1index_title=Logical Volume Management
2index_ecommands=The LVM command $1 was not found on your system. Webmin needs the LVM administration commands in order to setup and manage logical volumes.
3index_emodule=The LVM status directory $1 does not exist. This indicates that your kernel does not support LVM, or that the $2 kernel module is not loaded.
4index_vgs=Volume Groups
5index_pvs=Physical Volumes
6index_lvs=Logical Volumes
7index_none=No volume groups were found on your system.
8index_add=Add a new volume group.
9index_nolvs=This volume group has<br>no logical volumes yet.
10index_nopvs=This volume group has<br>no physical volumes yet.
11i2ndex_addpv=Add a physical volume to the group.
12index_addpv2=Add a physical volume to <tt>$1</tt>.
13index_addlv2=Create a logical volume in <tt>$1</tt>.
14index_addlv2s=Create a snapshot in <tt>$1</tt>.
15index_addlv3=Create a thin pool in <tt>$1</tt>.
16index_addlv=Create a new logical volume.
17index_addsnap=Create a new snapshot.
18index_return=volume groups
19index_return2=physical volumes
20index_return3=logical volumes
21index_init=This may be because LVM has not been activated yet. <a href='$1'>Activate it now</a> to view all volume groups.
22index_eversion=Webmin only supports LVM versions 1.0 and above. The output from $1 on your system was : $2
23index_version=LVM version $1
24index_vgname=Volume group name
25index_vgsize=Total size
26index_vgtotal=Blocks used
27index_vgtotal2=Size used
28index_nopvs2=No physical volumes have been added to any volume groups yet.
29index_nolvs2=No logical volumes have been created from any volume groups yet.
30index_pvname=Physical volume device
31index_pvvg=In volume group
32index_pvsize=Device size
33index_pvtotal=Blocks used
34index_pvtotal2=Size used
35index_vgsdesc=A volume group is a set of disks that can be allocated to one or more logical volumes. Most systems will have only one, and at least one must be created before any physical or logical volumes can be added.
36index_pvsdesc=A physical volume is a disk partition or RAID device that is part of a volume group. Its disk space can then be used by one or more logical volumes.
37index_lvsdesc=A logical volume is a virtual partition created from the combined disk space of a volume group. Each can have a filesystem which is then mounted to store files.
38index_lvname=Logical volume
39index_lvvg=Volume group
41index_lvused=Space used
42index_lvuse=Used for
43index_snapof=(Snapshot of $1)
44index_thin=LVM thin pool for $1 LVs
46lv_edit=Edit Logical Volume
47lv_edit_snap=Edit Snapshot
48lv_create=Create Logical Volume
49lv_create_snap=Create Snapshot
50lv_vg=In volume group $1
51lv_header=Logical volume details
52lv_name=Volume name
53lv_thin=Create as thin LV in pool
54lv_thin2=Thin provisioned in pool
55lv_nothin=None (create as regular LV)
56lv_size=Volume size
57lv_size0=Absolute size
58lv_size1=Percentage of VG size
59lv_size2=Percentage of VG free space
60lv_size3=Percentage of PV free space
61lv_size3a=$1 of $2
62lv_sizeabs=Exact size
63lv_sizesimple=Size with units
64lv_sizeallfree=Use all free VG space
65lv_device=Device file
66lv_status=Current status
67lv_mount=Mounted on $1 as $2
68lv_umount=For mounting on $1 as $2
69lv_mountvm=Mounted as virtual memory
70lv_umountvm=For mounting as virtual memory
71lv_mountraid=Part of RAID device $1
72lv_mountcm=Used by Cloudmin system $1
73lv_umountcm=For use by Cloudmin system $1
74lv_mountiscsi=iSCSI shared device $1
75lv_notused=Not in use
76lv_cannot=This logical volume cannot be renamed or resized as it is currently in use.
77lv_perm=Volume access
79lv_permr=Read only
80lv_alloc=Allocation method
83lv_stripe=Volume striping
84lv_nostripe=Disabled (always allocate from start)
85lv_stripes=Stripe across $1 physical volumes
86lv_stripes2=Physical volumes to stripe across
87lv_stripesize=Stripe size
88lv_readahead=Readahead Sectors
89lv_err=Failed to save logical volume
90lv_ename=Missing or invalid volume name
91lv_esame=A logical volume with the same name already exists
92lv_esize=Missing or invalid volume size
93lv_evgsize=Missing or invalid volume group size percentage
94lv_efreesize=Missing or invalid free volume group size percentage
95lv_epvsize=Missing or invalid free physical volume size percentage
96lv_estripe=Missing or invalid number of stripes
97lv_delete=Delete Logical Volume
98lv_snaprollback=Rollback Snapshot
99lv_rusure=Are you sure you want to delete the logical volume $1 ? Any data in a filesystem on this logical volume will be deleted forever!
100lv_rusnap=Are you sure you want to delete the snapshot $1 ?
101lv_rusnaprb=Are you sure you want to rollback the snapshot $1 ?
102lv_delthin=WARNING! This LV is a thin pool for $1 other thinly provisioned logical volumes, which will also be lost if it is deleted!
103lv_deleteok=Delete Now
104lv_snaprollbackok=Rollback Now
105lv_err2=Failed to delete logical volume
106lv_err3=Failed to rollback snapshot
107lv_pesize=Allocation block size
108lv_petotal=Blocks allocated from volume group
109lv_petotals=$1 out of $2
110lv_mkfs=Create Filesystem of Type:
111lv_mkfs2=Create Filesystem
112lv_mkfsdesc=Select a filesystem type and click this button to create a new filesystem on this logical volume. This will erase any data currently on the volume.
