1 // Copyright 2016 Amanieu d'Antras
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4 // http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5 // http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6 // copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
8 use crate::raw_mutex::RawMutex;
9 use lock_api;
11 /// A mutual exclusion primitive useful for protecting shared data
12 ///
13 /// This mutex will block threads waiting for the lock to become available. The
14 /// mutex can also be statically initialized or created via a `new`
15 /// constructor. Each mutex has a type parameter which represents the data that
16 /// it is protecting. The data can only be accessed through the RAII guards
17 /// returned from `lock` and `try_lock`, which guarantees that the data is only
18 /// ever accessed when the mutex is locked.
19 ///
20 /// # Fairness
21 ///
22 /// A typical unfair lock can often end up in a situation where a single thread
23 /// quickly acquires and releases the same mutex in succession, which can starve
24 /// other threads waiting to acquire the mutex. While this improves performance
25 /// because it doesn't force a context switch when a thread tries to re-acquire
26 /// a mutex it has just released, this can starve other threads.
27 ///
28 /// This mutex uses [eventual fairness](https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/203350)
29 /// to ensure that the lock will be fair on average without sacrificing
30 /// performance. This is done by forcing a fair unlock on average every 0.5ms,
31 /// which will force the lock to go to the next thread waiting for the mutex.
32 ///
33 /// Additionally, any critical section longer than 1ms will always use a fair
34 /// unlock, which has a negligible performance impact compared to the length of
35 /// the critical section.
36 ///
37 /// You can also force a fair unlock by calling `MutexGuard::unlock_fair` when
38 /// unlocking a mutex instead of simply dropping the `MutexGuard`.
39 ///
40 /// # Differences from the standard library `Mutex`
41 ///
42 /// - No poisoning, the lock is released normally on panic.
43 /// - Only requires 1 byte of space, whereas the standard library boxes the
44 ///   `Mutex` due to platform limitations.
45 /// - Can be statically constructed (requires the `const_fn` nightly feature).
46 /// - Does not require any drop glue when dropped.
47 /// - Inline fast path for the uncontended case.
48 /// - Efficient handling of micro-contention using adaptive spinning.
49 /// - Allows raw locking & unlocking without a guard.
50 /// - Supports eventual fairness so that the mutex is fair on average.
51 /// - Optionally allows making the mutex fair by calling `MutexGuard::unlock_fair`.
52 ///
53 /// # Examples
54 ///
55 /// ```
56 /// use std::sync::Arc;
57 /// use parking_lot::Mutex;
58 /// use std::thread;
59 /// use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
60 ///
61 /// const N: usize = 10;
62 ///
63 /// // Spawn a few threads to increment a shared variable (non-atomically), and
64 /// // let the main thread know once all increments are done.
65 /// //
66 /// // Here we're using an Arc to share memory among threads, and the data inside
67 /// // the Arc is protected with a mutex.
68 /// let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
69 ///
70 /// let (tx, rx) = channel();
71 /// for _ in 0..10 {
72 ///     let (data, tx) = (Arc::clone(&data), tx.clone());
73 ///     thread::spawn(move || {
74 ///         // The shared state can only be accessed once the lock is held.
75 ///         // Our non-atomic increment is safe because we're the only thread
76 ///         // which can access the shared state when the lock is held.
77 ///         let mut data = data.lock();
78 ///         *data += 1;
79 ///         if *data == N {
80 ///             tx.send(()).unwrap();
81 ///         }
82 ///         // the lock is unlocked here when `data` goes out of scope.
83 ///     });
84 /// }
85 ///
86 /// rx.recv().unwrap();
87 /// ```
88 pub type Mutex<T> = lock_api::Mutex<RawMutex, T>;
90 /// An RAII implementation of a "scoped lock" of a mutex. When this structure is
91 /// dropped (falls out of scope), the lock will be unlocked.
92 ///
93 /// The data protected by the mutex can be accessed through this guard via its
94 /// `Deref` and `DerefMut` implementations.
95 pub type MutexGuard<'a, T> = lock_api::MutexGuard<'a, RawMutex, T>;
97 /// An RAII mutex guard returned by `MutexGuard::map`, which can point to a
98 /// subfield of the protected data.
99 ///
100 /// The main difference between `MappedMutexGuard` and `MutexGuard` is that the
101 /// former doesn't support temporarily unlocking and re-locking, since that
102 /// could introduce soundness issues if the locked object is modified by another
103 /// thread.
