1// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
3package swf
5import (
6	"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol"
9const (
11	// ErrCodeDefaultUndefinedFault for service response error code
12	// "DefaultUndefinedFault".
13	//
14	// The StartWorkflowExecution API action was called without the required parameters
15	// set.
16	//
17	// Some workflow execution parameters, such as the decision taskList, must be
18	// set to start the execution. However, these parameters might have been set
19	// as defaults when the workflow type was registered. In this case, you can
20	// omit these parameters from the StartWorkflowExecution call and Amazon SWF
21	// uses the values defined in the workflow type.
22	//
23	// If these parameters aren't set and no default parameters were defined in
24	// the workflow type, this error is displayed.
25	ErrCodeDefaultUndefinedFault = "DefaultUndefinedFault"
27	// ErrCodeDomainAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
28	// "DomainAlreadyExistsFault".
29	//
30	// Returned if the domain already exists. You may get this fault if you are
31	// registering a domain that is either already registered or deprecated, or
32	// if you undeprecate a domain that is currently registered.
33	ErrCodeDomainAlreadyExistsFault = "DomainAlreadyExistsFault"
35	// ErrCodeDomainDeprecatedFault for service response error code
36	// "DomainDeprecatedFault".
37	//
38	// Returned when the specified domain has been deprecated.
39	ErrCodeDomainDeprecatedFault = "DomainDeprecatedFault"
41	// ErrCodeLimitExceededFault for service response error code
42	// "LimitExceededFault".
43	//
44	// Returned by any operation if a system imposed limitation has been reached.
45	// To address this fault you should either clean up unused resources or increase
46	// the limit by contacting AWS.
47	ErrCodeLimitExceededFault = "LimitExceededFault"
49	// ErrCodeOperationNotPermittedFault for service response error code
50	// "OperationNotPermittedFault".
51	//
52	// Returned when the caller doesn't have sufficient permissions to invoke the
53	// action.
54	ErrCodeOperationNotPermittedFault = "OperationNotPermittedFault"
56	// ErrCodeTooManyTagsFault for service response error code
57	// "TooManyTagsFault".
58	//
59	// You've exceeded the number of tags allowed for a domain.
60	ErrCodeTooManyTagsFault = "TooManyTagsFault"
62	// ErrCodeTypeAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
63	// "TypeAlreadyExistsFault".
64	//
65	// Returned if the type already exists in the specified domain. You may get
66	// this fault if you are registering a type that is either already registered
67	// or deprecated, or if you undeprecate a type that is currently registered.
68	ErrCodeTypeAlreadyExistsFault = "TypeAlreadyExistsFault"
70	// ErrCodeTypeDeprecatedFault for service response error code
71	// "TypeDeprecatedFault".
72	//
73	// Returned when the specified activity or workflow type was already deprecated.
74	ErrCodeTypeDeprecatedFault = "TypeDeprecatedFault"
76	// ErrCodeUnknownResourceFault for service response error code
77	// "UnknownResourceFault".
78	//
79	// Returned when the named resource cannot be found with in the scope of this
80	// operation (region or domain). This could happen if the named resource was
81	// never created or is no longer available for this operation.
82	ErrCodeUnknownResourceFault = "UnknownResourceFault"
84	// ErrCodeWorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault for service response error code
85	// "WorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault".
86	//
87	// Returned by StartWorkflowExecution when an open execution with the same workflowId
88	// is already running in the specified domain.
89	ErrCodeWorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault = "WorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault"
92var exceptionFromCode = map[string]func(protocol.ResponseMetadata) error{
93	"DefaultUndefinedFault":                newErrorDefaultUndefinedFault,
94	"DomainAlreadyExistsFault":             newErrorDomainAlreadyExistsFault,
95	"DomainDeprecatedFault":                newErrorDomainDeprecatedFault,
96	"LimitExceededFault":                   newErrorLimitExceededFault,
97	"OperationNotPermittedFault":           newErrorOperationNotPermittedFault,
98	"TooManyTagsFault":                     newErrorTooManyTagsFault,
99	"TypeAlreadyExistsFault":               newErrorTypeAlreadyExistsFault,
100	"TypeDeprecatedFault":                  newErrorTypeDeprecatedFault,
101	"UnknownResourceFault":                 newErrorUnknownResourceFault,
102	"WorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault": newErrorWorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault,