1{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, ViewPatterns, NoMonomorphismRestriction, CPP #-}
2import Control.Concurrent
4import Control.Applicative ((<$))
5import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
6import Control.Exception (try)
7import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL (pack)
8import Data.Char (isSpace)
9import qualified Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 as MD5 (md5)
10import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
11import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
12import System.IO.Error (userError)
14import qualified Httpd
15import qualified UnitTests
17import Network.Browser
18import Network.HTTP
19import Network.HTTP.Base
20import Network.HTTP.Auth
21import Network.HTTP.Headers
22import Network.Stream (Result)
23import Network.URI (uriPath, parseURI)
25import System.Environment (getArgs)
26import System.Info (os)
27import System.IO (getChar)
29import Test.Framework (defaultMainWithArgs, testGroup)
30import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
31import Test.HUnit
34basicGetRequest :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
35basicGetRequest = do
36  response <- simpleHTTP (getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get"))
37  code <- getResponseCode response
38  assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code
39  body <- getResponseBody response
40  assertEqual "Receiving expected response" "It works." body
42basicGetRequestLBS :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
43basicGetRequestLBS = do
44  response <- simpleHTTP (mkRequest GET (fromJust (parseURI (?testUrl ("/basic/get")))))
45  code <- getResponseCode response
46  assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code
47  body <- getResponseBody response
48  assertEqual "Receiving expected response" (BL.pack "It works.") body
50basicHeadRequest :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
51basicHeadRequest = do
52  response <- simpleHTTP (headRequest (?testUrl "/basic/head"))
53  code <- getResponseCode response
54  assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code
55  body <- getResponseBody response
56  -- the body should be empty, since this is a HEAD request
57  assertEqual "Receiving expected response" "" body
59basicExample :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
60basicExample = do
61  result <-
62    -- sample code from Network.HTTP haddock, with URL changed
63    -- Note there's also a copy of the example in the .cabal file
64    simpleHTTP (getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/example")) >>= fmap (take 100) . getResponseBody
65  assertEqual "Receiving expected response" (take 100 haskellOrgText) result
67secureGetRequest :: (?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
68secureGetRequest = do
69  response <- try $ simpleHTTP (getRequest (?secureTestUrl "/anything"))
70  assertEqual "Threw expected exception"
71              (Left (userError "https not supported"))
72              (fmap show response) -- fmap show because Response isn't in Eq
74basicPostRequest :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
75basicPostRequest = do
76  let sendBody = "body"
77  response <- simpleHTTP $ postRequestWithBody (?testUrl "/basic/post")
78                                               "text/plain"
79                                               sendBody
80  code <- getResponseCode response
81  assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code
82  body <- getResponseBody response
83  assertEqual "Receiving expected response"
84              (show (Just "text/plain", Just "4", sendBody))
85              body
87userpwAuthFailure :: (?baduserpwUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
88userpwAuthFailure = do
89  response <- simpleHTTP (getRequest (?baduserpwUrl "/auth/basic"))
90  code <- getResponseCode response
91  body <- getResponseBody response
92  assertEqual "HTTP status code" ((4, 0, 1),
93                "Just \"Basic dGVzdDp3cm9uZ3B3ZA==\"") (code, body)
94  -- in case of 401, the server returns the contents of the Authz header
96userpwAuthSuccess :: (?userpwUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
97userpwAuthSuccess = do
98  response <- simpleHTTP (getRequest (?userpwUrl "/auth/basic"))
99  code <- getResponseCode response
100  body <- getResponseBody response
101  assertEqual "Receiving expected response" ((2, 0, 0), "Here's the secret") (code, body)
103basicAuthFailure :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
104basicAuthFailure = do
105  response <- simpleHTTP (getRequest (?testUrl "/auth/basic"))
106  code <- getResponseCode response
