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Name Date Size #Lines LOC









.vimrcH A D24-Mar-2021109 43

10-1.shH A D24-Mar-202198 32

10-2.shH A D24-Mar-2021133 64

10min.rstH A D24-Mar-202116.2 KiB417335

10min.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20218.3 KiB220139

MakefileH A D24-Mar-2021789 2612

README.mdH A D24-Mar-20212.2 KiB4132

build.rstH A D24-Mar-202111.2 KiB210145

build.rst.inH A D24-Mar-202111.1 KiB207143

circle.csvH A D24-Mar-2021136 54

commas.csvH A D24-Mar-202161 43

conf.pyH A D24-Mar-20212 KiB5811

contact.rstH A D24-Mar-2021383 127

contact.rst.inH A D24-Mar-2021316 95

cookbook.rstH A D24-Mar-202133.8 KiB1,144882

cookbook.rst.inH A D24-Mar-202119.1 KiB564321

cookbook2.rstH A D24-Mar-202124.2 KiB527456

cookbook2.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20216.3 KiB165110

cookbook3.rstH A D24-Mar-20218.7 KiB322258

cookbook3.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20213.6 KiB13673

customization.rstH A D24-Mar-20213.1 KiB9353

customization.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20212.5 KiB7439

data-examples.rstH A D24-Mar-20218.9 KiB195152

data-examples.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20213.8 KiB8949

data-sharing.rstH A D24-Mar-202112 KiB320250

data-sharing.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20213.9 KiB11165

dates.csvH A D24-Mar-202180 54

etymology.rstH A D24-Mar-2021898 106

etymology.rst.inH A D24-Mar-2021831 74

example.csvH A D24-Mar-2021371 1211

expo-sample.shH A D24-Mar-2021905 2816

faq.rstH A D24-Mar-202121.6 KiB659467

faq.rst.inH A D24-Mar-202115.1 KiB410228

feature-comparison.rstH A D24-Mar-20213.3 KiB6843

feature-comparison.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20213.2 KiB5228

features.rstH A D24-Mar-20213.4 KiB4427

features.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20213.3 KiB4125

file-formats.rstH A D24-Mar-202123 KiB590447

file-formats.rst.inH A D24-Mar-202113.1 KiB294160

genrstH A D24-Mar-2021363 1710

h1fooH A D24-Mar-2021214 1310

h2fooH A D24-Mar-2021214 1310

h2rfooH A D24-Mar-2021825 3934

h3fooH A D24-Mar-2021214 1310

index.rstH A D24-Mar-20211.1 KiB7254

install.rstH A D24-Mar-20212.2 KiB5530

install.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20212.2 KiB5228

internationalization.rstH A D24-Mar-20211.2 KiB1811

internationalization.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20211.1 KiB159

log-processing-examples.rstH A D24-Mar-20215.3 KiB186167

log-processing-examples.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20211.5 KiB2915

make.batH A D24-Mar-2021795 3627

manpage.rstH A D24-Mar-2021108.9 KiB2,3821,967

manpage.rst.inH A D24-Mar-2021247 95

mk-func-h2s.shH A D24-Mar-20212.1 KiB9081

mk-func-table.rbH A D24-Mar-20213.1 KiB9446

mlr.1H A D24-Mar-2021109.3 KiB4,1153,978

oosvar-example-ewma.shH A D24-Mar-2021105 65

oosvar-example-sum-grouped.shH A D24-Mar-202190 76

oosvar-example-sum.shH A D24-Mar-202179 76

originality.rstH A D24-Mar-20215.2 KiB4426

originality.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20215.1 KiB4124

performance.rstH A D24-Mar-20212.1 KiB2414

performance.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20212.1 KiB2112

pokiH A D24-Mar-20213.3 KiB10567

pokifooH A D24-Mar-2021159 1411

quick-examples.rstH A D24-Mar-20211.9 KiB7341

quick-examples.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20211.8 KiB7039

record-heterogeneity.rstH A D24-Mar-20215.3 KiB207148

record-heterogeneity.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20212.7 KiB8143

reference-dsl.rstH A D24-Mar-2021165.4 KiB4,9333,285

reference-dsl.rst.inH A D24-Mar-202157.9 KiB1,203659

reference-verbs.rstH A D24-Mar-2021121.2 KiB3,4072,738

reference-verbs.rst.inH A D24-Mar-202130.9 KiB1,304708

reference.rstH A D24-Mar-202156.6 KiB1,091814

reference.rst.inH A D24-Mar-202128.1 KiB516290

release-docs.rstH A D24-Mar-20211.3 KiB2217

release-docs.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20211.2 KiB1915

sample_mlrrcH A D24-Mar-2021544 1813

sql-examples.rstH A D24-Mar-20217 KiB228199

sql-examples.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20216.9 KiB225197

square.csvH A D24-Mar-2021164 65

triangle.csvH A D24-Mar-2021145 54

variance.mlrH A D24-Mar-2021206 109

verb-example-ewma.shH A D24-Mar-202150 21

why.rstH A D24-Mar-20219.4 KiB5732

why.rst.inH A D24-Mar-20219.3 KiB5430


1# Miller Sphinx docs
3## Why use Sphinx
5* Connects to https://miller.readthedocs.io so people can get their docmods onto the web instead of the self-hosted https://johnkerl.org/miller/doc. Thanks to @pabloab for the great advice!
6* More standard look and feel -- lots of people use readthedocs for other things so this should feel familiar
7* We get a Search feature for free
9## Contributing
11* You need `pip install sphinx` (or `pip3 install sphinx`)
12* The docs include lots of live code examples which will be invoked using `mlr` which must be somewhere in your `$PATH`
13* Clone https://github.com/johnkerl/miller and cd into `docs/` within your clone
14* Editing loop:
15  * Edit `*.rst.in`
16  * Run `make html`
17  * Either `open _build/html/index.html` (MacOS) or point your browser to `file:///path/to/your/clone/of/miller/docs/_build/html/index.html`
18* Submitting:
19  * `git add` your modified files, `git commit`, `git push`, and submit a PR at https://github.com/johnkerl/miller
20* A nice markup reference: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/1.8/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html
22## Notes
24* CSS:
25  * I used the Sphinx Classic theme which I like a lot except the colors -- it's a blue scheme and Miller has never been blue.
26  * Files are in `docs/_static/*.css` where I marked my mods with `/* CHANGE ME */`.
27  * If you modify the CSS you must run `make clean html` (not just `make html`) then reload in your browser.
28* Live code:
29  * I didn't find a way to include non-Python live-code examples within Sphinx so I adapted the pre-Sphinx Miller-doc strategy which is to have a generator script read a template file (here, `foo.rst.in`), run the marked lines, and generate the output file (`foo.rst`).
30  * Edit the `*.rst.in` files, not `*.rst` directly.
31  * Within the `*.rst.in` files are lines like `POKI_RUN_COMMAND`. These will be run, and their output included, by `make html` which calls the `genrst` script for you.
32* readthedocs:
33  * https://readthedocs.org/
34  * https://readthedocs.org/projects/miller/
35  * https://readthedocs.org/projects/miller/builds/
36  * https://miller.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
38## To do
40* Let's all discuss if/how we want the v2 docs to be structured better than the v1 docs.