2  "anomaly_threshold": 25,
3  "author": [
4    "Elastic"
5  ],
6  "description": "Looks for commands related to system network connection discovery from an unusual user context. This can be due to uncommon troubleshooting activity or due to a compromised account. A compromised account may be used by a threat actor to engage in system network connection discovery in order to increase their understanding of connected services and systems. This information may be used to shape follow-up behaviors such as lateral movement or additional discovery.",
7  "false_positives": [
8    "Uncommon user command activity can be due to an engineer logging onto a server instance in order to perform manual troubleshooting or reconfiguration."
9  ],
10  "from": "now-45m",
11  "interval": "15m",
12  "license": "Elastic License v2",
13  "machine_learning_job_id": "linux_network_connection_discovery",
14  "name": "Unusual Linux Network Connection Discovery",
15  "risk_score": 21,
16  "rule_id": "c28c4d8c-f014-40ef-88b6-79a1d67cd499",
17  "severity": "low",
18  "tags": [
19    "Elastic",
20    "Host",
21    "Linux",
22    "Threat Detection",
23    "ML"
24  ],
25  "threat": [
26    {
27      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
28      "tactic": {
29        "id": "TA0007",
30        "name": "Discovery",
31        "reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0007/"
32      },
33      "technique": [
34        {
35          "id": "T1049",
36          "name": "System Network Connections Discovery",
37          "reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1049/"
38        }
39      ]
40    }
41  ],
42  "type": "machine_learning",
43  "version": 2