1import os.path
2import platform
3from rich.containers import Lines
4import textwrap
5from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
6from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union
8from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer_for_filename
9from pygments.style import Style as PygmentsStyle
10from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
11from pygments.token import (
12    Comment,
13    Error,
14    Generic,
15    Keyword,
16    Name,
17    Number,
18    Operator,
19    String,
20    Token,
21    Whitespace,
23from pygments.util import ClassNotFound
25from ._loop import loop_first
26from .color import Color, blend_rgb
27from .console import Console, ConsoleOptions, JustifyMethod, RenderResult
28from .jupyter import JupyterMixin
29from .measure import Measurement
30from .segment import Segment
31from .style import Style
32from .text import Text
34TokenType = Tuple[str, ...]
36WINDOWS = platform.system() == "Windows"
37DEFAULT_THEME = "monokai"
39# The following styles are based on https://github.com/pygments/pygments/blob/master/pygments/formatters/terminal.py
40# A few modifications were made
42ANSI_LIGHT: Dict[TokenType, Style] = {
43    Token: Style(),
44    Whitespace: Style(color="white"),
45    Comment: Style(dim=True),
46    Comment.Preproc: Style(color="cyan"),
47    Keyword: Style(color="blue"),
48    Keyword.Type: Style(color="cyan"),
49    Operator.Word: Style(color="magenta"),
50    Name.Builtin: Style(color="cyan"),
51    Name.Function: Style(color="green"),
52    Name.Namespace: Style(color="cyan", underline=True),
53    Name.Class: Style(color="green", underline=True),
54    Name.Exception: Style(color="cyan"),
55    Name.Decorator: Style(color="magenta", bold=True),
56    Name.Variable: Style(color="red"),
57    Name.Constant: Style(color="red"),
58    Name.Attribute: Style(color="cyan"),
59    Name.Tag: Style(color="bright_blue"),
60    String: Style(color="yellow"),
61    Number: Style(color="blue"),
62    Generic.Deleted: Style(color="bright_red"),
63    Generic.Inserted: Style(color="green"),
64    Generic.Heading: Style(bold=True),
65    Generic.Subheading: Style(color="magenta", bold=True),
66    Generic.Prompt: Style(bold=True),
67    Generic.Error: Style(color="bright_red"),
68    Error: Style(color="red", underline=True),
71ANSI_DARK: Dict[TokenType, Style] = {
72    Token: Style(),
73    Whitespace: Style(color="bright_black"),
74    Comment: Style(dim=True),
75    Comment.Preproc: Style(color="bright_cyan"),
76    Keyword: Style(color="bright_blue"),
77    Keyword.Type: Style(color="bright_cyan"),
78    Operator.Word: Style(color="bright_magenta"),
79    Name.Builtin: Style(color="bright_cyan"),
80    Name.Function: Style(color="bright_green"),
81    Name.Namespace: Style(color="bright_cyan", underline=True),
82    Name.Class: Style(color="bright_green", underline=True),
83    Name.Exception: Style(color="bright_cyan"),
84    Name.Decorator: Style(color="bright_magenta", bold=True),
85    Name.Variable: Style(color="bright_red"),
86    Name.Constant: Style(color="bright_red"),
87    Name.Attribute: Style(color="bright_cyan"),
88    Name.Tag: Style(color="bright_blue"),
89    String: Style(color="yellow"),
90    Number: Style(color="bright_blue"),
91    Generic.Deleted: Style(color="bright_red"),
92    Generic.Inserted: Style(color="bright_green"),
93    Generic.Heading: Style(bold=True),
94    Generic.Subheading: Style(color="bright_magenta", bold=True),
95    Generic.Prompt: Style(bold=True),
96    Generic.Error: Style(color="bright_red"),
97    Error: Style(color="red", underline=True),
100RICH_SYNTAX_THEMES = {"ansi_light": ANSI_LIGHT, "ansi_dark": ANSI_DARK}
103class SyntaxTheme(ABC):
104    """Base class for a syntax theme."""
