1<beginfold id='1'></beginfold id='1'>/* kate: hl CartoCSS
2   This file contains some content coming from
3   https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto
4   with CC0 license. This file is just for testing
5   katepart highlighting engine.
6   <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
8#world <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
9// this syntax
10polygon-opacity: 50%;
12// is equivalent to
13polygon-opacity: 0.5;
14<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
16@admin-boundaries: #ac46ac;
18<beginfold id='1'></beginfold id='1'>/* For performance reasons, the admin border layers are split into three groups
19for low, middle and high zoom levels.
20For each zoomlevel, all borders come from a single attachment, to handle
21overlapping borders correctly.
22<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
24#admin-low-zoom[zoom < 11],  // test
25#admin-mid-zoom[zoom >= 11][zoom < 13],
26#admin-high-zoom[zoom >= 13] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
27  [admin_level = '2'],
28  [admin_level = '3'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
29    [zoom >= 4] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
30      background/line-color: white;
31      background/line-width: 0.6;
32      line-color: @admin-boundaries;
33      line-width: 0.6;
34    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
35    [zoom >= 7] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
36      background/line-width: 2;
37      line-width: 2;
38    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
39    [zoom >= 10] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
40      [admin_level = '2'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
41        background/line-width: 6;
42        line-width: 6;
43      <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
44      [admin_level = '3'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
45        background/line-width: 5;
46        line-width: 5;
47        line-dasharray: 4,2;
48        line-clip: false;
49      <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
50    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
51  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
52  [admin_level = '4'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
53    [zoom >= 4] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
54      background/line-color: white;
55      background/line-width: 0.6;
56      line-color: @admin-boundaries;
57      line-width: 0.6;
58      line-dasharray: 4,3;
59      line-clip: false;
60    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
61    [zoom >= 7] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
62      background/line-width: 1;
63      line-width: 1;
64    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
65    [zoom >= 11] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
66      background/line-width: 3;
67      line-width: 3;
68    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
69  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
70  <beginfold id='1'></beginfold id='1'>/*
71  The following code prevents admin boundaries from being rendered on top of
72  each other. Comp-op works on the entire attachment, not on the individual
73  border. Therefore, this code generates an attachment containing a set of
74  @admin-boundaries/white dashed lines (of which only the top one is visible),
75  and with `comp-op: darken` the white part is ignored, while the
76  @admin-boundaries colored part is rendered (as long as the background is not
77  darker than @admin-boundaries).
78  The SQL has `ORDER BY admin_level`, so the boundary with the lowest
79  admin_level is rendered on top, and therefore the only visible boundary.
80  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
81  opacity: 0.4;
82  comp-op: darken;
83<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
85#admin-mid-zoom[zoom >= 11][zoom < 13],
86#admin-high-zoom[zoom >= 13] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
87  [admin_level = '5'][zoom >= 11] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
88    background/line-color: white;
89    background/line-width: 2;
90    line-color: @admin-boundaries;
91    line-width: 2;
92    line-dasharray: 6,3,2,3,2,3;
93    line-clip: false;
94  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
95  [admin_level = '6'][zoom >= 11] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
96    background/line-color: white;
97    background/line-width: 2;
98    line-color: @admin-boundaries;
99    line-width: 2;
100    line-dasharray: 6,3,2,3;
101    line-clip: false;
102  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
103  [admin_level = '7'],
104  [admin_level = '8'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
105    [zoom >= 12] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
106      background/line-color: white;
107      background/line-width: 1.5;
108      line-color: @admin-boundaries;
109      line-width: 1.5;
110      line-dasharray: 5,2;
111      line-clip: false;
112    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
113  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
114  opacity: 0.5;
115  comp-op: darken;
116<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
118#admin-high-zoom[zoom >= 13] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
119  [admin_level = '9'],
120  [admin_level = '10'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
121    [zoom >= 13] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
122      background/line-color: white;
123      background/line-width: 2;
124      line-color: @admin-boundaries;
125      line-width: 2;
126      line-dasharray: 2,3;
127      line-clip: false;
128    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
129  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
130  opacity: 0.5;
131  comp-op: darken;
132<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
136#nature-reserve-boundaries <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
137  [way_pixels > 100][zoom >= 7] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
138    [zoom < 10] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
139      ::fill <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
140        opacity: 0.05;
141        polygon-fill: green;
142      <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
143    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
144    a/line-width: 1;
145    a/line-offset: -0.5;
146    a/line-color: green;
147    a/line-opacity: 0.15;
148    a/line-join: round;
149    a/line-cap: round;
150    b/line-width: 2;
151    b/line-offset: -1;
152    b/line-color: green;
153    b/line-opacity: 0.15;
154    b/line-join: round;
155    b/line-cap: round;
156    [zoom >= 10] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
157      a/line-width: 2;
158      a/line-offset: -1;
159      b/line-width: 4;
160      b/line-offset: -2;
161    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
162    [zoom >= 14] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
163      b/line-width: 6;
164      b/line-offset: -3;
