1package html
3// generated by hasher -type=Hash -file=hash.go; DO NOT EDIT, except for adding more constants to the list and rerun go generate
5// uses github.com/tdewolff/hasher
6//go:generate hasher -type=Hash -file=hash.go
8// Hash defines perfect hashes for a predefined list of strings
9type Hash uint32
11// Unique hash definitions to be used instead of strings
12const (
13	Iframe    Hash = 0x6    // iframe
14	Math      Hash = 0x604  // math
15	Plaintext Hash = 0x1e09 // plaintext
16	Script    Hash = 0xa06  // script
17	Style     Hash = 0x1405 // style
18	Svg       Hash = 0x1903 // svg
19	Textarea  Hash = 0x2308 // textarea
20	Title     Hash = 0xf05  // title
21	Xmp       Hash = 0x1c03 // xmp
24// String returns the hash' name.
25func (i Hash) String() string {
26	start := uint32(i >> 8)
27	n := uint32(i & 0xff)
28	if start+n > uint32(len(_Hash_text)) {
29		return ""
30	}
31	return _Hash_text[start : start+n]
34// ToHash returns the hash whose name is s. It returns zero if there is no
35// such hash. It is case sensitive.
36func ToHash(s []byte) Hash {
37	if len(s) == 0 || len(s) > _Hash_maxLen {
38		return 0
39	}
40	h := uint32(_Hash_hash0)
41	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
42		h ^= uint32(s[i])
43		h *= 16777619
44	}
45	if i := _Hash_table[h&uint32(len(_Hash_table)-1)]; int(i&0xff) == len(s) {
46		t := _Hash_text[i>>8 : i>>8+i&0xff]
47		for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
48			if t[i] != s[i] {
49				goto NEXT
50			}
51		}
52		return i
53	}
55	if i := _Hash_table[(h>>16)&uint32(len(_Hash_table)-1)]; int(i&0xff) == len(s) {
56		t := _Hash_text[i>>8 : i>>8+i&0xff]
57		for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
58			if t[i] != s[i] {
59				return 0
60			}
61		}
62		return i
63	}
64	return 0
67const _Hash_hash0 = 0x9acb0442
68const _Hash_maxLen = 9
69const _Hash_text = "iframemathscriptitlestylesvgxmplaintextarea"
71var _Hash_table = [1 << 4]Hash{
72	0x0: 0x2308, // textarea
73	0x2: 0x6,    // iframe
74	0x4: 0xf05,  // title
75	0x5: 0x1e09, // plaintext
76	0x7: 0x1405, // style
77	0x8: 0x604,  // math
78	0x9: 0xa06,  // script
79	0xa: 0x1903, // svg
80	0xb: 0x1c03, // xmp