glilypond @MAN1EXT@ "@MDATE@" "groff @VERSION@"
glilypond - integrate lilypond parts into groff . glilypond - integrate 'lilypond' parts into 'groff' files
Source file position: <groff_source_top>/contrib/
Installed position: <prefix>/share/man/man1/glilypond.1
. TODO: This page needs a thorough edit by a native English speaker.
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Legal Terms

Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of glilypond, which is part of GNU groff, a free
software project.

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free
Software Foundation.

The license text is available in the internet at
. . ====================================================================
. Ellipsis ...
called with \*(EL
. . ====================================================================
. .SY glilypond [{ --ly2eps | --pdf2eps }] [ -e directory ] .OP -k [ -o output-file ] [ -p filename-prefix ] [ -t tdir ] [{ -v | -V }] .OP - .OP -- [ filespec \*(EL] .SY glilypond [{ --ly2eps | --pdf2eps }] [ --eps_dir directory ] .OP --keep_all [ --output output-file ] [ --prefix filename-prefix ] [ --temp_dir tdir ] .OP --verbose .OP - .OP -- [ filespec \*(EL] .YS . .SY glilypond -? .SY glilypond -h .SY glilypond --help .SY glilypond --usage .YS . .SY glilypond -l .SY glilypond --license .YS . .SY glilypond --version .YS . ====================================================================
. glilypond transforms sheet music written in the lilypond language into the groff (@MAN7EXT@) language using the .PSPIC request, such that groff (@MAN1EXT@) can transform it into a format that can be displayed directly. . .PDFPIC is available, but does on yet work with lilypond. . .

Files in groff language and "standard input" can be provided as arguments. . . ====================================================================

. Together with .PSPIC , glilypond can work only for troff devices without PDF and X devices. . .

I.e., the following groff devices work, -Tps , -Tdvi , -Thtml , and -Txhtml . . .

I'm not sure about the ldp and lj4 devices. . .

In groffer , it is easier to use the following device options, either . --ps , --div , --html , or --xhtml . . .

Unfortunately, the groff option -Tpdf does not work and the groffer default PDF works neither. . .

But groffer has an additional "pdf mode" , not available in groff . . It is based on the ps mode in groff and is called through groffer --pdf2 roff-file-with-lilypond . . . ====================================================================

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"Breaking Options"

-? | -h | --help | --usage Print help or usage information, then leave the program. .

--version Print version information. .

-l | --license Print license information.

. . ====================================================================
"Options for building EPS Files"

.OP --ly2eps Here the lilypond program creates eps files directly. . This is the default. . .

.OP --pdf2eps The program glilypond generates a PDF file using lilypond . . Then the eps file is generated by pdf2ps and ps2eps R . . . ====================================================================

"Directories and Files"

-e | --eps_dir " directory_name" Normally all EPS files are sent to the temporary directory. . With this option, you can generate your own directory, in which all useful EPS files are send. . So at last, the temporary directory can be removed. . .

-p | --prefix " begin_of_name" Normally all temporary files get names that start with the ly \*(EL prefix. . With this option, you can freely change this prefix. . .

-k | --keep_all Normally all temporary files without the eps files are deleted. . With this option, all generated files either by the lilypond program or other format transposers are kept. . .

-t | --temp_dir " dir" With this option, you call a directory that is the base for the temporary directory. . This directory name is used as is without any extensions. . If this directory does not exist it is be created. . The temporary directory is created by Perl's security operations directly under this directory. . In this temporary directory, the temporary files are stored. . . ====================================================================


-o | --output " file_name" Normally all groff output of this program is sent to STDOUT . . With this option, that can be changed, such that the output is stored into a file named in the option argument file_name . . .

-v | -V | --verbose A lot more of information is sent to STDERR. . . ====================================================================

"Short Option Collections"
. The argument handling of options . .

"Short options" are arguments that start with a single dash - . . Such an argument can consist of arbitrary many options without option argument, composed as a collection of option characters following the single dash. . .

Such a collection can be terminated by an option character that expects an option argument. . If this option character is not the last character of the argument, the following final part of the argument is the option argument. . If it is the last character of the argument, the next argument is taken as the option argument. . .

This is the standard for POSIX and GNU option management. . .

For example, .

-kVe " some_dir" is a collection of the short options -k and -V without option argument, followed by the short option -e with option argument that is the following part of the argument some_dir . . So this argument could also be written as several arguments -k -V -e some_dir . . . ====================================================================

"Handling of Long Options"
. Arguments that start with a double dash -- are so-called "long options" R . . Each double dash argument can only have a single long option. . .

"Long options" have or have not an option argument. . An option argument can be the next argument or can be appended with an equal sign = to the same argument as the long option. . .

--help is a long option without an option argument. .

--eps_dir " some_dir" .TQ --eps_dir= some_dir is the long option --eps_dir with the option argument some_dir . . .

Moreover the program allows abbreviations of long options, as much as possible. . .

The "long option" --keep_all can be abbreviated from --keep_al up to --k because the program does not have another "long option" whose name starts with the character k . . .

On the other hand, the option --version cannot be abbreviated further than --vers because there is also the long option --verbose that can be abbreviated up to --verb . . .

An option argument can also be appended to an abbreviation. . So is --e= some_dir the same as --eps_dir some_dir . . .

