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4.0.affixH A D03-May-202277 72

4.0.constituent-knowledgeH A D03-May-20221.7 KiB133120

4.0.dictH A D03-May-202219.3 KiB884752

4.0.knowledgeH A D03-May-20221.3 KiB2925

4.0.regexH A D03-May-20221 KiB2017

Makefile.amH A D03-May-2022457 2114

Makefile.inH A D03-May-202222.4 KiB756666

READMEH A D03-May-20222 KiB4936

corpus-basic.batchH A D03-May-202275 42


2                   Persian Link Grammar
3                   --------------------
4                       By Jon Dehdari
5       Brigham Young University Linguistics Department
6                         2003-2005
9This README is for 'persianlg', a Persian (Farsi) implementation of the
10Link Grammar (LG) syntactic parser.  The LG Parser is a new approach to
11parsing sentences, and was developed at Carnegie Melon University.  The
12parser works by simply linking words together.  Directionality and
13distance are the primary constraints given, and are found in the 4.0.dict
16The Persian PersianLG implementation is the first full non-English
17implementation, to my knowledge.  It works a little differently than
18the English version, due to the more complex word structure.
19Morphological pre-parsing is required, either by hand, using the
20included stemmer (stemmer.pl) [1], or using the Persian-pckimmo
21morphology engine.  The LG-Soar framework, developed in the BYU Soar
22research group, has tied both the LG parser and the PC-Kimmo engine
23together, to provide seamless integration of morphology and syntax.
24Thus manual morphology pre-parsing is not necessary, nor is cutting
25and pasting pckimmo output to the link-parser input.
27For example, an unvoweled text like 'mn midAnm kh tu rfti.' (I know
28that you went), should go into the LG parser as 'mn mi dAn m kh tu rf t i.'
29See the orthography.txt file for the romanization scheme used.
31This package is Free Software, licensed under Lesser General Public
32License v.2.1 (www.fsf.org).  See LICENSE for details.  Note: the
33original PersianLG was made available under GPLv2; but, as of 2014,
34Jon Dehdari has consented to changing the license to LGPLv2.1 so that
35it can be included with the main Link Grammar project.
38[1]  The stemmmer is located in the /morphology/fa directory.  An
39example usage is:
41   ./persianparse.sh 'man midAnam keh tu rafti.'
43or, equivalently:
45   echo -e 'man midAnam keh tu rafti.\n' | ./stemmer.pl -u | link-parser fa
47See also: