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2    Getopt::Lucid - Clear, readable syntax for command line processing
5    version 1.10
8       use Getopt::Lucid qw( :all );
10       # basic option specifications with aliases
12       @specs = (
13         Switch("version|V"),
14         Counter("verbose|v"),
15         Param("config|C"),
16         List("lib|l|I"),
17         Keypair("define"),
18         Switch("help|h")
19       );
21       $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt( \@specs )->validate;
23       $verbosity = $opt->get_verbose;
24       @libs = $opt->get_lib;
25       %defs = $opt->get_define;
27       %all_options = $opt->options;
29       # advanced option specifications
31       @adv_spec = (
32         Param("input"),
33         Param("mode")->default("tcp"),     # defaults
34         Param("host")->needs("port"),      # dependencies
35         Param("port")->valid(qr/\d+/),     # regex validation
36         Param("config")->valid(sub { -r }),# custom validation
37         Param("help")->anycase,            # case insensitivity
38       );
39       $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt( \@adv_spec );
40       $opt->validate({ 'requires' => ['input'] });
42       # example with a config file
44       $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt( \@adv_spec );
45       use Config::Std;
46       if ( -r $opt->get_config ) {
47         read_config( $opt->get_config() => my %config_hash );
48         $opt->merge_defaults( $config_hash{''} );
49       }
52    The goal of this module is providing good code readability and clarity
53    of intent for command-line option processing. While readability is a
54    subjective standard, Getopt::Lucid relies on a more verbose,
55    plain-English option specification as compared against the more symbolic
56    approach of Getopt::Long. Key features include:
58    *   Five option types: switches, counters, parameters, lists, and key
59        pairs
61    *   Three option styles: long, short (including bundled), and bare
62        (without dashes)
64    *   Specification of defaults, required options and option dependencies
66    *   Validation of options with regexes or subroutines
68    *   Negation of options on the command line
70    *   Support for parsing any array, not just the default @ARGV
72    *   Incorporation of external defaults (e.g. from a config file) with
73        user control of precedence
76  Option Styles, Naming and "Strictness"
77    Getopt::Lucid support three kinds of option styles: long-style
78    ("--foo"), short-style ("-f") and bareword style ("foo"). Short-style
79    options are automatically unbundled during command line processing if a
80    single dash is followed by more than one letter (e.g. "-xzf" becomes "-x
81    -z -f" ).
83    Each option is identified in the specification with a string consisting
84    of the option "name" followed by zero or more "aliases", with any alias
85    (and each subsequent alias) separated by a vertical bar character. E.g.:
87       "lib|l|I" means name "lib", alias "l" and alias "I"
89    Names and aliases must begin with an alphanumeric character, but
90    subsequently may also include both underscore and dash. (E.g. both
91    "input-file" and "input_file" are valid.) While names and aliases are
92    interchangeable when provided on the command line, the "name" portion is
93    used with the accessors for each option (see "Accessors and Mutators").
95    Any of the names and aliases in the specification may be given in any of
96    the three styles. By default, Getopt::Lucid works in "magic" mode, in
97    which option names or aliases may be specified with or without leading
98    dashes, and will be parsed from the command line whether or not they
99    have corresponding dashes. Single-character names or aliases may be read
100    with no dash, one dash or two dashes. Multi-character names or aliases
101    must have either no dashes or two dashes. E.g.:
103    *   Both "foo" and "--foo" as names in the specification may be read
104        from the command line as either "--foo" or "foo"
106    *   The specification name "f" may be read from the command line as
107        "--f", "-f", or just "f"
109    In practice, this means that the specification need not use dashes, but
110    if used on the command line, they will be treated appropriately.
112    Alternatively, Getopt::Lucid can operate in "strict" mode by setting the
113    C<strict> parameter to a true value. In strict mode, option names and
114    aliases may still be specified in any of the three styles, but they will
115    only be parsed from the command line if they are used in exactly the
116    same style. E.g., given the name and alias "--help|-h", only "--help"
117    and "-h" are valid for use on the command line.
119  Option Specification Constructors
120    Options specifications are provided to Getopt::Lucid in an array.
121    Entries in the array must be created with one of several special
122    constructor functions that return a specification object. These
123    constructor functions may be imported either individually or as a group
124    using the import tag ":all" (e.g. "use Getopt::Lucid qw(:all);").
126    The form of the constructor is:
130    The constructor function name indicates the type of option. The name
131    argument is a string with the names and aliases separated by vertical
132    bar characters.
134    The five option specification constructors are:
136   Switch()
137    A true/false value. Defaults to false. The appearance of an option of
138    this type on the command line sets it to true.
140   Counter()
141    A numerical counter. Defaults to 0. The appearance of an option of this
142    type on the command line increments the counter by one.
144   Param()
145    A variable taking an argument. Defaults to "" (the empty string). When
146    an option of this type appears on the command line, the value of the
147    option is set in one of two ways -- appended with an equals sign or from
148    the next argument on the command line:
150       --name=value
151       --name value
153    In the case where white space is used to separate the option name and
154    the value, if the value looks like an option, an exception will be
155    thrown:
157       --name --value        # throws an exception
159   List()
160    This is like "Param()" but arguments are pushed onto a list. The default
161    list is empty.
163   Keypair()
164    A variable taking an argument pair, which are added to a hash. Arguments
165    are handled as with "Param()", but the argument itself must have a key
166    and value joined by an equals sign.
168       --name=key=value
169       --name key=value
171  Option modifiers
172    An option specification can be further modified with the following
173    methods, each of which return the object modified so that modifier
174    chaining is possible. E.g.:
176       @spec = (
177         Param("input")->default("/dev/random")->needs("output"),
178         Param("output")->default("/dev/null"),
179       );
181   valid()
182    Sets the validation parameter(s) for an option.
184       @spec = (
185         Param("port")->valid(qr/\d+/),          # regex validation
186         Param("config")->valid(sub { -r }),     # custom validation
187         Keypair("define")
188           ->valid(\&_valid_key, \&valid_value), # keypairs take two
189       );
191    See the "Validation" section, below, for more.
193   default()
194    Changes the default for the option to the argument(s) of "default()".
195    List and hashes can take either a list or a reference to an array or
196    hash, respectively.
198       @spec = (
199         Switch("debug")->default(1),
200         Counter("verbose")->default(3),
201         Param("config")->default("/etc/profile"),
202         List("dirs")->default(qw( /var /home )),
203         Keypair("define")->default( arch => "i386" ),
204       );
206   needs()
207    Takes as an argument a list of option names or aliases of dependencies.
208    If the option this modifies appears on the command line, each of the
209    options given as an argument must appear on the command line as well or
210    an exception is thrown.
212       @spec = (
213         Param("input")->needs("output"),
214         Param("output"),
215       );
217   anycase()
218    Indicates that the associated option names/aliases may appear on the
219    command line in lowercase, uppercase, or any mixture of the two. No
220    argument is needed.
222       @spec = (
223         Switch("help|h")->anycase(),    # "Help", "HELP", etc.
224       );
226   doc()
227    Sets the documentation string for an option.
229         @spec = (
230           Param("output")->doc("write output to the specified file"),
231         );
233    This string shows up in the "usage" method.
235  Validation
236    Validation happens in two stages. First, individual parameters may have
237    validation criteria added to them. Second, the parsed options object may
238    be validated by checking that all requirements collectively are met.
240   Parameter validation
241    The Param, List, and Keypair option types may be provided an optional
242    validation specification. Values provided on the command line will be
243    validated according to the specification or an exception will be thrown.
245    A validation specification can be either a regular expression, or a
246    reference to a subroutine. Keypairs take up to two validation
247    specifiers. The first is applied to keys and the second is applied to
248    values; either can be left undef to ignore validation. (More complex
249    validation of specific values for specific keys must be done manually.)
251    Validation is also applied to default values provided via the
252    "default()" modifier or later modified with "append_defaults",
253    "merge_defaults", or "replace_defaults". This ensures internal
254    consistency.
256    If no default is explicitly provided, validation is only applied if the
257    option appears on the command line. (In other words, the built-in
258    defaults are always considered valid if the option does not appear.) If
259    this is not desired, the "required" option to the "validate" method
260    should be used to force users to provide an explicit value.
262       # Must be provided and is thus always validated
263       @spec = ( Param("width")->valid(qr/\d+/) );
264       $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt(\@spec);
265       $opt->validate( {requires => ['width']} );
267    For validation subroutines, the value found on the command line is
268    passed as the first element of @_, and $_ is also set equal to the first
269    element. (N.B. Changing $_ will not change the value that is captured.)
270    The value validates if the subroutine returns a true value.
272    For validation with regular expressions, consider using Regexp::Common
273    for a ready library of validation options.
275    Older versions of Getopt::Lucid used validation arguments provided in
276    the Spec constructor. This is still supported, but is deprecated and
277    discouraged. It may be removed in a future version of Getopt::Lucid.
279       # deprecated
280       Param("height", qr/\d+/)
282   Options object validation
283    The "validate" method should be called on the result of "getopt". This
284    will check that all parameter prerequisites defined by "needs" have been
285    met. It also takes a hashref of arguments. The optional "requires"
286    argument gives an arrayref of parameters that must exist.
