1 // Copyright 2018 Guillaume Pinot (@TeXitoi) <texitoi@texitoi.eu>
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
4 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
5 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
6 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
7 // except according to those terms.
9 use structopt::clap::AppSettings;
10 use structopt::StructOpt;
12 pub const DISPLAY_ORDER: usize = 2;
14 // Check if the global settings compile
15 #[derive(StructOpt, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
16 #[structopt(global_settings = &[AppSettings::ColoredHelp])]
17 struct Opt {
18     #[structopt(
19         long = "x",
20         display_order = DISPLAY_ORDER,
21         next_line_help = true,
22         default_value = "0",
23         require_equals = true
24     )]
25     x: i32,
27     #[structopt(short = "l", long = "level", aliases = &["set-level", "lvl"])]
28     level: String,
30     #[structopt(long("values"))]
31     values: Vec<i32>,
33     #[structopt(name = "FILE", requires_if("FILE", "values"))]
34     files: Vec<String>,
35 }
37 #[test]
test_slice()38 fn test_slice() {
39     assert_eq!(
40         Opt {
41             x: 0,
42             level: "1".to_string(),
43             files: Vec::new(),
44             values: vec![],
45         },
46         Opt::from_clap(&Opt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "-l", "1"]))
47     );
48     assert_eq!(
49         Opt {
50             x: 0,
51             level: "1".to_string(),
52             files: Vec::new(),
53             values: vec![],
54         },
55         Opt::from_clap(&Opt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "--level", "1"]))
56     );
57     assert_eq!(
58         Opt {
59             x: 0,
60             level: "1".to_string(),
61             files: Vec::new(),
62             values: vec![],
63         },
64         Opt::from_clap(&Opt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "--set-level", "1"]))
65     );
66     assert_eq!(
67         Opt {
68             x: 0,
69             level: "1".to_string(),
70             files: Vec::new(),
71             values: vec![],
72         },
73         Opt::from_clap(&Opt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "--lvl", "1"]))
74     );
75 }
77 #[test]
test_multi_args()78 fn test_multi_args() {
79     assert_eq!(
80         Opt {
81             x: 0,
82             level: "1".to_string(),
83             files: vec!["file".to_string()],
84             values: vec![],
85         },
86         Opt::from_clap(&Opt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "-l", "1", "file"]))
87     );
88     assert_eq!(
89         Opt {
90             x: 0,
91             level: "1".to_string(),
92             files: vec!["FILE".to_string()],
93             values: vec![1],
94         },
95         Opt::from_clap(
96             &Opt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "-l", "1", "--values", "1", "--", "FILE"]),
97         )
98     );
99 }
101 #[test]
test_multi_args_fail()102 fn test_multi_args_fail() {
103     let result = Opt::clap().get_matches_from_safe(&["test", "-l", "1", "--", "FILE"]);
104     assert!(result.is_err());
105 }
107 #[test]
test_bool()108 fn test_bool() {
109     assert_eq!(
110         Opt {
111             x: 1,
112             level: "1".to_string(),
113             files: vec![],
114             values: vec![],
115         },
116         Opt::from_clap(&Opt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "-l", "1", "--x=1"]))
117     );
118     let result = Opt::clap().get_matches_from_safe(&["test", "-l", "1", "--x", "1"]);
119     assert!(result.is_err());
120 }
parse_hex(input: &str) -> Result<u64, std::num::ParseIntError>122 fn parse_hex(input: &str) -> Result<u64, std::num::ParseIntError> {
123     u64::from_str_radix(input, 16)
124 }
126 #[derive(StructOpt, PartialEq, Debug)]
127 struct HexOpt {
128     #[structopt(short = "n", parse(try_from_str = parse_hex))]
129     number: u64,
130 }
132 #[test]
test_parse_hex_function_path()133 fn test_parse_hex_function_path() {
134     assert_eq!(
135         HexOpt { number: 5 },
136         HexOpt::from_clap(&HexOpt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "-n", "5"]))
137     );
138     assert_eq!(
139         HexOpt { number: 0xabcdef },
140         HexOpt::from_clap(&HexOpt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "-n", "abcdef"]))
141     );
143     let err = HexOpt::clap()
144         .get_matches_from_safe(&["test", "-n", "gg"])
145         .unwrap_err();
146     assert!(err.message.contains("invalid digit found in string"), err);
147 }