106    @abstractmethod
107    def get_style_for_token(self, token_type: TokenType) -> Style:
108        """Get a style for a given Pygments token."""
109        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover
111    @abstractmethod
112    def get_background_style(self) -> Style:
113        """Get the background color."""
114        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover
117class PygmentsSyntaxTheme(SyntaxTheme):
118    """Syntax theme that delegates to Pygments theme."""
120    def __init__(self, theme: Union[str, Type[PygmentsStyle]]) -> None:
121        self._style_cache: Dict[TokenType, Style] = {}
122        if isinstance(theme, str):
123            try:
124                self._pygments_style_class = get_style_by_name(theme)
125            except ClassNotFound:
126                self._pygments_style_class = get_style_by_name("default")
127        else:
128            self._pygments_style_class = theme
130        self._background_color = self._pygments_style_class.background_color
131        self._background_style = Style(bgcolor=self._background_color)
133    def get_style_for_token(self, token_type: TokenType) -> Style:
134        """Get a style from a Pygments class."""
135        try:
136            return self._style_cache[token_type]
137        except KeyError:
138            try:
139                pygments_style = self._pygments_style_class.style_for_token(token_type)
140            except KeyError:
141                style = Style.null()
142            else:
143                color = pygments_style["color"]
144                bgcolor = pygments_style["bgcolor"]
145                style = Style(
146                    color="#" + color if color else "#000000",
147                    bgcolor="#" + bgcolor if bgcolor else self._background_color,
148                    bold=pygments_style["bold"],
149                    italic=pygments_style["italic"],
150                    underline=pygments_style["underline"],
151                )
152            self._style_cache[token_type] = style
153        return style
155    def get_background_style(self) -> Style:
156        return self._background_style
159class ANSISyntaxTheme(SyntaxTheme):
160    """Syntax theme to use standard colors."""
162    def __init__(self, style_map: Dict[TokenType, Style]) -> None:
163        self.style_map = style_map
164        self._missing_style = Style.null()
165        self._background_style = Style.null()
166        self._style_cache: Dict[TokenType, Style] = {}
168    def get_style_for_token(self, token_type: TokenType) -> Style:
169        """Look up style in the style map."""
170        try:
171            return self._style_cache[token_type]
172        except KeyError:
173            # Styles form a hierarchy
174            # We need to go from most to least specific
175            # e.g. ("foo", "bar", "baz") to ("foo", "bar")  to ("foo",)
176            get_style = self.style_map.get
177            token = tuple(token_type)
178            style = self._missing_style
179            while token:
180                _style = get_style(token)
181                if _style is not None:
182                    style = _style
183                    break
184                token = token[:-1]
185            self._style_cache[token_type] = style
186            return style
188    def get_background_style(self) -> Style:
189        return self._background_style
192class Syntax(JupyterMixin):
193    """Construct a Syntax object to render syntax highlighted code.
195    Args:
196        code (str): Code to highlight.
197        lexer_name (str): Lexer to use (see https://pygments.org/docs/lexers/)
198        theme (str, optional): Color theme, aka Pygments style (see https://pygments.org/docs/styles/#getting-a-list-of-available-styles). Defaults to "monokai".
199        dedent (bool, optional): Enable stripping of initial whitespace. Defaults to False.
200        line_numbers (bool, optional): Enable rendering of line numbers. Defaults to False.
201        start_line (int, optional): Starting number for line numbers. Defaults to 1.
202        line_range (Tuple[int, int], optional): If given should be a tuple of the start and end line to render.
203        highlight_lines (Set[int]): A set of line numbers to highlight.
204        code_width: Width of code to render (not including line numbers), or ``None`` to use all available width.
205        tab_size (int, optional): Size of tabs. Defaults to 4.
206        word_wrap (bool, optional): Enable word wrapping.
207        background_color (str, optional): Optional background color, or None to use theme color. Defaults to None.
208        indent_guides (bool, optional): Show indent guides. Defaults to False.
