1# $Id: fi.py 4564 2006-05-21 20:44:42Z wiemann $
2# Author: Asko Soukka <asko.soukka@iki.fi>
3# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
5# New language mappings are welcome.  Before doing a new translation, please
6# read <http://docutils.sf.net/docs/howto/i18n.html>.  Two files must be
7# translated for each language: one in docutils/languages, the other in
8# docutils/parsers/rst/languages.
11Finnish-language mappings for language-dependent features of Docutils.
14__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
16labels = {
17      # fixed: language-dependent
18      u'author': u'Tekij\u00e4',
19      u'authors': u'Tekij\u00e4t',
20      u'organization': u'Yhteis\u00f6',
21      u'address': u'Osoite',
22      u'contact': u'Yhteystiedot',
23      u'version': u'Versio',
24      u'revision': u'Vedos',
25      u'status': u'Tila',
26      u'date': u'P\u00e4iv\u00e4ys',
27      u'copyright': u'Tekij\u00e4noikeudet',
28      u'dedication': u'Omistuskirjoitus',
29      u'abstract': u'Tiivistelm\u00e4',
30      u'attention': u'Huomio!',
31      u'caution': u'Varo!',
32      u'danger': u'!VAARA!',
33      u'error': u'Virhe',
34      u'hint': u'Vihje',
35      u'important': u'T\u00e4rke\u00e4\u00e4',
36      u'note': u'Huomautus',
37      u'tip': u'Neuvo',
38      u'warning': u'Varoitus',
39      u'contents': u'Sis\u00e4llys'}
40"""Mapping of node class name to label text."""
42bibliographic_fields = {
43      # language-dependent: fixed
44      u'tekij\u00e4': u'author',
45      u'tekij\u00e4t': u'authors',
46      u'yhteis\u00f6': u'organization',
47      u'osoite': u'address',
48      u'yhteystiedot': u'contact',
49      u'versio': u'version',
50      u'vedos': u'revision',
51      u'tila': u'status',
52      u'p\u00e4iv\u00e4ys': u'date',
53      u'tekij\u00e4noikeudet': u'copyright',
54      u'omistuskirjoitus': u'dedication',
55      u'tiivistelm\u00e4': u'abstract'}
56"""Finnish (lowcased) to canonical name mapping for bibliographic fields."""
58author_separators = [';', ',']
59"""List of separator strings for the 'Authors' bibliographic field. Tried in