113lv_mkfsdesc2=Click this button to create a new $1 filesystem on this logical volume. This will erase any data currently on the volume.
114lv_toobig=The new volume size is $1 blocks (of $2 each), but only $3 are free in the volume group.
115lv_snapof=Snapshot of logical volume
116lv_nosnap=Could not determine!
117lv_newmount=Mount LV on:
118lv_mountmsg=Mount this LV on new directory on your system, so that it can be used to store files. A filesystem must have already been created.
119lv_free=Free percentage
120lv_freedisk=Free space
121lv_pvs=Physical volumes allocated
122lv_thincs=LVs in this thin pool
123lv_thinpercent=Thin pool use percentage
124lv_thinused=Thin pool space used
125lv_snapusage=Snapshot use percentage
126lv_egone=Logical volume no longer exists!
127lv_moveheader=Move off physical volume
128lv_pvfrom=Move blocks from physical volume
129lv_pvto=To physical volume
130lv_moveok=Move Blocks
131lv_return=logical volume
133mkfs_title=Create Filesystem
134mkfs_desc=This form allows you to build a new $2 ($1) filesystem on logical volume $3. All existing data will be erased.
135mkfs_header=New filesystem options
136mkfs_err=Failed to create filesystem
137mkfs_exec=Executing command $1 ..
138mkfs_failed=.. command failed!
139mkfs_ok=.. command complete.
141resize_title=Resize Logical Volume
142resize_mesg=The $1 filesystem on this logical volume cannot be resized. If you resize the logical volume, you must re-create the filesystem, which will erase all data in it.
143resize_mesg2=Webmin does not know what kind of filesystem is on this logical volume, if any. If you resize the logical volume, you must re-create the filesystem, which will erase all data in it.
144resize_fs=There was an error resizing the $1 filesystem on this logical volume : $2  If you resize just the logical volume, you must re-create the filesystem, which will erase all data in it.
145resize_ok=Resize Logical Volume
146resize_emounted=The filesystem on this logical volume cannot be resized while it is mounted
147resize_emounted2=The filesystem on this logical volume cannot be shrunk while it is mounted
149init_title=Activate LVM
150init_cmd=Running command $1 ..
152pv_edit=Edit Physical Volume
153pv_create=Add Physical Volume
154pv_vg=In volume group $1
155pv_header=Physical volume details
156pv_device=Disk device
157pv_other=Other device..
158pv_alloc=Enabled for allocation?
159pv_force=Force addition of volume?
160pv_size=Disk size
161pv_petotal=Blocks allocated
162pv_petotal2=Size allocated
163pv_pesize=Allocation block size
164pv_warn=Warning! All data on the selected device will be erased.
165pv_create2=Add to volume group
166pv_delete2=Remove from volume group
167pv_resize=Resize To Match Device
168pv_err=Failed to save physical volume
169pv_err2=Failed to remove physical volume
170pv_err3=Failed to resize physical volume
171pv_delete=Remove Physical Volume
172pv_rusure=Are you sure you want to remove physical volume device $1 from its volume group? This will result in any data being shifted to other physical volumes within the group.
173pv_deleteok=Remove Volume
174pv_eother=Missing or invalid disk device
175pv_raid=RAID device $1
176pv_lvs=Allocation by logical volumes
177pv_egone=Physical volume no longer exists!
179vg_edit=Edit Volume Group
180vg_create=Create Volume Group
181vg_name=Volume group name
182vg_header=Volume group details
183vg_size=Total size
184vg_petotal=Blocks allocated
185vg_petotal2=Size allocated
186vg_pesize=Allocation block size
187vg_device=Initial physical device
188vg_err=Failed to save volume group
189vg_err2=Failed to delete volume group
190vg_delete=Delete Volume Group
191vg_rusure=Are you sure you want to delete the volume group $1 ?
192vg_cannot=This volume group cannot be deleted because it still has $1 logical volumes.
193vg_deleteok=Delete Now
194vg_ename=Missing or invalid volume group name
195vg_epesize=Missing or invalid allocation block size
196vg_egone=Volume group no longer exists!
198pvmove_err=Failed to move logical volume
199pvmove_title=Move Logical Volume
200pvmove_start=Moving logical volume $1 from $2 to $3 ..
201pvmove_failed=.. move failed!
202pvmove_done=.. move complete
204thin_title=Create Thin Pool
205thin_desc=A thin pool is a pair of LVs that can be used to create additional LVs that can be larger than the available extents. Space is only consumed when needed, rather than when the LVs inside the pool are created. WARNING - Any data on the selected LVs will be lost!
206thin_header=New thin pool details
207thin_datalv=Existing LV for data
208thin_metadatalv=Existing LV for metadata
209thin_ok=Convert LVs To Thin Pool
210thin_elvs=No LVs that are not already in use were found in this VG!
211thin_err=Failed to create thin pool
212thin_esame=Both selected LVs are the same
213thin_edata=The selected data LV is already in use
214thin_emetadata=The selected metadata LV is already in use
216log_create_vg=Created volume group $1
217log_modify_vg=Modified volume group $1
218log_delete_vg=Deleted volume group $1
219log_create_lv=Created logical volume $1 in VG $2
220log_modify_lv=Modified logical volume $1 in VG $2
221log_delete_lv=Deleted logical volume $1 in VG $2
222log_rollback_lv=Rolled back snapshot $1
223log_mkfs_lv=Created $1 filesystem on $2
224log_create_pv=Added physical volume $1 to VG $1
225log_modify_pv=Modified physical volume $1 in VG $2
226log_delete_pv=Removed physical volume $1 from VG $2
227log_resize_pv=Resized physical volume $1 in VG $2