop()` them on the JavaScript side or else the closure
7 /// will be leaked.
8 ///
9 /// # Examples
10 ///
11 /// ```rust
12 /// let mut count = 0;
13 /// let callback = move || {
14 ///     count += 1;
15 ///     println!( "Callback called {} times", count );
16 /// };
17 /// js! {
18 ///     var cb = @{Mut(callback)};
19 ///     cb();
20 ///     cb();
21 ///     cb();
22 ///     cb.drop();
23 /// }
24 /// ```
25 pub struct Mut< T >( pub T );
27 impl< T > fmt::Debug for Mut< T > {
28     #[inline]
fmt( &self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter ) -> Result< (), fmt::Error >29     fn fmt( &self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter ) -> Result< (), fmt::Error > {
30         write!( formatter, "Mut" )
31     }
32 }