288    The reason that object validation is done separate from "getopt" is to
289    allow for better control over different options that might be required
290    or to allow some dependencies (i.e. from "needs") to be met via a
291    configuration file.
293       @spec = (
294         Param("action")->needs(qw/user password/),
295         Param("user"),
296         Param("password"),
297       );
298       $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt(\@spec);
299       $opt->merge_defaults( read_config() ); # provides 'user' & 'password'
300       $opt->validate({requires => ['action']});
302  Parsing the Command Line
303    Technically, Getopt::Lucid scans an array for command line options, not
304    a command-line string. By default, this array is @ARGV (though other
305    arrays can be used -- see "new()"), which is typically provided by the
306    operating system according to system-specific rules.
308    When Getopt::Lucid processes the array, it scans the array in order,
309    removing any specified command line options and any associated
310    arguments, and leaving behind any unrecognized elements in the array. If
311    an element consisting solely of two-dashes ("--") is found, array
312    scanning is terminated at that point. Any options found during scanning
313    are applied in order. E.g.:
315       @ARGV = qw( --lib /tmp --lib /var );
316       my $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt( [ List("lib") ] );
317       print join ", " $opt->lib;
318       # prints "/tmp, /var"
320    If an element encountered in processing begins with a dash, but is not
321    recognized as a short-form or long-form option name or alias, an
322    exception will be thrown.
324  Negation
325    Getopt::Lucid also supports negating options. Options are negated if the
326    option is specified with "no-" or "--no-" prefixed to a name or alias.
327    By default, negation clears the option: Switch and Counter options are
328    set to zero; Param options are set to ""; List and Keypair options are
329    set to an empty list and empty hash, respectively. For List and Keypair
330    options, it is also possible to negate a specific list element or hash
331    key by placing an equals sign and the list element or key immediately
332    after the option name:
334       --no-lib=/tmp --no-define=arch
335       # removes "/tmp" from lib and the "arch" key from define
337    As with all options, negation is processed in order, allowing a "reset"
338    in the middle of command line processing. This may be useful for those
339    using command aliases who wish to "switch off" options in the alias.
340    E.g, in Unix:
342       $ alias wibble = wibble.pl --verbose
343       $ wibble --no-verbose
345       # @ARGV would contain ( "--verbose", "--no-verbose" )
347    This also may have applications in post-processing configuration files
348    (see "Managing Defaults and Config Files").
350  Accessors and Mutators
351    After processing the command-line array, the values of the options may
352    be read or modified using accessors/mutators of the form "get_NAME" and
353    "set_NAME", where NAME represents the option name in the specification
354    without any leading dashes. E.g.
356       @spec = (
357         Switch("--test|-t"),
358         List("--lib|-L"),
359         Keypair("--define|-D"),
360       );
362       $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt( \@spec );
363       print $opt->get_test ? "True" : "False";
364       $opt->set_test(1);
366    For option names with dashes, underscores should be substituted in the
367    accessor calls. E.g.
369       @spec = (
370         Param("--input-file|-i")
371       );
373       $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt( \@spec );
374       print $opt->get_input_file;
376    This can create an ambiguous case if a similar option exists with
377    underscores in place of dashes. (E.g. "input_file" and "input-file".)
378    Users can safely avoid these problems by choosing to use either dashes
379    or underscores exclusively and not mixing the two styles.
381    List and Keypair options are returned as flattened lists:
383       my @lib = $opt->get_lib;
384       my %define = $opt->get_define;
386    Using the "set_NAME" mutator is not recommended and should be used with
387    caution. No validation is performed and changes will be lost if the
388    results of processing the command line array are recomputed (e.g, such
389    as occurs if new defaults are applied). List and Keypair options
390    mutators take a list, not references.
392  Managing Defaults and Config Files
393    A typical problem for command-line option processing is the precedence
394    relationship between default option values specified within the program,
395    default option values stored in a configuration file or in environment
396    variables, and option values specified on the command-line, particularly
397    when the command-line specifies an alternate configuration file.
399    Getopt::Lucid takes the following approach to this problem:
401    *   Initial default values may be specified as part of the option
402        specification (using the "default()" modifier)
404    *   Default values from the option specification may be modified or
405        replaced entirely with default values provided in an external hash
406        (such as from a standard config file or environment variables)
408    *   When the command-line array is processed, options and their
409        arguments are stored in the order they appeared in the command-line
410        array
412    *   The stored options are applied in-order to modify or replace the set
413        of "current" default option values
415    *   If default values are subsequently changed (such as from an
416        alternative configuration file), the stored options are re-applied
417        in-order to the new set of default option values
419    With this approach, the resulting option set is always the result of
420    applying options (or negations) from the command-line array to a set of
421    default-values. Users have complete freedom to apply whatever precedence
422    rules they wish to the default values and may even change default values
423    after the command-line array is processed without losing the options
424    given on the command line.