107  body <- getResponseBody response
108  assertEqual "HTTP status code" ((4, 0, 1), "Nothing") (code, body)
110credentialsBasic :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Authority
111credentialsBasic = AuthBasic "Testing realm" "test" "password"
112                             (fromJust . parseURI . ?testUrl $ "/auth/basic")
114basicAuthSuccess :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
115basicAuthSuccess = do
116  let req = getRequest (?testUrl "/auth/basic")
117  let authString = withAuthority credentialsBasic req
118  let reqWithAuth = req { rqHeaders = mkHeader HdrAuthorization authString:rqHeaders req }
119  response <- simpleHTTP reqWithAuth
120  code <- getResponseCode response
121  body <- getResponseBody response
122  assertEqual "Receiving expected response" ((2, 0, 0), "Here's the secret") (code, body)
124utf8URLEncode :: Assertion
125utf8URLEncode = do
126  assertEqual "Normal URL" (urlEncode "what-a_mess.com") "what-a_mess.com"
127  assertEqual "Chinese URL" (urlEncode "好") "%E5%A5%BD"
128  assertEqual "Russian URL" (urlEncode "ололо") "%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE"
130utf8URLDecode :: Assertion
131utf8URLDecode = do
132  assertEqual "Normal URL" (urlDecode "what-a_mess.com") "what-a_mess.com"
133  assertEqual "Mixed URL" (urlDecode "UTFin进入-wow") "UTFin进入-wow"
134  assertEqual "Chinese URL" (urlDecode "%E5%A5%BD") "好"
135  assertEqual "Russian URL" (urlDecode "%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE") "ололо"
137browserExample :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
138browserExample = do
139  result <-
140    -- sample code from Network.Browser haddock, with URL changed
141    -- Note there's also a copy of the example in the .cabal file
142    do
143      (_, rsp)
144         <- Network.Browser.browse $ do
145               setAllowRedirects True -- handle HTTP redirects
146               request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/example")
147      return (take 100 (rspBody rsp))
148  assertEqual "Receiving expected response" (take 100 haskellOrgText) result
150-- A vanilla HTTP request using Browser shouln't send a cookie header
151browserNoCookie :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
152browserNoCookie = do
153  (_, response) <- browse $ do
154    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
155    request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/no-cookie")
156  let code = rspCode response
157  assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code
160-- Regression test
161--  * Browser sends vanilla request to server
162--  * Server sets one cookie "hello=world"
163--  * Browser sends a second request
165-- Expected: Server gets single cookie with "hello=world"
166-- Actual:   Server gets 3 extra cookies, which are actually cookie attributes:
167--           "$Version=0;hello=world;$Domain=localhost:8080\r"
168browserOneCookie :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
169browserOneCookie = do
170  (_, response) <- browse $ do
171    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
172    -- This first requests returns a single Set-Cookie: hello=world
173    _ <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/one-cookie/1")
175    -- This second request should send a single Cookie: hello=world
176    request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/one-cookie/2")
177  let body = rspBody response
178  assertEqual "Receiving expected response" "" body
179  let code = rspCode response
180  assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code
182browserTwoCookies :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
183browserTwoCookies = do
184  (_, response) <- browse $ do
185    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
186    -- This first request returns two cookies
187    _ <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/two-cookies/1")
189    -- This second request should send them back
190    request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/two-cookies/2")
191  let body = rspBody response
192  assertEqual "Receiving expected response" "" body
193  let code = rspCode response
194  assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code
197browserFollowsRedirect :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Int -> Assertion
198browserFollowsRedirect n = do
199  (_, response) <- browse $ do
200    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
201    request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/redirect/relative/" ++ show n ++ "/basic/get")
202  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from server"
203              ((2, 0, 0), "It works.")