104 pub type MappedMutexGuard<'a, T> = lock_api::MappedMutexGuard<'a, RawMutex, T>;
106 #[cfg(test)]
107 mod tests {
108     use crate::{Condvar, Mutex};
109     use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
110     use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
111     use std::sync::Arc;
112     use std::thread;
114     #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
115     use bincode::{deserialize, serialize};
117     struct Packet<T>(Arc<(Mutex<T>, Condvar)>);
119     #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
120     struct NonCopy(i32);
122     unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Packet<T> {}
123     unsafe impl<T> Sync for Packet<T> {}
125     #[test]
smoke()126     fn smoke() {
127         let m = Mutex::new(());
128         drop(m.lock());
129         drop(m.lock());
130     }
132     #[test]
lots_and_lots()133     fn lots_and_lots() {
134         const J: u32 = 1000;
135         const K: u32 = 3;
137         let m = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
139         fn inc(m: &Mutex<u32>) {
140             for _ in 0..J {
141                 *m.lock() += 1;
142             }
143         }
145         let (tx, rx) = channel();
146         for _ in 0..K {
147             let tx2 = tx.clone();
148             let m2 = m.clone();
149             thread::spawn(move || {
150                 inc(&m2);
151                 tx2.send(()).unwrap();
152             });
153             let tx2 = tx.clone();
154             let m2 = m.clone();
155             thread::spawn(move || {
156                 inc(&m2);
157                 tx2.send(()).unwrap();
158             });
159         }
161         drop(tx);
162         for _ in 0..2 * K {
163             rx.recv().unwrap();
164         }
165         assert_eq!(*m.lock(), J * K * 2);
166     }
168     #[test]
try_lock()169     fn try_lock() {
170         let m = Mutex::new(());
171         *m.try_lock().unwrap() = ();
172     }
174     #[test]
test_into_inner()175     fn test_into_inner() {
176         let m = Mutex::new(NonCopy(10));
177         assert_eq!(m.into_inner(), NonCopy(10));
178     }
180     #[test]
test_into_inner_drop()181     fn test_into_inner_drop() {
182         struct Foo(Arc<AtomicUsize>);
183         impl Drop for Foo {
184             fn drop(&mut self) {
185                 self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
186             }
187         }
188         let num_drops = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
189         let m = Mutex::new(Foo(num_drops.clone()));
190         assert_eq!(num_drops.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 0);
191         {
192             let _inner = m.into_inner();
193             assert_eq!(num_drops.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 0);
194         }
195         assert_eq!(num_drops.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 1);
196     }
198     #[test]
test_get_mut()199     fn test_get_mut() {
200         let mut m = Mutex::new(NonCopy(10));
201         *m.get_mut() = NonCopy(20);
202         assert_eq!(m.into_inner(), NonCopy(20));
203     }
205     #[test]
test_mutex_arc_condvar()206     fn test_mutex_arc_condvar() {
207         let packet = Packet(Arc::new((Mutex::new(false), Condvar::new())));
208         let packet2 = Packet(packet.0.clone());
209         let (tx, rx) = channel();
210         let _t = thread::spawn(move || {
211             // wait until parent gets in
212             rx.recv().unwrap();
213             let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*packet2.0;
214             let mut lock = lock.lock();
215             *lock = true;
216             cvar.notify_one();
217         });
219         let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*packet.0;
220         let mut lock = lock.lock();
221         tx.send(()).unwrap();
222         assert!(!*lock);
223         while !*lock {
224             cvar.wait(&mut lock);
225         }
226     }
228     #[test]
test_mutex_arc_nested()229     fn test_mutex_arc_nested() {
230         // Tests nested mutexes and access
231         // to underlying data.
232         let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(1));
233         let arc2 = Arc::new(Mutex::new(arc));
234         let (tx, rx) = channel();
235         let _t = thread::spawn(move || {
236             let lock = arc2.lock();
237             let lock2 = lock.lock();
238             assert_eq!(*lock2, 1);
239             tx.send(()).unwrap();
240         });
241         rx.recv().unwrap();
242     }
244     #[test]
test_mutex_arc_access_in_unwind()245     fn test_mutex_arc_access_in_unwind() {
246         let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(1));
247         let arc2 = arc.clone();
248         let _ = thread::spawn(move || -> () {
249             struct Unwinder {
250                 i: Arc<Mutex<i32>>,
251             }
252             impl Drop for Unwinder {
253                 fn drop(&mut self) {
254                     *self.i.lock() += 1;
255                 }
256             }
257             let _u = Unwinder { i: arc2 };
258             panic!();
259         })
260         .join();
261         let lock = arc.lock();
262         assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
263     }
265     #[test]
test_mutex_unsized()266     fn test_mutex_unsized() {
267         let mutex: &Mutex<[i32]> = &Mutex::new([1, 2, 3]);
268         {
269             let b = &mut *mutex.lock();
270             b[0] = 4;
271             b[2] = 5;
272         }
273         let comp: &[i32] = &[4, 2, 5];
274         assert_eq!(&*mutex.lock(), comp);
275     }
277     #[test]
test_mutexguard_sync()278     fn test_mutexguard_sync() {
279         fn sync<T: Sync>(_: T) {}
281         let mutex = Mutex::new(());
282         sync(mutex.lock());
283     }
285     #[test]
test_mutex_debug()286     fn test_mutex_debug() {
287         let mutex = Mutex::new(vec![0u8, 10]);
289         assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", mutex), "Mutex { data: [0, 10] }");
290         let _lock = mutex.lock();
291         assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", mutex), "Mutex { data: <locked> }");
292     }
294     #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
295     #[test]
test_serde()296     fn test_serde() {
297         let contents: Vec<u8> = vec![0, 1, 2];
298         let mutex = Mutex::new(contents.clone());
300         let serialized = serialize(&mutex).unwrap();
301         let deserialized: Mutex<Vec<u8>> = deserialize(&serialized).unwrap();
303         assert_eq!(*(mutex.lock()), *(deserialized.lock()));
304         assert_eq!(contents, *(deserialized.lock()));
305     }
306 }