209    """
211    _pygments_style_class: Type[PygmentsStyle]
212    _theme: SyntaxTheme
214    @classmethod
215    def get_theme(cls, name: Union[str, SyntaxTheme]) -> SyntaxTheme:
216        """Get a syntax theme instance."""
217        if isinstance(name, SyntaxTheme):
218            return name
219        theme: SyntaxTheme
220        if name in RICH_SYNTAX_THEMES:
221            theme = ANSISyntaxTheme(RICH_SYNTAX_THEMES[name])
222        else:
223            theme = PygmentsSyntaxTheme(name)
224        return theme
226    def __init__(
227        self,
228        code: str,
229        lexer_name: str,
230        *,
231        theme: Union[str, SyntaxTheme] = DEFAULT_THEME,
232        dedent: bool = False,
233        line_numbers: bool = False,
234        start_line: int = 1,
235        line_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
236        highlight_lines: Optional[Set[int]] = None,
237        code_width: Optional[int] = None,
238        tab_size: int = 4,
239        word_wrap: bool = False,
240        background_color: Optional[str] = None,
241        indent_guides: bool = False,
242    ) -> None:
243        self.code = code
244        self.lexer_name = lexer_name
245        self.dedent = dedent
246        self.line_numbers = line_numbers
247        self.start_line = start_line
248        self.line_range = line_range
249        self.highlight_lines = highlight_lines or set()
250        self.code_width = code_width
251        self.tab_size = tab_size
252        self.word_wrap = word_wrap
253        self.background_color = background_color
254        self.background_style = (
255            Style(bgcolor=background_color) if background_color else Style()
256        )
257        self.indent_guides = indent_guides
259        self._theme = self.get_theme(theme)
261    @classmethod
262    def from_path(
263        cls,
264        path: str,
265        encoding: str = "utf-8",
266        theme: Union[str, SyntaxTheme] = DEFAULT_THEME,
267        dedent: bool = False,
268        line_numbers: bool = False,
269        line_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
270        start_line: int = 1,
271        highlight_lines: Optional[Set[int]] = None,
272        code_width: Optional[int] = None,
273        tab_size: int = 4,
274        word_wrap: bool = False,
275        background_color: Optional[str] = None,
276        indent_guides: bool = False,
277    ) -> "Syntax":
278        """Construct a Syntax object from a file.
280        Args:
281            path (str): Path to file to highlight.
282            encoding (str): Encoding of file.
283            theme (str, optional): Color theme, aka Pygments style (see https://pygments.org/docs/styles/#getting-a-list-of-available-styles). Defaults to "emacs".
284            dedent (bool, optional): Enable stripping of initial whitespace. Defaults to True.
285            line_numbers (bool, optional): Enable rendering of line numbers. Defaults to False.
286            start_line (int, optional): Starting number for line numbers. Defaults to 1.
287            line_range (Tuple[int, int], optional): If given should be a tuple of the start and end line to render.
288            highlight_lines (Set[int]): A set of line numbers to highlight.
289            code_width: Width of code to render (not including line numbers), or ``None`` to use all available width.
290            tab_size (int, optional): Size of tabs. Defaults to 4.
291            word_wrap (bool, optional): Enable word wrapping of code.
292            background_color (str, optional): Optional background color, or None to use theme color. Defaults to None.
293            indent_guides (bool, optional): Show indent guides. Defaults to False.
295        Returns:
296            [Syntax]: A Syntax object that may be printed to the console
297        """
298        with open(path, "rt", encoding=encoding) as code_file:
299            code = code_file.read()
301        lexer = None
302        lexer_name = "default"
303        try:
304            _, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
305            if ext:
306                extension = ext.lstrip(".").lower()
307                lexer = get_lexer_by_name(extension)
308                lexer_name = lexer.name
309        except ClassNotFound:
310            pass
312        if lexer is None:
313            try:
314                lexer_name = guess_lexer_for_filename(path, code).name
315            except ClassNotFound:
316                pass
318        return cls(
319            code,
320            lexer_name,
321            theme=theme,
322            dedent=dedent,
323            line_numbers=line_numbers,
324            line_range=line_range,
325            start_line=start_line,
326            highlight_lines=highlight_lines,
327            code_width=code_width,
328            tab_size=tab_size,
329            word_wrap=word_wrap,
330            background_color=background_color,
331            indent_guides=indent_guides,
332        )
334    def _get_base_style(self) -> Style:
335        """Get the base style."""