204              (rspCode response, rspBody response)
206browserReturnsRedirect :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Int -> Assertion
207browserReturnsRedirect n = do
208  (_, response) <- browse $ do
209    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
210    request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/redirect/relative/" ++ show n ++ "/basic/get")
211  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from server"
212              ((n `div` 100, n `mod` 100 `div` 10, n `mod` 10), "")
213              (rspCode response, rspBody response)
215authGenBasic _ "Testing realm" = return $ Just ("test", "password")
216authGenBasic _ realm = fail $ "Unexpected realm " ++ realm
218browserBasicAuth :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
219browserBasicAuth = do
220  (_, response) <- browse $ do
221    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
223    setAuthorityGen authGenBasic
225    request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/auth/basic")
227  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from server"
228              ((2, 0, 0), "Here's the secret")
229              (rspCode response, rspBody response)
231authGenDigest _ "Digest testing realm" = return $ Just ("test", "digestpassword")
232authGenDigest _ realm = fail $ "Unexpected digest realm " ++ realm
234browserDigestAuth :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
235browserDigestAuth = do
236  (_, response) <- browse $ do
237    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
239    setAuthorityGen authGenDigest
241    request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/auth/digest")
243  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from server"
244              ((2, 0, 0), "Here's the digest secret")
245              (rspCode response, rspBody response)
249browserAlt :: (?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
250browserAlt = do
251  (response) <- browse $ do
253    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
255    (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get")
257    return response1
259  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server"
260              ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.")
261              (rspCode response, rspBody response)
263-- test that requests to multiple servers on the same host
264-- don't get confused with each other
265browserBoth :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
266browserBoth = do
267  (response1, response2) <- browse $ do
268    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
270    (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get")
271    (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get")
273    return (response1, response2)
275  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server"
276              ((2, 0, 0), "It works.")
277              (rspCode response1, rspBody response1)
279  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server"
280              ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.")
281              (rspCode response2, rspBody response2)
283-- test that requests to multiple servers on the same host
284-- don't get confused with each other
285browserBothReversed :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
286browserBothReversed = do
287  (response1, response2) <- browse $ do
288    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
290    (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get")
291    (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get")
293    return (response1, response2)
295  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server"
296              ((2, 0, 0), "It works.")
297              (rspCode response1, rspBody response1)
299  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server"
300              ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.")
301              (rspCode response2, rspBody response2)
303browserSecureRequest :: (?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
304browserSecureRequest = do
305  res <- try $ browse $ do
306    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
308    request $ getRequest (?secureTestUrl "/anything")
310  assertEqual "Threw expected exception"
311              (Left (userError "https not supported"))
312              (fmap show res) -- fmap show because Response isn't in Eq
314-- in case it tries to reuse the connection
315browserSecureRequestAfterInsecure :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
316browserSecureRequestAfterInsecure = do
317  res <- try $ browse $ do
318    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
320    request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get")
321    request $ getRequest (?secureTestUrl "/anything")
323  assertEqual "Threw expected exception"
324              (Left (userError "https not supported"))
325              (fmap show res) -- fmap show because Response isn't in Eq
327browserRedirectToSecure :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
328browserRedirectToSecure = do
329  res <- try $ browse $ do
330    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
331    setErrHandler fail
333    request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/redirect/secure/301/anything")
335  assertEqual "Threw expected exception"
336              (Left (userError $ "Unable to handle redirect, unsupported scheme: " ++ ?secureTestUrl "/anything"))
337              (fmap show res) -- fmap show because Response isn't in Eq
339browserTwoRequests :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
340browserTwoRequests = do
341  (response1, response2) <- browse $ do
342    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
344    (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get")
345    (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get2")
347    return (response1, response2)
349  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server"
350              ((2, 0, 0), "It works.")
351              (rspCode response1, rspBody response1)
353  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server"
354              ((2, 0, 0), "It works (2).")
355              (rspCode response2, rspBody response2)
358browserTwoRequestsAlt :: (?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
359browserTwoRequestsAlt = do
360  (response1, response2) <- browse $ do
362    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
364    (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get")
365    (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get2")
367    return (response1, response2)
369  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server"
370              ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.")
371              (rspCode response1, rspBody response1)
373  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server"
374              ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server (2).")
375              (rspCode response2, rspBody response2)
377browserTwoRequestsBoth :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion
378browserTwoRequestsBoth = do
379  (response1, response2, response3, response4) <- browse $ do
380    setOutHandler (const $ return ())
382    (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get")
383    (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get")
384    (_, response3) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get2")
385    (_, response4) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get2")
387    return (response1, response2, response3, response4)
389  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server"
390              ((2, 0, 0), "It works.")
391              (rspCode response1, rspBody response1)
393  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server"
394              ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.")
395              (rspCode response2, rspBody response2)
397  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server"
398              ((2, 0, 0), "It works (2).")