165    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
166  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
167<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
169#building-text <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
170[zoom >= 14][way_pixels > 3000],
171[zoom >= 17] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
172text-name: "[name]";
173text-size: 11;
174text-fill: #444;
175text-face-name: @book-fonts;
176text-halo-radius: 1;
177text-wrap-width: 20;
178text-halo-fill: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
179text-placement: interior;
180<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
181<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
183@marina-text: #576ddf; // also swimming_pool
184@landcover-face-name: @oblique-fonts;
185@standard-wrap-width: 30;
187.points <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
188  [feature = 'tourism_alpine_hut'][zoom >= 13] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
189    point-file: url('symbols/alpinehut.p.16.png');
190    point-placement: interior;
191  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
192  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
194  [feature = 'highway_bus_stop'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
195    [zoom >= 16] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
196      marker-file: url('symbols/square.svg');
197      marker-fill: @transportation-icon;
198      marker-placement: interior;
199      marker-width: 6;
200    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
201    [zoom >= 17] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
202      marker-file: url('symbols/bus_stop.p.12.png');
203      marker-width: 12;
204    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
205  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
207[feature = 'highway_primary'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
208[zoom >= 7][zoom < 12] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
209line-width: 0.5;
210line-color: @primary-fill;
211[zoom >= 9] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> line-width: 1.2; <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
212[zoom >= 10] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> line-width: 2; <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
213[zoom >= 11] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> line-width: .5; <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
214<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
215<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
217#world <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
218  // this syntax
219  polygon-opacity: 50%; // the parameter “polygon-opacity” gets the value 0.5 (expressed in %)
220  // is equivalent to
221  polygon-opacity: 0.5;
222<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
224<beginfold id='1'></beginfold id='1'>/*
225Variables behave similar to C macros
226<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
227@lsdjkf: @sdlfkj; // this variable gets defined by the value of another variable
228@admin-boundaries: #ac46ac; // this variable gets defined by a color value
229@way_pixels: "([way_area]*pow(4,@zoom)/24505740000)"; // A rather complex variable. [way_area] marks a data field. @zoom is a special runtime value (inspite of the @ it has nothing to do with ordinary variables)
231<beginfold id='1'></beginfold id='1'>/* This is
232a multiline comment.
233<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
235// A single line comment
236#admin-low-zoom[zoom < 11],  // A single line comment
237#admin-mid-zoom[zoom >= 11][zoom < 13] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
238  [admin_level = '2'], // Within filters, data fields like “admin_level” are referended without extra [] brackets.
239  [admin_level = '3'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> // These data fields are rendered by default in dark blue, while the data field within expression strings are rendered by default in light blue.
240    [zoom >= 4] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
241      background/line-color: white; // symbolizer named “background”
242      background/line-width: 0.6; // symbolizer named “background”
243      line-color: @admin-boundaries; // default symbolizer (without name)
244      name: [test]; // simplified reference to the data field “test”
245      name: "[test]"; // another reference to the data field “test”, this time within an expression string (by default orange)
246      name: "([way_area]*pow(4,@zoom)/24505740000)"; // a rather complex expression string that will do some math
247      name: "'Value: '[test]"; // A verbatim string (by default red) as part of an expression string
248      name: '"Value: "[test]'; // " and ' are interchangable. The outer is always the expression string and the inner the verbatim string.
249    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
250  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
251  [admin_level = '4'] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> // The string '4' is red because at this position it will be interpreted as a verbatim string, not as an expression string.
252    [zoom >= 4] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
253      line-dasharray: 4,3; // parameter “line-dasharray” gets as value a list of two integers
254      line-clip: false;  // parameter “line-clip” gets as value a boolean
255    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
256  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
257  comp-op: darken; // parameter “comp-op” gets as value “darken”.
258<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
260.nature-reserve-boundaries <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> // .nature-reserve-boudaries references a class, which is similar to a layer like #building-text, so both are rendered the same way
261  [way_pixels > 100][zoom >= 7] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> // Here zoom is a keyword with results in a special filter. However, all other values are interpreted as data fields.
262    [zoom < 10] <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
263      ::fill <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> // The :: syntax defined “attachments” (a sort of sub-layer within normal layers). So “fill” is rendered by default in the same style like layer names and class names (but this can be customized).
264        opacity: 0.05;
265        // various styles to define colors (all except the color function are rendered the same way):
266        polygon-fill: white;
267        polygon-fill: #ffffff;
268        polygon-fill: #fff;
269        polygon-fill: rgba(255,255,255,1); // define a color by a speciel function
270        polygon-fill: #ffff; // invalid color value
271        text-placement: interior; // all unknown values are hightlighted as named values.
272      <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
273    <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
274  <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
275<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>