336        default_style = self._theme.get_background_style() + self.background_style
337        return default_style
339    def _get_token_color(self, token_type: TokenType) -> Optional[Color]:
340        """Get a color (if any) for the given token.
342        Args:
343            token_type (TokenType): A token type tuple from Pygments.
345        Returns:
346            Optional[Color]: Color from theme, or None for no color.
347        """
348        style = self._theme.get_style_for_token(token_type)
349        return style.color
351    def highlight(
352        self, code: str, line_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None
353    ) -> Text:
354        """Highlight code and return a Text instance.
356        Args:
357            code (str): Code to highlight.
358            line_range(Tuple[int, int], optional): Optional line range to highlight.
360        Returns:
361            Text: A text instance containing highlighted syntax.
362        """
364        base_style = self._get_base_style()
365        justify: JustifyMethod = (
366            "default" if base_style.transparent_background else "left"
367        )
369        text = Text(
370            justify=justify,
371            style=base_style,
372            tab_size=self.tab_size,
373            no_wrap=not self.word_wrap,
374        )
375        _get_theme_style = self._theme.get_style_for_token
376        try:
377            lexer = get_lexer_by_name(
378                self.lexer_name,
379                stripnl=False,
380                ensurenl=True,
381                tabsize=self.tab_size,
382            )
383        except ClassNotFound:
384            text.append(code)
385        else:
386            if line_range:
387                # More complicated path to only stylize a portion of the code
388                # This speeds up further operations as there are less spans to process
389                line_start, line_end = line_range
391                def line_tokenize() -> Iterable[Tuple[Any, str]]:
392                    """Split tokens to one per line."""
393                    for token_type, token in lexer.get_tokens(code):
394                        while token:
395                            line_token, new_line, token = token.partition("\n")
396                            yield token_type, line_token + new_line
398                def tokens_to_spans() -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Optional[Style]]]:
399                    """Convert tokens to spans."""
400                    tokens = iter(line_tokenize())
401                    line_no = 0
402                    _line_start = line_start - 1
404                    # Skip over tokens until line start
405                    while line_no < _line_start:
406                        _token_type, token = next(tokens)
407                        yield (token, None)
408                        if token.endswith("\n"):
409                            line_no += 1
410                    # Generate spans until line end
411                    for token_type, token in tokens:
412                        yield (token, _get_theme_style(token_type))
413                        if token.endswith("\n"):
414                            line_no += 1
415                            if line_no >= line_end:
416                                break
418                text.append_tokens(tokens_to_spans())
420            else:
421                text.append_tokens(
422                    (token, _get_theme_style(token_type))
423                    for token_type, token in lexer.get_tokens(code)
424                )
425            if self.background_color is not None:
426                text.stylize(f"on {self.background_color}")
427        return text
429    def _get_line_numbers_color(self, blend: float = 0.3) -> Color:
430        background_style = self._theme.get_background_style() + self.background_style
431        background_color = background_style.bgcolor
432        if background_color is None or background_color.is_system_defined:
433            return Color.default()
434        foreground_color = self._get_token_color(Token.Text)
435        if foreground_color is None or foreground_color.is_system_defined:
436            return foreground_color or Color.default()
437        new_color = blend_rgb(
438            background_color.get_truecolor(),
439            foreground_color.get_truecolor(),
440            cross_fade=blend,
441        )
442        return Color.from_triplet(new_color)
444    @property
445    def _numbers_column_width(self) -> int:
446        """Get the number of characters used to render the numbers column."""