399              (rspCode response3, rspBody response3)
401  assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server"
402              ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server (2).")
403              (rspCode response4, rspBody response4)
405hasPrefix :: String -> String -> Maybe String
406hasPrefix [] ys = Just ys
407hasPrefix (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = hasPrefix xs ys
408hasPrefix _ _ = Nothing
410maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
411maybeRead s =
412   case reads s of
413     [(v, "")] -> Just v
414     _ -> Nothing
416splitFields = map (toPair '=' . trim isSpace) . splitOn ","
418toPair c str = case break (==c) str of
419                 (left, _:right) -> (left, right)
420                 _ -> error $ "No " ++ show c ++ " in " ++ str
421trim f = dropWhile f . reverse . dropWhile f . reverse
423isSubsetOf xs ys = all (`elem` ys) xs
425-- first bits of result text from haskell.org (just to give some representative text)
426haskellOrgText =
427  "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\
428\\t<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">\
430\\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\
431\\t\t\t\t<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"Haskell,Applications and libraries,Books,Foreign Function Interface,Functional programming,Hac Boston,HakkuTaikai,HaskellImplementorsWorkshop/2011,Haskell Communities and Activities Report,Haskell in education,Haskell in industry\" />"
434  username realm password
435  nonce opaque
436  method relativeURI makeAbsolute
437  headers
438  =
439  common `isSubsetOf` headers && (relative `isSubsetOf` headers || absolute `isSubsetOf` headers)
440 where
441   common = [("username", show username), ("realm", show realm), ("nonce", show nonce),
442             ("opaque", show opaque)]
443   md5 = show . MD5.md5 . BL.pack
444   ha1 = md5 (username++":"++realm++":"++password)
445   ha2 uri = md5 (method++":"++uri)
446   response uri = md5 (ha1 ++ ":" ++ nonce ++ ":" ++ ha2 uri)
447   mkUncommon uri hash = [("uri", show uri), ("response", show hash)]
448   relative = mkUncommon relativeURI (response relativeURI)
449   absoluteURI = makeAbsolute relativeURI
450   absolute = mkUncommon absoluteURI (response absoluteURI)
452processRequest :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress)
453               => Httpd.Request
454               -> IO Httpd.Response
455processRequest req = do
456  case (Httpd.reqMethod req, Network.URI.uriPath (Httpd.reqURI req)) of
457    ("GET", "/basic/get") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "It works."
458    ("GET", "/basic/get2") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "It works (2)."
459    ("GET", "/basic/head") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "Body for /basic/head."
460    ("HEAD", "/basic/head") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "Body for /basic/head."
461    ("POST", "/basic/post") ->
462        let typ = lookup "Content-Type" (Httpd.reqHeaders req)
463            len = lookup "Content-Length" (Httpd.reqHeaders req)
464            body = Httpd.reqBody req
465        in return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] (show (typ, len, body))
467    ("GET", "/basic/example") ->
468      return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] haskellOrgText
470    ("GET", "/auth/basic") ->
471      case lookup "Authorization" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of
472        Just "Basic dGVzdDpwYXNzd29yZA==" -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "Here's the secret"
473        x -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 401 [("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Testing realm\"")] (show x)
475    ("GET", "/auth/digest") ->
476      case lookup "Authorization" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of
477        Just (hasPrefix "Digest " -> Just (splitFields -> items))
478          | digestMatch "test" "Digest testing realm" "digestpassword"
479                        "87e4" "057d"
480                        "GET" "/auth/digest" ?testUrl
481                        items
482          -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "Here's the digest secret"
483        x -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse
484                        401
485                        [("WWW-Authenticate",
486                          "Digest realm=\"Digest testing realm\", opaque=\"057d\", nonce=\"87e4\"")]
487                        (show x)
489    ("GET", "/browser/example") ->
490      return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] haskellOrgText
491    ("GET", "/browser/no-cookie") ->
492      case lookup "Cookie" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of
493        Nothing -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] ""
494        Just s  -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] s
495    ("GET", "/browser/one-cookie/1") ->
496      return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [("Set-Cookie", "hello=world")] ""
497    ("GET", "/browser/one-cookie/2") ->
498      case lookup "Cookie" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of
499        Just "hello=world" -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] ""
500        Just s               -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] s
501        Nothing              -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] (show $ Httpd.reqHeaders req)
502    ("GET", "/browser/two-cookies/1") ->
503      return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200
504                              [("Set-Cookie", "hello=world")
505                              ,("Set-Cookie", "goodbye=cruelworld")]
506                              ""
507    ("GET", "/browser/two-cookies/2") ->
508      case lookup "Cookie" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of
509        -- TODO generalise the cookie parsing to allow for whitespace/ordering variations
510        Just "goodbye=cruelworld; hello=world" -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] ""
511        Just s               -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] s
512        Nothing              -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] (show $ Httpd.reqHeaders req)
513    ("GET", hasPrefix "/browser/redirect/relative/" -> Just (break (=='/') -> (maybeRead -> Just n, rest))) ->
514      return $ Httpd.mkResponse n [("Location", rest)] ""
515    ("GET", hasPrefix "/browser/redirect/absolute/" -> Just (break (=='/') -> (maybeRead -> Just n, rest))) ->
516      return $ Httpd.mkResponse n [("Location", ?testUrl rest)] ""
517    ("GET", hasPrefix "/browser/redirect/secure/" -> Just (break (=='/') -> (maybeRead -> Just n, rest))) ->
518      return $ Httpd.mkResponse n [("Location", ?secureTestUrl rest)] ""
519    _                     -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] "Unknown request"
521altProcessRequest :: Httpd.Request -> IO Httpd.Response
522altProcessRequest req = do
523  case (Httpd.reqMethod req, Network.URI.uriPath (Httpd.reqURI req)) of
524    ("GET", "/basic/get") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "This is the alternate server."
525    ("GET", "/basic/get2") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "This is the alternate server (2)."
526    _                     -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] "Unknown request"
528maybeTestGroup True name xs = testGroup name xs
529maybeTestGroup False name _ = testGroup name []
531basicTests =
532    testGroup "Basic tests"
533    [ testCase "Basic GET request" basicGetRequest
534    , testCase "Basic GET request (lazy bytestring)" basicGetRequestLBS
535    , testCase "Network.HTTP example code" basicExample
536    , testCase "Secure GET request" secureGetRequest
537    , testCase "Basic POST request" basicPostRequest
538    , testCase "Basic HEAD request" basicHeadRequest
539    , testCase "URI user:pass Auth failure" userpwAuthFailure
540    , testCase "URI user:pass Auth success" userpwAuthSuccess
541    , testCase "Basic Auth failure" basicAuthFailure
542    , testCase "Basic Auth success" basicAuthSuccess
543    , testCase "UTF-8 urlEncode" utf8URLEncode
544    , testCase "UTF-8 urlDecode" utf8URLDecode
545    ]
547browserTests =
548    testGroup "Browser tests"
549    [ testGroup "Basic"
550      [
551        testCase "Network.Browser example code" browserExample
552      , testCase "Two requests" browserTwoRequests
553      ]
554    , testGroup "Secure"
555      [
556        testCase "Secure request" browserSecureRequest
557      , testCase "After insecure" browserSecureRequestAfterInsecure
558      , testCase "Redirection" browserRedirectToSecure
559      ]
560    , testGroup "Cookies"
561      [ testCase "No cookie header" browserNoCookie
562      , testCase "One cookie" browserOneCookie
563      , testCase "Two cookies" browserTwoCookies
564      ]
