1% $Id: hthtml.sty,v 1.1 1996/12/21 19:56:25 JCL Exp $ 2% 3\ProvidesPackage{hthtml} 4 [96/11/07 v1.1 Extended interface for LaTeX2HTML] 5\RequirePackage{html} 6% 7% \htlink <text> <url> 8% 9% a replacement for \htmladdnormallinkfoot which allows ~ and _ in the 10% url. 11% 12\newcommand\htlink[2]{#1\footnote{\ht@url{#2}}} 13% redefine \htmladdnormallinkfoot to set in typewriterstyle 14\renewcommand\htmladdnormallinkfoot[2]{{#1}\footnote{\texttt{#2}}} 15% 16% \hturl <url> 17% 18% give an url directly (anchor and text are the same). 19% 20\newcommand{\hturl}[1]{\ht@url{#1}} 21% 22% \htmailto <mail-address> 23% 24% set <mail-address> nice. 25% 26\newcommand{\htmailto}[1]{#1} 27% 28% \htsetvar <variable> <value> 29% 30% Offer the possibility to change the configuration of latex2html: 31% Set <variable> to <value> 32% 33\newcommand\htsetvar[2]{} 34% 35% \htaddress <text> 36% 37% Set <text> as an address. 38% 39\newcommand\htaddress[1]{\par\noindent\textit{#1}\par} 40% 41% \htmetainfo <field> <value> 42% 43\newcommand\htmetainfo[2]{} 44% 45% htdescription is like description, but allows footnotes. 46% 47\newenvironment{htdescription}{\list{}{% 48\labelwidth 0pt\itemindent-\leftmargin% 49\newcommand{\nolabel}[1]{{}}% 50\let\makelabel\nolabel% 51\let\olditem=\item% 52\def\item[##1]{\olditem[]{\bf{##1}}\hspace\labelsep\ignorespaces}% 53}}{\endlist}% 54% 55% Implement \ht@url, which converts ~ and _ tokens to text. (Taken 56% from the TeX-Book) 57\def\ht@strip#1>{} 58\def\ht@url#1{{\def\ht@next{#1}% 59 \tt\frenchspacing\expandafter\ht@strip\meaning\ht@next% 60 }} 61% 62