447        column_width = 0
448        if self.line_numbers:
449            column_width = len(str(self.start_line + self.code.count("\n"))) + 2
450        return column_width
452    def _get_number_styles(self, console: Console) -> Tuple[Style, Style, Style]:
453        """Get background, number, and highlight styles for line numbers."""
454        background_style = self._get_base_style()
455        if background_style.transparent_background:
456            return Style.null(), Style(dim=True), Style.null()
457        if console.color_system in ("256", "truecolor"):
458            number_style = Style.chain(
459                background_style,
460                self._theme.get_style_for_token(Token.Text),
461                Style(color=self._get_line_numbers_color()),
462                self.background_style,
463            )
464            highlight_number_style = Style.chain(
465                background_style,
466                self._theme.get_style_for_token(Token.Text),
467                Style(bold=True, color=self._get_line_numbers_color(0.9)),
468                self.background_style,
469            )
470        else:
471            number_style = background_style + Style(dim=True)
472            highlight_number_style = background_style + Style(dim=False)
473        return background_style, number_style, highlight_number_style
475    def __rich_measure__(
476        self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions"
477    ) -> "Measurement":
478        if self.code_width is not None:
479            width = self.code_width + self._numbers_column_width
480            return Measurement(self._numbers_column_width, width)
481        return Measurement(self._numbers_column_width, options.max_width)
483    def __rich_console__(
484        self, console: Console, options: ConsoleOptions
485    ) -> RenderResult:
487        transparent_background = self._get_base_style().transparent_background
488        code_width = (
489            (
490                (options.max_width - self._numbers_column_width - 1)
491                if self.line_numbers
492                else options.max_width
493            )
494            if self.code_width is None
495            else self.code_width
496        )
498        line_offset = 0
499        if self.line_range:
500            start_line, end_line = self.line_range
501            line_offset = max(0, start_line - 1)
503        ends_on_nl = self.code.endswith("\n")
504        code = self.code if ends_on_nl else self.code + "\n"
505        code = textwrap.dedent(code) if self.dedent else code
506        code = code.expandtabs(self.tab_size)
507        text = self.highlight(code, self.line_range)
509        (
510            background_style,
511            number_style,
512            highlight_number_style,
513        ) = self._get_number_styles(console)
515        if not self.line_numbers and not self.word_wrap and not self.line_range:
516            if not ends_on_nl:
517                text.remove_suffix("\n")
518            # Simple case of just rendering text
519            style = (
520                self._get_base_style()
521                + self._theme.get_style_for_token(Comment)
522                + Style(dim=True)
523                + self.background_style
524            )
525            if self.indent_guides and not options.ascii_only:
526                text = text.with_indent_guides(self.tab_size, style=style)
527                text.overflow = "crop"
528            if style.transparent_background:
529                yield from console.render(
530                    text, options=options.update(width=code_width)
531                )
532            else:
533                syntax_lines = console.render_lines(
534                    text,
535                    options.update(width=code_width, height=None),
536                    style=self.background_style,
537                    pad=True,
538                    new_lines=True,
539                )
540                for syntax_line in syntax_lines:
541                    yield from syntax_line
542            return
544        lines: Union[List[Text], Lines] = text.split("\n", allow_blank=ends_on_nl)
545        if self.line_range:
546            lines = lines[line_offset:end_line]
548        if self.indent_guides and not options.ascii_only:
549            style = (
550                self._get_base_style()
551                + self._theme.get_style_for_token(Comment)
552                + Style(dim=True)
553                + self.background_style
554            )
555            lines = (
556                Text("\n")
557                .join(lines)
558                .with_indent_guides(self.tab_size, style=style)
559                .split("\n", allow_blank=True)
560            )
562        numbers_column_width = self._numbers_column_width
563        render_options = options.update(width=code_width)
565        highlight_line = self.highlight_lines.__contains__
566        _Segment = Segment