426    Getopt::Lucid provides several functions to assist in manipulating
427    default values:
429    *   "merge_defaults()" -- new defaults overwrite any matching, existing
430        defaults. KeyPairs hashes and List arrays are replaced entirely with
431        new defaults
433    *   "append_defaults()" -- new defaults overwrite any matching, existing
434        defaults, except for Counter and List options, which have the new
435        defaults added and appended, respectively, and KeyPair options,
436        which are flattened into any existing default hash
438    *   "replace_defaults()" -- new defaults replace existing defaults; any
439        options not provided in the new defaults are reset to zero/empty,
440        ignoring any default given in the option specification
442    *   "reset_defaults()" -- returns defaults to values given in the
443        options specification
445  Exceptions and Error Handling
446    Getopt::Lucid uses Exception::Class for exceptions. When a major error
447    occurs, Getopt::Lucid will die and throw one of three Exception::Class
448    subclasses:
450    *   "Getopt::Lucid::Exception::Usage" -- thrown when Getopt::Lucid
451        methods are called incorrectly
453    *   "Getopt::Lucid::Exception::Spec" -- thrown when the specification
454        array contains incorrect or invalid data
456    *   "Getopt::Lucid::Exception::ARGV" -- thrown when the command-line is
457        processed and fails to pass specified validation, requirements, or
458        is otherwise determined to be invalid
460    These exceptions may be caught using an "eval" block and allow the
461    calling program to respond differently to each class of exception.
463  Ambiguous Cases and Gotchas
464   One-character aliases and "anycase"
465       @spec = (
466         Counter("verbose|v")->anycase,
467         Switch("version|V")->anycase,
468       );
470    Consider the spec above. By specifying "anycase" on these, "verbose",
471    "Verbose", "VERBOSE" are all acceptable, as are "version", "Version" and
472    so on. (Including long-form versions of these, too, if "magic" mode is
473    used.) However, what if the command line has "-v" or even "-v -V"? In
474    this case, the rule is that exact case matches are used before
475    case-insensitive matches are searched. Thus, "-v" can only match
476    "verbose", despite the "anycase" modification, and likewise "-V" can
477    only match "version".
479   Identical names except for dashes and underscores
480       @spec = (
481         Param("input-file"),
482         Switch("input_file"),
483       );
485    Consider the spec above. These are two, separate, valid options, but a
486    call to the accessor "get_input_file" is ambiguous and may return either
487    option, depending on which first satisfies a "fuzzy-matching" algorithm
488    inside the accessor code. Avoid identical names with mixed dash and
489    underscore styles.
492  new()
493      $opt = Getopt::Lucid->new( \@option_spec );
494      $opt = Getopt::Lucid->new( \@option_spec, \%parameters );
495      $opt = Getopt::Lucid->new( \@option_spec, \@option_array );
496      $opt = Getopt::Lucid->new( \@option_spec, \@option_array, \%parameters );
498    Creates a new Getopt::Lucid object. An array reference to an option spec
499    is required as an argument. (See "USAGE" for a description of the object
500    spec). By default, objects will be set to read @ARGV for command line
501    options. An optional second argument with a reference to an array will
502    use that array for option processing instead. The final argument may be
503    a hashref of parameters. The only valid parameter currently is:
505    *   strict -- enables strict mode when true
507    For typical cases, users will likely prefer to call "getopt" instead,
508    which creates a new object and parses the command line with a single
509    function call.
511  validate()
512       $opt->validate();
513       $opt->validate( \%arguments );
515    Takes an optional argument hashref, validates that all requirements and
516    prerequisites are met or throws an error. Valid argument keys are:
518    *   "requires" -- an arrayref of options that must exist in the options
519        object.
521    This method returns the object for convenient chaining:
523       $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt(\@spec)->validate;
525  append_defaults()
526      %options = append_defaults( %config_hash );
527      %options = append_defaults( \%config_hash );
529    Takes a hash or hash reference of new default values, modifies the
530    stored defaults, recalculates the result of processing the command line
531    with the revised defaults, and returns a hash with the resulting
532    options. Each key/value pair in the passed hash is added to the stored
533    defaults. For Switch and Param options, the value in the passed hash
534    will overwrite any preexisting value. For Counter options, the value is
535    added to any preexisting value. For List options, the value (or values,
536    if the value is an array reference) will be pushed onto the end of the
537    list of existing values. For Keypair options, the key/value pairs will
538    be added to the existing hash, overwriting existing key/value pairs
539    (just like merging two hashes). Keys which are not valid names from the
540    options specification will be ignored.
