1#' Wrap strings into nicely formatted paragraphs.
3#' This is a wrapper around [stringi::stri_wrap()] which implements
4#' the Knuth-Plass paragraph wrapping algorithm.
6#' @param string character vector of strings to reformat.
7#' @param width positive integer giving target line width in characters. A
8#'   width less than or equal to 1 will put each word on its own line.
9#' @param indent non-negative integer giving indentation of first line in
10#'  each paragraph
11#' @param exdent non-negative integer giving indentation of following lines in
12#'  each paragraph
13#' @return A character vector of re-wrapped strings.
14#' @export
15#' @examples
16#' thanks_path <- file.path(R.home("doc"), "THANKS")
17#' thanks <- str_c(readLines(thanks_path), collapse = "\n")
18#' thanks <- word(thanks, 1, 3, fixed("\n\n"))
19#' cat(str_wrap(thanks), "\n")
20#' cat(str_wrap(thanks, width = 40), "\n")
21#' cat(str_wrap(thanks, width = 60, indent = 2), "\n")
22#' cat(str_wrap(thanks, width = 60, exdent = 2), "\n")
23#' cat(str_wrap(thanks, width = 0, exdent = 2), "\n")
24str_wrap <- function(string, width = 80, indent = 0, exdent = 0) {
25  if (width <= 0) width <- 1
27  out <- stri_wrap(string, width = width, indent = indent, exdent = exdent,
28    simplify = FALSE)
29  vapply(out, str_c, collapse = "\n", character(1))