567        padding = _Segment(" " * numbers_column_width + " ", background_style)
568        new_line = _Segment("\n")
570        line_pointer = "> " if options.legacy_windows else "❱ "
572        for line_no, line in enumerate(lines, self.start_line + line_offset):
573            if self.word_wrap:
574                wrapped_lines = console.render_lines(
575                    line,
576                    render_options.update(height=None),
577                    style=background_style,
578                    pad=not transparent_background,
579                )
581            else:
582                segments = list(line.render(console, end=""))
583                if options.no_wrap:
584                    wrapped_lines = [segments]
585                else:
586                    wrapped_lines = [
587                        _Segment.adjust_line_length(
588                            segments,
589                            render_options.max_width,
590                            style=background_style,
591                            pad=not transparent_background,
592                        )
593                    ]
594            if self.line_numbers:
595                for first, wrapped_line in loop_first(wrapped_lines):
596                    if first:
597                        line_column = str(line_no).rjust(numbers_column_width - 2) + " "
598                        if highlight_line(line_no):
599                            yield _Segment(line_pointer, Style(color="red"))
600                            yield _Segment(line_column, highlight_number_style)
601                        else:
602                            yield _Segment("  ", highlight_number_style)
603                            yield _Segment(line_column, number_style)
604                    else:
605                        yield padding
606                    yield from wrapped_line
607                    yield new_line
608            else:
609                for wrapped_line in wrapped_lines:
610                    yield from wrapped_line
611                    yield new_line
614if __name__ == "__main__":  # pragma: no cover
616    import argparse
617    import sys
619    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
620        description="Render syntax to the console with Rich"
621    )
622    parser.add_argument(
623        "path",
624        metavar="PATH",
625        help="path to file, or - for stdin",
626    )
627    parser.add_argument(
628        "-c",
629        "--force-color",
630        dest="force_color",
631        action="store_true",
632        default=None,
633        help="force color for non-terminals",
634    )
635    parser.add_argument(
636        "-i",
637        "--indent-guides",
638        dest="indent_guides",
639        action="store_true",
640        default=False,
641        help="display indent guides",
642    )
643    parser.add_argument(
644        "-l",
645        "--line-numbers",
646        dest="line_numbers",
647        action="store_true",
648        help="render line numbers",
649    )
650    parser.add_argument(
651        "-w",
652        "--width",
653        type=int,
654        dest="width",
655        default=None,
656        help="width of output (default will auto-detect)",
657    )
658    parser.add_argument(
659        "-r",
660        "--wrap",
661        dest="word_wrap",
662        action="store_true",
663        default=False,
664        help="word wrap long lines",
665    )
666    parser.add_argument(
667        "-s",
668        "--soft-wrap",
669        action="store_true",
670        dest="soft_wrap",
671        default=False,
672        help="enable soft wrapping mode",
673    )
674    parser.add_argument(
675        "-t", "--theme", dest="theme", default="monokai", help="pygments theme"
676    )
677    parser.add_argument(
678        "-b",
679        "--background-color",
680        dest="background_color",
681        default=None,
682        help="Override background color",
683    )
684    parser.add_argument(
685        "-x",
686        "--lexer",
687        default="default",
688        dest="lexer_name",
689        help="Lexer name",
690    )
691    args = parser.parse_args()
693    from rich.console import Console
695    console = Console(force_terminal=args.force_color, width=args.width)
697    if args.path == "-":
698        code = sys.stdin.read()
699        syntax = Syntax(
700            code=code,
701            lexer_name=args.lexer_name,
702            line_numbers=args.line_numbers,
703            word_wrap=args.word_wrap,
704            theme=args.theme,
705            background_color=args.background_color,
706            indent_guides=args.indent_guides,
707        )
708    else:
709        syntax = Syntax.from_path(
710            args.path,
711            line_numbers=args.line_numbers,
712            word_wrap=args.word_wrap,
713            theme=args.theme,
714            background_color=args.background_color,
715            indent_guides=args.indent_guides,
716        )
717    console.print(syntax, soft_wrap=args.soft_wrap)