542  defaults()
543      %defaults = $opt->defaults();
545    Returns a hash containing current default values. Keys are names from
546    the option specification (without any leading dashes). These defaults
547    represent the baseline values that are modified by the parsed command
548    line options.
550  getopt()
551      $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt( \@option_spec );
552      $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt( \@option_spec, \@option_array );
553      $opt->getopt();
555    Parses the command line array (@ARGV by default). When called as a class
556    function, "getopt" takes the same arguments as "new", calls "new" to
557    create an object before parsing the command line, and returns the new
558    object. When called as an object method, it takes no arguments and
559    returns itself.
561    For convenience, C<getopts()> is a alias for C<getopt()>.
563  merge_defaults()
564      %options = merge_defaults( %config_hash );
565      %options = merge_defaults( \%config_hash );
567    Takes a hash or hash reference of new default values, modifies the
568    stored defaults, recalculates the result of processing the command line
569    with the revised defaults, and returns a hash with the resulting
570    options. Each key/value pair in the passed hash is added to the stored
571    defaults, overwriting any preexisting value. Keys which are not valid
572    names from the options specification will be ignored.
574  names()
575      @names = $opt->names();
577    Returns the list of names in the options specification. Each name
578    represents a key in the hash of options provided by "options".
580  options()
581      %options = $opt->options();
583    Returns a deep copy of the options hash. Before "getopt" is called, its
584    behavior is undefined. After "getopt" is called, this will return the
585    result of modifying the defaults with the results of command line
586    processing.
588  replace_defaults()
589      %options = replace_defaults( %config_hash );
590      %options = replace_defaults( \%config_hash );
592    Takes a hash or hash reference of new default values, replaces the
593    stored defaults, recalculates the result of processing the command line
594    with the revised defaults, and returns a hash with the resulting
595    options. Each key/value pair in the passed hash replaces existing
596    defaults, including those given in the option specifications. Keys which
597    are not valid names from the option specification will be ignored.
599  reset_defaults()
600      %options = reset_defaults();
602    Resets the stored defaults to the original values from the options
603    specification, recalculates the result of processing the command line
604    with the restored defaults, and returns a hash with the resulting
605    options. This undoes the effect of a "merge_defaults" or "add_defaults"
606    call.
608  usage()
609    Returns a string of usage information derived from the options spec,
610    including any "doc" modifiers. Because invalid options throw exceptions,
611    if you want to provide usage, you should separately invoke "new" and
612    "getopt"
614       my $opt = Getopt::Lucid->new( \@spec );
615       eval { $opt->getopt() };
616       if ($@) {
617         print "$@\n" && print $opt->usage and exit 1
618           if ref $@ eq 'Getopt::Lucid::Exception::ARGV';
619         ref $@ ? $@->rethrow : die $@;
620       }
623    In 1.00, the following API changes have been made:
625    *   "new()" now takes an optional hashref of parameters as the last
626        argument
628    *   The global $STRICT variable has been replaced with a per-object
629        parameter "strict"
631    *   The "required" modifier has been removed and a new "validate" method
632        has been added to facilitate late/custom checks of required options
635    *   Config::Tiny
637    *   Config::Simple
639    *   Config::Std
641    *   Getopt::Long
643    *   Regexp::Common
646    Please report any bugs or feature using the CPAN Request Tracker. Bugs
647    can be submitted through the web interface at
648    <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Getopt-Lucid>
650    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
651    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
654  Bugs / Feature Requests
655    Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at
656    <https://github.com/dagolden/Getopt-Lucid/issues>. You will be notified
657    automatically of any progress on your issue.
659  Source Code
660    This is open source software. The code repository is available for
661    public review and contribution under the terms of the license.
663    <https://github.com/dagolden/Getopt-Lucid>
665      git clone https://github.com/dagolden/Getopt-Lucid.git
668    David Golden <dagolden@cpan.org>
671    *   Chris White <cxwembedded@gmail.com>
673    *   David Golden <xdg@xdg.me>
675    *   David Precious <davidp@preshweb.co.uk>
677    *   James E Keenan <jkeenan@cpan.org>
679    *   Kevin McGrath <kmcgrath@cpan.org>
681    *   Nova Patch <patch@cpan.org>
683    *   Robert Bohne <rbo@cpan.org>
685    *   thilp <thilp@thilp.net>
688    This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by David Golden.
690    This is free software, licensed under:
692      The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004