Moreover the program allows an arbitrary usage of upper and lower case in the option name. . This is Perl style. . .

For example, the "long option" --keep_all can as well be written as --Keep_All or even as an abbreviation like --KeE . . . ====================================================================

. An argument that is not an option or an option argument is called a filespec argument. . .

Without any filespec argument, "standard input" is read. . .

Each filespec argument must either be the name of a readable file or a dash - for "standard input" . . Each input must be written in the roff or groff language and can include lilypond parts. . .

Normally arguments starting with a dash - are interpreted as an option. . But if you use an argument that consists only of a doubled dash -- R , all following arguments are taken as filespec argument, even if such an argument starts with a dash. . This is handled according to the GNU standard. . . ====================================================================

. ====================================================================
"Integrated Lilypond Codes"
. A lilypond part within a structure written in the groff language is the whole part between the marks

.EX ".lilypond start"


.EX ".lilypond end"

. .

A groff input can have several of these lilypond parts. . .

When processing such a lilypond part between ".lilypond start" and ".lilypond end" we say that the glilypond program is in "lilypond mode" . . .

These lilypond parts are sent into temporary lilypond files with the file name extension .ly . . These files are transformed later on into EPS files. . . ====================================================================

"Inclusion of ly-Files"
. An additional command line for file inclusion of lilypond files is given by .EX ".lilypond include" " file_name" in groff input. . For each such include command, one file of lilypond code can be included into the groff code. . Arbitrarily many of these commands can be included in the groff input. . .

These include commands can only be used outside the lilypond parts. . Within the "lilypond mode" , this inclusion is not possible. . So ".lilypond include" may not be used in "lilypond mode" , i.e. between ".lilypond start" and ".lilypond end" . . . These included ly -files are also transformed into EPS files. . . ====================================================================

. By the transformation process of lilypond parts into EPS files, there are many files generated. . By default, these files are regarded as temporary files and as such stored in a temporary directory. . .

This process can be changed by command-line options. . . ====================================================================

"Command Line Options for Directories"
. The temporary directory for this program is either created automatically or can be named by the option -t | --temp_dir dir . . .

Moreover, the EPS files that are later on referred by .PSPIC command in the final groff output can be stored in a different directory that can be set by the command-line option -e | --eps_dir directory_name . . With this option, the temporary directory can be removed completely at the end of the program. . .

The beginning of the names of the temporary files can be set by the command-line option .OP -p | --prefix begin_of_name . . .

All of the temporary files except the EPS files are deleted finally. . This can be changed by setting the command-line option .OP -k | --keep_files . . With this, all temporary files and directories are kept, not deleted. . .

These EPS files are stored in a temporary or EPS directory. . But they cannot be deleted by the transformation process because they are needed for the display which can take a long time. . . ====================================================================

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"Mode pdf2eps"
. This mode is the actual default and can also be chosen by the option --pdf2eps . . .

In this mode, the .ly files are transformed by the lilypond (1) program into PDF files, using

.EX "lilypond --pdf --output=" file-name

for each .ly file. . The file-name must be provided without the extension .pdf . . By this process, a file file-name .pdf is generated. . .

The next step is to transform these PDF files into a PS file. . This is done by the pdf2ps (1) program using

.EX $ pdf2ps file-name .pdf file-name .ps

. . The next step creates an EPS file from the PS file. . This is done by the ps2eps (1) program using

.EX "$ " "ps2eps " file-name ".ps"

. .

By that, a file file-name .eps is created for each lilypond part in the groff file or standard input. . .

The last step to be done is replacing all lilypond parts by the groff command

.EX ".PSPIC " file-name .eps

. . ====================================================================
"Mode ly2eps"
. In earlier time, this mode was the default. . But now it does not work any more, so accept the new default pdf2eps . . For testing, this mode can also be chosen by the glilypond option --ly2eps . . .

In this mode, the .ly files are transformed by the lilypond program into many files of different formats, including eps files, using

.EX "$ lilypond --ps -dbackend=eps -dgs-load-fonts --output=" file-name

for each .ly file. . The output file-name must be provided without an extension, its directory is temporary. . .

There are many EPS files created. . One having the complete transformed ly file, named file-name .eps . . .

Moreover there are EPS files for each page, named file-name - digit .eps . . .

The last step to be done is replacing all lilypond parts by the collection of the corresponding EPS page files. . This is done by groff commands .EX ".PSPIC " file-name - digit .eps . . ====================================================================

. The new groff (@MAN7EXT@) structure generated by glilypond is either .

1) sent to standard output and can there be saved into a file or piped into groff (@MAN1EXT@) or groffer (@MAN1EXT@) or .

2) stored into a file by given the option -o \~| \~--output file_name . . ====================================================================

glilypond was written by .MT groff-bernd.warken-72@\ Bernd Warken .ME . . . ====================================================================

groff (@MAN1EXT@) describes the usage of the groff command and contains pointers to further documentation of the groff system. . .

groff_tmac (@MAN5EXT@) describes the .PSPIC request. . .

lilypond (1) briefly describes the lilypond command and contains pointers to further documentation. . .

pdf2ps (1) transforms a PDF file into a PostScript format. . .

ps2eps (1) transforms a PS file into an EPS format. . . ====================================================================
Emacs settings
. Local Variables:
mode: nroff
vim: set filetype=groff: