1@string{anch-ie = {Angew.~Chem. Int.~Ed.}}
2@string{cup     = {Cambridge University Press}}
3@string{dtv     = {Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag}}
4@string{hup     = {Harvard University Press}}
5@string{jams    = {J.~Amer. Math. Soc.}}
6@string{jchph   = {J.~Chem. Phys.}}
7@string{jomch   = {J.~Organomet. Chem.}}
8@string{pup     = {Princeton University Press}}
11  author       = {Averroes},
12  title        = {The Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction with the Active
13                  Intellect by {Ibn Rushd} with the Commentary of {Moses Narboni}},
14  date         = 1982,
15  editor       = {Bland, Kalman P.},
16  translator   = {Bland, Kalman P.},
17  series       = {Moreshet: Studies in {Jewish} History, Literature and Thought},
18  number       = 7,
19  publisher    = {Jewish Theological Seminary of America},
20  location     = {New York},
21  keywords     = {primary},
22  langid       = {english},
23  langidopts   = {variant=american},
24  indextitle   = {Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction, The},
25  shorttitle   = {Possibility of Conjunction},
26  annotation   = {A \texttt{book} entry with a \texttt{series} and a
27                  \texttt{number}. Note the concatenation of the \texttt{editor}
28                  and \texttt{translator} fields as well as the
29                  \texttt{indextitle} field},
33  author       = {Averroes},
34  title        = {Des Averro{\"e}s Abhandlung: \mkbibquote{{\"U}ber die
35                  M{\"o}glichkeit der Conjunktion} oder \mkbibquote{{\"U}ber den
36                  materiellen Intellekt}},
37  date         = 1892,
38  editor       = {Hannes, Ludwig},
39  translator   = {Hannes, Ludwig},
40  annotator    = {Hannes, Ludwig},
41  publisher    = {C.~A. Kaemmerer},
42  location     = {Halle an der Saale},
43  keywords     = {primary},
44  langid       = {german},
45  sorttitle    = {Uber die Moglichkeit der Conjunktion},
46  indexsorttitle= {Uber die Moglichkeit der Conjunktion},
47  indextitle   = {{\"U}ber die M{\"o}glichkeit der Conjunktion},
48  shorttitle   = {{\"U}ber die M{\"o}glichkeit der Conjunktion},
49  annotation   = {An annotated edition. Note the concatenation of the
50                  \texttt{editor}, \texttt{translator}, and \texttt{annotator}
51                  fields. Also note the \texttt{shorttitle},
52                  \texttt{indextitle}, \texttt{sorttitle}, and
53                  \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields},
57  author       = {Averroes},
58  title        = {Drei Abhandlungen {\"u}ber die Conjunction des separaten
59                  Intellects mit dem Menschen},
60  date         = 1869,
61  editor       = {Hercz, J.},
62  translator   = {Hercz, J.},
63  publisher    = {S.~Hermann},
64  location     = {Berlin},
65  keywords     = {primary},
66  langid       = {german},
67  indexsorttitle= {Drei Abhandlungen uber die Conjunction},
68  indextitle   = {Drei Abhandlungen {\"u}ber die Conjunction},
69  subtitle     = {Von Averroes (Vater und Sohn), aus dem Arabischen
70                  {\"u}bersetzt von Samuel Ibn Tibbon},
71  shorttitle   = {Drei Abhandlungen},
72  annotation   = {A \texttt{book} entry. Note the concatenation of the
73                  \texttt{editor} and \texttt{translator} fields as well as the
74                  \texttt{indextitle} and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields},
78  author       = {Cicero, Marcus Tullius},
79  title        = {De natura deorum. {\"U}ber das Wesen der G{\"o}tter},
80  date         = 1995,
81  editor       = {Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula},
82  translator   = {Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula},
83  afterword    = {Thraede, Klaus},
84  language     = {langlatin and langgerman},
85  publisher    = {Reclam},
86  location     = {Stuttgart},
87  langid       = {german},
88  indextitle   = {De natura deorum},
89  shorttitle   = {De natura deorum},
90  annotation   = {A bilingual edition of Cicero's \emph{De natura deorum}, with
91                  a German translation. Note the format of the \texttt{language}
92                  field in the database file, the concatenation of the
93                  \texttt{editor} and \texttt{translator} fields, and the
94                  \texttt{afterword} field},