565    , testGroup "Redirection"
566      [ -- See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes#3xx_Redirection
567        -- 300 Multiple Choices: client has to handle this
568        testCase "300" (browserReturnsRedirect 300)
569        -- 301 Moved Permanently: should follow
570      , testCase "301" (browserFollowsRedirect 301)
571        -- 302 Found: should follow
572      , testCase "302" (browserFollowsRedirect 302)
573        -- 303 See Other: should follow (directly for GETs)
574      , testCase "303" (browserFollowsRedirect 303)
575        -- 304 Not Modified: maybe Browser could do something intelligent based on
576        -- being given locally cached content and sending If-Modified-Since, but it
577        -- doesn't at the moment
578      , testCase "304" (browserReturnsRedirect 304)
579      -- 305 Use Proxy: test harness doesn't have a proxy (yet)
580      -- 306 Switch Proxy: obsolete
581      -- 307 Temporary Redirect: should follow
582      , testCase "307" (browserFollowsRedirect 307)
583      -- 308 Resume Incomplete: no support for Resumable HTTP so client has to handle this
584      , testCase "308" (browserReturnsRedirect 308)
585      ]
586    , testGroup "Authentication"
587      [ testCase "Basic" browserBasicAuth
588      , testCase "Digest" browserDigestAuth
589      ]
590    ]
592port80Tests =
593    testGroup "Multiple servers"
594    [ testCase "Alternate server" browserAlt
595    , testCase "Both servers" browserBoth
596    , testCase "Both servers (reversed)" browserBothReversed
597    , testCase "Two requests - alternate server" browserTwoRequestsAlt
598    , testCase "Two requests - both servers" browserTwoRequestsBoth
599    ]
601data InetFamily = IPv4 | IPv6
603familyToLocalhost :: InetFamily -> String
604familyToLocalhost IPv4 = ""
605familyToLocalhost IPv6 = "[::1]"
607urlRoot :: InetFamily -> String -> Int -> String
608urlRoot fam userpw 80 = "http://" ++ userpw ++ familyToLocalhost fam
609urlRoot fam userpw n = "http://" ++ userpw ++ familyToLocalhost fam ++ ":" ++ show n
611secureRoot :: InetFamily -> String -> Int -> String
612secureRoot fam userpw 443 = "https://" ++ userpw ++ familyToLocalhost fam
613secureRoot fam userpw n = "https://" ++ userpw ++ familyToLocalhost fam ++ ":" ++ show n
615type ServerAddress = String -> String
617httpAddress, httpsAddress :: InetFamily -> String -> Int -> ServerAddress
618httpAddress fam userpw port p = urlRoot fam userpw port ++ p
619httpsAddress fam userpw port p = secureRoot fam userpw port ++ p
621main :: IO ()
622main = do
623  args <- getArgs
625  let servers =
626          [ ("httpd-shed", Httpd.shed, IPv4)
627#ifdef WARP_TESTS
628          , ("warp.v6", Httpd.warp True, IPv6)
629          , ("warp.v4", Httpd.warp False, IPv4)
631          ]
632      basePortNum, altPortNum :: Int
633      basePortNum = 5812
634      altPortNum = 80
635      numberedServers = zip [basePortNum..] servers
637  let setupNormalTests = do
638      flip mapM numberedServers $ \(portNum, (serverName, server, family)) -> do
639         let ?testUrl = httpAddress family "" portNum
640             ?userpwUrl = httpAddress family "test:password@" portNum
641             ?baduserpwUrl = httpAddress family "test:wrongpwd@" portNum
642             ?secureTestUrl = httpsAddress family "" portNum
643         _ <- forkIO $ server portNum processRequest
644         return $ testGroup serverName [basicTests, browserTests]
646  let setupAltTests = do
647      let (portNum, (_, server,family)) = head numberedServers
648      let ?testUrl = httpAddress family "" portNum
649          ?altTestUrl = httpAddress family "" altPortNum
650      _ <- forkIO $ server altPortNum altProcessRequest
651      return port80Tests
653  case args of
654     ["server"] -> do -- run only the harness servers for diagnostic/debug purposes
655                      -- halt on any keypress
656        _ <- setupNormalTests
657        _ <- setupAltTests
658        _ <- getChar
659        return ()
660     ("--withport80":args) -> do
661        normalTests <- setupNormalTests
662        altTests <- setupAltTests
663        _ <- threadDelay 1000000 -- Give the server time to start :-(
664        defaultMainWithArgs (UnitTests.unitTests ++ normalTests ++ [altTests]) args
665     args -> do -- run the test harness as normal
666        normalTests <- setupNormalTests
667        _ <- threadDelay 1000000 -- Give the server time to start :-(
668        defaultMainWithArgs (UnitTests.unitTests ++ normalTests) args